59. James Writes

Book of James. 

James  One ….(verses 1-27)

1.  Verse  1      

a.   Who was this James?             (verse 1a; Acts 12:2-3,  17b)

He wasn’t the brother of John because Herod had killed him. James, of the family of the Lord Jesus became one of the chief church leaders.

b.  Had he always believed that his older brother was different?        (John 7:3-5)

No! At one stage he didn’t even believe that Jesus was the Christ.

c.   When did he change his way of thinking?        (Galations 1:19)   

We don’t know for sure…..it may have been at the crucifixion or ascension, but it was fairly early in the history of the church because he was classed as one of the apostles by Paul when he was a new Christian.

d.   What does James describe himself as?         (verse 1)

As a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

e.   What do we notice about the way he refers to his oldest brother?          

He doesn’t speak in a familiar manner just using His earthly name of Jesus, but gives Him His full title of LORD JESUS Christ which shows His authority, deity and humanity all in the one title…..James acknowledges these things.

f.   What lesson is there in this for us?        

If James, the earthly brother of Christ refers to Him in this way, how much more should we give Him the honour and glory of His position in our lives…..He is more than just “Jesus” to us. James was His earthly brother, but he gives Him His heavenly title.

2.   Verses  2- 4  

  1. a.      What is the believer’s attitude to be when testing times come?     (verse 2)

We are to not complain, but rejoice in the Lord in spite of tough times.

b.  What do trials bring to the believer if taken the right way?    (verses 3-4)

They result in patience and leaning on the Lord.

c.    What did Christ tell His disciples about trials?    (John 16:33)

That they WOULD come, but not to be afraid, He had overcome them and would carry His own through them and give them peace.

d.   What does God tell His people to do in troubled times?        (Psalm 50:15)

To call on Him when in trouble and He will deliver them.

e.   What should the result be of being delivered?      (Psalm 50:15) 

God will be glorified and given the praise and thanks…..if there is no trouble and subsequent deliverance,  there is nothing to give  praise or thanksgiving for.

f.    What does verse 3 say that testing by troubles  brings?

It results in  learning patience.

g.   What does verse 4 say that patience results in?         

Maturity in our Christian life in depending on God; in other words we don’t behave in a childish manner by pouting and complaining.

h.    In what ways can we be patient in a godly manner that is pleasing to God?  (2 Peter 1:5-9)  

By always behaving in a godly manner  that is complete in all sorts of things…. like patience  and being cheerful even when disappointed.

2.   Verses  5-8

a.  What is the promise given in verse 5?    

If we ask God for wisdom, He will give it liberally without any question.

b.  Where does wisdom begin?     (Proverbs 9:10)

With the fear of God….accepting His existence and our need of help from Him Who is the source of all wisdom.

c.    What goes hand in hand with wisdom from God?      (Proverbs 2: 10-11)

Knowledge,  understanding and discretion; commonsense.

d.   What does that mean when we are trying to decide what to do for the best?   

We should ask if it is against anything that God has forbidden (that is, any Biblical principle).

Then we should  research all the long term likelihoods of the decision (understanding)

Discretion in this case, is not to go running after opinions from all sorts of people, but go to godly people who know what they are talking about.

e.   In what way do we ask God for wisdom? (verse 6)

With faith that God will give it.

f.  Who was the wisest man who ever lived? Where did his wisdom come from?    (1 Kings 4:29-30)

King Solomon ….he asked God for wisdom to rule the people and God gave it to him.

g.  Where and why did Solomon come unstuck and lose his wisdom?  (Deuteronomy 17:15-20; 1 Kings 11:1-9)

He only asked the once for wisdom and he disobeyed God’s rules by marrying heathen women who turned him away from following God to following their idols…he disobeyed the rules that God had set out for a king.

h.  What does this teach us?    

That we must continue to obey God….obedience to God is wisdom anyway…. and ask afresh for wisdom in every new circumstance. God won’t give tomorrow’s wisdom today…..it has to be new every day.

i.    What conclusion do we come to at the end of this passage?      (verses 6-8)

We must ask in faith that God will give us the wisdom in our decisions, and that the decision we make is His guidance, always remembering God’s guidelines.

j.   What is an indecisive faithless person like?          (verse 6) 

He is like a wave of the sea going nowhere and just as unstable.

k.   Is this God’s will for His people?              (1 Corinthians 16:13)

No! He wants them to be firm in their faith, going places and doing things with His wisdom and guidance.

3.   Verses  9-16   

  1. a.      What do verses 9-11 tell us?    

That no-one lives forever on earth, rich and poor both have only so much time, and that passes quickly.

b.  How does God view people with respect to their possessions?    (verses 9-10; Revelation 2:9a)

God has no respect for what people have or own, He is only interested in what they ARE. Rich people without God are actually poor and blind with nothing that really matters, while poor people who are trusting in God are rich in His love with everything that matters for eternity.

c.    What can money NOT buy?         

It can’t buy health or  happiness…..rich people who have everything that money can buy, are often the most unhappy of all.

d.  Why does God allow His people to go through hard times or be tempted to do evil?     (Deuteronomy 8:2, 16)

It is to test them, so they can prove that God’s ways are the best.

e.  How is a person to be in the midst of temptation?     (Revelation 2:10)

Strong and enduring, sticking it out and not giving in.

f.    What helps a person to be strong and enduring?      (Psalm 119:9,11)

The word of God will keep us from evil…. if we fill our minds with it while we are being tempted we can resist the evil thoughts and to learn it as a guard against them coming.

g.   Does God tempt a person? What does?    (verses 13-14)

No, God does not tempt anyone to do evil, it is Satan who puts evil; thoughts into our minds and our old nature responds to them and is enticed.

h.   How much temptation does God allow His people to go through?  (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Only what they can bear….when it gets too much He shows them a way to get out of it if they depend on Him.

i.  What great example do we have of One who was tempted…..how did He cope with it? What do we notice in this account?    (Luke 4:1-13)

Our Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan sorely. It was allowed by God, He was led by the Holy Spirit into it and He was strengthened by the angels. He defeated Satan’s barbs by using the Word of God and quoting Scripture. Satan didn’t give up the first time, he came back twice more.

j.  Why do you think that God allowed Christ to be tempted?     (Hebrews 2:18)

He was in this situation to be an example to His people and to identify with people’s weaknesses and testings….He KNOWS what it is like and will strengthen His people in their times of testing.

k.  What is the difference between Christ’s temptations and ours?     (Hebrews 4:15)

He was without sin and had to go through it, whereas we have a sinful nature that responds to temptation, but God gives us a way of escape which we must take or we will fall.

l.    Does temptation or testing always come with God’s permission?      (Job 1:6-12)

Only if we are following Him with all our heart and mind. Temptation often comes because we deliberately put ourselves into a position where we know things are dubious and doubtful, but we think we can handle it….Satan sees to it that we can’t handle it at all!!

m.   What is a good saying to remember when being tempted?          

It’s like a shirt collar….if it’s doubtful, it’s dirty!

n.   How did Paul tell Timothy to handle these situations?    (2 Timothy 2:22a)       

To flee from wrong company and wrong suggestions….to follow right ways and stay with those who love the Lord.

o.   What are we told here about temptation?  What is the end of giving in to temptation ?    (verses 15-16)

We are told to not be deceived by the temptation….it is NEVER OK  or harmless to give into it!  It feeds our lust, brings sin and then death (separation from God until it is put right with confession and repentance)

4.    Verses  17-27       

a.   What are some of the “good gifts” that God gives us and that we take for granted? (Leviticus 26:4-6; Job 12:9-10;  Ecclesiastes 3:13, 22) 

God gives man his very breath to live; God gives land to grow crops and rain to mature them; God gives peace in the land when man follows His ways. God gives work to people to earn money and gives rest after their labours….these are all gifts from God which we just take for granted.

b.  How does God bestow His gifts to people?        (verse 17; 1 Timothy 6:17b)

Generously…..usually more than enough.

c.   What else do we see about God in verse 17? (1 John 1:5)

That He is Light….the Father of Lights… there is never any change or shadow in His character anywhere or in any way.

d.   What position does God place His children in?         (verse 18)

As being the firstfruits of His creatures….He takes more pleasure in His people than in the rest of His creation.

e.   How are people made God’s children?         (John 1:12;  14:6)

By accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savious….He is the only way to heaven, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

af   What advice is James giving here? Why?          (verses 19-20) 

Be quick to hear (don’t pretend the facts aren’t there), but be slow to answer (think and pray first) and be slow to get angry (conquer that quick temper). Getting angry is not God’s way.

g.  What will help us to follow this advice?        (verses 21-22)

Keep away from everything wrong and become humble enough to accept God’s Word as true and then obey it.

h.   What is a person like who listens to God’s Word but won’t do what it says?        (verses 23-24)  

He is like someone who looks at himself in the mirror to see the dirt on his face and then goes away and does nothing about it.

i.   What about the person who looks at God’s Word and follows it? What does David say he is like?     (verse 25;  Psalm 1: 1-3)        

He will be blessed indeed, happy and content. He will be like a fruitful tree, able to give others food and shade.

j.   What shows a person is NOT religious?    (verse 26)

His mouth and his language….gossip, slander and swearing show up a person quickly. One can usually pick it up in the first fifteen minutes of conversation!

k.   What is TRUE  religion as far as God is concerned?         (verse 27)

To think of others before yourself! To visit those more unfortunate than yourself and help them where you can.

l.   How does Micah 6:8 enlarge on this thought?        

It tells us to do good, be honest and true which most people think they are, but what these people forget is the second part of the verse which says God wants them to humble themselves  to walk with Him!

5.   Summing Up……

a.   What do you think is the pivot verse(s) of this chapter? What IS the pivot?          

Verse 5 tells us to ask God for wisdom and He will give it liberally, and verse 17 tells us that ALL good things come from God. God is the pivot of ALL things!

James  Two ….(verses 1-26)

1.  Verses  1-13       

a.   Read these verses first….what is James telling us here? Why?     (verse 1; Romans  3:23)

That we are not to judge a person according to their possessions or appearance….it means we are down grading one and uplifting another….ALL are to be treated the same, ALL are equal in God’s sight because ALL have sinned.

b.  What example does he give?        (verses 2-3)

That of giving the rich flash man a high place and the poor shabby man a poor place.

c.   If we do this, what is basically behind it all, even if unconsciously?       (Jude 1:16)

Man’s pride has come to the fore….we unconsciously feel that by giving place to the rich, flash man we might gain some advantage ourselves…..it makes us look good to have a friend like this! Or we might gain something for ourselves!

d.   What is verse 5 telling us?        

That God loves the poor who respond to Him and they are rich in faith and heirs of God’s kingdom….they have the things that really matter.

e.    What do rich men often do?         (verse 6)

They are ruthless and hard, and care nothing for others, or for God.

f.  What does Paul say in 1 Timothy 6:17 to those who are rich?       

Don’t trust in your riches….trust in the living God Who will then give the true riches which can be enjoyed freely.

g.   What keeps a person from being partial and discriminatory?           (verse 8)

The royal law of heaven, to love one another, and your neighbour as yourself.

h.   What does God regard discrimination as?         (verse 9)

God regards it as SIN.

h.   What is James saying in verses 10-11?     (Romans 3:23)     

He is basically saying that it is impossible to keep the whole law without breaking one of them at some stage. If even one law is broken once that person is  sinner….he has sinned. We aren’t sinners because we sin, we sin because we ARE born sinners.

i.    How can a believer fulfil the “Royal law”?        (verse 8)

By loving God with all his heart, mind and soul and loving  one another

j.   What is one law that every single person has broken?   (Exodus 20:16)  

To not say things about others that about others that aren’t true….not taking the time to find out if what we are passing on is right!

k.   What did Paul say about sin in Romans 3:23?        

That ALL have sinned and come short of God’s standard (glory)

l.   The rich young  ruler thought he had kept the whole law, but his attitude proved that he hadn’t…..which laws had he not kept?           (Matthew 19:16-22)

He didn’t love God above everything else…..he loved his money more, neither did he love his poor neighbours as himself because he didn’t want to share what he had with them.

m.   How will a believer be judged if he has been a harsh man on earth?         (verse 13)

He will be judged in the same manner, and those who have been kind and good on earth will be judged the same way.

2.   Verses  14-26      

a.    What example does James give here of faith and works?       (verses 14-16)

That of a person in dire need and you only talk to them but don’t do anything to help their need.

b.  What does the action (works) show?        (verse 18)

It shows  that my  faith is genuine.

c.   If a person says he has faith but does nothing to back it up, what do other people think of that?         (verse 20)

They call him a hypocrite, and his faith is dead and of no use.

d.   Do we have to work to get faith?         (Ephesians 2:8)

No! Our faith is a gift from God.

e.    How can we reconcile Ephesians 2:8-9 with this passage?        

We have faith from God first and then we show and prove it by our works….we do good because we WANT to please God, not because we HAVE to.

f.  What does God count as the greatest faith and works of all?  (John 3:16; Mark 16:16)

To believe and trust in Him (faith) and obey His Word (be baptised, which is action, works)

g.   Who does James use as an example of this?           (verse 21)

Abraham was a great example of this.

h.    What was the specific example James mentions?        (verse 21; Genesis 22:2-12)

When God told him to offer his only son Isaac as a sacrifice to Him

i.   Was Abraham prepared to do this? How does this back up what we’ve been looking at?      (verses 21-23)

Yes, he was prepared to do it….this is his “works” that goes with his “faith”

j.   How was Abraham described in verse 23?        

As being the Friend of God.

k.   What conclusion does verse 24 come to? Why do you think it is re-iterated so many times in this passage?         

That faith and works have to go together to justify a person before God…..it’s no use saying sorry if your actions don’t back it up….our lives have to back up our talk, we are to walk the walk, not just talk the talk!

l.   Who else is used as an example of faith and works together?   (verse 25)


m.   What did she do to prove this?                (Joshua 2:1-26; 6:25)

She believed that Israel’s God was the true God (faith) , and was prepared to look after the spies (works)

n.   How does the chapter end up?         (verse 26)

By saying that just as a body is dead without its  spirit, so faith is dead without works!

James  Three ….(verses 1-18)

1.    Verses  1-8      

a.    What do you think is being said here?            (verse 1)

Don’t try to teach others unless you practice what you preach….teachers are answerable to everything they say and will be judged more severely than others.

b.  What is the easiest way to offend others?        (verse 2)

By what we say and how we say it (and sometimes by what we don’t say!)

  1. c.      If a person is able to completely control his tongue, what else is he able to control?      (verse 2b)

He is perfect (mature) and full of self control in every way.

d.   What examples does James use of words either rightly or wrongly spoken?         (verses 3-5)

That of a horse turned by a bit in the mouth; a ship turned by a small rudder or a raging fire lit by one match.

e.    What can words wrongly spoken do?               (verse 6)

They can rouse uncontrolled passion in others and start feelings that cannot be pacified.

f.  What did our Lord Jesus say on this subject?        (Matthew 15:11, 18-20)

He said that the bad words which are spoken are what defile a person….our words show what is in our heart and mind.  A good person speaks good words, and a bad person speaks bad words (filthy language, and wrong ideas)

g.    What does Matthew 12:36 tell us about silly and careless talk?                         

That every idle word will have to be given an account of, before God one day.

h.  What does James go on to say in verses 7-8?       

That animals, fish and birds can be tamed and trained, but the tongue is impossible to tame, and can still run away with us.

2.   Verses  8-18       

a.   In what ways  mentioned in verses 8-9 is the tongue an unruly evil?          

People can be all pious and bless God one minute and then  slander his fellow man the next.

b.    What does James say about this?        (verses 10-12)

That we shouldn’t be like this!

c.   What examples does he give from nature as to the impossibility of this?

No tap can send out both fresh and salt water; a fig tree doesn’t bear olive berries, nor a vine have figs!

d.   How does a wise man speak?         (verse 13)

He speaks good things from a humble heart, things that build up and encourage, not things that destroy or tear down.

e.   What does Proverbs call a person who speaks stupidly?             (Proverbs 15:2b)

A fool who pours out foolishness.

f.   What is a good conversation likened to?         (Proverbs 15:23; 25:11)

It is good and gives joy….it says it is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

g.   Where does a bad conversation originate from? Where does it lead to?        (verses 14-16)

Bad conversation comes from the pit of Satan and reflects an evil and ungodly heart. It results in confusion and disquiet and in every evil work there is.

h.   What is a conversation like that reflects God’s wisdom?         (verse 17)

It comes from above and is pure, peacemaking, comforting, listens carefully, and is kind and gentle.

i.    What is the result of God’s wisdom?        (verse 18)

It bears the fruit of righteousness and peace.

j.   Why is the world so full of unrest, and wranglings today? Where does it all come from? (verse 15)

It originates from Satan….he is stirring all the time making trouble.

k.   What is the world seeking more than anything? What are all the treaties in aid of?        

Peace….the world wants peace, but on their terms.

l.    Who is the only One who can bring peace? What is one of His names that indicates this ? (Isaiah 9:6)     

Jesus Christ is the only One who can ever give true peace….He is called the Prince of Peace.

James  Four….(verses 1-17)

1.    Verses  1-8      

a.    What sort of people is this letter being written to?         (chapter 1:2a;  2:1a)

James’ Christian brothers and sisters.

b.  How is he describing their behaviour here?        (verse 1)

They were squabbling and brawling among themselves and tearing one another down.

  1. c.      Why weren’t they getting what they wanted?      (verse 2b)

Because they weren’t praying about it, and asking God for it..

d.  What does verse 3 tell us?        

That even when they were asking, they still didn’t get what they wanted because they were asking for the wrong things

e. What are other reasons for unanswered prayer?  (verse 4; Psalm 66:18; 1 Peter 3:7)

Practising some deliberate sin; marital disharmony; lack of forgiveness towards others….harbouring grudges.

f.  Can a person have one foot in the world and one in Christ ?        ( 1 John 2:15-16)

No! If a person loves the world, the love for God is not in him!

g.     What did Jesus Christ say about His people being in the world?   (John 17:14-16)

He said that Christians are IN the world, but not OF or PART of it…..that is why the world persecutes Christians.

h.  What does Christ pray for His people in these verses?      (John 17:15-17) 

That His people would be kept from the evil one, and be sanctified through His truth (His Word).

i.  What is our natural spirit prone to do?       (verse 5)

It is prone to complaining and gossipping, and being envious and malicious.

j.    How can we overcome this?        (verse 6)

By being humble and exercising God’s grace that He gives to us…..only humble people can take advantage of His grace because we have to admit first of all that we need it! Then God can give it to us.

k.   What is the believer’s attitude to the devil to be?             (verse 7)

One of resistance….we are to stand firm  against his temptings and then God will give us His grace and strength to help, and Satan will flee from us.

l.   As we resist the devil, what are we to do?         (verse 8a)

We are to draw near to God , cleanse our ways and purify our minds.

m.   What happens when we draw near to God?  (verse 8; Isaiah 65:24; 1 John 1:9)

He draws near to us….He will hear us even before we call on Him. If we confess our sins He will forgive and cleanse us. God has made a way for us, and it is up to us to respond to Him.

2.  Verses 8-17

a.   What is a good illustration of this truth?         (verses 8-9; Luke 15:20-21)

The prodigal son deciding to return to his father in repentance with the father waiting for this move and then running to meet him.

b.   What is involved in drawing near to God? How is this done?        (verse 8b)

Both actions and minds will be changed…..actions need to be cleansed and hearts and minds need to be purified. This is done by repentance which includes sorrow and mourning for past deeds, confession and humbling oneself before God. What was once treated lightly, will now be seen in its true light and taken seriously.

c.   What does verse 10 tell us?        

To humble ourselves before the Lord and He will lift us up.

d.    What is the warning in verse 11?            

To not complain about other believers….we are not to be judges of them.

e.  Why not?        (Matthew 7:1)

Because we might be doing something equally as bad in God’s eyes! No-one is a perfect keeper of God’s laws!

f.      Who is  the only lawgiver who is able to judge fairly?      (verse 12)

God is the only One who can see man’s  heart and judge fairly

g.     There is a change of topic here which affects us all…what are we told to NOT do in verse 13?  Why not?    (verses 13-14)       

We are not to say that we will do this or that in the future because we don’t know what the future holds.

h.    What should the believer always say when making his plans?    (verse 15)       

If the Lord wills, we will do this or that.

i.  Can you think of a common saying that bears this thought out ?       

Man proposes, God disposes!

j.     What is the contrast between verse 16 and Psalm 37:3-6?                            

.Verse 16 is relying on oneself and being proud of it while the Psalms passage shows the attitude of one who is depending on and trusting in the Lord to bring things to pass.

k.  What is verse 17 saying?       

If we know to do something good and don’t get around to it, then we are sinning.

l.  What could be some examples of this?       

Just doing simple things for others like visiting or being hospitable and sharing with others, being helpful when others are in need or even writing a letter of encouragement or making a phone call.

James  Five….(verses 1-20)

1.  Verses  1-11

a.    What sort of rich person is described here?        (verses 3-6)    

Someone who has set their mind on being rich and getting there by being ruthless and unprincipled, using dishonest means and taking advantage of others’ misfortunes.

b.  What is the greatest snare in this financial business?        (1 Timothy 6:9-10)

It is in allowing the love of money to overtake one’s mind.

c.   Where does this love of money and gain lead one to?   (verses 4-6; 1 Timothy 6:10a)  

It is the root of all evil and draws one into all sorts of traps and shady deals besides causing much hardship and sorrow to those who are being taken advantage of.

d.     What sort of attitude does God want His people to have?           (1 Timothy 6:6-8)       

He wants them to be godly and content  with the necessities of life.

e.    What about rich Christians? What are they to do?    (1 Timothy 6:17-18)           

They are not to be proud or trust in their money, but to trust in God and do as much good with their money as they can.

f.    What are these next verses about?       (verses 7-11)                  

Being patient, enduring and steadfast.

g.  What are believers still waiting patiently for?        (verses 7-8)

The coming again of the Lord, for his people this time.

h.      What are believers NOT to do? Why not?          (verse 9)

They are not to hold grudges against anyone…. it doesn’t do anyone any good and we must remember that one day we will be judged for it.

i.     How does the Lord feel towards those who patiently wait for Him?      (verse 8; Psalm 103:8, 13-14)       

He feels sorry for them and shows His mercy and patience in many ways.

j.    What was Job’s attitude to God while he was enduring his trials?   (Job 13:15-16a)

He would continue to trust, no matter what happened…..his salvation was in God alone.

2.  Verses  12-20       

a.   What is verse 12 telling us?          

There is no need to swear by anything to prove you are telling the truth….one’s conduct should always be such that one is KNOWN for telling the truth.

b.    What else did the Lord Jesus have to say on this subject?        (Matthew 5:34-37)

Anything more than a straight “yes”  or “no” is  unnecessary and evil, or leads to it. Otherwise we might be condemned and judged for swearing by God’s name and not keeping our vow.

c.    i.    What are those facing trials to do?                (verse 13a)    Pray

       ii.   What about those who are happy?                 (verse 13b)    Praise God.

       iii.  What about those who are weak and sick?  (verse 14)   They are to ask others to pray for them.

d.   What is the main sort of sickness that we are all afflicted with?    (verse 14; Matthew 9:2-5)

The sickness of sin

e.   How does one have sins forgiven? Can others do this for you?    (verse 15a; Matthew 9:6a)

No, our Lord Jesus is the only One who can forgive our sins when we  confess our them and our weaknesses and others’ prayers will help us to do this if we ask.

f.   What is the condition of the guaranteed healing?             (verses 15a-16)

Confession to others of faults and weaknesses, especially to those we might have hurt or offended. Prayer by others for help to overcome these weaknesses. Therefore the conditions are confession and prayer.

g.   Who is the example given of, for fervent effectual prayer?         (verses 17-18)

Elijah, when he prayed about rain or no rain.

h.   What made Elijah able to pray about this? Was he ordering God around?   (1 Kings 18:1, 42-45)

No! God had impressed on him that this was going to happen and he was able to pray about it fervently.

i.   What was Elijah doing in 1 Kings 18:42?         

He was praying fervently for rain because he knew the time was right even though there was still no sign of it…..he kept praying until he could see it coming.

j.    What are we to do if we see someone taking an unwise course of action?   (verses 19-20;  Matthew 18:15)

We are to speak with them and pray that they might change their minds and turn to God…..if they do this, they will be saved from eternal death and their sins will be forgiven.

k.   What valuable lesson have you learned from this passage?                    

That if we want to be an over-comer, we should find a prayer partner and confess our weaknesses and ask them to pray with us about it…..their prayers will help a lot.

l.   Why do we know that God hears this sort of prayer?         (Psalm 51:17; 1 John 1:9)

Because it is His will that we confess our sins and turn to Him; we know that what He has promised, He will do!


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