43. Jesus, According to John ….

John  One…..(v.1-51)

1.   Verses  1-5          

a.   WHO is the Word of God?     (verses 1-2; 1 John 5:7; Revelation 19:11-13)

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God…..He IS God, and He came to earth to speak God’s words to mankind,  to reveal God to men.

b.  When did the Word of God first begin?        ( verse 1; chapter 10:30; Revelation 1:8)

There is no beginning and no ending with God….He always has been and always will be, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the tri-une God, God Almighty, the Lord of Hosts is His Name.             

c.   What do we learn about Christ’s role in creation?       (verse 3; Hebrews 1:2c)

That He was in the business with His Father, He was the chief Agent by which creation was done….they were one in the creating business.

d.  What do we know about Christ’s continuing involvement in the affairs of creation and nature?     (Hebrews 1:3)

That He is still in control and holds things together to make sure everything continues as it was always meant to.

e.   What proof do we have of this?      (Genesis 1:11-12; Job 38:1-12; Psalm 89:8-12)

The proof that all creatures and plant life are still producing as God ordained it in the beginning; the proof of the regularity of the tides and seasons, just as they were put in place in the first instance.

f.   What    are the two attributes of Christ that we see here?      (verse 4)

Life and Light

g.  What does this life in Christ give to mankind?    (chapter 3:19-21)

It in turn imparts light to humans.

h.   What does this suggest about people without Christ?        (verse 5; chapter 8:12;

2 Corinthians 4:6)

That they are in darkness, with no spiritual understanding.

i.   Why do people in this darkness refuse to come to the light that is in Christ?   (chapter 3:19-20)

Because their ways are evil and will be exposed and need to be dealt with…..they LIKE being in the dark!

j.      If Christ is LIFE,  how was it that men were able to put Him to death?    (chapter 10:17-18)

It was only because He was prepared to lay His life down for the sins of mankind…. no man was able to take His life from Him.

k.   What was different about Christ’s death to any other person’s?     (Revelation 1:18)

He could not (and DID not ) stay dead…..He had power to take it again and be resurrected to live for evermore.

2.      Verses  6-14          

a.       What was John the Baptist’s purpose in life?        (verses 6-8; Luke 1:13-17)

To be a witness and a preparer of the way for the Messiah of the Lord….he would be a preacher with the power of Elijah in the Old Testament and point people to the One Who was coming after him from God.

b.      What is made very clear about John in this passage?       (verse 8 )

That he was NOT the Christ, the Light of the World…..the One  who was that, was  still to come.

c.       Who sent John to do this work?      (verse 6)

God sent him.

 d.   In what way is everyone in the world bathed in this Light?      (verse 9; Genesis 1:26a; 2:7)

By the fact that everyone is born with a conscience and has a deep down God-consciousness.

e.   What do people generally know about God?     (verse 10)

The fact that they don’t know Him and don’t WANT to know Him!

f.    How can people find God?     ( Luke 11:9-10)

By looking for Him, by asking Him to show Himself to them, and by feeling a NEED of Him.

g.   What does God do for those who want to come to Him?       (Proverbs 8:17)

Those who seek Him will find Him! and He will make them His children, part of His family.

h.   How DOES one find Him?         (verse 12; Romans 10:9-10, 13)

By believing not only ABOUT Him, but believing everything that He says in His Word, and then acting on it, no matter what the cost. This is believing and receiving. Tell God all the needs of your heart and soul and then tell others. The benefits more than make up for any cost!

i.   What are we told about this new birth?     (verse 13; chapter 3:16)

That it is not a natural birth….it is a supernatural birth brought about by the work of God and not of man….it is an absolute MUST to become a child of God.

j.   What is difficult to understand in verse 14a?       (Philippians 2:5-8)

How the Word (who is Jesus Christ, God’s only beloved Son)  could humble Himself to become a human being and live on earth among all the filth of sin.

k.   How do these verses back up the fact of His humanity?     (verse 10; Isaiah 53:2-3; Luke 4:24, 28-29)

Because He appeared to be such an ordinary person that the average person meeting Him didn’t know Who or What He really was…..even those in His own town didn’t know or want Him.

l. What is the very essence of His Being? What is He full of?     (verses 14, 17)

He is full of grace and truth.

m.   How can you describe grace? Truth?     (chapter 17:17; Hebrews 4:16; Ephesians 5:9)

Grace is something that comes from within a person and lights up the whole person. A person who is full of grace is gracious and nothing upsets them….grace indicates mercy and forgiveness. Truth is that which NEVER deviates from what is right and holy…..it is a straight ruler with not a waver in it. Truth is an absolute, and Jesus Christ and His Word are the Truth.

n. What did John and Peter both say about Christ which very few other human beings have ever seen?         (Luke 9:28-32;  2 Peter 1:16-18)

They saw His literal majesty and glory in the Mount of Transfiguration…..it was something that imprinted itself on their minds forever, and made a great impact on them.

3.    Verses  15-34             

  1. a.       What was John Baptist doing that fulfilled what the angel said before his birth?    (verse 15; Luke 1:16-17)

He was preparing the ground for the Coming Messiah’s preaching ministry on earth, and he introduced his cousin Jesus as the One Who was to come from God

  1. b.      What is the contrast between the law from Moses and the grace and truth that came from Jesus Christ?     (verses 14, 17;  Hebrews 7:19; 10:1, 4, 10-14)

The sacrifices of the law could never save a man or make him right before God, but the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ has brought salvation for ALL men down through ALL ages.

  1. c.       What did John mean when he said that although Jesus was coming after him, yet He was before him?      (verse 15)

John knew that the One he knew as his earthly cousin was in fact, God from before the beginning of time.

  1. d.      How did John describe Jesus?      (verse 18; Matthew 3:18)

As the One Who had seen God face to face; as the One who was the only begotten Son of the Father Who had come from His Father’s bosom.

  1. e.       How did Jesus describe Himself?      (John 10:30, 38)

As being one with the Father, as being in the Father, and the Father in Him.

f.   Who came to check up on John?        (verse 19)

The Jews sent priests and Levites to ask what he thought he was doing!

g.   What sort of answer did John  give them?  Were they satisfied with the answer?   (verses 20-24; Isaiah 40:3)

They weren’t satisfied, he said that he wasn’t the Christ OR Elijah, or even a prophet! He just quoted a verse from Isaiah which said “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness”

h.   What had the angel promised before his birth that he would do?      (Luke 1:17)

That he would have the spirit and power of Elijah and prepare the people for the Lord’s coming.

i.   What did the men ask next and what did John reply?       (verses  25-28)

Why are you baptising then if you aren’t a prophet? John told them that there was a greater One soon to begin preaching who was much greater than he was.

j.  On what occasion did John see this happen?        (verses 29-34;Matthew 3:13-17)

When he baptised Jesus, the Spirit of God descended like a dove and rested on Him, and John heard the voice of God saying “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased”.

4.    verses  35-42

a   Who was with John Baptist at this time? Who was one of them?   (verses 35-37a, 40)

He had disciples with him too….there were two with him this day and one of them was Andrew.

  1. a.       What did John say, and what did they do?     (verse 37b)

John again announced that Jesus was the Lamb of God when he met Him, and his disciples left him and went with Jesus.

  1. b.      What did they want to know? Why?     (verses 38-40)

They wanted to know where He was living and wanted to spend more time with Him asking questions.

  1. c.       What time of the day was it? What did Andrew do first?      (verse  41)

It was late afternoon and Andrew went to find his brother Peter and take him with them to see Jesus.

  1. d.      Who gave Peter the name of Peter?     (verse 42)

Peter’s given name was Simon, but when Jesus saw him, he said “You are Simon, but you will be called Cephas (or Peter) meaning (a stone). So he was mostly known as Simon Peter after this.

e.   What is this section briefly about?      (verses 43-44)

Calling Philip and Nathaniel

f.   Who found who? What  principle do we see here?        (verse 45; Matthew 28:19-20)

Jesus called Philip, then he went and took Nathaniel to meet Jesus. This is the same principle that operates today….those who know the Lord go and tell others the Gospel so that they may come to know Him too.

g.   How did Philip describe Jesus to Nathaniel?      (verse 45)

We have found the One Who Moses and the prophets said would come one day! It’s Jesus of Nazareth!

h.    What was Nathaniel’s opinion of Nazareth?    (verse 46)

Nothing good ever comes from there!

i.    What sort of person was Nathaniel?       (verse 47)

A totally honest person with no pretence at all.

j.    What convinced him that Jesus was more than just a man?        (verse 48 )

It was Jesus’ comment about him sitting under the fig tree.

k.    What could have been going on there that sparked Nathaniel’s reply?   (verse 49; Deuteronomy 18:15; Jeremiah  29:12-13)

Nathaniel could have been sitting there meditating on the prophecies concerning Christ, OR he could have been praying specifically to KNOW God. It seems as though he had some deep soul searchings going on!

l.    How convinced was Nathaniel that this Man was God’s chosen One?     (verse 49)

He was totally convinced, and gave Him His full title….Son of God, the King of Israel.

m.    What promise was Nathaniel given?     (verse 51)

That one day he would see heaven open and angels going up and down to Christ.

n.    What lesson can you get out of this passage?      (Matthew 7:7)

That to find anything worthwhile in life, we must seek and ask for it from God’s hand and then go after it, and follow it….we must ask to receive.


John Two……(v 1-25)

1.  verses 1-5                                                     

a.    What was the occasion in this chapter and who was there?     (verses 1-2)

It was the occasion of a family wedding in the town of Cana, and Jesus and His disciples as well as His mother were there.

b.   Wine is a symbol of joy…..what had happened to their wine?        (verse 3)

It had run out and there was none left.

c.   Did Jesus need to be told that the wine had run out? Wouldn’t  He have known the wine was finished?      

Yes, He would have known, but Mary satisfied herself that He knew,  then her soul was at ease.

d.   What was the condition at the feast now? Why?       (verse 3)

The joy had gone because of lack of proper forethought or preparation.

e.    Why do we sometimes feel a lack in our gatherings? (1 Corinthians 11:21-22, 29-30)

Because we haven’t prepared our heart before the Lord enough.

f.   How can we fix this problem?         (1 Corinthians 11:28, 31)

By examining ourselves and  taking it to the Lord in prayer; by not having a critical spirit, but prepared to take the meat and leave the bones in what we hear.

g.    What are we told to do with our requests, even though God knows our needs and  everything anyway?       (Philippians 4:6-7)

We are told to make our requests to God, to wait for His action and we will have His peace in the waiting period.

h.    What did Mary know by His answer?       (verse 5)

She knew He had heard her request and that even though she could do nothing herself, she could wait for Him to act.

  1. i.        How does this encourage us?        (Romans 8:28)

That even though nothing seems to be happening, things will work out OK in the end.

2.  verses  6-17                  

a.    What item is mentioned next? What were they used for?      (verse 6)

There were six water-pots there that were used for washing the guest’s feet.

  1. b.      What did Jesus tell the servants  to do with them?     (verses 7-8)

To fill the water-pots full and take them to the governor of the feast.

  1. c.       Did this make sense to the servants, especially as the water there wasn’t fit to drink? What happened?    (verses 9-10)

No, it didn’t make sense but they obeyed and in doing it the water became the very best sort of  wine there was.

  1. d.      What lesson can we get out of this?    (1 Samuel 15:22b)

To do as God says is better than our own ideas of doing things…. there is joy in obeying the Lord, even though it might cut across our nature or own thoughts.

e.    How does God view our obedience to His Word?    (chapter 15:14;  Peter 3:4)

As a pearl of great price, far above any other sacrifice we might bring and we become His friends by our obedience.

f.   What is the purpose of the miracles of Christ?      (verse 11)

To show a glimpse of His glory, might and power, so that His people might believe in Him.

g.   What is said about this miracle?     (verse 11a)

That it was the first one that He performed in public.

h.    What do we notice about the family of Jesus?        (verse 12)

They were all together at Capernaum….His mother Mary and His brothers seemed to move around with Him and the disciples..

i.    Look at a map….about how far apart were Capernaum and Jerusalem?

About seventy five miles in a straight line.

j.     What early training do we see that Mary’s family had?        (Luke 2:40-42)

That they were in the habit of going to Jerusalem every year for the feast of the Passover.

k.   What did Jesus find in the temple this time? What had it degenerated into?    (verse 14)

There were all sorts of stalls selling  merchandise to those who had come to the temple….it had turned into a rowdy marketplace with the locals trying to make a quick deal.

l.   Try to imagine the scene….what did Jesus do? How would He have been able to do this?   (verses 15-16)

He made a whip and sent the animals loose and people flying before Him; He tipped over the money boxes and turned the tables upside down and cleared everything out of the temple court. No-one could stand before Him as He was doing this in the power of the Holy Spirit and with all the authority of Almighty God behind Him.

m.   What did the disciples remember afterwards about when He did this?   (Psalm 69:9)

They remembered the Psalm that said “The zeal of God’s house has eaten Me up”

3.       Verses 18-25                                           

a.    What did the Jews demand from Jesus as His reason for doing this? What did this prove?     (verse 18)

They demanded a sign…..this proved their unbelief in Him.

b.   What was the only sign that Jesus promised them would happen?    (verse 19)

The sign of His death, burial and resurrection.

c.    What symbolism did He use in saying this? How did they take it?    (verse 20)

He referred to the temple (of His body), but they misunderstood Him thinking He meant the literal temple standing there.

d.   What did Jesus mean when He said “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again”?       (verse 21)

He meant that when He died, He would come back to life in three days’ time.

e.   How did Jesus generally speak to and teach the people who came to hear Him out of curiosity?       (Matthew 13:34-35)

In symbolism and in parables

f.  What brought many to believe in him at this time?       ( verse 23; chapter 7: 43, 46; 10:41)

There were those who were amazed and convicted by His teaching and seeing His miracles….they knew He was no ordinary Person, and they  were prepared to listen and obey and would come back again to ask questions. It was also in fulfillment of Scripture.

g.   How does God speak to people today?       (Romans  1:19-20)

By an inward conviction that there is something more to life; by circumstances; every death shows people that life is transient, and that it is up to the individual to do more seeking….those who seek WILL find. Creation itself is a witness to the existence of God…..man is without excuse.

h.   The Jewish leaders were openly skeptical of His teaching about a sign….what did they not understand in this?  What do we have to be careful of?        (verses 20-22; chapter 14:26)

They didn’t understand that He was speaking in symbolism, and we have to be discerning in what we read too, asking God to reveal these hard to understand passages to us. We have to learn to not get hung up on what we don’t understand, as God will show it to us later on as we gain more understanding of His Word,

i.    What do verses 24-25 show that is different about Jesus as a man to everyone else?

He knew what these people were thinking…..in fact He knew their innermost being.


John Three……(v 1-36)

1.       verses  1-15                             

a.   What convinced Nicodemus that Jesus came from God?     (verses 1-2) 

The miracles that Christ was doing showed Nicodemus that here was a Man who came from God.

  1. b.      Jesus went straight to the point with this man…..what did He tell him ?     (verse 3) 

That unless a person becomes born again from above, they cannot be part of the Kingdom of God

c.  What was Nicodemus’ natural query to this statement?     (verse 4)

What do you mean,  BORN again? How can this happen?

d.  How did Jesus explain this to him?       (verses 5-8; Titus 3:5) 

A person has to be born of water  (by confession of sin) and then of the Holy Spirit (by the Spirit of God)  to enter the Kingdom of God….a person without God’s Spirit is just flesh and knows nothing more; a person born of the Spirit IS spirit (spiritual)

e.   After reading the following verses, how would you explain the “water” in verse 5?     (Romans 10:9-10;  Ephesians 5:25b-26; 1John 1:9) 

Water symbolises cleansing and God’s Word has a cleansing effect on our lives when we heed it…..it is by God’s Word that we understand these things and seek Him. When we are cleansed from our sins by confessing them, the Holy Spirit then comes into the lives of each person who does this….this is the “New birth”

f.    How important is the Holy Spirit  to a person?       (Romans 8:9-14) 

If a person does not have the Holy Spirit, he does not belong to Christ…..the Holy Spirit gives eternal life and strength to live the Christian life on earth.

g.    What did Nicodemus think of Jesus’ reply?  What was Jesus’ reply?   (verses  9-13) 

He was still puzzled and asked how this could happen. Our Lord explained how the teachers of the time wouldn’t believe Him, and if they didn’t believe  the earthly examples in the parables He told, how could they  believe heavenly things? He pointed out that they hadn’t been to heaven, but He had come from there!!

h.   How can people today understand the things of God?    (chapter 14:26;  1 Corinthians 2:13-14) 

Only by the help of the Holy Spirit ….He is our teacher….without His help these things are just mere foolishness and don’t make sense.

i.    Where can a person start? How does the Holy Spirit speak to people today?   (1 Corinthians 2:10-13; Acts 17:10-12) 

By an inward conviction first, followed by a desire to find out more, and then by reading the Scriptures.

j.   When Jesus was talking to the Jews about a sign earlier, He used the temple as a symbol. What does He use now as a picture and what does it represent? What does it signify?    (verses 14-15) 

He reminded Nicodemus about Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness and how the people who were bitten by the snakes would live if they only would look at it. That was all, just LOOK, nothing else to be done. In the same way, He was going to be lifted up (on the cross), and all people have to do now is to believe on Him (what He has done and their helplessness to do anything else) to receive eternal life. Being on the pole (cross) meant that He has paid the penalty for our sin when He died.

2.       Verses  16-17     

a.   Why did God give His Son for the world?      (verse 16a) 

Because He loved the world so much….God SO loved the world, that He gave…..

b.   What is the very essence of God?      (1 John 4:8b-10) 

Love is the very being of God

c.   What is the other aspect of God’s character which people prefer to forget?     (Leviticus 19:2b; Isaiah 6:3) 

The holiness of God…..God is utterly and absolutely holy through and through.

d.   Because God has given His beloved Son for the world, what is the world’s part and responsibility?       (verse 16b; 2 Corinthians 5:20) 

To become reconciled to God by believing in, and following Him.

e.    When this happens in an individual’s life, what is the result?    (verse 16c; 2 Corinthians 5:21) 

Those who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

f.   We often hear people saying how can a God of love allow people to perish simply because they don’t believe in Him and using this as an excuse for not believing in a God like this….how can this be explained?      (2 Corinthians 5:19) 

Because His holiness demands all sin to be thrown out …..God has done His part in sending His Son, now people have to do their part by confessing their sin and following Him.

g.   Apart from His love for people, why else did God send His Son into the world?     (verse 17) 

So the world (people living in it) could be saved from their sin.

h.   What does God’s holiness demand?        (verse 36c;  Revelation 21:8) 

That all evil be punished and unbelievers sent with their master Satan.

i.   While God’s holiness demands that sin be punished, what does His love provide?   (verse 17; 1 John 4:9-10; Hebrews 9:27-28a) 

A substitute who paid sin’s penalty….the only sinless Man Who ever walked on this earth, God’s own Son.

j.   How did Jesus Christ pay for our sin?       (Romans 5:6-21) 

He died a criminal’s death for the crimes that we have committed, so that by believing in Him we can be set free from our sin….it was because Christ was obedient to His Father’s will in paying for sin’s penalty on the cross.

k.    We might feel we have never committed “crimes” in the normal sense, but what two head the list of those who are thrown into the lake of fire in Revelation 21:8? What is the last one? Can we say we have never told a lie?

The fearful and the unbelieving……and it says  ALL liars at the end of the list.

3.       Verses  18-36                          

a.   What are the two sets of contrasts here?        (verse 18) 

Believing and NOT believing; pardon and condemnation.

b.   What is the contrast in verses 19-20?

Light and darkness.

c.   What are human beings born into? How do they get into light?       (chapter 8:12; Colossians 1:13-14) 

Every human being is born in darkness and the only way to get out of it is to come to the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.

d.   What is one reason why people don’t want to come to the light?      (verse 20) 

Because the light will expose the wickedness of their deeds.

e.  What sort of person will come to the Light?    (verse 21) 

One who is not afraid of the truth because his deeds will be shown for what they are in God’s light, and then he can sort himself out before God.                              

f.   Where were Jesus and His disciples baptising people?         (verse 22) 

In the area of Judea.

g.   Who else was preaching and baptising at the same time?     (verses 23-24) 

John the Baptist.

h.   What did John’s disciples come and tell him?       (verse 26) 

That Man you spoke about is baptising too, and everyone is going to hear Him.

i.    What did John remind them of again?       (verses 27-33) 

I always told you I wasn’t the Messiah, only His announcer. He will increase, and I will decrease…..He is come from heaven and will tell of the things of heaven.

j.    What did John tell his disciples about those who would believe on Jesus?   (verses 34-36) 

That He would tell them of the things of God and they would have eternal life.

k.   What IS the Bible definition of eternal life?        (John 17:3) 

To KNOW  God and His Son Jesus Christ who He sent into the world.

l.   What great Bible truth is told us again in verse 36?

Those who believe on the Son of God, HAVE eternal life, while those who refuse to believe will not have this life but will have to endure God’s righteous anger for ever.


John Four……(v. 1-54)

1.       Verses  1-14                             

a.   Where were Jesus and His disciples baptising people?         (verses 1-3) 

In the area of Judea.

b.   Who else was preaching and baptising at the same time?       (verse 1b) 

John the Baptist.

c.   Where was this well and who came to it;  what did Jesus say to her?      (verses 4-8) 

A Samaritan woman came out of the town and He asked her for a drink

d.    What puzzled her about this request? Why?   (verse 9)

She asked how He, a Jew, would ask her, a Samaritan, for something. She was  more puzzled at His answer to her statement, that the Jews had no dealings with Samaritans

e.     Where did the Samaritans originate from and why would the Jews have nothing to do with them?     .   ( 2 Kings 17:24, 28-29,  32-34)

They had originated from heathen people around the area when King Nebuchadnezzar resettled the land after taking the Jews captive….the Jews always regarded them as inferior, as they had mixed the worship of God with idolatry, and  not according to God’s way.

f.  What was the gist of the conversation down to verse 15?

He told her that really she should be asking Him for living water which would NEVER  run out! This living water would satisfy every thirst and meet every need in a person’s life.

g.   What finally convinced this woman that Jesus was no ordinary Man?        (verses 17-19, 29) 

The fact that He knew all her past, including her history of having had five husbands

h.   She had one final query about worship…..what great truth did Christ now reveal to her about this?      (verses 20-24) 

The place and mode was immaterial…..it was the attitude of the heart and spirit that mattered… God is to be worshipped in spirit and in truth.

i.   How does this conversation affect us today?     (verse 14)

This water is symbolic of eternal life, and we too need to have this water  of life….without it, we are not a child of God.

2.   Verses 25-35

a.      What statement did the woman now make in verse 25, and what was Christ’s reply?

She said that she knew the Messiah was coming one day and would teach them everything, to which Jesus said,   “I am the One! ”

b.   How are people to worship God today? What is the first thing to have or be?     (Romans 8: 8-17) 

People CANNOT worship God without having the Holy Spirit living in their lives…..a person without the Holy Spirit CANNOT please God and most certainly cannot worship God acceptably.

c  What amazed the disciples when they returned?     (verse 27) 

The fact that Jesus was having a conversation with this Samaritan woman!

d.  What did the woman do then?      (verses 28-30) 

She rushed off back into the city to tell the men to come out and see and hear this Man that she was sure was the Messiah.

e  What did the disciples want Him to do?      (verse 31) 

They wanted Him to eat the food they had bought for Him.

f.   How was Jesus feeling now?     (verse 1) 

He wasn’t hungry now, He was feasting on the fact that another hungry and thirsty soul was satisfied and that there would be others as well,  soon. His Father’s will and work was being accomplished.

2.       Verses  36-54                                                                          

a.  Thinking back over the previous events,  ( chapter 2:23)  what time of the year had the Lord started His ministry? (Remember that the Passover and Easter were more or less the same time of the year). What time of the year would it be now? (this is the northern hemisphere)

The Passover was at the beginning of Spring, and this was four months before the harvest time.

b.   What sort of harvest was Jesus speaking of here?     (verses 35-38) 

A harvest of souls.

c.   What other simile did Jesus use about bringing men to know God?     (Mark 1:17) 

He told them they would become fishers of men.

d.      What did He remind the disciples of in connection with this reaping here?      (verse 38) 

That this was not a work that they had put any labour into, others had sown and now they were to see the reaping of the harvest.

e.    What lesson is there in this for us today?     (1 Corinthians 3:6-9) 

We cannot necessarily see a work right through from the beginning to the end…..one sows the seed, another will till the ground and the Lord will give  the harvest.            

f.   What happened when the men of the city came to hear what the Lord Jesus had to say?   (verses 41-42) 

They were convicted and convinced by what He told them, and they believed on Him. They asked him to stay longer and it was two days before He and His disciples got on their way again.

g.    What did the people of Galilee generally think of Jesus? Why?    (verses 43-44) 

Not a lot! When you grow up with people, they take you for granted….a prophet isn’t honoured in his own home town.

h.   Who met Jesus in Cana and what did he want ?      (verses 46-47) 

A certain ruler who had a very sick son that needed healing.

i.    How did the Lord prove this man’s faith ?       (verses 48-50) 

By just speaking the word right there in the place where he met Jesus….then the man believed what He said and went home.

j.    What did the people generally look for before they believed?     (verse 48) 

They looked for signs and wonders.

k.   What did the man find when he got home?     (verses 51-54) 

That his son was healed at the very hour when Jesus told him to go home, that his son would live!

l.   What special promise do we have today when we believe in Jesus?     (chapter 20:29) 

We have a special blessing for believing without seeing Jesus in person….. we see him by faith instead.

m.   What is one sign we DO see after someone has believed?       (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

We see a change of life in that person….old habits drop off and everything is new for them and it shows. They have new desires, new friends, new places to go to with new people to meet, and new things to do.


John Five……(v 1-47)

1.       Verses  1-21                                                                             

a.   What feast was this one most likely to have been?     (Acts 2:1) 

It was most likely to have been the feast of Pentecost.

b.    What is the gist of this story?       (verses  2-15) 

This crippled man was waiting at the Pool of Bethesda for an angel to ruffle the water. He hoped that he would be the first one to get in after that and then he would be healed. Jesus found him waiting there and asked if he wanted to be healed. He said he didn’t have anyone to help him get into the water quickly enough…..Jesus told him to get up and walk right there and then, and he found he could do it!

  1. c.       Which day of the week was this miracle done on?     (verse 16) 

The Sabbath Day.

  1. d.      How did the Jewish leaders view this? Why?       (verse 18) 

They took a dim view of it, they said the man shouldn’t be carrying his bed, that that was working on the Sabbath Day, and that Jesus shouldn’t have healed him on the Sabbath day.

e.   Did the man have any idea who had healed him? Why not?       (verse 13) 

He didn’t have a clue…..Jesus had disappeared into the crowd and gone out of sight.

f.    How did the man eventually know who had done this?    (verses 14-15) 

Jesus found him in the temple and spoke to him, then he went and told the rulers.

g.    What did Jesus tell him to do now that he was healed?      (verse 14) 

He told him to not sin any more now that he was healed.

h.    List the lessons  you can get out of this story remembering these points…..

i.      The man was one of many sick people…..Each one of us are but one of many who need to be   saved

ii.    He badly wanted to be healed….We had to realise that we had sinned and needed to be made clean.

iii.  He had faith to believe he could be healed….We must have faith to believe that Jesus can save us

iv.   He was warned not to slip back into his old ways….We must take care not to back-slide into our old ways.                                                                                                            

i.   What did the Jews want to do to Jesus? Why?     (verses 16-18) 

They wanted to kill him because the considered He had broken the Sabbath rules by healing on that day. Also because He said that God was his Father, thus making Himself equal with God.

j.    What did Jesus go on to say that proved this fact?     (verse 19) 

That He was God’s Son and did nothing by Himself, but only what His Father told Him to say and do.

k.    What did Jesus say would prove that He was God’s Son?      (verses 20-21) 

He would do even greater miracles than these, even to raising the dead!

l.   What was probably the first occasion of Him doing this?

When He raised the son of the widow from Nain from the dead.      (Luke 7:11-16) 

m.   What sort of quickening (that is, making come alive) was Jesus speaking of in verse 21?    (Ephesians 2:1) 

Giving life to those who are dead in trespasses and sins.

2.       Verses  22-30                                                          

a.   What did Jesus go on to talk about in these verses?       (verses 22-23) 

About honouring God’s Son to gain eternal life and about judment.

b.    What has to be absolutely first in man’s attitude to Christ?    (verse 23) 

A person HAS to honour God’s Son….they CANNOT honour God if they do not honour His Son.

c.    What is going to happen at the Judgment day? Who will be involved?    (verses 24-30; Philippians 2:9-11) 

Every single human being that has ever lived will be involved, and tha includes each one of us alive now. ALL men, that is, EVERYONE, will bow their  knees to Jesus Christ and confess that He is Lord. Believers will do this willingly and joyfully, and unbelievers will do it unwillingly and with great mortification, to the glory of God the Father.           

d.    What was Jesus talking about in this passage?       (verses 24-26) 

The life that He will give to men.

e.     What is it and why is it so special?       (verse 24; chapter 17:3) 

It is KNOWING the Father and Jesus Christ, which is the beginning of  the everlasting life that goes on in fellowship  with Him and His Father; this knowledge keeps people from God’s condemnation of going to hell; this knowledge follows through in a holy manner of life.

f.    How can people get this life?          (verses 24, 40) 

By believing in Jesus Christ and His Father and getting to know Him.

g.    What sort of dead people is Jesus talking about in verse 25?      (Ephesians 2:1-5) 

People who are walking around dead in sins and dead to God…..He is not referring to people who have died physically, but those who are dead spiritually.

h.   What did He go on to say in verses 28-29?      (Revelation 20:11-15) 

That one day there is going to be a day of reckoning  where everyone who has ever lived will stand before God for Judgement.

i.    Who will give account to God of what was done on earth?       (Isaiah 64:6; Romans 14:12) 

Each person will see themselves as God sees them and give an account of themselves to God (they won’t be talking about the next person then!) and will be judged on their own admission of guilt. They will see that their good deeds are but filthy rags in God’s sight.

j.   What two things did Christ do perfectly?       (verse 30) 

He judges perfectly and does God’s will perfectly.

k.    What was the consuming  passion of Christ?     (Matthew 26:39, 42;  john 4:34; Hebrews 10:7, 9) 

To do the will of His Father God, it was His very meat.

l.   What do we see about the depth of His humility?   (verse 30) 

He said He could do NOTHING Himself, apart from His Father.

3.       Verses  31-47          

a.   What is the Scriptural principle concerning any matter at all, either secular or spiritual?   (verses 31-36; 2 Corinthians 13:1b)

That it must be attested to by two or more witnesses.

b.    Who bore witness to Christ at the beginning of His ministry?      (verses 32, 36-37) 

John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit, and God speaking from heaven concerning Him.

c.    What else bore witness to Christ being Who He said He was?         (verses 36, 39) 

The miracles that He was doing which no-one else could do, the Old Testament scriptures .

d.    Who bears witness to Christ today?        (1 John 1:6-8; 3:3, 10) 

In heaven…. The Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit;

in earth….. the Holy Spirit in Christians, and the power of the Word to change a life when a person believes in the blood of Christ.

e.   What does Jesus remind His listeners about God in verse 37b-38?

The fact that they neither knew God or had ever seen Him! They didn’t have His word in them, and they were disbelieving the One who God sent to them.

f.    What reveals Christ to people, both then and now?        (verse 39) 

The Holy Scriptures (the Old Testament) speak of Christ from its beginning to its end.

g.    What was the problem of the people in Christ’s day? What about today?         (verse 40) 

They would NOT listen to or obey Christ and His Words…. they resisted Him then, and they still resist Him and His Word today.

h.    What do people miss out on because of this resistance?          (verse 40b;  chapter 1:11-12) 

They miss out on getting life, everlasting life, and they cannot receive God’s love into their lives.

i.   What is the prime ambition of people, both then and now?        (verses 41, 44) 

People want the honour of other people, to become famous and popular!

j.   What does that do to a person?           ( 1 John 2:15-17) 

It just panders to one’s pride and ego, it blocks God out and doesn’t last anyway!

k.   Who, or what,  did Jesus say would accuse these unbelieving rulers? Why?      (verses 45-47; Acts 3:22) 

The very one they trusted in (Moses) would accuse them in a coming day because he wrote of Christ, the One who would one day come.

l.     They prided themselves in believing what Moses had to say…..if they  had REALLY believed Moses, how would they be viewing Christ at that moment?       (verse 46) 

They would believe  what He was saying to them!

4.      Points to Ponder……..          

a.   The Jewish leaders prided themselves in their religion….what about people today who chase after other ideas, e.g. New Age teaching, eastern religions etc, or philosophies ? What does it prove?    (1 Timothy 6:3-5)

They are trying to replace what God has said in His Word….these things only puff up their ego and pride, proving that one knows nothing about godliness nor God Himself….it does no-one any  REAL good and never gives the true peace that they are seeking.

b.   Where does man’s true knowledge come from?            (Verses 39-40)

From the Scriptures and Jesus Christ.

c.    What are Christians to do with all these other ideas?         (1 Timothy 4:7) 

They are to have nothing to do with them, they are to shun them, refuse them and withdraw from them.

d.   What is a Christian to aim for?    (2 Timothy 2:14-16) 

Godliness, a godly attitude and contentment….not striving to get things for the sake of getting them or to be one up on the next person. They should aim to be approved by God (please Him) and be one who can rightly use God’s Word.


John Six……(v 1-71)

1.       verses  1-15                                             

a.   What had happened immediately prior to this section?      (Matthew 14:10-13) 

The disciples had just told Jesus that John Baptist had been beheaded in prison and the disciples had just come back from their preaching tour.

b.   Why did Jesus take the disciples off to a deserted place?      (Mark 6:27-32) 

So they could have a bit of peace and quiet and relax for a bit.

c.   What happened? How did Jesus feel towards these people who had followed Him up?  (Mark 6:34) 

The people saw Him going away and they followed Him….as the crowd started to gather around Him to be healed. Jesus had compassion on them and felt sorry for them, so He worked with them all day.

d.   What do we notice about the time of the year? How long had Jesus been teaching and preaching by this time?        (verse 4; chapter 2:11-13) 

It was nearly the Passover time again, so He had  been doing His public ministry for about a year.

e.   What time of the day was it by this time? What did the disciples think He should do?    (verses 5-6; Matthew 14:14-15) 

It was getting towards evening, and the disciples told Him the people should be sent off to buy food and go home.

f.    Who did Jesus ask to get food for the crowd? What did he say?       (verses 5-7) 

Jesus asked Philip and he said it would take a tremendous amount of money and food to feed this crowd!

g.   Andrew isn’t mentioned much, but what do we find him doing on two occasions?     (verses 8-9;  chapter 1:40-42a) 

Bringing people to Jesus…..first his brother Peter, and now this lad with buns and fish.

h.   Jesus told His disciples to do something they could cope with….what was it?    (verse 10) 

To make the people sit down on the grass in groups.

i.    He now did something that they could not do….what was it?        (verse 11) 

He prayed and then parted out the food to His disciples to distribute to the people.

j.   What were the disciples next  told to do?    (verses  12-13) 

They were to gather up the scraps afterwards and tidy the place up.

k. What practical lessons can we get out of this story?     

We are to be prepared to share what we can with others, and to practice anti-litter and keep the environment clean.

l.    What spiritual principle do we see at work in this story?     (1 Corinthians 3:6-7) 

To do what we can and leave the rest to the Lord….to do the job that God gives us to do, often working with others, and leave the results to Him.

m.   What did this miracle convince the people of?     (verse 14) 

That Jesus was the Promised One who would come.

n. What did the people want to do to Jesus? What did He do? Why?    (verses 15, 37-40) 

They wanted to take Him by force and make Him their king, but He managed to get away from them and go up into the mountain alone. It was not in God’s purposes for Jesus to be an earthly king, and He had come to do His Father’s will in preaching to the people, not to be a king.

2.       Verses 16-21                             

a. What did Jesus tell the disciples to do after the people were fed and cleaned up behind?    (verses 16-17; Matthew 14:22) 

To go across the lake while He sent the people away.

b.   Do you think that Jesus knew what He was sending the disciples into, that  there was a bad storm coming?        (verse 18) 

Yes, He did, and He knew what He was going to do too.

c.   What lesson do we get from this incident straight after the wonderful miracles they had just seen with the crowd?         (Matthew 14:32-33) 

Our Lord wanted to show His disciples another evidence of Who He was by His display of power over the elements. Sometimes after a cloud nine experience with the Lord, we encounter major troubles and disappointments where we have to put into practice what we have just been taught. Just as the Lord didn’t prevent the disciples from going into the storm, there are lessons for each one of us to learn from the storms of life that we go through.

d.   What did the disciples see in the middle of the storm when they were at their wits’ end?  (verse 19) 

They saw Jesus coming to them walking on the water

e.   What does Matthew tell us about this trip that none of the other accounts mention?    (Matthew 14:25-32) 

The incident of Peter wanting to walk on the water too, of his faith failing him and his need of the Lord’s  help.

f.   What  does this show us?    (Hebrews 13:5c-6) 

That God is with us in all the storms of life, and when we are in situations where we see that we CANNOT help ourselves, that God can….when our strength and faith is not sufficient to overcome the waves  around us, He is still there with us.

g.    What did Jesus do with Peter?        (Matthew 14:32) 

He put out His hand and picked him up and then took him to the boat where they both got in.

h.   What happened when the Lord got into the boat with them?     (verse 21; Matthew 14:32 )   

Everything went dead calm….the storm had stopped and they knew His peace, and the boat miraculously was where they were heading.

h.   What happens when we realise the Lord is in our storm tossed boat with us?     (Philippians 4:6-7) 

The storm ceases to make us afraid and we can know His peace.

i.    How does Paul put this in the above verses?      (Philippians 4:6-7) 

He tells us to tell the Lord about everything, to stop being worried and anxious, and then thank him for the answer BEFORE we get it, then we will know His  peace surrounding us even if the waves are still tossing us around.

j.   What did the Lord Jesus tell the disciples as He approached them on the sea?          (verse 20) 

Don’t be afraid, I’m here!!

k. What does this tell us for today? What could David say in Psalm 42:5;   46:1-2;   56:3-4?

God does not want us to be afraid by our problems…..He wants us to trust in Him, to find our refuge in Him and to wait for Him to resolve it all, and then to praise Him for His Word!

3.        Verses  22-42             

a.   What did the people do the next morning? What were they after?       (verses 22-26) 

They went searching for the disciples and Jesus, but couldn’t find them…..they wanted more miracles and more free food! So they got into boats and went across the lake and finally tracked them down.

b.   Did Jesus pass over the REAL reason they wanted to see Him?       (verse 26) 

No, He went straight to the root of the matter….it wasn’t their NEED, but their GREED they wanted to satisfy! You don’t want healing, you want more free food!

c.   What did He then tell them to look for?        (verse 27) 

He told them the most important thing in life is not physical food, but spiritual food which gives ETERNAL life.

d.   What is the WORK  that God wants every person on earth to do?       (verses 28-29) 

It is to believe on Jesus Christ who He sent into the world.

e.   What did the people say to this statement?        (verse 30) 

What sign will you show us then? How do we know that you are true?

f.   Their two questions to Jesus…. “what must we do?” and “What sign will you give?”….. what do these questions show about their state of mind after all they saw the previous day?     (verses 28, 30, 34) 

They didn’t really WANT to do anything as simple as just believe in Him…..there was resistance in their minds to His teaching, as all they wanted was free food!

g. They suggested that as Moses gave their fathers manna in the wilderness,  so what sort of bread could He produce? What did Jesus say to this?        (verses 31-35) 

It wasn’t Moses who gave you this bread, it was God, and now He is offering you the TRUE bread from heaven which is the ONE Who has come into the world to give His life for the world. Those who believe on Me shall never hunger or thirst again!

h.   What did He say about their true state of mind?       (verse 36) 

You don’t believe what I say in spite of what you have seen!      

i.   What wonderful promise does Jesus give here that has been a comfort to many down through the centuries?        (verses 37-40) 

He said He would NEVER throw any-one out who came to Him….His Father had given them to Him and He came to do what the Father wanted Him to. It was the Father’s will that none would be lost who came to Jesus and believe on Him…… in knowing Him, they would have eternal life!

j.   What was the Jews’ response to all this? Why?       (verses 41-42) 

They said, “Who does He think He is! We know His parents, so how can He say He comes down from heaven??? How can He possibly say He is the Bread of Heaven?”

k.    Where is a person most likely to be ignored and least honoured?       (Matthew 13:57) 

In his home town….people say how could so and so say or do these things!!!!

4.    Verses  43-71                                                              John 15:4-6                          2 Corinthians 5:21            

 a.   What did Jesus go on to say that the people took exception to?        (verses 44-51) 

I am the LIVING bread from heaven….if you eat ME you will live for ever! The bread that I give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world.

b.   What happens when we eat food and have a drink?    

When we eat food and drink, we make it part of ourselves, and it satisfies us and makes us grow.

c.   How then would you explain  what Jesus was saying about being the Bread of Life?   (verses 48-58) 

When we accept Christ and take His teachings to make them part of our daily living, we are “eating” of Him. He gave His flesh when He allowed Himself to be crucified by the people, He the sinless One, for the sins of the world so that those who believe can live eternally. His written Word (the Bible) is part of this “eating”, and just as we physically eat daily, so we must feed our soul daily on His Word.

d.   What did the Jewish leaders think He meant?        (verse 52) 

They argued amongst themselves thinking that He meant He was to be eaten literally.

e.   In verses 53-58, Jesus went on to talk about this “Eating of Himself” a bit further. What does He call the same thing in John 15:4-6?

He calls it “abiding in Me” and says that unless a person does this they can never bear fruit for God but their testimony is cut off and thrown out as a useless branch.

f.   Many of the people listening (even those who had followed Him for ages) were upset at this teaching and thought it didn’t make sense? Why was this?       (verses 59-60, 63; 1 Corinthians 2:10-14) 

Because they didn’t really believe what He was saying….it is only God’s Holy Spirit who shows those who believe the TRUTH. The things that Jesus was talking about here are SPIRITUAL truths and give SPIRITUAL life. Without God’s Spirit (who comes with believing) a person thinks this is all rubbish, and is a NATURAL person, but when a person believes what God says, they become a SPIRITUAL person and the Holy Spirit lives in them and teaches them these SPIRITUAL truths.

g.   What was the response of a lot of the people when faced with this issue of “eating” the Bread from Heaven?       (verse 66) 

They couldn’t handle it, and left following Him.

h.    How can we apply this for today?      (Romans 8:8-9) 

It’s no use going to church if we don’t believe what we hear there.

i.   What did Jesus say to His twelve disciples when He saw the others leaving?     (verse 67) 

Will you leave Me too?

j. Who replied and what did he say?     (verses 68-69) 

Peter spoke up and said  “Where would we go to? You have the worlds of eternal life! We believe that You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God!”

k.   Who had shown Peter this truth? Who reveals truth to people today?     (Matthew 16:14-17; chapter 16:13) 

God had shown this to Peter by His Holy Spirit, and it is the Holy Spirit who shows us the truth today.

l.   What does Jesus go on to say about His twelve disciples?      (verses 70-71) 

I chose you twelve but one of you is a devil.

m.   Do you think that Jesus knew when He chose the twelve that Judas would betray Him in the end?

Yes, He knew all along….. someone had to do what Scripture declared would happen.

n.   What does this show us?     (Isaiah 29:13) 

That it is possible for people to go to church each week and yet not know the Lord at all. Just imagine walking with the Son of God for three years and then betraying Him for a measly sum of money!



John Seven……(v 1-53)

1.    Verses  1-30        

a.   What were the Jewish rulers in Jerusalem trying to do to Jesus?       (verse 1) 

They wanted to kill Him and do away with His teachings.

b.   How many siblings did Jesus have? What were their names?       (Mark 6:3) 

He had four brothers….James and Jude, Simon and Joses and  at least two unnamed sisters (plural).

c.   Jesus had been to Jerusalem to the Passover in the fourth month, what time was it now?   (Leviticus 23:24, 34) 

It was time for the feast of tabernacles three months later at the end of summer.

d.   What did   His brothers tell Him He should do?      (verses 3-4) 

They told Him He should go to Jerusalem and perform the miracles in front of everyone there.

e.   What was the state of the brothers’ hearts towards Jesus?    (verse 5-6) 

They didn’t believe in him at this stage……they were still antagonistic to Him.

f.   What about later on? Did they ever come to believe in Him? What DO we know about them?    (Acts 1:14; Galatians 1 :19; 2:9) 

Yes, they did come to believe in Him. James and Jude both wrote letters which are included in the New Testament. James became one of the main leaders in the church at Jerusalem .(John’s brother James, was martyred by this time)

g.   What did Jesus tell His brothers?                   (verses 6- 10) 

To go up to the feast without Him….He waited a while before going up.

h.   There were three sorts of people looking for Jesus….who were they and how did they feel about Him?    (verses 11-13) 

There were the Jewish leaders who felt threatened by His teaching and who hated Him; those of the common people who thought He was a good Man and believed Him, and others who thought He was a deceiver but quite entertaining.

i.   What classes of people are there in the world today and how do they feel about Christ?   (1 Corinthians 1:21-24) 

There are those who require signs to believe, and those who consider themselves to be too intellectual and smart  to believe, then there are those who believe and who see Christ as the Wisdom and Power of God, and trust Him.

j.    What amazed ALL those who heard Him speak?       (verses 14-15) 

They recognised that He spoke with refinement and authority, and was equal to their best educated leaders; He was also able to read and quote the Scriptures, and yet they knew that He was of peasant origin with no formal education at all.

k.   Where were His thoughts centred at all times?      (verses 16-18) 

On His Father and  doing His will.

l.    What do we learn from the last two points?       (verse 18; John 14:26; 15:26) 

That those with not much education still can speak with the authority of God’s Word when they know it thoroughly……the Holy Spirit will teach them as they it  and meditate on it.

m.   What did some of the people say about Him?      (verses 25-26) 

Isn’t this the One they want to kill? Why aren’t they stopping Him  from speaking so boldly? Don’t they know that this Man is the Messiah?

n.   What was their objection to the fact that He was the Messiah?      (verse 27) 

No-one knows where the Messiah is coming from, but we know where this man is from!

o.   The people didn’t like His message or what He was saying and they wanted to arrest Him…. why couldn’t they?    (verse 30) 

Because His work wasn’t finished….it wasn’t God’s plan to have it cut short or stop yet.

2.    Verses  31-53

a.   What were the people saying about  Him?             (verse 31) 

This Man is doing many miracles…would the Messiah do any more? This MUST be Him!!

b.   What did Jesus mean when He said….  “I will only be here a short while and then I will be gone where you won’t be able to find Me”?               (verses 33-34) 

He was referring to His death and resurrection.                                         

c.   What sort of thirst was Christ referring to when He said to come and drink of Him?   (verses 37-38) 

He was referring to spiritual thirst, the basic human need, which people try to fill with everything but God.

d.   What is the  only way this thirst can be met and quenched?       (John 4: 13-14) 

In Jesus Christ Himself….by believing in Him and His Word.

e.   How did David feel when he thought about God?         (Psalm 63: 1-3) 

He felt that there was no satisfaction for him apart from God….everything he needed for spiritual satisfaction was found in Him.

f.   What is a believer able to do in turn for others?       (verse 38b) 

A believer is able to pass on to others what the Lord has done for him through the Holy Spirit Who lives inside him.

g.  What was the reaction of the people when they heard this?      (verses 40-41) 

They were divided in their opinion of Christ.

h.   What were they saying?        (verses 40-43) 

Some said He was a prophet, others that He was the Messiah, while others questioned whether He could be seeing He had come from Galilee when the Scriptures plainly taught that He would come from Bethlehem.

i.   What do we see among the people because of Christ ? Is it the same today? What did Christ say about this?              (verse 43; Matthew 10:34-36; 12:30; ) 

There was a division….some believed and some didn’t, some wanted to take Him and others didn’t. Christ always causes division, even today, for the same reason. Family members who don’t believe ostracize those who do, no-one can sit in the middle, they are either for Him or against Him.

j.   What did the rulers want to know when the officers returned without having arrested Him? What was the reply?     (verses 44-46) 

Where is He? Why haven’t you brought Him? The officers said that they had never heard anyone else ever speak like He did!

k.    Who stood up for Him? What did he say?   (verses 50-51) 

Nicodemus spoke up and pointed out that no-one was normally condemned without a fair trial.

l.    Why did the rulers think that Jesus couldn’t be the Messiah?     (verse 52) 

Because He had come from Nazareth in Galilee and there was no mention of this place in the O.T prophecies.

m.    How HAD the O.T prophecies been fulfilled then?     (Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:21-23; 2:15, 17, 23) 

There were many prophecies fulfilled in the life of Jesus, the first one being when the Roman government had called for everyone to return to their birthplace to sign the census and pay their tax, so Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem and the baby Jesus was born there, thus fulfilling Scripture. We see three specific prophecies fulfilled in the second chapter of Matthew .


John Eight……(v 1-59)

1.       Verses  1-11                            

a.   What was the reason the Scribes and Pharisees brought this woman who they caught in adultery to Jesus Christ? Were they concerned for her well being?       (verses 1-4) 

They were using her as a trap to catch Him out and see what He would say….they were not the slightest bit concerned about the woman, and were probably ready to throw stones at her.

b.   What was their probable feeling as they brought her to Him?      (verses 5-6a) 

One of self-righteous indignation at her behaviour (they would NEVER be guilty of this sin!) and satisfaction that whatever this man’s answer would be, would be another nail in His coffin (so to speak) Would He uphold Moses’ law or not?

c.   What was the reaction of the Lord in this situation?   (verses 6b, 8) 

He knew their hearts and minds, and He bent down and wrote on the ground as though He hadn’t heard them.

d.   They kept pestering Him so what did He do and say then?       (verse 7) 

He stood up (and no doubt looked them in the eye) and said for those who had never sinned  themselves to throw the first stone at her.

e.   What happened to these men and what did they do?     (verse 9) 

Their consciences convicted them and they went out one by one until no-one was left except the woman.

f.   What was the Lord’s comment to her? What did His advice get to?     (verses 10-11) 

He told her that He wouldn’t condemn her either, but that she was not to sin again….He went right to the heart of the matter….sin in her life!

g.   Thinking about our own attitudes in similar circumstances, what must we be careful of?    (Romans 2:1-3, 21-22) 

To not judge others too quickly because we might be guilty of even worse things ourselves….we must judge ourselves before we judge others.

h.   Taking  verse 9 and Romans 14:12-13 together, what will judge every man before God in the day to come?            (Matthew 12:36-37)

We will each one give an account of ourselves and our own conscience will judge us….we will have to give an account of everything we have ever said and done, and our own words will condemn us.

i.   What do 1 Corinthians 11:28a and 2 Corinthians 13:5a tell us to do ?

To examine ourselves before God….it must be a continual thing, examination and then confession.

2.    Verses  12-27                                                                            

a.   What did Jesus say about Himself here? About people who follow Him?       (verse 12) 

He said that He was the Light of the World…. If anyone follows him, they will be walking in light not darkness.

b.   What does this light and darkness mean?      (chapter 1:4-5; 3:19-21; Acts 26:18) 

The light is God’s truth and honesty; darkness is Satan blinding man’s eyes to God and His truth; Light is to be released from sin and pride into God’s wonderful love, and to KNOW forgiveness of sins, to be alive to God.                                              Deuteronomy 19:15                           John 9:29;   14:9;    17:3

c.   What was Pharisee’s argument with the Lord here?         (verse 13) 

We’ve only got Your Word for who You are! How do we know You’re speaking the truth?

d.   What did Jesus say was  the contrast between these men and Himself?     (verses  14-18) 

I know where I’ve come from and where I’m going, but you don’t! You judge by what you see; I don’t judge at all!

e.   What did the law say about establishing a matter?   (Deuteronomy 19:15) 

That there must be at least two witnesses.

f.   Who were the two witnesses in this case?    (verse 18) 

The Lord Jesus Himself and His Father God.

g.   What did they ask about His Father and what did He reply?      (verse 19) 

They wanted to know where His Father was, and Jesus pointed out that they didn’t know OR believe Him (Jesus) …..if they did, they would know His Father too.

h.   How can we today KNOW the Father (God)?       (chapter 14:6-11) 

By knowing Christ and believing on Him…..if we KNOW Him, we know the Father too. If we KNOW the Father, we will obey His words and ways. We CANNOT know God without knowing Jesus Christ.

i.     The priests were very anti Jesus at this time and wanted to get rid of Him…why couldn’t they do it then?        (verse 20; chapter 7:8, 30; Matthew 26:18) 

It wasn’t God’s time yet, there was still more for Him to do before they were able to touch Him.



j.   What was Christ telling the rulers in verses 21-24?

You can’t go where I’m going because you are of this world….I am not of this world, I’m from above and if you don’t believe this, you will die in your sins.

k.   What did the Jews ask Him next and what did He say?       (verses 25-27) 

They asked…   “Who ARE you then?” Jesus replied, “Who I always said I was! There are many things I want to tell you that the One who sent Me told Me to say”.

l.    Did the rulers understand what He was talking about? Give reasons for your answer…..     (chapter  14: 17, 26; 1 Corinthians 2:11-14) 

No, they didn’t understand that He was talking about God because their minds were still in the darkness of unbelief…..these spiritual truths can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit.

3.      Verses  28-40                                                                                            

a.   What was Jesus referring to when He said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man”?   (verse 28) 

He was referring to His death on the cross….being strung up off the ground…..and dying for the sins of the world.

b.   What was His attitude to His Father, God?       (verse 29) 

He lived to do His will and to please Him ALWAYS.

c.    What did the ordinary people do when they heard Him saying all these things?      (verse 30) 

They were convinced that He was speaking the truth and they believed on Him.

d.   What is the criteria for being a disciple of the Lord?       (verse 31) 

To follow Him and to CONTINUE in His word.

e. What about today?  Can we still be a disciple?       (chapter 3:14-15, 21; 15:10, 14) 

Yes, in exactly the same way….by BELIEVING  and FOLLOWING.

f.   What do you notice about those two words….believing and following?       (chapter 15:4-5) 

That they are in the present tense….it is a continual thing, not just a oncer and then forget about it all!

g.   What great truth is in verse 32?

That it is possible to know the truth  which sets one free.

h.   What is the truth that we can know?      (chapter 14:6) 

The truth is that Jesus Christ is the ONLY  way to God.

i.   When people know Jesus Christ, what are they set free from?      (Romans 6: 18) 

They are set free from the bondage of sin.

j.   What was so important to the Jewish rulers then?       (verse 33) 

That they were the descendants of Abraham  and weren’t in bondage to anyone.

k.   What did Christ say they would do if they were  truly Abraham’s descendants? (verses 34-40) 

They would listen to the word of God which He spoke to them, and they wouldn’t be planning to kill Him….Abraham wouldn’t have done what they were doing!

l.   What did Paul go on to explain about being  “Abraham’s seed” who inherit all God’s promises?       (Galatians 3:28-29) 

That all who come to Christ become Abraham’s spiritual descendants because they are no the children of God….there are no barriers between ANY people in God’s family….all are one in Christ Jesus and heirs of God!

4.    Verses 41-59                    

a.   What did the Jewish leaders throw up at Jesus when He said they weren’t acting as children of Abraham?      (verse 41) 

They threw up his birth to Him, suggesting that His  was an illegitimate birth.

b.   What was the real reason for their hatred and disbelief of Him?    (verse 44) 

Because Satan was their spiritual father, they only  thought they were the children of God.

c.    How can one be certain that one is a child of God?      (1 John 3:14, 23-24; 4:2, 6-7; 5:1-3) 

By our attitude to God’s Word and His people….do we love them? If we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord, we are of God and we love other Christians, and have a common bond of loving Christ.

d.   What attitude did David have towards God’s Word?      (Psalm 119: 97, 103, 140, 165) 

He loved it and thought about it all the time; it was the sweetest thing on earth for him and those who love it will not get offended or upset easily, but have great peace in any circumstance!

e. What reaction did the Jews have when they were told that they were the children of Satan?    (verse 48) 

They immediately accused Jesus of having a demon.

f.   Where did the conversation go in the end?      (verses 45-48) 

The Jews just had no idea of what Christ was saying…..it was right over their heads because they had shut their minds to Him and to God’s truths.

g.   What statement proves Christ’s eternity?      (verse 58; Revelation 1:8)  

He said, “I was there before Abraham was born!  I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, I was, I am, and I am yet to be….the ever-present ONE!”

h.   What did the Jews try to do?        (verse 59) 

They were going to throw stones at Him, but He disappeared among the crowds.


John Nine……(v 1-41)

1.        Verses  1-7                                              

a.   What is the topic of this chapter?       (verse 1) 

Blindness and being made to see.

b.   How long had this man been blind for?       (verse 1c) 

From birth, he had NEVER seen anything!

c.   What sort of darkness was this man born into?   (1 John 2:11) 

Not only the obvious, physical darkness, but also spiritual darkness.

d.   What sort of darkness is every person who has ever lived been born into?       (Ephesians 4:18) 

Into the spiritual darkness of a sinful nature. No person has ever been born already KNOWING God.

e.   What makes a person continue to be blind as they grow up?        (2 Corinthians 4:4-6) 

Satan, the God of this world, makes a person ignorant of God and keeps them blind in sin’s darkness.

f.   What else does this darkness breed?         (Romans 6:23a;  2 Corinthians 4:2) 

It breeds hatred of others, greed  and selfishness and ultimately death.

g.   Who healed this man of his blindness? How?        (verses 6-7) 

Jesus Christ was the only person who could heal this man….He touched his eyes with a mixture of clay and spit and told him to go and wash himself and he would see.

h. What do you think would have happened if the man had not gone and done what Jesus said?

He would have stayed blind.

i.   What lesson is there in this for us?     (chapter 3:36) 

Jesus Christ has provided a cure for our sin, but if we don’t do our part of repentance and confession, we will remain in our sin and will NEVER see God’s truths….we will stay spiritually blind and God’s anger will remain on us for eternity.

2.      Verses 8-41                                               

a.   What did the man’s  neighbours notice about him now?              (verse 8) 

They could see that he was no longer blind….he was healed! They argued whether it was really the same man or not!

b.   When a person comes to know the Lord, what will others notice about them?       (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

That they are different….they are a new person who does different things, and goes to different places, speaks differently and acts differently.

c.    What did the rulers argue about Jesus now?       (verse 16) 

They couldn’t argue against the fact that the man was healed, but they said that Jesus could not be from God because He had healed this man on the Sabbath day. But others differed from this view and said it was only God who could heal like this!

d.   What was this man’s unarguable testimony?        (verses 25, 30-33) 

I WAS blind, but now I can see! He must be from God!!

e. This man was now physically able to see….at what point was he healed from his spiritual blindness?    (verses 35-38) 

When he said to Jesus that he believed in Him…. “Lord, I believe!”

f.   How can people today be healed from their spiritual blindness?     (chapter  1:4-5, 9-12 ; Ephesians 2:1-22) 

Exactly the same way…..by believing in Jesus Christ, the Light of the World and allowing the light of the glorious Gospel to flood their souls and lighten their spiritual eyes.

g.   What condition were the Jewish leaders in? Why?      (verses 40-41; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4) 

They  THOUGHT they could see and teach others, but they were actually the blind leading the blind and they didn’t  realise it!

h. What do we have to be careful of when choosing a church to fellowship at?    (Jude 1:4, 20-21) 

To make sure that the leaders are born again and give  Bible-based teaching.


John Ten……(v 1-42)

1.    Verses  1-6                                                                                                  

a.   What is the topic of this chapter?    (verses 1-7, 11-16, 26) 

Sheep and shepherds.

b.   What are the contrasts in these verses?       (verses 1, 4-5) 

The robber and the owner; the familiar shepherd and the stranger.

c.   What is Christ illustrating in this parable?       (verses 4-5) 

That those who know Him, WILL follow and believe in Him….they won’t be led astray by false teachers.

d.   How can we avoid being led astray by some charismatic teacher?    (1 John 4:1-6; Jude 1:18-21) 

By testing his doctrine against the Scriptures; by what regard he holds the Person of Christ in;  by reading the Scriptures, praying for guidance and meditating on the things of the
Lord; finally by keeping right away from such teachers!

e.   Did the Jewish rulers understand what He was saying?       (verse 6) 

No, because they weren’t intending to take any notice of Him anyway.

f.   What did the Lord proceed to do in this passage?      (verses 7-16) 

He went on to explain and unfold the characters in the parable.

g. Who was the door to the sheep? What is He the door to?       (John 14:6, 8-9) 

Jesus Christ is the Door. He is the only way to knowing God and having eternal life!

h.   What happens when a person goes through that door?       (verses 9- 10) 

They are delivered from a life of evil, given eternal life, are saved and find complete satisfaction in all the things of God and are given ABUNDANT life!

i.   What is the contrast between the Good Shepherd and the hired man?        (verses 11-13) 

The Good Shepherd guards the sheep with His life, whereas the hired man runs off when danger looms and leaves the sheep to scatter. The Good Shepherd cares for the sheep and the hired man doesn’t.

j.   What is another characteristic of the Good Shepherd and His Sheep?       (verse 14) 

They KNOW and love each other! They hear and know His voice, and He knows each one intimately.

k.    What are these “other sheep” that the Lord is talking about? Who are they?     (verse 16; Galatians 3:26-29) 

He says that He will end up with one flock of which He is the One Good Shepherd. They are from all the nations of the world, and He has given His life for the salvation of them all, Jew and Gentile alike.

l.   What radical statement (to the Jews) did Jesus make in verses 17-18?

I will lay down My life Myself, no  man will take it from Me because I can both lay it down and take it again…..My Father has given Me this power!

m. What was the division of the people about?       (verses 19-21)  

Some said “He is a madman, why listen to Him”, and others asked how a madman could make a blind man see.

n.   Is this sort of division still around today?         (Matthew 10:34-36)

Yes, it is! Non believers have no tolerance of a believer’s viewpoint and will cut off even members of their own family if they embrace Christianity.

2.    Verses  22-30                                                             

a.   Where did Jesus always go to when He was in Jerusalem?      (verses 22-23) 

He always went to the Temple.

b.   What does this teach us for today?       (Hebrews 10:25)

To not neglect going to a place where God’s name is honoured.

c.   What did the Jewish Leaders ask him this time?        (verse 24) 

Tell us plainly if You are the Messiah or not!

d.   How did Jesus reply?  What illustration did He use?      (verses 25-26) 

He said that He had already told them Who He was and they wouldn’t believe Him…. if they wouldn’t believe His Words, then they ought to believe his Works. He said that they didn’t believe because they weren’t of His sheep.

e.   What characteristics do the Lord’s sheep show?      (verse 27) 

They show that they hear the Shepherd’s Voice, and follow his ways…..other sheep refuse to hear or   follow.

f.    What security does the believer have?       (verses 28-30) 

They are given eternal life upon believing, and will never lose it…..no person or other power can take them out of Christ’s hand and God’s hand gives added protection.

g.   What great truth is given in verse 30?      (chapter 17:10, 21-23) 

The fact that Jesus Christ and God the Father are One. Jesus is God; the Father takes great pleasure in the Son; the Son always and ONLY does the Father’s will; the two act together as One, and God’s people are one in Him.

h. How does Paul go on to show the believer’s security?     (Romans 8:35-39) 

He says that NOTHING can separate the believer from the love of Christ…..not physical troubles or trials, not earthly circumstances, not spiritual powers of evil; not distance; not even death will separate the believer from his Lord and Master!

3.       Verses 31-42           

a.   What did the Jews do when Jesus told them plainly who He was?       (verse 31) 

They tried to kill Him by stoning.

b. What contradiction do you notice between what the Jews said in verse 24 and verse 33?

They asked him to tell them plainly if He was the Messiah and when He did, they refused to believe him and tried to stone Him!

c.   What backed up the claims of Jesus Christ?      (verses 36-38) 

His works backed up His words……no mere man could do the miracles that He did.

d.   In what sense are all men children of the Most high God?     (verse 34; Psalm 82:6; 100:3) 

By the fact of creation…..God has fashioned and given life to every person who has ever breathed.

e.   In what double sense then is Jesus the Son of God?    (verse 36; Matthew 3:17; 17:5; Luke 1: 34-35) 

His human body was created by God like everyone else, but He had the sinless holy nature of His Father God……God the Father said TWICE in a loud audible voice from the sky, “This is My Beloved Son, hear Him!”

f.    If a person was totally honest in sifting out all the evidence, how could they doubt that Jesus IS God’s Son?         (Romans 1:19-22) 

Only because of disobedience and rebellion against God.

g.   What additional bit of evidence did the people of that time have about the authenticity of Christ’s claims?       (chapter  1:15-17) 

The fact that John the Baptist had said that He was coming, and everything that John said would happen, did!

h. How did the people face all this evidence?      (verses 41-42) 

Many believed it and came to believe on the Lord.

i.   What undeniable evidence is available to every person on earth who has ever lived, that God exists?       (Romans  1:19-21) 

The fact of creation all around them, and the instincts that are placed in all wildlife; the order of the seasons and harvests etc. Nature itself proves that there IS a Creator and Planner behind it all. Man is without excuse!!

j.   Thinking of the fact that all humans are the children of God by right of creation,  does this mean that all people are going to heaven automatically ?         (John 3:3-7, 16; Romans 10:9) 

No, to be born again, each person has to believe in Jesus Christ, and make a commitment to Him personally….no-one can scoot along on the coat-tails of another person!


John  Eleven…..(v.1-57)

1.   Verses  1-17                                                 

a.   What sort of people were the sisters Martha and Mary?       (Luke 10:38-42) 

They were ordinary young women who loved the Lord Jesus Christ in different ways according to their natures. Martha loved to bustle around putting on the best for Him while Mary loved to sit and listen to what He had to say.

b.  Which sister had chosen the better thing to do? Why?       (Luke 10:42) 

The Lord Jesus said that Mary was doing the better thing by feeding her soul for eternity on His Words, while Martha was fussing over physical food and things that are only transient.

c.   What lesson is there in this for us?       (1 Timothy 4:8) 

Although we are to do our very best in our work, we are not to neglect our spiritual needs in the process, because it is our spiritual life that goes into eternity.

d.  Who was the third person in this family, and what got  wrong with him?      (verses 1-3) 

Lazarus was the brother of Martha and Mary and he fell seriously ill.

e.   What did the sisters do about this?       (verse 3) 

They sent immediately to Jesus, asking Him to come quickly.

f.      What was the Lord’s reaction? Why? How did He feel about this family?     (verses 4-5) 

The Lord loved this family  very deeply,  but He didn’t hurry to grant their request. He was going to use this situation for the glory of God and to show Who He was to these ones He loved so dearly.

  1. g.      What lesson can we get out of this for ourselves?      (Philippians 4:6-7) 

We might find ourselves in a life or death situation where we want quick action, but we must always remember that God loves us and knows best and He will act accordingly for His ultimate glory (not for ours!)                         

h.   How many days did it take for them to get to Bethany? When did Lazarus die? Was there any doubt that he was dead?       (verses 6, 15, 17) 

The Lord waited two days after getting the message and Lazarus had died before He left. It took another two days to travel to Bethany. Lazarus had been dead and buried for four days when they got there.

i.  What did the disciples think about heading towards Jerusalem again?     (verses 7-8) 

They felt that it was dangerous because of the Jews’ attitude towards Jesus.

j.   What was the purpose of the Lord’s delay?      (verses 14-15) 

It was another proof of His power so that they all might believe in Him, and have confidence in Him.

k.   What was Thomas’ attitude?     (verse 16) 

One of doubt and pessimism

l.  How should we feel when our requests are not granted immediately?      (Philippians 4:6-7) 

We should not worry about the outcome, but ask God for the strength to bear the answer then give thanks to Him for the answer we will get (before we get it!) and His peace will keep our hearts and minds in the whole situation.

m.   Who (or what) is watching us in our times of stress?      (1 Corinthians 4:9b; Ephesians 6:12) 

We are being watched by unseen hosts and are to be an example of faith and trust in God to them. Other people may not have a clue of our suffering but God sees and knows and so do the angels, both good and bad.

2.   Verses  18-44                                            

a.   Martha was a woman of action….what did she do when she heard that Jesus was nearly there?     (verses 18-20) 

She went to meet Him; she didn’t  wait around.

b.  What were her first words? What did they convey?      (verse 21) 

Lord, if only You had been here, Lazarus wouldn’t have died! She showed a certain amount of faith, but quite a bit of reproach…e.g. “Why didn’t You come sooner?”

c.   How do we often feel when our requests are not granted straight away and things go even more wrong? What should we remember?      (Romans 8:28) 

We often feel let down and disappointed, but we should remember that ALL things together for good in the end.

d.  What did Martha suggest in her next statement?     (verse 22) 

I know that whatever You ask God, it will be given You. So ask Him for a miracle!!!!!!

e.   What did Jesus mean in verses 25-26?      (Ephesians 2:5-6) 

He said that He was the Resurrection and the Life, and that if anyone believed in Him they would have eternal life, even if they were dead in sins at present. If we are alive now and believe in Him, we will NEVER die because our spirits and souls will live for ever with God.

f.  What statement did Martha make which everyone must make if they are to become a Christian?      (verse 27) 

I believe that You are the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God Who has come into the world!

g.   What did Mary say to the Lord when she met Him?     (verse 32) 

Exactly the same as Martha had…. “If You had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died!”

h.  What seemed to be different in their attitudes?   (verses 22, 32) 

Martha seemed to have faith that something still might happen…..this tragedy had brought her to an end of herself. She believed that this Man, Jesus, was the Christ, the Son of God, and was still in control. Mary seems to have been utterly devastated and overwhelmed with grief.

i.   The Lord wept, and He wasn’t weeping because Lazarus was dead. Why do you think He was weeping?      (verse 35;  Matthew 9:36a) 

He was yearning over these people in their grief, and wanting them to turn to Him for comfort instead of weeping and wailing in hopelessness. Even Mary who had sat at His feet in appreciation of His words, seemed to have lost it all at this time! He was full of compassion for those who were sorrowing.

j.   What did Jesus get the people to do when they got to the tomb? Were they able to do this?   (verses 39, 41)  

He got them to remove the stone which they managed OK.

k.  What did Jesus do then, after they had done this?      (verses  41b-43) 

He called out loudly, “Lazarus, come out!” and Lazarus walked out still wrapped from head to foot in his grave clothes.

3.  Verses 44-57                                                                                    John 12:28

a.   What did Jesus tell them to do next? Could they manage this?    (verse 44) 

He told them to unwrap him and let him walk freely….they were able to do this and did it.

b.   What did Jesus say the purpose of this miracle was?                     (verses 4,  40)

It was to show the glory of God.

c.  What was Jesus Christ most concerned about when He was here on earth?     (verse 4;  chapter 12:28a) 

Glorifying God before men was His main concern. As He did His Father’s will, God was glorified. He gave all the glory to God.

d.   What is the lesson for us in this incident?    (Psalm 29:2;  1 Corinthians 10: 31) 

There are things we can do, and things we can’t do. We must learn to do what we can and leave the rest for God to do; we must learn to trust God and to give Him praise and glory for the rest. We have to learn what doors to push and what to leave to God.  We must remember to give God the glory at all times.

e.   What was the result of this miracle?   (verse 45) 

Many people believed on Him.

f.  What did the unbelievers do?    (verse 46) 

They tried to make trouble by going to the authorities to stop Him from preaching.

g.   What were the priests and rulers afraid of?    (verses 47-48) 

They were afraid that the Roman authorities would clamp down n the whole lot of them and they would lose their jobs.

h.  What did Caiaphas do unwittingly?      (verses 49-52) 

He prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, but he was thinking in terms of saving it physically e.g. getting rid of this man would stop an uprising against the Romans.  Therefore get rid of Him and it will be only one man to die instead of the whole nation.

i.   What did the authorities try to do after this?     (verses  53-57) 

They began to watch for an opportunity to arrest Him.


John  Twelve…..(v.1-50)

1.    Verses  1-8                                                                   Psalm 141:2                    

a.   What was the time frame by now?         (verse 1)

It was six days before the Passover.

b.  What was the occasion? Who were  there?      (verses 2-3a)

A dinner was put on for the Lord, and Martha, Mary and Lazarus were all there.

c.   What were the three of them doing?        (verses 2-3)

Lazarus was sitting at the table enjoying the Lord’s company; Martha was busy doing what she did best, rushing around and serving, and Mary was giving of her best to Him, her love gift.

d.  What is the contrast of Matthew and Mark’s accounts with that of John’s as this story is told?      (verse 3, Matthew 26:7-13; Mark 14:3-9)

Matthew and Mark record the incident without mention of Martha, Lazarus or Mary’s names, but they say where the feast was held and they both say that Mary poured the ointment on the Lord’s head, whereas John only mentions it on His feet

e.   What did the Lord comment her for?     (verse 7;  Mark 14:8)

For the fact that she KNEW He was going to be taken and executed,  and she wanted to do this now to show her appreciation of Him while He was still alive.

f.      How did everyone know what was happening?       (verse 3b)

By the beautifully scented  perfume that filled the whole house.

g.   What are the prayers and praises of believers described as?       (Psalm 141:2; Revelation 5:8b)

As beautifully scented incense offered up to God.

h.  How did the unbelievers view this action of Mary’s?     (Mark 14:4-5)

As an utter waste and totally without sense!

i.   What about today? What do unbelievers think of prayers and praises to God?    ( 1 Corinthians 2:14)

They still think the same, not much use! They only pray when in dire trouble and then with not much expectation of help.

j.   Which disciple voiced this opinion?  What do you notice about his statement?       (verses 4-6 )

Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him, spoke up. All he was interested in was getting his hands on the money! He cared nothing for Mary’s appreciation or for the poor he said it could help!

2.    Verses  9-22                                 

a.   What do verses 9-11 tell us?

Man y people came out of curiosity to see Lazarus, the man sho had been dead and who was now alive; they went away convinced that Jesus Christ was indeed the Messiah and as a result the Jewish leaders began to plot to put him to death also.

b.      What did the people do when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem for the Passover feast?         (verses 12-14)

They cut down palm branches and threw them down on the road  waving  them around calling  out,  “Hosanna, Blessed is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord!”

c. Why did  they do this?               (verses 14-18; Zechariah 9:9)

They did this for several reasons…. One was to honour Him for the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead; they thought that He was going to set up a physical kingdom there and then; they also were doing it (although they didn’t know it) to fulfil Old Testament  prophecy.

d.   When did the disciples realise this was fulfilment of prophecy and why did they drop to it when they did?    (verse 16; chapter 2:22; 14:26)

It was after He was risen that the Holy Spirit revealed these truths to them.

e.  How did the Pharisees feel about this parade into Jerusalem?    (verse 19)

They didn’t like it at all, and felt that the whole place was going to follow Him.                                     

f.   Who wanted to see Jesus? Do you think this was idle curiosity?     (verses 20-21)

Some Greek people had come to Jerusalem for the Passover, and they asked Philip if they could meet Jesus. It doesn’t seem as though it was idle curiosity because they had come for the Passover.

g.  What was the primary target of Christ’s ministry on earth?  What was the result?   (verses 37,  46-47;  chapter 1: 11;  10: 15-17)

Christ had come to the lost sheep of the house of Israel…..He came to His own but they didn’t want Him, and wouldn’t receive Him. All they wanted to do was to have Him executed and out of their way. He came to bring light into the world and to make salvation possible.

h.   Did He actually refuse to see these people? What about the Canaanite woman earlier?    (chapter 6:37;  Matthew 15:21-28 )

It doesn’t say that He refused to see them…..maybe His reply was exactly what they wanted to know. Just as the woman was prepared to take the humble place  receiving the blessing as a result, so all sho come to Jesus in sincerity and truth will be accepted.

3.   Verses  23-30             

a.   What is a paradox? (Look it up in the dictionary if you don’t know)     

A statement or happening that doesn’t seem to make sense….. something like a riddle.

  1. b.      What is the paradox in verse 24?                                                                                                                                                     

Unless a seed of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it stays alone, but if it dies it will  gain much fruit.

c.     What is the paradox in verse 25?                                                                                                             If we love our life we will lose it, and if we hate our life we will keep it.

d.     What was the meaning of this?      (verse 26)                                                                                                              

If we love our life and pander to it, it will be lost (to God), but if we lose it in self discipline and in serving the Lord, we will gain life for ever.

e.    How does a person best serve the Lord?             (verse 26;  1 Samuel 15:22; 1 John 2:4-5)                                                                                                              By walking in His ways and following Him…..in other words, OBEDIENCE comes before SERVING and WALKING comes before WORKING.

f.   What was about to happen in the life of Jesus Christ?        (verses 23, 27)                                                                                                              

The hour of His death and bringing salvation for all mankind had just about arrived…..this was the reason He was on earth.

g.  What was His primary purpose in all of this?    (verse 28a)                                                                                                              

That His Father’s Name would be glorified.

h. How can we glorify God’s Name today?        (chapter 17:4; Colossians 1:1; 1 Peter 4:16)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                By getting to know Him better and obeying Him and doing whatever we can in serving Him;  by  praising Him when things go well, and when things go wrong enduring it the right way, committing ourselves to Him as the Great Shepherd of our souls…..the Sovereign One over all.

i.   What did the people think who heard God’s voice physically?      (verse 29)                                                                                                              

Those who were tuned in thought it was an angel speaking while non-believers (others) thought it was merely thundering.

j.  Why did God speak with a physical voice then?       (verse 30)                                                                                                              

For the benefit of the people who were there.

4.    Verses  31-50            

a.   What are the main elements of this passage?     (verses 31-36)                                                                                                              

Judgement, prince of this world, Christ’s death, Light of the world, darkness.

b.    Who is the prince of this world? Why?       (verse 3; 2 Corinthians 4:4)     

Satan is the price of this world because he has duped men into being in the darkness of unbelief and rebellion to God.

c. What does the Lord mean when He said the prince of this world is to be thrown out?    (Acts 26:18; Ephesians 2:2-5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Satan’s power over men was broken at the Cross….Christ’s death brought salvation to all those who come to Him.

d. What is the paradox of the cross?   (verses 24,  32)                                                                                                              

Christ had to die before men could live. Satan and His followers thought they would get rid of Jesus forever silencing Him by executing Him….instead it was part of God’s plan to bring the saving message of the Gospel to all men for the rest of the ages of time through His death.

e. What does the preaching of the cross give to men?        (verses 35-36; 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             It gives light in the darkness of their natural minds.

f.   What did Christ do to Satan when He was on the cross?      (1 John 3:8)                                                                                                              

He destroyed his power over men once and for all ….now men have the power to resist Satan.

g.  What did Jesus say to these people who were listening?    (verses 35-36)                                                                                                              

Believe in the Light while you have the Light with you.

h. Why did Jesus speak in parables to the people?           (Matthew 13: 9-16, 34-35)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           He knew that those who wanted to believe in Him would listen intently and go home and think about it carefully and understand what He meant while those who didn’t believe would only see the riddle and toss it away as rubbish.

i.   What about “ears to hear” when they all had ears and could hear what was said?    (Matthew 13:9-13)     

They heard with their physical ears, but their spiritual ears and understanding did not hear the point of the parable unless they had the desire to do so.

j.   Why did the people not believe on Him even when they saw the miracles that He did?    (verses 37-40; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4)                                                                                                              

Because their eyes were made blind by the god of this world, Satan.

k.    Who were some of the people who believed and what did they do about it?     (verses 42-43)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Many didn’t come out in the open about it as they were afraid they would lose their position in the synagogue…..they loved men’s praise more than God’s praise.

l. What is Christ saying in verses 44-45?  What great truth is He re-iterating?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         He is saying that He and His Father are one in mind, unity and purpose….to believe Him was to believe God, and to see Him in action was to see God working.

m. What effect do the words of Christ have on people today?     (verse 47; chapter 6:63b Psalm 119:9;   1 John 2:5-6)                                                                                                              

To obey His words is to have eternal life…..His word gives life and IS life eternal. His word is God’s Word! His Word will clean our lives up, and we will endeavour to walk as He walked on earth.


John  Thirteen…..(v.-1-30)

Read verses 1-30 through in one sitting, and then these other references….

               Matthew 26: 19-30                   Mark 14:16-26                       Luke 22:13-23                        

1.    Verses  1-30

a.   Did the events that followed the Passover take Christ by surprise? Why not?  (verse 1; 1 Peter 1:19-20; Revelation 13:8b)            

There were no surprises because Christ knew exactly what lay ahead and when it would happen because this was all part of God’s plan from  before the world was ever made.

b.    What supper was this that they all took part in?       (verse 1a, 2; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)                                                                                                                                                                                        The Passover supper which was celebrated every year, and the part where Jesus instituted the remembrance feast..

c. What did Jesus do AFTER the supper which only John mentions ?      (verses 4-5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

 He got up, took a towel and washed the disciples’ feet.

d. What was this action symbolic of?        (Titus 3:5-6; 1 John 1:7b)

It was symbolic of the cleansing effect Christ’s death would have on His people in the washing away of their sins by His blood that was shed on the cross.

e. What was this action an example of?      (verses 12-17)                                                                                                              

   Christ’s humility and how He was prepared to serve others…..in the same way we must exhibit this attitude.

f.   How will we feel if we do not have this right attitude?    (verse 17)

We will not be totally happy or fulfilled as we would be in obeying.

g.   What did the Lord go on to tell the disciples?       (verses 18-21)

I know that one of you is going to turn against Me, but if you receive Me, you will also receive the One who sent Me. One of you is going to betray Me!

h.    Who else had someone who betrayed him that hurt terribly?        (2 Samuel 15:12-13, 31; Psalm 41:9)                                                                                                                                            

King David’s friend turned against him as did his son Absalom.

i. What does John NOT mention that the other records do?           (Matthew 26:26-29)                                                                                               

John doesn’t say anything about partaking of the bread and wine after the Passover feast.

j. Who drank of the cup that Jesus passed around?     (Mark 14:23-25)

They ALL drank of it.

k. When did Judas leave the group?     (Luke 22:20-22)                                                                                                                  AFTER the Lord’s supper was partaken of.

l   Did the other disciples know what was going on?     (verses 18-30)

No, they didn’t have a clue at the time, even though Jesus had told them plainly.

m.  What phrase is there in verse three that indicates both physical time and the spiritual state of Judas? Explain it…….    (verses 27, 30)

He went out and it was night. Judas was in the darkness of sin, with his soul in spiritual darkness

2.    Verses  31-35                                              Isaiah 43:7                           Colossians 3:17, 23           1 John 4:7

a.   Now that Judas had left the room, how did the tone of Christ’s teaching change?    (verses 31-35)

It became more personal, from the Father to Him, and then from Him to the disciples, and how the disciples were to each other.

b.    Where did He start in this section? What purpose is revealed?           (verses 31-32)

It starts with God the Son being glorified and the Father being glorified in the Son. The whole purpose in all of these things about to happen was that God would be glorified.

c. What should our primary purpose be today?  What challenge is there in this?      (Isaiah 43:7)

To glorify God by our manner of life….do we behave in such a way that brings glory to Him?

d. How can we do this?       (Colossians 3:17, 23)

Whatever we do or say, we should do it as unto the Lord to the best of our ability, even  jobs that no-one else sees. The challenges are….are our lives a credit to the Lord? What about the state of our homes and cupboards? Is every aspect of our life a credit to Him?

e. What was the new commandment Christ gave his people?          (verses 34-35)                                                                                                             To love one another as He loves us.

f.   What would this prove to the outside world and to each other?       (verse 35; 1 John 4:7, 11)

It proves that we belong to the family of God and that we are indeed born of God and know Him personally.                                         

g.   What did Peter want to know and what did he say to the answer he got?     (verses 36-37)

He wanted to know where Jesus was going and why he couldn’t follow Him, and then said that he would lay down his life for Christ RIGHT NOW!

h.    What did the Lord tell Peter would happen?    (verse 38)

That right now, before the night was out,  he would deny that he knew Him.

i.   What does this show us?      (1 Corinthians 10:12; James 3:5)

It shows us that boasting comes before a fall, and it cannot do what it thinks it can!

j. What lesson does this show us?      (Proverbs 16:18)

That pride comes before a fall….we are not as smart or as strong as we think we are!


John  Fourteen…..(v.1-31)

1.    Verses  1-12       

a.   What reasons have we for not being troubled and afraid?       (verse 1)

If we believe in God, then we have every reason to also believe in His Son Jesus Christ. In believing in Jesus, we have eternal life and we become the children of God….this is something that NOTHING and NO-ONE can take away from us

b.    How and when did Jesus Christ “prepare” this place and way for us?  (verses 2, 6;  Ephesians 2:13, 16-19                                                                                                                                           

He prepared this place for us when He died on the cross and made the way back to God clear and open so that we could become children of God and citizens of heaven.

c. What is the main feature of this “prepared” place?      (verse 3b; chapter 3:16; 17:3)             

The main thing is that we will be with the Lord Jesus forever with nothing to separate us ever again

d.   What obvious thing had the disciples overlooked which Jesus had been at great pains to teach them all the time He was with them?      (verses 8-9; chapter 10:30)

That He and His Father were ONE….those who had seen Him at work, had see His Father at work at the same time.

e.    What wonderful truth is taught about the way to God  in verse 6?        (Acts 4:12)

That Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God the Father.

f. Who did Jesus give the credit to for the things (works) that He had been able to do?     (verses 10-11)

It was His Father doing them through Himself (the Son)

g. What was the point of all these wonderful miracles and works that Jesus did?      (verse 10c)

It was to show people that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, the true Messiah from God.

h. What promise did He give in verse 12, and what was the reason for it?      

He said that His disciples would be able to do the same miracles because He would have gone to His Father.

i.   Who were some who were able to do these and what was the result?    (Acts 8:6-8; 9:37-42)

Philip and Peter were both able to do these miracles, even raising the dead…..many believed when they saw these miracles done.

2.    Verses  13-14         

a.   What is the condition in asking here?    (verses 13-14)

We must ask in His Name.

b.    What do you think asking  “in His Name” means?    (chapter 16: 23-24; 1 John 5:14-15)

Only asking what He would approve of, and as He sees fit…..in other words, asking as He wills.

c. What should the result be of asking and receiving?            (verse 13)

That God may be glorified…..both the Father and the Son.

d. Therefore what two questions should we ask ourselves before making a request in praye

i.   Am I asking this in His Name?

ii.   Will God be glorified in the granting of this request?

e. What are some of the conditions of asking in chapter 15:7,16?                                                                                                                      

We must be abiding in Christ the true Vine, and bearing fruit for Him.

f.   What sort of fruit must we show?      (Galatians 5:22

The fruit of the Spirit…..love, joy, peace, patience etc.

g.   Do you think, taking it  from the above question, that if we are showing the fruit of the flesh such as bitterness, immorality, resentment and unforgiveness, that God is likely to grant our requests?       (Psalm 66:18;  James 4: 1-3; 1 John 1:9)

No, we have to put things right with confession of sin, before God can grant our requests.

h.    What is the condition of asking in 1 John 5:14-15?                                                                                                                                                    

We must ask according to His will.

i. How can we KNOW that we are asking in His Name, abiding in Him, and asking  according to His will?          (Psalm 37:4)            

If we are delighting ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart BECAUSE we will only desire what He wants. He will give us the right desires to pray for.

j. If these conditions seem too hard to meet, does that mean we give up in despair and not ask at all?    (Matthew 7:7-8)

No! We must ask to receive so we can give glory to God for the answer. We are told to pray, to ask and receive so our joy will be full.

k. When we aren’t too sure how to pray acceptably, what do Romans 8:26-27 and 34 tell us?                                                                                                                      

That the Holy Spirit and also the Lord Jesus will make intercession for us before the Father so our prayers will turn out OK in the end.

l.   How will that make us feel about our prayers then?

Rather humble and very careful what we ask for!!

m.   What does Paul tell us in Philippians 4:6?

To not worry about things but to take everything to God in prayer

n.   What conditions in the above verse  does Paul give for praying?

When we ask, we are to give thanks for the answer BEFORE we get it!

o.    What is the guarantee when we do this? Why?      (Philippians 4:7)                                                                                                                                             

We are guaranteed the peace of God in whatever situation we are praying about because we know that the answer we get is the best thing for us, it is what God wants for us.

3.    Verses  15-31                                                                           

a.   What primary thing does God  require of people more than anything else?         (verse 15; 1 Samuel 15:22-23)

Obedience…..keeping His commands

b.    What does it show when we obey God?    (verse 15)                                                                                                                                     

It shows that we love Him.

c. How does the Lord Jesus class those who obey Him?           (verse 26;  chapter 15:14)

As His friends.                               

d.   What is another name for the Comforter?       (verses 16-17;    chapter 16:7, 13-14)

The Holy Spirit who came at the time of Pentecost.

e.    Who does the Holy  Spirit live inside of?    (verse 17c; Acts 8:17;  10:44)        

Those who trust in and believe in Jesus Christ

f. Do we have to ASK for the Holy Spirit to come to us?        (Acts 10:44)

No, He comes as soon as we turn to God

g. What sort of things does He do for us?    (chapter 16:13-14; Romans 8:1-2, 16, 26 )

He frees us from sin’s grip. He keeps us walking in God’s ways and gives us directions. He leads, teaches and shows us the truths of God. He glorifies Jesus Christ and teaches us about Him. He reminds us when we go wrong (we call it our conscience but for a believer it is actually the Holy Spirit’s promptings). He gives us the assurance that we belong to God, and makes our prayers acceptable to God.

h.   What two wonderful promises are we given in verses 18-19?                                                                                                                   

 i.      Christ will not leave us comfortless….He will be with us.

ii.     Because He lives, we have eternal life and will live with Him.

i.   What does Solomon say in Ecclesiastes 4:12b?

That a triple (three fold)  cord is not easily broken.

j.   What triple cord do we see here? How strong is it?     (verse 20)

Christ in the Father, we in Christ, Christ in us……NOTHING can ever break this “cord”, NOTHING can ever separate us from the love of Christ.

k.    What is the prime requirement of man to God, and what does it result in?       (verse 21)

Obedience to God’s ways out of love for Him…..not because we HAVE to but because we WANT to!

4.    Verses  22-31             

a.   What did Judas want to know?      (verse 22)

How can You show Yourself to us but not to the world?

b.    How did Jesus answer him?       (verses 23-26)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If a person comes to Me  and the Holy Spirit will teach them about  Us…..other people in the world won’t understand or know Us because these things are to do with spiritual life and are spiritually seen

c. What does a worldly person NOT do?              (verse 24a)

They don’t do what God’s Word says and they couldn’t care less about it.

d. What is one of the primary tasks of the Holy Spirit?     (verse 1; Mark 13:111 Corinthians 2:13-14)

To teach us all things and to remind us of things (verses, thoughts etc.) when we need them.

e. How can we experience this peace that Christ promised (especially when things go wrong)?     (verse 27;  Psalm 119:165;  Philippians 4:6-7)

By immersing ourselves in God’s Word and then by taking it all to Him in prayer with thanksgiving for what we already have.       

f.   How would you explain the phrase “I go away and come again to you”?     (verse s 28-30)

The work of the Lord Jesus would finish shortly and He would die and “go away”. He knew He would rise again and “come again” to them briefly. The next time He would “go away” to heaven when He ascended up into the cloud, but He would send His Spirit to live in all believers.

g.    What (or who) is the prince of this world?     (chapter  16: 11; Ephesians 2:2-3)

It is Satan.

h. What does Satan have dominion over?     (Matthew 4:8-9)

He is over the kingdoms of this world (he said he could give them to Jesus!) and he has power over unbelieving people tempting  them to do wrong all the time…..there is not a good bone in his body!

i. What power did Satan have over Christ ?     (verse 30)

None whatsoever! He had nothing to give to Christ at all!

j. What else did Jesus Christ say about the “prince of this world”?      (chapter 16:11)                                                                                                      He is thrown out and judged already even though he is still free to do his dirty work.

k.   How do we know that Jesus loved His Father?    (verse 31)

He only and always did what pleased God….total obedience to His Father.

l.   How can we prove that we love God?         (verse 15)

By keeping His commandments.

m.    What is the “new” commandment that has been given to us?  What significance does this have?     (chapter 13:34-35)

To love one another…..this will show the world that we are the followers of Christ.


John  Fifteen…..(v.1-27)

1.    Verses  1-11                

a.      What is the picture used here of Christ and the believer?      (verse 1, 5a)

Christ is the Vine and the believers are the branches.

b.    Who is the Gardener?    (verse 1b                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          God the Father is the husbandman, the  overall  Gardener.

c. What does a good gardener do to his plants to help them grow, flower and bear fruit?  (verse 2)

Weeds, fertilizes, and prunes, and even sometimes lifts and moves.

d. In what way are we, the branches, pruned? What is the purpose of pruning? What does the Hebrews passage call it?      (verses 2b, 5, 8; Hebrews 12:5b-11)

God brings trials into our lives (chastens us) to cut off what is unimportant to Him so that we may bear fruit…. MORE  fruit and MUCH  fruit for His glory.

e. What sot of fruit does God look for in our lives?   (Galatians 5:22-23)

The fruit of the Spirit (and which only His Holy Spirit can give to us)  which is everything good and righteous…..love, joy peace, gentleness, patience, faith, self control and humility.

f.   What happens to a branch which doesn’t bear fruit?    (verse 2a)

The Gardener takes it out altogether, because when a  branch is withered it is useless; when a believer is in a backslidden state their testimony is nil and  men rubbish them.

g. What do people say about a Christian  who doesn’t practice what he preaches?      (Romans 2:21-24)

They are called hypocrites, and it is said that if that is Christianity, others don’t want a bar of it.

h.   When we abide in Christ, what are we able to do?    (verse 7)

Ask for anything we like, and it will be granted to us.

i.    What happens as far as God is concerned when people ABIDE in Christ ?      (verse 8)

God is glorified when people bear fruit in their lives and others know that they are following Christ.

j. God the Father loves us; Christ loves us; what is our  part and responsibility? How do we do this?         (verses 5c, 9)    

By continuing in that love in keeping Christ’s words just as He kept God’s Word and abided in His Father’s love…..we can do nothing  for God without Him

k. Non Christians think “What a boring life!” What does keeping Christ’s words result in His people having ?    (verse 11)

It give great joy and peace in one’s soul and conscience.

l.   What are some ways  this joy shows itself?     (Ephesians 5:19-21)

.     We are able to sing and give thanks to the Lord continually  with cheerfulness and encouragement to others.

2.    Verses  12-17                             

a.   What is this new commandment that Christ gives His followers?    (verses 12, 17; chapter 13:34)

That they must love one another.

b.    What is the greatest love that a person can show?       (verse 13; 1 John 3:16b)

Love great enough to die for each other.

c.   Who showed the greatest example of this ultimate love for others?     (Galatians 2:20c; 1 John 3:16a)

Jesus Christ when He gave Himself for me!

d.   How can we KNOW we are the friends of Jesus Christ?     (verse 14)

By whether we WANT to do what He says or not.

e.   What are the wonderful truths in verse 16?    

We are chosen by Christ to be His people; that we CAN bear fruit for Him and that we can make our requests to Him.

f.     WHEN were we chosen?      (Ephesians 1:4)

Before the foundation of the world….before the world even began, God had His plan and with His foreknowledge He was able to choose those who would believe.

g.    What is the purpose that God has for His people and what is the result of it?     (verses 16-17)

God’s purpose is that they bear fruit and make requests to Him in His will so He can grant them.

h.      What does verse 17 tell us? How many times do we find this in chapters 13-15?

To love one another……we are told this three times in these chapters.

i.      Why do you think this has been repeated three times?              (1 John 5:2)             

It must be really important to be repeated these times, it also gives us the assurance that we are part of God’s family.

j.    What are the two criteria to belong to Christ?     (1 John 3:23)

To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and to love one another.

3.    Verses  18-27                                 

a.   How does the world generally see Christ?    (verse 18)

At the best, only a good man; at  the worst a deep hatred for Him and in between pure indifference.

b.    How does the world regard followers of Christ  ?      (verse 19)                                                                                                                                               

With hatred in many cases, and ignoring in others.

c. What happens to Christians in many parts of the world…e.g. in Muslim countries or places where Hinduism, Buddhism etc.  is practised?    (verses 20-21)         

There is active persecution and a very real hatred, even to death.

d. Why does the “world” hate God and/or Christ  so much ?       (chapter 8:44-47)

Because they belong to  Satan and he  has them in his grip…. he hates and murders wherever he can.

e.   What is the world’s attitude to God and His Son ?     (Psalm 2:2-3)

They say,”Let’s break God’s rules and do our own thing! We don’t want to be told what to do or to be tied down to anything!!!!”

f.    What is the world really in enslavement to ?      (Ephesians 2:2-3)        

It is enslaved by sin and under the domination of the evil one.

g.   Which verses  endorse the fact of the world’s sin?  What do they say?     (verses 22-23; Romans 3:23)

They say that people had seen the works and heard the words of Christ and refused them and continued to hate Christ and therefore God the Father as well….ALL have sinned and come short of God’s standards.

h.  What (or Who) can break a person free from the clutches of sin ? (verse 26; Romans 8:2, 9, 11)

The Holy Spirit can and does give life in Jesus to all who believe in Him.

John  Sixteen…..(v.1-33)

1.    Verses  1-15                                                

a.   What was Jesus warning His disciples of?     (verses 1-4)

Tough times ahead! They wouldn’t be allowed in the synagogues and in some cases they would even be put to death.

b.    Who was the first martyr recorded? Why was he killed?      (Acts 6:8-15; 7:52-60)

Stephen was taken before the Sanhedrin for preaching the Gospel and after hearing his defence, they were so angry they stoned him to death.

c.    Why did Jesus say they would do these things?       (verse 3)

They thought they were doing it for God, but they didn’t really know God and didn’t want to know Him (Jesus Christ)

d.   How did Peter tell the Christians to face persecution?       (1 Peter 4:13-19)

To rejoice and be glad to be able to share some of the sufferings of Christ….if persecution is taken the right way, then God is glorified in the process.

e. How did Paul and Silas demonstrate this in prison?     (Acts 16:22-25)                                                                                                       They sang hymns and prayed out loud for all to hear.

f.   How are we to face unfair discrimination at work because we are Christians?   (Matthew 5:10-16)       

We are to be glad because God takes note of how we react in adverse situations, and so do other people…..this is one way we can witness without preaching! We are to be the flavoursome salt and a bright light before others….the salt doesn’t have to SAY anything, just be what it is, and a light doesn’t have to TELL anyone it’s a light, it can be clearly seen.

g.        Why was Christ telling His disciples these things?    (verses 4-6)

Because He was about to leave them and this conversation would come back to them after He was gone.   

h.    What  was one  result of  Christ  leaving  the earth?      (verse 7)

The Holy Spirit would come to be with them after He was gone.

i.    What are some of the things that the Holy Spirit does for believers?        (chapter 14: 16-17, 26; 15:26 Romans 8:2, 26)

i…       To convince people of sin and the truth of the Gospel

ii.          To teach right living and of judgement to come.

iii.         To show the truth to them.

  1. To glorify Christ (not Himself)
  2. To teach and remind them  of Christ’s words
  3. To never leave them; to always be with them.
  4. To help them to live the Christian life as they ought to.
  5. To help in their prayer life, interceding for them before God
  6. Produces fruit in their lives.
  7. To free from the shackles of habitual sin

j. How does the Holy Spirit show Himself in a Christian’s life?     (Acts 16:25; Ephesians 5:19 )        

By  helping them to be happy, joyful and singing, counting their blessings instead of moaning and complaining.

k. What does Paul say about the Holy Spirit ?   ( 1 Corinthians 2:10-14)

God uses Him to show believers the deep things of Himself and to give understanding of spiritual truths which a non-believer can never know or understand.

l.   Does the Holy Spirit glorify Himself in any way ?      (verses 13-15)

No, He glorifies Christ.

m.    What does this teach us ?          (verse 13 c)

To not place undue emphasis on the person of the Holy Spirit but to recognise His work relating to the things of Christ.

2.    Verses  16-33                                                                                 

a.   What did Jesus mean in  this passage?       (verses 16-20)

He was telling them in a round about way that He was about to die, but would be resurrected and be with them again for a short while before ascending to His Father for ever.

b.    What picture did He use to illustrated this?        (verse 21)                                                                                                                                                   

The picture of a woman giving birth….. the pain and sorrow, then the joy of the baby’s arrival.

c. What would fill the hearts of the disciples when they saw Christ again after the resurrection?   (verse 22)                 

Great joy which nothing and no-one could take away from them.

d. How did Paul expand on this thought for us today?     (Romans 8:28-39)      

No matter what happens to the believer (ALL THINGS) they can know FOR SURE that they can NEVER be separated from the love and care of God.

e.   What are the promises given here?       (verses 23-24)      

To ask, receive and be joyful

f.    What is the condition of asking in this verse?      (verse 23b)

To ask in Christ’s Name.

g. Taking these other verses into consideration, what do you think this means? Is it just finishing off  the prayer with “in His Name”?              (chapter 15:7; Philippians 4:6-7; 1 John 5:14-15)      

We have to take all these verses about praying  along with this passage….we must be “abiding” in Him, and asking according to His will. We must ask, being thankful for whatever the answer is before we can have God’s peace….we must be sure that what we are asking can be used or done for God’s glory.   Sometimes the answer we want may never be given, other times it may be years before it will be granted….remember what David says in Psalm 37:3-5  about delighting yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. If we delight in the Lord instead of begging and pleading, His desires will become our desires, and we will be content to leave it all to Him.

h. What is the result of asking and receiving?    (verse 24)       

We have the joy of seeing God work in situations that appear  impossible and give glory to Him as a result. If we have asked with a thankful and restful heart, we WILL experience His peace and be able to rejoice in Him!                                    

i.   How were the disciples viewing God at this stage?      (verse 25; Matthew 13:34-35)      

Through the parables that Jesus told them.

j.    Jesus had spoken to them so far in parables….what helps us to  see things more clearly today?       (1 Corinthians 2:10)

Because the Holy Spirit reveals these truths and the mystery of the Gospel to the apostles and they wrote it down to be incorporated in the Bible as we have it today. The more we study the Bible, the more we understand it.

k. Why can we have every confidence to ask God things in Christ’s Name?    (verse 27)

Because we know that He loves us because we believe in Jesus Christ and love Him.

l. How does verse 28 explain verse 19?         (verses 29-30)      

The disciples didn’t know what He meant by saying  “a little while” they wouldn’t see Him, and then another “little while” and they would. Now He is saying that just as He came from the Father, so He would return to the Father, and they understood this.

m. What did Jesus promise them here?      (verses 32-34)                                                                                                                            That although they would be scattered and leave Him,  they could still have peace in the midst of  their troubles because He has overcome all things.

n.   What must we remember when we are going through trials?           (1 Peter 4:12-14, 16)

To rejoice in our salvation and carry on quietly and cheerfully so that our attitude may honour God.


John  Seventeen…..(v.1-26)

1.    Verses  1-12                                                                                 John 5: 24;     12:23-27;     18:37  

The time together this evening is drawing to a close………….

a.   How could we explain what  Jesus is doing in this chapter?

He is closing this time with a prayer to His Father.

b.    What is this “hour” that has come?     (verses 1-3; chapter 3:16)

The hour when He would make full payment for the sins of the world, and it would be possible for mankind to have eternal life through His death.

c. What would result from this “hour” for both the Father and the Son?    (verses 1, 4-5; chapter 12:23-27)

Great glory…..the Father would be glorified by the Son’s action and in turn has glorified the Son and exalted Him to the highest heights.

d. What has resulted in “this hour” for all mankind?       (chapter 5:24)      

The gift of eternal life for all those who will come to Him.

e. What is the essence of eternal life? What is the spin off?  (verse 3; Romans 8:1; Ephesians 1:3-7)

The main thing about eternal life is knowing God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ….the bonus is that we will never NOT know  Them again!!! Our life with the Lord will never end, we have passed from the condemnation of sin into a never ending life with Christ; we will never have to suffer for the wrongs we have done because Christ took it all on Himself during “this hour”.  We have been brought into God’s family, given innumerable blessings and are accepted before God.    

f.   How did Christ feel when He looked  at the work of salvation He was about to accomplish,  and His time on earth?      (verse 4; Isaiah 53:11)

He was satisfied with a good job well done…..He had accomplished His Father’s will.

g.    What was the Father’s will for the Son?          (chapter 6:40)                                                                                                                                   

To bring eternal life for sinful man and to keep all those who come to Him.

h. What happened in the process of this work that was finished on the cross?       (verses 4-5)      

The Father and the Son are both glorified….no power or force can ever point a finger at any part not completed.

i. What are the “I have” s that Christ could say He had finished in this passage?   (verses 4-8)

i    I have glorified Thee on the earth

  1.             ii.  I have finished the work You gave Me to do.

iii. I have shown Your Name to those You gave Me.

            iv. I have given them the Words that You gave Me.            

j.   What incredible truths come through in these verses?        (verses 9- 10; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25)

Jesus Christ prays for His people….He makes intercession for us to God because we belong to Him and to the family of God. He is glorified because we have come to Him….we ARE His glory!

k.    What two prayer requests are in verse 11?               

  1.             i.    Keep them in Your own Name, Holy Father
  2.             ii.   I   pray that they may be one.

l. Even though there are many diverse opinions among believers today, what is the point that they are unanimous on?    (verse 12; chapter 13:13;  14:6)         

The Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the Father and that He is Lord of all.

2.    Verses  13-16                                                                            John 3:19-21

a.   What is it that the Lord desires His people to have, regardless?       (verse 13)

His joy in them….He wants us to rejoice in Him

b.    What gives us this joy? How can we be joyful in Him?        (chapter  15:11; Ephesians 1:3)

When we think of Him and His words,  our minds are taken off our circumstances and things surrounding  us, and His joy fills our souls.

c. Why does the world system hate Christians?      (verses 14-16)

Because they are different, with a different set of values. The world system is in the darkness of sin, while Christians are of the light and the light shows up the evil deeds that are done in the dark. We are in the world, but not of it. The world feels threatened by the Christian values.

d. What reassuring (to us) request does Christ make of His Father here?   (verse 15)

That His people will be kept from  evil, and the evil one.

e.  What do both James and Peter say for us to do in regard to Satan? (James 4:7 & 1 Peter 5:8-9)                                                                                                                                                   

To resist him and he will flee from us.

f. How does Paul tell us to do this?     (Ephesians 6:10-13)       

To be strong in the Lord, put on God’s armour and stand against him, not GIVE IN. We do NOT belong to Satan but to God!

3.    Verses  17-26                           

a.   What does your modern translation use for the word “sanctify”?        

To be “set apart”, to be pure and holy…..to live pure, holy, 100% honest lives before all. To be seen to be different to people of the world in our attitudes and actions.

b.    How is it possible to do this?     (verses 17-19; 1 Peter 3:15)

By soaking in the Word of God with a sincere and pure heart and mind….. not just reading it as a text book. Not only to get to know the text,  but also the Author.

c.    What does David say about this?         (Psalm 119:9, 11)    

That if we hide God’s Word in our heart and take heed to it (listen and DO!) we will be cleansed and kept from sin.

d.   What is a Christian to do in this world? What does the Lord want them to do?       (verse 20; Matthew 28:19)

Christ wants His people  to tell others and to teach them….to go out into the world and preach the Gospel.

e.    What about us today? Are we included in all  this?      (verses 16-20)                                                                                                                                             

Yes! Jesus is praying for ME!

f. What is the great desire of Christ for His people in verse 21?             

That they may be ONE in Him so that others will believe also.

g. What example do we have to follow?         (verses 22-23)

The unity that is in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

h.  What is this unity a witness to?        (verse 23b)

It shows the world that there is something in this Christianity business.

i. What happens when it breaks down?        (Romans 2:24;  1 Timothy 6:1)

It is the first thing that the world points the finger at. We are to live in a manner that will glorify God, not cause others to blaspheme His Name.                  

j.   What is the last request of this, the Lord’s prayer?     (verses 22-24)

That His people would be with Him where He is, that they may see (and share in) His glory.

k. What did Christ ask His Father to surround His people with?    (verses 25-26)         

His love in us and around us.

l. What confidence do we have that this is so?     (Romans 8:31, 35-39)

Paul tells us that if God is for us (and He is!) no-one, and nothing, can take this away from us. NOTHING can separate us from His love.



John  Eighteen…..(v.1-40)

1.    Verses  1-27                                       

a.   Had Judas been with the group while the Lord was speaking in these last few chapters? Where was he?       (verse 1)

No, Judas had gone out after the supper to get a band of men  from the Pharisees to arrest Jesus.

b.    Where did he think Jesus would have gone after the supper?         (verse 2)                                                                                                                                            

To the garden that was on the Mount of Olives

c. What happened in the Garden that John doesn’t mention?          (Mark 14:32-42)

His agony and prayer to His Father there.

d.   Did Jesus make it hard for Judas to find Him?       (verses 3-4)

No, He went out to meet the men and asked them who they were looking for.

e.    Did Jesus know what the next few hours would bring?     (verse 4; chapter 13:2, 21, 27)

Yes, He  knew exactly how, what and where things would be happening.

f. What did Jesus say in reply to them saying His name?     (verse 5)

He said, “I AM  He”

g. What happened to the men when they heard Him say that? Why do you think that this happened? What does this Name signify?      (Exodus 3:13-15; Revelation 1:8)

When Jesus said “I AM HE”, He was using the name of God Almighty that had been given to Moses to give to Israel. The power of this Name made the men fall backwards onto the ground. This Name signifies the ETERNALNESS of Jesus Christ, the One who is first and last, the Beginning and the Ending of all things.

h.  Who was Jesus concerned about here?  Why?     (verses 8-9)

He was caring for His disciples and making sure they would not be arrested with Him, so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled.                                                                                                            

i.   What does Luke tell us about the matter of the ear being cut off that none of the other accounts tell us?       (Luke 22:50-51)

That Jesus put the man’s ear back and healed it.

j.    What did Peter think he was doing anyway?                                                                                                                                                    

He thought he was helping to protect his Master.

k. What does this teach us?             

To stop and consider carefully and prayerfully before we act; no matter how good our intentions are, they may not be appropriate.     

2.    Verses 12- 32

 a.   Jesus was taken to Annas first, and then to Caiaphas. John and Peter followed them. What happened to Peter?    (verses 12-27)

John took him into the palace, and he stood by the fire warming himself. Different ones asked him if he wasn’t one of the followers of Jesus, and three times he denied that he even knew Him.. The rooster crowed twice, and he remembered what Jesus had said to him.

b.    What had he said to Jesus earlier, and what was Jesus’ reply?      (Mark 14:29-31)

Others might leave You, but I won’t! I would die for You!! Jesus had said, “You will deny that you even know Me three times before the rooster crows twice!”

c. How did Peter feel when he realised what he had done?              (Luke 22:54-62)

He was filled with remorse and went outside  weeping bitterly.

d.    What does Luke tell us about this incident that the others don’t?   (Luke 22: 61a)

That the Lord caught Peter’s eye and Peter knew that Jesus knew what he had just done. How awful he must have felt!!                    John 3:14;   12:32-33       Acts 7:58-59

e.    Meantime what was happening to Jesus?      (verses 19-24)

He was bound and being questioned by Annas….one of the officers slapped Him for His answer, and then He was taken to Caiaphas the High Priest.

f.   It was still very early in the morning…….where was Jesus taken next?     (verses 28-32)

He was taken to Pilate’s house and accused there….Pilate was told that they couldn’t authorise His execution whereas Pilate could.

g.    What was the Jews’ traditional method of execution?   (Leviticus 24:16, 23)

Stoning a person.

h. Why was Jesus not to be stoned?       (Psalm 34:20; chapter 3:14; 12:32-33)

To fulfill the prophecies….He would not have a broken bone and He would die being lifted up off the ground, even as Moses put the brass serpent up on a pole for the healing of the Israeli people in the wilderness.

3.    Verses  33-40                                       

a.   What did Pilate’s conversation centre around?        (verse 33)

He asked  Jesus if He were the King of the Jews.

b.    What sort of  Kingdom did Jesus say He had?         (verse 36)                                                                                                                                           

He said His kingdom wasn’t in this world…if it was, His servants would be fighting for Him..

c. What did Jesus say He had come into the world for?            (verse 37)

To bear witness of the Truth.

d.   What was Pilate’s reply to this?        (verse 38a)

What is truth?

e.    Pilate had no answer to this….how could we answer that question?     (chapter 1: 17b; 14:6)                                                                                                                                      

Jesus Himself is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.

f. What was Pilate’s verdict?          (verse 38b)

This Man is innocent…..I can’t find any fault in Him at all.

g. What does Luke tell us that Pilate did next thinking that he had a loophole?     (Luke 23:6-7)

He heard that Jesus was a Galilean, so he sent Him off to Herod who was in Jerusalem at this time.

h.  How did Herod feel about this?     (Luke 23:7-8)

He was glad to see Jesus because he had been curious about Him for a long time and wanted to see a miracle performed.

i. What did Jesus do while He was in front of Herod?      (Luke 23:9)

He kept quiet and didn’t speak a word.

j.   What did Isaiah prophesy about this so many years before?                  (Isaiah 53:7)

He said He was like a sheep being shorn , making not a sound even though He was being pushed around.

k.    What did Herod do to Jesus?         (Luke 23:11)

He made fun of Him, putting a purple cloak on Him, and pretending He was a king and allowing his men to mock Him before sending Him back to Pilate.

l. What comment does Peter make about this?       (1 Peter 2:21-23)             

It is an example for us to follow when we suffer for doing right.

m. Who did the Jews choose when given the choice?       (verses 39-40)

They asked for Barabbas to be set free, a robber and a murderer, rather than Jesus Christ the innocent and sinless Son of God.


John  Nineteen…..(v.1-42)

1.    Verses  1-24            

a. Herod had sent Jesus back to Pilate…..what did Pilate then  decide?   (verses 1-6; Luke 23:14-16)

I will whip Him and let Him go…..I find no fault in Him and neither did Herod.

b.   What did the soldiers do to this passive prisoner?       (verses 2-3)

They made a crown of thorns and mocked Him as a pretence king, spitting in his face and striking Him on the head with a reedy switch until the blood came.

c.    What did Isaiah prophesy about the sufferings of Christ that the New Testament does not elaborate on?           (Isaiah 50:6; 52:14)

That His beard was pulled at until the whiskers came out and that His face was more disfigured than any other person; He had to endure His face being spat upon.

d. What statements did Pilate hear that made him more afraid than ever of condemning this man?        (verses 7, 11; Matthew 27:19)

i.  The  Jews said that He claimed to be the Son of God.

  1.             ii.  Jesus said that Pilate only had power over Him if it were given to him by God above.
  2.            iii.  Pilate’s wife sent him a message saying to leave the case alone as she had been having

nightmares about it.

e. What lever did the people use to change Pilate’s mind?    (verse 12)

It was a political one….whoever says he is a king is speaking against Caesar. If you let this man go, you aren’t Caesar’s friend! In other words, “Your job is on the line!”

f. The people continued to clamour for His death…..what did Pilate do, thinking he was clearing himself of this injustice?         (Matthew 27:24)

He got a basin of water and washed his hands in front of all the people, saying that he was free of the blood of the innocent prisoner

g. What statement did the Jewish rulers make that showed the true state of their hearts before God?                   (verse 15;  1 Samuel 8:7)     

“We don’t want God as our King! Caesar is our king!”                       

h.   What does John NOT tell us about the trip out of the city to Golgotha?     (Luke 23:26)

He doesn’t say that the physical condition of the Saviour was so poor and weak that He wasn’t able to carry His own cross as the others were able to, and that Simon of Cyrene was compelled to carry it for Him.

i.    What additional information does Luke give us about this trip?      (Luke 23:27-31)                                                                                                                                              

He tells how the women were in the crowd following and weeping out loud for Him, and how He turned and told them to weep for themselves rather than for Him….that bad days were ahead.

j. What was Jesus wearing on the trip out and what did they do with them? Remember the temperatures.       (verses 23-24;  chapter  18:18; Mark 15:20)

They had taken the fancy cloak off Him and put His own clothes back on. Before they crucified Him, they stripped Him and split the clothes up between themselves before gambling for His coat.

k.   What was the reason for this?    (verse 24; Psalm 22:18)

It was to fulfill the Scriptures in  the Old Testament.

l.    What did the executioners offer Him before hammering the nails in? What was the purpose of this? What did He do?          (Matthew 27:34)    

They gave all the prisoners wine mixed with myrrh to deaden the immediate pain of the crucifixion, but Jesus refused to take it….He said He would drink of the cup that His Father gave Him to the full.

m. What were the first words that Jesus spoke after the nails were hammered in? (only Luke records them)        (Luke 23:33-34)

“Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing!”

n. What had Pilate ordered to be written on the label of His cross? What did the priests think about that?        (verses 19-22)

He wrote, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” and the priests wanted it altered to say……  “ He said He was the King of the Jews”. Pilate refused to change it.

2.   Verses 25-30                                                   

  1. a.      Who were standing by His cross?              (verses 25-26)

His mother, aunt and John along with others.

b.   What did Jesus say to them?       (verses 26-27)

“John, look after her as a son would; Woman, this is your son!”

c. Who were also crucified with Jesus? What were their attitudes?    (Luke 23:32-33; 39-41)

They were sarcastic in their comments, until one of them changed his tone and confessed that they were paying for their actions, but that Jesus was an innocent victim.

d. What did this repentant thief go on to say?    (Luke 23:42)

“Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”

e. What was the Lord’s reply?    (Luke 23:43)       

“Today you will be with Me in Paradise!”

f. What happened in those three hours between the 6th and the 9th ?      (Luke 23:44-45)

The sun became dark and it was like night time over the whole land.

g. How did the Lord Jesus feel during these three hours?  (Psalm 69:2-4; Matthew 27: 46)         

He felt utterly forsaken by God…..it was as though waves of God’s wrath were going over Him as He paid sin’s penalty there for mankind, suffering in a way that no human being can comprehend.

h.   How did God the Father feel during these hours?      (Habakkuk 1:13;  2 Corinthians 5:19, 21)

He was utterly repulsed by the sin of the world that Christ was taking on Himself, and thus He could not bear to look on Him but turned His face away, and yet at the same time He was with Christ making the way to reconcile the world to Himself, so that believers could be made righteous. The Father suffered with the Son.

i.  What did He say towards the end of this time? How did He say it?       (Matthew 27:46)

He said loudly for all to hear, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

j.    What seems to have come next? Why did He say it?       (verse 28)

He said “I am thirsty” so that the Scripture could be fulfilled and He drank the vinegar this time.

k. He said two more things, what were they?    (verse 30; Luke 23:46)

“It is FINISHED! Father  into Your hands I commend My spirit”

l.   In what way did He say them? What did He do after that?     (Luke 23:46a)

He shouted them out loudly and then bowed His head and gave up His spirit (died)

m.    In what way was the death of Jesus Christ different to any other person’s death?    (chapter 10:18)                                                                                                                                      

His life was not taken from Him by circumstances or people, He gave it up voluntarily.

n. Can you work out how many statements Jesus made from the cross?             

He said seven different things.

o. What was the “work” that Christ had finished?        (1 Peter 2:24)

The work of salvation, destroying the power of Satan and making payment for the sin of mankind so they could be reconciled with God and have eternal life.

3.     Verses  31-42                                                                                                           

a.   What else happened at the moment of Christ’s death that John doesn’t mention?    (Matthew 27:50-53)

i.  The veil of the temple was split from the top to the bottom.

ii. There was a tremendous earthquake that opened many graves of saints who appeared to

their old acquaintances in Jerusalem.

b.   What was the significance of the veil tearing from the TOP to the bottom?

It was a large heavy curtain, and this showed that it was torn by God Himself. There was no way that a person could have reached up and done that, it was far too high and thick.

c. What did the tearing open of the Holy Place show ?       (Hebrews 9:3,8, 11-12, 24;  10:19-20)

That the old had passed away, and the new had come….Christ was now the high priest who had offered His own sinless blood to God for the sins of the world, thus making the way open for all to believe and come boldly before God.              

d. Why did the Jews want the legs broken of those on the crosses?          (verse 31)

Because they wanted to hurry the deaths up to get the bodies down and dealt with before this special sabbath day.

e.   What did the soldiers do to Jesus? Why?  (verses32-37;  Psalm 34:20;  Zechariah 12:10b)

He was already dead, so they didn’t break His legs, but one soldier speared His side instead…..both these things were the fulfilling of the Old Testament Scriptures.

f.     What was the reaction of the centurion and soldiers who were guarding the site?   (Matthew 27:54)

They said that this was truly the Son of God and no ordinary Man.

g.    What happened to the body of Jesus?      (verses 38-40)

Joseph of Arimathea asked permission of Pilate to take it down and he and Nicodemus wrapped it up with spices and put it in Joseph’s new tomb which was nearby.

h. How does this tie in with Isaiah 53:9?    

Christ hade been executed with and as a criminal and both Joseph and Nicodemus were wealthy men…..so yet again another  the Scripture was fulfilled.

i. Why were they in a hurry get this done ?     (verse 42)

Because it was nearly time for the Jews’ preparation for the Sabbath Day.

j. How long did Jesus say He would be buried for?     (Matthew 12:40)

Three days and three nights.

k.   What did the Chief Priests tell Pilate to do ? Why?   (Matthew 27: 62-66)  

To put a guard on the tomb in case the disciples went to steal the body away. …they remembered                                             that He had said that after three days, He would rise again from the dead.


John  Twenty…..(v.1-31)

1.    Verses  1-18         

a. Who went to the tomb?   Who does John tell us about?        (verse 1; Matthew 28:1; Luke 24:1-10; Mark 16:1)

Mary Magdalene, another Mary, Salome and Joanna went very early, leaving while it was still dark, to go to the tomb. John only mentions Mary Magdalene, Matthew mentions her and another Mary, and  while Mark names Salome as well, Luke gives more names.

b.   What was the purpose of this visit?      (Mark 16:1) 

They were taking spices to finish off the hasty job of burial that was started before the Passover night.

c.    What was their main concern as they made their way to the burial cave?     (Mark 16:2-4)

How they would get  the stone rolled away from the mouth of the cave.

d. What did they find when they got there?            (Matthew 28:2-8; Mark 16:3-4)

There had been an earthquake and an angel had come and rolled the stone away and was sitting on it when they arrived.

e.   What happened to the guards who were supposed to be keeping the door shut? What did they do when they came to?   (Matthew 28:11-15) 

They shook with great fright and collapsed on the ground like dead men. They went off to the priests and told them what had happened and how they were powerless to do anything. The priests gave them bribe money to say they had been asleep on guard and the disciples had come and stolen the body away.

f. Of the four accounts of the resurrection, which one was written by someone who was actually at the tomb?     (verses 2-6)

John was the only one who went to the tomb at the time, and was able to write about what he saw.

g.   Which woman ran to Peter and John first and told them that Jesus was gone?    (verse 2) 

It was Mary Magdalene. It seems that she got to the tomb ahead of the other women, looked in, and rushed back to tell Peter and John it was empty, and ask where He was!

h.    What did the other women see that Mary seemed to have missed?      (Matthew 28:5-8)   

They saw the angel and heard his message, and as they went back to tell the disciples, Jesus appeared to them and told them to tell the disciples to go back to Galilee.

i. What did Peter and John do then? And Mary Magdalene?     (verses 3-8, 11- 13)    

They ran to the tomb and looked in to see only empty grave clothes. Mary went back behind them and stood outside weeping. When she looked inside after the men had gone, she saw TWO angels who spoke to her.

j. Who did she see next?      (verses 14-18) 

Jesus appeared in front of her, but she didn’t recognise Him until He spoke her name.

k.  It is a bit hard to fit all the pieces together, but what is the important thing that comes through clearly?       (Revelation 1:18) 

Jesus is NOT DEAD! He is ALIVE forever more! He holds the keys of hell and death and NO-ONE can  take them away.

2.    Verses  19-31                                                                                                                 

a. Who were the next ones to see Jesus alive?         (Luke 24:13-28)      

Two people were returning to Emmaus from having been in Jerusalem for the Passover, and met this Man who fell in step with them. He asked why they were so sad, and when they told him, He started telling them that these things had to happen to fulfil the Old Testament Scriptures. He also said how the Messiah would have to suffer to bring God’s salvation to men.

b.   How did they recognise him for Who He was?           (Luke 24:15-16, 29-31a) 

They asked Him in to stay the night and when He gave thanks for the meal, they knew Him!

c.    Did He stay? What did they do?     (Luke 24:31b-35) 

No, He vanished out of their sight, and they set straight off back to Jerusalem to tell the others!

d. Who did the Lord appear to next? When?         (verses 19-20) 

That same evening while the disciples were sitting in a locked room, He just appeared in the middle of them, and showed them His hands and side to prove His identity.

e.   How did they feel when this happened?         (verse 20b; Luke 24:36-41) 

They were terrified initially, but when they calmed down they were glad and joyful..

f.    What does Luke tell us that He did for them?       (Luke 24:45-48) 

He opened their understanding of Him as prophesied  in the Old Testament Scriptures.

g. These verses are difficult to understand on their own…..what is the power behind this authority?      (verses 22-23; Acts 16:30-32)  .         

It is only by the power of the Holy  Spirit that sins can be forgiven. Believers have the authority to tell others that as they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, they can be saved from their sins, and that if they refuse God’s Gift, they will  be under His wrath in a day to come.

h.   What has made salvation possible?      Hebrews 10:4, 12

The shedding of the blood of Christ….the blood of animals could never take away sins.

i.    Has any MAN on earth the power to forgive sins?         (Acts 4:12) 

No, it is only when a person points another to Christ as the Saviour of the those who believe in Him, that he has the right to tell them that their sins are forgiven upon their belief in Christ.

j. Which disciple had a problem with the resurrection? What was the problem?    (verses 24-25) 

Thomas just COULD NOT believe that Jesus had come back to life again! He said that unless he saw the marks in His hands and feet with his own eyes,  he wouldn’t believe them.

k.   What did Jesus do for  Thomas ?    (verses 26-27) 

He understood his doubts and his make-up, and didn’t rebuke him for them, so He showed Himself to Thomas a week later in the same way as to the others….just suddenly appearing before them all. He told Thomas to feel the scars so he could be sure it was no joke.

l.    What was Thomas’ reaction to this?      (verse 28) 

He was totally overcome and worshipped him as his Lord.

m. What blessing do we have today that Thomas missed out on?     (verse 29) 

There is a special blessing to those who believe without seeing physically….as the Holy Spirit convicts and convinces us of these truths, we are blessed in believing them.

n.   What does John say the purpose was, of him writing his account of the Gospel?   (verses 30- 31) 

So that people might believe on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and have eternal life through His Name.


John  Twenty-One…..(v.1-25)

1.    Verses  1-11                                                                                           

a. Why did the disciples go back to Galilee from Jerusalem?       (verses 1-3; Matthew 28:10)        

They had to earn a living and that was where their business had been…..besides, Jesus had told them to go back and had said He would meet them there.

b.   How many were in their group fishing this night?        (verse 2) 

Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, James and John plus two others….seven altogether.

c. What did they catch?      (verse 3d) 


d.   What happened as they came into shore in the morning?      (verses 5-6) 

They saw this man on the beach and He asked them if they had any fish. When they said “No!”, He told them to throw the net out again and this time it came in full and almost breaking.

e.    Who recognised the Man on the beach first?      (verse 7) 

John did, and told Peter, who then dived in and swam ashore

f. What did they find when they got ashore?              (verses 8-9) 

A fire lit with breakfast of fish and bread cooked.

g.    What were the unusual features of this catch of fish?      (verses 8, 11) 

They were caught in shallow water close to the shore, the net was chock full, they were large fish, the net had no holes in it, and the number of 153 is recorded.

h.    What did they do when they got to shore?        (verses 12-13)                                                                                                                                

They hauled the net up the beach, and then had breakfast together.

i. Two other times there are accounts of the men fishing in their own strength and catching nothing….what is the difference between  those accounts and this one?    (Luke 5:4-7) 

The other times, Jesus told them to go out into the deep water; their net broke with the weight, and two boats could barely hold all the fish.

j. What was the difference in Peter’s reaction in all  these accounts?      (verses 7, 11; Luke 5:8-9) 

In the Luke account, Peter felt his unworthiness and sinfulness and wanted Jesus to leave him; in this account, Peter felt his great need of, and love for, Jesus and couldn’t wait to get to Him.

2.    Verses  12-25

a. What do we read about Peter talking with Jesus after the resurrection?  ( Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians  15:5)              

He had seen Jesus privately before the other disciples had.

b.   What do you think passed between them?        (1 John 1:9) 

Confession and restoration…. Peter wanted to right his public denial that he felt so ashamed of.

c.    Peter had denied his Lord publicly  three times….what was he now given the opportunity to do?     (verses  15-17) 

To say before the others three times that he loved His Lord, and three times the Lord told him to do His work.

d.   What analogy did Peter remember and use that could have stemmed from this conversation?        (1 Peter 2:25;   5:2-4)          

That of sheep and the Shepherd……He refers to Christ as the Chief Shepherd and the Great Shepherd, elders as being the under shepherds, and  the people being the flock of God.

e. What did Jesus then go on to tell Peter?             (verse  18)    

That when he was old, he would be carried where he wouldn’t want to go.

f.   What did John say this would mean?              (verse 19)    

It was meaning the sort of death that Peter would die.

g.    What does Peter say in his last letter about his death?           (2 Peter 1:13-15)      .                                                                                                                                       

That he knew it wasn’t far away, and he wanted his readers to REMEMBER ALWAYS after his death, the things that he had written.

h. What did Peter then say in verse 20 that brought a rebuke from the Lord?    (verses 20-21)    

He wanted to know what was going to happen to John!

i.   What does the Lord’s reply say to us today?          (verse 22)     

He is saying that what happens to others is none of our business…..each one of us is to concentrate on following Him ourselves

j.  Look at Peter’s statements and the Lord’s replies in Matthew. How do they compare with Peter’s statements in this chapter?       (verse 21; Matthew 16:16-18, 22-24)       .

Exactly the same…. He makes a wonderful statement of truth with great sentiments, and then blows it all in the next breath! A statement stimulated by the Holy Spirit and then a statement prompted by Satan.

k. What does this tell us?    (Proverbs 16:18)          

We   can’t afford to think we know it all as pride comes before a fall….others sometimes have more to offer than we do!

l.    What lesson can we learn from verse 23?        (James 1:19)      .

To not jump to conclusions, we might be wrong! We must examine what we hear carefully before repeating it.

m    What did John tell us in the last verse?           (verse   25)                                      

That there were many other things that Jesus did which are not written down, and that the world probably couldn’t hold all the books it would take to tell us.

n. What does this tell us about our Lord Jesus?    (chapter 20:30)              

His vastness and greatness.

o. How does Paul put it? What conclusion must we come to when contemplating all this?  (Romans 11:33-36;   Psalm 29:1-2)          .

We are left in awe at the vastness of the wisdom and knowledge of God and MUST give Him the glory that is due to Him.














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