42. Luke’s Lessons.

Luke  One ….(verses 1-80)

1.  Verses  1-4 

a.   Who was Luke was writing this account of the life of Jesus to?   What other account did he write to this man?   (verses 1-3; Acts 1:1)

Luke was writing to Theophilus to give him a better understanding of the events surrounding the person and work of Jesus Christ and then of the early church activities.

b.  What was Luke’s profession and job? How do you think this would have coloured his writings?     (Colossians 4:14)

Luke was a doctor by profession, and as such he liked to know how things worked and what made them tick…..e.g. he is the only one to write a detailed account of the births of  both Jesus and John Baptist.

c.    Who did Luke get his information from to write these things?      (verse 2)

He got it from those who witnessed (saw and heard) these incidents….no doubt he interviewed as many people as he could, to get first hand evidence.

d.   How can we be sure that his writings are correct?    (2 Timothy 3:16a)

They would not have been included in the Bible  if they weren’t….ALL Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.

2. Verses 5-12

a.      What family does this book start off with? What do we know about them?   (verses 5-7)

Zacharias and Elisabeth were both from the tribe of Levi….Zacharias was a priest who took his turn at serving in the temple. They were getting on in age by this time and had no family. They were upright and righteous people, living blameless lives before God and man.

b.  What does verse 23 tell us about his job? Where did he live?     (1 Chronicles 9:25)

He took his turn at serving in the temple so many days at a time, and then went home to his village in the hill country of Judea to live

c.    What was his particular job at the time of this story?      (verse 9)

He was burning incense in the temple while the people were all praying outside.

d.   What happened to Zacharias while he was doing this?  How did he feel?  (verse 9)

The angel of the Lord suddenly stood by the altar where he was working, and Zacharias was very frightened

3.      Verses 13-23

a.      What four things did the angel tell him in verse 13?  

i. Don’t be frightened                                         ii. Your prayer is heard

iii. Elisabeth will  have a son                              iv. You are to call him John

b.  What was this child going to do?     (verses 14-17)

He would bring them much joy and gladness; he would do a special job for God; he would be great in God’s eyes and be filled with the Holy Spirit from the time he was born; he would be a great preacher and turn many people to God.

c.    What does verse 15b tell us about John as a child and a young person growing up? How would this have shown itself?      (Galations 5:22)

Because he was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth, he would have been a happy and placid child, and obedient to everything his parents told him.

d.   What was Zacharias’ reaction to the angel’s message? What happened to him as a result?  (verses 18-19)

He didn’t really believe what the angel said and questioned how he would know it would happened. As confirmation, he was struck dumb until after the baby arrived.

e.   What did the people outside know about all this?      (verses 21-22)

Nothing really….they wondered why Zacharias was so long in coming out, and then when he did they figured he must have seen something supernatural because he couldn’t talk but just signed to them.

f.       What lessons can we learn from this passage?    (Philippians 4:6)

That we can ask God for personal things and He will answer in his own good time. We are to believe this and not doubt, giving thanks for the answer BEFORE we get it!

4.     Verses  24-35 

a.      How did Elisabeth feel about her pregnancy?   (verses 24-25)

She was a bit embarrassed but now felt she could hold up her head among the others who had children

b.  What do we see about Mary from verses 27-28?    

She was a pure girl morally (a virgin), a descendant of David; she was highly regarded by God and He was with her; she was blessed above all other women.

c.    Why was it important that she was a descendant of David?      (verses 32-33; Jeremiah 33:15, 17)

So that the prophecies and promise of verse 32  would be fulfilled through Mary’s line.

d.   Why could this only be fulfilled through Mary and not Joseph too?    (verse 32a)

Because the child’s father was God Himself, not Joseph.

e.      What was Mary’s reaction to this stupendous news?   (verses 34. 38)

How will this all  happen? Let it be as you say, I am willing.

f.  What were the likely implications to her from this course of events? What would people say?     (Matthew 1:18-20; John 8:41)

It would be misunderstood and misconstrued when it was found that she was pregnant before marriage. People would think she had been playing around and it was likely that Joseph would call the engagement off.

g.    What does this show us about Mary’s relationship with God?     

She was a very godly girl and trusted God implicitly….she was submissive to His will.

h.   What does the Bible tell us about the conception of Jesus Christ?  (verse 35)

It tells all we need to know…that the Holy spirit would come upon her and overshadow her and the Son of God would be conceived in her womb….Mary had no doubt about the whole thing.

5.    Verses 36-55

a.      Where did Mary go for the first three months of her pregnancy? (verses 39-40) 

She went to stay with her cousin Elisabeth.

b.  What were the contrasts between Elisabeth and Mary?    

One was an older woman with marriage and childlessness….the other was a very young woman with marriage and child bearing years ahead of her.

c.    What were the similarities between them?      (verses 41c, 46-47)

Both were godly women who knew the Scriptures well; both were pregnant for the first time; both knew their babies would be boys and what their names were to be; both had supportive husbands, both the babies had been promised by the Angel Gabriel, and both were pregnant at the same time.

d.   What do we read about Elisabeth when Mary greeted her at the door?    (verses 42-45)

Her baby gave a big movement and she was filled with the Holy Spirit and gave Mary a blessing….she seemed to know all about Mary’s condition, by calling her the “mother of my Lord”

e.   What do we see about Mary’s reply? What does it show us?   (Psalm 34:2; 35:9; 71:19;  verses 46-55)

Her reply was all based on Scripture…..it shows that her mind  was filled with God’s Word.

f.       We see that her quotations came mostly from the psalms, but who else used similar phrases?    (1 Samuel 2:1)

Hannah’s prayer of thanksgiving and praise for her son was very similar.

g.     What is the challenge in this for us?

To learn the Scriptures so we can quote them when we pray too.

h.     Who did Mary give the glory to? How did she do this?  (verses 46-56)

She recognised God’s greatness and rejoiced in Him. She knew her lowly situation and marvelled at the mighty things God was doing through her. She knew that this was a special time that proud people could not have a part in….only the poor in spirit would be blessed.

6.    Verses  56-66 

a.      How long did Mary stay with Elisabeth? What does it seem that she would have been doing?   (verses 56-57)

She was there about three months…she would have been helping Elisabeth through her last months of pregnancy and possibly with the birth of the baby. She would also have been able to learn much from Elisabeth in both practical and spiritual things.

b.  What was this an example of?     (Titus 2:3-5)

The older woman teaching the younger one and the younger one learning from her.

c.    What is verse 58 the fulfillment of?      (verses 13-14)

The angel Gabriel told Zacharias in verse 14 that many would rejoice at the baby’s birth.

d.   What do we see about Elisabeth naming the baby?    (verses 59-60)

She was adamant that his name was to be John, and that he was not to named after his father.

e.      What gave Zacharias back his speech?   (verses 62-64)

When he backed up Elisabeth in obedience to God’s word, his speech came back. He lost it through disbelief, and gained it back through obedience.

f.  What did this cause among the people?     (verses 65-66)

There was great fear and talk around the place….they recognised that this was indeed a special child from the Lord.

7.    Verses 67-80

a.      What does Zacharias’ speech show? (verses 15-17,  67-79) 

That he had been doing much thinking during his months of silence….he was remembering what the angel Gabriel had said about this baby boy and what he would do when he grew up. He knew God’s prophecies were about to be fulfilled in this child.

b.  What did Zacharias expect from this child of his?    

He realised that he had a mission from God and that he would turn many people to the Lord.

c.    What does verse 80 show us about John as a child and young person?     

He had a strong character, dedicated and steadfast. He was filled with the Holy Spirit from the day he was born and would have lived out the fruits of the Spirit even as a toddler! He had a strong sense of purpose and destiny.

Luke  Two ….(verses 1- 52)

1.      Verses  1-6 

a.      What was the political scene in Israel at this time?   (verses 1-2)

The Romans had invaded the land and kept a strict hand on all the population with paying taxes and being registered etc. there were different regional governors with each being answerable to Augusts Ceasar in Rome.

b.  What is the scenario here for Joseph and Mary? What does it tell us about Joseph’s lineage?   (verses 3-4) 

The rule came from Ceasar that everyone had to be registered in the place of their birth for the Roman census, so Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem….they were both descendants of King David

c.    What does verse 5  tell us about them? What do we know about the character of Joseph? (Matthew 1:18-25)

Mary was heavily pregnant and about to give birth….she is still classed as his engaged wife . We see that Joseph was a just and good man who was prepared to obey God in taking and protecting his fiancee even when she was obviously pregnant in the face of all the talk around the district. He was a kind, caring and patient man and fit to help bring up the Son of God.

d.   What does Matthew specifically say  about their marital relations in Matthew 1:25?   

That Mary remained a virgin until after the baby’s birth.

e.      Why was being in Bethlehem so important for the baby’s birth?   (Micah 5:2)

Because all the prophecies concerning the birth and origins of God’s special Son said He would come from the home city of King David, Bethlehem.

f.  How do we see God organising events to make this happen (remembering that Joseph lived in Nazareth far to the north) ?     (verse 3)

By making the emperor give this law at the exact right time for it to happen this way.

2.      Verses 7-20

a.      Look up the first chapters of each Gospel account…..which ones tell of the birth of Jesus Christ?

Only Matthew and Luke.

b.  What does Matthew tell us that Luke doesn’t?    

About Joseph’s concerns and fears, and subsequent visit from the angel; also about the wise men bringing their gifts that would pay for the journey and stay in Egypt, and the return to live in Nazareth.

c.    What does Luke tell us that Matthew doesn’t?     

He gives the details of Mary’s side of the story, about the shepherds, the visit to the temple, seeing Anna and Simeon and the only account of the childhood of Jesus.

d.   What can we infer from Luke’s account?   

It seems that he probably talked to Mary herself to find out all the intimate details that are given.

e.   What sort of surroundings was the Son of God born in?   (verse 7)

Very poor circumstances….there was no room in any sort of accommodation and they were given shelter in a cattle barn. God’s Son was laid in a cattle feeding trough.We see that her quotations came mostly from the psalms, but who else used similar phrases?

f.       Why do you think that God allowed this to happen?

To show that He is accessible to the very lowliest of human beings.

g.     Who were the first to hear of His birth? How did they hear?  (verses 8-9)

The group of shepherds looking after their sheep at night saw an angel and heard his message that the Saviour had been born that day in Bethlehem and they would  find Him lying in a cattle trough. Then a huge number of angels appeared all praising God.

h.   What is the ultimate desire of all creation?    (verses 10, 14)

To have peace and good will reigning universally.

i   Who is the only One Who can give this?   (Isaiah 9:6c; Philippians 4:7)

God’s Son , the little baby who had just been born makes it possible for human beings to have  this.

j.    What was the shepherds’ immediate reaction?

Let’s go and find Him and see for ourselves!

k.      What did they do in succeeding days?  (verses 17-18)

They told everyone they met about seeing the angels and hearing their message, and then seeing the Baby for themselves!

l.    What impression did it make on Mary?     (verse 19)

She was greatly impressed and kept thinking them over.

m.    What sort of men do you think the shepherds now were?  (verse 20)

They were never the same again! They were full of praise for what they had seen and heard and glorified God even more than they had done before.

3.    Verses  21-24 

a.      Why did they bother to circumcise baby boys?   (verse 21; Genesis 17:10-12)

Because it had been established in Abraham’s time when God commanded him to see that every male in his household was circumcised and would continue to be down through the years as a sign of being one of God’s people.

b.  What else seems to have been the custom at the ceremony of circumcision?   (verse 21) 

The naming of the child.

c.    What was different about the names given to these two children compared to others? (Luke 1:13; Matthew 1:21)

Neither were family names….both had been given their names by the angel to the parents before their conception.

d.   What do we see about the circumstances of Mary and Joseph by the type of sacrifice they took to the temple?     (verse 24; Leviticus 12:8)   

That they were too poor to afford a lamb so they offered two birds instead.

4.   Verses 25-39

a.      Who were the two people who met Mary and Joseph in the temple?    (verses 25, 36-38)

Simeon and Anna

b.  What do we see about these two people?     (verse 26, 38)

They were both elderly, godly people who spent their lives looking for the coming of the Messiah. They were both just and devout people serving God with prayers and earnestness, and the Holy Spirit brought them to the Temple at the very time that Mary and Joseph were there.

c.    What was the gist of what Simeon said to them?      (verses 29-32)

It was mainly quotations from Isaiah about God’s special One who would come to be a light to the Gentiles as well as save His people.

d.   When do you think Mary’s soul was pierced through?    (verses 34-35; John 19:25)

When she stood by the Cross and saw her eldest Son hanging there in agony and was powerless to comfort Him.

e.  What was Simeon ready to do now he had seen the Baby?    (verses 29-30)

He was ready to die and go to the Lord.

f.  What did Anna do after she left the Temple?   (verse 38)

She spoke of the Child and told everyone she saw that the Redeemer had been born.

g.     What happened between the visit to the temple and their return to Nazareth?  (Matthew 2:1-23)

The wise men from the East visited Herod looking for this new King and were directed to Bethlehem. They found Him and presented Him with expensive gifts which were able to be sold to keep them when they fled to Egypt.

h.   Why did they go to Egypt?    (Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:15)

Joseph was told by God to go to Egypt because Herod was going to kill all the baby boys, so they stayed there for about two years until Herod died, and then went back to Nazareth to live. This was in fulfillment of Old Testament Scripture.

5.    Verses  40-52

a.      What do we see about Jesus as a young child? How would He have behaved?   (verses 40, 47, 52)

He grew and was a very stedfast, obedient, placid child who was wise beyond His years….there was nothing He did not know about. Everyone liked Him….He was helpful and polite with nothing pushy in His demeanor. All could see that God was with Him.

b.  What do we know about His home circumstances?   (Mark 6:3; John 7:5) 

Joseph was a carpenter, and trained (?) Jesus to be one too. Mary had four more sons and more than one daughter. His brothers didn’t believe in His public ministry until after the cross. Perhaps they wished  He wasn’t doing it!

c.    What do we see about the family in verses 41-42?

Joseph was still alive, and he and Mary plus the children made the trip to Jerusalem every year for the passover feast….a group of them went from Nazareth together.

d.   Look at a map and see if you can work out how far the journey was….about how long would it have taken them?

It was seventy miles in a straight line, but the Jews always skirted around Samaria so it was further that they walked. It would have taken 4-5 days to walk that distance

e.    What does verse 44 tell us?   

That there was quite  a group of friends and relatives that made this trek….enough for a young boy to not be missed until evening camp time.

f.   How do you think Mary and Joseph would have felt?     (verse 48b)

They were very anxious and concerned….here they were in charge of this special child and He had gone missing! Perhaps Mary was telling herself that He was a sensible boy and would look after Himself OK, but she was very worried nevertheless.

g.  Where did they find Him? what was He doing?      (verses 44-46)

He was in the Temple with all the learned men listening to them and asking them questions.

h.   What sort of questions do you think He would be asking? Do you think He would have been asking to learn from them or to teach them?    (verse 47)

He would have been asking pointed questions that would make them stop and think. That is why they were absolutely amazed at His perception and understanding.

i.    Why was this?    (Matthew 7:28-29;  John 1:2-4;  8:58)

They thought that He was just an ignorant twelve year old boy, but they were actually talking with the One who had created them and who had been around long before the world began and their ancestor Abraham who they revered so much.

j. What did He say to Mary and Joseph when they asked why He did this?   (verses 48-50)

He said, “Don’t you know I have to be about My Father’s business?”    But they didn’t understand what He was talking about, although Mary often thought of it later.

k.  What was God’s will for him for the next eighteen years?  (verse 51)

To live in Nazareth and be obedient to His parents helping them in every way He could.

l.    What was His general testimony in the town at this time?    (verse 52;  John 8:56-58)

People liked Him until He began His public ministry and then they said, “Who does He think He is! He’s only the carpenter’s son!”

Luke  Three ….(verses 1-38)

1.      Verses  1-15

a.      What do verses 1-2 tell us?  

The time frame that John the Baptist began his ministry.

b.  What did he preach about?   (verse 3) 

Repent and be baptised and you will be saved.

c.    What was John fulfilling by doing this?   (verses 4-6; Isaiah 40:3-4; Luke 1:17)

He was fulfilling the Old Testament Scriptures  that prophesied this, the angel’s message to his father and the speech his father made when he was an infant.

d.   What Old Testament prophet was John likened to?     (Matthew 11:13-14)

He was likened to Elijah.

e.    What do you think verse 5 means?   

That whereas the way of salvation (the way to God),  was once full of hard obstacles (sacrifices etc), now the way is easy through faith in, and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ….it is open and available to ALL people.

f.   What had the people of Israel been resting on in verse 8?    

The fact that they were descendants of Abraham ….they thought that automatically got them to heaven.

g.  What sort of things did John tell the people that they should do to show their repentance? (verses 10-14)

The people  were to be loving and kind to others;  the tax gatherers were to be honest in their financial deals;  the soldiers were to be more gentle and less aggressive in their accusations and not lobby for pay rises!

h.   What were the people beginning to wonder about John?    (verse 15)

If he were the promised Messiah who was going to come.

2.      Verses  16-22

a.      What was John’s explanation of himself?   (verse 16; John 1:34;  3:28-30)

He plainly stated that he was NOT the Messiah, that he only baptised with water, but that the Messiah would baptise with the Holy Spirit and make them on fire for Him.

b.  What was John’s attitude to the coming Messiah?   (verses 16-17; John 1:26-30, 34) 

He knew that he was only the announcer of the Messiah, and he was able to point people to Jesus of Nazareth as the Lamb of God.

c.    What was John doing when the people asked him these things?   (verses 3, 21)

He was baptising people in the River Jordan.

d.   What was the sign that John would see that would confirm to him who the Messiah really was?     (verses 21-22)

He would see the Holy Spirit come down as a dove that circles around in its descent, and rest on Him. John not only saw that happen, but he heard a Voice saying from Heaven, “This is My Beloved Son Who I am very pleased with”.

e.    How old was Jesus when this happened?    (verse 23)

He was at the prime of manhood….thirty years of age.

f.   What happened to John when Jesus started His public ministry?     (verses 19-20)

He continued his preaching for a short time until Herod put him in prison. He had told Herod that he had no business marrying his brother Philip’s wife. Herod knew deep down that this was right, but his wife hated John for exposing them and schemed how she could get rid of him.

3.      Verses  23-38

a.      How is this genealogy different to the one in Matthew? Why?   (Matthew 1:1-17)

The one in Matthew says that each person “begat” the next one in line, so that is Joseph’s ancestral line. The one in Luke says “the son of”….Jesus was only “supposed” to be the son of Joseph, so this line was that of Mary.

b.  Where do these two lists merge?   (verse 31; Matthew 1:6; 22:41-42) 

At King David…..Mary came from the line of Nathan, while Joseph came from Solomon, both sons of David. Thus Jesus could truly be said to be the “Son of David”

Luke  Four….(verses 1-44)

1.      Verses  1-15

a.      What happened to Jesus immediately after his baptism?   (verses 1-2)

A time of testing and temptation.

b.  What must we be on guard against after we have been baptised?  

Against Satan and his temptations trying to make us fall.

c.    In what area did Satan first tempt our Lord?   (verses 2b-3)

In the physical realm….he took advantage of His hunger (His body).

d.   What did Satan tempt Eve to do first?  What area was this in?   (Genesis 3:1-6)

To eat what God said not to; this was in her body, it would taste nice.

e.    What was the second area Satan tempted our Lord in?    (verses 5-7)

He appealed to His mind and ego offering earthly power and glory, but found no response whatsoever! This was His soul area.

f.   What did Satan bring up to Eve on his second attack?     (Genesis 3:5)

He appealed to her pride in being able to know the difference between good and evil and she fell for it.

g.  In what area did Satan tempt our Lord the third time? (verses 9-11)

In the spiritual realm….show how the angels will look after You!

h.   In the light of these verses, how will Satan attack us?   

He will attack us wherever our weakest spot is at whatever time he can get a toe hold, in body, soul and./or spirit.

i.   When did Satan leave tempting Eve? Why?   

He left her after attacking her in the body and in the soul. There was no need to attack her in the spiritual area,  because she had already fallen.

3.      Verse  13

a.    What does verse 13 tell us?  

Satan had got nowhere with Him in this time, so he left Him for a while.

b.  What does this tell us for ourselves?  

That Satan never lets up on us, he will always come back for another attack!

c.    What are we told to do when Satan attacks us?   (Ephesians 6:11-17; James 4:7b)

To resist him in faith and using the Word of God….if we stand firm against him, he will flee from us.

d. Does this mean we are able to dabble in doubtful places and get away with it?     (1 Timothy 6:11-12)

No! We are to keep away from evil things and follow what is good.

e.    To recap….what are the three areas that Satan will attack us in?  Who will preserve us in these areas?  (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

Body…. In times of stress and sickness

Soul…..He will appeal to our pride of position and power.

Spirit….By using intellectual doubts versus faith in God’s word.

f.   What does Paul tell us to do in 1 Corinthians 16:13?    

To be alert spiritually, firm in our faith and being brave and strong for the Lord.

4.      Verses  14-30

a.      What had helped Jesus as a human person to endure and resist Satan and then go on to do the work His Father had sent Him to do?   (verse 14)

It was in the power of the Holy Spirit that He was led and went out to do His ministry.

b.  Do we have access to this same power and help?   (John 14:16, 26)

Yes, all true believers have the Holy Spirit living inside them to enable, teach, lead and guide them.

c.    Where did Jesus go to start teaching and what was the people’s reaction?   (verses 14-15)

He went into the region of Galilee and taught in all the synagogues there, and the people thought He was wonderful!

d.   What happened when He went back to His home town of Nazareth?   (verses 16-22, 28-29)

He went into the synagogue and read from the book of Isaiah the prophecies about Himself….the people were absolutely amazed that He could read and say these things but as He continued, their amazement turned to anger.

e.    In the Isaiah reading, what did He stop short at?  Why?   (verses 18-19; Isaiah 61:1-2a)

He stopped halfway through verse 2….He didn’t read “and the day of vengeance of our God” because this time had not yet come.

f.   What was it that He said, that made the Jewish leaders so angry?     (verses 25-27)

Both cases He cited from the Old Testament were to do with blessings to the Gentiles people rather than to Jews.

g.  What did they try to do to Him, and what happened? (verses 29-30)

They grabbed Him and forcibly took Him out of the town towards a cliff where they intended to throw Him over to kill him, but somehow He just calmly walked through the crowd and went away,  with them being powerless to stop Him.

5.       Verses 31-44

a.      What does Matthew tell us that the general attitude to Him in Nazareth was?    (Matthew 13:54-58)  

Who does He think He is! He was unable to do miracles there because of their unbelief.

b.  Nazareth had refused Him, and his message….He was just “Joseph’s son” ,  the carpenter, to them…. what happened at Capernaum?  

The people of Capernaum were glad to hear Him and they were astonished at His powerful speaking…..not only that, but He backed up his teaching by the miracles that He did.

c.    What was the first miracle at Capernaum?   (verses 33-35)

Healing the man who was demon possessed.

d. What significant thing did the possessed man say?     (verses 33-34)

“I know who You are! You are the Holy One from God!”  The demons knew and recognised Him where people didn’t.

e.    What was the attitude of the people to Him here?  (verses 36-37)

They were absolutely amazed….and asked how He was able to do all these miracles, telling it far and wide.

f.   What do we find in verses 38-40?    

Peter’s mother-in-law was ill with an extremely high fever….He spoke and rebuked the illness and she was better immediately. People came from all over that evening bringing their aches and pains and sick ones and He healed them all.

g.    What did the demons know? What does that tell us?  (verse 41;  James 2:19)

They knew Who He was and they obeyed His voice but that didn’t make them His….they were still Satan’s servants. The demons believe and tremble, but there is no repentance.

h   What did the people of this area want? What did Jesus say?     (verses 42-44)    

They wanted him to stay there all the time, but He said there were other places He had to go to preach to.


a.      What do we see in this chapter about people’s reaction to our Lord’s preaching?     

Verse 15….They hung on His every word, and glorified Him

Verse 22…. They wondered at His gracious words

Verse 28…. They were very angry….enough to kill Him

Verse 32…. They were astonished at His doctrine

Verse 36…. They were amazed at His authority and powerful words

b.  What does this tell us for today?  

That when people are confronted by the Gospel, they HAVE to respond one way or the other.

c.    What does this mean about His character?  

That He was no ordinary man….He was …is… extraordinary!!!

Luke  Five….(verses 1-39)

1.      Verses  1-3

a.      It is very difficult to put the first events into strict chronological order….is the event  the first time that Jesus had met Peter and His fishing partners? When were they introduced?   (verse 3; John 1:36-42)

No, Peter’s brother Andrew had long been one of John the Baptist’s disciples, and he heard John announce that Jesus was the Lamb of God who was come into the world. He took Peter to Jesus and introduced them.

b.  Does it seem that when the four fishermen were called initially by Jesus that they never went back to fishing again?   (Mark 1:14-20)

No, it seems that they did leave everything the first time, but then wetn back to it again until the event in this chapter.

c.    Mark also mentions about Peter’s mother-in-law being sick….when did this occur?   (Mark 1:29-36; Luke 4:38-39)

Mark tells it as happening AFTER the initial call from the nets and fishing, and Luke tells it as though it happened BEFORE this  fishing episode.

d.   How can we reconcile these apparent inconsistencies?

People remember different events differently….we notice that, if we bring up some distant happening in our family to other siblings to find that they remember it differently to how we do.

e.    What is the scene here in verses 1-3?

Crowds of people were pressing around Jesus as He walked along the sea shore, so much that when He saw the empty fishing boats there, He got into Peter’s  and pushed out from shore a little. He sat down in it and taught the people  from it.

f.   What had Peter been doing prior to this ?     (verse 2)

He had been fishing all night and catching nothing, and was now washing out his nets on the beach.

2.       Verses 4 -11

a.      What did Jesus tell Peter to do?    (verse 4)  

To put out the nets again into deep water and get a catch of fish

b.  What was Peter’s reply? What had he learned by now?   (verse 5)

“Look, we worked all night and got nothing, but because You tell me to, I’ll put one out”. He had learned by now that Jesus knew what He was talking about!

c.    What was the result?   (verses 6-7)

More fish than he could handle.

d. What can we learn from this story?    

i.    To not give up easily

ii.   To obey the Scriptures even when it doesn’t seem to make sense.

iii.  The results of the Lord’s work are in His hand, not in ours.

e.    What effect did this miracle have on Peter?  (verses 8-9)

He realised the futility of his own work without the Lord and he knew the power of Christ now in his own life and as a result he felt his unworthiness and disbelief. He was overcome!

f.   Why  was this miracle so unlikely?    

i.   Because daytime in NOT the right time for netting.

ii.  Because it was out in the deep water.

iii. Because it seemed that there were no fish around.

g.    What did Jesus then tell the fishermen?  (verse 10)

Don’t be afraid to leave your fishing…..if you follow Me, you will be able to catch men for Me.

h   Did they do this?     (verse 11)    

Yes, they left all their business behind and followed Him until He was arrested.

i.   If they hadn’t cut their ties with the fishing industry and tried to have a foot in two jobs,  what would that be called today (especially in the  political arena)?     (verse 11)    

Having a conflict of interest…..it can’t be done!

j. What did our Lord have to say about this sort of attitude?     (Matthew 6:24)    

No-one can serve two masters, and have divided loyalties….it doesn’t work!

3.      Verses  12-14

a.      What was the leprous man sure of?   (verse 12)

That Jesus Christ had the power to heal him.

b.  What did the leprous man do?   (verse 12)

He went do Jesus, got down on his knees and putting  his face to the ground (he took the humble place) he  told his need, admitting that Christ had the ability to heal him, and asked for cleansing “Please do” he said.

c.    What does verse 13 tell us?

Jesus touched him and said, “I will, be clean”

d.   What parallel can we see here for us today?        (Psalm 51:2-4; 1 John 1:9)

We have to recognise our need and humble ourselves to CONFESS to the Lord, then He forgives and makes us clean in His sight. Whenever we slip up again, we must confess it to receive forgiveness. We don’t have to ASK to be forgiven, we just have to CONFESS our sin and name it before Him, and He will forgive.

e.    What did Jesus tell the man to do then?      (verse 14)

To fulfill the law by going to the priest with his offering….there was no need to blaze the matter abroad, the people could see the difference for themselves!

f.   What is the lesson in this for ourselves?      (Philippians 3:13b-14)

That once we have confessed to God, we are to live a new life and leave the old things behind. People will see the difference straight away.

4.       Verses 15-17

a.      What does verse 15 tell us?     

That everyone was hearing about these things and all came to see Him for themselves and to be healed from their illnesses.

b.  What did our Lord do in the face of this popularity and fame?   (verse 16)

He went off on His own into the wilderness to pray and spend time with His Father in heaven.

c.    What sort of lesson is there in this for us?  

If our Lord needed time with His Father to strengthen and encourage Him, how much more do we need to spend time with God! He did not allow the fame and popularity to touch Him, but kept dependant on God; this should be our attitude also, if we are successful in any point.

d. Who came to observe what was being done in verse 17?    

The Pharisees and lawyers, those who were religious leaders.

e.    What  was present among them that day?  (verse 17c)

The power of the Lord to heal the people.

f.   We know the ordinary people came to Jesus for healing from their illnesses, but what sort of healing did the religious leaders need?    

Spiritual healing from their pride and hypocrisy.

g.  What parallels can you see between these verses and the ones in James on healing?  (James 5:14-16)

i.     There is more than one person involved

ii.     There is a desperate need.

iii.    Soul sickness is more important than bodily sickness.

iv.    The person prayed for in faith will be healed from their illness.

h.  How can you reconcile the James verses (which are a guarantee of  healing) with the fact that many people who are prayed for like this still die?  

They are not referring to physical healing, but to spiritual healing…..there is not a single person who prays (especially with a group of godly people) for spiritual healing, confessing his sins, who is not totally spiritually healed by the Lord.

i.    Which healing is the most important? What is the  example that  we have in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10?  

Soul healing is more important…..Paul prayed earnestly to be physically healed of his “thorn”, but God told him he would have to learn to live with it, and that He would give him the grace and strength to do this.

5.      Verses  27-35 

   a.    What is the scenario in verse 27?  

As Jesus was going around He saw a tax collector  named Levi doing his work, and said “ Follow Me”.

b.  What other name do we know Levi by?   (Matthew 9:9-13)

Levi’s other name was Matthew and he was the one who wrote the gospel of Matthew.

c.    What happened this particular day that changed Levi’s life forever? (verses 27-28)

He heard the invitation of Jesus and accepted it…..he left his tax collecting and followed Him.

d.   What did he do to tell everyone of this great change in his life?        (verse 29)

He put on a feast and invited everyone, particularly his fellow tax collectors.

e.    What did the Pharisees complain about this time?      (verse 30)

About Him  eating  with such a crowd of sinners!

f.   What wonderful statement did our Lord make?      (verses 31-32)

Only those who are sick need a doctor! I haven’t come to call the good people with no needs, only those who know they are sinners and need  to be healed!

g.    What was the question asked in verse 33?     

Why do Your disciples eat and drink (at feasts) when other people’s disciples fast?

h.   What was our Lord’s answer?      (verses 34-35)

They don’t need to fast while I am with them, but the days will come when I won’t be around and then they will fast.

6.       Verses 36-39

a.      Read the story of Pharaoh’s dreams in Genesis 41:17-27…. how does this passage compare with verses 36-37?     

The dreams both had the same meaning, and these illustrations of Jesus both have the same meaning.

b.  What is the first part of  the parable saying?   (verse 36)

You can’t take a piece of material out of a new garment to patch a tear in an old  one…..the old material won’t take the new without making the tear worse, and the new one will be  ruined.

c.    What is the second part about?   (verse 37)

New wine has to be put into new wineskins because the new wine will burst the old ones, they haven’t the strength to hold it; they are worn out.

d. What is the point of these two parables?    

A person can’t patch up their life , the old ways will still creep in!

e.    What is the solution to the problem?  (verse 38;  2 Corinthians 5:17)

A person has to come to Jesus Christ and follow Him,  then God makes them a totally new creature with a new purpose and new desires. Turning over a new life doesn’t make them new, it’s like patching an old pair of trousers with a strong piece of new material, it will break out again around the patch!

f.   What does Psalm 40:2-3 tell us that God does?    

He takes us out of a horrible pit of filth and grime and puts our feet on the solid Rock of Christ. We have a  new song to sing and are able to praise God for all He has done! An unbeliever can’t praise God!!

g.    How can you tie all these verses up together? 

Turning over a new leaf won’t work, a person has to be made anew, and it is only the power of God that can do this. A new spirit is put into a new life and both are preserved forever!

h.   Read verse 39 in a modern version…..how would you explain it? Give an example.  

Those who are so deep into their old ways, can’t see any hope in anything else. An old drunkard can’t imagine his life without his booze, and doesn’t want to change his ways.

 Luke  Six….(verses 1-49)

1.      Verses  1-12

a.      What are the two stories about in this section? What is the parallel between them?  

They are about doing things on the Sabbath Day…..the religious rulers said that the things that Jesus did on the Sabbath weren’t right.

b.  What is this first story about?   What did Jesus refer to in His answer? (verses 1-5; 1 Samuel 21:3-6)

It was about doing minor things on the Sabbath Day in times of need….. He quoted how  David took bread from the place of worship which he wasn’t really entitled to, but there was a dire need so it was permissible. So what the disciples were doing in rubbing the husks from the ears of wheat  was OK.

c.     Who made the ruling of the Sabbath Day in the first place? Why was it primarily made?    (verse 5; Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 23:12)

God gave the example Himself by resting on the seventh day after his work of creation, and then gave it again to His people in the law. It was given to make people and their working animals take a day of rest in the week……nothing that is created is meant to go continuously without a break. The day was made for man and beast,  not man for the day.

d.   What happened in the next Sabbath Day incident?        (verses 6-10)

After teaching in the synagogue, He healed a man’s useless hand.

e.    What was the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees?      (verses 7, 11)

They were watching Him critically to see what He would do, and when He healed the man, they were filled with madness against Him and plotted to get rid of Him.

f.   What did the Lord Jesus do in the face of their hostility?      (verse 12)

He calmly went about His business and took time out for all-night communing with His Father in Heaven.

2.       Verse s 13-19

a. Which of the disciples do we read the most about?     (Matthew 17:1; Luke 22:8; John 18:10, 15)

Peter, James and John

b.  How did John describe himself?   (John 13:23)

As the disciple whom Jesus loved.

c.    How was Judas Iscariot described?   (John 12:4-6)

As the traitor and a thief…..he carried the money bag for the group.

d. What do verses 17-19 tell us?    

That great crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases.

3.       Verses 20-26

a.     Who did our Lord say were the happiest people?

Verse 20; Revelation 2:8-9a      Those who are poor, but belong to God’s kingdom.

Verse 21; Matthew 5:6              Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be  filled.

Verse 21b                                 Those who weep  (in repentance) for they will be filled with joy.

Verse 22                                   Those who are persecuted for His sake, for they will be rewarded.

b.  Who did He say “Woe” to?  Why?        (verses 24-26)

Those who are rich and full, famous and popular, because they are only concerned with this life….they may be rich here, but will be paupers for eternity.

c.    Which is the most important….the physical life, or the spiritual life? Why?   (John 3:36;  Romans 6:23)

The spiritual life because it is for eternity with the Lord, while the physical life is only happy on earth and is heading  for damnation in hell.

4.      Verses  27-37

a.      A paradox is something that doesn’t seem to make sense…..what are the paradoxes in this passage that Jesus was telling the people to do?  

Verse 27                       To love their enemies and do them good.

Verse 28                       To bless those who curse them and pray for them.

Verse 29                       To turn the other cheek and not be revengeful.

Verse 30                       To not worry about losing one’s possessions but to freely give.

b.  Have you ever prayed for someone you don’t particularly like or who doesn’t like you? Try it and see…..who gets the most blessing out of it?

It might not do the other person much good, but it certainly gives you a different attitude to them. You are the one who gets the greater blessing.

c.  What is the contrast between God’s people walking in His ways  and non-Christians? (verses 31-34)

To do these unlikely and hard things for those who don’t like you…..it is easy to do them for your friends…..ANYONE can do them for their friends!

d.   What is doing good to those who dislike you called?        (Romans 12:20)

It is called “heaping coals of fire” on their heads.

e.    Is this a principle that follows through the rest of the New Testament ?     

Yes, it is…..Christians are to show love to all and to leave revenge to God.

f.   Why is the believer especially obliged before God to behave like this?      (Romans 5:6,8; Colossians 1:21)

Because God has treated us with love and mercy…..we were His enemies, yet He sent His Son to die for us. Because we are forgiven, we must likewise forgive.

g.   What does verse 35 tell us about the character of God ?     

That He is kind to those who are unthankful and evil.

h.   Can we therefore as believers afford to hold grudges and be unforgiving?      (verses 36-37)

No! It does no one any good, least of all those who do it.

5.      Verses  38-40

a.      What is the main  principle of giving?     (2 Corinthians 9:7)

To give cheerfully…..one will reap what one sows and God will bless that which is given.

b.     Read what happened in 2 Chronicles 31:4-10…..what do we see here about the people giving?

We cannot outgive God if we give willingly and sensibly for the right reasons.

c.  What is verse 39 telling us?

That a person cannot teach anyone else what to do if they aren’t doing it themselves….they will both end in disaster.

d.   What is the standard we can follow in our Master?        (Romans 15: 1-3; 1 Peter 1:15-16)

Just as Jesus lived a holy life, so we must strive to do the same…..He pleased others before He pleased himself, and so must we. He is our perfect example to follow, and if we follow anything less, we are liable to fall.

6.      Verses  41-45

a.      What is the greatest downfall of the human race? What does  it stem   from?   (verse 41)

We can all see what is wrong with the next person but can’t see the same things (or worse!) in ourselves!! We overlook things in those we love, but are very critical of those we dislike or only know casually. Pride is the root cause of this attitude.

b.  How can we overcome this downfall in our thinking ?   (Psalm 139:4, 23-24)

By asking the Lord to search our hearts and minds and to give us a clean heart, THEN put into practice to always consciously  think good of people rather than bad!

c.     What sort of things does a person talk about?      (verse 45)

That which his heart is full of….a godly person will speak of the things of God,….a good person will talk of good things and a person with a dirty mind will pour forth a fount of filthy stories and jokes.

d.   How can one tell in a very short time whether the person one is dealing with is NOT a believer?       

By his language…a non-Christian usually lets a wrong word slip out within the first fifteen minutes of conversation.

e.    What are we told in  James 3: 8-18?      (verses 43-44)

That we should be very careful how we talk of others….we should not be blessing God on the one hand sanctimoniously, and then berating the character of our the brother the next! A fountain doesn’t send out sweet water one minute and bitter water the next, and a tree only bears its own sort of fruit!

f.   Where does a person’s speech topics come from?      (verse 45; Matthew 12:34-35)

They come from the heart, what takes up their thoughts.

g.   How can we endeavour to clean our speech up?      (Psalm 37:30-31;  51:10;  Philippians 4:8)

By making it a matter of prayer, asking God’s  help and then thinking only of good, true, pure, holy topics and keeping one’s mind on the things of God. The trouble is, do we really WANT to do this?

6.       Verses 46-49

a. What does verse 46 tell us that people think they can do?

Many people think they can talk their way into heaven without having a different way of life.

b.  What does Matthew 7:21 tell us the criteria is for getting into heaven?

It is not calling Jesus “Lord”; it isn’t even doing wonderful works of preaching and healing….it is doing the will of God.

c.    What is the crunch point?   (Matthew 7:23)

It is whether God knows us His children or not!

d. What is the person like who listens to (or reads) Christ’s commands and does them?

He is like a house with its foundations built on a rock…it will stand firm and won’t shake.

e.     What about the person who listens but does nothing about them?    (verse 49; Matthew 7:26-27)

He is like a house that is built on sand….as the sand moves, so does the house and it eventually  crumbles and falls

f.  What is the believer’s life built on?        (Ephesians 2:20-21; 1 Corinthians 3:11)

Jesus Christ is the foundation stone with the words of the apostles and prophets surrounding Him.

g.    What does 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 add to this thought?  

That all believers are building in this life….if they build for self, their building won’t last and withstand the test of fire…..their whole life will go up in flames and they will be left standing before God with nothing to show Him. Those who follow Christ’s teachings will have their work stand the test of flames and their work will be purified and remain.

Luke  Seven….(verses 1-50)

1.      Verses  1-10

a.      What is this story about?  

A Roman Centurion who had a sick servant.

b.  Why did the Roman official not come to Jesus himself?              (verses 7-8)

He felt unworthy to , being in the position he was as a Roman overseer.

c.     What was the man confident of? Who was his faith in?      (verse 3, 7b)

The man was positive that Jesus could heal his servant without even seeing him!

d.   What did Jesus say about him in verse 9?       

That he had much more faith than the Jewish people had.

e.    What was the end result of the story?      (verse 10)

The man’s servant was healed without Jesus even going to the house where he was.

f.   Read Matthew 15: 22-28…….who was the woman in this story?  How did the Jews regard her sort?   

She was a foreigner from Canaan, and was despised by the Jews.

g.   What was her attitude that showed her faith?     

It was one of humility….she was prepared to persist and take the lowly place if only her daughter would be healed.

h.     What about the people in John 4:40-42? Who were they?     

They were Samaritans who the Jews wouldn’t have anything to do with….despised as half breeds.

i.   What was their testimony of Jesus?        (John 4:42)

They said, “You are indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world”.

j.    What did each of these examples share and show?     

They each had a dire need, and they had faith that Christ could meet their need; they were all foreigners to the Jewish nation, and they all had their need met because they were humble enough to acknowledge Who Jesus is.

k.   How can we relate this to ourselves?    (Ephesians 2:12, 19)

We all have a dire need that only Christ can meet and even though we are Gentiles and foreigners to Israel, if we believe in Christ and acknowledge that need, we become fellowcitizens with God’s people.

2.       Verse s 11-17

a.  What is significantly different  about the people involved in this miracle to the others we have looked at?     

All the other people involved had faith they would be healed and they all ASKED for healing….this woman didn’t ask and the young man concerned couldn’t because he was dead!

b.  What does verse 13 tell us about the Lord?  

That He has great compassion.

c.    What does Psalm 86:15 add to this thought?  

That He is also gracious, patient and full of mercy and truth.

d. What did our Lord do in this case? What happened?  (verse 14)  

He touched the coffin and told the young man in it to “Arise” and the corpse sat up and talked, a corpse no longer!

e.    Imagine how everyone felt who saw this happen…..what did the people say?   (verse 16)

People were astounded and amazed…..they realised that God was at work and that Jesus was more than an ordinary person.

f. What can we learn from this story for ourselves?  

To be compassionate of  other people’s troubles and failings and do what we can to help.

3.      Verses  18-23

a.      What is this passage about?  

About John Baptist’s doubts now whether he had been mistaken about Jesus being God’s messenger.

b.  Where was John at this time?  Why was he there?            (Matthew 11:2-3)

He was in prison because he had dared to reprove King Herod for his adulterous relationship.

c.     What had John been so sure of earlier?      (John 1:29-36)

That Jesus was the Son of God and the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.

d.   What do you suppose his thoughts were now?           (verse 19)

“I  thought things would be different to this…..here I am stuck in prison and Jesus doesn’t seem to be doing anything…..we are still oppressed by the Romans and nothing seems to be happening!”

e.    How can we parallel this today?      (2 Peter 3:3-4)

Jesus Christ still hasn’t come as He said He would and things seem to be getting more and more evil all the time with people openly scoffing at Christianity and nothing is happening!

f.   What did Jesus say to John’s disciples?    (verses 22-23)

Just stay a while and watch….now go and tell John what you’ve seen Me doing with people being healed and the gospel being preached, and tell him he will be happy if he isn’t offended by Me not doing what he expected.

4.       Verses 24-30

a.  What did Jesus then go on to say about John Baptist?      (verses 24-27)

He was firm in his testimony (not a reed shaken in the wind); he dressed simply and basically and was a strong simple man (not there for show), and he was even more than a prophet, being God’s messenger preparing the way for the Coming One.

b.  What do you think verse 28 is saying?   (Romans 3:22-23)

From a human point of view, John is the greatest prophet of all, and yet as far as God was concerned, he needed to be saved from his sins like everyone else….all are equal in God’s sight, ALL are sinners.

c.    What sort of people had accepted John’s preaching and baptism?   (verse 29)

The ordinary people and those classed as the lowest     (publicans)

d. Who refused to humble themselves, saying they didn’t need to repent?  (verse 30)  

The intelligent intellectuals who were highly educated, and those who were high in the religious heirachy who thought they were good enough.

e.    Is this the same today?  

Yes! Not many rulers humble themselves to follow the Lord. God can only use those who realise their need of His help and who call upon Him.

5.      Verses  31-50

a.      What was Jesus basically saying to the Pharisees in verses 31-34?  

“You are just like a lot of children playing and squabbling….one min uter you want to play at weddings and the next minute you want to play funerals…..you complain at John Baptist’s austere manner of life, and then you complain at Me being friends with sinners and people of the street!”

b.  What does Proverbs 19:3 call this way of thinking?            

Foolishness! Foolishness makes people go wrong to suit themselves and turn against God.

c.     Who invited Jesus to dinner?      (verse 36, 40)

Simon, a Pharisee.

d.   What did he omit to do when Jesus arrived?           (verse , 44-46)

He didn’t offer the basic common courtesies….he didn’t provide water for washing, he didn’t greet Him with a kiss, and he didn’t offer any oil for freshening up.

e.    What sort of woman came in to see Jesus? Why did she do what she did?      (verses 37-38)

She was a woman of the streets, a prostitute. She had such a load of guilt, she brought her most precious savings and gave it to Jesus, pouring it over His feet while weeping and wiping His feet with her long hair.

f.   What did the Pharisee think of this behaviour?    (verse 39)

He was most put out and thought that if Jesus was any sort of prophet He would know what she was like and push her away from Him.

g.  What story did Jesus then tell him and what question did He ask?      (verses 41-42)

If two people owe money, one $500 and the other $5, and both are forgiven, which one would be most grateful?

h.  What did Jesus say  the point of this story was?   (verses 44-48)

“This woman has much to be forgiven and knows it; you think you are good enough as you are and you don’t love Me enough to even offer the common courtesies!”

i.    What is the challenge in this for us today?  

How much of ourselves are we prepared to give to the Lord? Our time, possessions, a listening ear to others ?

j. What did the Lord Jesus say to this woman that she longed to hear?  (verse 48)  

“Your sins are forgiven!”

k.    What did she need to have to be saved? What about us today?   (Ephesians 2:8)

It was her faith that saved her, and it is still the same today.

l.    Why is faith so important?   (Hebrews 11:6)

Because faith gives us the belief that God exists and that we need to get right with Him.

m. What can we do if we feel a lack of faith?  (Mark 9:23-24)  

Cry to God for more faith….He will give it and show Himself to ALL who are sincere in this matter.

n.    What is tied in with our faith for our salvation?   (Ephesians 2:4-5)

God’s grace towards us ties in with our faith towards Him.

Luke Eight ….(verses 1-56)

1.      Verses 1-3    

a.      Who travelled with Jesus as He went about?

His disciples and a group of women.

b.  What do we know about these women?     (Matthew 27:55-56;    Luke 24:10)

Not a lot….some of them had been healed from demoniac possession like Mary Magdalene, while others were older women who were the mothers of some of the disciples. They travelled with the men as they moved around, taking care of their needs, finding  places to stay, and doing their meals etc.

2.      Verses  4-15    

a.       What was this parable about?     (verses 5-7)

About the sower who sowed his seed on different sorts of ground with different results.

b.  What did Jesus mean when He said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear” ?     (verse 8)

He meant for them to really listen to what He was saying and then take note and obey it.

c.    Did the disciples understand this parable?  What did they do about it?    (verse 9)

No, they didn’t understand it, so they asked Jesus what it was all about.

d.   What can we do when we don’t fully understand what some Scriptures mean? How does God speak to us today?    Acts 17:11; James 1:5)

We can compare Scripture with Scripture (using a concordance)…..this is how God speaks to us today. We can ask God for the wisdom that we need to see and recognise the truth.

e.   What was the point of this story? (verses 11, 15c)

The seed was all good…..it is the Word of God. The different sorts of ground are the different reactions people have towards God’s Word. The main point is the end result of the seed and the crop it yields.

f.       What do the four different listeners do with the Word of God?         

Verse 12                The first ones shut their ears to it entirely

Verse 13                 The second ones think it is great, but they soon forget about it and change their minds.

Verse 14                 The third ones start off well but are too busy to keep it up….other things crowd it out.

Verse 15      The fourth ones are those who HEAR, LISTEN, DO and KEEP it.

g.     What does God look for in people’s lives?     (John 15:4-5, 7)

He looks for good fruit….not fruit that has formed and then dropped off, nor fruit that is shrivelled and sour, but good fruit that satisfies.

3.      Verses  16-18

a.      What is Jesus saying in verse 16?

There is no point in lighting a lamp and putting it under the bed!

b.  What is the point of a lamp?    

To give light to the room.

c.    What is verse 17 telling us?     

Don’t think you can hide what you have done wrong, because everything will be brought to light in the end.

d.   Who is going to bring to light the things that have  been covered up? Will God expose them?    (Matthew 12:36; Romans 14:12)

Each person will have to give an account of what they have said and done….God’s light will force everyone to admit their own wrongs and guilt to Him.

e. How would you explain verse 18? What does a person already have who gains more?    (Isaiah 48:22; John 14:27)

A person who knows God has gained peace….peace WITH God and when they obey Him, the peace OF God. A person who doesn’t know God only thinks they have peace when things go right, and  that  peace will be taken away from him when he dies.

4.      Verses  19-21    

a.       What is this passage about?    

It is about  the family of Jesus coming to see Him when He was busy with other people.

b.  Does this incident mean that He didn’t care  about His family?     (John 19:25-27)

No! He did care for His mother and showed this when He was in His greatest pain.

c.    What does it show us about His great love?      (Matthew 12:47-50)

That He loves ALL people on earth equally.

d.   What did Christ’s great love lead Him to do?   

To give His life for us as an offering to God , taking our place.

5.       Verses  22-25    

a.       Whose idea was it to go across the lake?     ( verse 22)

The disciples got into the boat to go across at the suggestion of Jesus.

b.  Did He know what was going to happen?    

Yes! He knew exactly what was going to happen, but He wanted to show the disciples Who He really was.

c.    What can we liken this storm to,  for us today?     

When things go wrong in our lives and troubles come.

d.   How bad was this storm? How well did the disciples know the lake and the conditions on it? What did they do this time?    (verse 23)

The disciples were experienced fishermen and knew what these storms were like…..this was the worst one they had ever experienced and they thought there was no hope left for them to survive. They called for Jesus to help….  “Master, don’t You care that we are sinking?”

e.   What happened then?        (verse 24)

Jesus responded by standing up and rebuking the waves and winds, thus bringing an immediate calm.

g.     How can we relate this to ourselves today?          (Philippians 4:6-7)

When we get into trouble, we can tell the Lord all about it, call upon God for wisdom and direction, then do as much as we can ourselves and leave the rest to Him. When we do this, giving thanks for the answere BEFORE we get it, then we experience God’s peace which envelopes and covers us.

h.     Is Christ with us in ALL our troubles, even ones we’ve brought on ourselves?   (Hebrews 13:5b-6)

Yes, He will NEVER leave us….it is how we relate to Him that  counts.

6.      Verses 26-40     

a.      What was the condition of this man that met Jesus in the cemetery?    ((verses 27, 29b

He had been possessed by demons for a long time, he wore no clothes and lived among the graves of the dead; he couldn’t be controlled in any way,  not even with chains and he was driven by the demons that lived in him.

b.  What did the man say to Jesus? Who gave him those words?    (verse 28)    

“What have I  to do with You, Jesus Son of  the most High God? I beg You, don’t torment me!” It was actually the demons who were saying those words.

c.    What does this show us about demons?     (Acts 16:16-18)

It shows that they recognise the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

d.   How do they react to that knowledge?    (Matthew 8:31; James 2:19b)

With fear and trembling…..they know they have to obey His Word.

e.    What do verses 30-31 tell us?   

That there were many demons living inside this man and they didn’t want to be sent out into space…..his name was Legion.

f.       What was the end result of this episode with the demons? What can we learn from this?    (verses 32-33)  

i.    The demons wanted a body, but they missed out when the pigs were all drowned.

ii.   Not even pigs could handle demons living in them, and the demons ended up in space anyway.

iii.  The man who owned the pigs lost them…..Jews were not supposed to farm or eat pigs at all!

If we commit ourselves to Jesus Christ, He will send all the demons that possess us (demons of worry and fear, as well as illness of mind etc) away to disappear forever, but we must obey His word for this happen.

g.   What did the people of the area do when they heard what happened?     (verses 34-37)

They found the madman quite clean, sane and dressed listening to Jesus talking and they were more afraid of  him than ever. They begged Jesus to leave their area, they didn’t want Him there.

h.    Sometimes Jesus told people to not say anything about their healing….what did He tell this man? Why do you think this was so?      (verse 39)

He told this man to go back to his home and tell everyone what God had done for him….Jesus Himself was banned, but the message would still go out.

i.   What did Jesus do after this episode?    (verse 40)

He went back across the lake to where He had been before where all the people were waiting for Him.

j.    How many wanted Him there? What does this tell us?     (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Only one person accepted Him, the mad-man who no-one else wanted! Yet Jesus made the effort to go across the lake, through the storm, KNOWING all that would happen, all for the sake of the worst man in the place. He likewise made Himself poor for our sakes so that we could become rich in spiritual things.

k.  Read the account of this story in Matthew 8:28-34….what does he tell us that Luke doesn’t? Why do you think this is?   

Matthew tells us that there were two demon possessed men in the cemetery who Jesus healed……it was probably because Matthew was there with Him and Luke was only told about the incident by someone else.

7.      Verses 41-56    

a.      What was the scenario when Jesus landed from the boat?    (verses 40-41)

There were crowds of people waiting and one man, Jairus, pushed through the crowd and fell on his knees before Jesus begging Him to come to his house and heal his dying daughter.

b.  What do we notice about the time frames in verses 42-43?        

It was the same length of time (12 years) the woman had bee ill for, as the age of the sick girl.

c.    What was the contrast between the woman and Jairus in the healing?     (verses 41-44)

Jairus came before all the people, got down on his knees publicly begging Jesus to come and heal his daughter, while the woman crept up behind Him, said nothing and just touched the hem of His coat and she was healed.

d.   What does this contrast tell us?   

That the Lord works in different ways in people’s lives…..no two cases are exactly the same.

e.   Could the woman  have remained hidden and just faded out of the picture?    (verses 45-47)

No! Jesus wanted her to own up publicly and she came before Him, getting down on her knees before Him and all the people, telling Him what had happened and how she was healed immediately

f.    What did Jesus say had healed her? How does that parallel for us today?  (verse 48; Ephesians 2:8)

It was the faith she had in Jesus’  healing power that healed her, and it is the same way that we must be saved from  the plague of sin…..having faith in the Lord to heal us.

g.       How does this incident fit in for us to be spiritually healed today?    (Romans 10:9-10)  

We must BELIEVE in our heart, and then CONFESS with our mouth to others that Jesus is Lord and we will be saved.

h.   Could Jairus’ problem have got any worse than it was during all this delay?     (verse 49)

No, it reached rock bottom with the message of his daughter having died.

i.    What was Jesus’  reply to this devastating news?      (verse 50)

He said, “Don’t be afraid”.

j.   What was the end result of this story?    (verses  51-54)

He took Peter, James and John  with the mother and father  into the room where the dead girl lay, and took her by the hand saying, “Maid,  arise”

k.    How do we know that the girl was completely healed?     (verses 55-56)

Because she was hungry after being sick for so long, and was ready to eat a good meal!

l.  Think through this story of Jairus….what does it  tell us for ourselves for today?   

God often allows things to get to rock bottom for us before He acts on our behalf, but we are not to be afraid of the circumstances, but to just trust in Him.

 Luke Nine….(verses 1-62)

1.      Verses  1-10    

a.      What do we see happening in verses 1-6?  

The twelve disciples were all given power and authority to preach and heal by the Lord and then were sent out.

b.  Do you think this included Judas Iscariot who proved to be such a traitor?        

Yes, it did!

c.    What does this tell us?    

That God can use anyone…..it is His Word that has the power to work.

d.   What did Herod hear and think?    (verses 7-9)

He heard about this healer/teacher, and how the people were saying that John had risen from the dead, and he wanted to see Him for himself.

e.   When did Herod finally get to see Jesus?    (Luke 23:8)

Not until Jesus was arrested and brought before him for trial.

f.    What did he do with Jesus then?  (Luke 23:9-11)

He asked Him many questions but got no reply, so he became angry and mocked Him, the Lord of Glory!

g.       What happened when the disciples got back from their tour?    (verse 10a)  

They told Him all that they had done and how they had got on.

h.   What did Jesus see they had need of after this effort?     (verse 10b)

They had need of a break away from all the crowds.

i.    What does this tell us?     

That those who are heavily involved in the DOING aspect of the Lord’s work must have time off to be with the Lord in relaxation…..ministers cannot be expected to work seven days a week!

2.    Verses 11-17    

a.      What miracle is recorded here that each of the other gospels tell too?    (Matthew 14:14-21; Mark 6:34-44; John 6:1-15)

The feeding of the five thousand men

b.  What does Matthew tell us about this incident, that none of the others mention?  How many could have been there altogether?   (Matthew 14:21)   

That there were women and children fed as well as the 5000 men! There could have been 12,000 there!

c.    What was the setting for this miracle?     (verses 11-12)

The crowd had been with Him all day, being healed and spoken to, and it was now the end of the day and people were getting tired and hungry. The disciples wanted Him to send the people away to get their own food!

d.   How did Jesus feel towards all these people who had come to hear Him? Why?  (Matthew 14:14; Mark 6:34) 

He felt a great compassion for them because they seemed to Him like sheep needing a shepherd.

e.   Which disciples were actively involved in this incident?    (John 6: 5-9)

Jesus asked Philip where they were going to get enough food to feed all these people (He knew what was going to happen)  and then Andrew came forward with the young lad and his lunch.

f.    How many baskets of left-overs were there?  (verse 17)

There were twelve baskets left over.

g.       What does the fact of the food left over show us?  (Malachi 3:10)

That Christ always provides our need and more besides…..He gives ABUNDANTLY!

h.   What great miracle happened next that Luke completely missed telling about in his Gospel ?      (Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-51; John 6:16-21)

The miracle of Jesus walking on the water when the disciples were having such a hard time in the storm on the lake, and how He calmed the water for them.

3.    Verses 18-21    

a.      What was Jesus doing in verse 18?   

He was alone with His disciples, praying to His Father.

b.  What two questions did Jesus ask at this time?        (verses 18b, 20a)

Who do people say that I am? who do you think that I am?  Who do YOU think that I am?

c.    How does Matthew word His first question? What difference does this make to His query?     (Matthew 16: 13)

Matthew words it like this….   “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”  He was telling them in this query  Who He really was…..the Son of Man. He was saying indirectly that He was more than a mere teacher or healer.

d.   What answer did they give Him to the first question?    (verse 19)   

They said that the people were saying that He was John or one of the old prophets risen again.

e.   What answer did they give to the second question? Who spoke up?    (verse 20)

Peter spoke up immediately and said, “You are the Sent One from God!”

f.    How did Peter have this insight?  (Matthew 16:17)

This was given to him by God the Father, not from his own observation.

g.       What did Jesus tell them to do with this knowledge?    (verse 21)  

Not to tell anyone at that time who He really was.

h.   What did Jesus proceed to tell them now they had heard Who He really was?     (verse 22)

That the Scribes and Pharisees would not accept Him as the Messiah, but that they would reject Him and kill Him, and He would rise again on the third day.

i.    What was Peter’s reaction to this?      (Matthew 16:22)

“No! It won’t happened to You, Lord!”

j.   What reply did the Lord give to him on that comment?      (Matthew 16: 23)

“Peter, Satan is using you to say that! Get behind Me!! You are speaking in the flesh and not from God!”

k.    What do Peter’s two comments who us?     (verses 55-56)

That after his great revelation from God, he was not exempt from speaking Satan’s ideas.

l.  What does James  tell us is possible ?   (James 3: 8-18)   

That we are capable of speaking God’s words one minute and then Satan’s the next!  If we allow Satan’s attitudes of bitterness, envying etc to be in our minds and hearts, we are opening ourselves to speak his things.

m.  What shows where the origin of our words comes from ?

If our words are critical and untruthful, nasty and not nice, they come from Satan’s wisdom; if our words are encouraging and helpful, not hypocritical but loving ,  kind and peaceable, then they come from God.

4.    Verses 22-26    

a.    What did our Lord Jesus tell His disciples in verse 22?

That He would be rejected by the religious leaders, be killed and then be raised again on the third day.

b.     What is a paradox?   

Something that doesn’t make sense on the surface.

c.    What example of a paradox do we see in John 12: 24-25?   

He told them that seeds must die before they can live again and bear fruit.

d.   How did Jesus relate that to the people then and to ourselves today?    (John 12: 24-25)   

That if we live selfish lives only pleasing ourselves and not others, we will die as a miserable old person, and have a lost eternity; the person who lives for the Lord and for others will be happy on earth and  gain eternal life in heaven.

e.   What did Jesus call “denying oneself”, and how often must it be done?    (verses  23-24)

He called it “taking up one’s cross”, and this is something we must do every day….no days off!

f.    What is an ordinary way that Paul gives of doing this?  (Ephesians 4:31-32)

Not to show temper and pouting, jealousy and spite when things don’t go our way, but to think of others and be kind and forgiving.

g.       What does Peter call this? How does God view it? Why?    (1 Peter 3:3-4)  

Peter calls it the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which God views as a pearl of great price because He knows it doesn’t come naturally.

h.   What great question does Jesus ask in verse 25?   

What is the point of being the richest  person in the world and having nothing after death?

i.    What warning does He give in verse 26?     

If a person is ashamed of Me and My Word, then I will be ashamed of them in a day to come.

5.      .Verses 41-56    

a.      What do you think verse 27 is referring to?   

It is referring to all those who accepted His teaching, and to the fact of what Peter, James and John would see shortly

b.  When and where did this wonderful experience take place?         (verse 28)

A week later they went up a hill in quietness to pray and as our Lord prayed and as our Lord prayed, He was changed before their eyes.

c.    How did He appear at this time?     (verse 29)

His clothes all became white and glistening with light and His face was altered.

d.   How did Moses look after he had been in God’s presence?   ( Exodus 34:30, 35)   

The skin of his face shone with heavenly light and the people were afraid to look at him…..he had to cover his face until it wore off.

e.    How did Peter later describe what he saw at this time?    (2 Petes 1:16-18)

He described it as seeing our Lord Jesus Christ in His majesty and glory and also as hearing God’s voice.

f.    Who appeared with Jesus and what were they talking about? Did Peter, James and John know who they were?  (verses 30-32)

Moses and Elijah were there talking with Jesus and the disciples knew instantly who they were.. They were talking about His death which would happen at Jerusalem.

g.     What does this incident tell us?      

There will be instant recognition in heaven, there will  be no strangers there.

h.   Who spoke first and what did he say? What made him talk like this?     (verse 33)

Peter spoke and said the first thing that came into his head…..he was totally nervous and overwhelmed. He didn’t stop to think what he was saying!

i.    What happened then?      (verses 34-36)

A thick mist came over the hilltop and they heard God’s voice clearly and distinctly…..  “This is My Beloved Son, listen to what He says” The mist passed, Moses and Elijah went, the Voice from heaven was finished and Jesus was alone once more, and things were back to normal.

j.   On what other occasion do we read of heavenly beings coming to Jesus?    (Mark 1:13)

When He was in the wilderness after being tempted by Satan, the angels came and ministered to Him.

k.     How were  the disciples feeling at the beginning of this wonderful experience?      

They were tired and sleepy and no support for their tired Master. They woke up in time to see Moses and Elijah before they left. The mist came over the mountain top as soon as Peter had spoken….it was not an experience they were allowed to participate in, in was only one they could observe from the outside.

l.    What did they have to say about it all after it was over?     (verse 36b)

They never said anything to anyone  about it.

6.       Verses 37-45    

a.      What was wrong with this man’s son?    (verses 38-39)

He took fits caused by a demon living inside him.

b.  What could the disciples do for him?         (verse 40)

Nothing…..they tried to cast it out but it didn’t work.

c.    What happened in the end?     (verses 41-42)

Jesus Himself healed the boy and cast the demon out.

d.   How did everyone feel  who witnessed  this?   ( verse 43)   

They were all amazed at the power of God.

e.    What did Jesus tell His disciples yet again?    (verse 44)

About His forthcoming sufferings and death….He had already told them before.

f.    How much did they understand of what He was saying?  (verse 45)

They understood nothing! They couldn’t work out what He was saying because they already had preconceived ideas of what they wanted to happen, and were too afraid to ask Him about it.

7.      Verses 46-50    

a.      What matters were the disciples discussing between themselves?    (verse 46)

Who would be the greatest of them!

b.  What did Jesus use as an object lesson in this exercise?         (verses 47-48)

He picked up a small child and set him down in the middle of them.

c.    In what way can we use this example in our own life?    

That just as a child is trusting and looking to adults to supply his every need, so we must look to God to supply our every need and trust Him for guidance and leading.

d.   What other aspect of a child do we have to be and do before God?   (Matthew 18:1-4; Micah 6:8b)   

We need to humble ourselves to walk with God before we can belong to the Kingdom of Heaven or become great in it.

e.    What is the paradox (contrasts) that we see in these verses?   

That those who are truly great are not those who promote themselves, but those who seek God’s face quietly, and receive and obey  His Word.

f.    What was John’s problem in verse 49?

He was upset that someone else was doing the work of God in casting out demons, and he had told them off for doing it.

g.     What was the Lord’s reply?      (verse 50)

Don’t stop him! If he isn’t against us, he must be for us.

h.   What lesson can we learn from this?    

That if others aren’t against Christ, they must be for Him…..there is no middle path! We aren’t the only ones who are right!

i.    How can we determine the truth of these sort of people?      (1 John 4:1-2)

By trying them out against the standard of God’s Word….if they accept that Jesus is God’s Son come in the flesh, then they are His.

8.      Verses 51-62    

a.      What was our Lord’s attitude towards the cross?    (verse 51)

He never hesitated….when the time was right, He went towards Jerusalem without flinching.

b.  Who would not give Him a bed for the night? Why?         (verses 52-53)

The people in the Samaritan village, because He was heading towards Jerusalem.

c.    What were James’  and John’s attitudes?     (verse 54)

“Let’s finish them off, if that’s what they think!”

d.   What did our Lord say to this?   (verses 55-56)   

“I  haven’t come to destroy people! I’ve come to save them!”

e.    What is God’s longing for  ALL people?    (2 Peter 3:9b)

He isn’t willing for any to perish, but that ALL will come to Him and live.

f.    What did Jesus point out  to these three men who wanted to follow Him?   (verses 57-62)

That there is a cost involved in each case, and things to give up…..there would be no home base, no family ties and no friends. He must come first in each of these areas, and they must come second..

g.     What are two words that best illustrate Philippians 3:13-14?      


h.   What is God’s requirement of those who want to follow Him?     (Mark 12:30-31)

Complete commitment…. to love and serve Him with all our heart, mind and soul….He is to come first in our lives, ahead of everything else.

i.    What did the rich young ruler hold back because he loved it so much?      (Luke 18:22-24)

He loved his money more than he loved the Lord…..he only THOUGHT he loved God, but when he was put to the test, he failed.

j.   After doing this study, what is the challenge for you today?   

I know what I ought to do; I know what I would like to do, BUT, am I really doing it? Only God truly knows our hearts and I should pray that prayer in  Psalm 139:23-24…….  “Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked ways in me, and lead me to the way everlasting.”

 Luke Ten….(verses 1-42)

1.      Verses 1-16    

a.      What does verse 1 tell us ?

That the Lord Jesus sent off seventy people to go out into the region where He would be travelling, to preach and heal….they went out in pairs.

b.  What did Jesus tell them in verses 2-3?        

Go and bring in the harvest….it is great and there are only a few to do the work….you are like lambs going out into a pack of wolves.

c.    What were they to do in verses 4-8?    

They were to travel lightly, and with vision, and to offer peace to the places where they stayed. They were not to look for better things or places and were to be happy with what was provided.

d.   What was the purpose of their visits around?   (verse 9)   

To heal the sick in body and tell them of healing for the soul as well as the body.

e.    What were they to do if a place didn’t want their message?    (verses 10-16)

They were to leave the solemn message that God’s kingdom was available but that since they didn’t want it,  the cities of ancient times that were judged by God would be better off than they would be.

f.    Which cities did Jesus  mention as turning their backs on God’s message?        (verses 13,15)

Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum

g.     What was another town that   refused His message?  What was amazing about this?    (Luke 4:16)

Nazareth didn’t want to hear His message, and yet they knew Him so well as He grew up there.

h.   Does this mean that no healing was done at these places?     (Mark 8:22-26; John 4:46; 6:59,66)

There was very little able to be done there……at Bethsaida, a blind man was healed, and a man’s son was healed who lived in Capernaum. When He preached there, a lot of the people left following Him.

i.    What does verse 16 tell us?     

That God’s messengers represent Him and those who take heed to the message, hear God’s Voice speaking to them and those who refuse are in actual fact, refusing God.

2.      Verses 17-20    

a.      How did the seventy get on in their mission?    (verse 17)

They did very well and came back rejoicing, saying that even the demons were thrown out in the Lord’s name

b.  What do you think verse 18 means?        

Satan has no more place in heaven as the chief angel which he once was, and neither has he a place on earth as his power here is broken since Christ died and made payment for man’s sin. Satan is a displaced person except in those people’s lives that he has bound and who refuse to listen to God’s call.

c.    What power did Christ say His workers would have?     (verse 19)

Power over even poisonous snakes, as they would be protected from them.

d.   What example of this is given in Acts 28:1-6?      

Paul was bitten by a viper that sunk its fangs deep into his hand, and yet he was unaffected by it.

e.    What is the most important thing for a Christian to be glad about?    (verse 20)

The fact that his name is written in heaven….the spiritual is far more important and lasting than the physical.

f.    When is a Christian’s  name written into God’s Book?   (Revelation 17:8c)

It is already there! God’s book was completed BEFORE He even began the work of creation!

3.      Verses 21-24    

a.      Who thought they were wise and prudent and yet couldn’t see these spi8ritual truths? Who were the ones like babies ?         (verse 21; Matthew 15:12-14)

The Pharisees and doctors of the law thought they had all the answers, but Jesus told them they were blind leaders of the blind. Those who heard and obeyed God’s truths had to trust in God the same way that a little child trusts its father.

b.  Who can know who the Father and the Son really are?         (verse 22; John 16:13)

Those who really listen to the Word are guided into the truths of it by the Holy Spirit .

c.    Who would like to have seen and heard the things which the disciples were now observing and hearing?     (verses 23-24)

Many of the prophets and kings of the old times would love to have seen the fulfillments of their messages concerning the coming Messiah.

d.   What other beings would love to have had the same opportunities as the disciples?   (1Peter 1:12c)   

The angels can only be onlookers as the Gospel is preached…..they cannot be participants.

4.      Verses 25-37    

a.      What was the lawyer trying to do in asking this question?    (verse 25)

He was testing Jesus out to see what He would answer…..he already thought he knew the answer!

b.  What were these questions he was asking Jesus?         (verses 25b, 29)

What do I  have to do to inherit eternal life? Who is my neighbour then?

c.    How did Jesus answer him?     (verses 30-36)

By telling him a story that illustrated the answer to his second question.

d.   What was the point of this story to show who a “neighbour” is?  What were the four different types of men in the story?    

There was the man in desperate need; the priest was a religious leader, but he never stopped to help;

The Levite was also religious and worked in the temple….he stopped to look but did nothing about the problem; the Samaritan who was despised by the Jews and not of the same religion, came, saw, stopped and helped and paid as well as helping……it cost him time and money.

e.    What was the point in it NOW for the lawyer?    (verse 37)

He was to go and do the same if he wanted eternal life under the law.

f.    Who then, are OUR neighbours?  

Those who we come across who are in need.

g. Does doing this today give people eternal life? What does doing good show? (Romans 6:23; James 2:14-17, 24-26)

Nothing we can DO can give us eternal life, we only get that through believing and trusting in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, BUT good works show the inward faith that a person has towards God…. it flows outwards towards others.

5.      Verses 38-42    

a.      What town did Mary and Martha live in?    (John 11:1)

They lived in Bethany.

b.  What were the different temperaments of these sisters?         (verses 39-40a)

Martha was a fusser who liked everything to be just right, while Mary took things more as they came….all she wanted to do was to listen and learn from what Jesus had to say.

c.    What was Martha’s complaint?     (verse 40b)

“Lord, don’t You care that Mary is leaving me to do all the work on my own? Tell her to help me!!”

d.   What did Jesus say to her?     (verses 41-42)

Martha, you are too fussy about things that don’t really matter while Mary has chosen the better things that won’t disappear like food will!

e.    What does Paul tell us about the things that we make our priorities ?    (1 Corinthians 3:11-15)

To make sure that what we spend our time and money on will last for eternity….if we don’t, it will all go up in smoke in the coming day. 

Luke Eleven….(verses 1-54)

1.      Verses 1-4    

a.      What was Jesus doing? Who was with Him at this time ?         (verse 1)

He was praying to His Father in heaven and the disciples were with Him.

b.  What did the disciples feel in need of?         (verse 1b)

They wanted to KOW how to pray to God effectively and acceptably

c.    Where did the Lord Jesus start His pattern prayer?     (verse 2)

With God, His holy Name, His kingdom and His will. They do not start with us!

d.   Is it acceptable to present God with our daily needs?   (verse 3)   

Yes, it is! We should recognise and be thankful for our dependence on God every day.

e.    What sort of attitude do we have to have towards others? Why?    (verse 4a)

A forgiving attitude…..if we do not forgive others, how can we expect God to forgive us? We are not better than anyone else!

f.    Does God ever lead a person into temptation? What does?   (verse 4b; James 1:13-15)

No, a person is tempted by their own evil lusts which are fuelled by Satan if we give into them.

g. What DOES God do for us when we are tempted? (Ephesians 6:11)

He gives us His armour to put on that helps us to stand against temptations, BUT we have to USE it! It will give us the strength to be delivered, but we have to recognise the temptation and ask for deliverance. A second look at temptation is fatal!

h.    What does Matthew add to this prayer that Luke doesn’t?   (Matthew 6:9-13)

He finishes it off with praise and glory to God.

i. After going through this pattern prayer, make an outline for an  acceptable prayer to God…..

i.     Praise to God for Who He is

ii.   Ask for His will to be done in one’s life

iii.  Ask for physical needs and give thanks for them.

iv.  Ask for forgiveness and the strength to forgive others.

v.   Ask for strength to resist wrong and endure trials.

vi.  Recognise who God is, giving thanks and praise to Him, and bowing to His will.

2.      Verses 5-13

a.      In this parable, why did the man ask his friend for bread?    (verses 5-6)

Because he had none of his own to give….he was unprepared.

b.  What is the Bread of Life?         (John 6:32-35)

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life come down from heaven for the salvation of mankind.

c.    So what can we learn from this part of the parable?    

That before we can be a help to others in life, we must have the “bread of life” ourselves…. we must be prepared.

d.   What did the unprepared man do? What can we do?      (verses 8b-10)

He asked and received….if we ask God for this “bread” to pass on to others with a sincere heart, He will give it freely.

e.    Which takes the most work to get…asking or seeking?    (verses 10-13)

Seeking takes more effort, but the end result is the same….we will find what we need.

f.    How satisfying is the bread from heaven?   (John 6:57-58)

It is all we need to satisfy our soul….we will never hunger spiritually while we are feeding on Jesus Christ.

g. Why do you think that Jesus used the analogy of “eating” Him?

Just as physical eating of food satisfies hunger and gives sustenance and strength, so feeding on God’s word (taking it in and thinking about it) satisfies spiritual hunger and gives strength to withstand what is wrong.

h.      What does God give to those who seek Him with all their heart?    (verse 13b; Romans 8:9)

He gives His Holy Spirit freely.

i.  What does the Holy Spirit do for us?         (John 14:16-17; 16:13-14)

He warms our hearts, He teaches, leads, reminds us of things, guides, comforts, keeps us in the truth and speaks of the Lord Jesus to our hearts.

j.    What drove the man in the parable to ask? What should we do when we realise our need?    

It was the man’s need that drove him to ask and when we realise we have a need, we should ask God to supply it rather than bumble around on our own looking in the wrong places for it.

k.   Read Matthew 6:33…..how does this tie in with Psalm 37:4?    

We have to actively seek the Lord and delight in His things before we will receive what we need and desire.

3.      Verses   14-28    

a.      What made some of the people so amazed ?         (verse 14)

The fact that Jesus was able to send demons out of a person, leaving  them perfectly sane and well.

b.  What did others say about Him?         (verse 16)

We won’t believe him unless He gives us a sign from heaven!

c.    Why would they not believe the healing signs that He was already doing?     (verse 15)

Because they said that He was doing them through the power of Satan!

d.   What did Jesus say about this idea that they had?   (verses 17-19)   

He said that if it was being done by Satan, then he would be working against himself and that didn’t make sense….everything that is divided is weakened.

e.    What does verse 23 tell us? How does this tie in with Luke 9:49-50?

One can’t have a foot in both camps; one is either FOR Christ or against Him….the man healing in Christ’s name was obviously for Him while all those who are not actively with Christ (those who think they can sit on the fence) are against Him.

f.    What happens to a person who looks into Christ’s law (head profession) and cleans himself up but doesn’t ask Christ to come into his life?   (verses 24-26; Hebrews 6:4-6)

He can’t remain clean for long before he goes back to his old ways and ends up worse than before! Satan sees to that! Without Christ’s po9wer within him, he has no resistance to Satan.

g. What was Christ’s reply to the woman who called out how blessed His mother was? (verses 27-28)

Anyone who hears My words and keep them are more blessed than that…..the spiritual is more important than the physical!!

4.      Verses 29-36

a.      What were the people still wanting to see?    (verse 29)

They wanted a spectacular sign from heaven because they wouldn’t believe the signs of healing that He was doing.

b.  What was the sign of Jonas (Jonah)?         (Matthew 12:38-40)

As he was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so Jesus Christ would be buried for three days and three nights in the earth.

c.    How do we know  the story of what happened to Jonah really happened?   (verse 30; Jonah 1:17)

Because the Bible says it happened, and Jesus Christ referred to it as an event, not just as a  fable or parable.

d.   Who else will condemn the people of Jesus’ day? Why?      (verse  31)

The Queen of Sheba, because she travelled a vast distance to see Solomon to hear  his wisdom and these rulers wouldn’t listen to Christ Who was right in their midst and so much greater.

e.    Why would the people of Nineveh be able to condemn Christ’s listeners?    (verse  32)

Because they repented at Jonah’s preaching….they didn’t resist it like the people of Christ’s day.

f.    Why do you think that Jesus went straight from talking of these things to talking about being like a light?   (verses 33-36)

Because a person who has a light can see clearly….without a light, people grope about and don’t see. He meant that those who believed His words would be able to see further truth, while those who shut their minds to His words, would only stay in spiritual darkness.

g. If we use the analogy of light, to earthly knowledge, education and qualifications, how can we tie verse 35 in with Mark 8:36?

People place great emphasis on getting degrees and being highly qualified….to them this is great light…. but it has no spiritual value at all. It will not profit them in the end when they face God without Christ by their side.

h.      What did Paul say about this same thing?    (Romans 12:2)

He said that our minds must be renewed and then we won’t be conformed to the world….we will act differently  because we think differently!

  1. i.       When the inside of a person is full of the world’s light, what will be seen by other people? 

       (1 Corinthians 13:1-2)

Someone who is full of themselves and their qualifications…..they don’t necessarily have anything worthwhile to say.

j.    When the inside of a person is full of God’s light, what will be seen?     (verse 36)

People show on the outside, what the inside is full of….. they will be able to talk of the things of God in a natural manner that will benefit others.

6.      .Verses 37-54    

a.      Read the first conversation that took place at the table…..why do you think the Lord didn’t wash His hands and feet before sitting down?    (verses 37-41)

He purposely didn’t do it so that He could use it for an object lesson….He knew they would notice and comment on it.

b.  How did He use it as a lesson?         (verse 39; Mark 7:3-5)

He told them they were too particular about washing the body, but were totally careless about getting the mind and soul washed and clean before God.

c.    What did they think made them clean and acceptable to God?     (verses 41-42)

They thought that if they gave money to the poor and kept the little exacting things of the law would be acceptable to God….never mind what God said about His judgements and His love!

d.   What did our Lord say these religious leaders were?   ( verse 44)   

He said they were hypocrites who said one thing and did another.

e.    Who else took these condemnations to themselves?    (verse 45)

The lawyers realised they were no better than the Scribes and Pharisees.

f.    What sort of things did our Lord say they did in verse 46?

He said they made one set of rules for themselves and another set for the ordinary  people.

g.    What does He mention in verses 47-51?      

He shows how they made a fuss about the prophet’s graves when it was their ancestors who had killed them, and that they were really no better than they,  as they were still killing the prophets.

h.   What was the basic problem of all the religious leaders?     (verse 52)

They thought they were the only ones with the right answers while they were stopping those  (the prophets) who had the real answers.

i.    How did all this go down with those at the meal table?      (verses 53-54)

They began to raise their voices and baited Him to try to catch Him out so they could accuse Him.

7.  Summing Up…..

a.      Stop and think for a moment about this One they were doing this to….who WAS He, this One they were arguing with?    (Isaiah 40:25, 28)

He is the Everlasting One, their Creator, the One with all  knowledge.

b.  How much power did He have at His disposal?         (Matthew 26:53)

He could have called twelve legions of angels to His side in an instant!

c.    Why were they getting so mad at Him? What were His words doing to them?  (Hebrews 4:12-13)

His voice was cutting them to the heart, like a sharp two edged sword reaching right into the centre of their beings.

d.   What will they have to do in the future to this One they were baiting in self righteous anger?   ( Philippians 2:9-11)   

They will have to bow the knee to Him in all His glory and acknowledge Him as Lord of all!

Luke Twelve….(verses 1-59)

1.      Verses   1-3    

a.      What did Jesus warn His disciples against concerning the Pharisees? What did He liken their attitudes and behaviour to ?         (verse 1; Matthew 16:6, 12)

He warned them against being hypocrites like the Pharisees which He likened them to yeast in a dough that spreads through the whole lump.

b.  What does verse 2 tell us?         (Luke 8:17)

That all this hypocrisy will be revealed one day.

c.    Can people hide their bad deeds and thoughts from God?     (Hebrews 4:13)

No! God sees everything about us as being naked and open to His view.

d.   Who is going to do the accusing in the day of judgement?   (Romans 14:12)   

Each person will give an account of themselves, not of the next person. They will then see themselves as God sees them, and own up to every bad and impure thought and deed that they have ever done.

e.    Can you think of an example of this that happens to people today when they are in dire danger?

A person’s life will flash before their eyes as they face possible death.

f.    Why does it pay to confess things to God immediately? What does God do with confessed sin?   (Micah 7:18-19; 1 John 1:9)

Because we don’t know what is round the corner for us! God forgives confessed sin and forgets it for ever….it  will not be brought to mind again.

2.      Verses 4-12

a.      What is Jesus saying in verses 4-5?   

Don’t be afraid of men killing you….it is only your body they can touch, but beware of the one who can destroy your soul for eternity.

b.  What are we as human beings, so prone to forget?         (Jeremiah 9:23-24; Luke 10:20)

The importance of spiritual things in life….we are so bound up in the physical! The disciples were excited about the things they DID, when they should have been excited that their names were written in heaven.

c.    What unlikely (to us) facts does God take notice of?   (verses 6-7)

That He knows every sparrow that is alive and when it dies; every hair of each person’s head is numbered!!

d.  What  does this mean?     

That God is interested in, and knows the minutest thing about every person and creature on earth.

e.    What else does the Bible tell us that God knows about us? (Psalm 139:1-17)

He knows our every word, thought and movement; He knows our feelings and our attitudes, our bodies with all their aches and pains….in fact all these things have been written down about each person long before they were born (before the world was created!). What mind boggling information this is!!

f.    What will happen if we confess that Jesus is the Christ to others?   (verse 8)

The Lord will confess (stand beside, introduce) us to the angels in a coming day.

g. What about those who deny the Lord Jesus?    (verse 9)

They will be denied by Him in a coming day.

h.  What is the unforgivable sin?    (verse 10)

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God….in other words, if people resist and stand against His leading to the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they will end in eternal destruction….there is no other option.

i.    What else did our Lord tell us about His Holy Spirit ?   (verses 11-12; John 14:26; 16:13)

That He will bring all things to our remembrance when we most need them….e.g. when a person is taken to trial for preaching God’s Word, to not worry ahead of time what to say, the Holy Spirit will prompt them when the time comes.

3.      Verses   13-15    

a.      What do we have to be careful to be aware of ?         (verse 15)

Not to be greedy or covetous.

b.  What did this man want Jesus to do?         (verse 13)

To make his brother divide the inheritance fairly.

c.    What do we learn from Matthew 5:39-42?    

That if we are treated unfairly, we are to be extra generous to the greedy one….we are to give double what is required.

d.   What did Jesus Christ do for each believer in this respect?   (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:21-24)   

He became sin for us, He who didn’t know what sin was like, took our sin on Himself and paid the price for it. He is our supreme example of someone who was treated unfairly.

4.      Verses 16-21

a.      What is this parable all about?    (verses 16-19)

About the successful farmer who had a bumper crop, and pulled his barns down to build greater to hold the extra. He never gave God a thought or any gift from it, nor did he give God thanks for it.

b.  What does this parable tell us?         (verse 20)

That none of us knows what lies ahead…. earthly possessions are no good in eternity, we can’t take any of it with us!!!

c.    What is verse 21 saying?  

That people who only think of the things of this life and leave God out are  FOOLS!

d.  Who says so?     (verse 20)


5.      Verses 22-34

a.      What things are NOT the main things of life that we get so preoccupied with?    (verses 22-23)

What we eat and what we wear!

b.  What happens to the latest fad and fashion?         (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10)

Things come IN, and everyone has to have one or do it, and then they go just as quickly!

c.    What does James liken a person’s life and its whims to?   (James 1:9-11)

To a flower which comes, blooms,  fades and then goes.

d.  What is our Lord Jesus saying in this passage?     (verses 24-28)

God provides for the flowers and birds, and He will  provide for His people without any undue fuss.

e.    What does God want His people to be preoccupied with? (verse 31)

With the things of His kingdom….if we put God first in our lives, He will give us the things that we need….for example a good paying job that will provide them!

f.    What will happen about the things that want  if we are preoccupied with the things of God?   (verse 8; Psalm 37:3-5)

We will find that the things that once seemed so important will just drop out of our thinking, and the things of God will take over our wants and desires….we will want more of Him and less of the world.

g. If we spend our lives GETTING more and more THINGS, what good does that do when we die?    (verse 20)

They do no good at all! We just leave it all behind for others to squabble over and waste!

h.  What does verse 34 tell us?   

The things that we treasure will be what we think about and do constantly…. They will be where our time and energy is centred.

i.    What is the conclusion of this matter in Matthew 6:19-21,  33?  

If our treasure is on earth, it will deteriorate and could be stolen, but if we treasure the treasures of heaven, time and man cannot touch these things…..they are eternally ours and our hearts and minds will continually be on them.

j.    What are YOU putting all your time and energy into?   (1 Corinthians 3:11-15)

I will get exactly what I go in for! If I build for things on this earth, whether it be qualifications or excelling in sport, they will leave me when I get older and leave this earth, but if I build in the things of God, they will survive the fires of time and deterioration, and God will appreciate this in the time to come.

6.      Verses   35-48    

a.      What is verse 35 saying ?        

To always be prepared and ready for the journey of life, and to know where you are heading and make a straight course for it.

b.  What is the next parable about?         (verses 36-38)

Being responsible servants, always ready for their master’s arrival.

c.    What is the application of this for us today?     (1 John 2:28)

To keep ourselves in a constant state of thinking  “perhaps it will be today”, being ready to meet Him at any moment…..not easy in the hurly burly of life with its demands and responsibilities…..to always keep the right attitudes towards God and other people., so we won’t be ashamed of ourselves.

d.   Is anyone let off this responsibility? What is the end result of all this?   (verses 41-44)   

The responsible servant will be rewarded, while the one who shelves his responsibilities  will suffer for it.

e.      What are  verses  45- 47  a picture of?   

Lazy drifting staff who let things go and get in a mess, and the reaction of the master when he catches up with them.….they will suffer punishment with others like them.

f.  What does verse 48 tell us?     

With more privileges, comes more responsibility….those who don’t know  aren’t so accountable, while those who DO know and DON’T do, will have the greater punishment.

g.    How can you relate this section to your own life?   (1 Corinthians 3:11-15)

What am I doing with it? Where are my priorities? What are my energies going into? If I build for an eternity with God, my deeds will pass the test of fire, but if I never give that a thought, the fire will consume the lot and I will be left with nothing! If I were to die today, what sort of legacy would be left behind and what would I take with me?

h.  What was Paul’s aim in life? Would this have been taken from him when he went to be with the Lord?     (Philippians 3:11-15)

His main aim was to KNOW Jesus Christ his Lord, Christ’s power in his life, Christ’s sufferings in his life and sharing in the purpose of Christ’s death (which was to bring salvation to others). Even if Paul never made it totally, this was his aim and everything else was second to it…..these things could never be lost to him!

i.  How can we go about having/achieving this aim?     (Colossians 3:1-3)

By setting our affection (time and energy) on the things above where Christ is….if we devote our time to Him, everything else will fall into its right place.

7.      Verses 49-59

a.      Read Luke 3:16-17, and John 16:33…..what do you think verse 49 means in the light of these other verses?   

The fires of deciding for Christ, the fires of persecution, and  the fires of opposition to God’s message which already (and still) exists in the world.

b.  Jesus had already been baptised by John….what is He referring to in verse 50?        

He was speaking of the baptism of  His death, and how He wanted it over and done with….it dominated His thoughts.

c.    In what way does Christ bring division in families?   (verses 51-53)

When someone becomes a Christian in a family of another strict religion, it causes tremendous upheaval…..likewise when one from a Christian family deliberately renounces it.

d.  What was Jesus telling the people in verses 54-57?    

You have enough brains to read the weather signs in the sky, why won’t you realise that what I am saying is the truth?

e.    What is the lesson in verses 58-59?

You’ve got enough sense to keep out of trouble on earth, now use that to keep from eternal trouble. If one does nothing about these things, one will slide into the pit in the end.

 Luke Thirteen….(verses 1-35)

1.      Verses   1-5    

a.      Who and what,  was Pilate ?         (verse 1;  3:1a)

Pilate was the Roman governor of Judaea.

b.  What was Jesus saying about these people who had the misfortune to be killed?         (verses 2-5)

He said they were no worse than anyone else.

c.    Do Christians necessarily escape calamities?     (Matthew 5:45b)

No! We are bound by the social and economic conditions of our country….e.g. if times are hard and jobs hard to get, we suffer that, and if there is a drought or flooding, we suffer those consequences as well.

d.   What comment did Solomon make concerning this?   (Ecclesiastes 9:11)   

He said that time and chance happens to all people!

e.      What was the point that Jesus was making about these two examples?    (verses 3, 5)

If a person doesn’t get right with God while things are going well, they could be cut off suddenly like these people were and it will be too late for them to get right.

2.  Verses 6-9

a.      What does this parable show us?    (2Peter 3:9)

That the fig tree was given a chance to bear fruit, but if it didn’t, it would be cut down…..in the same way God isn’t willing that any should be lost to Him, but that ALL should come to Him in repentance.

b.  What does God look for in His people?         (John 15:1-6)

He looks for fruit….without fruit a person’s testimony is thrown out and burned by observers.

c.    What does the dresser of the vineyard represent?   (verses 7-8)

Those who are shepherding the people of God, whether as a pastor or simply as a friend, they should be encouraging others in the Lord.

3.   Verses   10-17    

a.      When and where did this miracle happen ?         (verse 10)

Christ was in one of the local synagogues one Sabbath day.

b.  Imagine yourself as this woman….what would her expectations have been as she went to the synagogue that day?        

It would have been twice the effort for her to get there as anyone else, and she wouldn’t have expected to be healed that day; she may (or may not) have known theat Jesus would be teaching there that day, but she wanted to be at the synagogue for a spiritual blessing…..it was just like any other Sabbath that morning.

c.    Do you think that Jesus knew she would be there and what her needs would be?  What does this tell us?   

Yes! He knows our needs and is more than ready to meet them if we will only turn to Him. Our spiritual needs are far more important to Him than our physical needs.

d.   What was the woman’s immediate reaction when she was healed?   (verse 13)   

She praised God and gave Him the glory.

e.      Just imagine if that woman had not gone to the synagogue that morning, or if she had not gone out when He called her to Him…..what would the result have been?    (James 4:8a)

She would never have been healed and would have had nothing to praise God for. If we want a blessing, we must draw near to God by reading His word and meeting with His people. This will stimulate our praise and thanksgiving.

f.   How did our Lord silence the ruler who was telling the people off?   (verses 15-16)   

He told the man he was a hypocrite because he looked after his animals (fed and watered them) on the Sabbath, and wasn’t this woman far more important than an animal?

g.      What does the phrase “daughter of Abraham”  indicate about this woman?    (verse 16; 19:9; Galations 3:6-7)

She was a person who had faith in God in spite of her severe handicap….she didn’t let her handicap prevent her from going to worship God, and she put God first in her life.

4.  Verses   18-30    

a.      In what way is the kingdom of God like a grain of mustard seed? Can you think of another small thing that grows into a large tree?       (verses 18-19) 

It is a living organism that has grown from a very small beginning until it fills the whole earth with its influence. An acorn is a good example of a small thing that grows into a large oak tree.

b.  What about the leaven?         (verses 20-21)

It is the same thought…..a little spreads a long way.

c.    Where was Jesus going, and what was He asked?     (verses 22-23)

As He went to Jerusalem, teaching as He went, He was asked if there were only a few to be saved.

d.   What was the answer that He gave?   (verse 24; Matthew 7:13-14)   

He said that it takes seeking to find the narrow gate to heaven; most people want to go THEIR way, not in God’s way. Those who do nothing, remain drifting down the wide way and will never find it.

e.      What illustration is given in verse 25? What is the answer?   

The illustration is that of the master locking the door at the end of the day, and others knocking after that cannot gain entrance because the master never knew them.

f.  What will they say then? What is the modern day equivalent?      (verses 26-28; Matthew 7:21-23)

But we’ve gone to church and listened to Your Word and even taken communion!

g.    What is the main point of the whole matter? What was the answer? (verse 24; Matthew 7: 13-14)

God doesn’t know them because they have never repented and confessed their sins. They have done the right things for the wrong reasons and in THEIR way….their hearts have never been right with God.

h.  What is the end result for these “good” and religious  people?     (verse 28)

They will be thrown out of God’s presence and live with eternal remorse and regrets, with  torment.

i.  What does verse 28 indicate the lost can see?     (Luke 16:23)

They can see those who are in the kingdom of Heaven although at a great distance away, and knowing there is a great gulf fixed between them.

j.  What do verses 29-30 tell us?    

That people from all over the world will be in God’s kingdom….those who expect to be at the top will be at the bottom and vice versa.

5.   Verses 31-35..

a.  What did the Pharisees tell Jesus to do?    (verse 31)

You’d better get out a lea because Herod will try to kill you.

b.  In actual fact, who was it who did the plotting to kill Him?         (Matthew 26:3-4)

It was the Pharisees themselves and the rulers of the synagogue.

c.    What was Jesus’ reply to this message? What did He call Herod?   (verse 32)

He told them to go back and tell “that fox” that He would continue for a couple more periods of time and the end of His ministry would come at Jerusalem.

d.  What did He mean when He said that He would be “perfected” ? (verse 32b; Hebrews 2:10; 5:9)

He meant that He would have achieved the purpose of His coming to earth, which was to bring salvation to all men in paying the price of sin by dying on the cross. He suffered the ultimate in physical pain and torture; the ultimate in shame and being exposed to people’s insults and the mocking stares while hanging there naked for all to see; the ultimate in emotional pain of being totally alone, and then the ultimate in spiritual agony of bearing the crushing weight of mankind’s sin and have God His Father turn away from Him. In that short period of time, He suffered an eternity of pain for the whole of mankind, and in doing so He became the PERFECT captain and author of salvation for all those who obey Him and come to Him.

e.    What sort of reputation does Jerusalem have spiritually? (verse 34)

As the place where all God’s prophets were killed from….the seat of governments and kings that turned their backs on God’s messages down through the years and was about to commit the ultimate crime on God’s only Son.

f.    What is God’s yearning towards those who turn their backs on Him?   (verse 34; Proverbs 23:26)

He longs for them to turn around and come to Him in repentance, giving Him their hearts,  affections and obedience. If they continue to refuse to do this, there is no hope for them ever.

g.  When is the time they will say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” ?  (verse 35c)

When they come to God in repentance for their sins, pride and stubbornness.

Luke Fourteen….(verses 1-32)

1.      Verses   1-6    

a.      What do we notice that Jesus did in verse 1?       

After the synagogue service (we presume) he was invited to have a meal with the chief Pharisee, and others were present.

b.  What attitude did those present have towards our Lord?         (verse 1)

They were watching Him critically….in fact one wonders if it wasn’t a deliberate set-up to find fault.

c.    Did this stop Him from healing the sick man?     (verse 4)

No! He healed him and silenced those watching.

d.   What DID the Pharisees permit a person to do on the Sabbath?   (verse 5; Matthew 12:11-12)   

They allowed a person to rescue their animal in distress, so they couldn’t really answer Him on this point of healing a person in distress!

2.      Verses 7-24

a.      What is the point of the parable in verses 7-11?  

Not to be greedy for power, popularity or position….in other words, be humble not proud.

b.  What is the point of verses 12-14 ?    

Don’t do good hoping to have it returned….do good to those who can’t repay it.

c.    What did all the invited guests do? (verses 18-20)

They  made excuses why they couldn’t attend….they had no valid reason, they just didn’t want to go!

d.    What did the man do to get  guests then?   (verses 21-24)

He sent his servants out to bring in the poor, the homeless and the sick.

e.  What is this parable an illustration of ?  (Romans 9:30-31)

The ones who had first priority to go into God’s kingdom (the Jews) refused God’s gift of His Son, so the Gentiles are now free to accept and come into the blessing of fellowship with God.

3.      Verses 25-32

a.      What will a person find when they decide to follow the Lord?   (verse 27)

That there is a cost in following the Lord….there is no cost to take His gift of salvation….the cost comes afterwards.

b.  Does verse 26 mean that we are to “hate” our family?

No, it means we are to put God first in our life before anyone else.

c.    What is this called in verse 27?  

It is called “taking up the cross” for Jesus…..as He took the literal cross for us, so we are to make efforts in following Him.

d.  What is a person like who makes a decision to follow Christ and then lets it all slip?   (verses 28-32) 

He is like a person who starts a project without counting the cost first, or like a king who doesn’t work out if he can take another kingdom with the resources he has at hand.

4.      Verses   33-35    

a.      What were the previous verses all about?       

They were about someone who starts something  and is unable to finish it  or never gets around to it

b.  We saw that this was called taking up one’s “cross”… how did Paul look at these things?         (Philippians 3:7-10)

He put earthly gain behind him so he could gain the things of the Lord.

c.    What did he count the most important thing in his life in the above verses?    

To KNOW Jesus Christ as a living Person and to experience His power in his life, even if it meant suffering for Him as He had suffered for Paul’s salvation.

d.   How can we get the strength and determination to continue living for Christ?   (Philippians 4:13)   

He strengthens us (if we ask!….this is one of the things we can ask in confidence knowing He will answer if we do our part). We can do all spiritual things through Christ with His help and strength.

e.      Why should a Christian maintain a good testimony before others? Why should what we do, be governed by what others may think?     (verses 34-35)

Because if he doesn’t, he is like salt that is no longer salty….useless to God and man!

f.  What are some of the things that salt does?        

It preserves                  It heals             It cleanses                    It creates a thirst

It is pure                                   It is a valuable commodity  where it isn’t readily available

g.    How can we liken these attributes to what a Christian should be?  

We should keep the faith

We should be a cleansing influence in our work environment

We should create a thirst in others to want to know what we have that they haven’t.

We should be able to heal rifts between others (and have none ourselves!)

We should be a valuable member of the workforce or community….helpful and reliable.

5.     Challenge……..

a.      Read Matthew 5:13 again….what sort of salt are YOU?     Do people know what you stand for?

 Luke Fifteen….(verses 1-10)

1.      Verses   1-2   

a.      What is the setting for the next scene that our Lord was involved in?        (verse 1)

Crowds of all sorts of people gathered around to hear Him speak.

b. What could the Pharisees NOT understand?         (verse 2)

They couldn’t understand why this “teacher” could be bothered to speak to these sort of people….even known sinners!

c.    What was the difference in the attitude of  these people and the Pharisees and  religious leaders?    

The people WANTED to hear what Jesus had to say, while the Pharisees were only there to pick holes and criticize.

d.   What do each of the next stories centre around?   (verses 6,9, 32c)   

Something that was lost and then was found.

e.    What was the primary reason that Jesus Christ came to earth?     (Luke 19:10)

To seek and to save those who KNEW they were lost.

f.   What was the difference between those who were classed as “sinners” and the “good” Pharisees?   (Mark 2:16-17)   

The Pharisees didn’t consider themselves as “sinners” or as needing to be saved, whereas the other people knew they were.

2.      Verses 3-7  

a.      How many sheep had to be lost before the shepherd went to look for them?   (verse 4a)

Just ONE lost sheep was enough for the shepherd to look for!

b.  What does Isaiah describe ALL people as ?     (Isaiah 53:6)

We are ALL like straying sheep that are doing our own thing.

c.    Who does the seeking and finding? (verse 4b)

The Shepherd…..the sheep is lost and can’t do anything about it.

d.    What sort of shepherd is Jesus Christ? What was He prepared to do?   (John 10:11, 14-16)

He is the Good shepherd who was prepared to give His life for the sheep.

e.  What is the difference between His sheep and the other straying sheep? What do they receive ?  (John 10:27-29)

His sheep hear His voice and follow Him and He gives them eternal life…..they are safe for evermore. The other lost sheep don’t respond to His call, and continue being lost.

f.    How did the shepherd feel when he found his lost sheep?   (verses 5-6)

He was so happy and joyful that he picked his sheep up and carried it home, then he asked all his friends to come over and rejoice with him.

g.  What happens every time a sinner repents and turns to the Lord ?  (verse 7)

There is great rejoicing in heaven!

3.      Verses 8-10

a.      What is the next parable about?   (verse 8)

It is about a woman who lost one of her bridal coins, and she hunted until she found it.

b.  Could the piece of silver do anything about being found?    (verse 8b)

No, the owner was the one who did the searching and finding.

c.    What does the rejoicing centre on?   (verse 9)

It is focused on the finding of the “lost” thing, not the thing itself.

d.     Would either of the “lost”  things have ever  found themselves?   (Romans 3:10-11) 

No! The owner had to make the effort to find it.

e.     How capable are people of saving themselves? Why not?   (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 3:23) 

ALL have sinned and come short of God’s standard….no-one really understands or looks for God in  the right way. Man’s sins come between him and God like a thick fog, and God CANNOT hear him. That is why Jesus Christ came to seek (look for) and to save those who are lost.

Luke Fifteen….(verses 11-32)

1.      Verses   11-28  

a.      What is the difference between the “lost” son and the other lost things? (verses 11-13) 

The lost sheep was left behind and the coin just dropped off, but the lost son deliberately left home and deliberately wasted his inheritance….he WANTED to be lost!

b.  What brought him to his senses?         (verse 17)

It was his desperate need….he had reached the bottom of his resources and had nothing left.

c.    What is the spiritual condition of a person who pleases only himself?     (verse 14)

There is a famine in his soul and he is in great need.

d.   What is all  the world can offer a person in spiritual need?   (verse 16)   

Nothing but the empty husks that the pigs eat….no other person, fame, or money can fill the emptiness, only God can.

e.      What did David call this condition of a man without God?    (Psalm 40:1-3)

The horrible pit of the miry clay of uncertainty and no  purpose.

f.  What point did the lost son come to? What was now his desire?      (verses 18-19)

He came to the point of admitting he was wrong and being willing  to repent and confess his sin, and taking the humble place of a servant.

g.    What was the father’s attitude to the erring  “bad” son as he returned? (verse 20)

One of compassion, love and total forgiveness and acceptance.

h.  What was the father’s attitude to his “good”  stay-at-home son?     (verse 31)

One of love, and giving all he had to him.

i.  In this situation, which son was the happiest?

The one who was forgiven and restored to fellowship….the other son was resentful and angry.

j.  What is the parallel between this story and the woman in Luke 7:37-39?    

The woman KNEW she was a sinner in need of forgiveness just as the lost son knew it. The Pharisee  looking on critically, felt he was better than she in the same way that the older son felt he deserved more than his brother. Both the Pharisee and the older son needed to repent to enjoy  the Heavenly Father’s love, but they didn’t want to!

2.      Verses 29-32

a.      How can we relate this parable to ourselves today?    (Read Ephesians 2:1-22)

We were lost and far from God,  but because He is rich in mercy and love He accepts us when we turn to Him in repentance and restores us to the place He has prepared for us in Christ Jesus. It is all His GRACE (giving us what we don’t deserve) and MERCY (keeping us from what we DO deserve!), and we just have to accept it thankfully.

b.  We might sympathise with the eldest son’s feelings, but what good did they do him?  (verses 29-30)

Nothing at all, just gave him resentment, anger and self righteous feelings along with a critical spirit.

c.    How do we feel when we give in to  these feelings over some wrong we have suffered?

Self pity sets in, and we feel grumpy and sorry for ourselves.

d.  Do these feelings and this attitude bring glory to God?  Why indulge in them?

No, they don’t. If anything, they bring discredit to the name of the Lord, and grieve the Holy Spirit, and a believer should never indulge in them..

e.    What do we have to make sure that we do?    (verse 32)

We have to make sure that we have the right attitude towards God and other people….the RIGHT attitude brings rejoicing, while the WRONG attitude brings resentment and self pity.


Luke Sixteen….(verses 1-31)

1.      Verses   1-18  

a.      Read this story through in a modern version….what do verses 10-12 tell us? 

That those who are faithful in business will also be faithful in spiritual things….those who are diligent in the little things, will also be diligent in in the important things. A person who is not faithful with other people’s things, will never look after their own things either!

b.  What does verse 13 tell us?        

A person cannot have a foot in two camps at once…. it is impossible to serve God and the world at the same time.

c.    What did the Pharisees think of this teaching?     (verse 14)

Not much! They  didn’t like it and mocked Him,  speaking against Him.

d.   What does verse 15 tell us?

It is no use priding yourself before people on the outside, when God knows what is in your heart.

e.      What did God tell Samuel about this thing?    (1 Samuel 16:7c)

That man looks at the outside while He, God, sees what is on the inside!

f.  When did the law and the prophets finish? What took their place?      (verse 18)

They finished with John’s preaching.

g.    What brought in the new era of the Kingdom of God? (John 1:29)

The Lamb of God provides salvation in taking away sin and making entry into the Kingdom of God possible.

h.  What is one example where man’s desires cut across God’s intentions ? (verse 18; Mark 5:9)

In the matter of remarriage of those who are divorced.

2.      Verses 19-31

a.      What was the contrast between the two men in this story?    (verses 19-21)

One had everything that heart could wish for, and the other had nothing….no food, good  health, and no comfort.

b.  Why do you think there was a difference between the two men after death?  (verses 22-23a)

Because the poor man had turned to the Lord while he was alive, and the rich man had left God out of his life……he thought he had no need of God while he was alive.

c.    What was the contrast between the two men after death?  

The rich man now had nothing but torment while the beggar was comforted by Abraham.

d.  What did the rich man ask for to relieve his torment?      (verse 24)

Just one sip of water to cool the flame.

e.    What does the Bible tell us about this place called hell? (verses 23, 28; Isaiah 57:20-21;  Matthew 25:30, 46)

It is a place of  darkness and torment; a place of punishment, of weeping with total consciousness of  continual regrets and remorse; a place where there is no rest whatsoever.

f.      What was  this place prepared for? Who else goes there?  (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10)

It was prepared for the devil and his angels, and all those who follow his ways will end up there too.

g.  What is God’s attitude to people going to this place?       (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9b) 

God isn’t willing that any should perish, but that all will come to know Him and receive the salvation He offers through His Son the Lord Jesus. God loved, He gave, He calls, He provides the way of escape, but the results of man’s refusal are set in concrete and CANNOT be altered.

h.    What was the rich man conscious of?     (verses 24, 27-28)

His torment, the flame that he was in, the heat, Lazarus in comfort, his five brothers that would follow him to this place of torment.

i.   What facts did Abraham point out to him?    (verses 26, 31)

The fact that there was a great impassable gulf  fixed between him and them, and that his brothers wouldn’t listen even if he DID go back from the dead to tell them.

j.      It tells us that the rich man could see, hear and feel in hell….what does it tell us about Lazarus? (verse 25)

That he was in comfort…. at ease, rest and peace.

k.  Could Lazarus have been comfortable if he was conscious of the lost man’s condition?  What does this suggest?    

It suggests that he couldn’t see or hear what was going on in the place of torment.

l.    What does this story tell us?

That hell is a real place and we need to cry to God for mercy to escape it.

m.    What suggests that this is a real event and not just a parable or story ?

The fact that the names of real people are used.

Luke Seventeen….(verses 1-10)

1.      Verses   1-4

a. Read verse 1 in a modern translation….what did our Lord say would come to His people? 

That things would creep into their lives and minds that could become stumbling blocks and temptations to hinder  their spiritual growth.

b.  What is meant by “little ones” ?         (verse 2)

A child with trusting beliefs or a new Christian who is not yet established in his faith.

c.    What sort of view does God take of those who try to put a stop to these people ?    

He takes a very dim view of them, and says they will  be dealt with for it.

d.   What is Christ teaching about forgiving those who hurt or wrong  you?    (verses 3-4)

We are to go to them and talk it out together, and if they have done this wrong, we are to forgive them.

e.      How many times are we to forgive a person? Why?    (verse 4; Ephesians 4:32)

We are to have a  forgiving  spirit because God has forgiven us ….we CANNOT hold a grudge and walk with the Lord at the same time.

2.      Verses 5-6  

a.      What was the disciples’ concern in verse 5?   

They wanted to have more faith….they felt a lack in this direction.

b.  What is the enemy of faith?  (Romans 14:22-23)

Doubt and unbelief.

c.    What IS faith?      (Hebrews 11:1)

Believing that God exists and that there is a spiritual dimension to life. Faith is believing and accepting that what we hear or see is true, and then acting on it…e.g. sitting down in a chair believing it will hold us up, or getting on a bus believing that it will take us to the right place.

d.  Why is faith in God necessary?      (Hebrews 11:6)

Because we cannot please God without it, nor can we have eternal life through Jesus Christ without it.

e.    What shows that a person has faith in God? (James 2:17-18, 26)

The way they live proves the extent of their faith.

f.      Does the AMOUNT of faith we have matter?  (Romans 4:3)

No, it is who or what we have faith in! Abraham believed what God said and then acted on it.

g.  When we see mountains in our lives or trees in our way, what can we do about them?  (verse 6) 

Pray to God with faith, and God will do the work of  removing them, or helping us to put up with them.

h.   What happens if we pray like this and the mountain remains?    (1 Corinthians 10:13;b 2 Corinthians 12:7-9)

God will give us the grace to bear whatever the problem is by faith, and His strength will carry us through. We have to remember that He HAS heard and He HAS answered!

i.    Where does faith come from? How can we get it?     (verse 5; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 12:2)

Be like the apostles and ask the Lord for it…..it is a gift from Himself….He is the author of faith.

3.  Verses 7-10

a.      What is our attitude to be towards the Lord?      (verse 8)

One of humility and service, diligence and doing the best we can for His sake.

b.  What do we have to remember when we are involved in doing things for the Lord?  (1 Corinthians 3:6-7; Colossians 3:23)

That it is HIS work, not ours; we have to seek His face before starting anything, not having the ideas first and then asking Him to bless them.

c.    Do we do God a favour in doing His work?      (verse 10)

No, we are His servants and it is only our duty to do service for Him.

4.      Verses   11-19

a.      Why were there ten lepers together who wouldn’t come near to Jesus? (verses 11-12; Leviticus 13:45-46)

Because this was the rule….leprosy was so contagious that people with it were banished to live outside the villages and towns.

b.  Why did Jesus tell them to go to the priest ?         (verse 14a; Leviticus 14:1-4, 29-32)

Because the priest had to give them the clearance that they were healed.

c.    Were they healed when they started to go? What did they have to exercise in going ? (verse 14b)

No! They were still covered in their disease, but as they exercised obedience and faith in going, they were healed.

d.   How can we relate this to people today?   

As they realise their sinful condition before God, and obey His call to come to Him through Jesus Christ, so they are healed of the disease of sin before a holy God.

e.      What sort of man was the one who came back to say  “thank-you”?    (verses 15-16)

He was a despised Samaritan, but he went back to Jesus to thank him and to give glory to God.

f.      Were the other nine men still healed of leprosy? 

Yes, they were.

g.  What did Jesus say to the thankful man?  (verse 19) 

Get up and go….your faith has made you whole.

h.   In what way was this Samaritan made whole?   

Not only was his body made whole, but the fact that he came back with a thankful heart shows that his soul was healed as well.

i.    Who else was made whole in the same way?     (Mark 62:6-12; Luke 8:47-48)

The paralysed man was healed both physically and spiritually, and so was the woman who touched his coat.

5.      Verses 20-37

a.      What did the Pharisees want to know in verse 20a?   

When God’s kingdom would come.

b.  What sort of kingdom did they have in mind?

An earthly kingdom with the Romans driven out of their land, and them in charge once more.

c.    What did Jesus tell them in verse 20b?      (John 18:36)

That there won’t be any outward signs or show of an earthly kingdom.

d.  What sort of kingdom IS the kingdom of God?      (verse 21; Romans 14:17)

It is NOT an earthly kingdom at all….it is a spiritual kingdom which is within every believer….it is the spiritual state of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit , the mystery of Christ living in the believer.

e.    Is this kingdom still some time in the future? (verse 21; John 4:23-24)

It will be culminated in the future, but it is in existence NOW, and has been since the time of Christ….every believer is part of the kingdom of God.

f.      What does our Lord Jesus warn us against?  (verses 22-23)

Looking for outward signs of a physical kingdom on earth.

g.  What did the disciples want to know in Acts 1:6?

Lord, are You going to restore the kingdom to Israel now?

h.   What did He tell them?    (Acts 1:7-8)

It’s not for you to know the future….you are to go out NOW and witness about Me here and further afield

i.    What things of past history did He remind them of?     (verses 26-30)

How that life went on as usual in both Noah’s and Lot’s times until judgement struck unexpectedly.

j.       What was the lesson in this for the disciples  and also for us?      (verses30-31)

That there will be no warning when the end of time will come on the world…..everything will go on as usual until destruction strikes.

k.  What will be the important things in life in the time to come?  (verse 33)

It won’t be the things that one owns, but what one IS that will count….this cannot be taken away.

l.    What do verses 34-36 tell us?     

How families will be split and broken up when the Lord returns for His people…..those who are His will be taken and those who don’t believe in Him will be left behind.

Luke Eighteen….(verses 1-25)

1.      Verses   1-8

a.   What was Jesus teaching through this parable?      (verse 1)

That even though circumstances seem impossible, we are not to give up praying about them.

b.  What was this widow’s problem ?         (verse 3)

Someone was oppressing her and she wanted to be avenged in the matter.

c.    Will God eventually avenge His people who are suffering for His sake ? (verses 7-8)

Yes, He will.

d.   What is to be the attitude of believers who are suffering from  other people?    (Romans 12:19-21)

They are to treat the enemy kindly and take the oppression quietly.

e.      What question did our Lord ask in verse 8b?  Did He not know the answer? 

He asked if He would find faith on the earth at His return…..yes, He does know the answer to that!

2.      Verses   9-14

a.      What is our attitude to be when we are praying to God?  (verse 9)

We are to ask with a humble spirit, and not to think we are better than others, or in a demanding way.

b.  Which one of these two men was more acceptable to God?  (verses 13-14a) 

The man  who confessed that he was a sinner….not the one who thought he was so good!

c.   What does a person have to do today to be saved?    (Romans 10:9-10)

Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth to pay the penalty of sin and then show by their change of life and speech that this is so! Believe and confess Christ as their Saviour.

d.    What common saying does this parable illustrate?

Pride comes before a fall! The so called “good” man wasn’t accepted by God.

3.      Verses 15-17

a.      What did the disciples think when the mothers brought their young children to Jesus?  (verse 15)

They thought they weren’t worth bothering with and that they were only a nuisance. They chased them off and told them not to waste the Master’s time.

b.  How did Jesus feel when they did this?      (Mark 10:14)

He was very displeased with them and called the mothers and children back to Him.

c.    What did He do to these  young  children,  toddlers and  infants?      (Mark 10:13-16)

He picked them up in His arms and touched each one, giving them a blessing as He did so.

d.  What lesson did He give from these young children?      (verse 17)

He said that everyone who comes to Him  must come as a little child, trusting and humble enough to admit their sin. Without this sort of attitude, one CANNOT enter the kingdom of God.

4.   Verses 18-25

a.      What sort of man was wanting to know how to have eternal life?  (verses 18, 21, 23; Matthew 19:20a)

He was a very rich,  young  ruler…..he had position and wealth.

b.  What sort of upbringing had he had?      (verse 21)

He was brought up in a good home, knowing the commandments, and doing them

c.    Why do you think he had come to Jesus asking this question when he was such an exemplary young man?      (verse 21)

He must have felt there was something lacking in his life, or perhaps he wanted reassurance that what he was doing was enough.

d.  What WAS the thing that was lacking in his life? What did Jesus tell him he should do?  (verse 22)

The thing that was lacking was in the first commandment….he didn’t love the Lord His God enough to love his neighbours as himself and share his wealth with them…..his possessions mattered most to him!

e.    What do people often centre their thinking and life on these days?

Their treasures….their sport, hobbies, friends and life style.

f.      Where should a person’s treasures be? Why?  (Matthew 6:20-21)

A person should treasure the treasures of heaven, because that is where his thoughts will be centred, and they will never deteriorate or disappear.

g.  What was this young man’s reaction to this idea?  (verse 23)

He couldn’t bring himself to do it, and he went away saddened, leaving the Lord out of his life.

h.   What was our Lord’s comment to this?    (verses 24-25)

Those who love their riches more than Me will never enter the kingdom of God, especially those who trust in their riches and the pleasures of this world. It would be as impossible as a camel trying to go through the eye of a needle!

5.      Verses   26-30

a.      How did this incident of the rich young ruler leave the disciples feeling?       (verse 26)

They felt a bit down…  “if it’s that hard for a rich man to be saved, who CAN be saved?”

b.  What was our Lord’s reply to that query ?         (verse 27)

What is impossible for man to do, God CAN do!

c.    What is a classic example of something that only God can do in a person’s life?  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Making a person a new creature in Christ, with new desires and new outlook…..God can do what no man can do with new resolutions and turning over new leaves!

d.   How was Paul a good example of this?       (Galations 1:23-24)

As a man who was a fanatic in trying to wipe out Christians, he had now become one and was preaching the Gospel himself!

e.      What was Peter’s next thought ?    (verse 28)

“ What about us? We’ve left everything to follow You….”

f.      What was our Lord’s reply to that?       (verses 29-30)

Whatever you have left for me will be made up to you many times over here on earth, and you will have eternal life in a time to come.

g.  What does Mark add to this?       (Mark 10:29-30) 

That there would be also persecutions and that those who thought they were important would end up last and vice versa.

6.      Verses 31-34

a.      Who was Jesus talking to in this passage?   

His twelve disciples.

b.  What did He tell them?     (verses 31-33)

That they were going to Jerusalem and all the things that the prophets had foretold concerning Him would be fulfilled. He would be cruelly treated, mocked and whipped and then be killed, but that He would be raised back to life the third day.

c.    What were some of the prophecies that came to pass?      (Psalm 22:15-18;  69:21;  129:3;  Isaiah 50:6; 53:3-5)

His back would be lashed until it was like furrows in a field; His beard would be pulled out hair by hair, and how His face would be spat on; how no-one would want Him and how He would be wounded.

d.  What did the disciples think of what He was telling them?      (verse 43)

They didn’t have a clue what He was talking about at this time, and it didn’t make sense until after it had all happened.

7.      Verses 35-43

a.      What is this story about?    (verse 35)

It is about a CERTAIN blind man who was begging near Jericho.

b.  Do you think this was the only blind beggar the crowd went past?    

Probably not…..there may have been others.

c.    What characterised this particular blind beggar?      (verses 37-38)

He knew who Jesus was, and he had faith He could heal him.

d.  What did the crowd call Jesus?      (verse 37)

Jesus of Nazareth.

e.    What did the blind man call Him?  Why?      (verse 38; Isaiah 11:2; Jeremiah 33:15)

Jesus, You Son of David…Old Testament prophecies indicated that the coming Messiah would be a descendant of David, and this man knew about these prophecies.

f.      What do you notice about this particular man?           (verses 38, 39, 41)

He knew his need and was persistent in his request, he was specific and he wasn’t afraid to call out publicly.

g.  What did Jesus say had healed him? How?        (verse 42)

It was his faith in Jesus, the Son of David, that drove him to do something about his need when he heard that Jesus was right there.

h.   What was the result of this man being healed?    (verse 43)

He glorified God and followed Jesus being able to see, resulting in  the people giving  praise to God.

i.    How can we liken this to a person coming to the Lord today?  (2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 1:7; 2:8-10)

When a person comes to the Lord with their great disease of sin, they are healed and can now see spiritual light……they rejoice and others do too. They have a new life just as the beggar did.

Luke Nineteen….(verses 1-14)

1.      Verses   1-10

a.      What was Zacchaeus’ trade?    How did the Pharisees view those who had this job?   (verse 2; Luke 15:1-2)

Zacchaeus was a tax collector (publican) and the Pharisees despised them as turncoats for working for the Roman government and classed them as sinners because most of them were dishonest in their work.

b.  What else do verses 2-3 tell us about Zacchaeus ?        

He was head of the department, he was rich, he was a little short man and he badly wanted to see Jesus.

c.    How did he resolve his problem of getting to see Jesus?       (verse 4)

He ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up into a big leafy tree hoping to remain unseen while Jesus walked by.

d.   What did Jesus do for this needy, keen-to-see-Him man?         (verse 5)

He stopped under the tree, looked up and said, “I want to come to your house for a chat!”

e.      How did Zacchaeus feel about this opportunity?         (verse 6)

He nearly fell out of the tree with surprise and joy and went off to his house to get ready as fast as he could.

f.      What did the Pharisees think about that?       (verse 7)

They grumbled again about Him going to eat a meal with such a sinner!

g.  What was the difference between Zacchaeus and the Pharisees ?                    (verse 10) 

Zacchaeus KNEW he was lost and that Jesus could meet that need…..the Pharisees  didn’t know that they were just as lost and needy! Zacchaeus’ need was met, their’s wasn’t. They thought they were good enough while Zacchaeus knew that he wasn’t.

h.     How did Zacchaeus show in his life what James talks about?     (verse 8; James 2:20-26)  

He had faith first and then showed that by his works. He knew he needed to repay the money he had wrongfully taken, and he did this fourfold. He had faith AND works!

i.  How did Abraham show his faith?     (Hebrews 11:8)

By obeying God when he was told to leave his home country and go where God told him to.

j.    What does verse 9 tell us?      

That he was doubly a son of Abraham, not just by race, but by his  faith and works.

k.  What about us today? Are we anything to do with Abraham ?      (Galations 3:9)

All believers are classed as Abraham’s descendants, and thus the children of God, because they come to God by faith just as Abraham did, and then follow it up by works.

l.  What does verse 10 tell us about the story of Zacchaeus? And ourselves?

He was lost spiritually, and our Lord came to personally seek him out and save him. Jesus Christ does the same today….He seeks to have a personal relationship with all people and it is only those who respond to this who are saved from being lost.

2.      Verses 11-14

a.      What were all the people (disciples included) expecting of the Messiah when He came? (verse 11)

That He would bring in a physical kingdom of God and reign on the earth bringing freedom of oppression for Israel.

b.  Was this God’s plan for this time? What IS God more concerned with? (Luke 17:20-21; Acts 1:6-8)

God is not as concerned with a physical kingdom on earth as He is about a spiritual kingdom on earth….this concept hadn’t even entered the minds of the people at that stage.

c.    What WAS God’s purpose in sending His Son, the Messiah, at this time? (Matthew 1:21; Galations 4:4-6)

That He might become the Redeemer for Israel and of ALL people on earth.

d.  What is God’s purpose for this age we are now in?      (Acts 1:6-8; Ephesians 1:10)

That a people from ALL nations will be gathered together in His Name because of the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God.

e.    How did the first part of this parable tie in with the time back then?      (verse 14)

God sent His Son into the earth to make a kingdom for Himself, but people on the whole didn’t want Him…..they hated Him and said, “Away with Him, we don’t want Him for our king!”

f.      What did the nobleman in the story do  before he went away?           (verse 13)

He called his ten servants together and gave them each an equal amount of money and told them to do the best they could with it.

g.  What has the Lord given each of His people an equal amount of? (Romans 10:15)

Each of His people have an equal amount of the Good News to tell others, and He expects them to make good use of doing this instead of just burying it out of sight.

3.      Verses   15-27

a.      What picture does verse 15 portray?  

The nobleman returns and requires a reckoning with his servants as to what they did with his money.

b.  What had each servant been given before the master left ?    (verse 13)    

They had each received ten talents….the same amount was given to each one..

c.    What did the first two servants report?       (verses 16-19)

That the money had been invested well and had brought in a good return.

d.   How were they rewarded?         (verse 5)

By receiving authority over the amount of cities that they had gained in pounds…..they had shown they were capable of handling this amount.

e.      What about the third servant?         (verses 20-21)

He had done exactly nothing with his money and gave it back as it was….alone, with no profit.

f.      What did he receive for his slackness?       (verses 22-24)

Judgement and loss.

g.  What lessons can we get from this part of the story ?

When Jesus Christ left this world physically, He told His people to preach and teach His Word to others. A person’s first responsibility is to take the gift of salvation for themselves and then to build with it into others lives. Those who have been faithful in this will be rewarded according  to their ability while those who do nothing about it will have nothing to show in a time to come and will suffer God’s judgement.

h.     What is the challenge in this for you?       

The challenge is,,,,what are we doing about the things of God? Are we being faithful in reading His Word for a start, and in living in His ways? If we haven’t done anything about it, we will be judged.

4.    Verses 28-48

a.      Where might Jesus and his disciples have stayed on this visit to Jerusalem ? (Matthew 21:17; John 11:1-2)

Most likely with Mary, Martha and Lazarus.

b.  Stop and think about this animal that Jesus told His disciples to get….what do you notice about it? (verse 30;  Matthew 21:2)

It was a very young animal, still suckling its mother; it had never been broken in or ridden; it belonged to an un-named owner who didn’t object to it being taken.

c.    Why did our Lord ask for this animal to go into Jerusalem  on? (verse 30; Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:4-5)

As a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy….Zechariah had foretold it many years before and it all happened just as he said it would.

d.  What was the scene as our Lord went into Jerusalem ?      (verses 35-38)

He was sitting on a young  unbroken donkey, riding in with a tremendous crow all around Him….they had cut off branches from paom trees and thrown them down on the ground, and spread their clothes out for Him to ride over. They were all calling out “Hosannah to the Son of David….blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!” as He proceeded into the city.

e.    What did the Pharisees think of all this?      (verse 39)

They were very cross and told him to tell the crowd to be quiet.

f.      What did He do when He looked across at the city on the way in?           (verse 41)

He stopped and wept out loud as He could visualise the city flattened and over-run even worse by the Romans in a few years’ time, all because the people would refuse Him as their Messiah and not turn to God whole-heartedly. “If you only knew!” He said as He wept.

g.  What did Jesus do when He went into the temple?  Describe the scene as you try to visualise it….

The merchants and bankers had their stalls set up inside the temple itself and He would have marched in there with great authority and told them to get out. As they stood and stared, He chased them out and topped over the cash boxes and then told them this was a place of quiet and prayer, not the place of rogues and thieves….they were not even to carry anything through the courtyard.

h.  What happened over the next few days ?      (verse 47a; Matthew 21:14 )

The people kept coming to the temple to be healed and to hear His teaching.

i.    What did the Pharisees think of all this?      (verses 47b-48)

They tried to find a plan whereby they could kill Him and get rid of Him for ever. 

Luke Twenty….(verses 1-19)

1.      Verses   1-8

a.      What does verse 1 tell us that Jesus was doing?  

He was in the temple teaching the people and preaching the Gospel.

b.  What sort of Gospel did Jesus preach ?    (verse 1)    

The same as we preach…to repent of sin and turn to God. God SO loved, that He gave…..and whoever believes will have everlasting life.

c.    What did the Pharisees want to know in verse 2?    

They wanted to know where Jesus got His authority from to teach these things.

d.   Jesus knew their hearts and minds, and answered their question with another question….why couldn’t they answer Him?         (verses 5-7)

Because they knew they were caught out….the people had believed John’s teaching but they hadn’t, so the people would rise up if they said it wasn’t from God. If they said that it was, then Jesus would ask why they, the teachers of the temple, hadn’t believed him!

e.      So what was the result of their questioning Him?         (verses 7-8)

It was an impasse! They said they didn’t know, and Jesus said He wouldn’t tell them either.

2.      Verses   9-19

  1. a.      What was the gist of this next parable?  

A farmer leased his vineyard while he was away and then sent back for his rent each year. The lessees refused to pay it, and beat up his messengers each time they came. So the farmer sent his only son to collect the rent, thinking that this would get results, but they killed him and took the property for themselves. The farmer came back and dealt with them, taking the property back and giving it to others.

b.  What answer did the people give to this story?    (verse 16b)    

Surely not!!

c.    What was Jesus meaning  when He mentioned the “stone which the builders rejected” ? (Psalm 118:22-23)   

He was quoting from the Psalms where the Psalmist  had made this statement..

d.   How did Peter later expand and explain this statement?         (Acts 4: 10-12)

That Jesus Christ who they had crucified is the Stone that they, the builders, had rejected, and that now He was the PIVOT, the headstone of the Gospel message….without Him, no-one can be saved into God’s kingdom.

e.      What further points did Peter bring out in his first letter?         (1 Peter 2:4-8)

That the Lord Jesus is the living Stone which men didn’t want, but who was now chosen by God with His people each being a living stone building up His spiritual temple.

f.      Did the Pharisees get the point of this parable? What effect did it have on them?     (verse 19)

Yes, they did! They didn’t like it and were all the more determined to get rid of Him.

g.  How do we see this parable fulfilled later on ?       (Acts 13:44-48)

The gospel was being preached primarily to the Jews for a while, but when they continually refused to listen and accept it, the apostles turned to preaching to the Gentiles who gladly received and accepted it. So it has continued down through the years, with just a remnant of the Jews coming to accept the Lord Jesus.

3.      Verses   20-40

  1. a.      The Pharisees were plotting to kill Jesus….what were they trying to do next?   (verse 20)

They sent out spies who pretended to be godly men, to try to catch Him out with tricky questions.

b.  What is so ludicrous about this as we think about it ?    (Psalm 94:11;  139:6)    

They were ordinary mortal men thinking they could catch out the One who had created them, who knew their motives, thoughts and all about them, the One Who is ALL wise and who holds the universe in His hands!!

c.    What was the first point they brought up?     (verse 22)

They asked it if was  right for them as Jews to pay taxes to the pagan Romans.

d.   What was Christ’s answer? Does this principle still  apply  today?  (verses 24-25;  Romans 13:6-7)

We are to give to Caesar what is due to him and to God what He requires of us….this principle is still valid for today.

e.      What was the second group that tried to catch Him out?         (verses 27-33)

It was the Sadducees who didn’t believe in the resurrection and they wanted to know how husbands and wives would get on in heaven when one had remarried after a spouse dying.

f.  How did Jesus answer their query ?    (verses 34-36)    

By showing up their ignorance of the heavenly state.

g.    What IS the heavenly state for people?     (verse 36)

There is no need for marriage in heaven…there is no need for support and love, because ALL is love, or for procreation because no-one else is born….people are in the same state as the angels of God….sex has gone and ALL are equal.

h.   How does God regard His people today spiritually?          (Galations 3:28)

As all being equal in His sight, without race or sexual distinctions as far as their souls go and yet still with different functions within His church on earth.

i.      How did our Lord prove to His hearers that there is a life after death?         (verses 37-38)

By referring to something they all understood….God was known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are still alive in God’s presence….God is not the God of the dead, but of the living!

j.      What comment did they make to this reply?         (verses 39-40)

It all makes sense….You’ve answered well!

4.      Verses   41-47

  1. a.      How did Jesus now turn the tables on His questioners? What did He ask them?   (verse 41; Psalm 110:1; Acts 2:34-36)

He asked them how the Messiah could also be the Son of David.

b.  Did He expect an answer?    (verses 42-43)    

No, He answered it Himself.

c.    How is it that Christ IS the Son of David ? (1 Samuel 8:7;1 Chronicles 29:23; Jeremiah 33:15, 17)

God was Israel’s rightful king, but the people wouldn’t acknowledge it. The throne of Israel was  always God’s throne, and David merely sat on it as did Solomon next. God promised David that His descendant would always sit on His throne, and this was fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, who was the Son of God and the son of Mary who came from the line of David. Jesus as the Messiah was merely being acknowledged for Who He really was.

d.   How do we KNOW that Jesus is indeed the Son of David in every sense as well as his Lord?         (Revelation 22:16)

Because Jesus Christ said it clearly in this verse…. “I, Jesus….. am the root and offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star”

e.      What did Jesus go on to warn the people about?         (verses 45-47)

To not take notice of the scribes who put on such a show outwardly and yet inwardly were greedy, proud and ruthless.

f.      What would their end be? Why ?     (verse 47b)

Great damnation because their hearts were not towards God.


Luke Twenty-one….(verses 1-38)

1.      Verses   1-4

  1. a.      What is the subject of this passage?  

Giving money  to God.

b.  Who were the givers that Jesus observed ?    (verses 1-2)    

The wealthy men and the poor widow.

c.    Who gave the most cash?     (verse 4a)

The rich men.

d.   Who was commended by our Lord the most? Why?                       (verses 3-4)

The poor widow was, because she had given the greatest percentage of her money….ALL she had. The rich men still had plenty over, while she had nothing.

e.  What other example do we have of giving to God? What were they like? (2 Corinthians 8:1-4)

The churches in Macedonia were mostly composed of poor people struggling to make a living and yet they got together a gift to send to others who were worse off.

f.  What does God look for first in a person who is giving? What does He want before our cash ?    (2 Corinthians 8:5, 12)    

God looks at the heart and the motive….is that person giving because they love the Lord or because they want praise of men? God wants a person’s heart FIRST….. without that, we may as well spend our money on ourselves.

g.    What is the general principle in giving to God?     (Matthew 6:1-4; 2 Corinthians 9:7)

To do it quietly and inconspicuously so that only God knows…we are not to do it for show and praise.

2.      Verses   5-24

a    What brought the next subject up?       (verse 5)

Someone was extolling the beauties and greatness of the temple.

b.  What did our Lord say about it all?     (verse 6)    

See what man has built, and the grandeur of it…..one day it will all be flattened!

c.    History tells us that this happened seventy years later when the Romans sacked it all…..keep this in mind as we go through the passage.  What was going to happen before this disastrous time ? (verse 8)

Men would rise up saying that they were Christ come again….believers were not to take notice of them

d.   What else would happen?         (verses 9-10)

There would be great turmoil in the earth, both among men and in nature.

e.      What would happen to believers at this time?      (verse 12)

They would be persecuted by the religious leaders and betrayed by members of their own families.

f.      Jesus has just said that some of them would be put to death….what does verse 18 mean then ?    (Luke 12:7)   

That as God has the hairs of our head numbered in His intimate knowledge of each human being, not one person suffering for Him will be overlooked or missed….not one will perish without His knowledge.

g.   What was our Lord’s advice to people for those times of terror?         (verses 20-21)

To keep away from Jerusalem and those who lived there to evacuate to the mountains  quickly.

h.      Who would be most at risk?  (verse 23)

Those with toddlers and babies.

i.      How long would Jerusalem remain out of the hands of the Jews? What about today ?  (verse 24b)   

Until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled and we are still in that time frame today. Jerusalem does not wholly belong to the Jews yet as the Arabs have control of parts of it and want the whole place.

3.      Verses   25-38

a    What are the first physical signs of the imminent return opf Christ ? (verses 25-26)

In the heavens, the earth itself and turmoil among the nations.

b.  Take verses 31-32 together….what do you think this means?

That those who were listening would be able to be part of the Kingdom of God then, if they believed.

c.    What did the people then (and still  today) misunderstand  about God’s Kingdom? (Luke 17:20-21)

They thought it was purely a physical thing….they didn’t realise that it is a spiritual kingdom.

d.   What great statement is in verse 33?         (Isaiah 51:6)

Heaven and earth may pass away, but God’s Word will NEVER pass away, it will remain forever.

e.      What advice is there for us today in verses 34-36?  

DON’T get tangled up with the world in partying and busyness so the your whole mind is filled with these  other things.

DO be watchful and pray continually, keeping aware of the spiritual dangers surrounding you.


Luke Twenty-two….(verses 1-30)

1.      Verses   1-6

a.  What festival time was approaching?         (verse 1)

The time of the annual Passover feast.

b.  What were the chief priests plotting to do ?    (verse 2a)    

They wanted to get rid of this man who was preaching so powerfully around the place.

c.    What was holding them back from doing that openly?       (verse 2b)

They were afraid of causing a riot from the public.

d.   Who played into their hands so well?         (verses 3-6)

Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples.

e.      What sort of a person was Judas?  What was his heart centred on? (John 12:4-6)

He was taken up with money….he handled the finances for the group and saw a way to make some for himself.

f.   What played on this weakness of his? What about us?       (verse 3)

Satan took advantage of this weakness of Judas’ and he drove him to the priests with this plan of “selling” Jesus to them for money. Satan will take advantage of our weaknesses too if we aren’t aware of this danger.

g.  How can we keep Satan from doing this ?        (Ephesians 6:11-12;  James 4:7)

By resisting him and standing firm against his temptations,  using the Word of God and prayer, faith and right living as our armour against him.

  1. i.       Judas made this agreement with the priests….when was he going to take them to where Jesus would be?             (verse 6)

When there were no crowds around, and He was alone with His disciples.

  1. 2.      Verses 7-30
  2. a.      How were the disciples to know where to go to prepare for the Passover feast? (verses 8-10)

By following a man who was carrying a pitcher of water.

b.  What was odd about this man?                          (verse 10)

Because men NEVER carried water pots….that was women’s work.

c.    Who shared in this Passover feast?                       (verse 14)

Our Lord and His twelve disciples.

d.  What did Jesus tell them in verses 15-16 ?     

That He was really wanting to eat this feast with them before He suffered….it was the last one He would eat with them.

e.    What incident does John record that the others don’t?      (John 13: 4-12)

The incident of Jesus washing His disciples feet.

f.      Was Judas still present then…..did Jesus wash his feet too?           (John 13:14-30)

Yes, it seems that Judas was still there.

g.  At what stage in the evening did our Lord break the bread and give the wine which we now call the “Lord’s Supper” ?         (verse 20)

It was after the Passover feast was finished.

h.  What did this additional bread and wine represent ?      (verses 19-20;  1 Corinthians 11:23-26 )

The bread represents the Lord’s body  which was broken for His people, and the wine shows His blood.

i.    Was Judas still there at this point? Did he share in this part of the proceedings?      (verses 21-22)

It seems that he was still there and that he did take part.

  1. j.       When did he leave, and what for? Did the others know why?      (verse23; John 13:26-30)

He left when Jesus gave him the sop (best portion)…the others didn’t have a clue what he was up to.

k.  What did the disciples start bickering about next?    (verse 24)

Who would be the leader amongst them!

l.    What did our Lord  point out?   (verses 26-27)

It is not those who are up front who are the greatest, but those who are the most humble.

m.  Here was our Lord facing the greatest challenge of all time, KNOWING all that was about to happen, KNOWING what Judas was up to at that very moment, and His other disciples were behaving like this! What is the challenge in all  this for us ?      

To try to keep our minds on the overall picture of whatever current situation we are in and to not let our own feelings get in the way….to do what is best for all, and not just what we want.

n.    In spite of all this show of ego among the disciples, what promise did our Lord give them?      (verses 28-30)

You have been with Me all this time and there will be a place for you in my Father’s kingdom with a position of authority waiting there for you.

3.      Verses   31-34

  1. a.      What could our Lord see about Peter and his situation?         (verse 31)

He could see that Satan was about to pounce on him and take advantage of his big mouth, but that He had prayed that in it all Peter would not lose his faith.

b.  What comfort can we take from this ?    (1 John 1:9;  2:1-2)    

That if and when we fall into sin, Jesus Christ is an advocate before God on our behalf and upon confession of sin, we are forgiven.

c.    What did Peter think about himself?       (verse 33)

He thought he was OK and strong enough to follow the Lord anywhere.

d.   How are we to think about ourselves?         (1 Corinthians 10:12)

We are to be on guard all the time in case we too, fall into temptation and sin.

4.      Verses 35-38

  1. a.      What did our Lord remind His disciples of now?                    (verse 35)

How they lacked nothing when He sent them out without any spare cash or clothes.

b.  What was He telling them now?                          (verse 36)

To be prepared for any contingency that might arise.

c.    What does this show us about life in general?                      

That things and times change and we need to be adaptable and prepared.

d.  What did our Lord go on to say about Himself ?      (verse 37)

That it was time for Him to fulfill the Scriptures when He would be included among the criminals.

e.    Did they understand what He meant?      (verse 38)

No! They talked about having a sword to protect them!

f.      What happened next that only John recorded?           (John 13: 30  – 17:26)

The beautiful and comforting words in these chapters and the promise of the Holy Spirit for comfort, strength, learning and guiding for all those who believe.

5.    Verses 39-46

  1. a.      What did they finish this session with?                    (Matthew 26:30)

They sang a hymn together before leaving….imagine the scene and what it must have sounded like!

b.  Where did Jesus take his disciples to?                          (verse 39)

The Mount of Olives where He frequently went, into a garden or park there, that was called Gethsemane.

c.    What happened this time that He was there?       (Matthew 26:36-37; Mark 14:2)               

He told the disciples to wait there  while He went further on to pray….He had often gone there to pray.

d.  What did the disciples do while He was praying ?      (verse 45)

They went to sleep as they were so tired.

e.    Who did Jesus take with Him, that short distance on?           (Mark 14:33)

He took Peter, James and John, but even they went to sleep.

f.      What was He praying about this time?           (verses 41-42)

He was begging His Father to find some other way to remove sin, but if there wasn’t, He would go through with it.

g.  What do the verses in Hebrews 5:7-9 tell us about this time ?        

That Jesus Christ, even though He prayed with many tears to be kept from this time, was obedient to His Father’s will and in doing so, initiated eternal salvation for all those who believe on Him.

h.  How did Paul put it in Philippians 2:8 ?     

He said that Jesus Christ became obedient to death.

i.    How bad was this time for our Lord?      (verses 43-44)

It was almost more than He could stand….He was sweating blood out of His pores with the agony He was going through. An angel was there helping  to strengthen Him through this ordeal.

j. How many times did He pray this prayer for deliverance?      (Mark 14:35-41)

Three times, and in none of this did the disciples manage to stay awake to support Him.

k.  What did He say to them after this?                          (verse 46)

Come on, wake up, it is time to be ready. They are coming to get Me now. You should have been praying for strength for this moment.

l.    Why is it important to read all four of the Gospel accounts?                      

Because they all wrote down different things and we need all four accounts to get an overall picture.

6.      Verses   47-53            Matthew 26:47-56                              Mark 14:43-52                     John 18:3-12

a.       All four Gospels record the betrayal of Jesus by Judas…what does John say happened first?        

Jesus went out to meet the people and asked who they were looking for; they said “Jesus of Nazareth”.

b.  What did He reply and what happened? Where was Judas ?                 ( John 18:4)    

He said “I AM” and the whole lot including Judas, went over backwards as though a blast had hit them.

c.    Why was the phrase “I AM” so powerful?       (Exodus 3:13-15)

Because that is the name of Jehovah, the mighty God of Israel, and Jesus Christ the Son of God was entitled to use it.

d.   How did Judas identify Jesus to the people who had come to arrest Him?         (verses 47-48)

By stepping forwards and calling Him “Master”  as he kissed Him.

e.      Who had the sword? What does Luke tell us about this incident that none of the others do? Why do you think this was?                    (verses 49-51; John 18:10-11)

Peter had the sword, and he swung it round cutting off the man’s ear ; Luke tells us that Jesus put the man’s ear back completely healed. Luke mentioned this because he was a doctor and did healing.

f.  What does Matthew tell us that Jesus said He could have done? (Matthew 26:53-54)

He said that if He wanted to be delivered, He could have asked God for an army of angels, but if He did that, the Scriptures wouldn’t be fulfilled which was his purpose in coming.

g.    What does John tell us they did to Him?                  (John 18:12-13)    

They handcuffed him and took Him away.

h.  What did all the disciples do ?      (Matthew 26:56; John 18:15-16)

They got away from the scene as quickly as they could….only Peter and John followed well behind.

7.      Verses 54-62

a.      State the gist of this passage in 25 words or less…….

Peter followed the crowd, went in and was told three times that he was a follower of Jesus which he denied vigorously each time.

b.  What does John tell us about himself in John 18:15?                         

That he went into the high Priest’s palace because he knew him, and then went out to bring Peter in.

c.    What was the weather like? How do we know?       (verse 54)               

It was very cold because a fire was going inside, and Peter sat by it to get warm.

d.  Who noticed Peter first and told him he was a disciple? What did Peter say?      (verses 55-57)

One of the servant girls….Peter said he wasn’t.

e.    Read all the accounts carefully …. who accused Peter next?          

Another one of the girls noticed him and mentioned it to those standing nearby….one of the men then said he was one of them too…..Peter adamantly stated that he wasn’t.

f.      What happened the third time? How did the man prove Peter was a Galilean?  (Matthew 26:73)

Another man said later that Peter WAS one of them….his accent gave him away.

g.  Which gospels say that Peter cursed and swore as he denied for the third time ?        

Matthew and Mark both mention this.

h.  What did Peter hear as he said this, and what did he remember ?      (verses 60-61)

He heard a rooster crow the second time and remembered that Jesus had told  him this would happen.

i.    What made Peter feel even worse? What did he do?      (verses 61-62)

He caught Jesus’ eye across the room, remembered all this and went outside to weep bitterly.

j.  What can WE do when we let the Lord down?      (Psalm 51:17; 1 John 1:9)

Be contrite and confess, then get up and go on . Remorse won’t achieve anything, but repentance will.

8.    Verses 63-71

a.      Where was Jesus taken to first? Who was he?           (John 18:13)

He was taken to the house of Annas who was father-in-law of the High Priest, Caiaphas.

b.  where did they take Him next? What time frame was this?          (John 18:24)                 

They went to the palace of Caiaphas the High Priest in the early hours of the morning.

c.    What did they do to Jesus there?       (verses 63-65)               

They accused him of blasphemy against God and tried to get false accusers to witness against Him. They blindfolded Him, slapped and punched Him, spat on His face and pushed Him around physically.

d.  They rounded up the Council members and took Him there….what did they do?  (verses 66-71; Mark 14:61-64)

They baited Him, to get Him to say He was the Son of God. Once He said “yes” to this question, they thought they had enough evidence to get the death sentence passed on Him.

Luke Twenty-three….(verses  1-24)

1.      Verses   1-24 

a.      Where was Jesus taken to next? What time of the day was it?         (verse 1)

The crowd of accusers dragged Him off to see Pilate first thing in the morning.

b.  Who was Pilate ?                 ( Luke 3:1-2)    

Pontius Pilate was a Roman official, governor of Judea representing the Roman dominance of Tiberius Caesar over Israel.

c.    What was the Jews’ first accusation of Jesus to this man?       (verse 2)

This man is telling the people that He is a king and to not pay their taxes.

d.   What did Pilate ask Him and what did Jesus say?         (John 18:33-37)

“Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus said, “Who told you that I was? ” Pilate replied, “Your own people are accusing You of this” . Jesus then said, “My kingdom is not of this world….this is why I came to the world….if you listen to Me, you will believe the truth!”

e.     What was Pilate’s verdict?                    (verse  4)

I can’t find anything wrong with Him….I’ll have him flogged and let Him go!”

f.  What was the crowd’s reaction to this?           (verse 5)

No! We want Him killed! He’s stirring up the people!

g.    What was Judas thinking once things got to this stage? What might he have thought?                  (Matthew 27:3-5)    

He was horrified at this turn of events, and filled with remorse at what he had done. He may have thought that Jesus would use His mighty power to walk free as He had once before. When He saw this wasn’t going to happen, he took the money back to priests and elders and threw it down in front of them, and then went and hung himself.

h.  How did Pilate try to get out of the dilemma of convicting an innocent man ?          (verses 6-7)

He sent Him off to Herod (who was over the region of Galilee seeing Jesus was classed as a Galilean) who was in Jerusalem at this time.

i.       Do the other Gospels record this visit to Herod? What happened while he was there? (verses 8-11)

No, Luke is the only one who records this. Herod asked Jesus many things, but He didn’t answer him. Herod lost patience and made fun of Him, putting  one of his robes on him then sending Him back.

j.  Why do you think Jesus wouldn’t answer Herod? Which verse in Isaiah 53 is fulfilled here?                         

Because Herod was merely curious about Him…..he had no interest in His teachings, he only wanted to see a miracle done. This silence of our Lord fulfilled Isaiah 53:7.

k.    What else happened to make Pilate reluctant to condemn Jesus?       (Matthew 27:19)               

Matthew tells us that Pilate’s wife sent a message to him to have nothing to do with Jesus because she had been having bad dreams about condemning an innocent man.

l.  What did Pilate then tell Jesus’ accusers? (verses 14-16)

I’ll flog Him and let Him go….neither Herod nor I can find any reason to have Him executed.

m.    What was the Jews’ trump card in getting Pilate to change his mind? What were the implications if he didn’t?           (John 19:12)

They said that if he let Jesus go, he would be seen as not being Caesar’s friend, because anyone saying they were a king was speaking against Caesar! Pilate knew that if he let Jesus go,  both his job and his head were on the line.

n. What final offer  did Pilate make to the people to get Jesus off? (Matthew 27:15-17)

Would you prefer a convicted criminal to go free or this Man?

o.  They wouldn’t accept this offer, they chose Barabbas. What did Pilate do to show he was free (as he thought) of the blood of an innocent Man?        

He took a basin of water and washed his hands in front of them all saying he was not responsible for the blood of this innocent Man.

p.  What did the people say? How has this come true in the years since ?      (Matthew 27:25)

They said they were willing to have His blood on their heads and that of their children. This has come to pass in the way that Israel has been scattered and persecuted over the years, and is still not in possession of their land or peaceful way of life.

2.      Verse   25   

a.      What do Matthew and Mark tell us happened next that Luke misses out? (Matthew 27:-29; Mark 15:16-20)

When Pilate had let Barabbas go free. The soldiers took Jesus into the public area and flogged Him,  putting  a fancy robe on Him and jabbing the crown of thorns on His head. They mocked Him, and made false show of worshipping Him as a king before taking him out to be crucified.

b.  What does the Old Testament tells us is not mentioned in the New Testament ?   (Psalm129:3; Isaiah 50:6; 52:14; 53:4-5)    

They tell us that the soldiers pulled His beard off His face, and hit Him until He was unrecognisable with bruising and black eyes…..no one had ever been tortured or tormented worse than He was.

c.    What was the Jews’  lowest moment in the nation’s existence?       (John 19:15)

When they refused to have Jesus as their king, and acknowledged Caesar as their preference.

d.   What sections of the community had proved they didn’t want Jesus as their king?  (verses 13, 23)

The religious leaders, the priests and the ordinary people all clamoured for His death.

3.      Verses   26-43

a.      Jesus had been flogged until He was too weak to carry His own cross….who did they get to carry it for Him?                           (verse 26)

They picked on a black man, Simon of Cyrene, from north Africa to carry it.

b.  Who followed the soldiers and prisoners? What did Jesus do?   (verses 27-31)    

A crowd of people and women who were weeping as they went along. Jesus turned around and told them not to weep for Him, but to weep for themselves because bad times lay ahead for Israel.

c.    Who else was being executed at the same time? Who else was supposed to have been? (verses 25, 32-33)

There were two criminals who were being taken out of the city too. Barabbas should have been with them but he had been let off, and Jesus was taking his place.

d.   What time of the day was it by now?  (Mark 15:25)

It was nine a.m…… the third hour.

e.     What were the prisoners offered before hammering in the nails?       (verse  23; Matthew 27:34)

Vinegar (or wine) mixed with gall or myrrh.

f.  Did Jesus take this drink?          

No, He didn’t

g.    What did our Lord pray as He was nailed to the cross?                  (verse 33-34a)    

Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.

h.  Try to imagine the scene…..what sort of sounds would have been heard ?         

There was the noise of the watching crowd….insults being hurled and  weeping of others; the noise of the hammers hitting the nails in; the grunts and exclamations of the soldiers, the screams and curses from the prisoners. Then the thud of the crosses being rammed into place and the self satisfied murmur of the Pharisees. It would not have been a pretty scene!

i.      What were the soldiers entitles to do with the prisoners’  clothes?  What did they do with Jesus’ coat?  Why did all this happen?     (verse 34b; Psalm 22:18; John 19:23-24)

They were entitled to share them among themselves and when it came to the cloak of the Lord Jesus, it was too good to tear…..it was handwoven in one piece without seams, so they threw a dice for it. This was done to fulfill the Old Testament Scriptures which specifically said that would happen.

j.  What  did the soldiers say that the others on the crosses picked up as well?      (verses 35-37,  39)                      

If He is the Christ, let Him save Himself! (Pharisees) If You are Christ, save yourself and us too! (criminals on the other crosses)

k.    What crime had Pilate ordered to be put on His cross?       (verse 38)               

This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

l.  What was one of the thieves starting to think? What did He say to Jesus?           (verses 39-42)

He knew Jesus wasn’t an ordinary man and he knew that while he deserved what he was getting, Jesus was innocent. He called Him “Lord” and asked to be remembered when He came into His kingdom.

m.    What was the reply he got?           (verse 43)

“Today, you will be with Me in paradise”.

n.      What does this prove about man’s state after death?        

That a person’s spirit and soul  is still conscious, and it proves that Paradise is a real place.

o.  Who came up near the cross of Jesus? What did He say to them?         (John 19:25-27)

His mother, aunt and a couple of other women and John. He told Mary that John would be as a son to her now and vice versa. From that time on,  John took her to his own home to live.

4.      Verses  44-48

a.      We have seen the events that took place on the morning of the crucifixion day… what happened at midday?                                  (verse 44)

Thick black clouds came over the sky and darkened the whole scene.

b.  How do Psalms 22 and 69 tell us our Lord was feeling when He was paying the price for our sins ?

He was feeling forsaken and alone; He felt as though He was sinking in deep pit of sewage with no bottom, and He felt as though He were drowning. He knew He was hated by the ones He had come to save; He felt the shame of rejection; He felt extreme thirst. There was no –one to take pity on Him and He felt as though He was being swallowed up.

c.    None of the Gospels have all the things that happened at the crucifixion…What did our Lord call out in the last minutes of this darkness?       (verse 46; Psalm 22:1; Mark 15:34; John 19:28,30)

i. My God, why have You forsaken Me?                           ii. I’m thirsty!

  1. It is finished! Father into Your hands I commend My spirit.

d.   Did the people standing around hear these things?  (Mark 15:35-36)

Yes, they thought He was calling for Elijah….someone ran and got some vinegar for Him to drink.

e.     What things happened at 3 p.m?       (verses  44-47; Matthew 27:50-54)

As He cried “It is finished”, the sky began to lighten and there was a tremendous earthquake….in the temple the inner curtain tore from the top to the bottom.

f.  What do Hebrews 9:2-14 and 10:19-20 explain about this tearing of the inner curtain of the temple?          

That the way into God’s presence is now open to all who believe through the deaath of Christ….He has made a new way to approach God because His blood cleanses all who come to Him.

g.    What did the Roman centurion say when he felt the earthquake and  heard Jesus call out “It is finished!” and then die?  He had been observing the whole proceedings…..  (verse 47; Matthew 27:54)    

He was convinced that this prisoner was no ordinary man, but was indeed the Son of God!

h.  What else happened as a result of the earthquake? Who tells us this ?         

Matthew is the only one who tells us that many of the graves of godly people were opened and they came alive again….. after the resurrection, they showed themselves to many people in Jerusalem.

i.      What does John tell us the soldiers did now to the men on the crosses? Why did they do this?    (John 19:33-37)

The priests told Pilate that they wanted the bodies off the crosses before the next day, so the soldiers broke the legs of the two thieves so they couldn’t push their bodies up to breathe. When they came to Jesus, they found He was dead already, so all they did was to jab a spear into His side which made blood and water come out. John watched this happen.

j.  Why did these things happen like this?      (Zechariah 12:10b; Psalm 34:20)                      

To fulfill the Old Testament scriptures.

5.       Verses 49-56…

a.   Who were watching all that was happening at the crucifixion?    (Mark 15:40-41; John 19:25)

The women folk who had known Jesus so well and looked after Him as He moved around…..His mother, aunt and others who had travelled to Jerusalem for the passover feast and special Sabbath.

b.  What does John tell us about that Sabbath day that was coming up ?         (John 19:3)

That it was a special Sabbath….a “high day”….perhaps it lasted for days rather than just one.

c.    Who went and took the body of Jesus down from the cross?  What did Pilate say when he was asked permission?             (verses 52-53Mark 15:43-45)

Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy man, went to Pilate for permission to take Him down and bury Him….Pilate couldn’t believe He had died so soon, and called the soldier to check.

d.   Where did they take the body?                            (verses 52-53; Matthew 27:57-60)

They wrapped it in clean linen cloth and put it in Joseph’s own new tomb which was in a garden near to the crucifixion site.

e.     How long had Jesus foretold He would be dead for?       ( Matthew 16:21)

He had said He would be dead for three days and three nights.

f.  Who remembered this? What did they do?                             ( Matthew 27:62-64)

The priests and Pharisees remembered this and went to Pilate asking for some soldiers to keep watch at the tomb to make sure that no-one  took the body away.

g.    What day must the crucifixion have taken place?  (verse 54;    Matthew 27:62; John 19:31)    

It must have been on a Thursday (not a Friday) immediately AFTER the Passover which was the 14th day of the month.

h.  What Old Testament Scripture was fulfilled in Jesus’ burial ?          (verse 53;  Isaiah 53:9)

He was with the “rich” in his death…..He was buried in a rich man’s new tomb.

i.      What lesson do we learn from the incident of the  repentant thief?

That a person is never too bad and it is never too late to repent and turn to the Lord.

Luke Twenty-four….(verses  1-33)

1.      Verses  1-12

a.      Each of the Gospels gives a different account of the resurrection morning. A careful study of these shows there are no contradictions, but a complementing of the different accounts. Let us always remember that people  remember different things about the same event. Who went to the grave cave to attend to the Lord’s body? What time was it?          (verse 1; Mark 16:1-2)

Mary Magdalene. Joanna, Mary the mother of James, Salome and others went to the tomb before it was properly daylight.

b.  What does John major on in his account ?            (John 20:1-10)

How Mary Magdalene got there first and found an empty tomb. She ran back and told the disciples so Peter and John ran to check her story. She seems to have followed them back again and stood outside weeping when Jesus appeared to her.

c.    What does Mark tell us that the women were concerned about as they hurried along? What did they find when they got there?       ( Mark 16: 3-8)

They didn’t know how they would get the stone rolled away to get in, but they found it was already done with a young man (angel, Matthew says) sitting on it. He told them that Jesus was alive again and showed them the empty cave, then said to go and tell the disciples.

d.   What else does Matthew tell us about the opening of the cave mouth that the others don’t mention?                (Matthew 28:1-8)

That there was a great earthquake and the angel of the Lord came down and rolled the stone back, and then sat on it. The soldiers shook with fear and collapsed at the sight of this shining being, and then ran to report what had happened. By the time the women arrived, the angel appeared as a young man.

e.     What did Mary Magdalene see and genuinely think?       (John 20:11)

All she saw was the empty tomb (no soldiers) and she thought someone had taken the body away.

f.  What does John tell us she did after telling him and Peter the news? (John 20:14-18)

She went back to the tomb and stood there crying her eyes out.

g.    Who saw Jesus alive first?   (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:14-18)    

Mary Magdalene did….she looked into the empty tomb again, and saw two angels sitting there and then when she came out she saw Jesus standing  there and thought He was the gardener.

h.  In the meantime, the other women were going back to tell the disciples….who did they meet on the way ?          (Matthew 28:8-10)

Jesus met them and told them to go and tell the disciples to go back to Galilee to see Him there.

i.      Why do you think that each account relates different things about the resurrection? Do they contradict each other?

No, they complement each other…each of the writers (or relater of the story) remembered different facets of the occasion, and they must all be taken together to get the full picture.

2.      Verses  13-33

a.      What does Luke go into great detail about that the others barely mention?

Luke tells of the two who went to Emmaus that same day and met Jesus on the way, and the discussion they had culminating in their recognition of Him.

b.  What does Matthew tell us that none of the others mention ?         (Matthew 28:2-4, 11-15)

He tells about the soldiers keeping watch and what happened when the angel took the stone away, then how they went to the authorities and reported what had happened only to be bribed to keep quiet.

c.    What did our Lord speak about to the two who were travelling to Emmaus?   (verses 25-27)

He opened up the Old Testament Scriptures about Himself and explained it all to them so they understood clearly why it had to happen as it had.

d.   What was one illustration He would have used in His explanation? How do we know?                            (Numbers 21:8-9;  John 3:14)

He would have explained why Moses put the brass serpent high on a pole so all the people could see it. Those who were bitten only had to look to it to be cured of their snake bite. He had already used this wonderful picture of Himself lifted up high on the cross bearing man’s judgment for sin  (brass being a symbol of judgment). All that people have to do now,  is to look to Him and believe  in Him with all their heart,  to be delivered from the penalty of sin.

e.     What action of His gave them recognition of who He really was?       ( verses 30-31)

When He prayed and gave thanks for the food….there would never have been another one to pray as He did!

f.  What effect did this meeting with our Lord have on them?               (  verses 32-33)

They were convicted and convinced of the truth of His words as He spoke with them……it warmed their hearts to burning pitch.

3.    Verse  34

a.      Who else had had an individual meeting with our Lord? How do you think he had been feeling ever since the trial of Jesus?         

Jesus had sought Peter out and seen him on his own. Peter, the one who had denied Him and who had bee filled with remorse and bitterness of heart over his behaviour ever since the trial. He would have been the most miserable and wretched man on the planet until this interview where Peter was able to apologise and receive forgiveness.

b.  There had been this private meeting between Peter and his Lord. What does John tell us  that Jesus asked Peter three times? Why do you think He did this? (John 21:15-17)

Because Peter had denied Him three times publicly, Jesus asked him three times in front of the others if he loved Him. A public wrong must be put right publicly, while a private wrong should be put right privately.

4.   Verses  35-48….

a.      What happened while the two who had returned from Emmaus were telling their story?   How did the disciples react?        (verses 36-37)      

Jesus suddenly appeared in the middle of them and said,  “Peace be to you”….they were absolutely terrified and thought they were seeing a  spirit.

b.  What things did Jesus do and say to prove He was real? (verses 38-39, 42-43)

He said, “Feel Me and touch Me…..look at the marks in My hands and feet! Spirits don’t have flesh and blood!! Do you have anything to eat?” And He ate bread and fish in front of them.

c.    What does John tell us that none of the others do?       (John 20:24-28)

He tells us about Thomas’ disbelief because he wasn’t with them at this first meeting. Then again about Thomas’ meeting with Him a week later where Jesus told him to see and feel the wounds still in his hands, feet and side.

d.   What special blessing do believers have now, that Thomas missed out on?      (John 20:29)

The fact that we believe without seeing physically….we believe through faith which is a gift of God.

e.     What does verse 44 tell us?  What did Jesus remind the disciples of?

How He had already told them more than once how He would be killed and rise again, but they had never understood or taken it in. Now they were able to understand, not only what He was saying, but how He was a fulfilment of all the Old Testament Scriptures.

f.  How was it that they could understand it all this time?  How do we understand spiritual truths?          (verse 45; John 14:26)

Because He gave them the understanding that they needed. We have the Holy Spirit within us to give us spiritual sight and understanding

g.    How many other people saw Jesus after the resurrection?   (1 Corinthians 15:5-8)    

His brother James had an interview with Him, as well as 500 others who Paul knew about.

h.  What was the “promise of the Father” ?          (verse 49; John 14:16-17, 26)

This was the Holy Spirit who would come on every believer and be with them to comfort, teach, remind and strengthen as they obey His voice.

i.      What did our Lord tell His disciples their job now was?

To go everywhere preaching the Word, starting at Jerusalem and then spreading further out.

j.       Did the disciples ever  wonder where Jesus was after He left? Why not? (verses 50-51)

No, the KNEW where He was because they all saw Him rise up from the earth into heaven.

k.  What does Acts 1:10-11 add to this account ?

That two angels appearing as young men told those who were still gazing up into the sky that one day Jesus would return in exactly the same manner as they had seen Him go.

l.    Has this happened yet ?   How does this “waiting” apply to us today? (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 3:13)

We are still waiting for His return, and it is far nearer now that it was when Paul wrote these words. We can see events in the world shaping up to that time being very close. The Word of God is still going out, and people are still coming and responding to His message…..when the last one comes to know Him, then He will have the word to come a get all  His people.

m.    What are we to be doing during this waiting period?           (Matthew 28:19-20)

We are to continue to spread the Word, and/or   support others who are going to other countries doing this.

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