20. Proverbs for Progress.

Proverbs One…(1-33)

1.  Verses  1-4

a. Who wrote these proverbs in the first place and who was he?                  (verse 1)

King Solomon wrote these proverbs and he was the son of King David who wrote most of the psalms.

b.   Why did he write them?         (verses 2-4)

So people would know wisdom, instruction, and understanding in justice, judgment and fairness.

c.   Who was he aiming this instruction to primarily?                        (verse 4)

To his sons who were growing up, and who were still naïve in the ways of the world.

d.  Where did Solomon get his wisdom from?        (2 Chronicles 1:7-12)

His wisdom came from God because he asked for it, and God granted it to him in full measure.

e.  What are we told to do about obtaining God’s wisdom in our every day life?         (James 1:5-6)

If we ask God sincerely and in faith, for His wisdom, He will give it and guide us as to what to do.

f.  What is likely to happen if we bumble along on our own, making our own decisions without asking the Lord about it?      (James 4:1-3)

We don’t get God’s wisdom because we don’t ask for it, and then we get ourselves into a mess. If we ask for the wrong reasons, we still don’t receive it, because we want it to make ourselves look big.

g. How does God give us wisdom in certain situations?     

First, take the whole matter to the Lord, and make sure you have an open mind….don’t let your own desires take control! Then learn your circumstances….we can do this by going to experts (e.g. if it is a health problem, we would go to a doctor; if it is a work situation, make sure you know what you are getting into). Then go to a godly person who knows the Bible well and see if there is anything in this that is contrary to the Scriptures. Finally, if you still feel uncertain or uncomfortable with what you have found out, leave it.

2.  Verses  5-7

a. What sort of person listens to wise advice?                  (verse 5)

A wise person will listen and add to his wisdom and understanding of things…..they will learn their topic.

b.   Is wisdom always instant and straightforward? How is it described here?         (verse 6)

No, it is described as being hard to fathom, and has to be meditated on and thought out.

c.   Where does true wisdom begin?                        (verse 7a; Psalm 111:10; Ecclesiastes 12:13)

It begins with acknowledging our need of God and confessing this to Him; this is our whole duty, and until we put it into practice we haven’t even begun to be wise!

d.  How are people described who refuse to do this or just ignore it all?        (verse 7b)

They are described as being fools and extremely foolish!

e.  What two sorts of wisdom are talked about here?         (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

There is the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. God’s ways and things seem foolish to those who don’t know him, and He gives people who realise their weaknesses and who depend on Him, His strength and wisdom to pass on to others.

f.  What does the world call wisdom, and how does this rub off onto His people?      ()

The world calls education, intellect, fame and finance wisdom, and this tends to rub off on God’s people too. To be wise in His things, they have to expend that time and effort into learning His word and putting it into practice in addition to their other studies..

g. How do we see this working in the case of Daniel and his friends?      (Daniel 1: 3-17)

Daniel made up his mind he was going to follow God no matter what. Then he refused to do what was wrong and against his conscience, and God honoured this decision in giving him a clear mind and good memory in his studies and he rose to the top of his profession. We do not have to follow the crowd to get to the top!

h. How does God view the wisdom of the world and its great men of learning?          (Romans 1:18-22)

He has given them the capacity to see His wonderful creation, and yet they refuse to acknowledge it and call it “Mother Nature”….they have become wise in these things and yet God calls them fools! We see how God has given the capacity for photographing the most intricate and minute things and then putting it together into nature TV programmes and they have the audacity to explain that it all just “happened” and that it has “evolved”! What an insult to Almighty God, the Creator! No wonder His great anger will be poured out on them if they don’t repent of their foolishness.

i. How long does the wisdom of the world last? What about God’s wisdom?   (Isaiah 40:6-8, 26, 28)

The wisdom of the world is fleeting and will pass away, but the wisdom of God lasts for ever into eternity. Man and his wisdom is like the grass of the field that eventually passes away, while God and His understanding will never cease.

3.  Verses  8-9

a. What advice is given to children here?                  (verse 8)

To listen to the teaching and advice of their parents.

b.   What are the fathers to teach their children?         (Deuteronomy 6:5-7, 20-25 )

To love the Lord and follow His ways…to tell them of God’s grace and mercy, both now and in times past. And how He told them to talk of these things.

c.   What is the result of obeying this teaching?                (verse 9)

It makes a wise son who has a glad father…to keep thinking of these things continually will keep one from wrong thoughts and actions.

4.  Verses  10-19

a. What warning is in this passage?                  (verses 10-19)

Don’t be enticed and tempted by others who are bent on mischief and having a “good” time as they say.

b.   What is the young person basically told to do when this happens?         (verse 15)

Don’t have anything to do with them, you will only get into trouble  (with the law and with your parents)

c.   What is the end result of those who refuse God’s ways?                (Romans 6:23)

The end result is DEATH…spiritual death and maybe even physical death.

d.  What can happen to those who indulge in this sort of mischief?        (verse 18)

Things often backfire on mischief makers, and they get into worse trouble…e.g. those who race the police often end up crashing and killing themselves or others.

5.  Verses  20-33

a. What is portrayed here?                  (verses 20-21)

Wisdom is calling out to be heard and obeyed.

b.   What is the message that Wisdom gives?         (verses 22-23)

Listen to me and don’t be fools! Turn to Me and I will give you My spirit and knowledge of My words.

c.  What do these simple and naïve (fools) do?        (verse 22)

They remain in their ignorance and mock and scorn God’s message and Word.

d.   What (or Who) is God’s Wisdom?                (1 Corinthians 1:23-24, 30)

Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God, and when we accept His message, we receive God’s Wisdom.

e.  What is God continually doing to people?         (verse 24a; Jeremiah 7:13)

God is continually calling people to come to Him, even when they refuse to listen He keeps on calling.

f.  What is the end result of this refusal to listen?      (verses 25-32)

God will turn away from them and laugh at their calamity and disaster which they have brought on themselves. They will call out to Him then, but it will be too late.

g. When people continually refuse God’s call, what happens to them?     (Romans 1: 18, 24a, 26a, 28b)

God gives them up, and they go from bad to worse, and end up under the judgment of God.

h. Why can they not find Wisdom now?          (verses 28-29; Genesis 6:3a)

God doesn’t always strive with man…we can refuse Him once to often, taking the world’s wisdom over God’s wisdom, and then we couldn’t come even if we wanted to. What a sad state to be in!

i. Do we see these things happening in the world today?   (Romans 1:24-32)

Yes, this is what the world is like, but men still refuse to look to God to solve the world’s problems; instead,  they call out for more education and for the State to have more rules!

m.   What is the cure for the world’s ills and problems?       (verse 33)

To LISTEN and to OBEY God! To cure the origin of the problem, man’s evil heart, instead of trying to patch up the result of it.

Proverbs Two…(1-22)

1.  Verses  1-9

a. What is a father’s general advice here to his child?                  (verse 1)

To listen to what he is saying and take notice.

b.   What is the specific instruction?         (verses 2-4)

To really apply himself to get wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

c.   What is the difference between these things and education?                        ()

Education is learning things from outside oneself, but these things are applying that education to one’s self in self discipline and DOING what one is LEARNING.

d.  What is the result of this seeking and searching for true knowledge and wisdom?        (verses 4-5; Matthew 7:7-8; Colossians 3:1-2)

Those who sincerely seek God’s knowledge and wisdom WILL find it in His Word.

e.  Where does this true wisdom come from?         (verse 6; Colossians 2:2-3)

God gives it in His written Word (the Bible) which comes from His living Word, the Lord Jesus.

f. Who teaches us this wisdom as we read the Bible?     (John 14:26)           

God’s Holy Spirit  lives in each believer, and teaches and gives understanding to what we are reading.

g. What do we have to do to aid this process of learning?      (2 Timothy 2:15)

We have to  discipline ourselves to spend time studying the Bible and pray that we will have wisdom in rightly understanding it.

h. What comes along with God’s wisdom and knowledge?      (verses 7-9)

When we obey the wisdom of God, we also have His protection and guidance….He leads and keeps us and we can see the dangers ahead in taking certain courses, so we keep away from them.

i. What else do we gain?    (verses 10-19)   

We gain protection and understanding to keep away from those who would tempt us to do wrong, both those mates we might have who are bent on mischief and girls/men who would tempt us to be immoral.

j. What promise do we have if we obey this advice? What warning if we don’t?    (verses 20-22)   

The promise is that we will have peace of mind and a place in the heavenly land; if we don’t, we are classed with the wicked who will be destroyed.

Proverbs Three…(1-35)

1.  Verses  1-4

a. What are we to NOT forget?                  (verse 1)

God’s laws and commandments…..in other words, what is written in the Bible.

b. What promise was given to Israel when they entered into the new land?     (verse 2; 37:3; Deuteronomy 5:33)

To follow the ways of the Lord and He would protect them and prosper them in this new land.

c.   How can we apply that promise to ourselves today?                        (Colossians 3:1-4)

By following the Lord with all our heart and looking forwards to the time when we will be with Him in the heavenly land for ever.

d.  What are we to focus on in our daily lives?        (verse 3)

We are to always speak the truth and be merciful and kind in our dealings with others.

e.  What is the promise of God if we do this?         (verse 4)

We will be pleasing to God and others won’t be able to find fault with us.

f. Who was the ultimate example of this?     (Luke 2:52)           

Our Lord Jesus was this at all times, and especially when He was a young person growing up.

2.  Verses  5-10

a. Where should we get our directions and guidance from?                  (verses 5-6)

We should always turn to the Lord for directions, and not just do what we think (or want!) that is best.

b. Whose direction should we NOT take?                           (Jeremiah  10:23)

We shouldn’t follow our own wants unless it ties in with God’s Word and much prayer, OR the advice of ungodly people  as they can’t be trusted.

c.   How do we get this direction from the Lord?             (verse 6; Psalm 37:4-5; Philippians 4:6)

By delighting ourselves in the Lord; trusting in Him and waiting for Him to open the doors, and praying much with thanksgiving for the answer (even if it isn’t what we want!).

d.  What is verse 7 telling us?        (Romans 12:16c)

We are not to think we know it all and go against others’ advice and what the Scriptures teach (e.g. if you are dating a non-Christian, take note of what the Bible says about such a course in 2 Corinthians 6:14)

e.  What does it mean to honour the Lord with our substance?         (verses 9-10; Malachi 3:10)

It means to give God His share of what we have and we will have His blessing. This doesn’t apply to just our money, it applies to our time and thoughtfulness to others. God will take whatever we have to give and He will bless it and multiply it in abundance.

f. What is the most important thing we can give to God and what we should give first?     (Romans 12:1-2)           

The most important thing we can give to God is ourselves and our wills…our body, mind and soul; to be completely open and honest with Him is what He wants more than anything else. We must give up all our grudges, pride and any other known sin to be a blessing for Him.

3.  Verses  11-12

a. What does the Lord have to do to His people at times?                  (verses 11-12)

He chastens and corrects them.

b. Why does He do this?                           (verse 12; Hebrews 12:6-12)

God does this to straighten us up, and to teach us more of Himself. He does it because He loves us and wants the best for us….how else do we learn? Just as a wayward child needs discipline, so do we in our Christian life. A plant needs to be pruned and tied up to produce the best fruit.

c.   Is discipline an enjoyable experience?             (Hebrews 12:11a)

No it isn’t, but the results are worth it all.

d.  What is the end result of discipline?        (Romans 5:3-5; Hebrews 12:11b)

We learn more of God during the hard times and it trims us up…we are able to help others through our experiences as we learn hope and patience. These are the peaceable fruits of righteousness which knock off the rough corners of our character and teaches us these things.

e.  What does this chastening and correction prove?         (verse 12; Romans 12:10)

It proves that God loves us and wants the best for us.

f. How does this cut across popular ideas in the world today?     ()           

That if we discipline a child it shows we don’t love them; to love them we must give them everything they want when they want it!

4.  Verses  13-20

a. This section is all about wisdom….what are  the things that wisdom is better than?    (verses 14-15)

Wisdom is better than silver, gold and precious stones (rubies), and everything else we might prize.

b. What is the result of having wisdom?                           (verse  13)

It gives peace and happiness.

c.   What do we gain from having God’s wisdom?(verses 16-18; Psalm 11:10; John 17:2-3; Ephesians 1:3)

We learn to know Him and Jesus Christ who He sent; we have eternal life and all God’s blessings that go with that, and we have not only peace WITH God, but the peace OF God.

d.  How did God create the earth and heavens?                  (verses 19-20)

He created it with wisdom and knowledge that man cannot understand!

5  Verses  21-26

a. What goes along with wisdom?        (verse 21)

Wisdom and discretion go together.

b. What is the difference between wisdom and discretion?  

Wisdom is KNOWING something, and discretion is DOING (or not doing!) something. Wisdom is knowing all about a topic, and discretion is using this knowledge to the best advantage.

c.   Under which heading would commonsense fit?           ()

Commonsense comes more under the heading of discretion….using our head, not our heart. God has given us  the gift of reasoning and thought which animals don’t have (except when it comes to their stomach!) and He expects us to use it and think ahead….we are to ask ourselves where this course of action will take us.

d.  What is the result when we use both wisdom and discretion (common sense) ?        (verses 22-26)

We will be a well balanced and sensible person, knowing what we are doing is the right thing without fear or sleeplessness, having our confidence in the Lord’s keeping power. We have done what we can and we leave the rest to Him.

6. Verses  27-33

a. Do we use discretion or wisdom in this section?        (verses 27-33)

We use both….we are to find out the rights and wrongs of the situation first (wisdom) before we act (discretion)

b. What advice are we given here in relation to other people?      (verses 27-28; James 2:15-17)

We are to help the needy, but also to use discretion in doing this so we aren’t taken in by their hard-up stories…e.g. what do they spend the money they do have on? If they have a big dog and let their children go hungry, should you feed the children? How much do they spend on smokes and drink? If there is a real need, then we are to meet that need.

c.   What else are we to do?           (verses 29-31)

We are to get on with our neighbours and not annoy or oppose them; we are not to envy the neighbour who has it all and takes more.

d.  What can we do about it ?        (verses 32-34a; Philippians 4:6)

We can only tell the Lord about it and leave it to Him to deal with.

e.  What is the contrast here?         (verses 34-35)

God gives grace to those who are humble and suffer the wrong done and this attitude will bring glory to God, but those who behave foolishly will be ashamed, and God will deal with them.

Proverbs Four…(1-27)

1.  Verses  1-4

a. Who is speaking to whom here?                  (verse 1)

A father is teaching his children and giving advice.

b. What is he teaching them?      (verses 2-4)

He is telling them to listen and to understand what his father had taught him.

c.   Who were Solomon’s parents? What was his background?           (2 Samuel 12:7-24)

David, king of Israel was his father, and his mother was Bathsheba the ex-wife of Uriah the Hittite who David had had killed in battle. Solomon was their second and only surviving son.

  2. Verses  5-9

a. What was the basis of this advice?                  (verse 5)

To get wisdom and to hang onto it.

b. What goes along with wisdom?      (verses 6-7)

Understanding (which includes commonsense)…these two things must go together otherwise one just has a head full of information.

c.   What does a wise person show in their lives?           (verses 8-9)

The ability to listen to others and not overwhelm them with what you know! This makes for a gracious person who others will go to for advice.

d.  Who was the ultimate example of this ?        (John 1:14; Luke 4:22a)

The Lord Jesus showed this in everything He said and did.

3. Verses  10-19

a. What happens to our way of life when we have God’s wisdom?  (verses 10-12; Psalm 119:11, 106, 130)

We have light and can see which way to go, we are able to keep from evil and making stupid mistakes, and are able to follow that which is good…we won’t stumble.

b. Where does this ability come from?      (verses 11-13; Isaiah 40:28-31; Ephesians 3:14-19)

It comes from the strength that the Lord gives us through Jesus Christ when we walk with Him

c.   What is the contrast in the second half of this passage?           (verses 14-19)

This passage describes the ways of the wicked (those who ignore God’s ways) who cannot see what is right, and are full of mischief and violence.

4. Verses  20-27

a. What are the positive things in this passage?                             (verses 20-27)

Pay attention, listen, remember, think ahead, see where you are heading, and don’t deviate from what is right.

b. What parts of the body are mentioned?      (verses 20-27)

Ears (listen), eyes (watch), heart and mind (think), mouth and lips (speech), feet (ways), foot (standing in what is wrong)

c.   What is the result of this self discipline?           (verses 22-23)

Spiritual life and health…just as the heart keeps the physical body living, so the spiritual health and well being depends on the state of our spiritual and mental heart.

d.  What are we told in verse 25? How does the New Testament  expand on this?     (Hebrews 12:12-15)

We are told to keep a straight course, not deviating to the right hand or the left. We are told to pick ourselves up and fix things that are wrong in our lives.

e.  We know that we do not have to work to earn our salvation, but how do we work AT our salvation when we have it? How do we do this?         (1 Corinthians 9: 24-27;  2 Timothy 2:3-5, 20-23)

We have to exercise self discipline, in both our spiritual life as well as our physical life. Just as an athlete needs to train to excel, so we need to train to keep ourselves fit in the things of the Lord. Nothing happens automatically except the receiving of our salvation. After that, we have to work at it, keeping our minds and bodies fixed on the things of God.

Proverbs Five…(1-23)

1.  Verses  1-6

a. What will wisdom keep a young man (or woman)  from?                  (verses 1-3)

From immoral living in every form.

b. What does the New Testament teach about immorality?      (1 Corinthians 6:13-20;  Colossians 3:5-6)

That it is not to be even thought about…it is gratifying the flesh  and sinning against God and never brings glory to God.

c.   What is the end result of those who do this continually without repenting of it?  (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Revelation 21:8)

There is no hope for them, and they will end up in the lake of fire and torment where there is no rest for ever.

  2. Verses  7-14

a. What is the advice given here?                  (verses 7-8)

To keep far away from this sort of life and these girls who would drag one down.

b. What does a man lose if he continues this loose way of life?      (verses 9-11)

He will lose not only his honour, but his wealth and health

c.   What else is often associated with this life style? What is the end result of it all?   (verses 12-14; Romans 1:24-32)

Too much alcohol will lead to this way of life, and the end result is hating oneself for lack of self control and all that it brings in bad living..

d.  What does a clean living person never have to fear?        (Romans 2: 6-7, 10-11)

Sex related diseases such as AIDS, VD, syphilis etc, as well as a bad reputation.. A person who knows Jesus Christ will be living a clean life and will not have to suffer God’s judgment for these things in a day to come.

3. Verses  15-20

a. What advice is given in these verses?                   (verses 15-17)

For every man to have his own wife and to stick with her, leaving everyone else for her.

b. Whose idea was it for marriage to exist?  What did God say about it all?     (Genesis 2:18, 21-25; Matthew 19:4-6)

He said it wasn’t good for a man to be on his own, and that He would make a helper for him. God says that a man and his wife are to be as one, and that God has joined them together and no-one else is to come between them….not parents or any third person is to interfere.

c. What positive things are we told about marriage here?      (verses 18-19)

That married couples are to find pleasure in each other….the husband is to find his pleasure in her and give her due consideration.

d.   What does the New Testament  teach about this?           (1 Corinthians 7:2-4)

There is to be mutual consideration for each other…husband’s and wives’ bodies belong to each other.

e.   What is likely to happen if one refuses the other  sex?           (1 Corinthians 7:5)

Satan will do his best to destroy the marriage if he can, and will tempt and perhaps gain an advantage….only much prayer with mutual consent can protect in this case..

4.  Verses  21-23

a. What do we see here?                             (verse 21)

That God sees all that goes on, both good and bad.

b. What happens to those who die  without having come to Christ (in their wickedness)?      (verses 22-23; Romans 6:23)

They  will die in their sin, and suffer eternal separation from God and all that is good.

Proverbs Six…(1-35)

1.  Verses  1-5

a. What is a person warned against here?                  (verses 1-2)

Guaranteeing the debts of a friend or relative, or even worse, a stranger.

b. What should a person do when they realise the folly of doing this?      (verses 3-5)

Try to get out of it as quickly as possible, even if it means apologising and humbling oneself.

c.   What could happen if the matter is left?              (verse 5)

Everything could be lost or one could be tied up like a bird in a trap, left to pay off someone else’s debts.

d.  What is the best thing to do when one is asked to go as a guarantor?        (Proverbs 11:15)

To not even consider it, no matter how sorry you feel for the person or how persuasive they are.

2.  Verses  6-11

a. What sort of person is being spoken to here?                  (verse 6)

A lazy person  with no ambition or work ethics.

b. What is this sort of person told to consider?  What does this creature do?    (verses 6-8)

They are told to look at an ant, and how it works hard storing up food for the winter without being told to.

c.  What is the lesson to learn from the ants?                            (verses 9-10)

To think ahead and work hard, getting up early to do it!

d.  What is the lesson we can learn from this passage?        (verse 11)

If we want anything, we have to work for it! No work, no pay! Both a traveller and a soldier must have means behind him to carry on.

3. Verses  12-19

a. What are the characteristics of an ungodly person?                   (verses 12-14)

They can’t be trusted; they are perverse and contrary, always into mischief and making more trouble.

b. What is the end result of people like this?     (Revelation 21:8)

They will suffer God’s eternal judgment, from whence there is no return.

c. What seven things does God detest?                        (verses 16-19)

Pride, lies, murders, a wicked heart, mischief making, stirrings and trouble making.

d.   What does God require of every single person?           (Micah 6:8)

That they be honest, merciful and kind, and to humble themselves to walk with Him.

4.  Verses  20-23

a. What is a young person told to keep?                             (verse 20)

They are told to take heed to their parent’s advice….after all, they have lived longer and know more of life.

b. How is he told to keep this?                        (verse  21)

Constantly in his/her mind and thoughts.

c.   What is the result of doing this?                               (verse 22)

It will keep you out of trouble, and will nudge you when you are tempted to do wrong.

d.  What else is one’s parents’ advice likened to?                    (verse 23; Psalm 119:105)

It is likened to God’s Word, His law and commands, which light up one’s way and show the dangers ahead like a lamp.

5.  Verses  24-35

a. What is every parent’s fear and nightmare?                  (verses 24-26)

That their young people will be dragged down by the wrong sort of  friends.

b.   What common proverb is illustrated here?         (verses 27-28)

If you play with fire, you are sure to get burned!

c.   What specific sin is mentioned here?                        (verse 29)

Becoming a third party  in breaking up a marriage.

d.  What is the result of playing around with the opposite sex?        (verses  30-35)

Loss of good reputation, and often loss of money as well; loss of friends and making enemies.

Proverbs Seven…(1-27)

1.  What is this chapter all about?

A silly person who is enticed by someone else’s spouse.

2. Verses  1-5

a. What will keep a person safe in these circumstances?                  (verses 2-5; Psalm 119:9-11)

God’s Word and His commands are the only thing that will keep a person against these temptations. We are not to even contemplate such a thing!

b. What do you think to “bind them on your fingers” and to “write them on your heart means”?    (verses 6-8)

Our fingers lead to actions and our heart leads us to wrong thoughts.

c.  What do we see about the difference between Joseph and David who were both tempted in this way?                            (Genesis 39:6-12; 2 Samuel 11:2-5, 23-27)

Joseph refused to give in to the temptation and had a clear conscience while David gave in and committed the terrible sin of adultery and then murder. Joseph kept busy; David was idle; Joseph had the Lord in his mind, but David had Bathsheba.

d.  From the world’s perspective, who was better off…Joseph or David?      (Genesis 39:20; 2 Samuel 11:27)

It seemed that David was better off as he gained a wife, but all Joseph gained was a prison sentence.

e.   Who was better off spiritually?      (Genesis 39:21; 2 Samuel 11:27b; 12:9-12)

Joseph had a clear conscience before God and His presence with him, while David  had displeased the Lord and had to endure His punishment of continual trouble in his household and the death of the child that was born.

f.  Joseph made a statement with regard to this particular sin…what is it? Is this always the case?      (Genesis 39:9b; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20)

Joseph said that this sin was against God, and we are told that to sin sexually is to sin against God and against our own body as it is where the Holy Spirit lives.

g.   Is this quite clear in these verses?      ()

Yes! One cannot mistake the rules….nothing excuses it.

3. Verses  6-23

a. What is a person called who sins in this way?                   (verses 7, 22)

A fool and simple at that; someone with no understanding or commonsense; he is like an ox going to be slaughtered or a prisoner going to the stocks.

b. What are these stocks that are spoken of? Where was this usually done?     (Jeremiah 20:2)

Stocks were a contraption  (usually wooden) where a person had their ankles fastened in holes firmly and were unable to move….they were often outside in public for everyone to see and make fun of.

c. How can this be likened to a person caught in adultery?                        ()

It will often come out in public knowledge and there will be the shame of this act made public.

d.   How does God regard someone who continues in this way of life?           (Romans 1:24-27)

He gives up on them and they remain under His anger and suffer the consequences of bad diseases as well as His eternal punishment.

4.  Verses  24-27

a. What hope is there for someone who is caught in this trap?                             (verse 24)

To listen to good advice and get out of it….don’t stay doing it!.

b. How can we make ourselves right with God?                        (Psalm 51:3-4, 17; 1 John 1:9)

By acknowledging our behaviour as sin before God, and confessing it to Him with a sincere heart; God has promised He will not only forgive it, but cleanse you and give you a second chance to stay clean.

Proverbs Eight…(1-36)

1.  What is this chapter describing and praising?

Wisdom….God’s wisdom, not the wisdom of the world.

2. Verses  1-5

a. Who is wisdom calling to?                  (verses 1, 4-5)

Wisdom is calling to ALL people to listen and take heed….to the simplest and the foolish as well as the greatest; no-one is exempt.

b. Where is the voice of wisdom heard?    (verses 2-3)

Out in the countryside and in the city….everywhere.

c.  What is the wisdom that is considered foolishness today ?       (1 Corinthians 1:18, 21)

Preaching the Gospel of God is considered foolishness, and a load of rubbish today.

3. Verses  6-11

a. What is the writer saying he will do?                   (verses 6-8)

He will only speak true and right things, and refuse to speak things that would upset or be contrary to right.

b. Who spoke words like this?     (Luke 4: 22)

Our Lord Jesus always spoke with authority and grace and people were amazed at what He said.

c. What sort of speech is wise speech, and shows wise thoughts?            (Philippians 4:8)

Everything that is good and right (no wrong); all that is honest and true (no lies); plain simple speech (no riddles or innuendos); instruction and teaching (no idle tales or gossip); everything that is good and pure (no filthy jokes or talk).

d.   What is wisdom better than?           (verses 10-11)

It is better than money, jewels , and anything that the world prizes

4.  Verses  12-31

a. Who does this passage describe?      (verses 12-31; 1 Corinthians 1:23-24)

It describes our Lord Jesus Christ, the One who is the embodiment of all wisdom.

b. What are the attributes of both wisdom and Christ that are mentioned here?      (verses 12-21)

Sensible, all-knowing and uses discretion; hates evil ways, pride, and double speech (lies); gives good advice, understands and gives strength; helps kings, princes and governors to rule wisely and well; is available to all who seek it (Him), and is the embodiment of love; the results of knowing them is better than wealth and riches.

c.   When did Jesus Christ (and wisdom) begin?      (verses 22-31;Isaiah 40:28;  John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:2; Revelation 1:8; 22:13)

He has always been God since the beginning; He is the Creator along with His Father; He is the First and the Last; He is from everlasting to everlasting.

5.  Verses  32-36

a.  What is the summing up of the chapter?         (verse  32; Luke 11:28)

Those who keep the Lord’s ways and words are blesses indeed.

b.   How can we be wise?         (verse 33; Psalm 111:10; Hebrews 11:6)

To BEGIN to be wise, we have to acknowledge God…that He exists and that He rewards those who follow Him….we have to be afraid of displeasing Him.

c.   What is true wisdom?                        (verse 34; 1 Corinthians 1:24, 30-31)

True wisdom is to know God and Jesus Christ who He sent.

d.  Can we know God and yet ignore Jesus Christ?        (John 17:3)

No, we can only know God when we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is His Son.

e.  What do those have who know Jesus Christ?  What is eternal life?         (verse 35; John 3:16; 17:2-3)

Those who believe that Jesus Christ is who He says He is and trust in Him, HAVE eternal life and will never perish….they will be with Him for eternity. We have to accept this by faith and not question it.

f.  What does unbelief do the most wrong to?      (verse 36; Luke 16:23-25)

It does the most wrong to oneself, because it takes one to certain eternal death….death is not annihilation but constant torment, unrest and regrets.

Proverbs Nine…(1-18)

1.  Verses  1-3

a.  What does building a house speak of?  What sort of house are we building?    (verse 1; 1 Corinthians 3:10b-15)

Preparation for the future. Every person alive is building a “house” for the future by the way he lives and what he believes whether he knows it or not. Unless our “house” has Jesus Christ for the foundation it will not stand in the day of  reckoning before God (judgment); and then if we do, our “house” (way of life) must be built of materials that will stand the fire of His scrutiny.

b. What does food on a table speak of?   What sort of  “food” should we be feeding on?  (verse 2;Mark 7:18-23;  Romans 12:2)

It speaks of sustenance and growth. We are what we think about, so we should be feeding on what God says in His Word, not what the world feeds us on through its books, magazines and TV.

c.  What do you think the next verse is talking about ?                 (verse 3)

It is talking about service and telling forth God’s good news.

2. Verses  4-6

a. Who (or what) is doing the talking here?                  (verses  4-5)

It is wisdom calling to ALL people to listen and take heed….to the simplest and the foolish as well as the greatest.

b. What is Wisdom’s message?                                                (verse 6)

Come and eat at my table from what I have provided.

c.  How can we relate that to what Jesus Christ says ?       (John 6:33-35)

Jesus plainly said that He was the Bread of Life that God had sent into the world to give life to people.

3. Verses  7-9

a. What are these verses telling us?                   (verses 7-8)

Don’t waste your time trying to convince a scoffer! It is futile.

b. What did Paul tell Timothy in regard to this?     (1 Timothy 6:20; 2 Timothy 2:16)

Don’t enter into arguing with someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about unless they are prepared to listen.

c. What sort of person profits from a rebuke and teaching?            (verse 8)

A wise person  will listen and appreciate it and learn from it.

4.  Verses  10-12

a. What are we told here that we have already seen in our study?                       (verse 10)

That to fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and to know Him is true understanding.

b. In what ways can this Wisdom give a longer life?      (verse 11; John 3:16)

This wisdom can give longer physical life because one keeps away from a life style of debauchery and drugs; but it also gives eternal life and the knowledge of God  which is of far more importance.

c.   Can a wise person save someone else?                                (verse 12)

No, every person has to make the decision to follow Jesus Christ for himself…it is “whoever” believes that counts. If a person chooses to ignore or refuse it, then they have to bear the consequences themselves.

5.  Verses  13-18

a.  What is this last section about?         (verses 13-18)

It is about those who are prostitutes (foolish women) and the ones (simple ones) who use them

b.   What do the women think?         (Proverbs 30:20)

That it’s an easy way to make money, and there’s nothing wrong with doing it anyway!.

c.   What do the men think?                        (verse 17)

That it’s a lot of fun, and no-one will know.

d.  What is the REAL result?        (verse 18;  Romans 1:28-32)

It will end in death (separation from God and all that is good), a guilty conscience and hell.

Proverbs Ten…(1-32)

1.  Verses  1-3

a.  We have been studying Wisdom in these chapters, and now we see it put into practice…what are the two contrasts here?                        (verse 1)

The wise son who makes his parents glad, and the foolish son who worries his mother!

b. What does God think of the wealth of those who do not belong to Him?  (verse 2;Mark 8:36-37;  Luke 12:20-21)

It  is of no value in God’s sight and does no-one any good in the end…it can’t buy a place in heaven and has to be left behind at death.

c.  In what way do God’s people prosper when they live for Him ?                 (verse 3)

They prosper spiritually…their soul grows as they look to the Lord; those who don’t know the Lord are never satisfied in their soul.

2. Verses  4-5

a. What are these verses talking about?                  (verses  4-5)

The lazy person will miss out and the diligent  worker will gain.

b. What two aspects of life is this particularly true in?  (verse 5; 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12; 2 Timothy 2:15)

In our business (or working) life, and in our spiritual life….we get what we go in for!

3. Verses  6-10

a. What two sorts of people do we see here?                   (verse 6)

We see those who are just (fair in their dealings) and those who are violent in their speech and actions.

b. What do these two types of people leave behind when they die?     (verse 7)

Those who do well leave good memories behind, but those who don’t are forgotten.

c. What is the contrast here? What is a “prating” fool?            (verse 8)

A wise person  who accepts advice, and  a fool who talks for the sake of talking, not knowing what he is talking about!.

d.  What does it go on to say about these two types of people?        (verses 9-10)

The honest person has no need to worry, but the fool has to try to cover up his dishonesty by talking rubbish.

4.  Verses  11-21

a. What is this section mainly about?                       (verses11-21)

A person’s speech and talking habits.

b. Where does too much talking lead us?      (verse 14, 18-19)

It can lead us to gossip and criticism of others.

c.   What does James tell us about our tongue?                                (James 3:2-13)

It is a hard job to control it and not let it run away with us….we all suffer from the same thing!

d.  What do both references tell us about one who is careful what they say?        (verses19-20)

He is a wise person and is worth listening to; he builds others up and doesn’t tear them down.

5.  Verses  22-32

a.  How would you put verse 22 into your own words?         (verse 22)

God’s blessings  only do us good,  building us up, and making our souls rich.

b.   What are the contrasts here?         (verses 23-26; Matthew 7:24-27)

Those who are mischief makers and those who follow the Lord….one will come to nothing and the other will have an everlasting foundation….those who build on the foundation of obedience to the Lord  will live for ever, while those who build on their own ideas come to nothing.

c.   What do the last two verses tell us?                        (verses 31-32)

Those who are godly are worth listening to while the ungodly only speak rubbish (perverseness and stirring up trouble) and one can’t take any notice of what they say.

Proverbs Eleven…(1-30)

1.  Verses  1 and 20

a.  What two things in this chapter  are an abomination to God? Why?   (verses 1 and 20; Jeremiah 9:24)

God detests a false balance and a perverse heart, because both are false and dishonest. God is holy and these things are totally foreign to His nature and character.

b. What does “abomination” mean?  What does God find like this?       (Proverbs 15: 8-9,26; 20:10)

Something that is utterly detestable and abhorrent. He finds the sacrifices, ways and thoughts of those who are ungodly like this, and anything that is dishonest or wrong.

c.  What does a “false balance” mean ?                 (Proverbs 20:23)

Anything dishonest in business or dealings with others; cheating or misrepresenting the truth.

d. What is a “froward heart”?            (Proverbs 16:28, 30)

Someone who makes mischief and spreads rumours…a person who likes to make trouble; someone who is contrary and disagreeing, stubborn and rebellious.

e.  What does God delight in?        (Proverbs 16:11; Jeremiah 9:23-24; Micah 7:18)

Honesty and fairness; those who are upright and who glory in and love Him; and in being merciful

2. Verse 2

a. What is a common saying that could be used here?      (Proverbs 16:18)           

Pride comes before a fall.

b. What does God think of pride?  (Proverbs 6:16-19; 8:13)

It heads the list of things that God hates….God can do nothing with a person who remains proud and stubborn.

c. What does pride cause?            (Isaiah 59:2-4)

It causes sin and problems all around…separation from God and separation from fellow men (who likes a snob?); death and destruction

d.  Where does pride originate from? Where does it flourish?        (Isaiah 14:12-15;Ezekiel 28:14-17; 1 John 2:16)

Pride was the original cause of Satan’s rebellion and sin against God; today it flourishes in the hearts of all human beings and unless we confess it is there to God, it remains. We see it all around us in the world today and it brings sorrow, death and destruction.

e. What is the opposite of pride? Who was the greatest example of all these characteristics?     (Matthew 11:29;  Philippians 2:5-8)           

To be lowly, meek and humble is the opposite of being proud…our Lord Jesus could say He was meek and lowly in heart.

f. How are we to correctly regard ourselves and our capabilities?  (Romans 12:3; Galations 6:3)

We are to think rightly about ourselves….to have an inferiority complex and downgrade our capabilities is just as bad as being proud and thinking  we are the only ones able to do certain things. If someone else is just as capable, then share the load and take turns. Sometimes people need encouraging to come to their full potential.

3. Verses  3-11

a. What do we learn about a righteous person from this section?                   (verses 3a , 5a, 6a, 10)

Their integrity (honesty) will guide them and they are delivered from spiritual death. They keep on the straight way and keep out of trouble; others rejoice when there are righteous rulers and they build up their environment.

b. What do we see about the ungodly (wicked)  person?     (verses 3b, 5b, 6b-7, 9, 10b)

They don’t prosper in the end. Spiritual death is their outlook; they try to drag down others to their level. Everyone is glad when a wicked ruler is deposed or dies. Wickedness overthrows a government.

4.  Verses  12-15

a. What  negative things are in this section?                       (verses12-15)

Those who despise others and put out rumours about them (tabloid press and gossip); those who don’t accept leadership, and those who guarantee strangers a profit from their money (and then take off with it all).

b. What is positive?      (verses 12b, 13b 14b, 15b)

One who has commonsense doesn’t talk much and keeps secrets; he listens to advice and won’t guarantee anyone else’s loans!

5.  Verses  16 and 22

a.  What is the description of these two types of women?         (verses 16 and  22)

One is gracious….kind, gentle and sensible…while the other one may be beautiful to look at but has no commonsense and is scatty and gossipy.

b.   What is the contrast of their characters?         ()

People honour and respect the gracious woman, but the other one is like putting a jewelled gold ring in a pig’s snout!!

c.   How is the virtuous (good) woman described?                        (verse 16;  Proverbs 12: 4a;  31:6, 26, 30)

She is a crown to her husband and of more value than anything else! Money can’t buy a good wife!! She talks sensibly and wisely, and  the Lord is honoured by her behaviour.

6.  Verses  17-30

a.  What is the summing up of the different sorts of people in the world?         (verses 17-19)

Those who do good will be blessed and those who are ruthless and cruel will find it backfires on themselves.

b.   What does the New Testament teach about this sort of thing?         (Galations 6:7-9)

People will reap what they sow; those who sow to the things of the Lord will reap everlasting life and those who don’t will reap death and destruction.

c.   What sort of feelings does the Lord have in regard to what people do?      (verse 20; Ephesians 4:27-31)

He detests the  things that people think and do that are contrary to His ways (this applies to both believers and non believers.)  He is grieved when His people behave badly, but He delights in those who follow  and walk in His ways.

d.  What do we see about the generous person in this passage?        (verses 23-27)

Those who do good will reap the benefit in the long run….they won’t become mean and stingy, and others will benefit from their actions.

e.  What did our Lord Jesus have to say about giving to others?         (Acts 20:35)

He said it was more blessed to give than to receive

f.  What are we told about those who trust in their riches ?      (verses 28-29)

They will fall in the end and those who make trouble at home will end up with nothing worth while.

g. What do we see in the last verses?      (verse 30)

Those who try to influence others for good are a blessing to all and like a tree covered with good fruit.

Proverbs Twelve…(1-28)

1.  Verses  1-5

a.  What two things in are contrasted here?   (verse   1)

Those who like being taught and those who don’t…..one learns and the other remains ignorant like a pig

b. What do we see here?       (verses 2-3)

The difference between a good person and one who is wicked….a good person is loved by God and won’t be moved from their convictions, while a wicked person will be condemned by God and won’t last.

c.  What does a bad wife do for her husband?                 (verse 4)

She  can’t be trusted and makes him ashamed.by her behaviour.

d. Where do people’s actions start?            (verse 5)

They start with the thoughts….righteous people have right thoughts, while the wicked can’t be trusted.

2. Verses 6-16

a. What does this section seem to be all about?      (verses 6-16)           

Contrasts between those who are wicked and those who follow God’s ways.

b. What are the characteristics of the wicked?                           (verses 6-8)

They can’t be trusted and end up being overthrown and despised.

c. What is the upright person like?            (verses 6-8)

They speak the truth wisely and are commended  for it.

d.  What else do we see about those who follow the Lord’s ways?        (verses 10-15)

He is kind and looks after his animals well; he works hard and has plenty of food; he yields fruit for the Lord in his life style; he keeps out of trouble; he listens to advice and prospers from it.

e. What does a foolish person think?     (verses 15-16)           

He thinks he knows everything and is always right! He gets uptight with others very easily .

3. Verses  17-23

a. What is this section about?                   (verses 17-23)

It is all about the different types of speech.

b. What do we learn about the speech of the righteous?     (verses 17-19, 23)

He always speaks the truth, he speaks to build others up, and he doesn’t repeat other people’s business.

c. What do we see about what ungodly people say?                       (verses  19-22)

They talk rubbish that doesn’t last and is deceitful….they can’t be trusted; they are filled with mischief and God detests what they have to say.

d. What does Paul have to say about how we are to talk?      (Philippians 4:4, 8; Colossians 3:8-10)

He says we are to only think (and talk about) good and pure things, the truth which builds others up; lovely and good things.

e. How are believers NOT to talk?      (Philippians 4:4, 8; Colossians 3:8-9)

We are not to say angry things or stir up trouble; we are not to be malicious gossipers, use bad language or tell filthy jokes.

4.  Verses  24-28

a.  What are the contrasts here?         (verse 24)

The diligent person has everything under control and often works for himself, while the lazy person is always in a mess and has to work for others.

b.   What are the contrasts here?         (verse 25)

Bad news makes a person heavy in heart, but a word of encouragement makes one feel better.

c.   What contrasts are in the last verses?                        (verses 26-28)

Those who do good are excellent while those who don’t do good lead others astray; the lazy person has nothing while the worker has what he needs; those who walk in the right way and follow the Lord have a good life both now and hereafter.

d.  What contrasts did Jesus Christ talk about?        (John 3:16, 36)

Everlasting life and eternal destruction; life and death; God’s love and God’s anger.

Proverbs Thirteen…(1-25)

1.  Verses  1-6

a.  What do we learn about speech in these verses?   (verses   1-3)

A father gives good advice; a criminal plots violence and one who keeps quiet keeps out of trouble!

b. What are three positive thoughts here?       (verses 1-3)

To listen to ones father’s advice; to speak only good things and to not talk too much.

c.  What sort of things should we talk about?                 (Philippians 4:8)

Only what is good, pure, lovely, helpful and worthwhile.

d.  How is the godly man described here?   (verses   4-6)

He is diligent, righteous and upright.

e. What is said about Job?       (Job 1:1, 5)

That he was perfect and upright, hating everything evil, and that he sacrificed daily for his children.

f. What thought comes through about these people?       (Luke 11:9-10)

They are diligent in seeking the Lord and in following His ways….it takes effort, nothing comes automatically once we are saved.

2. Verses 7-9

a. What are the two contrasts here?      (verses 7-8)           

Contrasts between those who are rich and those who are poor.

b. What sort of riches are referred to here?                           (verse 7)

It is referring to worldly wealth but also to spiritual wealth.

c. What things can a person be rich in apart from money?   (2 Corinthians 8:2; 1 Timothy 6:18; James 2:5)

They can be rich in generosity; rich in giving their time in helping others; rich in faith and able to build others up.

d.  In what way must we be poor in spirit to be blessed?        (Matthew 5:3)

This means we are not to be proud and full of ourselves, but to think of other people and their needs.

e. What is this light that is spoken of here?    (verse 9; Psalm 119:105;  2 Corinthians 4:4, 6)           

The light that the glorious gospel of Christ gives to those who accept it, and then we have the Word of God to guide us in the right way like a light and a lamp.

f. What happens to the lamp of the wicked?                     (verse 9b)           

It will eventually fade and go out because it is only from within himself whereas the light of the righteous comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and lasts forever.

3. Verses  10-17

a. What does pride bring?                   (verse 10)

Arguments and unpleasantness.

b. What common saying describes the next verse?     (verse 11)

Easy come, easy go….in other words money that comes easily is often wasted.

c. What often happens when we have to wait a long time for something?                       (verse 12)

We get tired of waiting and then when it happens it is like we have a new lease of life!

d. What do we see about people’s attitude to God’s Word?                         (verse 13; Isaiah 5:24)

Those who despise it will be destroyed, and those who keep it will be rewarded.

e. What do we see about those who act wisely?      (verses 14-15)

They will keep out of trouble and enjoy life; others will suffer for their actions.

d. What do we see about the different sort of people here?      (verses 16-17)

A wise man does his homework properly while a fool just goes ahead without finding the facts first; people will trust a wise man to do a job.

4.  Verses  18-25

a.  How is a diligent person regarded compared to one who is slack?         (verse 18)

The diligent person is highly regarded while a slack person can’t be trusted.

b.   What feeling do you have to see a job well done?         (verse 19)

A feeling of satisfaction and pleasure.

c.   What do we see here about the sort of company that we keep?                        (verses 20-21)

Our friends influence how we think, talk and act….good friends will lift up while bad friends will get you into trouble!

d.  What do wrong doers have to look forwards to?        (verse 21a; Romans 6:23a)

Getting into trouble in this life and eternal separation  from God in the life to come.

e.  What good advice is given to parents and grandparents here?         (verses 22-25)

To leave something that your children and grandchildren will always remember….whether is is just advice or something more tangible. Parents are to train up their children in the right way, and if they are left to their own devices, this proves that their parents don’t care about them. Tell the children to work hard and they will not have to go without, whether this is in the physical, emotional or spiritual realm, it is all equally applicable!

Proverbs Fourteen…(1-35)

1.  Verses  1-11

a.  In what way can we build up or pull down?   (verses  1 , 3)

We can build up and pull down by what we say to people. For a wife or mother it is particularly important to build up members of the family and not to degrade them in any way….encouragement will build up  while criticism is the quickest way to pull down.

b. What is the first thing a wise woman will do to build up her family?       (verse 2a; Luke 6:47-48)

She will follow the ways of the Lord and have His rules as the foundation of her ways.

c.  What do we see in verse 4?   Put it into your own words….              ()

No muck, no money! Anything worthwhile is going to take effort and self discipline.

d.  What sort of person is best to keep away from?   (verses   5-7)

If a person is untrustworthy and talks rubbish or makes mischief, no matter how charming  or amusing they may be in other ways, keep away from them!

e. Will a person who is scornful of anything good ever find the truth?       (verse 6; Hebrews 11:6)

No, because we must have faith to acknowledge that God exists before we can go any further in finding the truth.

f. What sort of people mock at the idea of sin?       (verse 9)

Those who are foolish, but they are only deceiving themselves and others who listen.

g. What is the end result of these people?       (verse 10a, 11)

They end up being a cynic and bitter twisted old people who nobody likes.

2. Verses 12-19

a. What is the end result of a person who does his own thing as far as religion goes?      (verse 12; Romans 6:23a)           

It is God who has the last say as far as a person’s destiny is concerned….if they have not come to know Him personally (and they can only come through Jesus Christ which is His way), then no matter how good they have been or how hard they have worked, it counts for nothing and they end up in eternal torment. After all, heaven is God’s house and He has the final say how people are to come into it!

b. Does having very strong ideas (“As I see it”) make those ideas right?      (verse 12a; Matthew 7:26-27)

Ideas that have come from anywhere but God’s Word are without foundation and count for nothing.

c. Why do people hide behind their own ideas  (“ What I think is….”)?     (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Because Satan has blinded their minds and they just don’t want to find out God’s truth. They think their way is good enough!

d.  Do their ideas give any joy and assurance to them?        (verse 13)

No, their laughter is often empty and their heart bitter….this is why many people take to drink and drugs.

e. What is God’s message to the backslider who thinks he has all the answers?    (verse 9; Isaiah 55:6-7; Jeremiah 3:22-23)           

Look to Me  and call on Me….leave your wicked ways and turn back to Me and I will heal and pardon you.

f. What does a prudent person do?                     (verses 15-16, 18b)           

A prudent person is wise and finds out the truth and makes preparation for what lies ahead.

g. What does a foolish person do here?                   (verses 16-18a)

A foolish person gets angry quickly, with his pride stopping  him from admitting he might be wrong and he ends up acting foolishly.

h. What is the end result of those who refuse to bow before God?     (verse 19; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Corinthians 6:2)

They will end up bowing before Jesus Christ and acknowledging that He is Lord of all. They will also be judged by believers and will bow before them at that time.

3. Verses  20-25

a. What do we see in these verses?                   (verses 20-21)

Discrimination against neighbours, and looking down on them, and how this is a sin. Rich people have a lot of friends, but those who help the poor are happy in themselves.

b. What does God think of discrimination against the disadvantaged?     (verses 21a, 31; James 2:1-4)

He takes a dim view of it as it reproaches Him and is a sin.

c. What is the result to those who help the poor?                       (verse 21b)

They are honoured by God and happy within themselves.

d. How do we keep from being poor?                         (verse 23)

In being wise and working hard….those who only talk and don’t work will never get there!

e. In what ways is a wise man rich?      (verses 24-25)

They are rich in wisdom and honesty, and people respect them for this.

4.  Verses  26-27

a.  What do people have who follow the Lord with all their heart?         (verse 26)

They have a strong confidence in Him….they KNOW Him!

b.   What else does fearing the Lord produce?         (verse 27; 1 Corinthians 15:55-57)

It gives life, eternal; life and gives victory over the fear of death through the Lord Jesus Christ .

c.   How often should we fear the Lord?                        (Proverbs 23:17)

We should  never stop but continually fear Him and follow His ways.

d.  What does the New Testament tell us about fearing the Lord?        (Colossians 3:22)

It tells us to do the best we can and fear to displease the Lord..

e.  What does “fearing” God mean anyway?         (Psalm 89:7; Hebrews 12:28)

It means we hold Him in the highest regard and awe, and are afraid of doing wrong and displeasing Him…we reverence Him and realise His holiness and majesty.

5.  Verses  28-35

a.  What do leaders have to have to be successful?         (verse 28)

They have to have the confidence and  backing of their people.

b.   What good advice is given here?         (verses 29-30)

Don’t get angry easily and keep a sound and sensible mind on all matters.

c.   What does envy  bring to a person if they give way to it?             (verse 30b; Hebrews 12:15)

It brings  rottenness to a person’s soul and they become bitter and twisted …it does no one any good!

d.  What is the hope that a believer has?        (verse 32b; Romans 8:37-39; Hebrews 6:18-20)

The hope the believer has is a strong confidence in the Word of God and His Truth, knowing that Jesus Christ is our High Priest before God and that no-one and nothing can condemn us before Him in the light of His work at the cross.

e.  How does the believer die?         (verse 32b; Philippians 1:21-23)

With this hope in his heart, looking forwards to being with Christ which is far better.

f.  What does a wise ruler do for a nation?        (verses 33-34)

A wise ruler will not throw God out of his life, and this exalts a nation, while sin will drag it down in the end.

g.  What are the advantages of being a wise worker (servant)?         (verse 35)

The boss (king)  looks with favour on those who do well and may even give him a rise in pay!

Proverbs Fifteen…(1-33)

1.  Verses  1-7

a.  What is the subject matter of these verses?   (verses  1-7)

A person’s speech and what they say.

b. What is the first thing said that introduces this subject?       (verse 1)

A placating comment will keep the peace, but a scathing one will make people angry.

c.  What are the contrasts here?              ( verse 2)

A wise person will say the right thing while a foolish one will stir up trouble..

d.  What interesting comment is made here about the Lord?     (verse 3; Zechariah 4:10c; Hebrews 4:13)

God sees everything that we do….His eyes are running up and down the earth all the time and He sees what is done in secret as well as what is done openly…nothing is hidden from Him!

e. What is wise speech like? Contrary speech?       (verse 4)

Wise speech builds up, while perverse and angry speech makes splits in relationships.

f. What also counts in a person’s speech?       (James 3:2, 13)

It isn’t just WHAT we say, but HOW we say it that makes or breaks a conversation or an attitude.

g. What sort of person disregards a parent’s advice?       (verse 5)

A foolish person won’t listen but a wise one will take notice

h. How can we liken verse 6 to a person’s speech?       (Philippians 4:8; Mark 7:20-23)

The words of a godly person will be like great treasure and worth listening to, while the words of an ungodly one is likely to be full of bad language and  filthy jokes which only drags one down.

i. What sort of person never says a word out of place?       (verse 7; James 3:2, 17)

A perfect person and one who practices self-control in everything.

j. What are we all prone to do?       (James 3:9-10)

We are prone to bless God one minute and then complain about someone (or something) He has made the next.

k. How do we know a wise person?       (verse 7)

By what they say and how they say it.

l. Does our speech  and what we say disappear into nothing? How do we know this?      (Matthew 12: 36-37; Romans 14:10-12)

No, our speech does not disappear into nothing….somewhere it is recorded and will come back to us when we stand before God. Jesus Christ said that we will have to give an account of every idle word we speak; Paul wrote and said the same thing, that we are going to have to account for every condemning word we have ever said about others unless we humble ourselves to name it and confess it as sin in this life. What a scary thought!

2. Verses 8-9

a. What things does God regard as utterly abhorrent?      (verses 8-9)           

The sacrifices, ways, thoughts and prayers of the wicked.

b. Note that the term “wicked” is used here….but what constitutes a “wicked” person in God’s sight?      (Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 22:36-40; Romans 3:23)

Anyone who falls short of any one of  God’s commands, no matter how good they may be in every other respect.

c. What sort of people were there in the time of Jesus who particularly prided themselves on being “good enough” in God’s sight? What did He say about them?     (Matthew 15:7-8; 23:25-28)

They were the “good” priests and followers of the law who looked righteous and holy to others but inwardly their hearts were not right to wards God….they were greedy and hypocritical, saying one thing and doing another.

d.  What gives the most delight to God?        (verses 8b,9b; Proverbs 11:1, 20;  12:22)

Those who follow Him wholeheartedly and who pray sincerely, who are honest and truthful….God delights in honesty and truth.

3. Verses  10-12

a. What do we see here about those who insist on going their own way?                   (verse 10)

They won’t listen to advice and only end up in eternal death (and a lot of trouble before that!)

b. What does God see lying ahead for those who refuse to come to Him?     (verse 11; John 3:36)

God has done all He could to save people from going to an eternal death with His anger continually over them.

c. Do people like to be told and warned about these things?                       (verse 12)

No, they don’t want to hear about them, and will keep away from those who tell them..

4.  Verses  13-17

a.  What do we see about our faces here?         (verse 13)

What we are feeling shows on our face….those who are happy are cheerful and positive, while those who are sad show it on their face and in their speech.

b.   What does a good laugh do?         (verse 15; Proverbs 17:22)

It lifts the spirits and is as good as medicine, making one feel good.

c.   What is the result of great sorrow? How?                        (verse 13b; Job 16: 8, 16)

It affects our health and our looks….we lose weight, and our eyes are red with weeping.

d.  What do we see in the next two verses?        (verses 16-17)

It is better to have little where the fear of the Lord and love are rather than to be rich with broken relationships and  hatred.

5.  Verses  18-21

a.  What are the negative attitudes here?         (verses 18-22)

Anger, strife, laziness, despising others, folly, aimlessness.

b.   What positive things should we strive for?         (verses 18-21)

We should be slow to get annoyed, good, wise and understanding, honest and follow the right advice.

c.   How does Peter tell us a believer should behave? What does this do for us?        (2 Peter 1:5-8)

We should be self controlled and diligent in seeking the things of the Lord…. in having faith and goodness, knowing what God requires, patient and loving towards others. These make us fruitful in the things of the Lord.

6.  Verses  22-33

a.  What bit of good advice is here?         (verse 22)

Before taking a certain course of action, we should ask advice from those who know what they are talking about.

b.   What do we see about an encouraging word?         (verses 23, 26b; Proverbs 25:11-12)

It is pleasant to the hearer and will give joy to them being as beautiful as a great picture.

c.   What do we see about the speech of those who don’t take God into consideration?   (verses 26-29)

God can’t stand what they are thinking about; they are greedy and filthy talk and jokes pour out of their mouth; God is far from them.

d.  What do we see about those who follow the Lord?        (verses 27-32)

They encourage others, they take notice of advice and learn all they can, becoming more wise as they grow older.

e.  We have seen elsewhere that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…how does this verse  expand that thought?        (verse 33)

We don’t just begin in wisdom when we come to the Lord, we continue in it and learn all we can of Him, staying humble in the process.

Proverbs Sixteen…(1-33)

1.  Verses  1-3

a.  Where does everything that is good come from?   (verse  1; James 1:17)

It comes from God who is perfect and who never changes.

b. What determines final truth?  Who taught God’s truth?     (verse 2; John 14:6)

It is not what a person thinks, but what God says! Jesus Christ only taught what God said.

c.  How can we know the right thing to say at all times?              ( verse 3; Mark 13:11)

If we commit our way to the Lord, He will give us the right things to say when we need them.

2. Verses  4-6

a. What is the explanation of this verse?      (verse 4; James 1:13-15)            

God has made all men, but not all men choose to follow God. Those who do not will be caught up with in the end and suffer the punishment of all evil. God does not bring evil, nor does he tempt people with evil, that is the work of Satan.

b. Why does God detest pride in a person so much?      (verse 5)

God can do nothing with a person who is too proud to acknowledge their need of Him; God has given people the gift of free choice and He respects that choice, but they have to bear the consequences of it. God wants all men everywhere to repent of their sin and come to Him, but this will not happen because of their pride.

c. How can pride be overcome?     (verse 6; James 4:6-10; 5:16)

By humbling oneself before the Lord and confessing your pride as sin, asking Him to give you the right perspective of yourself; apologising to others you might have a grudge against and cleansing your mind of all bad thoughts….confessing this all as sin to other believers as well as to the Lord.

3. Verses  7-9

a. What are we being told here?                   (verse 7)

That if we endeavour to please the Lord, others will be at peace with us.

b. How did the law put it in the time of Christ ?     (Matthew 22:37-40)

To love the Lord with all one’s heart, soul and mind and one’s neighbour as oneself.

c. Why is it better to be poor and righteous than to be rich and dishonest?        (verse 8; James 4:13-16)

One has a clear conscience and eternal life, while the other has neither of these.

d. What is another way of putting this verse ?     (verse 9)

Man proposes but God disposes!

e. What should our attitude be when making future plans?        (James 4:15)

If the Lord will, we shall do this or that!

4.  Verses  10-17

a.  What is the criteria for kings (and/or rulers and leaders) here?         (verse 10)

He is to speak as the Lord would have him speak and be fair, honest and righteous in what he says.

b.   How must the king’s subjects behave?         (verses 11-15)

With truth and honesty, not angering the king and do their best to remain in his favour; it is better to be poor, wise and alive, than to be foolish, rich and dead!

c.   What is better than wealth?                        (verse 16)

Wisdom and understanding…………knowledge with commonsense.

d.  What is the end result of the wise person?        (verse 17)

They will live an upright life and will preserve their souls in the end.

e.  What do we see about Job?        (Job 1: 1; 2: 3-10; 42:10-17)

Job was a perfect man in all his ways, and yet he suffered much, losing all he had except his wife and his life, but in the end God blessed him with twice as much as he had had before. God knew He could trust Job to stand firm for Him…can He trust us to do the same?

5.  Verse  18

a.  Who gauges whether a person is proud or not?         (Daniel 4:30-32)

Others who look on and hear how a person is wrapped up in themselves, (the great “I”), and God who knows the heart.

b.   Why can we not see pride in ourselves?         (Jeremiah 17:9-10;  Obadiah 1:3-4 )

Because it blinds our eyes and we cannot know if we are being truly honest with ourselves…we know what we ought to be, and what we would like to be, but ARE we?  Our hearts are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked…even if we know we are good! Only God can know it!

c.   What can we do about it?        (Psalm 139:23-24; Romans 12:1-3)

We are to present ourselves to God and ask Him to search our hearts and minds, and then to think soberly and sensibly about ourselves, neither too highly nor too low. Whatever we can do, we are to do it!

d.   Who can bring the proud down?        (verse 18; Daniel 4:37)

God will abase those who lift themselves up …often through their own pride.

6.  Verses  19-24

a.  What is this passage about?         (verses 19-24)

It is talking about the advantages of being humble and wise and how this is a help to others.

b.   How does being humble and wise show itself to others?         (verses 20-21, 23)

They are happy  and only say nice things; what they say will benefit others

c.   How does this contrast with a proud person?        (Psalm 101:5)

Proud people only think of themselves (the big “I”) and don’t care what they say about others.

d.   How can we keep ourselves humble?        (James 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:5-6)

By keeping ourselves obedient to God’s Word and putting down proud thoughts and hurt feelings when they arise, and then putting others before ourselves (not thinking we are the only ones able to do certain things!)

e.   What is the result of keeping oneself humble before God?        (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5-6)

God will give us the grace that we need in certain situations, and in His time He will lift us up if and when He sees fit.

7.  Verses  25-33

a.  Why does a person’s way seem right to him/herself?         (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

Because they  have ignored God and haven’t taken the time or thought to find out the truth

b.   What do people consider the right thing to do is?         (Luke 12:19)

To have a good time and look after themselves first….to GET, not GIVE….I, me , mine!

c.   Where does this way lead to in the end?        (Luke 12:20; Romans 6:23a)

Every person is going to die and have to face God….then what? They have only their life to show Him with no-one standing beside them to be an Advocate for them…like standing before the judge with no lawyer to represent them.

d.   What does an ungodly person do? What does that mean?        (verse 27)

They never forget or forgive a person’s past mistakes and keep bringing it up to make trouble.

e.   What does gossip do?        (verse 28)

It makes trouble and destroys friendships.

f.  What sort of people are best kept away from?         (verses 29-30)

Those who are bad company because they will only drag you down to their level…they may be fun but they are dangerous!

g.   What sort of people are a joy to know and visit?         (verse 31)

Those who know the Lord and are cheerful and encouraging

h.   Who is better than the greatest general in the army?        (verse 32)

A person who is placid and keeps his temper under control…one who can control themselves rather than one who controls a city!

i.   Who has the final say in men’s affairs?        (verse 33; Revelation 22:12-17)

God has the final say….what we have done with His Son, Jesus Christ, is what will count! The invitation is there for all to heed.

Proverbs Seventeen…(1-28)

1.  Verses  1-3

a.  What do we see here at the beginning of this chapter?   (verse  1; 15:16-17)

That it is better to be poor and have the Lord’s peace, than to be rich without Him and have bickering going on in the home or workplace.

b. What is seen if a wise servant is put over the son?     (verse 2)

That the son can’t be trusted to behave himself or to be in charge.

c.  What is being suggested in verse 3?              ( 1 Corinthians 3:12-15; 1 Peter 1:7)

That just as though precious metals are refined, bent and shaped  in the fire, so the Lord refines His people by trials and their works to see if they survive and are worthwhile.

2. Verses  4-9

a. What are two of the characteristics of the “wicked” ?      (verse 4)           

Makes mischief and gossips, and tells lies (exaggerates)

b. What is just as bad as oppressing the poor or other ethnic groups?  (verse 5)

Mocking them and making fun of their conditions.

c. Why is this behaviour so bad ?  (verse 5a; 14:31)

It is as though one is reproaching God Himself….they often can’t help being as they are.

d. What are we told in the second half of the verse?  What does it show?      (verse 5b; 1 Corinthians  13:6)

We should not be glad when others suffer some calamity because this attitude shows a lack of love.

e. What do we see shown in the next verse ?     (verse 6)

We see a happy family where children can rejoice in their parents.

f. What is suggested about grandparents here?        (verse 6a)

That they should enjoy their grandchildren and take an active part in their lives.

g. What sort of speech do people expect from those who are leaders ?     (verse 7)

They expect a leader to talk sense and be truthful.

h. How should people regard a gift? What is the most precious gift that has been offered to mankind?        (verse 8; Romans 6:23b; 1 Peter 1:18-19)

We should regard a gift as being precious and give thanks for it. God’s gift to man is eternal life which we have through the precious blood (and death)  of our Lord Jesus Christ.

i. What should we do when we hear some gossip?        (verse 9)

We shouldn’t repeat it in case it isn’t right and even if it is, it could make trouble between friends.

3.  Verses  10-14

a.  What good advice are we given here?         (verse 10)

A wise person will take notice of a reproof to save getting  into more trouble while a fool refuses to heed it and ends up being punished..

b.   What sort of people provoke others to make trouble?  What are they like?       (verses 11-12)

People who stir up trouble are mischief makers with evil intentions who are like a mother animal which has had its young taken away from it…angry and vicious.

c.   What sort of person is being spoken of here? What will happen to him in the end?   (verse 13)

A person who pays back good with evil; he will end up reaping his own behaviour.

d.  How are we told to treat people like this?        (Romans 12:17a, 19-21)

We are told to be kind to them and not pay back bad with bad; we are not to allow the bad things they do to overcome us.

e.  What often starts trouble? What is it like?  What advice is given?      (verse 14; James 3:5-6)

Something that is said, that spreads  like wildfire or like pulling the plug out; don’t have anything to do with it!

4.  Verse  15-17

a.  What does God detest here?         (verse  15; Isaiah 5:20)

God can’t stand those who twist morals and call evil  people good and good  people evil.

b.   What can we see here?         (verse 16; Matthew 7:6)

It’s no use giving someone advice when they don’t want to hear it! Don’t pay for your family to be educated if they are going to waste their time and not learn.

c.   What is a true friend?  Where do we see a real example of true friendship?       (verse 17; Ruth 1: 16-17)

A true friend is one who knows all about you and loves you just the same! Ruth was a perfect example of this….she was going to stay with Naomi no matter what!

d.   What are some qualities shown in true friendship?        (1 Corinthians 13:7)

Loyalty, patience and love.

e.   What should friends do for each other?       (Job 6:14a; 16:5)

They should encourage and build them up, and give them comfort when they are down.

f.   What do good friends NOT do?        (Job 19:1-3)

Discourage them and tell them it’s all their own fault.

5.  Verses  18-22

a.  What is a person when he guarantees another’s debt?         (verse 18)

He has no brains!

b.   What should we do when we are asked to do this?        

Don’t! Find some other way of helping.

c.   What sort of people are described as “fools” in these verses?        (verses 18-20)

Those who guarantee another’s debt; those  who love wrong doing and making trouble, and those who go against good advice

d.   How do the parents of these sort of people feel?        (verse 21)

They worry about them and have no joy in them.

e.   What are the two contrasts here?        (verse 22)

A merry heart and a broken spirit.

f.  What does sadness do to one’s body?         (Job 16:16;  Proverbs 12:25a)

It makes it stoop and look miserable and one’s face is red and blotchy with weeping.

g.   Who had more grief and sorrow than anyone else? Why?         (Isaiah 53:3;  Luke 19:41; 22:44; )

Isaiah spoke of the One who was to come as being a Man of sorrows and we see how He wept over Jerusalem because of their blindness and refusal of Him, and then the prospect of the cross made the sweat pour out of Him like great drops of blood. It wasn’t so much the prospect of the physical suffering, it was the prospect of taking the sin of the whole world on Himself that gave him such agony.

h.   Medical science has shown that a good laugh does more good than anything else to our system….what can we do when we feel down to lift our spirits?        (Philippians 4:6-9; James 5:13b)

To think positively about the Lord and take our problems to Him, then thank Him for the answer whatever it may be, and His peace will pass all understanding. Then shut your mind to the problem and think of good and pure things, leaving it to Him to sort out. Do what you can, and leave the rest to Him.

6.  Verses  23-28

a.  What does bribery do?         (verse 23)

It takes justice away.

b.   What does this verse tell us?         (verse 24)

Those who are wise will do their research into a matter, and then act; those who are foolish just dream and get nowhere.

c.   How do the parents of a foolish person feel?        (verse 25)

They are full of grief and sadness.

d.   What can parents do for a child who won’t listen to their advice?        (Job 1:5)

Pray for them every day and love them just the same (that doesn’t mean to give them everything they want!)

e.   How do the final verses sum this chapter up?        (verses 27-28)

Every one who holds their  tongue is counted as being wise….it is best to just listen and say very little.

Proverbs Eighteen…(1-23)

1.  Verses  1-9

a.  Why do people separate themselves from others?   (verse  1)

Because they don’t want to go along with what others are doing….they want to do their own thing.

b. What do we see about foolish people in these next few verses?     (verses 2-8)

They don’t want to learn; they don’t say anything worth passing on; they make trouble for others; they indulge in gossip and mischief and tell tales about others.

c.  Why are they like this?              ( verse 9)

Because they are lazy and don’t have a proper job.

2.  Verses  10-15

a.  What is the name of the Lord likened to here?         (verse 10)

It is likened to a strong tower that we can run to and be safe.

b.   What other sorts of refuge is the Lord likened to?       (Psalm 46:1; 57:1; 94:22)

A help in time of trouble; a mother bird’s wings; a Rock.

c.   In each of these cases, what is our part in availing ourselves of this help?        (Philippians 4:6)

We have to go to the Lord….He is waiting there to help but if we do nothing, nothing will happen.

d.  Can you think of some everyday example of this?        ()

If we are carrying an umbrella and it comes on to rain, we have to put it up or we will get wet!

e.  What do rich men rely on when they are in trouble?      (verse 11)

They rely on their wealth….they think that money will get them out of trouble!

f.  What often happens to a haughty person?         (verse 12a)

They have a fall because of their pride.

g.   How can a person earn the respect of others?         (verse 12b)

By being humble, kind and thoughtful.

h.   What is one of the silliest things we can do?  What should be done?      (verses 13-15)

It is silly to pass judgement on a matter before finding out the facts… a wise person will find out the truth of the matter before passing an opinion on it.

i.  What are these next verses telling us?         (verses 16-18)

Don’t try to bribe your way out of trouble….those closest to you  will know the truth. If no consensus can be reached, toss up and accept that!

j.   How much does one’s opinion about oneself count?         (verse 17)

It doesn’t count at all…..it is what others think that counts!

3.  Verses  19-21

a.  What do we read about here?         (verse  19a)

An offended person can’t be talked around .

b.   What is their mind like?         (verse 19b)

It is hard and closed like that of a castle or fortress.

c.   What is the moral of this verse?       (verse 19)

Take care not to offend people.

d.   What do people mostly think about what they say?        (verse 20)

They think their opinion is always right!

e.   How can a person’s tongue give death or life?       (verse 21; James 3:5-6)

We have to be careful what we say and how we say it as we can’t know what far-reaching consequences our comments can have sometimes. Parents who constantly encourage or downgrade their children can turn them into what sort of adults they become.

f.   What can the tongue do to give life?        (Romans 10:9, 13)

When we call on the Lord with a sincere heart and confess that we believe in Jesus Christ, we are saved and have eternal life.

4.  Verses  22-24

a.  Why do you think that a man who is married  is wise?         (verse 22; Genesis 2:18, 21-24)

Because God has ordained marriage so that the two become one.

b.   What must we do to have friends and keep them?         (verse 24)

We must be friendly towards them….true friendship is a two-way thing, it is interaction, not just one-sided.

c.   Who is the Friend who sticks closer than a brother? How is He our Friend?        (John 15:13-14; Hebrews 13:5b)

Our Lord Jesus Christ desires to have every human being as a friend, but it all depends on their response  towards Him…..friendship is a two way thing. If we are to be His friends, we will obey His Word. He has said that He will never leave us nor let us go when we obey Him.

d.   What separates friends quicker than anything?        (Proverbs 16:28; 17:9)

Disloyalty; repeating confidences and gossiping about them.

Proverbs Nineteen…(1-29)

1.  Verses  1-9

a.  How is a foolish person described here?   (verses  1-3)

As being argumentative, disobedient and rebellious against God.

b. Do riches compensate for lack of honesty?     (verse 1; Proverbs 28:6)

No they don’t, a poor honest man is far richer towards God.

c.  What does wealth do?              ( verse 4)

It makes many friends….it can do much good if it used wisely for others.

d.  What will God do with those who lie and are liars?        (verse 5; Revelation 21:27a; 22:15)

They cannot enter heaven, and will suffer an eternity without God in torment.

e.  Have you ever lied? Ever exaggerated the truth? What should you do about it if you want to enter heaven?      (Romans 3:23; 6:23; 1 John 1:9)

There is no living person who has never told a lie or partial truth; we have all sinned and come short of God’s glory and holiness, therefore we must confess this to the Lord to be forgiven and receive His gift of eternal life.

2.  Verses  10-15

a.  If a servant (employee)  is ruling over a prince (the boss) what does this show?     (verse  10)

It shows the boss is not doing his job, either through laziness or incapability or never there.

b.   What are we told in these verses?         (verse 11; Proverbs 14:29)

It doesn’t pay to get angry quickly, or be short tempered….find out the facts first and then give a second chance.

c.   What does a quick temper do?  What is it like?       (verse 12a)

It is like the roaring of a lion….trouble is ahead!

d.   What is the favour of the king (boss) like?        (verse 12b)

It is like a refreshing dew….gets the best from people.

e.   What happens to the parents of a  wayward child?       (verse 13a; Proverbs 10:1)

They are often brought to ruin through his actions and are disappointed in his behaviour.

f.   What is a nagging wife like?        (verse 13b; 27:15)

It’s like a dripping tap or the rain on the roof that never stops….most aggravating.

g.   What is the contrast with  a good wife?         (verse 14b )

A wise and prudent wife is from the Lord….a husband should be very thankful for a good wife and let her know his appreciation.

h.   What does laziness lead to?        (verse 15; Proverbs 6:9-11)

Nothing gets done and the lazy person gets nowhere and has nothing.

i.   What should a Christian’s attitude be to his job?        (Romans 12:10; Colossians  3:23)

He should be enthusiastic, doing it to the best of his ability and as to the Lord.

3.  Verses  16-21

a.  What is giving to the less fortunate called? What is the result? (verse 17; Matthew 10:42; Hebrews 6:10)

It is called giving to God…God will remember what has been done and will give a reward for it.

b.   How does God want us to give to those less fortunate?         (2 Corinthians 9:7)

He wants us to give generously and cheerfully….. not because we have to, but willingly.

c.   What do we see here?  What is it likened to in the New Testament?      (verse 18; Hebrews 12:5-11)

Good parents will train their children by punishing wrong-doing and showing them the right ways; in the same way God straightens believers up by bringing different circumstances into their lives when they have to turn to Him.

d.   What does this training show about God?        (Romans 8:28; Hebrews 12:10)

It shows that He loves us and that it is for our ultimate good even if we don’t like it at the time.

e.   Is there any point in shielding our children from the consequences of their own foolishness? (verse 19b)

No, because they will never learn and you will only have to bail them out again.

f.  How do we keep out of trouble and bad situations?         (verse 20)

Take advice and act on it from those who know better. Keep away from bad company.

g.   What is the most sure way to keep from bad situations?         (verse 21 )

To ask the Lord! Follow the principles in the Bible and you won’t go far wrong. Ask yourself if your actions line up with God’s Word.

h.   Medical science has shown that a good laugh does more good than anything else to our system….what can we do when we feel down to lift our spirits?        (Philippians 4:6-9; James 5:13b)

To think positively about the Lord and take our problems to Him, then thank Him for the answer whatever it may be, and His peace will pass all understanding. Then shut your mind to the problem and think of good and pure things, leaving it to Him to sort out. Do what you can, and leave the rest to Him.

4.  Verses  22-29

a.  What is it desirable for a person to be?         (verse 22a)

To be kind and loyal.

b.   What is better to be than known as a liar?         (verse 22b)

It is better to be poor than to be a liar.

c.   What are the advantages of “fearing” the Lord?        (verse 23)

It gives spiritual life, satisfaction and Someone to lean on in times of trouble.

d.   We never see anyone too lazy to eat food, but in what ways can we see this happen ?   (verse 24)

People can be too lazy to eat the spiritual food that is available to them….they will never grow in the things of God.

e.   Why should a wrong doer be corrected and punished?        (verse 25)

So that others will take notice and beware of doing something similar….so the law can be upheld.

f.  What sort of child is a disgrace?         (verse 26)

One who neglects his parents or is ungrateful for what they do for them.

g.   What are we to do with wrong advice?         (verse 27)

Stop listening to it and keep away from those who give it.

h.   What sort of justice do we get when so-called witnesses lie about the evidence?        (verse 28)

We don’t get justice at all.

h.   What is the prime example of this?      (Mark 14:56-59, 64)

The lies that were told about our Lord when He was on trial…the witnesses couldn’t agree, but He was condemned to death just the same.

i.  What are punishments given for?         (verse 29)

Those who refuse to conform and who break the law.

j.   What is man’s ultimate punishment for breaking God’s laws?         (Romans 3:23; 6:23)

Man’s sin is punishable with death…spiritual death and separation from God and all that is good and peace.

Proverbs Twenty…(1-30)

1.  Verses  1-30

a.  Read the whole chapter through….what do we see here about the ungodly man? How is he described?  

i.   verse 1         if he drinks, he thinks that’s OK…he is deceived by it.

ii.  verses 2-3    if he’s silly enough to anger the king or governor, he’s risking his own neck; if he

meddles in other people’s business, he’s a real fool.

iii.  verse 4        if he’s too lazy to plant his crop, he won’t be able to have a harvest.

iv.  verse 6        he talks about how great he is and how he does nothing wrong.

v.   verse 14      he beats a seller down in price and then brags about the bargain he got.

vi.  verse 16      he’s unfaithful to his wife and is likely to hang around prostitutes or have a mistress

vii. verse 17      he is untruthful and untrustworthy and repeats other people’s business.

viii.verses 19-20     he flatters and is double tongued, and runs down his parents.

ix.  verse 21      he wastes his inheritance

x.  verse 23       he is dishonest in his dealings

b.   What are the characteristics of a godly person?         (verses 3-28)

i.   verse 3         he keeps out of arguments and strife

ii.  verse 5         he listens to others’ problems and tries to help.

iii.  verse 6        he is faithful and reliable.

iv.  verse 7        he is honest and his children are a credit to him..

v.   verse 13      he gets up early and works hard.

vi.  verse 15      his advice is worth listening to.

vii. verse 19      he keeps away from troublemakers.

viii.verse 27       he obeys his conscience and practices self examination.

ix.  verse 28      a godly king is known for mercy and truth (honesty)

2.  Verses  5-9

a.  What are two things that water does?      (verses 5, 9)

It cleans and quenches thirst…it is necessary to mankind.

b.   Before a person can pass on godly advice, what must he have done?         (verses 6, 9; John 4:14)

He must have a clean heart…mind and life, and practice what he preaches. He must have received the Water of Life himself before he can pass it on.

c.   What is a godly man like as a family man?      (verse 7; Titus 1:6)

He is fair and just with his family, and is faithful to his wife.

d.   WHO can say they are clean and pure with no sin?        (verse 9; Romans 3:23)

No-one! ALL have sinned and come short of God’s standards.

e.   What hope is there for mankind seeing we fall so short?            (John 3:16; Romans 6:23; 1 John 1:9)

God could see that man had no hope on his own so He gave His only Son  to pay for the sin of the world, and as mankind realises their sin and confesses it to God, so that sin is forgiven and that person is made anew. This must be a personal and conscious act, it does not happen automatically.

f.  What things are mentioned here as being things that God detests?         (verses 10, 23)

Double standards…dishonest trading.

3.  Verses  11-19

a.  What do we see here about a person’s actions?         (verses 11-12)

Others notice and evaluate a person (even a child) by how they act.

b.   What do we get out of verse 12?         (Psalm 34:15)

If other people notice, how much more does God see it all.

c.   What do people notice about a child’s actions?        (verse 11)

Whether they are good and obedient or lazy and selfish., helpful or spoilt.

d.   What spiritual perspective can we get from  here ?             (verse 13)

If we are too lazy to read God’s Word, we will remain poor in spirit; those who study His Word will be filled with good things and be satisfied.

e.   What is worth more than silver or gold?        (verse 15; Psalm 19:7-10)

Knowing the Lord is worth more than money, and will give wisdom and wise words.

f.  What do we see in the next two verses?         (verses 16-17; Proverbs 9: 17)

Don’t be caught by being guarantor for someone you don’t know of have anything to do with prostitutes…it might be fun at the time but will play on your conscience later.

g.   What good advice is here?         (verse 18)

Do plenty of research before taking a course of action.

h.   What sort of person does it pay to keep away from?        (verses 19-20)

One who gossips about others to you and who runs their parents down. They will say exactly the same things about you behind your back.

h.   What causes more family quarrels  than anything else?  How should a person react in these situations?    (verses 21-22; 1 Corinthians 6:7)

Disagreements over the parent’s will after their death, and grabbing more than one’s share; suffer the wrong and don’t take them to court over it, the Lord will give peace in spite of disappointments.

j.  What is the right attitude to have when people are nasty to us?  (verse 22; Matthew 5:44;  Romans 12:19-21; 1 Thessalonians 5:15 )

We are to treat them kindly and pray for them….it may not change their attitude to you, but it will certainly change your attitude to them! God will sort things out in the end.

k.   What should we do when making plans?         (verse 24; James 4:13-15)

Take it to the Lord first and then wait and see how things turn out….our first priority should be, is there anything against doing this in the Bible , can we afford it, is it wise, and then wait on the Lord. A good rule to go by is if you have peace over the decision in the light of this criteria, then go ahead.

4.  Verses  25-30

a.  What should we do before making a vow to the Lord?         (verse 25)

We should find out what is involved in it before making it.

b.   What do we see about Jepthah making a vow in this story?         (Judges 11:30-36)

He made a vow without thinking it through,; the Lord gave him his request, and he honoured his vow at the cost of his daughter’s happiness and his family line.

c.   How does God view a vow?        (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5)

As something which cannot be changed…a vow is made to be kept and not broken. It is better to not vow at all than to vow and not keep it!

d.   How does a wise king (leader)  treat crime and wrong doing ?             (verses 26)

He punishes it, and gets rid of it before it gets any worse.

e.   What is this spirit of man that is like a lamp? How does it work?        (verse 27)

God has put in every person a conscience which knows instinctively what is right and what is wrong….it is like a light to keep them in the right way.

f.  What gives a king  (leader) a long reign?         (verse 28)

Mercy and truth….kindness and honesty… integrity.

g.   What can a young person glory in? How does this contrast with an older person?    (verse 29; Psalm 92:13-14; Proverbs 16:31)

Young people have plenty of energy and strength and should use it for the Lord, not just for their own pleasure; and older person who has lived a godly life has the benefit of experience that comes with age and living, and should be listened to with respect.

h.   What is a whipping designed to do?        (verse  30)

To correct a wrong doer.

Proverbs Twenty-one…(1-31)

1.  Verses  1-3

a.  Who has everything under control?   (verse 1; Ephesians 1:19-22)

It’s not the world leaders, but it is the Lord who sees that things continue as He has planned.

b.   People feel that what they think is right, but where does this end?    (verse 2; Proverbs 14:12)

Man’s thoughts lead to spiritual death

c.   How can we really see where our ways are leading us?    (Psalm 139:23-24)

By asking God to search our hearts and show us where we are wrong.

d.   What does God require of mankind BEFORE a sacrifice?        (verse 3; Micah 6:8)

He requires mankind to be obedient, honest and to humble themselves to walk with God, and THEN their service and sacrifice will be acceptable.

e.   How does the New Testament expand this thought?            ( Romans 12:1-2)

We should present our bodies (the way we live and act) to God  as our primary sacrifice and then transform our mind through His Word (our thoughts and speech) and give Him the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.

Verses  4-22

a.  What is the moral of this passage?      (verse 21)

Put sinful ways behind you and follow God’s ways of righteousness and mercy.

b.   What is the opinion of the writer concerning a nagging wife?         (verses  9, 19)

It is better to keep out of her way!

c.   What about a selfish and mean person?      (verse 13)

Their meanness will often catch up with them, and people won’t have any sympathy for them.

d.   What is the contrast in verse 21?        (Acts 20:35)

Those who are merciful and kind will find mercy themselves….it is more blessed to give than to receive!

3.  Verses  23-31

a.  What are the commonsense rules for living here?         (verses 23-26)

i.   Don’t talk too much or gossip                       Be quiet

ii.  Don’t be proud or scornful                Be humble and honest

iii. Don’t be lazy                                                Be diligent in work

iv. Don’t be mean and selfish                 Be generous and kind

b.   What is worse than the sacrifice of the wicked?         (verse 27)

It is bad enough if it done without much thought, but to sacrifice deliberately with a wicked mind is worse.

c.   What did God think of sacrifices offered by Israel when they were deliberately sinning against Him?        (Isaiah 1:11-20)

He couldn’t stand them and was unable to accept them unless they repented and confessed their sin to Him first…God never punishes without first offering an antidote…if people refuse this then they are condemned

d.   What happens if a person persists in resisting what God tells them ?    (verse 29a; Romans 1:24a, 28; 1Timothy 4:2)

They become hardened to God’s word, and their conscience becomes seared…what they wouldn’t have dreamed of doing once, now doesn’t seem so bad and they continue to do it. If a person continues to resist God, He gives up on them and lets them go.

e.   What happens when a person seeks the Lord?        (verse 29b; Matthew 7:7-8)

Those who seek the Lord with a sincere heart will find Him; God will direct their way and when opportunities present themselves we must take them.

f.  Why can we be confident in our moves when we take God’s direction?   (verses 30-31)

Because God never makes a mistake, and doors will open or shut  for us.

g.   What do we see in the last verse?         (verse 31)

No matter how much we prepare, it is only God who keeps us in safety.

h.   What can we see coming clearly all through this chapter?       

Commonsense…actions and consequences! If we do this, such and such will happen; if we listen to God’s word we will prosper etc.

Proverbs Twenty-two…(1-29)

1.  Verses  1-5

a.  Why is a good reputation better than  being rich?   (verse 1)

People never forget your past mistakes…the old saying of “give a dog a bad name” is so true! So keep clear of evil and keep a good name…..no amount of money can clear people’s memories!

b.   How can one keep a good name?    (verse 1; Psalm 37:23-24)

By following the Lord and keeping out of trouble…He will guide our ways and if we slip up, He will pick us up when we repent.

c.   When will rich and poor meet together on a level?    (verse 2a; Revelation 20:12)

When God judges all human beings for their actions and thoughts.

d.   In what way are all people equal before God?        (verse 2; Ecclesiastes 5:15; Romans 3:23)

The fact that God is the Maker of  all people, and they have all sinned against Him. All people are born with nothing and leave this world with nothing but their character. All people are answerable to God whether they like it or not!

e.   What do we see in the next verse that tells us what to do about it all?            ( verse 3)

It tells us that the prudent (careful, thinking) person looks ahead and sees where his course of action is leading; the one who doesn’t do this is simple and will end in big trouble when they face God.

f.  What sort of riches do those who are humble and fear the Lord have?   (verse 4; Ephesians 1:3; 3:17-20a)

They have spiritual riches in abundance, honour from the Lord and eternal life; they know Christ is with them and know His great love which others cannot know.

g.   What sort of people do believers not socialise with?         (verse 5)

Those who  are far from the Lord…they are always in trouble and .their ways and language are abhorrent to them.

2.  Verses  6 and 15

a.  What are these two verses about?      (Ephesians 6:4b)

Bringing up your children in the way of the Lord.

b.   What does “training” consist of?       

Teaching by word and example.

c.   What does godly training include?      (Deuteronomy 6:5-7; 2 Timothy 1:5)

Teaching the Scriptures from a young age; talking about God and His ways in conversation; use of correction in a loving manner; being a good example, saying what you mean and meaning what you say.

d.   If a child is trained in this way, where does it lead him?        (verses 6, 15)

It will make him realise that actions have consequences, and even if he wanders away from his parents’ values, he will return to them when he is older

e.   What is the best advice we can give our youngsters? What is the advantage of them doing this?    (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

To remember their Creator in their youth, before they get hardened against the things of God. If they do this, they have their whole life ahead of them  to live a godly way of life and will have no regrets at its end.

3.   Verses 7-14

a.  What good advice are we given in this verse?         (verse 7)

Don’t get into debt or owe money, then you won’t be forced to have your goods repossessed.

b.   What is the natural sequence of events here?         (verse 8; Galatians 6:7-8)

Whatever you sow, that is what you will reap, so make sure you don’t sow bad habits and ways. We will always bear the consequences of our actions.

c.   How can we reap God’s favour and eternal life?        (Mark 4:3,8, 14-20)

By sowing (seeking) the things of God. If we sow among thorns and become too busy, too ambitious in this world, we will be choked and unfruitful for God. But if we seek the Lord, we will bear fruit for Him and inherit eternal life (NOT EARN it!)

d.   How does verse 9 tie in with this thought ?    (verse 9)

If we give to those who cannot repay, we will be blessed in ourselves….this is part of growing in the good ground.

e.   How do we get rid of problems in our midst?        (verse 10)

Tell the complainer to find somewhere else where he can be happy.

f.  What is a Christian’s behaviour to be like?   (verse 11)

Pure in thought, and gracious in speech and manner with others  both high and low.

g.   What does the Lord preserve in His people?         (verse 12; John 14:26)

Whatever knowledge we have of Him is preserved by the Holy Spirit…He will teach us  bringing things to our mind and throwing  out what is worthless…… we can only take with us what we know of God.

h.   What are we to keep away from at all costs?        (verses 13-14)

Laziness and sexual immorality….both are like a deep pit, hard to get out of.

4.  Verses  15-23

a.  Where does lack of correction bring a child?         (verses 15-16)

A person who has never had “no” said to them as a child will grow up self-centred, selfish and a totally unlikeable character….they become a “give me” type, taking and not giving.

b.   What are the positive thoughts in this passage?         (verses 17-21)

Listen to wisdom and study the knowledge of God; put it into practice and speech; trust in the Lord and seek to learn His truths so that they can be passed on.

c.   What sort of a person is the one who does these things?        (1 Timothy 4:12-16)

They are diligent and know God’s Word, and trust in Him.

d.   What does this mean then for YOU ?             (2 Timothy 2:15)

It means that I have to put aside a particular time each day for the study of God’s Word and apply myself to DO it! I can’t afford to be lazy in the things of God.

5.  Verses  24-29

a.  What are we warned against here, and why?         (verses 24-25)

To keep away from trouble-makers and stirrers or else we will become like them and get caught up in the trouble they make.

b.   What are we particularly warned against ?         (verse 25b)

Being snared (trapped) by these people and finding ourselves on committees that only bring strife.

c.   What other sort of things can we so easily be snared by?        (2 Peter 2:1-3, 13-15)

Wrong philosophies (new age movement, cults, eastern religions etc); making easy money; sports and sports clubs; wrong friendships.

d.   What is behind these traps that try to trip us up ?             (1 Peter 5:8-9)

Satan does his best to trip God’s people up and take away their joy and peace in Christ.

e.   How can we get out of these traps?        (1 John 1:9)

By realising where we are first, and confessing it as sin, then resigning from whatever positions we have got into and going back to where we started from.

f.  What are we to respect?         (verse 28)

Our godly heritage….not to decry what our founding fathers stood for.

g.   What should a person be known for?    (verse 29)

Diligence in his daily tasks; being a real example to others.

Proverbs Twenty-three…(1-35)

1.  Verses  1-5

a.  How should we conduct ourselves at a feast?   (verses 1-2)

In moderation, not being greedy or gluttonous.

b.   What should our attitude to food be?    (1 Corinthians 10:31)

One of thankfulness to God and behaving ourselves in a manner that gives glory to Him.

c.   How should we feel towards those who eat expensively?         (verse 3)

We should not follow their example…after all food is a means to an end, not the end in itself. If we eat  more than we need, we will only put on weight!

d.   What are we being told here?        (verses 4-5)

Not to make being rich our ambition….riches can easily disappear and we can’t take it with us.

e.   What is the danger of having too much money?            ( Proverbs 30:8-9; 1 Timothy 6:10)

It stimulates and feeds pride; a person tends to trust in his wealth rather than in God; putting money first in one’s life is the root of all evil….people will steal and kill to get money.

f.  If we do have wealth, how should we use it?     (Mark 10:21-22)

For the benefit of others….giving to others less fortunate.

2.  Verses  6 -11

a.  What advice do we see here?      (verses 6-7)

Don’t associate with those who backbite, who are nice to your face but whisper about you behind your back…..what people think, is what they are.

b.   What is likely to happen if you accept his invitation?         (verse 8)

When you hear it back, you will feel sick at how your words have been twisted and misinterpreted. It leaves one with a nasty taste in the mouth.

c.   What does this sort of behaviour show and do?      (Matthew 15:18-19a)

It shows the wickedness of the heart of the person concerned….what a person thinks, is what they say.

 d.   Is there any point in giving advice to those who don’t want to hear it?        (verse 9; Matthew 7:6)

It’s a waste of time and will only bring heartache in the end.

e.   Why were the old land boundaries not to be moved?    (verses 10-11)

It was one of the old rules of Moses given to the people so that families could keep their property intact and pass it on to succeeding generations.

f.  What is the lesson in this for us today?   (verse 11)

We are not to abandon the godly heritage of our fathers for modern ways of thinking. God never changes and He sees what we are doing to our families in removing the moral standards He has put in place.

g.   How do we prevent this happening?         (verses 12-14; 2 Timothy 1:5)

By teaching and training our children in the right ways, and being a good example to them. Training has to include correction….later on they will thank you for it.

h.   How do parents feel when their children do well?        (verse 15; Proverbs 15:20a)

Parents are glad to see their children doing well.

i.   What is an uncorrected child like?      

They are rude and ill mannered, selfish and greedy. They grow up to be thoughtless and careless adults.

3.   Verses 17-35

a.  What words of advice are given here to us?         (verses 17-2; Psalm 73:1-19)

Don’t be envious of those who are rich and famous….they may have it all here but their end is one of destruction; don’t leave God out of your life; don’t become a party goer getting drunk like the foolish; listen to parent’s advice and  always stick to the truth and godly principles.

b.   What is the greatest thing of all that a person can do?         (verse 26; Matthew 22:36-38)

Give their heart to the Lord and walk in His ways; to love God above all else and follow Him.

c.   What are we warned against in these verses?        (verses 27-31)

To keep away from loose living and immorality, carousing and drunkenness

d.   What is the result of this type of life ?    (verses 32-35)

It bites and stings in the end; there is no getting away from it, one becomes an alcoholic doing things he has no recollection of, having nothing and always uncomfortable, having to continue to drown his sorrows to feel right!

e.    Which verse in this chapter gives the antidote to this state of affairs?        (verse 17b)

Be in the fear of the Lord continually…fear to displease him, fear of His judgement…and confess it all as sin.

Proverbs Twenty-four…(1-34)

1.  Verses  1-2, 19

a.  What is the warning given in these verses?   (verses 1-2, 19; Psalm 73:2-7)

To not be envious of those who appear to have everything.

b.   What do they NOT have?    (Matthew 19:16, 21-24)

They do not have peace in their soul about the true meaning of life….if they are trusting in their riches for everything, they cannot be living in God’s presence. They have what is good , yet are missing out on what really matters.

c.   How should we feel about them?         (Psalm 37:1-2; 73:12, 17-19)

We are not to envy them, but to realise that all they have is what is in this world….their end will be eternal destruction unless they turn to the Lord and trust in Him.

2.  Verses  3-9

a.  What is the contrast between verses 2-3?     

Evil tears down while wisdom builds up.

b.   Can you think of some examples of this?         (Proverbs 14:1-3)

A person without the Lord can discourage those who are doing good and stir up trouble, while a wise person will encourage others and build them up, and keep the peace.

c.   What are some of the characteristics of wisdom?      (verses 3-6; Philippians 4:8)

Building up and encouraging others; learning all one can continually and filling one’s mind with good and pure things; strength of character and high principles; the ability to tackle problems and overcome difficulties;  to be able to foresee problems and keep away from those ways.

 d.   What is the base and foundation of true wisdom?        (Proverbs 9:10)

To fear (reverence, hold in awe and obey) the Lord is the beginning of wisdom….without this base there is no wisdom!

e.   Why is wisdom too high for the foolish?    (verse 7; Psalm 14:1)

Because they utterly refuse to seek the Lord…they say that God doesn’t exist!

f.  How is a  fool described here?   (verses 7-9)

As a person who has no good advice to offer; a mischievous person, a sinner and a scorner.

g.   What do we hear of people scoffing at these days?         (2 Peter 3:3-9)

The very idea that Christ is going to return for His people and that God has anything to do with the affairs of men.

h.   What must we as Christians always remember?        (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Ephesians 5:1-8)

That we were once like them and children of darkness doing such like things. Now we have received Christ as our Saviour we are to live as He lived and walk in the light of God’s Word.

i.   What is the Christian’s responsibility?        (Matthew 6:33; 1 John 2:3-11, 15-16)

To walk in the light of God’s Word, obeying it and loving other believers. To not make the world and its ways our priority, but to seek God’s kingdom and His ways.

3.   Verses 10-14

a.  If we make excuses for some weakness or failure that we have, what does it show?  (verses 10-12)

It shows that we haven’t much spiritual strength; we are forgetting that God knows our heart and sees the REAL man behind our excuses.

b.   What is the greatest excuse that people make for their actions and attitudes?       (verse 12)

“This is how I see it!” In other words, “What I think is right!”

c.   Does what we think alter the facts?        (verse 12a-b)

No, we have to be sure our beliefs are based of the facts in God’s Word and not the opinions of men.

d.   What is the end result of our life ?    (verse 12c)

God has the final say and will give every person what he deserves.

e.    What is the “honey” each person should feed on?        (verse  13; Psalm 119:103)

God’s Word (the Bible) should be sweeter than honey to us….we should consider it our necessity before all else.

f.  What is the end result of feeding on it and obeying it?   (verse 14; Psalm 19:10-11; 2 Peter 1:8-11)

We have the confidence of a reward from God and will not feel ashamed before Him when we face Him; We will KNOW our Lord  and “bear  fruit” for Him and have an abundant entrance into His kingdom. His home will not seem strange to us.

4.  Verses  15-34

a.  What are the contrasts between the godly and ungodly person in these verses?  (verses 15-20)

The ungodly person often makes mischief for the godly; if a godly person slips up, he will get up and go again, whereas when the ungodly get into mischief or bad habits, they stay there; the godly person should not be glad when bad things happen to others because he knows it will displease the Lord; the ungodly have nothing to look forwards to in the next life.

b.   What advice is given next?         (verses 21-23)

Fear the Lord (in spiritual life) and the king (in earthly life) and keep out of trouble. Don’t discriminate against others, but be fair with them.

c.   What does the New Testament say about this subject?  (James 2:1-4; 1 Peter 2:12-17)

We are not to make a fuss of the fancy people, but are to treat all equally; we are to respect and honour the Lord and the  earthly rulers He has appointed, and pay our rates and taxes without grumbling.

d.   Are we to condone the wickedness that is being practiced around us ?     (verses  24-25; Isaiah 5:20)

No, God calls woes on people who do this…we are to rebuke it and not go along with it.

e.   How do people  view those who try to do right?        (verses 26-27)

They appreciate it even if they don’t do it themselves.

f.   How are we to treat our neighbours ?     (verses  28-29)

We are not to make trouble with them, and not to pay back evil with evil.

g.   What sort of property does a lazy person have?    (verses 30-31)

Overgrown and untidy, a place that no-one takes joy in looking at.

h.   What do we learn from a place like that?        (verses 32-34)

If you are too lazy to work, you will always be poor and have nothing!

i.  What does continual travelling and going to war make?         (verse 34)

It makes a person poor, and they end up with nothing!

Proverbs Twenty-five…(1-28)

1.  Verse  1….

a.  What do we see about Solomon and his proverbs?   (verse 1; 1Kings 4:29-34)

He had enormous understanding of the things of nature, and had them written down, as well as a generous heart, and people recognised his wisdom  from far and near. He also had wisdom concerning people and the way they act, and wrote down over 3,000 proverbs, some of which are these.

b.   What did Solomon’s wisdom do for him?    (1 Kings 4:34)

It brought people from all over the world to hear what he had to say.

c.   What is the wisest proverb and statement that Solomon made?         (Proverbs 1: 1-7)

Information, education and degrees are only of spiritual value when based on the fear (reverence, acknowledgement and awe) of the Lord….without this, nothing else counts as far as God is concerned.

2.  Verses  2-3

a.  God is the fount of all knowledge (even of all man’s technology and inventions) and He has seen fit to allow men access to some of this in these days, but what is the most important knowledge of all that He has given to people?      ( 1 Corinthians 2:1-16)

It is the spiritual knowledge which man has no conception of without the Spirit of God’s teaching, and even what we are taught in the Scriptures is only the beginning of the things that God has in store for His people in eternity….we can’t even begin to imagine what these are (1 Corinthians 2: 9)

b.   Have people ever got to the bottom of God’s wisdom?         (Romans 11:33-36)

No, no mere man can ever  know all that God knows.

c.   As far as we are concerned, what is the greatest thing that God has revealed to us in His Word?      (John 3:16; Ephesians 1:9-10; 3:3-6)

That God has made available the means for ALL people to come to know Him through our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is up to each individual to make that choice to turn to Him and have this knowledge. It wasn’t available for thousands of years, but now has been made known in God’s Word, the Bible! How privileged we are!

 d.   What matter is to a king’s (or leader’s) credit to search out?        (verse 2b)

The things and ways of God, to learn more of Him.

e.   What do you think the next verse means?    (verse 3)

Facts of the world around us are able to be known, but kings are despots, and no-one could ever be sure what they were thinking….someone could be in favour today, and out of it tomorrow!

3.   Verses 4-7

a.  How is the dross taken away from silver or gold? What does it do?   (verse 4)

By the fires of the furnace which refines and makes it more valuable.

b.   How is this picture applied to believers today?       (1 Peter 1:7)

If we don’t purify ourselves by confessing our sins, the Lord will refine us in the fires of trials and sufferings.

c.   Why do we need to be refined?        (2 Timothy 2:21)

So we can offer acceptable sacrifices of praise to the Lord and be used by Him for His glory.

d.   What are the next two verses telling us ?    (verses 6-7)

Not to push yourself forwards or be a social climber.

e.    What did Jesus teach us about this sort of thing?        (Luke 14:7-11)

To take the humble place and wait for others to put your name forward.

f.  What does Paul teach?   (Romans 12:3, 16)

Not to have a high opinion of oneself but to assess one’s ability in the light of helping others rather than showing off how clever one is!

g.  What is the overall picture on this subject?   (1 Peter 5:5-6)

We are to be humble before man and God; God will give us the grace to stay humble if we make the effort. God CANNOT use a proud person for His glory.

4. Verses  8-20

a.  What advice is given in verses 8-10?       

Don’t be in a hurry to accuse your neighbour publicly….talk to him on his own and sort the problem out without broadcasting it….others may not agree with you!

b.   How does Proverbs 17:14 amplify this advice?       

You might be starting something that can never be put right…you don’t know how far it will go!

c.   What is the contrast in the next verse to what we have been looking at?        (verse11)

A quiet word politely spoken will yield far more results.

d.   What are the two pictures that show this “fitly spoken word” ?     (verses 1-12)

As beautiful pictures of golden fruit or as a beautiful golden ornament…not only beautiful to hear, but valuable as well. As a piece of fine golden jewellery to wear….lovely to look at and hear.

e.   What else do we see about a person’s speech here?        (verses 12-15)

A reliable messenger is like a refreshing drink on a hot day, while those who praise themselves up are like an empty wind….patience with a cranky person will bear fruit in the long run!

f.   What good advice do we see next ?     (verses  16-20)

Only eat what you need, don’t be greedy! Don’t hang around your neighbour’s house until he gets tired of your company, and make sure of your facts before repeating a piece of news. Don’t rely on an unreliable person, because you’ll wish you hadn’t and don’t try to cheer up someone with deep sorrow with light chatter….sympathise with them and do something practical for them.

5.  Verses  21-28

a.  What are we told in these two verses?         (verses 21-22)

Be kind to those who are nasty to you….this is called heaping coals of fire on their head.

b.   How does the New Testament amplify this ?         (Matthew 5:44-45)

Our Lord Jesus said to do good to those who treat you badly and to pray for them because this will prove that you are a child of God. As we pray for them, our own attitude will change and we will realise that God will deal with them if they don’t get right with Him.

c.   What did Paul add to this?        (Romans 12:19-21)

Don’t waste time and effort in trying to pay back evil, but do something good  for that person ….this will avoid coming down to his level and show that you are different.

d.   What is the best result of doing this ?             (verse 22b)

It will make them feel ashamed of themselves and give you patience with them, as well as the Lord giving a reward for this attitude.

e.   What is the worst scenario if they still continue to persecute you?        (Revelation 6:9-10, 17)

Remember that God will deal with them in a day to come.

f.  What do we see in the rest of the chapter?         (verses 23-28)

Stand up against backbiting against yourself and others; don’t be a loud mouthed wife; hearing good news is refreshing; don’t compromise with evil or give in to it; don’t boast about your achievements; be self-controlled at all times and stand firm for what is right.

g.   What is the only thing we should boast about?    (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

We should only boast about the Lord and the fact that we know Him.

h.  Why is lacking in self control like an undefended city?         (verse 28; 2 Peter 1:5-9)

All sorts of bad habits and ways can creep in and take over if we lack self control.

i.   What is the end result of a life of self control?    (2 Peter 1:11)

We will have an abundant entrance into the presence of Christ and will not be ashamed to face Him.

Proverbs Twenty-six…(1-28)

1.  Read the chapter right through in one sitting….

a.  What is the subject of it?             (verses 1-28)

The lazy fool who wanders around gossipping wherever he goes.

2.  Verses  1-12

a.  What advice is given here on dealing with such a person?      ( verses 1-6)

Don’t encourage him in his conversation by listening to it; handle him firmly and don’t let him get out of control. Don’t take his comments seriously and don’t rely on him to pass on a message..

b.   What is the definition of a fool as far as spiritual things go?         (Psalm 14:1)

A person who refuses to acknowledge God in his life.

c.   What is the definition of a fool in everyday life?      (verse 6)

They are totally unreliable and can’t be trusted to do anything right. Those who take notice of their gossip are no better.

 d.   Is there any point in trying to convince a foolish person of the truth if they continue to refuse to listen?        (verses 7-9)

No, unless the Spirit of God convicts a person, it is a waste of time and effort. Tell them the truth plainly and leave it there.

e.   What will happen to a person like this in the end?    (verse 10)

God will deal with  them according to their knowledge.

f.  What picture is given of a person who follows the ways of the Lord for a bit and then drops off?   (verse 11)

That of a clean pig going back to its mud wallow, and of a dog eating its own vomit.

g.  What is even worse than a foolish person?   (verse 12)

A conceited person who thinks they are better than they are!

3. Verses  12-16

a.  What is this section mainly about?         (verse 12-16)

A lazy person who is always late.

b.   What does a lazy person say?        (verse 13)

They make excuses for their slackness and pretend there are valid reasons for it.

c.   What is a lazy person like?                  (verses15-16)

He is like a door turning when he rolls over in bed, and is almost too lazy to eat!

d.   What is the attitude of the lazy person ?     (verse 16)

He has every reason under the sun why he is smarter than those who go to work!

4.  Verses  17- 28

a.  What happens when we interfere in someone else’s business?         (verse 17)

It’s like pulling  a dog’s ears….you are likely to get bitten! Mind your own business if you want to keep out of trouble.

b.   What happens when you act in fun and people find out ?         (verses 18-19)

They get so they never believe anything you say, and won’t respect you for your joking.

c.   What does the New Testament say about this sort of talking?        (Ephesians 5:4)

We are told to keep away from that sort of thing as it isn’t fitting for a believer to carry on like that.

d.   What did our Lord Jesus have to say about it ?             (Matthew 5:37)

He said to say what we mean and to mean what we say…don’t make fun at other people’s expense.

e.   What do we see about telling tales about others?        (verses 20-22)

Don’t! We are to let the matter drop because those concerned will never forget or forgive you.

f.  What happens when  we say nasty things about others?         (verses 23-26)

It’s like a burning pot and they probably aren’t right anyway….it will get so other people won’t believe anything you say!

g.   What happens when we keep up this sort of talking?    (verses 27-28)

We make a deep pit for ourselves and it does no-one any good…we may even find it will backfire on us.

h.  What is a lying tongue connected to?         (verse 28)

Hatred of another person.

i.   This has been a negative chapter….let’s find something positive to finish on…..what is a believer to think about to rise above all these things?  (Colossians 3:1-2; Philippians 4:8)

We are to set our minds the things of the Lord, and to only think of things that are good and pure, true and right; things that will lift up and not drag down.

Proverbs Twenty-seven…(1-27)

1.  Verses 1-5….

a.  Why should we not boast about what we are going to do in the future?       (verse 1)

Because no-one knows what is going to happen tomorrow…we can make plans but should always remember that we are not in control of the future.

b.   What are we told in the New Testament our attitude should be when making plans?  (James 4:13-15)

We should remember that it is God who is in control of our lives, not we ourselves, and we should always say that we will do this or that if the Lord wills.

c.   What is this boasting attitude in our planning classed as?      (James 4:16)

It is classed as evil and therefore a sin.

 d.   What does God call a person who makes plans without taking Him into consideration?   (Luke 12:18-20)

God calls him a fool because he had not thought about spiritual things, and was only concerned about this life.

e.   What good advice do we see here?    (verse 2)

Don’t boast about your own accomplishments; let others do the praising.

f.  Whose commendation are we to strive for?   (2 Corinthians 10:17-18)

We are to strive to please the Lord and gain His commendation.

g.  How do we get the Lord’s commendation?   (Matthew 25:22-23; Colossians 3:17)

By being faithful in what He has given us to do, no matter how menial it may seem. Everyone is able to do this!

h.  Why do you suppose a fool’s anger is heavy?   (verses 3-4)

Because it is founded on supposition, not facts, and is often caused by malice and envy.

i.  Why is an open rebuke better than a secret love?   (verse 5)

At least you know what the other person is thinking! With a secret admirer, it does no-one any good.

2. Verses  6-8

a.  What is a true friend?         (verse 6a)

One who knows all about you and loves you just the same! A person who is loyal to you no matter what.

b.   Why are the kisses of an enemy deceitful? What about this example given here?      (verse 6b; Matthew 26:47-50)

Because  you can’t trust an enemy….there is usually an underlying motive for evil; in the case of Judas he didn’t mean the kiss as a sign of friendship, it was the signal for betrayal.

c.   What is this verse telling us?                  (verse 7)

If a person is full  he has no desire for anything else, but if he is hungry, anything will do.

d.   How can we apply this to spiritual things ?     (1 John 2:15-16)

A person who loves what the world has to offer (sports, socialising, politics etc)  has no time or  even inclination for the things of God; alternatively, a person who has a full spiritual and church life has no time or inclination for the things of the world.

e.   How can we do this?   (Psalm 37: 3-5)

By spending time with God’s Word (the Bible) and delighting in the things we read there, and giving thanks to Him, and then our desires become His desires for us.

f.  Where (or what) is a believer’s nest and rest?   (Psalm 37:7)

The Lord is where we should be resting and waiting for Him to bring things to pass.

g.  What happens when we wander away from Him?   (verse 8)

We have no peace of heart or mind….there may be excitement or gaiety, but deep down we are not satisfied and know we are doing wrong, like a lost bird.

3.  Verses  9-16

a.  What is true friendship like?         (verse 9)

It’s like a sweet smelling perfume or ointment.

b.   What is the best sort of conversation to have with friends ?         (verse 9; 1 Samuel 23:16-18)

To talk of the things of the Lord and encourage one another in them.

c.   What advice are we given here regarding friendship?        (verse 10)

Don’t let them down and don’t load all your troubles on them all the time.

d.   What other advice are we given in verse 14 ?        

We are to be considerate and pick our times to be with them.

e.   What is the best thing about true friendship?        (verses 17, 19)

It should be a two way thing, and we should stimulate each other for good.

f.  Who is the Greatest Friend of all? How do we become His friend?         (John 15:14-15)

By listening to and obeying His Word; He wants to be our friend, and we are not to resist what He tells us.

g.   What sort of son makes a father glad?    (verses 11-13)

A wise son who looks ahead for pitfalls in his ways, and takes precautions and who doesn’t guarantee a stranger or give credit; one who doesn’t have anything to do with prostitutes.

4.  Verses  15-16

a.  Why is a nagging woman like a drip?         (verse 15)

It never stops and eventually makes  a man mad.

b.   Is this sort of behaviour pleasing to the Lord ?   What is she to do?      (Ephesians 5:33b)

No, it is not pleasing to the Lord…she is to reverence her husband and take his decisions quietly.

c.   What is her complaining like?        (verse 16)

It’s like a draughty and empty wind, or a slippery hand….neither give satisfaction.

d.   What sort of attitude and manner should a wife have ?      (1 Peter 3:4)  

She should have a meek and quiet spirit which is to God like a beautiful ornament.

e.   What does an “ornament”  suggest?       

Something which enhances a place….a thing of beauty.

f.  Why do you think this is so important to the Lord?        

Because it doesn’t come naturally….it has to be worked at and shows the Lord that we want to please Him. He appreciates the effort and self control that it takes to cultivate it.

5.  Verses  17-27

a.  What do verses 17 and 19 suggest to you?       

Friendly discussions are stimulating as friends click with each other.

b.   What is verse 18 saying? And Paul?      (1 Corinthians 9:7, 14)

You get what you work for….a good workman is worthy of his wages. A full time worker in the gospel should be paid to cover his costs.

c.   In what way are ambition and hell alike?        (verse 20)

They are never full or satisfied!

d.   In what way does praise test a person ?      (verse 21)  

By their reaction to it….either it will turn their head and puff them up, or they will be humbly thankful for it giving God the glory for their capability.

e.   What is verse 22 saying?       

You can’t teach a foolish person anything…they will not learn by others’ mistakes or even  by their own!

f.  What is the rest of the chapter about?         (verses 23-27)

Working and earning your money to provide for your needs.

g.   How does Paul amplify that thought?      ( Colossians 3:17; 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

To mind your own business and work hard, doing everything to the glory of God.

Proverbs Twenty-eight…(1-28)

1.  Verses 1-5….

a.  Why do you think the wicked flee when no-one is chasing them?             (verse 1)

Because they have been up to mischief and they are afraid of being caught…they have a guilty conscience.

b.   What sort of man makes the best statesman?        (verse 2)

A man of integrity and honesty who knows what he is doing.

c.   Why does verse 3 say what it does?  What is the example given in the New Testament?    (Matthew 18:23-35)

Because someone who is hard up should know what it is like….a person who has been forgiven should likewise be forgiving to others.

 d.   What sort of person praises wrongdoers?   (verse 4)

Those who are doing wrong themselves

e.   What do believers understand that others don’t?    (verse 5)

People who aren’t following the Lord don’t understand how to be honest, but believers not only understand it but should be totally honest in all things. Politicians talk the loudest about being transparent and they are often the most shady of all.

f.  How does this next verse illustrate the point we have just made?   (verse 6)

An honest poor person is better to deal with than a rich dishonest one.

g.  What sort of son shames his parents?       (verse 7)

One who goes to wild parties and gets hooked on drink and drugs.

h.  What sort of person cannot expect his prayers to be heard?      (verses 8-9; Psalm 66:18)

One who breaks the law deliberately….one who lives in sin.

i.  What happens to those who lead others astray?        (verse 10; Psalm 7:14-16)

They will end up in a pit of their own making…they will have to suffer the consequences.

j.  What does wealth tend to do to a person?       (verse 11; James 5:1-3)

Makes one proud and haughty, and ride roughshod over other people.

k.  What happens when there are good leaders in power?      (verse 12; Proverbs 11:10-11)

People are glad and rejoice and things go well, but if the leaders are corrupt people keep out of their way.

2. Verses  13-18

a.  What happens when a person tries to cover up their sin?         (verse 13a)

They won’t prosper! It can’t be done for ever, they will be exposed in the end.

b.   How are our sins forgiven?      (verse 13b; 1 John 1:9)

Sin must be confessed to God before it can be forgiven….God has promised complete forgiveness and cleansing when we confess and name our wrong doing, and then leave it alone after that.

c.   Why is it important to name the sin when confessing it?         (Psalm 32:5; 51:2-4)

It shows it up in all its ugliness and the fact that it is against God as well as against other people.

d.   What happens if we don’t do this ?     (Psalm 32:3-4, 10a)

We become hardened and our spiritual life will shrivel away like a drought. Sin is not static, we will go from bad to worse.

e.   Which of the ten commandments are covered in these verses?   (verses 15-17; Exodus 20:1-17)

You are not to murder and you are not to covet other’s belongings.

f.  Why do you think it says that those who hate coveting will live longer?   (verse 16b)

Because that person is content and not scheming how he can beat the next person.

g.  What is the fine line between coveting and ambition? 

Coveting is trying to get another person’s possessions or attributes; ambition is working to get these things for oneself.

h.  How do we keep from coveting  what other people have?      (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

By having a godly attitude and being content with what the Lord has given us. The Lord is not a mean taskmaster!

3.  Verses  19-28

a.  What sort of people are mentioned in this passage?         (verses 19-28)

Those who are honest, diligent  and hardworking, and those who try to get rich by being dishonest and robbing others.

b.   What is an upright person saved from ?         (verse 18; Romans 5:6-9)

They are saved from being dishonest and falling into the pit of evil ways; they are saved from their sins through faith in Jesus Christ  and kept from God’s great anger against sin.

c.   What can you say about verse 19?       

Work hard and you’ll have plenty….be lazy and you’ll be poor.

d.   Is there any quick way to get rich ?         (verses 20-22)

Not really, we have to be faithful in our job and we’ll have enough; trying to get rich quickly can lead to dishonesty.

e.   How can you explain verse 23?        (Proverbs 27:5-6)

Correction does more good  than  flattering a poor performance

f.  What is verse 24 saying? What does the New Testament say about this sort of thing?   (1 Timothy 5:4, 8, 16)

It is the family’s responsibility to look after elderly parents, and not be money grabbing what they have. If they ignore them, they are worse than the heathen.

g.   What do we see in the next two verses?    (verses 25-26)

those who are proud and trust in themselves are classed as fools, while those who trust in the Lord will prosper in their soul and be delivered from trouble.

h.  Is a person who helps the disadvantaged worse off for it?         (verse 27; Acts 20:35)

No, they are blessed in the giving….if they don’t,  they will be cursed for being mean and stingy.

i.   What is the New Testament principle of giving?       (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

To give cheerfully and generously….God will see that you don’t miss out!

j.   What happens when wicked rulers take over?             (verse 28)

Good people go into hiding for safety.

Proverbs Twenty-nine…(1-27)

1.  Verse 1….

a.  What happens when a person continually refuses to listen?             (verse 1)

Their mind and conscience becomes hardened until they couldn’t hear even if they wanted to.

b.   Why is this?        (Genesis 6: 3; Romans 1:20-25, 28 )

Because God has stopped striving with them and given up on them, leaving them to their own wickedness..

c.   What was Pharaoh’s attitude?    (Exodus 5:Exodus 5:2; 8:15, 32)

He refused to acknowledge God and refused to listen to Him.

 d.   What happens to those who hear and understand God’s Word and go along with it for a while but then throw it away?   (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26)

They reach the stage of never being able to receive God’s truth and be saved….they cannot take it or leave it as they like, but have to accept it when they clearly see it.

2. Verses  2-17

a.  What is said about the righteous person here?         (verses 2-3, 7)

People rejoice when they rule because they rule justly and fairly; they are a joy to their parents and look after the poor people.

b.   What are the two sorts of kings in this verse?      (verse 4)

Those who rule justly and those who take bribes to cover over evil.

c.   What do we see about wicked people here?                  (verses 5-10)

They flatter their neighbours while making a trap for them, and don’t help the poor; they scorn the good that is being done and hate those who do good.

d.   What do we see about a wise person here ?     (verse 11)

He holds his tongue while a foolish person blabs it all out, saying too much.

e.   What do we see about a wise king?    (verses 12, 14)

He won’t listen to lies and falsehoods, and will faithfully judge the poor….God will honour him with a long reign.

f.  What do we see about bringing up children here?   (verses  15, 17)

Children have to be given boundaries and correction….a well behave child is a pleasure to have around.

3.  Verses  18-27

a.  What do we need to have to get things done?         (verse  18)

We need to have an aim and a vision, and keep within the regulations.

b.   What do people who receive favours tend to do ?         (verse 21)

They tend to take advantage of those who favour them

c.   What are we advised to do in verses 22-24?       

Keep away from troublemakers and thieves, and stay humble in spirit.

d.   What are we all up against here ?  What should we do instead?      (verse 25)

We are all afraid of what others might say and do,  and should trust the Lord in what we are doing.

e.   What do people rely on? What should they be doing?        (verse 26)

People rely on a ruler’s favour rather than on the Lord.

f.  What two things do not mix?   (verse 27)

Truth and lies do not mix any more than honest person’s actions mix with dishonesty.

g.  Why is this so?         (verse 27; John 3:19)

Because those who are honest can’t stand crooked deals; those who are dishonest hate the righteous because it pricks their consciences….men can’t stand the light of God because their deeds are evil.

h.   Jesus Christ was the only sinless person ever to walk this earth…what did He say about the local rulers of His day?    (John 15:18-21)

He said that they were of the world, and hated Him,  and the world would also hate His followers.

Proverbs Thirty…(1-33)

1.  Verses 1-6…

a.  What does Agur say about himself?             (verses 1-2)

That he is uncouth and uneducated.

b.   What is man’s wisdom without any acknowledgment of God?        (verse 3; Romans 1:21-22 )

Absolute foolishness….a man without God is a fool no matter how clever he may be!

c.   Who has the answer to all these questions?    ( verse 4; Colossians 2:2-3)

The Triune God holds all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge….all the inventions that man has found and all the technology  that man has and uses comes from God Himself.

 d.   How did Job feel when God spoke to him pointing out all of creation’s wonders?   (Job 38-41; 42:1-6)

He realised how little he knew in comparison to God’s wonders, and he wished he had kept his mouth shut!

e.   Why can we be totally sure of God’s Word (the Bible for us today)?             (verse 5a)

Because it is totally pure and right, and God acts upon it still today.

f.  Why can we have full confidence in God?      (verse  5b)

Because He will shield us from danger and wrong IF we trust in Him.

g.  What is the warning here?  Why?       (verse 6; Revelation 22:18-19)

Not to add to God’s word, nor take anything away from it or downgrade it in any way….it is perfect and complete! If we start cutting things out or adding them to it, how will we know for sure what the truth is? If God says it, we are to believe it. God will judge anything that tampers with His Word.

h.   What is a person classed as who takes bits out or adds things to it?  Why?  (verse 6 b; Psalm 119:160; John 14:6)

A person who alters God’s Word is a liar, because it is true 100%; Jesus Christ Himself is the way, the TRUTH and the life….He is the living Word of God.

2.  Verses  7-17

a.  What two things did the writer  not want to have?         (verses 7-8)

He wanted neither poverty nor riches, because there were dangers in both.

b.   What are the dangers in poverty ?         (verse 8, 9b)

The temptation to blame God for  one’s position and to steal money to get what you need.

c.   What is the temptation in riches ?         (verse 9a; 1 Timothy 6:9-10)

The more you get, the more you want! Riches bring pride and dependence on oneself rather than on the Lord, while the love of money opens one up to all sorts of evil ways and schemes.

d.   Is being rich evil?  What should the attitude of a rich person be?       (1Timothy 6:17-19)

To remain humbly trusting in God, to hold their wealth lightly and to share what they have with others; to  remember that what they have comes from God and they are to use it for Him.

e.   What must we all remember, whether rich or poor?        (Romans 14:12)

That we will have to face God one day and give an account of what we have done for Him.

f.  What sort of people do we see in this passage?   (verses 11-14)

Those who curse or ignore their parents; those who do good and think this is good enough to face God without confessing their sins; those who are proud of themselves, their possessions and their way of life; those who think  only of themselves, and don’t care how they get more.

g.  What four things are never satisfied?         (verses 15-17)

The grave (people are always dying); those who can’t have children (the hungry yearning for a child); the earth that continually needs water and the fire that needs continual feeding to keep burning.

h.   Which one of God’s commands is being flouted in verse 17?    (Exodus 20:12)

The one that tells us to honour our parents.

3.  Verses  18-33

a.  What four things are hard to understand?         (verses 18-19)

The way an eagle can fly; the way a snake slithers over the ground; the way a ship sails and goes places, and a courting couple!

b.   What was one additional thing hard to understand?    (verse 20)

The way a person can commit a crime and think they have done nothing wrong!

c.   What four things are upsetting ?         (verses 21-23)

A servant who takes the master’s place; a fool who has too much; a horrible woman who gets married, and a servant girl who is pampered by her mistress.

d.   What do these four  wise small creatures which God has made do?        (verses 24-28)

There are the ants which prepare for the future; the conies which live in the rocks for protection; the locusts which have great purpose, and the spider which makes the most of every opportunity.

e.   What is the lesson in these things for us?       

We too should prepare for the future, look to God for protection (He is our Rock), have a purpose in giving Him the glory that is due to His Name, and making the most of every opportunity we have of  serving Him in serving others.

f.  What four things  are mentioned next and what are their characteristics?   (verses 29-31)

There is the lion, the strongest of all beasts; there is the greyhound that runs faster than anything else and the billy goat allows nothing to take his territory, and finally, the strong king who no-one can stand against.

g.  What do the above four things teach us?         (1 Corinthians 16:13; 2 Timothy 2:3, 15)

We are to be strong in the Lord as the lion is….afraid of nothing, trusting in the Lord.; just as the greyhound  keeps ahead, so we should always be one step ahead of dangers in the spiritual realm that seek to drag us down; and we should be like the billy goat and the king, allowing nothing to stop us standing firm for the Lord .

h.   What do the last two verses teach us?    (verses 32-33)

That actions bring consequences…if we make mistakes, we are to stop doing these things and start over again….naturally there will  be something to pay.

i.   What is the general feeling of this chapter?                          

To be wise and harmless, keeping out of trouble; to be wise and understanding to what is good and keeping away from evil.

Proverbs Thirty-one…(1-31)

1.  Verses 1-12…

a.  What is the first section of this chapter about?             (verses 1-9; Deuteronomy 6:4-8)

The importance of mothers and fathers teaching their children not only by word but also by example.

b.   What is a young man’s greatest temptation?        (verses 3-9 )

Loose living….too much drink and girls.

c.   What else is he reminded of?    ( verses 4-5)

That even kings have to exert self control as too much drink will cloud their judgement.

 d.   This young man has been warned against the dangers of loose living….what is he now advised to do?   (verse 10)

To find a good wife….she is more valuable that anything else.

e.   What particular value is she to her husband?             (verses 11-12)

She is trustworthy and loyal and will only do him good all his life.

f.  Why did God ordain marriage in the first place?      (Genesis 2:18, 22-24; Matthew 19:4-6)

Because He could see that a man needed a supporter and helper….each man is to have his own wife and they will be one flesh and entity which no-one is to come between.

2.  Verses  13-31

a.  What sort of things does a good wife do?       (verses 13-14)

She is a hard worker and does all sorts of handcrafts and plans far ahead.

b.   How does she order her household?  (verse 15)

She gets up at daybreak and sorts out the day’s provisions and doings.

c.   What do we see about her in this section ?         (verses 16-18)

She is a good money manager and a business woman and keeps busy into the night.

d.   She sounds too good to be true….what else is she like?       (verses 19-20)

She makes all the clothes for the family and is generous, giving to others as well.

e.   Do you think this woman is too busy to look after her appearance?        (verses 21-22)

No….she sees that her family is well clothed and she keeps herself smart and up to date.

f.  Seeing she has everything under control, what does her husband do?   (verse 23)

He is able to sit on  boards and councils without worrying about how things are going at home.

g.  What else do we see about her?         (verses 24-27)

She sells her surplus and is an honest dealer with a clear conscience; not only that , she speaks kindly and  wisely, and has everything under control.

h.   One might think the family would be smothered by such efficiency….what do they say about her?    (verses 28-29)

Her children appreciate all she does and bless her, while her husband praises what she does and says she is the best wife of all!

i.   What is the summing up of such a woman?                           (verses 30-31)

Looks don’t count, it is what the inner person is that matters….a godly woman is the one who is to be praised! What she does, shows what she is!

j.   What is the ultimate commendation a woman should strive for?    (verse 30b; Matthew 25:34; 1 Corinthians 10:31)

God’s commendation is what we should strive for…everything we do should be with the aim of glorifying God, and for the furtherance of His Kingdom.

k.   We have three women in the New Testament….in what ways do they demonstrate the principles we have just been looking at?    (Acts 16:14-15; 18: 26; Romans 16:1-5a)

Lydia was a business woman who loved the Lord and was hospitable to others; Priscilla worked with her husband in having others into her home and teaching them about the Bible; Phebe worked for the benefit of the believers, and was also kind and hospitable.

j.   What is the challenge here for each of us? (verses 30-31;Matthew 25:34 ; 1 Peter 3:3-4)

To not try to impress people by just outward appearances, but to have a meek and quiet spirit within and seek to please the Lord…..God appreciates this and regards it as a beautiful ornament. We should be efficient and tidy with it, keeping our homes to be a good testimony to the Lord and sharing what we have with others.

3.  Challenge….

  1. a.       What have you learned from the study of this book?   

The contrasts between being wise and foolish; between being industrious and lazy; between those who fear the Lord and seek to please Him and those who are just out for a “good” time pleasing themselves. The way to gain true wisdom is to fear the Lord and have Him as our foundation….everything else will fall into place if we do this.













































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