50 & 51 Philippians and Colossians

Philippians  One….(verses 1-11)

1.   Verses  1-8                                                                        

a.   How did Paul pray for the Philippian believers? How did he feel about them?  (verses 3-5)

He thanked God for them every time he thought of them, and he was happy to make requests to God for them. He was glad to have their fellowship right from the beginning.

b.  What was Paul confident about?   (verse 6)

That God would finish the work in these believers which He had started.

c.   What did David say about the same thing in Psalm 138:8?       

That the Lord would bring to pass and mature him in that which He purposed….God never leaves us floundering.

d.   What did the believers share with Paul?     (verse 7)

They shared in God’s grace with Paul, whether he was out preaching the Gospel or whether he was in prison….,. God’s grace was there, enough for all circumstances

e.  What had Paul learned about God’s grace over the years?   (2 Corinthians 12:9)

He had learned that it was sufficient for him and that God’s strength would see him through.

f.   Who knew how strong Paul’s love for these people was?        (verse 8)

God knew how much Paul yearned over and longed for them.

2.   Verses   9-11

a.   What were the specific things that Paul was praying for them?  

Verse 9a           That their love would increase

Verse 9b           That their knowledge, insight  and discernment would also increase.

Verse 10a         That they would be able to see clearly what was right and what was wrong.

Verse 10b         That they would be always sincere (not devious at all)

Verse 10c         That they would not give offence in any way.

Verse 11a         That they would exhibit the fruits of righteousness (of the Holy Spirit)

b.  What sort of result would people bring who live like this?   (verse 11b)

They would both give and cause praise and glory to God.

c.   What is God’s purpose in creating man in the first place?    (Isaiah 43:7, 21)

To bring glory to Him, so that He could both glory in them as well as receive it from them.

d.   What does David say in Psalm 29: 1-2 about this same thing?

The glory and strength that is due to His Name,  and to worship Him in His glorious sanctuary.

e.  What are the “fruits of righteousness”?   (Galatians 5:22)

Love, joy, peace, patience etc.

f.   What does God look for in His people?        (John 15:8)

That they bear fruit for Him.

g.  What pleasure do we get out of a bulb that doesn’t flower, or a fruit tree that doesn’t bear fruit?  

Not much! They aren’t worth having!

3.    Verses  12-19        

a.   How did Paul view his misfortunes in being put into prison?     (verses 12-13)

As being yet another opportunity to preach the Gospel there!

b.  How are we to view misfortunes and calamities that fall upon us?   (Romans 8:28)

As bringing some good somewhere into our lives or bringing praise to God in some way.

c.   What did Joseph tell his brothers in Genesis 50:20?       

You meant it for evil, but God made it work for your good….for ALL our good!

d.   What is  a common saying (not in the Bible) that backs this thought up?    

Every cloud has a silver lining.

It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good!

e.  Where was Paul able to witness as a result of being imprisoned?   (verse 13)

In all of Caesar’s court and among his soldiers.

f.   What else did it cause to happen?        (verse 14)

Other Christians preached more boldly all around the place.

g.   Some people were preaching out of spite to Paul….how did he feel about this? How should we feel when other’s ministry appears to be more successful than ours?        (versed 15-18)

Paul rejoiced that the Word was going out and we too should rejoice that people are being saved in other church fellowships. After all, we ALL belong to the same Lord!

4.        Verses  20-26  

a.  What was Paul’s hope?    (verse 20)

That he would be able to keep preaching with all boldness.

b.   What was Paul’s one aim in life?      (verses 20b-21)

To magnify Christ, both in his life and in his death….Christ was his one passion and to make Him known to others his great aim.

c.   What was his constant desire? Plan A? Plan B?    (verses 23-24)

To leave this life and be with Christ was his number one desire, but he knew he was still needed on earth to build the Christians up in their faith.

d.   Where should our thoughts be centred? What should be our main aim in life?       (Colossians 3:2)

Our minds should be centred on Christ and on what is pleasing to Him….we should be thinking of heavenly things and truths rather than be all wrapped up in the things of earth.

5.   Verses   27-30

a.   What does the word “conversation” in the KJV really mean? (Check in other translations)     

It means more than just our talk, it means our walk as well….our manner of life, the way we live, is it how a Christian should behave? We should never behave in a way that others, especially non-Christians, can point a finger at us or that is not becoming for a Christian to live and do.

b.  What was Paul’s main concern for them?    (verse 27b)

That they be united in preaching the Gospel and not be afraid of those who might oppose them.

c.   How does the world view Christians today?        

They feel condemned inwardly, and poke fun at them calling them “do-gooders” as thought that is something bad.

d.  What will happened to those who believe in and follow Christ?    (verse 29)

They will suffer  in some way, even if it is only to be laughed at by others….when this happens we are not to cringe but to rejoice that we can suffer for Him when He suffered so much for us!

e.  What did Christ promise His disciples in John 16:33?   

Tribulation! But He promised peace in the midst of it because He has overcome the world system.

f.  Can you think of some other ways we can suffer for Christ, especially in our families?   

Being misunderstood for the stand you might take on certain issues and manner of life that others are taking; having them turn their backs on you because of these things.

Philippians Two….(verses 1-11)

1.   Verses  1-4     

a.   What characteristics of a Christian are mentioned in verse 1?    

  1. Encouragement in Christ.
  2. Incentive of love to comfort one another.
  3. Sharing the bonds of the Holy Spirit, that is, being in God’s family.
  4. Showing affection and sympathy.

b.  How does a group of Christians show that they are in this frame of mind?   (verse 2)

They are in complete unity with each other in all that is being done….there are no complaints about each other.

c.   How did Paul  feel when he saw them do this? (verse 2)

Joyful and happy.

d.   What did he warn them against in verse 3?

Against being selfish and proud, and against arguing and striving with each other.

e.  How were they to regard each other?   (verse 3b)

They were to be humble and think of others as better than themselves.

f.   What is verse 4 saying?   Do you know people like this?    

Don’t be just concerned about yourself, but be interested in what other people are doing too.

2.   Verses  5-11  

a.  Who does Paul use as our example in verses 5-7?    What is the main attribute he is bringing out and showing?

Jesus Christ is the most humble person to ever walk this earth.

b.   What did Jesus Christ say about Himself?      (Matthew 11:29)

He said, “I am meek and lowly in heart, come to Me and be like Me and you will have rest…..you won’t be striving to beat the next person or to have more than them, and you will be at peace.”

c.   What did Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God do to show His humility?    (verses7-8)

He put aside His glory and became a man, a poor man in an unknown family; He served others and had no place of His own; He allowed himself to be put to death, a criminal’s death without defending Himself, so He could bring salvation to earthlings.

d.   What did God think of him for doing this?       (Matthew 3:17)

God was well pleased with Him and has highly exalted Him above all others.

e.   What does 2 Corinthians 5:19 tell us about God the Father and man’s salvation?      

God was suffering with Christ in His death and as a result is now able to reconcile the world to Himself. God suffered too, when He had to turn His back on His Son because of man’s sin; it cost God everything in this payment of man’s sin.

f.   What will every creature do in a time to come?     (verse 10)     

That all will bow their knees to Jesus Christ and confess that He is the LORD of all.

g.  What will this be as far as God is concerned?    (verse 11)

The highest glory He can receive…. at long last His creation will acknowledge that He is indeed a God of love and justice.

h.   Who and what will be included in this “ALL”? (Isaiah 55:12; Ephesians 1:20-23; Revelation 5:13)

All creation (mountains, hills and trees) ; every single soul that has ever been born; all the angelic hosts, both good and bad.

i.  Can you imagine how people will feel who have used the name “Jesus”, “Christ” and even “Jesus Christ” as a swear word continually in this life, to suddenly be confronted by Him in all His glory with those piercing eyes looking at them?   

They will be filled with remorse and fear, and the realisation that it is now too late….judgement lies ahead and they will KNOW that they rightly deserve it all.

5.    Verses  12-15     

a.   What does Paul mean when he says we are to “work out” our salvation when all we have to do to be saved is to believe in the Lord Jesus?     (verse 12;  Romans 10:9-10)

We are already saved and HAVE salvation, so he doesn’t mean that we have to work FOR our salvation, but we work BECAUSE of our salvation. What we do outwardly, shows what we are inwardly. We have to walk the talk!

b.  What are we to be afraid of as Christians?   (verse 12b;  Colossians 1:10 )

We are to be afraid of letting God down, and are to always be careful to do what is pleasing to Him.

c.   How do we manage to do this? What helps us?        (verse 13;  John 16:13)

We have the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer and God himself gives us the knowledge and help to know what is pleasing to Him when we read His Word, the Bible.

d.   What is mentioned in verse 14 as being particularly displeasing to God  which we are all guilty of at times?

Arguings and disputings; disagreements which turn into fights and complaining about things; not working in with others.

e.  How are we to behave in our workplace and where we associate with others?   (verse 15)

We are to do everything to the best of our ability, we are to live blameless lives that people can’t point a finger at; we are to be like shining lights in a dark world where others cheat and slack.

6.   Verse s  16-30  

a.  What is Paul basically saying in verses 16-18?

Stand firm in what I have taught you, and keep holding onto God’s Word,  then if I have to die for my preaching, I can be glad it has all been worthwhile, and you can be glad with me.

b.   What did Paul say about Timothy?      (verses 19-23)

I will send Timothy to you so he can tell me how you are all getting on and comfort me with the news. He is a good lad, and no-one else cares about you like he does, they are all too busy. He cares for me  like a son, and I will send him soon.

c.   What did Paul hope to do himself?    (verse 24)

He hoped to be able to visit them himself.

d.   What did he have to say about Epaphroditus?       (Verses 25-30)

He had come from them to see Paul and brought things from them to him….Paul regarded him as his brother and fellow-worker. He did all he could for Paul.

e.   What had they heard about Epaphroditus?       (verses 26-27)

That he had been sick and nearly died, but God had restored him.

f.   What caused Epaphroditus to be sick?     (verse 30)     

He just kept going….perhaps he got wet travelling or just run down with what he was doing. Paul said it was something in connection with his preaching and supplying Paul’s needs.

Philippians Three….(verses 1-9)

1.   Verses  1-9     

a.   JOY is Paul’s theme word through this book…..how many times can you find it mentioned in its various forms?    

i.          1:25-26             Joy of faith; rejoicing    (2)

ii.          2: 2, 16-18         Fulfill my joy; that I may rejoice; I joy and rejoice               (6)

iii.         3:1, 3                Rejoice in the Lord; rejoice in Christ Jesus                                              (2)

iv.         4:1, 4, 10          My joy and crown;  rejoice in the Lord; I rejoiced in the Lord                    (3)

b.  Why did Paul  continually repeat this?   (verse 2 )

To remind them to be joyful and to beware of people who would put them under the bondage of rules again.

c.   What does our Lord Jesus say about His people being joyful ?        ( John 15:11; 16:22, 24; 17:13)

He will give His joy to them  so that they  will  overflow with joy; As they ask and receive they will know His joy within and it is something that no-one or nothing  can take away from them; and that they might have His joy as they contemplate what He has said.

d.   What was Paul’s confidence NOT in?

It was not in the flesh…..not in what he had done, but what God had done in and through him, and for him.

e.  What were some of the things that he could have boasted in that perhaps others couldn’t have?   (verses 5-6; Acts 22:3, 25-28)

He was a true Hebrew of the tribe of Benjamin, a freeborn Roman citizen, trained in the school of Gamaliel to be a Pharisee, one who kept the law perfectly, and zealous in persecuting the church.

f.  What did he think of these qualifications now?          (verse 7)

Absolutely worthless in comparison to knowing Christ.

g.   How does Paul describe Jesus in verse 8? What is the challenge in this  for us today?   

He calls Him “Christ Jesus, my Lord”. When we remember that Paul and Jesus Christ were contemporaries in age and time, (as far as Christ’s earthly ministry went) and Paul sees Him as his Lord, how much more  we should in  these times,  refer to Him and address Him by His full title.

h.   James was His earthly brother, born into the same family, and how does he refer to Jesus?           (James 1:1)

He calls himself a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, and so we should remember to address Him and refer to Him as such, not merely as Jesus.

i.   What sort of righteousness was Paul depending on now?       (Verse  9)

The righteousness in Christ, simply believing on Him. He wasn’t depending on the righteousness of the law any more as he had in the past.

2.     Verses  10-16     

a.   What four things was Paul aiming for in verse 10?    

  1.        To KNOW Christ
    1. To LIVE in the power of His resurrection
    2. To EXPERIENCE the fellowship of His sufferings.
    3. To be CONFORMED to His death

b.  In other words, what dominated Paul’s thinking?  

The Lord Jesus Christ, and how he could share and live the same sort of life.

c.   Did Paul consider that he’d got there?        (verse 12)   

No, he didn’t.

d.   What is he saying in verses 13-14?

I haven’t got there yet, but I’m forgetting the mistakes I’ve made and the things that I’ve done in the past and I’m reaching out for the things of God, pressing towards them.

e.  What is the most important thing for us in having the same aim?   (verse 16)

Not allowing the past to hold us back, either mistakes (God has forgiven and forgotten them if they’ve been confessed) or our ambitions which are worthless in the light of eternity.

f.  What did Jesus Christ say about looking back?  (Luke 9:62)

A person who does this isn’t fit for the Kingdom of God.

g.   Does this refer to a backslidden believer?        (verse 12)   

Yes and no, a backslidden believer may not be fit for the Kingdom of God, but it doesn’t say he won’t get there…..no-one is fit for the it, if it comes to that.

h.   Who is it referring to then?       (Hebrews 6:4-6)

Those who have been enlightened (that is, understood the Gospel and its implications) by the Holy Spirit, and  still refused to accept it.

i.  How did David describe the state he had been saved from?   (Psalm 40:2-3)

As having his feet in miry clay with nothing firm to stand on, and now he not only had a firm base to stand on but a completely new outlook on life, and a song of  praise to God.

3.   Verses  17-21  

a.  What is Paul  saying in verses 15-16?  Read it in a modern version.

Those who are mature Christians will have the same aims and if you haven’t yet, God will help you to see the truth. whatever you do, don’t slip backwards from where you are!

b.   What should each believer be able to say to others?  (verse 17;  Challenge…If everyone was like you,, what sort of church would you be going to?)

Everyone should be able to say “Follow me, do what I do”

c.   What are believers citizens of? What should they be looking forwards to?  (verse 20; Ephesians 2:19)

Believers are the citizens of heaven and should be living like that now and looking forwards to being there.

d.   What will we be like then?    (verse 21)

Our bodies will be heavenly bodies like Christ and will be free of  gravity or time.

e.   What does John 3:2 tell us?      

That we can’t realise what we will be like in our heavenly state, but we know we will be like our Lord, not only in our spirits but in our bodies as well when that time comes!

Philippians Four….(verses 1-9)

1.   Verses  1-7                                                                                                 

a.   How does Paul describe these Philippian believers in verse 1?    

As his dearly beloved brothers who he longed for; they were his joy and crown.

b.  What was his desire for them?  

That they go on for the Lord and stand fast in Him (not to waver or change their minds)

c.   What can you gather about the two people in verse 2?        (they are said to be two women)   

They seemed to be having a strong disagreement about something and Paul was asking them to put aside their differences and agree before the Lord.

d.   What is a Christian’s responsibility in cases like this?

To help and encourage each other in the work they are doing for the Lord, not to compete with each other.

e.   What is verse 4 telling us?

To always rejoice in the Lord.

f.   “Happiness is part of rejoicing, but rejoicing is not necessarily being happy”…..can you explain this paradox?

Happiness is dependant on outside circumstances and people and those things are transient, and will pass…..when they go, happiness goes with them. But a believer’s rejoicing comes from the
Lord living inside them and is centred on Him, and  because He will never leave and never fail, a believer is able to always rejoice in the Him even when they are sad from outside circumstances (e.g. losing a loved one)

g.  Explain verse 5……

To be cheerful and patient with others as though the Lord is watching over your shoulder and listening to you (which He is!)

h.   What good advice does verse 6 give us?

To not be worried or anxious about anything, but to pray about the matter of concern, being sure to give thanks at the same time.

i.   If we do this, what will the result be?       (verse 7)

We will have God’s peace that everything will work out OK in the end.

j.  What important point do we see about praying and asking for things?   (verse 6b)

We are to thank God for the answer whatever it may be (good or bad) when we ask. We are to realise that God knows what is best for us in the end.

2.      Verses  8-9

a.   What sort of things are we to think about, read and watch?  And listen to?  

Things that are true, honest and just; things that are pure, lovely and worthwhile; things that we can praise God for.

b.  If we use this a standard for magazines to read or TV programmes to watch, what would we find?  

Not much worth reading or watching!

c.   What does Paul say in Ephesians 5:11-12 that would apply in this respect?    

Not to have anything to do with the unfruitful works of the world….it is shameful to watch, listen to or read about the disgraceful behaviour that goes on.

d.   “The mind is the gateway to the soul”…….comment on this statement. What does Jesus say in Mark 7:20-23.

We are what we think about. If we feed our mind on dirty things, dirty things will come out; if we feed our mind on good things, good things will come out.

  1. e.       What are we told to do in Romans 12:2?

To not be conformed to the world, but to renew our mind which in turn will transform our lives.

f.  What did Paul go on to say in verse 9?

Do what you’ve seen and heard me do and say, and God’s peace will be with you!

g.   What a challenge to us! Can we say this to our friends who know us well?

If we haven’t got God’s  peace in our hearts and minds, how can we pass it on to others?

3.    Verses  10-23     

a.   What was the secret of Paul’s peace of mind?     (verses 10-11)

He had learned to cope with both need and plenty…..neither ruled him, he overcame them! He had learned to be content with whatever circumstances he was in.

b.  How could he do this? How can WE do this?        (verses 12-13)

We can only do this through the power of Christ, with His help, and Paul had learned this lesson.

c.   What are these “all things” that everyone, even an old infirm person can apply this to?        

They are to do with the mind, our attitudes, thankfulness and cheerfulness.

d.   Did this attitude of Paul’s leave the Philippian believers free from the  responsibility of helping him?

No, they did what they coulod when they could and often sent gifts to him.

e.   How does God regard gifts given to Him (i.e. given to those in need) ?  (verse 18c)

As a sweet smelling fragrant sacrifice,  which He is happy to receive.

f.  What does Paul say in verse 17 about giving? What does it result in?

It results in fruit in a person’s life.

g.  Does God allow those who have given to Him by giving to those in need to suffer as a result? (verse 19)

No, those who give to God will receive more back in other ways.

h.   Which Christians did Paul seem to have the most to do with? Why?       (verse 22)

Those who worked in Caesar’s palace because he was kept in prison there.

4.   Challenge…..

a.   What is the challenge for each of us in this chapter?  

The challenge is all about my attitudes…..am I scrapping with others” do I worry about my circumstances? What do I spend my time thinking about? Am I content with what I have? How much do I rely on the Lord? How do I give to others?

b.  If my attitudes are right, what will I be able to do?       (verse 4) 

I will be rejoicing in the Lord continually.

c.   If my attitudes are right, what will I have?        (verse 7)

I will have the peace of God surrounding me and keeping me.

 Book of Colossians 

Colossians  One….(verses 1-14)

  1. Verses  1-20        

a.   Who was with Paul when he wrote this letter?        (verse 1)

Timothy, who was his co-worker.

b.  After his greeting and introduction, what is the first thing that Paul says he is doing?   (verse 3)

He thanks God for them and prays always for them.

c.   What was Paul able to give thanks for in these believers?        (verse 4)

That they loved each other and all the other believers; their faith in Christ was firm; they continued to hope in God’s Word and they were fruitful in their lives and  work for God; their love for the things of God were evident in their lives.

d.   This passage is Paul’s prayer for them….what things does Paul pray for them?   (verses 9-10)

Verse 9a           That they might be filled with the knowledge of God’s will

Verse 9b           That they might have all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Verse 10a         That they might continue to please God in their lives

Verse 10b         That they might be fruitful in every good work…..to be helpful and kind

Verse 10c         That they might increase in the knowledge of God…. by reading God’s Word.

e.  We would do well to pray these things for ourselves as well as for others…..how can we put these things into practice?   

Psalm 1:1          Don’t socialise with the ungodly

James 1:5-6       Ask God daily for wisdom

Psalm 1:2-3       Delight in God’s Word and meditate in it continually….   “chew”  it over

Verse 12             Be kind and patient with others, showing a cheerful attitude.

e.   What will be the result in our lives if we do this?    (verses 9-12)

We will be walking worthy of the Lord and be fruitful for Him; we will be strengthened and know God’s glorious power in our lives; we will have more patience and endurance and be cheerful through difficulties and able to give thanks in all circumstances.

f.   What are some things that we can always give thanks for no matter what our physical circumstances are?  (verses 12-14)

That we now share the inheritance of God with all other believers; that we are delivered from Satan’s grip and brought into Christ’s  kingdom, and that we have redemption and forgiveness of sin.

g.   How is Christ described in verses 13 and 15?

As the son of God’s love, the exact representation of His Father to man; the pre-eminent One in the highest position, with the greatest Name of all.

h.  How does Christ describe himself in Revelation 1:17b-18?  

As being the first and the last, the One who died and is now alive, and who has the keys of hell and of death.

i.   What WAS His work in the past?        (verse 16)

He was the Creator of ALL things….He made everything.

j.   What IS His work in the present time?     (verse 17)

His work is that of keeping it all going and under control….He is the Head of the Church.

k.  Why did God bother with creating things when He knew before time how things would go wrong?   (Revelation 4:11)

He created the world and mankind for Himself and for His pleasure.

l.   How can we (and I) give pleasure to God?        (Psalm 51:17;   147:11)

By coming humbly before Him and confessing my sin and need of Him and of His guidance, and then obeying what He tells me. By praising Him and loving His word.

2.   Verses  21-29

a.   What is the unbeliever’s position before God?      (verse 21;  Ephesians 2:12)

They are enemies of God, far from Him, foreigners and aliens to the things of God…..they have no hope and are without God.

b.  What is the centre of man’s being where these attitudes are formulated?    (verse 21;   Jeremiah 17:9)

His heart which is extremely wicked and his mind which is alienated from God.

c.   What has God done about this situation? What is the main word in these verses?    (verses 20-21;  2 Corinthians 5:19)

Reconciliation, reconciled; He sent his own dear Son, the image of Himself, to live in this world, and to shed his blood to cleanse all those who come to Him.

d.   What happens to a person when they  turn to God and become a believer?       (verses 21-22)

They are made near to God by the blood of Christ and are now holy, without blame and unashamed before Him

e.  What is the believer’s responsibility in all of this?   (verse 23)

They are to remain faithful to God’s Word, and become grounded and rooted in it.

f.   What is active persecution called here?  (verse 24; Philippians 3:10; 1 Peter 4:13    )

Being part of Christ’s sufferings sharing a little of what He went through physically.

g.  What should one remember when going through trials and troubles?    (Isaiah 53:4a;  Hebrews 4:15)

That our Lord Jesus took all our grief  and sorrow on Himself and knows EXACTLY what we are going through because He has been there and done that. He as the Head of the body feels all the hurts of His people.

h.   How does Paul describe the Word of God?         (verses 26-27a)

As a mystery which has been hidden from the beginning and is now shown to believers everywhere.

i.  What EXACTLY is the mystery?  (it is still a mystery to unbelievers as they cannot comprehend it)    (verse 27b;  Romans 8:9-11;  1 John 4:16b)

The mystery is the fact that Christ lives in His people; the Holy Spirit lives within the believer and God dwells in him and he in God. That Christ is gathering to Himself a people out of this world who He can bestow His inheritance on and who will praise his glorious works.

j.   What is Paul’s main aim in preaching the gospel?    (verse 28)

That he would be able to present every believer he knew perfect in Christ Jesus….mature and rejoicing in the Lord, delighting in Him.

Colossians  Two….(verses 1-23

1.  Verses  1-7                                                                         

a.   Look up a map of Paul’s journeys and see where Laodicea is in relation to Colosse…..comment.

It is very close, almost looks like a satellite city.

b.  What was Paul’s great hope for the believers in that area?  

That they would be comforted in the rich knowledge of  mystery of God….the Father and the Son.

c.   How does God show His wisdom to people today?        (1 Corinthians 1:24)

Through His Son the Lord Jesus, the living Word of God, and through His written word, the Bible.

d.   Who unfolded God’s wisdom to people?     (verse 3)

Jesus Christ when He was here on earth.

e.  What is the “mystery” of God?   (verse 2; Ephesians 1:8-10)

That all people and things that belong to Him down throughout the ages of time, will be gathered together as one in Christ.

f.   What does John 10:16 tell us?       

That there will be ONE flock and ONE shepherd.

g.   How does Paul describe the knowledge of this  “mystery” in Romans 11:33-34?       

As treasures of wisdom and riches beyond compare.

h   What gives joy to believers, especially older believers?      (verse 5;  3 John 1:4 )

To see others going on for the Lord and being steadfast in their faith.

i.  What is Paul saying in verses 6-7?   

Because we belong to Christ, we must live as He did (the best we can). Our roots of faith are to go down deep in Him and we are to be established in our faith and be full of thanksgiving and praise.

j.   What does our Lord Jesus call this in John 15:4-8?   

Abiding in Him and bearing fruit.

k.   What is God’s main purpose for man?       (Isaiah 43:7)

He created  man will for His glory…so that we may glorify Him.

l.  How do we do this?   (Psalm 50:23)

By praising and thanking God.

2.   Verses   8-14

a.   What was Paul warning the believers about in verse 8?     

To be wary of getting sidetracked into ancient traditions or modern philosophies.

b.  Where would these sort of things lead them?    (2 Timothy 2:14, 16-17,  23)

Into confusion of thinking about their Christian beliefs; these things lead AWAY from God, not TOWARDS Him! They also tend to lead towards debates and useless discussions, which often end in strife. The leaders of these teachings are deluded and deceived and they aim at doing the same to anyone who will listen.

c.   What is the present day equivalent of these things?   

Bringing the world’s ways and manners into the church; questioning old values, going in for Eastern religions, meditations etc, looking to gurus and taking on board any idea that pumps the ego and self. New Age teachings do this and take away any thought of man’s responsibility to God.

d.   What are believers to do about these ideas?       (chapter 3:16a;  2 Timothy 2:15)

To leave them alone; to line them up against the Word of God and study it to see what it says and to CONTINUE in it….to meditate in it day and night and keep away from those who promote other ideas.

e.  What (or Who) are believers to look to? Why?   (verses 9-10)

We are to look to Christ Who will fulfil our every need. He is God and we can become complete (mature) in Him as He is the Head of all knowledge and power.

f.   The Jews were very strong and adamant about physical circumcision, but what does God regard as essential (which the physical was symbolic of)?    (verse 11; Deuteronomy 10:16;  30:6)

That people’s hearts were to be circumcised….so that all which would hinder the love of God be taken away and cut off.

g.  What is Paul saying in verse 11?  

That believers are all circumcised by God metaphorically  when their sins are taken away from them.

h.   How is this possible? What is the outward sign of this today?        (verse 12)

It is made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and when a believer is baptised, it shows their desire to follow Him.

i.   What does baptism signify to God?     (verses 13-14)

That the believer has died to sinful ways, is buried and is raised again to live a new way of life….to show that we are a  forgiven people! All God’s judgements against us have been nailed to the cross of Christ and the power of evil in our lives broken for ever.

3.  Verses 15-23

a  What does verse 15 tell us was defeated at the cross for ever?  

The power of Satan was broken there and now man can be freed from his grip through Jesus Christ who was the Victor in this struggle.

b.   What was the point of the Old Testament rules and regulations about eating certain food and keeping certain days?      (verses 16-17)

They were all pictures and symbols pointing  forwards to the truth of the cross and the work of the Lord Jesus.

c.  What was the “Lamb of God” who shed His blood for the sins of the world….God said then as He says now, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you”. Which was one of the main feasts of the Jewish calendar of great significance? What was this to remind the people of?       (Exodus 12:12-14; John 1:29)

It was the Passover feast which pointed to the time when Jesus Christ would become the

d.   What is the most important thing for us today? Keeping days and religious festivals  blindly?       (verse 18; chapter  3:17)

To make sure that whatever we do, glorifies God in some way.  Whether we  keep it or not, we are to do it in the Name of the Lord Jesus  and give God thanks.

e.   What were some  people teaching?       (verses 20-22)

That they weren’t to touch or eat certain things, and that they were to do penance and worship angels or icons, even to dabbling in the occult.

f.  How could doing these things make them feel?   (verse 23)

These things look good and it makes people who do them proud of their humility and their devotion to rules.

g.  Can you think of some parallels to this today?  

Any religious pageantry and ritual can lead to this sort of thing….it shows people are trusting in DOING and OBSERVING things,  rather than simply trusting in Christ and His Word.

Colossians  Three….(verses 1-25)

1.  Verses  1-9        

a.   What is the answer to all the negative thoughts in the previous passage?   (verse 1)

If we claim to be alive in Christ (i.e. dead to those other things) then we can positively and actively seek the blessings from God….we can think positively about God and his blessings and Word and leave all the negative rules and regulations behind.

b.  What will we find happen as we do this?        (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The things that once seemed important and that mattered will fall away and seem only useless junk….we will find that we have new thoughts and new desires, and that we are a  new creature!

c.   What are the two “S” that we are to do now we belong to Christ?  (KJV;  verses 1-2)

We are to “seek” those things above, and “set” our mind on them because our old life is dead and our new life is in Him.

d.   What were some of the aims of Paul’s old life  before he was converted?  What did he think of them at this time of  writing?   (Acts 9:1-2; Galatians 1:13-14; Philippians 3:6-8)

His main aim was to get to the top of the ladder in his profession in the Jewish religious system to gain favour with God; he wanted to wipe out this new religion that was threatening the old one and he thought he could do this by killing off all the Christians. He now had new desires and something better, which was knowing Christ Himself! The old aims just seemed like rubbish now.

e.  What does David say we are to do to receive the desires of our heart? Why is this?   (Psalm 37:3-5)

We are to delight in the Lord and in His Word, and we will find that our desires will change to His desires for us, and thus we will receive them.

f.  Why is it that these old ways will just drop off?   (verse 3)

Because our old life (ways) is now dead and our life is centred in a living Person, Christ.

g.  What does verse 4 tell us that the prospect is ahead for the believer?  

That when Christ comes back, His people will be with Him.

h.   What is the average person ruled by?      (verses 5-6)

They are ruled by their sinful hearts and their “wants” of getting more and better things; by pleasing themselves and putting anything and everything ahead of pleasing God.

i.  What are Christians to “put off” now that they belong to the Lord?  What do you notice about all these things mentioned here?     (verses 7-9)

Christians are to put off all back-biting and gossip, jealousy and spite, dirty talk and bad language, telling lies and deceiving people. These things are all to do with the tongue!

j.   What is this sort of behaviour called in verse 9?       

The “old man’s” behaviour, or the “old life”.

2.     Verses  10-25

a.   Is the Christian life a static thing? What characterises a living thing? (plants, grass, trees, babies)         (Ephesians 4:15)

It is either growing and developing or else it is going downhill to the end of its life.

b. How can we apply this to the Christian life?   (Luke 8:11-15)

The Christian is  either going forwards and growing in the knowledge of  Christ, or else going backwards and slipping back into the old ways.

c.  What sort of things characterise the “new” man in Christ?   What is the character of this “new life”? (verses 10-17)

The things that should characterise the new man are his patience and kindness with people; his ability to forgive wrongs done to him; his humility and lack of pushiness and his love for other fellow Christians.

d.  How will the person who does these things feel?   (verses  15-17)

They will have God’s peace surrounding them; they will have a thankful mind and will be full of music and singing spiritual songs. (You can’t be grumpy when you are singing!)

e.   What is the mark of a group of godly-living believers?       (verse 14)

They will love each other and have complete unity fitting in with each other according to God’s Word in a spirit of love and meekness.

f. What are two old fashioned words used for this attitude?   Who are these words applied to here?     (verses 18-22)

Submit and obey…. they are applied to everyone… men,  women and children!

g.  How is this to work in a family?    (Ephesians 5:22-23; 6:1-7)

The father is the head of the family, and the mother is to fit in with him allowing him to have the final say although he is to love his wife and respect her viewpoint. Children are to obey their parents, and servants to serve their masters as to the Lord.

h.  How is the father to treat his children?   (verse  21)

With love and care, being fair and reasonable with firmness. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

i.  What is the believer’s life to be governed by?   (verse 17)

By doing what pleases the Lord and being thankful in ALL things….there is always something we can give thanks for, even in bad circumstances.

j.  What do verses 24-25 tell us?  

We are answerable to God and will reap what we sow!

Colossians  Four….(verses 1-18)

1.  Verses  1-18

a.   What do employers or leaders have to always remember?        (verse 1)

To be fair and reasonable because they themselves have a Master in heaven who they are answerable to.

b. What goes hand in hand with prayer requests?   ( verse 2; Philippians 4:6)

Giving thanks for the answer BEFORE we get it. We can then take the answer as from the Lord with confidence.

c.  What does Philippians 4:7 tell us that a thankful spirit receives?

The peace of God that passes human understanding.

d.  What was Paul asking prayer specifically for?   (verses  3-4)

That he would be able to speak boldly about the gospel regardless of where he was (even in prison, imagine being the soldier looking after Paul!) that he would be able to make the Gospel clear and easy to understand.

e.  What does verse 6 mean when it says to let our speech be like salt?  What does salt do?     (Mark 9:50)

It means to make our speech be worth listening to! Salt gives flavour to food; salt creates a thirst; salt preserves (it doesn’t destroy); salt heals and salt is valuable in places where there is none. So our speech should be worth listening to, adding to those who hear it, and teaching and encouraging, making people want to hear more.

f.   What can we find out about these people that Paul mentions as he closes off his letter?

Onesimus        Philemon 1 10-16         A converted slave who had run away from his master.

Aristarchus      Acts 19:29; 27:2            Worked with Paul and in prison with him.

Marcus (Mark)  Acts 15:37-39;  2 Timothy 4:11    aka John Mark, Barnabas’ nephew who left the work on the first missionary trip, but who later came back to work with Paul.

Epaphrus         Philemon                      Ended up in prison with Paul

Luke                 Acts 1:1; 2 Timothy 4:11               He wrote the books of Acts and Luke; travelled with Paul.

Demas              2 Timothy 4:10              Worked with Paul at first but then got sidetracked

Archippus        Philemon 1:2                 Was with Philemon when Paul wrote to him.

g. What advice did Paul give to Archippus?         (verse 17)

Hang onto your ministry and keep on doing it.

h.   What advice is in this chapter for us?        (verse 2)

Keep praying and giving thanks!

 Colossians  Conclusions

We will look at the ABC of this book before leaving it. Remember that everyone will have different conclusions!

A.         A title for this book…………                                                                            

Where You’ve  come From, Where You are Going and What You Should be Doing!

B.         Best Verse………. (or verses)

1:14-20 Our redemption, our Saviour’s pre-eminence and His Work.

  1. Redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins
  2. His Pre-eminence…everything being made BY Him, and FOR Him…. He is BEFORE everything; SURROUNDING everything, and HEAD of His people; all FULLNESS and fulfilment is in Him alone
  3. His work is His death and resurrection to bring RECONCILIATION for all those who believe in Him.

C.         Challenge……

3:1-3     We are to SEEK and SET….to seek heavenly ideals and set our minds and affections on them. We are told in Matthew 6:19-21 to treasure the treasures of heaven….for where our treasure is,  will be where our heart is!

We are reminded in Psalm 37:4 to DELIGHT in the Lord and He will give the desires of the heart, because our desires will become His desires for us.

D.  Difficulty….. do you have any difficulties at all with what you’ve learned from this book?

E.         Eminent truth………

1. Get our eyes off ourselves and fasten them on Christ! Look at the FACTS of the Person of Christ…..

  1. The IMAGE of God, the EXACT likeness and representation of God.
  2. The FIRST in the universe….FIRST in every way.
  3. The CREATOR of all things everywhere.
  4. The UPHOLDER of all things
  5. The HEAD of His people
  6. The FIRSTBORN in resurrection.
  7. All FULFILLMENTS are in Him alone.
  8. He is the RECONCILER of all things, in heaven and earth.

2. The MYSTERY of God is now revealed….

  1. That which was hidden from the beginning is now revealed by and through  Christ.
  2. Christ is in His people to strengthen and empower them.









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