31-37, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai

Book of Obadiah.

Obadiah  One ….(verses 1-21)

1.     Verses  1-21  

a.     Where did Edom originate from?     (Genesis 25:21-26, 33-34)

The people of Edom originated from Esau, Jacob’s older twin brother…..Isaac was his father and Abraham his grandfather.

b.  What does Paul tell us about Esau?     (Hebrews 12:16-17)

That God chose Jacob over Esau….even before they were born, God told their mother she was having twin boys and that the older one would serve the younger.

c.    What was the difference between these two brothers?      (Genesis 25:30-34)

One cared about the birthright, and the other couldn’t have cared less.

d.   What do the following verses tell us about Esau?   ( Hebrews 12:16-17)

Esau’s attitude was that the birthright was of no consequence until it was too late….his heart was never right before God.

e.   Esau and Edom are types of the men of the world in the Scriptures who don’t care about the things of God….what happens to those who ignore the things of God?  (John 3:36)

They will never have eternal life in heaven, but will suffer eternal separation from God with God’s anger being poured out on them for ever…..not a good prospect!

f.  What was the besetting sin of these people of Edom?     (verses 3-4)

It was pride….they were a proud people who thought they were invincible.

g.  What was Lucifer’s downfall?  How did he think?   (Isaiah 14: 12-15)

His problem was his pride….he thought he was as good and as great as God….he wanted to be in God’s place.

h.    How does God view pride in people today?      (Proverbs 6:16-19;  8:13)

The same now as He did then….it is an abomination to Him, He cannot stand it! God can do NOTHING for a person who is too proud to come to Him in repentance.

i.   What does God do with a proud person?  (Proverbs 16:18)

He brings them low in  some way or other….if not in this life, then it will be for eternity.

j.  What was God eventually going to do with the men of Edom?     (verses 8-9)

They would be eventually destroyed and cut off.

k.  What is eventually going to happen to those who refuse to humble themselves to come to know Jesus Christ ?   (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9)

God will take vengeance on them and punish them with everlasting destruction and separate them from His glory for ever.

l.    How did the people of Edom view the captivity of Israel?      (verses 10-12)

They rejoiced in their downfall and would have helped in it if they could have!

m.   What was going to happen to them in the future?   (verse 15)

They would be wiped out themselves.

n.   Is God going to allow proud  evil men to thwart His purposes?   (Proverbs 16:18)

No, His purposes and His people will prevail in the end!

o.  What does verse 21 tell us?

That there will be people of God to judge those in the world in the day when God’s kingdom will prevail.

p.  What does Paul tell us concerning this sort of thing?     (1 Corinthians 6:2-3)

That one day God’s people will be judging those who have refused to come to Him…and will even judge angels!

q.    What has this study told you for today?             

Verse 3….That we are not to be proud….we are to depend on God for everything.

Verse 4….That God can bring down the proud and they will end up nothing.

Verse 13...To not be pleased about other people’s calamity.

Verse 21…That in the end God’s people are on the winning side and that God’s kingdom will come out on top!


Jonah  One….(verses 1-17)

1.  Verses  1-3

a.   Who is the book of Jonah about?   (verse 1)

Jonah, the son of Amittai.

b.  What is Jonah called in the New Testament?   (Matthew 12:40-41)

He is called Jonas.

c.   How do we know it is the same man?    

Because it talks about him preaching in Nineveh and being  in  the fish’s belly.

d.   What did God tell Jonah to do?   (verse 2)

To go and preach in Nineveh, telling them to repent or they would be destroyed.

e.  Find a map of the Old Testament and describe where Nineveh was…

It was about 600 miles from Jerusalem, travelling north to the river Euphrates first, and then east to Nineveh which was situated on the river Tigris.

f.  What was the characteristic of Nineveh?     (verse 2b) 

It was a wicked city.

g.   What was Jonah’s reaction to God’s command?   (verse 3)

He didn’t want to go, and thought that he could get away from God by going in the opposite direction!

h.  Why didn’t he want to go to preach at Nineveh?    (chapter  4:2)

Because he didn’t like the people there, and he knew that if they repented that God would pardon them. He wanted to see them destroyed for their wickedness!

i.   What is our reaction to our enemies to be?    (Matthew 5:44)

We are to love our enemies and to pray for them.

j.   Who was Jonah actually trying to run away from?

He was trying to get away from God, and what God had told him to do.

k.  Is it possible for anyone to do this? Why not?    (Psalm 139:7-10 )

No, it isn’t possible because God is everywhere at once (omnipresent), and all encompassing.

l.  This is not an idea or an opinion…..it is a fact. Have we ever faced this fact?   

It is mind boggling….we have no option about whether to face God or not….we WILL face Him in the day to come so we might as well  face Him now in repentance rather than wait for the judgement day!

m.   Tarshish is said to be Spain or part of it….how was he going to travel there?     

By ship…..he wanted to get as far away as he could!

2.  Verses  4-17         

a.   What proof is there that was indeed an extremely bad storm?      (verses 5, 10)

The fact that the sailors were so terrified and threw everything overboard in an effort to lighten the ship

b.  What did they pray to for safety?   (verse 5)

They prayed to their gods.

c.   What was Jonah doing while this was going on?     (verse 5c)

He was sound asleep down inside the ship.

d.   What did the captain say to Jonah?       (verse 6)

Wake up and pray to your God for safety for us all.

e.  What did the sailors do next? What was the result?      (verse 7)

They tossed up to see whose fault it was that the storm had come upon them, and it fell to Jonah.

f.  What did he say when they asked him who he was?    (verse 9)

He said he was a Hebrew who feared the God of heaven, the Creator of earth and sea, and that he had run away from Him.

g.  What was the solution to be?    (verses 11-12)

The only solution was to throw Jonah overboard.

h.   Did the sailors want to do this? What did they try to do first?      (verse 13)

They didn’t want to have to resort to this so they rowed all the harder to get to shore but it didn’t work.

4.   Verses   15-17;     Matthew 12:40;   Luke 8:24

a.   What happened when they did throw Jonah overboard?   (verse 15)

The sea calmed down immediately.

b.  What other time did this phenomena happen?    (Luke 8:24)

When Jesus was sailing across the lake with the disciples and a severe storm got up. He woke up and rebuked the sea and waves and there was an immediate calm.

c.   What effect did this have on the sailors here?    (verse 16)

It made them turn to the Lord, and offer a sacrifice and make vows.

d.   What happened as soon as Jonah hit the water?      (verse 17)

A specially prepared fish was there to swallow him up.

e.  How do we know that this unlikely story is true?    (Matthew 12:40 )

Because the Lord Jesus spoke of it as being a sign of His burial for three days and three nights.

f.  How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish for?    (verse 17b)

For three days and three nights.

g.   People often say that this was a whale that Jonah was swallowed by…..how do we know that this was unlikely?      (verse 17)

Because it says that it was a specially prepared fish, made by God  just for Jonah .

Jonah  Two….(verses 1-10)

1.   Verses  1-10         

a.   Try to imagine what it would have been like for Jonah in the belly of the fish…….

It was dark and damp; he was able to breathe. It was probably smelly and gurgly sounding and felt unstable.

  1. b.     This chapter is Jonah’s prayer…..who is he most concerned about?

Himself ! “I, me and mine”

c.   Count how many times  “I” is mentioned……                              Ten

Count how many times “My” and “Me” is mentioned…..             Twelve

d.   Where did Jonah feel that he was?  (verse 2)

In hell!

e.  Where did he feel that the fish had got to?    (verse 6)

Right to the bottom of the sea.

f.  It was almost as though God had said to Jonah, “You wanted to run away from Me as far as you could ….you can’t get any further away than this!” What did Jonah find even there?     (verse 2c; Psalm 139:9-12)

That God could still hear his prayer, even from there!

g.  What did Jonah feel around his head?    (verse 5)

He felt as though  there were weeds around his head.

h.  What did Jonah do when he realised where he was?      (verse 7)

He cried to God.

i.  What will men do in a day to come in their time of terror?     (Revelation 6:15-17)

They will run into caves and among rocks and call on them to fall on them to hide them from God’s judgement.

j.  Will this work? What lesson can we get from all of this?    (2 Corinthians 6:2)

No! It is no use running away from God, it can’t be done! We may as well face him NOW and ask forgiveness while there is still time.

k.   What did Jonah’s attitude become?   (verse 9)

One of repentance and contrition.

l.  Jonah said he would offer a sacrifice….what sort of sacrifice could he offer while he was still in the fish?    (verse 9)

The sacrifice of thanksgiving.

m.   What sacrifice can we offer most readily?    (Hebrews 13:15)

The sacrifice of saying “Thankyou” which we can offer no matter where we are regardless of our circumstances.

n.   What did Jonah finally realise?    (verse 9)

That salvation comes from the Lord only!

o.  What should our daily prayer be?    (Psalm 139:23-24 )

“Search me O God and know my heart;  see if there are any wicked thoughts, and lead me in the everlasting way”

p.  What happened to Jonah after three days?    (verse 10)

The Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited him  out  onto the beach.

q.   We would like to know more mundane details, but the Lord has told us all that we need to know! Try to imagine what the first thing Jonah would have done…..

He would have said “Thank-you” to God for a “safe”  trip back, and then dived into the sea to wash himself off!

Jonah  Three….(verses 1-10)

1.  Verses  1-10       

a.   Was Jonah let off from doing God’s bidding?       (verse 1)

No! God spoke to him a second time and told him the same thing….go and preach to Nineveh.

b.  Why was God so insistent that Jonah should preach to the city of people?   (verse 2)

Because He knew they would repent if they heard Jonah’s message.

c.   What does this tell us about God’s character?    (verses 8-9)

That He is merciful and patient and works on people to make them repent.

d.   How do you think God would have spoken to Jonah? How did He speak to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13?

He spoke in a still small voice, not in the roar of the storm or thunder.

e.  What did the people of Nineveh do when they heard Jonah’s message from God?    (verses 4-5)

They all repented, from the greatest to the least of them.

f.  What attitude did the king have?      (verses 7-9)

He was contrite and repentant….he humbled himself before God and fasted, wearing sack clothes to show he meant business; he commanded all his people to do the same and turn to God.

g.  What did God do when He saw their repentance?      (verse 10; Psalm 51:17)

God always grants repentance when asked by a sincere heart…..He did not destroy them at this time.

h.   What happens if we confess our sin and disobedience?      (1 John 1:9)

God will forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness….He will make us clean as though we had never sinned!

Jonah  Four….(verses 1-11)

1.   Verses  1-11         

a.   How did Jonah feel at God forgiving the people of Nineveh?   (verses 1,3 4)

He was very displeased and grumpy with God.

b.    Why did he feel like this?        (verse 2)

Because he didn’t like the people of Nineveh and thought they should get what they deserved!

c.   How did the Jews in the New Testament feel about the Gentiles turning to the Lord?    (Acts 22:20-23)

They didn’t like it one bit, and tried to get rid of Paul for preaching to them.

d.   We read of Jonah’s prayer while he was inside the fish, but what was he praying for now?       (verse3)

He wished he were dead and asked God to take his life away.

e.  What did God do for His sulky prophet?    (verses 4-6)

Jonah went outside the city and sat on the hill waiting to see what God was going to do. But just as God was merciful to the people of Nineveh, so He was to Jonah too, and He gave him a vine that grew up and gave him shade..

f.  What happened the next day?     (verses 7-8)

God sent a worm that killed off the vine, and Jonah had no shelter from the sun, and was grumpier than ever.

g.  What did God say to him while he was in his bad mood?      (verses 9-10)

God asked if he had any right to be angry when He (God) was showing mercy to the Nineveh-ites.

h.  How should we feel about people of other ethnicities who turn to God?    (Galatians 3:26-29; 1 John 3:14)

We are to embrace them all as children of God and therefore our brothers and sisters in Christ…we are all one in Christ

i.      What happens if we confess our sin and disobedience?      (1 John 1:9)

God will forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness….He will make us clean as though we had never sinned!

Book of Micah

Micah  One ….(verses 1-16)

1.  Verses  1-16 

a.    What time frame was the book of Micah written in?     (verse 1)

In the days of the Kings Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.

b.  What sort of kings were these men as far as God was concerned?     (2 Kings 15:32-34; 16:1-4; 18:1-7)

Jotham and Hezekiah followed the Lord, but Ahaz was an evil king who followed the heathen ways of Israel.

c.    What did God class as the evil centres in the land at that time?      (verse 5)

The two main cities….Samaria in Israel, and Jerusalem in Judah.

d.   The first mentions of Samaria is in  1 Kings 13:32-33; 16:23-25….what does it tell us there?           

Omri, a wicked king of Israel, was the one who built the town of Samaria. He made it full of idolatrous worship which went back to the time of Jeroboam, and made the lowest of the people priests, and it stayed that way throughout all the time of Israel until the captivity.

e.    What did God say would happen to Samaria for its sin?     (verses 6-7)

It would be broken down and all the idols be smashed to pieces.

f.  What do we see in verse 9?    

The sin of Samaria had spread over into Judah.

g.    What does Paul warn believers about in 1 Corinthians 5:1-2, 6-8?     

He says that if sin is not dealt with immediately, it will spread through the whole of the local church like yeast through a lump of dough.

h.   How do we see this same principle at work in our own lives?           

If we get slack in one area, it is not long before we get slack in another! If we have too much to do with non-Christians, it is not long before we are acting like they do….our fellowship is to be with fellow Christians and these other things will roll off us instead of sticking.

Micah  Two ….(verses 1-13)

1.    Verses  1-13                                                                                       

a.    What is this chapter all about?    

About the evil that the people practice….they lie awake at night plotting what evil they can do next. Then when God steps in, they blame Him and continue their evil ways.

b.  What does verse 7 tell us?    

God says He can bring things right if only the people will turn back to Him.

c. What was the attitude of the people when Micah started to preach to them?  (verse 6)

Don’t prophesy to us, we don’t want to hear or to know! Then we won’t have to do anything about it!

d.  Do we see this attitude in people today?

Yes, definitely! People say that it may be “OK for you, but not for me!”

e.   What were the prophets doing in verse 11?    

They were prophesying lies and promoting wine and strong drink….these were the sort of men who were the prophets. This was what the people wanted to hear!

Micah  Three ….(verses 1-12)

1.    Verses  1-12

a.    What was the state of the leadership at that time?     (verses 1-3, 11)     

They were totally corrupt, loving evil and hating what was good….they were oppressing the people stripping them of everything they had and charging fees for teaching, leaving God out of their lives.

b.  What does verse 4 tell us? Why was this?         (Proverbs 1:28-30)

God would NOT hear their prayers because of their wickedness….they were sorry for what was happening to them, but were not prepared to repent and turn away from their evil ways.

c.    What had God told Jeremiah earlier?      (Jeremiah 7:16-18)

Not to waste time praying for them while they were in their idolatrous state.

d.   What principle does God work on?            (Psalm 66:18)

He cannot hear the cry of a rebellious person while they hang onto their sin.

e.    What does verse 7 tell us?    

That all their prophets would be embarrassed when God refused to answer.

f.  What was the contrast between those prophets and Micah?     (verse 8)

Micah was full of the power of the Lord and was declaring to the people their sin before God.

g.    What was the attitude of the priests and leaders?      (verse 11)

They were money hungry and open to bribes.

h.   What does Peter tell us the attitude of the leaders of the church should be?  (1 Peter 5:1-4) 

They are to feed and shepherd the flock willingly and humbly and not take money for doing so…God will reward them for this.

i.   What was going to be the result of these leaders being greedy and slack?          (verse 12) 

The city and land would be destroyed and just become overgrown heaps.

Micah  Four ….(verses 1-13)

1.    Verses  1-13 

a.    Read the whole chapter through….what is the contrast between the last chapter and this one?    

God is showing the people what He can do for a nation that depends on Him…He gives peace and prosperity.

b.  God will not allow evil to continue for ever without having an alternative….what do we see in verses 1-2?        

God’s temple will be re-established and many people will flow into it and as they are  taught God’s Word, will follow it.

c. In what way is this happening today? What sort of temple is operating now?   (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20)

God is calling ALL people to come to Him from ALL nations and as they do, they are being built into a spiritual temple for Him….all are in  Jesus Christ  and children of the living God.

d.   What is the general attitude of God’s people throughout the whole world as depicted in verse 3?           

They are a peace loving people, not fighting against others but  going about their own business.

e.    If the whole population of an area were following the Lord, what would NOT be needed?    

Police…in riot gear, detectives to solve crimes; gaols…there would be no law breakers; divorce courts….married couples would not separate; brothels would be non-existent;   liquor stores and video parlours would  go out of business; the A & E wards of hospitals would be greatly reduced because there would be no liquor related accidents.

f. What does verse 5 tell us about how God’s people will live?

Even though other people will have their own gods and idols, God’s people will follow him for ever.

g.    What do verses 6-7 tell us?     

God has calls all those who are weak  and will make them strong in Him, and they will live in Mt.Zion for ever.

h.   In what way is this happening today?          (Hebrews 12:22-24) 

All believers are part of God’s  Mt.Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem where all inhabitants have their names written in God’s books and God is their king.

i.   What do we see in verses 8-13?         

There are many enemies against the people of Zion but they will have the victory in the end.

j.   How can we relate this to God’s people today?     (Ephesians 6:11-12; 1 John 5:4-5)      

God’s people have many enemies, both physical and spiritual, but NOTHING can separate them from the love of God and He gives the strength to be the overcomer through His Son Jesus Christ.

Micah  Five ….(verses 1-15)

1.    Verses  1-15

a.    When things seem the darkest as in verse 1, what light shines out in verse 2?    

There was going to be a great Ruler come from Bethlehem.

b.  How do we know for sure Who this refers to?        (Matthew 2:4-6)

Because there is reference to it in Matthew concerning the birth of Jesus Christ …all the godly Jews believed this.

c.    What do you think this “remnant of his brethren” refers to, that will return?   (Romans 9:24-27; Ephesians 2:13-15)

It refers to all those who believe in Jesus Christ, both Jews and Gentiles who will turn to Him….these together make up this  “remnant”.

d.   What does verse 4 tell us about this One that was to come?           

That He would come in the strength and majesty of the Lord His God.

e.    How does Paul describe our Lord Jesus Christ ?     (1 Timothy 6:15-16)

As the greatest Being there is…the one and only Sovereign, King of kings and Lord of lords, full of tremendous unapproachable light, One to be honoured, revered and held in awe.

f. How does Peter verify this? (2 Peter 1:16-17)

He said he was an eyewitness to this glory,  having a glimpse of  His majesty, and hearing the voice of God confirming this.

g.    What is there in verse 5 that ties in with Isaiah’s prophecy about this Coming One? (Isaiah 9:6-7)     

One of the names that Isaiah gives is “Prince of Peace” and verse 5 says that He will be the Peace in the midst of the enemy.

h.    What does verse 6 say and how can we tie that is with what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us?   (1 Thessalonians 1:10)   

Verse 6 talks about being delivered from the Assyrian and our Lord Jesus has delivered us from all our spiritual enemies.

i.  How does verse 7 describe the people of God?        

As having the water of life and being like the  dew and showers that refresh others.

j.   How can we relate this to ourselves? What did Paul say?   (2 Corinthians 7:13)

We are to encourage each other and be refreshed in the things of God.

k.   What is a lion known as? How can this be related to the people of God?        (verse 8; 1 John 4:3-4)   

A lion is known as the king of the beasts and the strongest among animals….nothing can overcome it. So those who follow the Lord can walk in His strength and be overcomers of evil of evil, not overcome by it.

l.    What are verses 10-15 about?            

They are speaking of God’s judgement on unbelievers and their sin.

m.  If a person today doesn’t follow the Lord, what can he expect?         (Acts 17:31)

That God will deal with him in the same way that He promised to deal with these people….evil has to be dealt with and God’s anger and holiness will see that it is done

Micah  Six….(verses 1-16)

1.    Verses  1-16

a. There is a conversation going on in this chapter….what is God saying in verses 1-5?    

Listen to Me, O Israel. What have I done that has driven you away from Me? I redeemed you and rescued you from Egypt, and gave you a safe trip through the enemy territory.

b.   How did Israel reply in verses 6-7?        

They sound rather belligerent and ask what DOES God expect from them then? Does He want more sacrifices or what?

c.    Verse 8 is a pivotal verse for mankind….it puts in a nutshell what God requires from each individual person….what is it?   (Isaiah 1:17)

God has shown man that he is accountable to God to be good, kind, honest and kind to others, and to humble himself to walk with God.

d.   Many people in the world ARE doing good things for others and trust in this to get them to heaven, but what is the vital point that they refuse to do?      (verse 8c)

To walk humbly WITH God…some translations read, To humble yourself to walk with God.

e.    Can you explain this, perhaps from your own experience ?    

There seems to be an inbuilt resistance to God, people think they can manage on their own and don’t need God. They won’t depend on His guidance, and are too proud to admit they need Him. This creates a battle within one’s own spirit and until we humble ourselves to admit our need to turn to God and follow Him, then He can do nothing for us. People like this will never have peace WITH God or know the peace OF God in their life situations.

f. What does Peter have to say about being humble before God?      (1 Peter 5:5b-6)

God requires people to be humble because He resists the proud….those who humble themselves before God will reap the benefit in the end and be exalted BY God.

g.    What does God go on to say in the rest of the chapter?     

He points out that nothing really satisfies the person who leaves God out of their lives, their third dimension is missing (communion with God). They fill their lives with dishonesty and double dealing which leads to violence and deceit and only serves to bring judgement to the nation. There was no way that Israel could escape the judgement of God, and no way that mankind can expect to escape the wrath of God.

Micah  Seven….(verses 1-20)

1.    Verses  1-9

a.    How does Micah describe the people in verses 1-5?    

As totally untrustworthy….there were no good people, they were all evil and the best of them were like a sharp thorn….no-one could be trusted with a secret.

b.   What does verse 6 tell us?        

Even close families turned on each other.

c.    Our Lord Jesus gave a parallel description of this in Matthew 10:34-36….what was the cause of this disruption in families? Have you heard of this happening?                    

This can happen in families when one becomes a Christian and the other family members turn their back on them. This is especially true in families of strong faiths such as Muslims, Orthodox Jews, and other religions, or even those with no faith at all.

d.   What did Micah feel in the middle of this situation?            (verse 7)

He had nothing and no-one left except the Lord….he turned his eyes on God and waited for His salvation. He knew God would hear him.

e.    What was his confidence at this time ?         (verses 8-9)

He would turn to the Lord who would lift him up and give him light…..he KNEW that God would take him through it all and that he would eventually see God’s righteousness.

f.     What was David’s confidence in Psalm 17:15?   

He knew that one day he would see God and that he would be like him in righteousness.

g.    What confidence can the believer have in this respect?         (1 John 3: 1-2)

God has poured out His love on those who believe, brought them into His family as sons and promised them that one day they  will be like our Lord, seeing Him as He really is.

2.    Verses  10-20

a.    What do the enemies of God have to offer people?     (verses 10-13)

They have nothing to offer, but their end is to be trodden down in a desolate land, being no better than snakes and worms crawling in the dust.

b.   What has the world to offer to the believer?         (Ephesians 2:1-3, 12)

Absolutely nothing! Even their pleasures end up in bringing sorrow, evil, lust and discontent, with nothing towards God at all.

c.    How does verse 18 describe God?                    

As One who pardons and shows great mercy to those who turn to Him….He forgives their sins and iniquities and throws them all into the depths of the sea!

d.   How is this possible with a righteous God Who requires that all sin be judged?    (Ephesians 2:4-5, 8-9)

It is possible through what Jesus Christ has done on the cross when He paid the penalty for sin….now the believer is able to be cleansed and come near to God.

e.    How sure can we be that our sins are all gone ?    (Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 38:17; 43:25; 44:22; Hebrews 10:17)

We can be 100% sure because God has not only put our sins in the depths of the sea, but they are forgotten completely and blotted out  giving us a clean sheet; they are as far as the east is from the west (not from the north to the south!) and are behind God’s back for ever.

f.     What do all these promises go back to?  (Galatians 3:6-9; Hebrews 11:1,3,6)

They go back to Jacob and Abraham who believed God and that was what counted for their righteousness…..without faith it is impossible to please God.

g. In what way do we have to do what Jacob and Abraham did?  (Galatians 3:11-13; Hebrews 11:6.)

They believed what God said and acted on it, and that is what we have to do too! Without faith a person CANNOT please God.

h.    How do we put faith into action?   How do we know it works?      (verse 20)

Faith is just believing what God says He will do….our part is to believe and God will do the rest! “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!!!”

Book of Nahum.

Nahum One ….(verses 1-15)

1.  Verses  1-8 

a.    Who is the Lord speaking to in this book?        (verse 1)

The people of Nineveh.

b.  What does verse 2 tell us?    

That God is jealous of the allegiance that people were giving to false gods that can do nothing for anyone except hold them in bondage and fear, and that the Lord will take vengeance on His enemies.

c.    In spite of this, what does verse 3 tell us about God?     

That He is great in power and will not let the wicked off, but He is slow to get angry and puts up with a lot before He comes in judgement.

d. Which other prophet was told to go and preach to Nineveh? What were the results?     (Jonah 1:1-2; 3:4, 8-10)

God told Jonah to go and preach to them and tell them they only had forty days left before God would destroy their city. They listened to Jonah and repented before God….they turned away from their idolatry and God spared them.

e.    We don’t know if Nahum’s preaching was before Jonah or to another generation which had lapsed back into idolatry….what time frame was Jonah living in?     (2 Kings 14:25)

Jonah was preaching in the time of Jeroboam, son of Joash, king of Israel.

f.  What does Genesis 15:16 tell us that indicates the truth of verse 3a?    

God stand so much from mankind…He IS slow to get angry, and waits until a country, nation or city has got so wicked that He can’t tolerate it any longer and then He comes in, in judgement on them.

g.    What are some ways that God in judgement on a nation or city?      (verses 4-5)

He often uses the forces of nature….in terrible storms, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and massive floods. Other times He may use other nations to over-run and overthrow.

h.  What does verse 7 tell us?    

That God is good, that He knows those who trust in Him and is a stronghold in the day of trouble.

i.  What happened when Nineveh listened to Jonah’s preaching and repented?      (Jonah 3:4, 9-10

God turned His judgement away from that generation.

2.  Verses  9-15   

a.    When God judges a city, what is the end result?     (verse 9)

He makes an utter end of it….it does not have a chance to rise up again.

b.    What is the attitude of the people in verse 10?    

Totally unready and uncaring, thinking only of their own pleasure like drunkards.

c.    What is the contrast of the believer’s attitude to be?      (1 Thessalonians 1:9b-10)

One of watching and readiness to meet the Lord; awake and not in a drunken sleep.

d.   Who is mankind’s greatest enemy?            (verse 11; 1 Peter 5:8)     

The one who imagines all sorts of evil against the Lord and against His people, and Satan who is behind all  things that are evil.

e.   What does verse 13 talk about?      

About God’s people being delivered from this yoke of bondage.

  1. f.       Who is the Great Deliverer of God’s people today?          (1 Thessalonians 1:10)

God’s Son, Jesus Christ, has delivered His people from the judgement to come.

g.    What does verse 15 tell us?    

That there is good news of peace with God available to mankind today.

h.    How do we know this verse applies today?     (Romans 10:15)

Because Paul quotes this verse in connection with preaching the Gospel.

i.    What is this good news that is being published ?      (Romans 10:13) 

Peace with God and the peace of God….the world is crying out for peace on the one hand, and yet throwing out the Prince of Peace on the other. Peace only comes with God’s help! No God, no peace; KNOW God and KNOW peace, it’s as simple as that!!

j.  When is the time when there will be universal peace?     (Revelation 22:3)

Not until all evil and wickedness (the curse) has been dealt with and put away for ever.

Nahum Two ….(verses 1-13)

1.    Verses  1-13 

a.    What is verse 1 a picture of?       

That of a conquering army arriving, where the city would have to fortify itself to survive.

b.    What does verse 2 show us?    

That God was not going to protect them, He had turned  His face away from them.

c.    What pictures can we see in verses 3-4? What does it remind us of?     

Modern warfare with vehicles and heavy traffic on the streets with lights blazing and guns firing.

d.     What sort of picture is painted in verses 5-10?    

A picture of hopelessness and helplessness….everything collapsing, spoiled and ruined…a city with no hope.

e.    What is the lion a symbol of?    (verses 11-12)

Strength and self sufficiency…the lion is the king of the jungle, and the enemy of all creatures….one that over-runs all other animals.

f.  What is the lion no match for?     (verse 13)

The Lord has the supremacy over the lion, and He is able to cut off even the strongest nation.

g.    What did the lion symbolise for Nineveh?     (verse 13)

Its strength and supremacy among the nations.

h.  How did God describe Nineveh in Jonah 4:11?    

As a GREAT city….large in numbers and large in possessions.

i.  What was their doom in verse 13?     

They would be cut off, overcome and devoured.

Nahum Three ….(verses 1-19)

1.      Verses  1-19 

a.    What was Jonah’s message to Nineveh? What was the result?   (Jonah 3:4-5, 10)    

God will destroy this city in forty days’ time! The people listened, took notice and repented of their sin, with the result that God spared that generation.

b.    What was God’s message to Nineveh this time?     (verses 1-7)

You are SO wicked! I am against you and will destroy you….everyone will see your shame!

c.    What was another large city that was destroyed? Where had it been situated and what was its strength?      (verses 8-10)

The city of No was situated for protection against the sea and had the backing of Egypt and Ethiopia, yet it was destroyed.

d.     What is the picture in verses 11-13?    

That of a city with no plans and without leadership.

e.    What were they told to do in verse 14?   

To prepare for a siege…to get plenty of water and fortify the strongholds.

f.     Would this do them any good?     (verse 15)

No, they would still be burned up and devoured.

g.    Is there any escape from God’s judgements?     (Revelation 6:14-17)

No! God’s judgement will come to pass and catch up with every human being who refuses to listen to Him.

h.    What is the only hope for the human race against God’s tremendous anger?      (John 3:36)  

Those who believe on His Son, Jesus Christ, have eternal life while those who do not believe have no hope and no escape from His terrible anger.

i.     Look at a map of those times….what empire was Nineveh situated in?  (verse 18)

The empire of Assyria.

j.    What was the final word to Nineveh?      (verse 19)  

There is no healing for you!

k.     What message do we get from this book of Nahum for today?      

You cannot mess around with God! God will judge and destroy sin and evil….we must listen and follow the good tidings  of the Gospel,  or we will suffer the same fate.

Book of Habakkuk

Habakkuk One ….(verses 1-17)

Read this chapter right through in one sitting….…

1. Verses  1-17 

a.    What main sections do there seem to be in this chapter?       

There seem to be three….Habakkuk talking to the Lord, the Lord’s reply and then Habakkuk’s observations again.

b.  What is Habakkuk saying in verses 1-4?    

O Lord, why aren’t you doing something about this state of affairs? Everything is going wrong and You’re doing nothing!!

c.    What comment is he making about the law courts and justice system?  (verse 4)

Everything has got slack and the wicked over-rule righteousness.

d.    Do we see any parallels to this in today’s society?    

Yes! Judges get away with murder, white collar crime is not stopped and important society figures, sportsmen and politicians are not punished.

e.    What is God saying in reply to Habakkuk’s first comment?     (verses 5-6)

Listen to Me! I WILL work in a way you won’t believe….I will raise up the nation of the Chaldeans and they will march through the whole land being victorious all the way, with nothing stopping them.

f.    What would the Chaldeans attribute their power to?   (verse 11)

They would give the glory to their gods.

g.    What “gods” do the nations today give glory to?     

The gods of money and self ego, education and qualifications….they trust in themselves, certainly not in the God of heaven.

h.    Where does Habakkuk look….what does he say about God?     (verses 12-13)

He looks to the everlasting eternal God of heaven….You are in control, You will correct things! You cannot bear to look on evil or iniquity.

i.    What question  does he ask of God?         (verse 13b)

Why are You quiet when evil men overpower those who are righteous?

j.    What does he liken these over-running nations to?      (verses 14-17)

Fishermen who drag everything into their nets.

k. What do these over-running nations give credit to for their success?  (verse 16)

They praise their gear and their own strength.

l. What do we have to be careful of when God answers our prayers and things go right?  (Psalm 18:6)

To recognise that it is all of Him, and not our prayers that have worked the miracle…in other words to have our faith IN Him, and not in the fact we have prayed. Too many people seem to think that the more people they can get to pray for them in their troubles, the more effective the prayers will be. God hears ONE prayer just as much as He hears many.

Habakkuk Two ….(verses 1-20)

1.      Verses  1-4

a.    What sort of attitude was Habakkuk showing in verse 1?       

He had a watchful attitude….he didn’t want to miss what the Lord might say to him.

b. Why should believers also have this watchful attitude? What did our Lord Jesus say? (Matthew 26:41)   

We are to be watchful and pray so that we don’t wander off into temptation.

c.    What did Paul tell  the Corinthians to do?  Timothy?  (1 Corinthians  16:13; 2 Timothy 4:2, 5)  

The Corinthians were to stand fast in their faith, to not waver and to be strong in the Lord. Timothy was to be watchful in all things….in his attitudes, his work, to be self disciplined and enduring afflictions in the right way.

d.     What message did God have for Habakkuk ?     (verses 2-3)

Write down what I am showing you and make it plain to understand….what I am telling you will surely come to pass….wait for it to happen.

e.    What was the message that God had for the people then?      (verse 4b)

The just shall live by faith.

f.  What is the message for today?     (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11)

It is still the same…. those who are saved, are saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

g.    What else are we told in Hebrews 10:37-38 that ties in with Habakkuk?    

Just as Habakkuk was told to wait, even if it seemed a long time, so believers are told to wait for Christ to come again….He is surely coming!! We are to wait for this in faith.

2.   Verses  5-20 

a.    What parallel can we see today in verse 5?     

The big corporate businessman and financiers of the world are proud, drink wine, always away on business, never satisfied with what he has, buying offshore from other nations, employing a lot of people.

b.    What does God have to say about these people?     (verse 9)

Woe to those who are always coveting and think they are above anything bad happening to them!

c.    What are people like this really doing to themselves?      (verses 10-12)

They are sinning against themselves! They are paying, and will continue to pay for it into eternity.

d.     What does verse 13 tell us is the result of a life without God?     (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

People will work hard and all for what? It is all in vain and for nothing when God is left out.

e.     Verse 14 is tucked in here….what does it tell us?    

God’s word will cover the earth like a flood of waters one day.

f.    Is the picture of drunkenness back then any different to drunkenness today? Have people improved or evolved at all, being more sophisticated and better able to behave when drinking now than then?   (verses 15-16)

Things are just the same….people encourage each other to drink to excess until they don’t know what they are doing!  For young people it is fashionable to binge drink until they don’t know what shameful things they are doing. To say nothing of all the accidents caused by drunken driving!

g.    In what way is the earth covered by God’s word today?     (Romans 1:20)

It is covered by radio, internet  and TV messages, with the Bible being available in more languages now than ever before. In uncivilised countries, the fact of God is still seen in the beauties and wonders of  His creation….everyone today is left without excuse!

h.    What are verses 18-19 about? How are they described?       

They are about idols of wood and stone that people make for themselves….dumb idols in every sense of the word!

i.     What does the Psalmist say about people who make and worship idols?       (Psalm 115:4-8)

That they are just as dumb as the idols they make!!

j.    What does verse 20 tell us?       

God is ALIVE!! And in His holy temple….let all the earth be quiet and listen to Him!

k.     What does Judges 21:25b tell us? How can we equate that with Habakkuk’s time? With today?      

Everyone was doing what they wanted to and what they thought was right. People are still the same today, they still follow the “I think” philosophy as though that is the criteria. It is not what “I think” that counts, it is what God SAYS!

Habakkuk Three ….(verses 1-19)

1.  Verses  1-19

a.    What aspect of God do you think made Habakkuk afraid?      (verses 1-2)       

God’s absolute holiness and judgement of sin.

b.    What did he ask God to do?   (verse 2c)   

To show mercy in the middle of His wrath.

c.    What shows the glory of God?   (verses 3-4; Psalm 19:1-6)

His creation of heaven and earth, the stars and all other creation.

d.   What is one characteristic of God’s appearance? (verse 4a; Exodus 24:16-17; Revelation 1:14-16)

Great light such as man’s eyes cannot bear to look upon.

e.    What is the main thought in verse 6?     

God’s power and might are shown but His everlastingness is the main thing…everything else will pass away but His ways and Word are everlasting.

2.      Verses  7-19 

a.    Did any part of the physical earth (mountains, rivers etc) ever stand up and defy God?   (verses 8-11)  

No! They tremble at God’s voice and stand still (or move) at His Word.

b.    What part of God’s creation defies Him and makes Him angry?     (verse 12)

It is people’s defiance of Him and their rebellion in making idols and giving their allegiance to them that makes Him angry.

c.    What does verse 13 tell us that God put  Himself out for?      

God gave the best He had to make salvation available for His rebellious creation, man.

d. How did  Habakkuk feel when he heard of God’s impending judgement on the land?  (verse 16)

He was afraid and very disturbed at the thought of what was going to happen around him.

e.     What was the actual financial state around him at this time?     (verse 17)

Drought prevailed, there were no crops, and no animals with worse to come.

f.    In spite of this, what was Habakkuk’s spiritual state and outlook?   (verses 18-19)

He was an overcomer, he rose above these things and could say, “Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation!”

g.    What do both Peter and James tell believers about rejoicing while suffering?     (James 1:2-3; 1 Peter 1:3-8)

It is possible for a believer to still rejoice in the Lord, IN SPITE of his physical pain and suffering….James says to rejoice because some good will eventually come out of it even if one can’t see it at the time, and Peter says to rejoice because that brings glory and  honour to God.

h.    What does Peter go on to say about this?    (1 Peter 4:12-13)      

Don’t think it is strange if you go through trials, but remember what Christ went through for your salvation and rejoice as you remember this….now you have a small taste of what it cost Him. Be glad He did this for your and rejoice in His salvation!

i.  What was Habakkuk’s overall attitude about God in this situation? What did Job say in the middle of his affliction?          (verse 18; Job 13:15a)

I will trust God in spite of this situation! Job said, “Even if He kills me, yet I will trust in Him!”

j.    What is the result of this sort of attitude?    (verse 19)

The Lord God becomes one’s strength and one can rise up above the circumstances like a deer bounding up the mountain heights.

k.     How does Isaiah enlarge on this thought?             (Isaiah 40:31)

Those who wait (trust) on the Lord will be strengthened and fly like the eagle, run and not be weary, walk and not faint.

3. Lessons…………..

a.    What have you gained from this book?     

No matter how bad things are around us, the Lord never changes….He is everlasting, He is pure and holy. The Lord has made a way of escape and made salvation available. The world has nothing to offer…its idols are nothing and its aspirations are valueless in the light of eternity. Everything worthwhile is found in the Lord. He alone gives joy, strength and satisfaction to our soul’s needs.

Book of Zephaniah

Zephaniah One ….(verses 1-18)

1.   Verses  1-18 

a.    What time frame did Zephaniah do his preaching in?        (verse 1)

In the time of Josiah, son of Amon.

b.  What sort of king did Josiah prove to be?     (2 Kings 22:2)

One who followed the Lord with all his heart.

c.    What sort of kings were the two previous kings?           (2 Kings 21:16, 19-22)

They were both very wicked kings, forsaking the Lord and following idolatry.

d.    What were some of the people of Israel still doing in spite of Josiah the king following the Lord?  (verses 4-5)  

Some were still worshipping Baal, while others were sun worshippers and still others were trying to mix following the Lord with idolatry! Some were stubbornly refusing to turn to the Lord at all!

e.    What was God’s attitude to the people in verse 7?    

He was calling the people to join Him in a feast as His guests.

f.  How were some of the people trying to come to the Lord?    (verse 8)

In strange clothes, in their own way, not God’s.

g.   In what ways does the parable that our Lord told, sound the same as this?  (Matthew 22:2-14)

The King (God) was calling people to come to His feast but they treated the matter lightly and refused the invitation. So the doors were opened to ALL to come, but any who refused to wear the provided wedding garments weren’t accepted but were thrown out.

h.    What does this tell us?    (John 3:16, 36)  

That we can only come in God’s way, not our own way.

i. What does Isaiah tell us our righteous ways are like?  (Isaiah 64:6)  

They are no better than filthy rags.

j.  What does verse 12 tell us about?    

That God’s judgement is coming surely on those who say God is doing  nothing.

k.  What does Peter tell us the attitude of people is right now?    (2 Peter 3:3-4)

They scoff at the idea of God intervening in men’s affairs.

l.    How will men react in the day of judgement?   (Revelation 6:15-17)

In great fear and distress….even to trying to hide under rocks and in caves.

m.    What will be able to deliver them from this?    (verse 18)  

Nothing, not even their money will buy them deliverance.

Zephaniah Two….(verses 1-15)

1.  Verses  1-15

a.    When is the time to make preparation for the day of God’s wrath?        (verses 1-2)

NOW!! Before the Lord’s wrath is poured out upon people.

b.  What did Paul tell us about this?     (2 Corinthians 6:2)

The same thing….NOW there is still time, NOW is the day of salvation. We are not promised time tomorrow.

c.    What does verse 3 tell us about?          

To be humble enough to seek the Lord, and to be protected  from His anger.

d.   How does Isaiah emphasise this point?     (Isaiah 55:6-7)  

Isaiah suggests there may be a time when   we can’t find God….we are to come when we are called and while God is calling us.

e.    What does God say about this in Genesis 6:3a?    

He said that His Spirit will not always strive with men…..when He stops it will be too late.

f.  What else does Zephaniah emphasis that we are to seek? What keeps people from seeking God?           (verse 3; Proverbs 16:5a)

We are to seek meekness….humility… to be able to humble ourselves before the Lord. Pride is the thing that keeps us from God and  God can do nothing with a proud person.

g.    What was to the west of Israel?               (verses 4-7)

The sea coast and the Philistines.

h.    What was to the east?         (verses 8-9)

The desert where the Moabites and Ammonites lived.

i.    What caused these people to despise God’s people?  (verse 10)

It was their pride and greed.

j.    What does verse 11 tell us that parallels Philippians 2:9-11?                                

One day all men will acknowledge that God is awesome and they will bow the knee before Jesus Christ and recognise that He is Lord of lords and King of kings.

k.    Where was  Ethiopia in relation to Israel?   (verse 12)

To the south.

l.    What area was Nineveh in?         (verse 13)

It was to the north.

m.    What does this show us about the land of Israel?     

That they were completely surrounded by those who were under the judgement of God.

n. What did our Lord Jesus say in His prayer about His people today? (John 17:14-16)

They are in the world, but not part of it; they are surrounded by evil but kept from the evil one, and hated and despised by the world.

 Zephaniah Three….(verses 1-20)

1.   Verses  1-20          

a.    What is this city like that is described here?        (verses 1-2)

It is a people who disobey and won’t listen to God; who do not trust in God and want nothing to do with Him.

b.  Which section of the community is described in verse 3?

The civil leaders, the princes and judges, the councillors and mayors.

c.    What about the religious leaders in verse 4?          

They are no better….they are untrustworthy, unholy and deceitful.

d.   Who is the only straight and honest One?      (verse 5)  

The just and Holy Lord God….He will not fail or do evil of any sort.

e.    What does the people’s sin bring upon them?     (verse 6)

A cutting off, desolation, with cities destroyed and left empty.

f.  What was God’s purpose in this judgement?           (verses 7-9)

To bring the people back to Himself, to turn them from their evil ways so that they will once more call on His name and serve Him

g.    Where were these people going to come from? When did this start?    (verse 10; Acts 1:8; 2:4-11, 37-41)

From the furtherest away parts of the earth….God will not leave Himself people-less….everyone has the opportunity to come to Him, and it all started at the time of Pentecost and is still going on.

h.    What is the main cause of people refusing to come to the Lord?         (verse 11)

It is their pride….they think they know best and refuse to listen to God.

i.    What sort of people can God best work with?                  (verse 12)

Those who are weak and poor….they have nothing else to trust in or to lean on, but the Lord.

j. What will these people who are described as the “remnant of Israel” and the “daughter of Zion” be like and enjoy?     (verses 13-14)

They will be a holy people that speak only the truth, well fed in spiritual things, a rejoicing people that look to the Lord as their King and are unafraid of the future.

k.    How do we know that this refers to the believers of today as well as the Jews?    (Galatians 3:26-29; Hebrews 12: 22-24)

Because in Christ Jesus there are no barriers of race, time or gender…..all are one in Him and children of Abraham as well as being the children of God. Believers are part of the heavenly city of Zion through what Jesus Christ has done for them.

l.    Who is the central figure in this scene? What does He do for His people?    (verse 17)

The Lord God is in the midst of them….He is their mighty Saviour and will rejoice in them with great joy and singing.

m.    What is the general scene in that time to come?         (Revelation 5:5-14)

One of great joy and rejoicing, praise and thanksgiving….every living creature will give praise and honour to their Creator  that is due to His Name for ever.

n.    What do you notice about this great rejoicing?               (verse 17b)

It is not only God’s people who rejoice in Him, but He rejoices equally in and over them with singing.

o.   Have you ever tried to imagine what the music of heaven must be like?  (Revelation 14:2; 15:2c)

It ill far surpass anything ever herd on earth for quality, character and inspiration. It won’t be aping the music of the world and will not deafen in volume, but will be sweet and pure, majestic and deep, filled with variety and above all, be full of praise to our God. The instruments that are mentioned in Revelation are harps and voices.

p.    What about God’s people at this time?                (verses 19-20)

They will be gathered together in wonderful unity, with all sorrow and sighing having ceased. They will be surrounded with God’s love and be praised and exalted in the eyes of all those who have despised and persecuted them on the earth

4.     Lessons to Learn…..

a.    What have you learned from this book?   

That God is in control and all things are proceeding according to His plan. No matter how bad things are around us, we can still  rejoice in the Lord and know that He rejoices in His people and has a wonderful future planned for them. We also know that all evil is going to be judged and put away for ever.

b.    What are some great verses in this book?   

Everyone will probably have different verses……for me the great verses that stand out are….

1:14……The great day of the Lord is near

2:3……..Seek the Lord all you who are the meek of the earth.

3:17……The Lord your God in the midst of you is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over you…

Book of Haggai.

Haggai  One ….(verses 1-15)

1.  Verses  1-15   

a.  What time frame was Haggai preaching in?     (verse 1a)

It was in the time of Darius’ second year, on the first day of the sixth month.

b.    Who else was prophesying around that time?     (verse 1; Daniel 11:1)

Daniel had gone through all the kings of that time and was still having visions from God at that time in the land of the Medes.

c.  What does Ezra 5:1-2 tell us?    

That Haggai and Zechariah  encouraged the leaders to get up and get building again.

d.  What was the attitude of the people in the land of Israel towards the rebuilding of God’s house?     (verse 2)

They had got slack about it and were too busy getting themselves organised with their own things to worry about God’s house.

e.    What was the financial state of the people at that time?      (verses 5-6)

They weren’t very well off at all because they had put God at the back of their thinking.

f.   What sort of message did Haggai preach to the leader of the people?    (verses 7-8a)

Don’t be lazy! Get up and get busy again in building the temple of God! It is no time to sit in your houses and moan about how things are going wrong.

g.  What was the purpose of restoring the house of God?      (verse 8b)

That God would be glorified in the completed work and so the worship and sacrifices could be re-instated.

h.    Why were things going wrong for the people in Israel?         (verses 9-11)

They weren’t putting God’s work first in their priorities.

i.     How did they respond to Haggai’s preaching?     (verse 12)

They were stirred up and made a fresh start again.

j.  How long was it from when Haggai started preaching to when the work started again?  (verses 1 &15)

Just over three weeks.

k.    What sort of encouragement do we have in the New Testament to get up and start going again when we have got slack or discouraged?         (Hebrews 12:13-15;  1 Peter 1:13-16)

Hebrews tells us to straighten ourselves up and follow the way of the Lord again, living holy lives without allowing bitterness in our thinking. Peter says much the same thing….to make a conscious decision to obey God’s word to the best of our ability and live as God would have us, being a holy people in an unholy world.

Haggai  Two ….(verses 1-23)

1.     Verses  1-23   

a.    How much later before the next message came from the Lord?      (verses 1-2)

About four weeks later God gave Haggai another message to the people.

b.  What could have been one reason why the people were losing heart in the work?            (verses 2-3; Ezra 3:12)

Because some could remember the magnificence of Solomon’s temple and this one seemed nothing like it.

c.    What was God’s message concerning this matter?   (verses 4-6)

Don’t worry! Just rebuild it! I am with you to do it!!

d.   What would make this building great?   (verses 7-9)

It wouldn’t be the outward appearance, but God’s glory that would fill it. God said He would fill it with His glory and that this would make it greater than the first one….His glory would never diminish or change and that was all that mattered.

e.  What parallels do we see to this in the New Testament ?  (Colossians 1:26-27; 1 Peter 3:3-4)

It is not the outward appearance of the believer that matters, it is the amount of glory from within that our Lord Jesus Christ gives us that we allow to fill us that shows outwardly. What we say, where we go, what we do all contributes to this, and this is what speaks to others. God’s glory is available to all believers ….it is up to us whether we exhibit it or not. Sin in our lives  will dim it.

f.   What was God telling the people in verses 10-17?  

There was nothing they could do on their own that was good enough….things hadn’t gone right for them because they had been doing their own things and leaving God out.

g.  What was David’s prayer concerning these things in Psalms 50:10-12, and 139:23-24?      

He prayed that God would search his heart to know it and to  clean it up.

h.    How can we have this clean heart before God?   (1 John 1:9)

By confessing our sin to God and He will forgive us and give us a clean heart. We don’t have to beg Him to forgive us or plead with Him,  just confess we need Him!

i.   It seems the people felt they didn’t have the time to spare to put into God’s work…..their crops had to be planted and things at home seen to…. what did God tell them here?       (verses 15-19)

Not to worry about these things, just do His work putting Him first and He would bless them!

j.    What did our Lord say about these same things?     (Mark 10:28-30)

That no-one would miss out in doing His work! Far more will be gained than lost if we do this.

k.  What special message did God give Zerubbabel ?     (verses 20-23)

I will deal with your enemies…..I have chosen you for this work, so get on with it!

l. Why do you think this small book is included in the Bible?

As an encouragement to us to not be discouraged or slack in doing the work that God has laid in front of us. If we see a need, we are to do what we can to fill it, and the Lord will be with us.



























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