Letters to Galatians and Ephesians



      These devotions are  in  daily slots and are designed to get one thinking about the passages they come from. These studies  are taken from the Book of Galatians, which was a letter that Paul wrote while he was in the city of Corinth. Reports had come back to him of some disturbing things, and he sat down to write and correct these ideas…….

                                                       Paul’s Testimony.  

Galatians 1:1-2                                               

   Paul stresses in his introduction, that he was not made an apostle by man’s nomination but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. When Paul was first spoken to by the Lord and then by Ananias, he was told that he was a chosen person to take God’s Word around the world….

Paul’s nature was such that he had tunnel vision, he was faithful and steadfast, and nothing would deflect him from what he believed.

This was his nature, and God had a plan for him from the time that he was conceived (v.15). What he believed in, he breathed, fed and lived for. First it was the Jews’ Religion, and then after his conversion  to Christianity, it was the Gospel and Jesus Christ. It became his whole life and passion (Acts 9:1-16).

He could say at the end of his life that he had fought a good fight and finished his course. He wished that everyone he knew would follow his example…..not just in what he said but also in what he did.

Could we say this to those we know? More importantly, can others say that we are a good role model?

Paul was specially called by God, To preach to all by using His Word,

We must follow in word, thought and deed, This will surely  meet all our need.

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God’s Mercy and Peace.

Galatians  1: 3-5                                                         Revelation 5:12-14

Paul was in a position to pass a blessing from God to others…. The challenge to us is, do we know God well enough to do this as well?

Paul knew God’s grace and peace and he knew where it came from.… the work of our Lord Jesus Christ…

Note that he uses Christ’s full title here…. none of this plain “Jesus” as we hear so much in Christian circles today. The world uses the name “Jesus Christ” in blasphemy and expletives, but only a genuine believer uses His full title. Let us see that we make full use of it!

In the next verse, Paul says why He is our Lord Jesus Christ….. it is because He gave Himself for our sins and delivered us from this present evil world. This is God’s will for each human being. Let us see that we live in the enjoyment of this blessing and not go back into the filth of what this world has to offer!

Paul finishes off his introduction by acknowledging God’s glory which is everlasting….. this is the eternal praise of heaven (Revelation 5:12-14). If we can’t do this on earth now, we won’t be able to do it for eternity!

The blessings of God are mercy and peace, We can thank Him now that they’ll never cease;

Through the work that was done,  By His well loved Son,

‘Twill last well beyond our decease.

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Paul’s Gospel.

Galatians  1:6-12                                          

  Paul’s introduction was over. He had established his authority and where it came from, and now he got straight into his reason for writing this letter. He didn’t mince matters….

He was surprised (indignant and hurt), he wrote, that they were listening to another gospel which was not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.    Apparently some persuasive preachers had come to this city and were preaching that  they needed to keep the law  to be saved as well as believe in Christ.

Paul wrote that it didn’t matter how good the preacher was, even if he was like an angel, any other Gospel would bring a curse!! He himself would never preach anything but Christ crucified, only that. He refused to change his message to please men, his only aim was to please God. After all, it was not a man’s Gospel, it was from God alone and that was where he had got it from in the first place!

We read in another letter how Paul was given this revelation. He had had an experience of heaven that was impossible for him to describe in words and with this came his understanding of God’s Gospel. Paul was privileged indeed, but he was kept humble by his disability. (2 Corinthians 12:3-5, 7-9)

Paul’s Gospel was good and right and true, In spite of others’ outlook or view;

He’d received it from God, Based on His Word.

And now was part of him, all through.

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Paul’s History.

Galatians  1:13-24               

     Paul  now gives a bit of his history. This still remains a bit of a mystery with not enough times given to piece it all together. He never speaks of being taught anything by his parents other than that they were Jewish people of the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1). He was born in Tarsus, but educated in the school of Gamaliel in Jerusalem……

It seems that he was top of his class and learned the law avidly. He was extremely zealous towards God and was determined to stamp out the new religion that was coming on the scene. Little did he know the plans that God had in store for him as he travelled towards the city of Damascus that day!

Paul was suddenly struck to the ground by a blinding light, and heard a voice speaking to him from heaven. Somehow he knew instinctively that it was God speaking to him literally. The other men with him saw the bright light but didn’t hear the voice, and were absolutely amazed at the way Paul was suddenly blinded (Acts 22:3-21).

Paul knew from this that he was called by God to preach the Gospel that he once despised and was trying to stamp out. After Ananias prayed over him and he received his sight again, he immediately began to preach the about Jesus Christ who had died to save people’s sins. What a difference it made to him!!

The rest of this chapter covers his movements before his first missionary journey and the length of time is uncertain. But this was the time that God gave him the Gospel and deeper truths that he taught. They came directly from God, coupled with his great knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures.

Paul learned the truth from God direct, And naught from it  did he deflect,

Jesus Christ was crucified, In this great truth he did abide.                                                                             ***      ***      ***

The True Gospel.

Galatians  2:1-10                           

    We read about this visit to Jerusalem in Acts, and how it was a special visit to clarify the doctrine of the Gospel as far as circumcision went. It was unanimously agreed that circumcision had nothing to do the Gospel or with being saved…

A person does not need to have their flesh circumcised to be saved, but their hearts and minds need to be circumcised. That is, every unnecessary thing in a person’s life is to be cut out and left behind. Everything must be brought under God’s authority (Romans 2:28-29).

Paul had no patience with these teachers of the false Gospel who were trying to bring in this teaching of Christians needing to be circumcised….they were missing the point altogether!  In fact from the reading it seems as if some of the Galatian believers had already been swayed by it.

Paul felt very strongly that he was to preach to the Gentiles and that others like Peter could go to the Jews. After the meeting in Jerusalem, letters were written stating that circumcision was not necessary for salvation (Acts 15:1-20). Paul and Barnabas were sent off once more with the other apostles’ blessing.

The Gospel of Christ is free for all, To those who humbly hear His call;

Naught else is needed to save a soul, But faith in Christ that makes us whole.

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                  Works or Faith?           CG

Galatians  2:11-16                         

   Peter had an ingrained horror of eating  or even associating with those who were Gentiles, and God had to teach him that there was cleansing and salvation for them as well….

The Gentile believers were no different to the Jewish believers…. all were chosen and precious to God. It took Peter many years to be able to accept this wholly, but in the end he was able to write in his letter “to you who believe” regardless of race (1 Peter 2:5-10).

At Antioch, Peter did associate (meet and eat) with the Gentile believers, but when the circumcision–teaching Jews turned up, he separated from them taking others (including Barnabas) with him. We have to be so careful in what we do, as others are influenced by our actions more than we realise.

Paul rebuked Peter publicly about this, pointing out that the Jews were not able to keep the law when they were brought up in it, so how could the Gentiles keep it?  (Acts 10:10-16)

The Gospel clearly teaches that a person is only justified by faith in Christ…. nothing else counts.

The law is works, with naught of faith,  But this is not the Gospel’s path;

Tis faith in Christ, all else is void, All extra things we must avoid.

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          New Life in Christ.   CG

Galatians  2:17-21                         

      It is only by believing that Christ died for me to take away my sins, that I am justified (made just as if I’d never sinned). Now if I find myself still sinning now and again, does that mean that it is Christ who has allowed me to do this?

Our hearts are so deceitful and wicked that we like to pass the blame and say it’s not our fault! (Jeremiah 17:9) No wonder David cried “Search me O God and know my heart…..and see if there are wicked ways in me!” (Psalm 139:23-24)

Now that I have come to know that it is Christ alone who saves me, I cannot go back to trying to keep the law which failed in the first place. It is dead to me. I am free now to live to God, because I take a stand with Christ who was crucified for me. He lives in me and the only way I can be pleasing to God is because I have faith in the Son of God who loved me enough to give Himself for me. I do not have to add to this my own works of keeping the law, as this would make the death of Christ totally pointless!

Christ’s death is all I need to know, To give me life and really show;

The law is past, it could not give, New life in Christ, to God I live!

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Faith is Imperative!

Galatians  3:1-9                                                           

  Paul now gets back to the pointy he made in chapter1, verse 6. He told them that they must be bewitched to not continue in the truth they started with! He asks how they received the Holy Spirit…. was it through keeping the law or by faith?

How could they be so foolish as to think that what was begun in the Spirit had to be completed by the flesh? What about all the miracles of changed lives and attitudes? Did the law do that?

Then he goes back to Abraham who lived long before the law was ever given, and points out that he was justified by faith. Abraham believed what God told him and this was what made him righteous. All the promises that God gave him also had their roots in having faith….. God had said that all nations would be blessed in him.

We know now that this was because God sent His Son into the Jewish race to save the world . Man is justified solely through faith in Christ. The law could never do this, it could only condemn as it was impossible to keep. Yet this is God’s standard which no-one can reach. ALL have sinned and come short of God’s glory which is His standard (Romans 3:23).

 Paul’s letters all take diff’rent slants, To all the blessings that God grants;

Blessings of faith that He gives. That show us how to daily live.

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                                    The Curse of the Law.

Galatians  3:10-14                                        

   Moses had laid before the people all the blessings that came from keeping the law and all the curses if it was not kept in its entirety (Deuteronomy 28:13-15). Paul brings out in Romans that we do not keep the law to GAIN salvation, but we keep God’s law BECAUSE we have salvation (Romans 3:28-31)…..

No one is justified by the law, but only by faith in God. Paul hammers this point over and over again. Because the law is impossible for us to keep (James 2:10), it has become a curse to us, and Christ in His sacrifice has released us from that curse.

God’s promises to Abraham were all centered around the sacrifice of Christ, and were given to him 430 years BEFORE the law was given. When the law came, it did not wipe out God’s promises to Abraham . It merely filled the gap until God’s time had come for Christ to be on earth.

Christ bore the curse for us when He was nailed to the cross and now the blessings of Abraham are fulfilled for ALL nations to be brought into God’s heavenly blessings.

The law could bring no  peace of mind, But only fear with which to bind;

In Christ alone,  God’s blessings fall, With freedom there for one and all!

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   God’s Promises versus the Law.

Galatians  3:15-25                                                       

  Paul now uses the illustration of a person making a will while he is alive. It is as good as done, even though the person is still alive! It is all put in place for when he dies and the will can then be ratified…

God’s plan was actually put in place BEFORE the world was ever made. When Abraham came on the scene, God gave him the promise of a Special One who would come from his descendants. When the law was given, it didn’t make any difference to God’s promise to Abraham, it was merely an interim thing.

We might ask what the point of the law was then? It was there to show mankind the impossibility of man reaching God’s standard of holiness, to show that ALL have sinned and fallen short of reaching God’s glory (Romans 3:23). The law was like a schoolmaster, teaching God’s standard of holiness. When God’s Holy One came, that was the end of the law (Romans 10:4)…. salvation is now through faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of what He has done.

God’s plan was made and put in place, His mercy shown and His grace,

Were there before the world began, Before there came a sinful  man.

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All One in Christ.

Galatians  3:26-29                         

   People in Paul’s time had a real mind set….you were either a Jew or a Gentile, and it was better to be one or the other, and not half of each!

   The Jews felt that they were better because they had the Word of God given to them as well as God’s promises. So they found it very hard to accept Gentile believers.

Peter needed to have a lesson in acceptance and he saw first hand how the Holy Spirit came upon believing Gentiles. This is what is meant by being baptised into Christ (Acts 11:15-17). Water baptism is different again, it is an outward picture of what has already taken place inwardly.

Because of this, Paul could now say that ALL believers are one in Christ Jesus. Jew and Gentile don’t count, male and female are all able to be accepted by God while slaves and masters become equal in Christ. Because of this,  ALL believers are classed as Abraham’s seed and therefore God’s heirs. This is the believer’s POSITION in Christ, while God’s order for our behaviour and place in the church is different again.

One in Christ, a wonderful thought! One in Him, from Abraham brought;

God’s promises there for one and all, Who come to Him and on Him call.

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          Sons, Not Servants!

Galatians  4:1-7              

  Paul goes on to say that the Jewish nation was like a child under the teaching of its tutors…. still under the bondage of the law. Now that Christ had come, the human race had the ability to be redeemed and set free from this bondage…..

God’s timing was perfect and the affairs of the world were put in place for His salvation to be freely proclaimed among ALL peoples. Travel was freely available, roads were good, and the Romans were in power to do the dastardly deed of the crucifixion (the Jews’ method of execution was by stoning and this would not have fulfilled prophecy).

God’s plan and intention was that human beings would become His sons, not just subjects or servants. This is possible by the gift of God’s Holy Spirit upon genuine belief and faith in Jesus Christ. We can now call Jesus “Lord” and God “Father”. What is more, because we are now the sons of God, we are heirs to all that He has waiting for us in heaven! (Romans 8:16-17)

No more a servant in bondage and fear, But brought into light so very clear,

As sons of God, heirs of all things, We now have much to praise and sing.

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Freedom, not Bondage.

Galatians  4:8-20                                          

     Idolatry was rife in Paul’s time, and many of the believers in Galatia would have been deep into that before they heard the Gospel. Others would have been converted Jews and they would have been under the bondage of the law with all its rites and ceremonies……

Now Paul was afraid they were going to throw away this freedom in Christ for a gospel of faith plus works.

He mentions his disability, his “thorn in the flesh”, and gives a clue that it may have been poor eyesight….it was apparently quite bad when he was first with them (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).

Now these new teachers were trying to turn the Galatians against Paul and his simple Gospel. He was greatly upset, not so much with the teachers, but that the believers would fall into the trap of going back to the law with this new teaching. He said that he felt like a woman in labour, waiting for her baby to be born, and he wished that he could be with them in person to explain it all to them!

But if he had been, we wouldn’t have this explanation today in the Scriptures, and what a wonderful picture it is!

The law with its bondage is past and gone, Now we can in Christ  move on,

Paul in his pain, explained it so clear, To these people who to him were dear.

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           Heavenly Jerusalem, not Mt. Sinai.

Galatians  4:21-31                         

      Paul went on to say, take notice of Abraham’s two sons. One was born naturally (of the flesh …. his wife’s idea) and the other was born supernaturally (God’s plan)…

This is a picture of God’s two covenants with the human race. Hagar, the slave girl is a picture of the bondage of the law. Sarah, the elderly wife, gives birth totally beyond nature according to God’s promise.

Commonsense tells us which son will be free and inherit from his father…. not the eldest, but the youngest; not the son of the slave, but the son of the wife. God’s plan had to demonstrate to all the principalities and powers observing His creation that He was Who He said He was, a God of LOVE and MERCY, and HOLY beyond all else. The human race being what it is (proud and self sufficient) needed to be shown the impossibility of reaching God’s standard of holiness by itself (Romans 3:23).

Satan intended to ruin God’s plan and creation by causing Adam and Eve to disobey God, but in fact it laid the foundation for God’s plan to be implemented. So believers are not in bondage to the law, but are free as citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem (Romans 12:22).

Satan could not thwart God’s plan, When he tempted Adam, God’s first man,

Adam fell but laid the ground, For God’s loving mercy  to abound.

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Christ Alone!

Galatians  5:1-9                             

Paul has explained why the believer has liberty…. It is because Christ has set him free from the claims of the law. If they still thought they needed to be circumcised,  then Christ’s work on the cross was superfluous and unnecessary and they had put themselves out of the reach of God’s grace…..

It is by God’s Holy Spirit that we have faith that we are righteous before God…..circumcision has nothing to do with it. It is easy to see how the Galatians had got caught in this trap because it is part of the human psyche to want to DO something. It is hard to have to rely totally on what God says…. simply believe. This faith that is a gift from God  (Ephesians 2:8) shows itself by loving other Christians and wanting to gather with them to praise the Lord (1 John 3:14).

Paul goes on to say that they had started well and who was now hindering them? This teaching was not from God who had called them into His freedom!  If we find ourselves getting caught up in “having” to do something else for salvation, we must get rid of it before it spreads like yeast in a lump of dough!

Stand fast against wrong teaching now, Do not give in, to new thoughts bow,

Our hope is in our Lord alone, We do not now the law condone.

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                  Living in the Spirit

Galatians  5:10-23                         

   Paul was sure that the Galatians would listen to him and take heed. Paul pointed out that the reason he was persecuted was because he did NOT preach circumcision. The Gospel is a gospel of liberty (1 Corinthians 6:12)…..freedom from all the rules and regulations….

. But the flip side is that although believers are free to do as they like, yet it is not always wise to do this ….liberty must be tempered with love towards others and we must not do things that would offend anyone (1 Corinthians 8:9-13).

When all is said and done, the law is basically all about love….the first four commands are love towards God, and the remaining six are love towards others. Backbiting and gossip achieve nothing except the building up of the flesh. The flesh opposes the Spirit, and vice versa.

Those who are led by the Spirit are not guilty of the dark list in verses 19-21. This is what believers have been brought out from into the liberty of God’s Holy Spirit ….note that there is no law (civil, moral or spiritual) against any of the fruits of the Spirit. Police are not necessary at a Christian festival…. there are no brawls or drunkenness, murders or rapes.

The works of the flesh are darkness and greed, Hatred, fighting, and every bad deed;

To walk in the Spirit is freedom and light, Deliverance from evil and sins’ dark night!

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Walking in the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-26                                                      

       There are some subjects in the Bible that are hard to understand, and scholars spend much time and effort arguing back and forth as to the sequence of events or what is meant. But when it comes to salvation which is man’s greatest need, it is as clear as can be…..

It’s the same with how a Christian should walk (behave). Those who LIVE  in the Spirit, are to WALK in the Spirit. Then they will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, and will be full of love, joy, peace etc. (Ephesians 5:18-21) The works of the flesh (verses 19-21) will not be seen in their lives. They will not push themselves forward or provoke or envy one another.

How is this done? HOW can a person walk in the Spirit? It is all to do with ATTITUDE, a person must want to do this. Then it requires EFFORT, it won’t just happen. We have to renew our minds by  what we feed  our mind and soul on…..if we feed it on rubbish, then we’ll produce rubbish. But if we feed it on only good, pure, true and lovely things, then this is what we will produce (Philippians 4:4-9; Colossians 3:1-17). The way to grow in God‘s ways is to feed on God’s Word!

God’s Spirit is in the believer today, But how do we learn to walk in His way?

Think and watch things good and true, Reading His Word daily is a MUST to do!

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     Beware of Pride.

Galatians  6:1-6

    We are to be very careful not to be judgmental when we are trying to help those who are in trouble…it might be our turn next!  It is when we are proud of ourselves that we are most likely to slip! (1 Corinthians 10:12) We are to do our best to help those in trouble, just as Christ has helped us….

   We are to remember that pride comes before a fall, and if we think we are great in some respect, we are only kidding ourselves, no-one else! (Romans 12:3)

We are to make sure that we are doing the best we can and take satisfaction in that (Colossians 3:23). If we remember that we are doing this for the Lord in obedience to Him, then we won’t have to boast about how good we are….others will automatically notice! Nobody is 100% in everything that they do.

We all have burdens to bear in some way, whether in health, family or financial problems and there is no point in moaning about it. But we are to share what we can with others, especially with those who teach the Word. There are many different ways we can share and this is where we women can shine….our time, our hospitality, our listening ear and our encouragement.

Don’t boast in yourself or be filled with pride, For in these things all sin does hide,

Do what you can in serving the Lord, Then on you God’s blessings are outpoured.

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Reap what You Sow!   (CWG 2014)

Galatians  6:7-9                    

God has put certain laws in place in this world that are unchangeable, and one of these is the law of cause and effect. Fire will burn; gravity causes falls; loss of blood results in death, and so on…..

For mankind, there is reaping what you sow….ignore God, and we will die eternally; feed the soul on debauchery and we reap it in disease and foul mind; read and watch light and silly things, and that is what we will talk about; smoke, drink and socialise in the world and that is what we will become like.

Paul says here, “Sow to the flesh and reap corruption”. Our Lord said plainly that what is in a person,  WILL come out (Mark 7:20-23). On the other hand, a believer has deliverance from these things through the help of the Holy Spirit. We are to PUT OFF these things and PUT ON kindness, forgiveness, patience, and above all, love. Love for God and love for each other. We are to fill our minds with what is good, true, lovely and honest (Philippians 4:8). Then we will exhibit these things and our hearts will be full of singing to the Lord.

Reap and sow is cause and effect, Embrace the good, the bad reject;

Sow to the flesh and reap filth and scum, But sow to the Spirit and like Christ become.

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One Flock, One Shepherd.

Galatians 6:10-18                          

      Paul winds up his letter with a few pointed comments. We are to do good to all, especially to fellow believers. We CANNOT hate our brother, and love God at the same time! (1John 4:20)

Paul gives another clue to his “thorn in the flesh” by saying he had written this passage  himself with “large letters”….we can assume that his eyesight was not what it should have been!

He then gets back to the point of his letter…DON’T listen to those who want you to be circumcised and keep the law….they don’t keep the law themselves!! They only want to get a hold on you.

We could add to that today, some of the extra things that certain people say have to be done for salvation, or to show how spiritual you are. These things are not a necessary part of worshipping God, they are only a show of the flesh. There is only one thing that is necessary to glory in, and that is the work of the Cross of Christ….this is where our strength lies.

It is Christ alone who makes us new creatures in Him….He said Himself that  there is only ONE flock and ONE shepherd. This is the Israel of God, the old and new all combined into one Flock with Christ as our Shepherd (John 10:16).

What a wonderful thought to finish up on! What a glorious day that will be when we are all gathered together with Him in Glory!!!

All one in Christ, a glorious thought, All through the Cross, this is brought,

Freedom from sin by the work of the Son, Bringing together His flock  into one.

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Summary of Galatians.

Ephesians 5:18-20

      Paul’s aim was to show that keeping the law for salvation is finished, circumcision is redundant and anyone who preaches that faith in Christ needs to be topped up with keeping the law is to be avoided.  Christ’s work on the cross is sufficient for NOW and for ETERNITY! Woe to anyone who preaches differently!!

Abraham as founder of the Jews, was justified by his faith in God long before the law was given. The law came and proved beyond doubt that man could not keep it, and could not earn his salvation.

Christ came at the right time, God’s predetermined time, and paid the penalty for sin by dying for all mankind. Redemption is now complete and available to all who will accept it.

Now believers are the sons of God and heirs to all the heavenly promises. They are free to live in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, free from the clutches of sin, evil and darkness. Instead of being controlled by the flesh, believers can be controlled by the Holy Spirit of God and live in His light and freedom.

The last warning is…. you WILL reap what you sow, so BEWARE!

Free from the law and its binding clutch, Freedom through Christ and His healing touch;

The contrast from darkness and sin’s dread night, To come into day and God wondrous light!

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                                        Letter to the Ephesians

                                              God’s Blessings.

Ephesians 1:1-3                                                            

Paul establishes that he was an apostle of Jesus Christ and is writing to those who are in Christ Jesus……and that includes us today!

Paul starts off with  a common greeting of his time (“may the grace and peace of the gods be upon you”) and he turned it into a profound blessing to these believers. Everything we have and stand for is because of our LORD JESUS Christ. It is His work that has enabled us to believe and receive God’s blessings.

He calls on grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and then blesses God who in turn has blessed believers with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ (Proverbs 10:22).

These blessings are available to ALL believers, regardless of race, status and possessions (or lack of them!) Nothing can take these blessings away from us…. Note that they are spiritual blessings, not necessarily physical blessings.

These blessings are available to us NOW, we don’t have to wait until we get to heaven! Just stop and think of what God has done for us through Christ and then praise and thank Him NOW!

God’s  grace is there for us today, Bringing peace to us, along life’s way;

Naught more we ask than peace and  grace, And at the end to see His face.

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Before the World Began.

Ephesians 1:4            

        Paul brings out some wonderful thoughts in the next few verses. Concepts that were vaguely hinted at in earlier times are now made clear and plain….

We see from these verses about “before the foundation of the world”,  that God had a blueprint plan that was put in place before He ever started His creation work.

We were chosen in Him then, and our names were written in the Lamb’s book of Life (Revelation 13:8). The plan of salvation was laid out and in God’s mind, with the whole thing being as good as done from BEFORE the beginning of anything! (Hebrews 4:3c; 1 Peter 1:20)

Christ was to be the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world….His blood was the only propitiation (payment) for the sins of the world that man would commit. The only hint of this is where David said in Psalm 139:16 that our members were all written up ion God’s book, long before they came into being! The whole concept is so mind boggling, and yet man has the cheek to presume to oppose or ignore his Maker!

God’s plan was made e’er things began, Within His book were names of man,

Salvation’s plan as good as done, Christ’s blood was shed, God’s Holy One.

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                              Paul’s Gospel.

Ephesians 1:4-5               

What are we chosen for? Why did God choose me? The answer is here….to be conformed to Christ’s image, to live a holy and blameless life and to be obedient to His Word…

What a tall order!! How is this possible? Through the help of the Holy Spirit Who gives strength against the temptations of the world around Romans 12:1-2 tells us that it is by the renewing of our minds….we have to consciously decide to follow Christ and choose to leave worldly things behind.

The more we delight ourselves in Him (Psalm 37:3-5) and trust in Him, the more we will want to become like Him and the more this desire will be granted. We are to seek the things of God and set our affection and minds on things above (Colossians 3:1-2),  not on things of this world.

Believers are predestined to be God’s children, this was all in God’s eternal plan. No wonder the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear (respect and hold Him in awe) Him and hope in His mercy!! (Psalm 147:11)

God always knew  who would obey, They were written down e’er the first day,

He called and chose them to Him belong, To praise Him aloud  in heavenly  song.

                                    ***      ***      ***

God’s Rich Grace.

Ephesians 1:6-7                Philippians 1:11                             Revelation 5:11-14

    Man’s purpose is to bring and give glory to God….those who belong to His family are to praise the glory of His grace in bringing them to know Him.

It is His grace that has brought them into the position of receiving all these spiritual blessings in Christ. Isaiah wrote the words of God many years before Paul wrote this….Everyone that is called by My Name, for I have created him for My glory (Isaiah 43:7).

Grace is giving us something that we don’t deserve, while mercy is keeping us from something that we DO deserve! His grace in this instant is in making believers accepted in His beloved Son’s work on the cross redeeming us by His blood (paying sin’s penalty this way) and forgiving us our sins.

This is grace, the riches of God’s grace as we certainly didn’t deserve to be forgiven. No wonder the crowds of the redeemed in heaven will bring this song of honour and praise to the Lamb in Revelation!!  (Revelation 5:11-14)

God’s grace is glorious and rich, abundant and free, and available to all human beings for the taking. So let us take it and treasure it, appreciate it and praise Him for it….without it we would be lost in darkness for ever (Philippians 1:11).

God’s mercy and grace are abundant and free, Available to all, even to me,

Take and treasure them high above all, For by them we’ve heard His gracious call.

                                    ***      ***      ***

The Mystery of God.

Ephesians 1:8-12                                                                     

God’s mystery is all part of His initial plan that was laid out before the world began (1 Corinthians 2:7). It was not revealed to mankind until after the cross work of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 16:25).

Not even the angels knew of it….the old prophets caught glimpses of it, but nothing made sense until the right time came (1 Peter 1:10-12). How privileged we are to be able to see it now and to come into the realization and blessings of it!! (Colossians 1:26-27).

God’s mystery is a mystery no longer in the outworking of Christ in us who believe….the only mystery now is WHY God would want to do this!!

But it is all part of displaying His glorious grace and mercy and is part of His plan which He devised in eternity past. The very first explanation of this mystery came from our Lord Jesus Himself as He spoke to the two going to Emmaus… notice how Christ could not enter into His full glory without His sufferings on the cross! (Luke 24:26-27) Without the cross there is no salvation….without salvation there is no glory of His grace, and without  grace no person can praise His glory. It is all tied up together into one great precious truth.

God’s mystery revealed as His work was done, Revealed in the Person of God’s only Son,

By Him the praise of His glory is given, From now until all are gathered in heaven.

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                         God’s Guarantee.

Ephesians 1:13-23                                        

Not only has God given believers all these wonderful promises and revealed His mystery to us, but He has given the Holy Spirit as a seal or guarantee to keep and strengthen us and live with us (verse 13)…..

It is the Holy Spirit Who  gives the glory of God to each believer and enables us to receive the Lord Jesus and obey His Word. It is the Holy Spirit Who enables us to praise God to His glory. It was the Holy Spirit who enabled Paul to pray this prayer for the Ephesians that we can pray for ourselves and for each other.

We can give thanks for each other and can pray that we will see the revelation of God and have understanding in the things of God. This only comes from reading His Word and meditating in it, and  thinking about the hope we have as His people, the anticipation and the glory of being part of His family.

We can think about the position that Christ has now, risen from the dead, at the Father’s right hand, far above any earthly kingdom or heavenly power and now the Head of His body of people, the Church, and give thanks and praise for it.

To think of Christ whom men  despised, The One Who suffered and Who died,

The One Who now’s exalted high, And offers grace to bring men nigh.

***      ***      ***

      The Darkness of Sin.

Ephesians 2:1-3                                             

Paul paints a picture of natural man here  and it is not a pretty one. We were dead to God while we lived, with a natural inclination to sin and rebel against authority….

A child does not need to be taught to say “no” or taught to be greedy and grasping. He has to be taught to say “please” and “thank-you”, and to share with others. We are born in with a sinful nature and thus under God’s righteous anger because of our innate disobedience.

Paul tells us we are controlled by the prince of the power of the air, and cannot see past our own lusts and desires. We are not aware enough of the forces of evil (and good) that surround us (verse 2)….there are evil spirits in the ether as well as angels to protect those who fear God. (Psalm 34:7)

There are certain cultures who recognise this, such as in PNG and the jungles of Indonesia and the Philippines. They are people who live in continual fear of the spirits (with good reason) and who seek to appease them. The Western nations are too much the other way, and block their minds to the spiritual realm, while yet being controlled by these forces of darkness.

Living in darkness and fear of death, Many are this until their last breath,

They go from the darkness of living in sin, To eternity’s night….what a state to be in!!

***   ***   ***

God’s Marvellous Light.

Ephesians 2:4-5                                                   

      Paul has just shown us what we WERE….now he shows us what we ARE and what we have to look forwards to. We come to that hinge word “BUT”….how much hangs on that!

But God….because of His rich mercy and great love. Note that it is not just mercy alone, but the abundance of both.

We were dead to God in our trespasses and sins, but through the work of Christ and God’s grace, we are now alive to God. We have a spiritual perception and understanding that the world cannot know….it is only foolishness to the natural man.

We have wisdom that is beyond their understanding because we acknowledge that God exists (Proverbs 9:10) and that we are accountable to, and dependant on, Him alone. We have come into God’s light and have obtained His mercy (1Peter 2:9b-10).

We have a new song we can sing, even praises to God; we have an aim in life (to please Him), we know where we are going, our sins are forgiven and we KNOW God in a personal way.

But God in His wonderful mercy and love, Lifts us up, reaching down from above,

Sending His Son to redeem us from sin, And giving His Spirit to dwell within.

***   ***   ***                                                                 Present and Future.

Ephesians 2:6-7                                            

       We have seen that we who were dead to God once, have now been made alive to Him through Jesus Christ our Lord. God has lifted us up out of the slimy pit of sin that we were in, and has put our feet on the solid Rock of Christ (Psalm 40:2-3), and given us an aim in life….

We are now able to know Him….and He has made us to sit in the heavenly places already in Christ Jesus.

We can enjoy the things of God NOW, in the PRESENT, and how much more will we be able to enjoy them in the ages to come….the FUTURE that has no end!!   (1 Corinthians 2:9)

We cannot even begin to imagine the riches of God’s grace that He has stored up for us….all we know is that it is there waiting for us. We will not have any less of the things of God then than we do now; as we can speak to Him now at any time, so we will be able to then as well, with far more awareness than now. We tend to think we will just melt into the crowds, but it won’t be like that at all. We are so earthbound that our minds can’t imagine at all what it will be like!

We’ve been pulled from  the  pit of sin, With our feet on Christ’s Rock within,

NOW we sit in the heavenly place, And one day we’ll see His glorious face.

                              ***    ***    ***

                         Grace plus Faith, equals Salvation

  Ephesians 2:8-18                                                

     God’s grace has saved us….that which we don’t deserve…through the faith which He has given us. It is as we started to turn towards God, that He gave us the faith we needed to give ourselves to Him…

Without faith, we cannot please God….we need faith to believe that He exists! God KNOWS those who are His, (Hebrews 11:3, 6) and He does not waste faith on those who refuse to exercise it. It is NOTHING that we can do that can earn us salvation….otherwise we might boast about it!

Those who are Gentiles (not Jews) are doubly lost….lost because there were no promises given to their ancestors and lost in their own innate sin….having no hope at all (verse 12). Those who are Jews are still lost in sin. When Jesus Christ shed His blood for sin, the wall of division between Jew and Gentile came down for ever….ALL now come to God the same way….they come to the Father, through the work of the Son by the Holy Spirit. So we see that salvation is the work of the Trinity, the Three in One God. All were in it together.

The work of Christ was fully planned, Brought to pass by God’s own hand;

The Spirit speaks, calls all to Him, And fills our cup up to the brim.

***        ***        ***

God’s House.

Ephesians 2:19-22; verse 12-13                      

       We  have already seen that the Gentiles were hopeless strangers and foreigners to the things of God, but that believing Gentiles through the work of Christ have been brought near, right into the family of God….

   We have the same foundation as the believing Jews, the foundation of the prophets and apostles, with Jesus Christ as our chief corner Stone.

This is the only church that God recognizes….His people as living stones all fitting together to make a holy temple to the Lord….His dwelling place! Our Lord Jesus Himself prayed to His Father saying that as He (the Father) was in Him (the Son), so He (the Son) was in His people. (John 17:23) What a mind boggling thought!!

Peter too, brings out the thought of believers being living stones, made into a spiritual house with Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone (1 Peter 2:4-8).

The pictures of everyday things in the Scriptures that are used as spiritual pictures are amazing, and so easy to understand!

God’s Church is made of living stones, Not rocks or bricks, but flesh and bones,

He lives within His people here, And brings each one to Him so near.

***   ***   ***

   Things God’s Spirit Reveals.

Ephesians 3:1-6                    

Our Lord Jesus made it abundantly clear to His disciples that He would not be physically on earth much longer, but that when He went away, God’s Spirit of Truth ( the Comforter), would come to be with them. (John 16:7)

He would continue to teach them the things concerning Christ and bring them to their remembrance…He would live within them and guide them into all truth. He would glorify Christ, not Himself (John 16:13-14).

In this chapter, Paul takes up the subject of God’s mystery again, and expands on it. He tells how it was revealed by God’s grace, and by direct revelation from God for him to pass on to God’s people. It had never been made clear and plain before for people to understand, but now it was shown by the Spirit of God.

The mystery was this….that ALL people everywhere who believe the Gospel message are brought into God’s family, made fellow-heirs with believing Jews and sharing in all God’s promises and blessings. This revelation to men was also part of God’s eternal plan.

God’s Spirit’s here  and freely given, To all who know the truths of Heaven,

God’s mystery now is clear and plain, Christ in His people, without sin’s stain.

                          ***   ***   ***

The Riches of Grace.

Ephesians 3:7-12                                                  

    Paul felt immensely privileged to have been chosen to peach the Good News of the Gospel and to have  been given the power to do it…..

He felt that he was the least of the apostles because he had persecuted God’s people so much in times past (verse 8), but this fact showed up God’s grace so much more in choosing him to do it (1 Corinthians 15:8-10) .

Now he was able to show God’s eternal plan in Christ Jesus which had been hidden from the beginning of time….not only was it now revealed to God’s people, but it was also plain to be seen by all the heavenly hosts, both good and bad (verse 10).

God’s LOVE, GRACE, and MERCY is plainly displayed for all to see. How else could God’s goodness be shown up but by the backdrop of the darkness of man’s sin? Now we can have confidence and boldness to come before God in prayer and because of the Holy Spirit who lives in each believer.

These points have been reiterated many times in these passages, but how reassuring to see there is no mistake in what Paul is trying to get across!!!

God’s grace and mercy are now  displayed, In coming to Him we’re not afraid,

His greatest wisdom is plainly seen, Which from eternity past, has ever  been.

***   ***   ***

Beyond our Comprehension!!

Ephesians 3:13-21

      Paul gives a totally different slant on persecution for the sake  of the Gospel….he told the Ephesians not to lose heart because of his sufferings, but rather to feel honoured that they had a part in it…..   

Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers was that God would grant them spiritual strength and that they would be conscious of Christ living in their hearts. He wanted them to be one in love and unity with all other believers in the immeasurable love of Christ which is beyond explaining. In doing this, they would be filled with all that God desired for them. God is able to do far more for us than we can ever ask or even think of!! We can honour and glorify Him here now, and continue with this into eternity.

Christ’s love for us is beyond our comprehension….to have loved us enough to die for us while we were His enemies,  is surely a Divine attribute! Nothing can ever separate us from the love of Christ…sin will take away the fellowship between us, but His love is still there (Romans 8:35-39).  Then as we make our requests known to Him and give thanks for what He sees fit to give us, God’s peace which is beyond our understanding, will fill our hearts! (Philippians 4:6-7) How blessed we are!!

We cannot comprehend God’s love, Tis vast and comes from Him above,

His peace He gives to those who rest, He only gives us what is  best.

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                 Believers’ Responsibilities.

Ephesians 4:1-7                                               

      Paul has laid the groundwork of the believers’ standing before God, and the blessings they have come into and now he points out their responsibilities…..

It is a natural progression, that where there are privileges, there are also responsibilities. Because of your position, he says, walk (live) in a manner worthy of it! In other words, BE what you ARE!

Don’t do things that bring discredit to the name of Christ….how sad when people say, “If that’s what they do, I don’t want to be a Christian!”  (Romans 2:23-24) Humility, patience and love are to be the hallmarks of the believer….we are to be united in the peace of the Holy Spirit.

Just as the Trinity of the God-Head (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is united, so believers are to be united….a church that is scrapping and backbiting among its members is no testimony at all. But one that is loving and friendly makes people feel at home. Every believer has the ability and grace available, to seek God’s help to do so.

Live with God so others round, Will see your joy greatly abound

United together, walking God’s ways, Will give to Him all the praise.

                          ***   ***   ***

                         Set Free!!

Ephesians 4:8-13

    Paul  goes on to quote from the book of Psalms and says that when He (Christ) ascended to heaven, He had conquered the one (Satan) who had kept men in captivity of sin. He had obtained the ability to set men free and to give them gifts to serve Him in a way they had never been able to before. (Psalm 68:18-20)

Satan’s power over men was now broken. After Christ’s death, He went into the depths before being resurrected and then ascended to the heights of heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father as conqueror over all. (1 Peter 3:18-19a)  He left His people in the world to carry on with His work, and gave them each some gift to encourage and help each other in the body of the church. The purpose of this is that believers will experience the unity of the faith, one with all types of people, and mature in our knowledge of what Christ has done for us and in out manner of life before others.

Christ has broken Satan’s hold, Freed mankind who in sin were sold,

Given gifts to build and cheer, Man has ne’er before been freer!!

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Acting as an Adult..

Ephesians 4:14-20

Paul  has already said that believers are to live in a way that is a credit to the Lord, and has shown that we have been set free from  Satan’s grip to do so….

He has pointed out that when there is unity among believers we are able to build each other up. We are not to act childishly and changeably, but are to hold to the truth in a loving manner and continue to grow in Christ’s ways. He is our Head (in every sense), and individual believers make up His body and are to work together for each others’ good. (1 Corinthians 12:18-28) What a wonderful picture this is!

We do not have to live in the mists of darkness as unbelievers do….thinking only of themselves and completely ignoring God‘s claims on their lives. They do their own thing, and live according to their ideas. How many times do we hear people say “This or that  is what I think”, and they make that their foundation of truth. No wonder they get blown around in their ideas like the wind!! True believers have the Word of God as their Rock to stand on.

Christ our Head will guide our way, Our feet are firm and right each day,

With Him we follow out of night, Walk in His ways and in His light.

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      How to Do It!

Ephesians 4:20-32

Christ is the believers’ supreme example and Paul tells us here how we are to follow Him…

Believers have two natures….. the old one which will lurk around as long as we are in this body and the new one which must be fed to grow. The new nature is the one we are to work on, and not to give in to natural ways of thinking. We do this by consciously giving ourselves to God and asking Him to transform our way of thinking and taking away these old desires with its thoughts and actions. (Romans 12:1-2)

Paul uses the picture of “putting off” and “putting on” as we do with our clothes. We are to put off our old sinful ways and habits, and are to be truthful and honest. If we get angry, we are not to sin worse in the heat of the moment, and we are not to stay angry or nurse a grudge. If we do, we are letting Satan get a toe-hold back on our life.

We are not to steal, but to work honestly so we have more to give to others. As we renew our minds in the things of God, bad language, dirty jokes and back-biting will drop off us, and we will begin to edify and encourage each other. (Colossians 4:6)

    If we indulge in wrong things, God’s Spirit inside us will be grieved. We are not to do this, or even worse, to quench Him by being deliberately disobedient. We are to be kind, patient, and forgiving each other.

God’s law is free from habit or force, Is kept to please as a matter of course,

We do not  HAVE to, as we are forgiven, We WANT to please Him who lives in Heaven.

                          ***   ***   ***

                              Be Clean!

Ephesians 5:1-5

       Paul carries on with the thoughts he started in the previous chapter….we are to be followers of God, and to walk in love towards each other. After all, see how God has forgiven us and loved us and how Christ gave Himself for us as a sacrifice to God for our sins!

If we ignore our privilege of taking Christ and His way of life to ourselves, then His great sacrifice is in vain, all for nothing! It will do us no good at all!

Paul goes on to show that believers are not to indulge in immorality of any sort like the world does around us…..God has given us sex in the right context of marriage, and it is not to be used to make dirty jokes or stupid talk….these are not becoming to the name of Christ which we stand for. Our manner of life is a serious thing in God’s sight

Believers are to give thanks and acknowledge God as the giver of all things. People who behave like the world continually, can never go to heaven and have no part in God’s Kingdom. So stay clean!!

Live in a way that pleases the Lord, He has shown us how, within His Word,

Live above worldly filth and wrong, Lifting our voice in praise and  song.

                          ***   ***   ***

Light versus Darkness.

Ephesians 5:6-16

       Believers are not to be taken up with every idea that others take up. For example, the amount of time and energy that is devoted to arguing about global warming, GE, and other modern ideas is not edifying to the soul.

If people got as worked up about their spiritual life and did something about it, God’s wrath would not fall on them in the end. These are all ideas groping in spiritual darkness and achieve nothing as far as God is concerned!

We might have got tangled up in these ideas once, but now we have better things to think about. God’s ideas are as light compared with darkness. (Psalm 119:105) He wants His people to live in goodness and kindness, being honest and truthful, and having nothing to do with these things that are unfruitful in goodness. (verse 11)

We are not to go along with these ideas or to join in filthy jokes. In fact, living a godly life will reprove them, not so much by what we say, but by what we do. We are to live wisely and sensibly, making good use of our time and not wasting it. In other words, we are to walk in God’s light which we find in His Word. (1 John 1:5-7)

Things of the world are dark and vain, Will not bring light or God’s ways gain,

Christ is the One Who is the Light, So follow His Word, and leave the world’s night.

                          ***   ***   ***

Knowing and Doing God’s Will.

Ephesians 5:17-22

We are to do our best to understand what God’s will is, and we will find it in His Word…..it is His Word that gives us light and shows us the way we are to go. (Psalm 119:130)

As we are not to allow ourselves to be controlled by wine or alcohol (which is being drunk), yet we are to allow ourselves to be controlled by God’s Holy Spirit. As strong drink causes us to lose our senses and behave foolishly, so God’s Spirit enables us to leave our natural inclinations of selfishness and pride and take on the attributes of Christ.

We will feel like singing and listening to the songs that uplift and encourage us, and praise God in giving thanks in every circumstance. Wives will realise that they are to fit into their husband’s plans as head of the house, and the husband will not lord it over them, but lovingly listen and together they will work things out. In God’s order, the wife looks to her husband as her head, and she will be doing it as to the Lord which is glorifying to Him.

As this pattern is followed, it builds the picture that God wants, that of the Church  following Christ in obedience and love.

To KNOW God’s will is right and good, To DO God’s will is what we should,

Let His Spirit shape our ways, Then we will give Him song and praise!

                          ***   ***   ***

Wives’ Responsibilities.

Ephesians 5:22-33                   

      In this section on marriage, there are only three verses devoted to how a wife should behave….the first verse, the last one and one in between which re-iterates the first…..

This passage goes against everything that the world advocates, in telling people that both are equal in the marriage partnership. Here wives are told to fit in with their husband’s plans (as one modern translation puts it). What most people don’t realise is that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His people…..in fact, the Church is referred to as the “wife” of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7-9).

Behaviour in marriage is a picture to God of the Church…..just as believers are to please the Lord and do His will with reverence and awe, so a wife is to please her husband and do as he wishes. This not only fulfills this picture, but could very well win an unbelieving husband to the Lord (1 Peter 3:1-4).

Not only that, but it produces a meek and quiet spirit which is of great price in the sight of God. God prizes this in women, because He (the best of all!) knows that it has to be worked on, it doesn’t come naturally!  God appreciates this effort on the part of wives above all else. It also has the spin-off of a happy and peaceful home with no disagreements or arguments!!

Peace and quiet with joy and love, What a picture of things above!

Our homes should then reflect God’s ways, In doing this, we give God praise.

                                    ***      ***      ***


Ephesians 5:22-33                                                                

As we’ve seen, the wife’s responsibility is to respect and please her husband which seems hard in this modern world of equality, but the husband has the greater responsibility in that his role is to behave to his wife in the same way that Christ does to His church…

A man is to behave to his wife in the same way that Christ behaves to His church (His people); that is, he is to be prepared to give himself for her in every way. Protection, provision, companionship, total loyalty and fidelity are her right from him.

He is to think of her and treat her as well as he does himself….he is to put her wellbeing first and to love her above all else, taking her feelings into account. Yet he has to be prepared to be the leader, the head of the house. He has to make the hard decisions, and take the knocks. He is to honour her and respect her as a precious vase or ornament of great value….indeed Peter points out that his prayers won’t count for much if he doesn’t treat his wife right (1 Peter 3:7).

Communication is one of the most important things for both, and behaving in a mature manner, not childishly, if things don’t go right. Rules for a good marriage are laid down clearly in the Maker’s Handbook!!

God lays the rules within His Book, The love of Christ is what it took,

So we reflect the best we can, Submitting wife, and loving man.

                                    ***      ***      ***

Children and Servants.

Ephesians 6:1-9                                                 

   Children are to obey their parents…..this is a rule that goes back to the ten commandments  (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). This is especially important in a Christian family….a child who wants to please God, must please his parents first.

So much of what we do on earth reflects spiritual truths. Even in adulthood, we are to honour our parents. Fathers are not to be unreasonable with them, tease or annoy them. He is to teach them the way of the Lord by both reading  the Bible to them and by example…..he can’t teach what he doesn’t know or practice.

A man who is a terror at home and pious in church is not pleasing to the Lord, he is only a hypocrite, and drags the testimony of the Lord down, especially to his children.

Servants and employees are to do their best for their bosses….they are to put a full day’s work in for a full day’s pay. They are to work as well as if God was their boss in person, and do it willingly as for Him (Colossians 3:20-24). God sees slippery half hearted work, and it is not pleasing to Him.

Those who are bosses are to be fair and just and not threaten their workers. Say what you mean and mean what you say is a good adage to go by. Remember that God is your “Boss” and sees all you do, and will one day reward you accordingly.

To obey your parents is just and good, To honour them daily, the best you should,

Servants to work with all their might, With bosses then being fair and right!

                          ***   ***   ***

Wearing God’s Armour.

Ephesians 6:10-18                                                          

      Paul has encouraged the people individually in their physical roles, and now he encourages them as individuals in their spiritual life. Again, he likens the Christian life to something they can understand….

    The Christian life, he says, is a warfare against evil and wicked powers that we cannot see, it is very definitely a spiritual warfare. We must stand firm for the Lord, and use the armour that He has provided. Notice that he says we are to use the WHOLE armour, not just part of it! (verse 11)

The first thing we are to put on is truth and righteousness covering the body….without these our testimony will be nil. This is the protection which everything else depends on. We must stand firm in the Gospel of Peace, prepared to share it with others. The shield of faith will quench all Satan’s fiery darts of doubt and fear. The helmet of salvation protects our minds, and the sword of the Spirit (God’s Word) keeps us safe.

Thus armed, we are able to pray for ourselves and others, and walk in the right ways, enduring hard things when they come. We will also be kept and protected from getting tangled up unprofitable things. (2 Timothy 2:1, 3-4)

A soldier standing firm and true, With God’s armour He’s given to you,

Mind, heart and spirit kept must  be, As we stand in this battle for purity.

                          ***   ***   ***

Always Praying.

Ephesians 6:18-24

      Prayer is not to be intermittent or a one off thing, but constant and continual (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Our Lord Jesus said that people should pray always and not give up (Matthew 5:44). We are to pray for other believers, that they may be strengthened and encouraged in the Lord. (Romans 12:12b)

We are to pray especially for those who are preaching the Gospel that they may do it faithfully and fearlessly (1 Thessalonians 5:25). We are to pray for unbelievers that they may come to know the Lord, especially those who are in positions of authority (1 Timothy 2:1-4). We are to pray for the government that the Gospel will not be hindered from being preached. Hardest of all, we are to pray for our enemies and those who treat us unfairly (Luke 6:28). This may not alter the outward circumstances, but it will make us feel better towards them….we cannot pray for someone and remain feeling bitter.

Paul’s friend Tychicus, was going to take this letter to the Ephesians  and he would update them on the latest news!

To always pray, is what God asks, This is not a difficult task,

Yet many of His well loved ones, Won’t take the time to Him to come.

                          ***   ***   ***


See what God has to say to YOU.