People’s Stories

We all like to read stories about people, of things that may have happened to them and how they coped. This section is about how people, both young and old, reacted when faced with things that God wanted them to do. Some responded positively while others refused to go any further. God has given everyone  a free choice, and He respects that which He has put in place. Let’s read these stories and learn from them…..

The Old Story that’s Always New.

The old lady was reminiscing, and her eyes were alight with memories of  those days of long ago when she was a little girl.

“ Our family grew up attending church services every week “ she said,  “We didn’t all keep doing this once we grew up. But I kept going to the services as my parents did. We  always had a Bible reading and prayer time at night with Father leading it, and this gave us a good Bible knowledge.   “My  best friend was Norma Wilson and our Sunday School teacher was a lady called Miss Hunter. Everyone thought I was already a Christian, but I knew that I hadn’t  really given my heart to the Lord at all. One day when we were both about eleven, Miss Hunter asked us  to come to her place to see her. She took both of us into the family sitting room….it was a long narrow room with an organ at one end and the fireplace at the other.

Miss Hunter told me to amuse myself while she talked to Norma. But I really wanted to hear what she was saying so  I gradually  went along the room  to sit beside them.

“ But none of it really made sense. I knew I had to do something about my ‘soul’ but I didn’t know what to do, even after listening to Miss Hunter explain it all to Norma. Norma didn’t understand either and she wasn’t particularly interested at the time.

“It came time to go home, and we walked to Norma’s house first and then I ran all the way home crying. I kept thinking that Mother would be able to tell me what to do, and I couldn’t wait until I got there. I told Mother that I wanted to give my heart to Jesus but I didn‘t know how to do it.  Mother was SO pleased to hear this, but like everyone else she  thought that I had done this already. So she explained as simply as she could that all I had to do was to believe on Jesus, and tell Him so. But I just couldn’t understand what she meant.

“At bed time, I went off to my room feeling broken hearted and very scared. As I lay there in bed, the verse of John three and sixteen came to my mind. I remembered that someone had once said that if you put your own name in that verse it would make more sense, so I did that….”For God so loved Gwenny Hess, that if Gwenny Hess believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, Gwenny Hess  would not perish, but Gwenny Hess  would have everlasting life”

At last it dawned on me, that all I had to do was to believe!! I could see it all then! It was just as though a blind had been lifted from my eyes!

“I prayed to God, telling Him just that, and oh the joy that filled me after that! I was so excited, I ran across the passage to my parent’s room and told them that I had asked Jesus into my heart, and I wanted everyone to know!!  They were overjoyed and glad that the light had finally dawned on me like it had”.

The old lady straightened herself up and came back to the present. “Well, that’s what it was like for me”, she said, “And I’ve never been sorry that I believed what God said. He has never let me down once all these years”.



See what God has to say to YOU.