Devotional Thoughts from Matthew.

The Saviour’s Genealogy.

Matthew 1: 1-17

     This is the first of two different genealogies given of Jesus, the stepson of Joseph the carpenter of Nazareth. You might wonder why go through all these unpronounceable names and what is the point in it all, but as we look at it we will notice quite a few interesting things.  In this passage, we see the foundation of the human side of Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world………

The genealogy starts with Abraham, the man who was justified by faith. We see that each generation was “begat” by his father, and it ends with Joseph, the husband of Mary.  We also see four women’s names mentioned who are the most unlikely candidates we would think. There is Tamar (Thamar, verse 3) who got pregnant by her father-in-law  (Genesis 38:16, 26). Then there were Rahab (Rachab, verse 5; Joshua 6: 17, 25) and Ruth (Ruth 4:10, 21-22) who were both from heathen backgrounds. Then close behind them was Bathsheba the wife of Uriah who had got pregnant in adultery with David  ( 2 Samuel 12: 10, 24).

This shows the grace of God in his dealings with people… line with Scriptural principles which can never be broken, each of these women must have turned to the Lord in repentance.

In contrast, the genealogy given in Luke 3 is that of Mary….this one does not use the word “begat” but merely “son of”. Both genealogies go back to King David  by different lines and from thence the same as each other. Another interesting sideline is that from Christ back to the beginning of the captivity was 14 generations, and the same back to David and again back to Abraham.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Was just as truly Son of Man;

He wasn’t just a child of time, But covered all eternity’s span.

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                 Mary’s visit from the Angel.

Matthew 1:18-25

   Matthew tells us of his understanding of the birth of Jesus Christ….he simply says that Mary as a virgin, was found to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit . Luke (being a doctor) gives us more details and tells of the angel’s visit to her and their conversation  (Luke 1: 26-28).

Matthew tells of Joseph’s fears and concerns and of the angel’s visit to him, telling him that this was all happening in fulfillment of Scripture and instructing him on what to call this Baby. He was to be called “Jesus” meaning Saviour. This then, was to be the Child’s purpose, to bring salvation to the human race.

It is amazing that this child’s birth still affects the human race today, and is still vitally relevant to each human being alive. Without Him, man would never be able to have a relationship with the Almighty God of Heaven. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” He said, “No-one can come to the Father but by Me.”

Peter could say in his preaching, “There is no other Name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved.”   (Acts 4:12) This child would reveal God to us and bring us back to God.

God in Christ came down to earth, How great this truth of matchless worth!

Without this child on earth being born, Man could not know eternity’s morn.

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Christ’s Birth.

Matthew 2: 1-12

Matthew’s and Luke’s two accounts of the birth of Christ dovetail in together…each giving details that the other doesn’t. Matthew doesn’t tell us Mary and Joseph came to be in Bethlehem for the birth, while Luke tells us the circumstances.

Matthew’s account is the only one that tells of the visit of the wise men and their enquiry at Herod’s palace. Herod was not a godly king, but he knew enough to know that a lot of prophecy was written down….would it tell him where the baby king was to be born? His scribes told him of the prophecy in Micah 5:2-4 which says that God’s special One would be born in Bethlehem, and that He would be a ruler in Israel. This reference should have told Herod not to mess around with this Child….it gives His eternal and godly character….” from everlasting  past” it says, and “in the Majesty of the name of the Lord His God. “

But no, Herod didn’t even see that part, it was enough for him to know which town the child would be born in! His evil mind ran ahead…..”Go and find Him” he told the wise men, “and come back and tell me, so I can go and worship Him too” (I’ll soon fix Him he was thinking!)

But God saw to it that his Son was kept safe and His angel visited the wise men and told them to go home a different way.

The Baby King in Bethlehem born, The wise men saw His star each dawn,

They went to find this new born King, And travelled far with gifts to bring.

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                                        The Wise Men’s Gifts.

Matthew 2:11-15

We are told that the wise men worshipped the Baby when they saw Him. What does true worship involve? For them, it was a bodily position, a heart’s desire to see and know, and the giving of their treasures.

Worship for us today should be the same…..the right attitude of bowing at least the head (if not the body) in the presence of God, a heart desire to speak to God in praise and prayer.  The most precious gift a person can give to God is their own self, their heart and mind in obedience to His Word, and their body in holy living. (Romans 12:1-2) Worship also involves recognising that what they have is only lent to them by God, so that they may share with others.

Another precious gift that we can give to God is our friendship and love, along with our time. As we give these to God, then we are able to spread them around to others as well.

We might think what inappropriate gifts to give to a poor peasant family, but God had His purpose in all of this. How else could Joseph have afforded his flight to Egypt and stay there without funds? God provided the means for the preservation of His Son and the comfort of His carers.

Frankincense,  myrrh and costly gold, These three gifts that Joseph  sold,

Kept them in their time away, Till they could go back home to stay.

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                                    Fulfilled Prophecies.

Matthew 2: 16-18

     Herod came out in his true colours when it finally dawned on him that the wise men were not going to call in on him again! The thought of another king arising was more than he could stand, so he ordered all the boy babies up to two years old to be slaughtered. What a horrid task for the soldiers! But the Child he was after wasn’t there….He was safely in Egypt until the death of murderer.

If Joseph had had his doubts about Mary’s pregnancy in the beginning, he had no doubts now. God’s angel appeared to him three times in this  chapter giving directions for their safety.

We also see three different prophecies fulfilled (verses 6, 15, 23) concerning where God’s special One would come from….each of them were accurate, but it must have been confusing to people before they came to pass. Let this be a lesson to us! The Lord Jesus Himself said, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons” so we should stop speculating about the future and keep to what we KNOW. Now that God’s Son had come from Bethlehem (verse 8; Micah 5:2), had gone to and then come out of Egypt  (verse 15; Hosea 11:1)  and then went to Nazareth to live (verse 23), people could see the fulfillment of each of these prophecies.


What mean these prophecies of old, That state conflicting views so bold?

From Bethlehem, Egypt,  Nazareth, God’s Son has come to bless this earth.

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The Fore Runner.

Matthew 3:1-10

    There is a gap of about twenty-eight years between the end of chapter two and the beginning of chapter three. Matthew introduces us to John Baptist  in the middle of His ministry, again in fulfilment of prophecy. (Isaiah 40:3)

John’s preaching was that of the need for repentance and baptism to prove they meant what they said. John was a man with a mission, an unusual man with no use for anything fine or fancy, a loner who grew up in the desert.

John didn’t mince matters when he saw the Pharisees and Sadducees come to be baptised….”You‘re a lot of snakes” he told them, “You have to change your ways to show your repentance!”

Ezekiel clearly spells out what repentance means in chapter 18:21-23, 30….it is a turning FROM wrong doing, TO following God’s ways, a complete turnaround. Unless a person becomes a new creature in Christ, there is no proof of repentance.

John told the people that the time of reckoning had come….those who didn’t repent would be cut down and burned up.

“Repent!” John cried, “God’s kingdom’s near, If you turn to Him  you’ll have no fear,

Be baptised and change your ways,  You’ll  then be full of prayer and praise.”

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John’s Introduction.

Matthew 3: 11-17

John now introduces the One Who is mightier than he….”I am not worthy to undo His shoe laces” he said. This One would baptise His followers with the Holy Spirit.

John now introduces the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, to the people. Until now, he had been preaching repentance and turning from sin, but now it is time for him to hand over the reins to the One Who would bring salvation upon repentance and belief in Him.  Notice what John says that the Holy Spirit  would do in verse 12……

  1. He will separate….this is what the fan does, it blows the rubbish away.
  2. 2.        He will purge…. cleanse out all the wrong.
  3. 3.        He will burn….this totally destroys the rubbish.
  4. 4.        He produces the final result….that which remains after the fire has refined.

Jesus came to where John was preaching and baptising and requested that John baptise Him. John was most reluctant, recognising that Jesus had no sin to repent of. But Jesus persuaded him to do it as He wanted to identify Himself with the people and show obedience to God in this way.

It was the right thing to do, as the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove, and God the Father spoke aloud from heaven saying that this was His beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased. The Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) was now seen to be at work in the world.

As Jesus rose from baptism’s tide, God’s Spirit seen in Him to abide,

The Father’s voice so clearly heard, “My Beloved Son has come to earth!”

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The Testing.

Matthew 4:  1-2                               Hebrews 4:15;  2: 18

      Our Lord had shown His obedience in being baptised, in identifying with humanity and now He was led by the Holy Spirit….where? Not into some mystical ecstatic  experience, but  into the wilderness for forty days and forty nights of fasting, and He became very hungry.

We see in verse 1 that the reason He was led into the wilderness was not to commune with God in prayer (although He doubtless did); it was not to be taught the deep things of God (He already knew all things); it was to be tempted by the devil.

The Hebrews verses tell us that He allowed himself to be subject to all the things that people suffer, so He can identify with every experience we go through. There is no tragedy we go through that He hasn’t known….the loss of a loved father-figure in Joseph dying, the responsibility of providing for a young family, the jealousy of siblings, being too busy for friendships and now hunger in the extreme. But He bore it all stoically, without a complaint, never giving way to one sinful thought or action.

Our Lord obeyed in every way, E’en as He went through testing’s day;

All we go through, He’s been before, Can  strengthen  us  now all the more.

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More Testing Times.

Matthew 4: 2-3                                               Ephesians 6:11-18

    Our Lord had been in the wilderness for forty days alone. There are many mentions of forty in the Bible, and it is always associated with testing. The first one that comes to mind is that Israel was in the wilderness forty years….as they tested and proved God many times in during this period, they themselves were being tested. Many were the times they failed the test! Two more occasions were when Moses was up the top of Mt. Sinai for forty days, and the people sinned grievously before the Lord when his back was turned ( Exodus 34: 28).  Another time was when the people of Nineveh were given forty days to repent in. (Jonah 3: 4)

When the forty days of testing were up, Satan came in Jesus’ lowest time of weakness to strike. We will find that Satan knows our weak spots and these are where he attacks and hits the hardest. How did our Lord take these attacks? He stood firm on God’s Word, which is the sword of the Spirit….”it is written” was what He fell back on in His conversations with Satan.

We too, have this same weapon to use along with the other pieces of armour that are mentioned in Ephesians 6:11-18. We must put all these on, and we cannot use armour that we are unfamiliar with. We cannot afford to be caught by Satan without it, so let’s make sure that we know all the pieces of our armour!

Our Lord stood firm, and Satan cannot stand resistance…..he will flee from us too if we face him using our sword, which is God’s Word.

The evil one came to attack, In time of desperate  physical lack;

How do we stand in times like this? By standing  firm and him resist.

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                 Satan’s  Attacks..

Matthew 4:3-10

        Satan attacked our Lord in three different areas, and they are all areas that he attacks us in. We must be aware of the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11) as if we leave any part of our armour off, he will find the gap!

Satan’s first attack at our Lord, was at the body….the physical side of him. He had been without food for forty days, and was in weakness. Satan taunted him…”You’re hungry! Why don’t you make these stones into bread?”   This is where he attacks us today…”You don’t want to be different to anyone else! What will a little drink hurt? Go on, have one or else they’ll think you’re odd!” What did our Lord say? “Food (or drink) is not the most important thing there is….obedience to God’s Word is!”

The next attack came at the soul (the mind). “Come on, show how clever You are! You can do things to make You look BIG!”  Today we are told to excel in sports, art, education, anything that will keep us too busy to think about the things of God…too busy for a quiet time with Him each day. Satan even (mis)used Scripture in his second argument! But if we put other things first in our lives, we are heading for disaster as Christ showed in his reply. God must be first, and we are not to test Him…we are to obey Him.

The third attack was at the Spirit….”If You worship me, look what I can give You!”   The cheek of Satan! When all things belonged to God anyway! But this is one area that can catch us unawares….pride is at the centre of every sin, and is what keeps us from being obedient to God. Our Lord told Satan that there is only one Being to worship and that is God! We can never think too highly of the Mighty Tri-une God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit !

Body, soul and spirit three, This is what makes you and me,

Satan tries and tests each part, So let us keep for God our heart!

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                                           Resisting the Enemy.

Matthew 4: 11-17

    Our Lord had steadfastly resisted all Satan’s attacks and suggestions, and Satan left him as suddenly as he had come. Christ had used the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God to great effect. What an example to us! He didn’t give way on  any pointt, and neither must we if we want him to flee from us.

This was where Eve fell down, she started to argue with Satan…we are not to hold any conversation with him at all…we are to resist, stand firm and he will turn tail and flee from us.

The angels came and ministered to our Lord we are told… had been an exhausting time in His physical weakness. Stress can leave us feeling exhausted too and this is when the enemies of fear and doubt come rushing in to try us even further. We must hang onto God’s promises and His word will comfort us. He is our strong Tower, one we can trust in implicitly.   (Psalm 64: 1-4)

Our Lord was now ready to begin His Father’s work. John had been arrested and Jesus took up where he left off. God’s work never missed a beat!

Always resist the tempter’s talk, And in God’s ways so firmly walk;

Run to God, as your strong Tower, And gain His strength to  give you power.

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                                          Preaching and Healing. x

Matthew 4: 18-25

         Our Lord had been baptised and He had been through His time of testing victorious. Now He was about to begin His time of preaching.

He felt the need to have a band of men with Him who He could teach the principles of His Father to. He didn’t choose them from among the well educated or important people of the region; He chose simple fishermen who could identify with the ordinary people around, and who would obey His word and follow him.

It is the same today with ordinary people responding to God’s word as it is preached. These are the people that God can use.

Our Lord went immediately into his teaching and preaching ministry, combining it with practical healing as well. Nothing catches people’s attention quicker than personal pain and relief from it. Soon there were crowds of people following this new preacher who could give relief from pain. As far as He was concerned, healing the physical pain was not His primary purpose….it was to heal the spiritual pain that mattered the most.

Our Lord was ready and willing to preach, To heal the multitudes and also  teach,

The men He chose were simple and true, How willing to learn and follow are you?

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                                      What are the Poor?

Matthew 5: 1-3                                               Psalm 34:18

Our Lord left the crowds, going  up high on a mountain with his disciples; and this is what He told them……

Blessed are the poor in spirit….not necessarily  poor in this world’s goods, but poor in spirit. In other words to be humble enough to walk with God and seek His Word. God can do nothing with or for, a proud person. God requires people to do what is right and good, and to humble them selves to walk with Him.  (Micah 6:8)

David qualifies what being “poor in spirit” means when he said that the Lord is near those with a broken heart and saves those with a contrite spirit. We need to recognise the poverty within ourselves, our need of God….how  that no-one can save themselves or indeed anyone else! The Kingdom of God is God’s  to bestow on those who realise their poverty and call on Him. No-one can earn their place (by working for it) and no-one can buy it (with money or riches)

Being poor in spirit is what God requires, To lift man up out of sin’s deep mires;

Our poverty is met when to Him we cry, He’ll bring us Home,  when we finally die.

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                                           Sad, yet Joyful.

Matthew 5: 4-5            

Blessed are those who mourn….for they shall be comforted. Unless we realise our poverty of spirit and mourn over it, we can never come to the next step of being comforted or confident of out place in God’s kingdom.

Paul said that ALL have sinned and come short of God’s glory (or standards). Good people have sinned as well as bad people, no-one is good, not even one! Without Christ, there is no hope and no comfort.

But those who recognise their need and mourn over it, CAN find comfort and hope in Jesus Christ. He has paid the price of our sin, and He can bring us into God’s Kingdom. After all, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life….no-one can come to God except through what He has done! He can save us from sin and hopelessness.

Blessed are those who are meek….for they shall inherit the earth…..

Those who are meek enough to forget  all about theories and suppositions, and are humble enough to see  God’s hand in creation, who enjoy it and give thanks for it.

Those who are too wise to do this, and can only give credit to Mother Nature and evolution, have no-one they can give thanks to! How much those who narrate the wonderful nature programmes that we can see on TV with the amazing photography, will have to answer for when they refuse to acknowledge God’s hand in it all.

Those who mourn for their sinful state, Will see God’s face through heaven’s gate,

Those who praise Him  for His  earth, Will recognise His matchless worth.

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                               The Bread and Water of Life.

Matthew 5: 6-7

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled…..what a wonderful promise this is!

In spite of man’s sinfulness, his hunger and thirst for spiritual things can be filled through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ….He is the water of life and the bread of life (John 4:13-14; 6:35.). Without Him we cannot have eternal life. Just as bread and water satisfy our physical needs and keep us alive, so our Lord satisfies our spiritual; needs and gives ETERNAL LIFE!

He will turn away no-one who comes to Him. Nothing else can satisfy us as He can. We are strengthened inwardly in the inner man by His Spirit as we read His Word and think about it.

       Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy….as we have cast ourselves on God’s mercy in our  poverty, have mourned in repentance, have meekly accepted God’s great Gift and are filled with the good things that God provides, so we can do nothing less than show God’s mercy to others.

How can we  NOT be merciful? As the Father in Heaven has been merciful to us, so we must be merciful to others. As God has forgiven us, so we must forgive those who have wronged us.

Those will be filled who hunger and thirst, Those in whose lives God’s Word comes first,

Those who obtain God’s mercy and love, Will pass it on from their Father above.

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           Purity and Peacemakers.

Matthew 5: 8-9

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God…….

Those who have come to the Lord and who have feasted on His good things and known His mercy cannot live in sin or think sinful thoughts any longer. As God is holy, so believers too must present their bodies and minds to God to live holy lives. (Romans 12: 1-2) The more one thinks and feeds on the things of God, the more distasteful the things of the world become….the desire for them leaves one altogether.

The more we delight ourselves in the Lord, the more we desire what He wants for us.  (Psalm 37: 4)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the children of God…..

We are told quite clearly how the children of God should live…look at the contrast in Ephesians 4:31-32. The child of the world, the natural man is full of bitterness, anger, protests and evil speaking while the child of God is to be kind and forgiving  and tender hearted. Look at the list in 1 Timothy 3:2-5….how much peace making is there in this list? The contrasts in Galations 5: 19-26 of hatred, murders, drunken brawls don’t make for peace, but the fruit of the Spirit is all peace, love, joy, patience, gentleness. What a contrast! The child of God must be seen to be different or his testimony will be worthless.

Blessed indeed are the peacemakers, In contrast to anger and trucebreakers;

God’s children must show a spirit of peace, With love and joy which never will cease.

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        Suffering and Persecution.

Matthew 5: 10-12                                            1 Peter 4:12-14

Blessed are those who are persecuted and reviled for My sake.…….

Blessed are you when men will revile you and say all manner of evil against you for My sake; Rejoice and be exceeding glad……

Peter says we are to count it all joy when we suffer for Christ’s sake….it shows we are different! We may not suffer openly in this country, but there are still the snide remarks, the raised eyebrows to show we are different. The early disciples could rejoice when they were hauled before the council for preaching; Paul and Silas could sing hymns at midnight when in prison (Acts 16:25) and  Paul would be shown in many ways how he would suffer for the name of Christ, as he had indeed persecuted others in his unsaved days.

In the midst of these things it IS possible to praise God and to rejoice in His Name…..God takes notice of this as indeed do the myriads of other unseen beings. Paul felt at times that he was a spectacle before men and angels, and a fool for Christ’s sake (1 Corinthians 4:9-10). We must never let our Lord down by becoming moaners and complainers if we should ever find ourselves in such circumstances.

Rejoice in the Lord through the good and the bad, Remember the end results to be had,

When those who love God,  will suffer the rod, We still will  rejoice and be glad.

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           How Salty is Salt?

Matthew 5: 13

You are the salt of the earth…….

We are reminded here that salt that has lost its flavour is useless and pointless. What are some of the  things that salt does?

Salt  enhances the flavour of the food….Paul tells us to make sure what we say is gracious and will enhance a conversation with others, building them up and encouraging them.

Salt creates a thirst….does what we say create a thirst in those listening,  to know more of the Lord?

Salt preserves…. again, does our life and speech give preservation to others, do we tell others how to escape God’s judgement?

Salt heals….it has a healing effect. God’s people must be known for their helping and healing hands in others’ times of trouble.

Salt cleanses wounds….it may sting in the process, but it gets rid of the germs. If we have to correct others, let us make sure that it is done in a spirit of meekness and love, remembering that we too have weaknesses.

Salt kills bugs (snails and slugs) in the garden….let us make sure that we kill gossip and slander before it starts, to nip it in the bud!

Our Lord has said we’re the salt of the earth, Make sure our lives are full of  worth,

See that we cleanse and only do good, This is pleasing to God when we do as we should.

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                          Bright Light Burning Bright!

Matthew 5: 14-16

You are the light of the world….

A light must be burning brightly to show the way. A candle put under a bucket is no use, it must be in a candlestick and seen by all, so that all can bask in its light. The analogy is clear and plain…we must be a beacon light to others, pointing the way by our deeds and words. We must stimulate others to do their best.

We have been called by the Lord out of darkness to His marvellous light so that He can be glorified as He is the Light of the world, so we must reflect His light that it may be pointed back to Him. We are not told to glorify ourselves, but to glorify Him and cause others to glorify our Father in Heaven by our actions.  (1Peter 2:9, 12)

We are told specifically to walk in the light of the Lord….He is the source of our light. Not just for now, but for all eternity.

We are the light of the world today, A light to point to all God’s way’

He is our light, and we must be too, In all that we say and all that we do.

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How Do You Keep the Law?

Matthew 5: 17-37           

I am not come to destroy the law, but to fulfil it… Jesus said. There has only ever been one living person on this earth who has ever kept the law in its entirety, and that is our Lord Jesus Christ . He says here that He came to fulfil the law……

It was no use pretending as the Pharisees did, that they were blameless as far as the law was concerned. Unless the whole law was kept, a person could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus then proceeded to dissect the points of the law  that the Pharisees prided themselves on keeping. “We don’t kill”, they said. But Jesus said that if you are angry with anyone, it is the same spirit that kills….take Cain and Abel as an example. On the other hand, if someone is mad at you and you refuse to put it right, then you are in the wrong (even when you are right!)

You might say, “I don’t commit adultery”,  but even a slightly lustful look is the same as doing it! In the matter of divorce and remarriage, there is the breaking of God’s law. Swearing by this or that is considered acceptable by the world, but our Lord shows that it is completely unnecessary….a simple yes or no is all that is needed.

To fulfil the law on every day, Cannot be done, come what may,

There’s only One,  God’s pure sinless Son,

Who shows us Heaven’s way.

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             My Enemies.

Matthew 5: 38-48

The law says, “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”, but Christ now gives an extension of this….. “don’t pay back in like manner…..take the wrong and do good in return”

The law said to love your neighbour but now our Lord is saying to love your enemies and to pray for them……after all, He died for us while we were still His enemies. God sends the rain on both good and bad people.

Anyone can love their friends and those who do them good, but it is not so easy to act in a loving manner to those who have been nasty to you. But what a change in one’s own attitude it makes to pray for those who don’t like you much!

It may not change them or the circumstances I am in, but it certainly changes me! To act in a loving manner towards those who don’t like you much, really throws them. They don’t expect it, but this is what Paul meant when he talked about heaping coals of fire on their head!  (Romans 12:20-21)

To pay back wrongs with further wrong, Only brings more sorrow,

To pay back wrong with right and song, Brings  joy and peace tomorrow!

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Keeping a Low Profile!

Matthew 6:1-18

We know what we should be like and do, we know what we want to be, but are we there? Have we reached our goal? This is why we have to examine ourselves, or more importantly, ask the Lord to examine and search our soul as David did. (Psalm 26:2; 139:23-24)

This is nowhere more true than in the matter of giving our money to others. What is our motive when we do this? Do we do it with a sincere desire to help, or do we do it to show how generous and good we are?

The Pharisees who were self righteous, loved to show off and would blow a trumpet before them as they put their money into the box so people would watch and see them do it. Our Lord tells us to do the opposite….to keep a low profile when giving money away.

Paul tells us we are to do it with simplicity, with no strings attached, and no fuss or ceremony. (Romans 12:3, 8). We are to give simply, cheerfully and not grudgingly.

The same applies to when we pray. We are to do it quietly…. after all, it is between us and God, not to show others how long we can go for! We should not be praying for the benefit of others to hear, but for their blessing from God. We are to pray simply, not with chanting or repetition, and with a forgiving heart. If we can’t forgive others, how can we expect God to forgive us?

The same principle applies to fasting….what is one’s motive? It is to be done simply and quietly to God alone……not done to impress other people!

To give to others, pray and fast, We must first before our Lord be cast,

Search our hearts with motives right, For all we do is in His sight.

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        Honouring God….

Matthew 6: 9-10              

Let’s look at the Lord’s prayer next. This is something that many people recite glibly without even thinking what they are saying…..

       Our Father which art in Heaven….is He our Father? Are we His child? A child needs to be born into a certain family to be part of it, and in the same way, we have to be born spiritually into God’s family. To be born again, we must believe in Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world, and not just with our heads, but with all our hearts. (John 3:5-7)

      Hallowed by Thy Name….do we hold God’s Name as holy and to be revered above all else? Or do we use it as an expletive as so many do? Or maybe not even  to denote bad temper, but just as an exclamation which is even worse! “O my God” slips out so easily, and it is a deliberate lie because He is NOT your God.

Thy Kingdom come….are we really looking for God’s Kingdom? Do we want it to rule in our hearts and minds right now? If we don’t want God’s Kingdom now, why should we expect to be in it in the future?

Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…..We should be prepared to do God’s will here and now. After all, it starts with the individual and God, it is between two people… is not like some great blanket over the whole earth!

This part of the Lord’s prayer concentrates on our relationship with God….without this, the rest is useless.

Our Father in Heaven, we are Your sons, To You our mind  continually runs,

Your Name is holy, to be revered above all, As to You we come and on you we call.

***   ***   ***

Honouring Others….

Matthew 6: 11-13

    We have established our relationship with God, and now we can ask things for ourselves….let’s see how these things progress…..

   Give us this day our daily bread….

We acknowledge that all our needs come from God’s bountiful hand….He gives us ALL our needs and more besides to enjoy.

 Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors….Here we come to the thought of forgiveness again….if we cannot forgive others, how can we expect God to forgive us? How many times we need God’s forgiveness during each day!

But deliver us from evil (the evil one)….we CAN pray to  be kept from evil and for strength to withstand the evil one’s suggestions. God has supplied all the armour we need (Ephesians 6:11-18) and it is up to us to put it on and use it!

 For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory….we come back to acknowledging Who God is….the Mighty King, the all powerful and the glorious One….how small and insignificant we are before Him!!

God gives us daily all our needs, As we forgive all words and deeds,

He would  not have us full of care, But helps us in temptation’s snare.

***   ***   ***

    What is Our Treasure?

Matthew 6: 19-21

Another rendering of this passage reads…. “Treasure not  the treasures of earth, where things deteriorate”  How true this is!!

Why spend all one’s time and effort chasing after the things of earth beyond our daily needs?   Then we read, “But treasure the treasures of heaven where things never deteriorate”. It makes so much sense to put one’s effort into the things of God….to use our talents for His glory rather than to be top-dog in whatever takes our fancy. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep,  to gain what he cannot lose”!

David said that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart….this is because as we delight in Him, we will only want what He wants for us!   (Psalm 37:4)

Paul put it another way when he said to set our affections on things above ….the more we do this, the more pointless other achievements  and things of this world become!    (Colossians 3:1-2)

Where do we put all our effort and time? Does it make sense, reason or rhyme,

 To put it all into things that will bust, Or to put it into things that don’t rust?

So treasure the treasures of heaven above,  And you will experience peace, joy and love.

***   ***   ***

Who Do We Serve?

Matthew 6: 22-24

The warning here is to be wholehearted in following God’s ways….be single minded in walking in the light! It goes on to say that a person CANNOT have a foot in each camp….one will always have precedence over the other, and usually it is the world that wins!!

This is why Paul says so strongly to not be unequally yoked to unbelievers….conflict will inevitably follow as their ways and thoughts are so different. The unbeliever will eventually wear down the believer and they will have to compromise to keep the peace.

It does not work and it cannot work! There is no true communion in a marriage between a believer and a non-believer; there is continual conflict in business practices in a business partnership. Our Lord says categorically that a person CANNOT serve God and the world, but yet on the other hand he IS able to serve God IN the world!

To serve the Lord in singleness of mind,  One must be free of the world’s strong bind,

We must decide which is our Lord, The worldly ways or God’s true Word?

***   ***   ***

         Why Worry?

Matthew 6: 25-34

What a wonderful passage for a carefree joyous life! This is how God intends His people to live…….

Do what you need to do, as if He were your boss (which He is!); look to Him for everything without worrying….take it all to Him in prayer and thanksgiving. (Philippians 4:6)

Don’t cross your bridges before you come to them….God knows your needs and will supply them all. He gives strength in times of trials and troubles. He has a boundless store to draw on and He will never fail.

The world worries and stews and strives after position, popularity and wealth….the birds just enjoy life and sing, while the flowers merely bloom and look beautiful! The most important thing in life is to seek God’s kingdom and follow His righteousness, and everything else will fall into place. This is where all our effort is to go!

God has promised to meet all your needs, physical (body), mental (soul) and spiritual (spirit). Too many people only worry about feeding, gratifying and clothing the body. Others go further and seek culture, education and qualifications for the soul, but too few seek the Kingdom of God for their spirit….this is the most important of all, yet they pass it by!

Who would have a carefree life, One with not a bit of strife?

Seek God’s kingdom first of all, Leave needs to Him and on Him call!

***   ***   ***

      Stop and Think!

Matthew 7:1-5                                                                                            

How lopsided and unbalanced we can be at times! We can see the right that others should do, but can’t apply the same rules to ourselves or our families!

Often the wrong that others are doing is not as bad as what we are doing ourselves….they have a mote (a speck) in their eye, while we have a beam (or a board) in ours! Our Lord tells us to be careful in condemning others lest we should be judged by the same rules. The Pharisees were quick to condemn the woman caught in adultery, but when faced with the Lord’s question, they were convicted in their own soul and left her alone (John 8:3-11). His criteria to her was to go and sin no more! How marvellous is His mercy and grace to mankind in their weakness and sin!

Paul tells us to take care…when we think we are doing all right, that is when we are most prone to fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). So let’s go back to verse 1 again….we are not to judge others, in case we ourselves are judged! It is only by God’s grace and mercy that we are as good as we are!!

Don’t judge others lest you fall too, Watch all you say and all  you do,

We all have failings and must careful be, How much we need grace and mercy free!

***   ***   ***

Seek and Find.

Matthew 7:6-12

There are times when talking is a waste of time! Would you throw your jewellery in amongst pigs? Or expect a dog to live a clean life? So we must be discerning in what and where we put our efforts!

We are to ask the Lord where we should be putting our time….if we ask, He will direct; if we seek somewhere to work for Him we will find and if we knock, the door will be opened for us if it is His will.

James tells us that if we lack wisdom, we are to ask for it and we will be given it liberally (James 1:5). David tells us that if we trust in the Lord, and commit our way to Him, He will show us where to go and what to do (Psalm 37:3-5).

We don’t need to be afraid to ask the Lord for directions or to open doors for us….don’t we all love to give good things to our children rather than bad things? We wouldn’t give them something that would harm them!

Just remember the cardinal law…do to others as you would have them do to you!!

Don’t waste  time on useless things,  Or spend on efforts which no joy brings,

Ask, seek and knock for God will direct, And guide  us  to the best  effect!

***   ***   ***

   Choices, Choices…..

Matthew 7:13-14

    Every person is confronted with the gates of choice in their life….one gate is wide and the way looks easy; the other gate is narrow with a narrow path beyond and not many people go this way. But what a difference the end result is!!! Let’s have a closer look at this picture and see what we can learn……

One of these ways leads to destruction and the other leads to life. In Luke 13:24, our Lord tells people to strive to enter the narrow gate. This gate is too narrow to allow any baggage through…there is no room for the suitcase of possessions or the bag of good works. There is not even space to squeeze through with the backpack of pride, to say nothing of towing in the trolley of sinful ways and habits!

All these have to be left outside of the narrow gate…there is only room for the underclothing of contrition and a broken spirit. Once through, the Lord gives the clothes of righteousness and the robe of salvation to put on.  (Revelation 7:9)

But sadly, too many people either choose the wide way, or can’t let go their baggage or allow themselves to be sucked into following the  throngs going that way.

The way is broad, the gate is wide,  And people go in as if on a tide,

 But seek the way that is narrow and strait, While there is time, ere it’s too late.

***   ***   ***

Be Aware…….

Matthew 7:15-23

We are given a warning here….Beware of false teachers. How will we know who they are? Test their teaching against God’s Word…do they believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God? Do they deny that the Lord has bought them? (1 John 2:22) How do their lives line up with God’s Word?

We can know them by way they live. Forget their charisma and charm, their easy talk and attractive manners. If their teaching gives the slightest doubt about following the Scriptures 100% truly, be on your guard and check out what they say.

No matter if they even do wonderful healings and other great things. Not every one who does these things knows the Lord, or is acknowledged by Him!! Let us take care that God knows us as his children, and let us throw ourselves at His feet in contrition and need. God does not recognise those who are puffed up and proud of what they can do!

Beware of false teachers, for they’ll deceive, No matter their charm, no good they’ll leave

We can tell what they are by the fruit they bear,  And  by the words and thoughts they share,

If they cast on God’s Word the slightest doubt, Then God will soon say, “Cast them out!”

***   ***   ***

Which House are You Building?

Matthew 7:24-29

     The story of these two  houses is very graphic, with a wealth of teaching in it. The wise man builds his house with its foundation firmly fixed on rock and it is strong and secure in the worst gales….nothing can move it.

      The foolish man builds his house right on the beach in a lovely position, where it is easy to jump in the tide for a swim, but alas it can’t stand the storm….the waves wash away the foundation and it crashes down.

Our Lord says that those who build their lives on His Word have a firm and secure foundation and nothing will move them. But those who build their lives on the world’s philosophies will fall in the end with a great crash….they have nothing to take into eternity with them.

David knew the contrast between where he been (the miry clay) to where God had placed him  on the Rock (Psalm 40:2-3). Paul tells us to build our lives and thinking on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (God’s Word) with Jesus Christ as the Chief Corner Stone (Ephesians 2:20).

We must build our lives on the rock of God’s Word, For nothing else so worthy is heard, The world’s ideas will never stand, Just like the house that is built on sand,

In the end it will crash with a mighty fall,  With nothing of worth to be left at all.

***   ***   ***

                        From  Helplessness  to Healthines!

Matthew 8:1-4

    Just imagine the feelings of this man who is described as a leper as he heard about Jesus. He was a man with a terminal disease, with no hope of cure, but he didn’t come before Jesus in a demanding manner.

This man worshipped Him first and then said, “If You will, You can make me clean”. In the same way, each person has to come before the Lord recognising their helpless position. The leprous man didn’t wait until he was well enough because he would never get there, but he came as he was.

Paul tells us that Christ died for us while we were ungodly sinners and this is the state that we come to Him in. He says He will never turn away, or throw out anyone who comes to Him in sincerity and truth (Romans 5:6, 8).

Mark tells us that our Lord was moved with compassion as He faced this helpless man kneeling before Him….He put out His hand and touched him, the untouchable one. He was healed immediately (Mark 1:40-45). This is how we are healed of our sin when we confess to Him….it is an immediate healing!

Jesus told him not to tell anyone, but to go and comply with Moses’ law for a healed leper. But Mark tells us that  the man was so excited, that he told everyone he met, “I’m HEALED !!”

The leper was helpless and hopeless indeed,  Unable a normal life to lead, 

Our Lord touched him and then he was made well,  Told him to go to the priest and none else to tell.

                                              ***   ***   ***

                              True Humility.

Matthew 8:5-13                                                                            Luke 7:1-10       

     This man was at the end of his tether…..his valued servant was dying. Perhaps this preacher from Galilee could do something to help….no-one else could. Luke’s account is slightly different to Matthew’s…….

Both accounts show this Centurion (Roman Army Captain)  to be a humble man of great faith. He was a man in a high position faced with the imminent death of a valued, dear servant.

No matter who we are in this world, we can all be faced with the loss of those we love. When this man heard of Jesus, he sent the elders of the Jews to speak on his behalf. They told Jesus of his love for the community and his good works in building a synagogue for them.

As our Lord approached his house, he sent more friends to Him saying that he didn’t feel worthy to have Him come inside. “Just speak the word and I know my servant will be healed” was the message. Our Lord knew this would happen, and He turned to the crowds following Him, “I have not seen such faith like this among you Jews,” He said, “Truly there will be those from all parts of the world in the Kingdom of God along with the patriarchs.”

When the friends returned, they found the sick man was fully healed….what rejoicing was in that house that day!

Do we have  faith in our Lord’s goodness to this extent?

The Roman  was a humble man,  He sent his friends,  to Jesus they ran,

“I am not worthy to have You at my place, Just speak the word without seeing my face”,

Our Lord then stopped and didn’t go there,  He turned and said, “Such faith is rare”

                                            ***   ***   ***

Counting the Cost.

Matthew 8:14-22                 

Our Lord was now fully into His healing ministry…..Peter’s mother-in-law was healed instantly from  her fever, and many others who came to Him were all healed. Matthew remembered the old prophecy of Isaiah when he said, “Surely He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows!”  (Isaiah 53:4)

We see two men who were keen to follow Him. They had seen His wonderful miracles and wanted to be part of the action. But our Lord knew their weak spots and that they wouldn’t make the grade. One liked his home comforts too much and the other one was tied to his  parents. Note verse 22…there were others there who could do the burying, so it wasn’t a valid reason. When we get stirred up by reports of great things being done in other places, how do we measure up right where we are? How faithful are we being in the “small” things that we do every day?

“I will follow You Lord,” one said as he went, But he didn’t know really what it all meant;

How much do we mean when we say these things, How much will it cost to follow our King?

                                           ***   ***   ***

Troubles, Troubles, Troubles!

Matthew 8: 23-27                                                         Mark 4:36-41

Sometimes when things go wrong we blame ourselves for what is happening. But there is often a wider picture….God is wanting to show us His power and deliverance. How can we give thanks for some need we haven’t recognised? For some fear that we have been delivered from unless we go through the first part of it? “Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you”, God says (Psalm 50:15)

We see this principle in another test for the disciples when they were all going across the lake and a gale hit them and the boat started to fill with water. Our Lord was quite unconcerned, in fact He was asleep in the stern of the boat! “Wake up!” they cried, “We’re going to sink!” He woke and stood up speaking to the wind and sea so the raging stopped immediately.

Mark tells us that they were now afraid of Him in seeing His power over nature, and Matthew tells us that they marvelled. Wouldn’t you feel the same if you had been there? Who was this Man that you thought you knew?

Notice that Mark says that He told them to go across the lake and went with them. Not all of our trials are of our own making….He wants to show His power of deliverance so we can glorify and praise Him. He is always with us when we are in trouble, the point is that we don’t always ask Him to help!

How do we see our Lord’s great power,  When we come to Him in our needy hour?

 He will deliver us and bring us through,  Give us His peace as none else can do!

***   ***   ***

        Glad, Yet  Sad!

Matthew 8:28-34                            Mark 5:1-20                     Luke 26:39

This is a story that is both wonderful and sad! Here were two men (Mark and Luke both  mention only one man, but Matthew specifically says two)who were in a really bad way, totally unable to control themselves….let’s see what happened when Jesus came on the scene…..

These two men were deranged and controlled by demons. They were uncontrollable, abnormal, running around naked and living like animals.  These two men lived in a graveyard among the dead…maybe it was a sort of catacombs in the hills where they could get some shelter. What a picture of the natural man today… in sin, dead in sins and having no spiritual life or rest!

These two men met Jesus and recognised Him for Who He was….the Son of God. We are told that the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19), and that is what these ones did! The wonderful thing is that our Lord delivered them of the demons and sent them into the pigs which in turn rushed into the sea and were drowned, leaving the demons once more bodiless.

These men immediately put clothes on (did Peter and John part with their coats?) and sat at Jesus’ feet to drink in His words, clothed and in their right minds! The sad part is that the locals didn’t want His teaching, or Him to stay there either. The world on the whole today doesn’t want Him or His teaching  either!

Deliverance sweet, These two did meet,

When Jesus crossed the lake : 

They listened intent, And the demons went,

As God’s salvation they did take!

***   ***   ***

       Against All Odds!

Matthew 9:1-8                                 Mark 2:2-12                     Luke 5:18-26

This man was paralysed and totally helpless. But he had four good friends who were ready to do their best to get him to the Great Healer. They didn’t let his helplessness deter them (they carried him on a stretcher) or the large crowds block them,  as both Mark and Luke tell us…….

They went up above the crowd to get their friend right in front of Jesus below them. Being a flat roof with an outside staircase, this wasn’t as difficult as we might think. Imagine the people scattering as the first tiles were lifted off and the sky was able to be seen through the roof!

The man’s physical need was obvious, but there was a greater need that only our Lord knew….”Your sins are forgiven,” He said to the sick man. Jesus knew this need and He also knew what the Scribes would be thinking when He said it! He said it on purpose so they would know who He was and what His powers were.

There were three different attitudes there that day. There were the religious leaders who were critical and grumbled; there was the sick man who was obedient and did as he was told, and then there was the crowd which who were amazed and marvelled, giving glory to God.

The sick man got up, picked up his stretcher and walked home….healed in body and healed in spirit! Imagine him and his friends as went back along the road together on the way home!!!

The man was sick in body and soul,  When Jesus met him, He made him whole,

 “Your sins are forgiven, take up your bed,”  Was what the Saviour to him said; 

The Scribes all grumbled, the people saw, The man  get up and go out the door!

***   ***   ***

  Matthew’s Call.      

   Mathew 9:9-13                            Mark 2:14-17                     Luke 5:27-32

Matthew tells us in this passage how the Lord called him to be one of His disciples…….

One wonders what thoughts Matthew had been having prior to that day when Jesus met him and told him to follow Him. Matthew never hesitated….it seems that he just got up and left his table, books and money. There may have been others there to pack things away, or it may have meant that Matthew finished his days’ work…after all, he was a responsible man.

Now he had no job, and never knew where he would be sleeping each night! But he counted the cost as well worth while.

The first thing he wanted to do was to introduce our Lord to all his friends and colleagues, so he made a feast and invited them all to it. But once again, the Pharisees found fault….”Why does your Master eat with these sinners and publicans?” they wanted to know.  What a comfort to hear our Lord’s reply….”Those who are well don’t need a doctor, only those who are sick. So I haven’t come to call those who think they are good enough, but those who know they are sinners and who need repentance!”

This is the same principle that operates today….those people who we tend to write off as being hopeless, are the ones who need Him the most and will humble themselves to find Him. Those who think their good deeds are sufficient will never come to know Him.

All who call on God today, Will find He hears and shows the way,

He’s always there in times of need, If His Word, we humbly heed.

***   ***   ***

                              Why Are They Different?    

Matthew 9:14-17

John the Baptist’s disciples came to Jesus and wanted to know why His disciples didn’t fast like they and the Pharisees did……they seemed to think that something was wrong with those who didn’t do the same things that they did!

Our Lord pointed out that the circumstances were different, and the time would come when  they WOULD fast. Let us never make rules for the sake of making them, and let us not impose our ideas on others unless they are deliberately going against Scriptural teaching! Let us remember to do everything as unto the Lord, and not to condemn others for doing things differently….after all, God is a God of great variety!!!

The other thought in this passage is that we cannot mix the old and the new together…we cannot mix our new found faith with our old ways of the world  as the two are absolutely opposite to each other! If we still love the world and its ways, the love of God is not in us as John tells us (1John 2:15). If we truly love the Lord, the world has no more appeal…we are a new creature in Christ! The new replaces the old!

The old and the new are different things, The new gives joy  the old cannot bring,

 Rules do not give the peace of the Lord, Tis only found as we dig in His Word!


***   ***   ***

                              If Only He Would Hurry!  

Matthew 9:18-26                                                             Mark 5:22-43

      Jairus was a respected leader of the Jews, and his little twelve year old daughter, his only child, lay at the point of death. What could he do? There seemed to be no hope until he heard that Jesus was in the vicinity…….

Imagine his feelings as he begged Jesus to come quickly to save his daughter. Then as Jesus started to come with him, a bent up old woman intervened and Jesus turned to speak with her! Imagine his frustration! But it didn’t make any difference to the end result. How hard it is to WAIT for the Lord to act on our behalf when we want action NOW!

David knew what this was like and he could say, “Wait on the Lord, and be of good courage….wait I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14)

The cause of this interruption, the sick woman, was healed and she gave praise to God. Jairus’ daughter died before our Lord got there, but this did not frustrated His purpose….He knew before Jairus ever came to Him what was going to happen! Let us remember that He knows the end from the beginning, and that He will do what is best for each one of us. The end result will be more experience of Him and a greater faith and fruit of righteousness.

The woman was healed, and Jairus’ daughter was restored to him, but that did not make the waiting process any less painful. This is where we need to have faith and patience.

But the end resulted in joy and praise to God….two very happy families and people restored to health once more!

Waiting is never an easy thing, Impatience lurks there, its doubts to bring,

 But the end result is always the best,  If only in Him in faith we rest!

***   ***   ***

                                        The Gift of Faith.                     

Matthew 9:27-38

     There were once two blind men who were sitting on the side of the road, waiting to beg help form some traveller that might pass by. Suddenly they heard the commotion of an approaching crowd….what could it be?

These blind men had heard of Jesus, the great Healer and here He was coming towards them! They knew that His power came from God, and that He was the sent One, the son of David Who was to come.

As the crowd approached and then passed by, they followed along as well as they could, calling out, “You Son of David, have mercy on us!” When the crowd stopped at the house where He was going, they pushed their way through and stood before Him.

“Have mercy on us,” they begged, and He asked them if they believed that He could do this.

“Yes!” they said, and so He touched their eyes and said, “So be it according to your faith.”

The miracle depended on their faith….they had the faith, and now they found they could see! What a miracle for them!

Isn’t that like us today? We can only receive Jesus Christ by faith, and that isn’t dependent  on us, it is the gift of God  (Ephesians 2:8-9). The only difference between us and others is that we wanted that faith!  Once we take the gift of faith, our eyes are opened and we see so much more!!

The next miracle, was that of a dumb man who Jesus healed. He found he could speak and praise God, and the demons were thrown out of him…..what a miracle for him! Again, this is a picture of us in Christ Jesus. We can now praise God, and have the strength to overcome the bad habits and demons of fear and doubt.

Jesus healed and taught where ever  He went releasing people from their demons and illnesses. With our healing from sins’ clutches, we can learn the truths of God’s word. Our Lord was full of compassion for the crowds that followed Him…..He could see that they were like aimless sheep with no direction spiritually, and no shepherd to guide them.

We’re just the same as people then, Needing faith in God again,

God knows our needs and failings much, Supplies them all with healing touch.

***   ***   ***

                                        Out and About.                          

Matthew 10:1-28                                                                         Luke 10:1-17

The passage in Luke seems a parallel to this one in Matthew……again we see there are differences…….

Matthew says the twelve disciples were sent out and Luke says that seventy were sent out. We notice this quite a bit as we compare the accounts….these are not contradictions, but rather complementary accounts. Haven’t you ever noticed that two people from the same family in recalling events of childhood will remember different things about the same events? So it is here….Matthew is more concerned about the twelve disciples and the fact that they were only to preach to the Jews, not the Gentiles. This was the time of Israel’s opportunity when they were being called to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

To prove they were preaching the truth, they were given the power of healing and doing miracles, and were not to be bogged down with baggage, as their needs would be supplied as they went along. These things that our Lord told them before they went would stand them in good stead in later years as they went out preaching the Gospel to every nation…..  “Don’t worry ahead of time what to say, you will know when the time comes!”

They found it all worked out as Jesus had said, and they came back rejoicing over a successful trip. “No”, said our Lord, “The most important thing is that your names are written in heaven!” How earth-bound we humans are,  to forget the spiritual in the light of the physical!!

The most important thing for now, Is to come to God, and humbly bow,

Accept Him and His word believe, New life and joy we then  receive.

***   ***   ***

                                        How Great Thou Art!                                    

Matthew 10:29-31

     We see here how great God’s omniscience is! There  is nothing too small for Him to know! God talked about the treasures of the snow and hail to Job (Job 38:22), and now scientists tell us that every snowflake has a different pattern! Now our Lord talks of the commonest of things, a sparrow….

What could be more common than a sparrow? They are in every temperate country in the world, and yet not one dies without God knowing about it! Imagine the hairs on everyone’s head being numbered and yet God knows them all!

When Paul was contemplating the wonders of the Gospel message, he broke out into praise…..”Oh the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and His ways past finding out!!” (Romans 11:33)

God’s knowledge and wisdom covers both physical and spiritual….after all, everything comes from His hand! Our minds are left reeling! This is because our minds are finite….we can only know so much. God’s mind is infinite….there is nothing that He does not know about…..He is far ahead of tomorrow’s technology!!

God’s wisdom and knowledge exceeds all things, From hairs on our head to the sparrow that sings.

 The things that make up our very land, Are given to us by His gracious hand!

***   ***   ***

            Peace or Unrest?

Matthew 10:32-36                                                                       Matthew 12:36

Everything we say and do is taken notice of by God….we are told that we will have to give  an  account of every idle word we say. Why don’t we take more notice of that? Because we don’t really believe it!

When God’s people get together and speak of Him, that is recorded in God’s Book (Malachi 3:16). Here we see that every word we say in defence of the Lord is taken notice of and every denial is likewise taken notice of.

In what way does our Lord NOT bring peace to the earth? The angels sang at His birth, “Peace on earth, and good will to men”. Peace with God came from Him, but it is the  people’s attitudes towards Him, that brings the lack of peace. One can feel resistance in others at a casual mention of Christian things, and in countless countries where Christianity is not welcome, families are split in half  if one member becomes a  Christian. It can mean a complete cutting off, if not active persecution. This is where the lack of peace comes from.

Our Lord gives peace when we come to Him, While some oppose with vigour and vim, Families split, persecution is rife, When men come to know the one true life.

***   ***   ***

                                        Foolish or Wise?                                            Matthew 10:37-42

    We can sometimes allow lesser things to deprive us of better things….what comes first in your life?

There are those who think more of their families that they do of the Lord….they miss out on the things of eternity because they are afraid of what their parents or children will say or do. In dong this, they prove they are not prepared to follow the Lord.

Then there are those who are don’t want  to give up certain pleasures or habits for the sake of the Lord….they too, are not ready to follow the Lord. Stop and think of what He gave up for the sake of human beings! He became poor for our sakes and took our sin on Himself when He died, paying the penalty for us! (2 Corinthians 8:9)

We have no conception of how awful it must have been for the Holy and Sinless One to allow Himself to be swallowed up and enveloped in the sin of the world…..the prospect of it weighed heavily on His mind as He thought of all it would mean before it came to pass. (Luke 22:40-44)

If we only chase after the things of earth, we will lose the things that matter most in the end. If we give up our ambitions and pleasure for our Lord’s sake, then we will find a more abundant life in serving Him. This is a real paradox….it doesn’t make sense at first glance. In the words of Jim Elliott, the missionary martyr to the Auca Indians in South America…..

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose!

    In other words, if we hang onto the things of this life, rather than  choosing life in Christ, then we are a FOOL. The fool has said in his heart, “No God for me!”

***   ***   ***

                                Are You  Really The One?

Matthew 11:1-6                                Luke 7:19:28

     The disciples went off on their mission tour and our Lord continued His teaching and preaching……..

John the Baptist was in prison at this time, and he must have been discouraged at the way things were going. He hadn’t imagined things turning out like this! Why was he in prison? Why didn’t his cousin Jesus who he had thought was the One from God DO something to help him? Was He really the Sent One from God after all? So these doubts began to bother him as he sat alone in his cell.

He sent his friends to ask Jesus, “Are you really the One from God, or do we look for someone else?” Our Lord took John’s question seriously without offence and told the men to go back and tell John the things they saw Him doing. They had watched His miraculous healing works, and heard the parables He told. These things proved that He was Who He said He was. This was the work His Father had sent Him to do, and there was yet an even greater work to come, that of paying the penalty for man’s sin by dying for it! This was the ultimate purpose for Him coming to earth.

He finished up His message to John by saying “Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me”….in  other words, “Don’t give up on Me and you will be blessed”. How often we miss out on God’s blessings because we lose heart and give up!!

“Are You the One?” John wanted to know, “The things I do, and My works do show,

 I AM  the One , which My deeds prove, Stand firmly, believe  and never move!”

***   ***   ***

                                     No Prophet Greater.                       

Matthew 11:7-19;  17:10-13

Our Lord gives John’s testimony….what a wonderful testimony it is! He was a man with a mission and a man of great determination. He had a message to give, and the introduction to the greatest One ever born on this earth…..

John was a tough man, used to hardships, not given to fancy showing off. He was more than a prophet, he was the messenger proclaiming that the Messiah was coming and that the people should repent and be baptised showing their genuineness….he was no weakling, wavering in his teaching to please people. John was the end of the times of the great prophets….a new era was about to begin!

John came in the spirit of Elijah as was prophesied of old, but the rulers would not accept him as such, and here he was shut up in prison for his stand for the truth. The rulers did not accept either his manner of life or his teaching…..”he has a devil”, they said because he was so austere, while of our Lord they said, “He’s too loose and too friendly with sinners, feasting with them all the time!” There was simply no pleasing such people! In professing themselves to be wise, they were actually proclaiming they were fools! Let us make sure that we don’t become like them!

John came in the spirit of Elijah’s power, Before the rulers he did not cower,

A man with a mission, fulfilling it well, He did not cease his message to tell.

***   ***   ***

                              God as Judge….Fair or Not?                   

 Matthew 11:20-30

These first few verses suggest that there are degrees of punishment in the day of judgement, just a there are degrees of reward. What a relief to realise that God, as Judge of all the earth, will always do that which is right! (Genesis 18:22-26)

We do not have to judge our brothers now! From a natural point of view, these cities mentioned were so prosperous and successful…commercially, financially and intellectually….yet our Lord said that they would eventually be brought down to hell. Other places recognised by all  as equally wicked cities, would be better off in the future judgement….these places had had the Lord of Glory walking and preaching in their streets and had ignored Him!

The wise and clever people of this world ignored Him while the common people heard Him gladly. It is the same today, yet the invitation is given out to all….”Come to Me, those of you who know you have a heavy load, and I will give you rest. Yoke yourselves to Me and learn from Me, I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest.”

What an invitation! The first thing we must throw away is our pride….it will hinder us from fitting on the yoke with our Lord. If we are yoked to Him in obedience to His Word, He carries our burdens for us….it is no big deal….just DO it!!

Our Lord has already carried our grief, Why hang onto it in unbelief ;

 His yoke is easy as He takes our load, And helps us each day along life’s road.

***   ***   ***

                    Should we Rescue on the Sabbath Day?

Matthew 12:1-13                                                         

      The Pharisees had such a rigid set of rules built around the keeping of the Sabbath Day, that when they saw the disciples picking and rubbing the ears of wheat in their hands, they immediately found fault with them…….

Our Lord had a quick answer for them….what about David when he ate the shewbread which was only meant for the priests? (1 Samuel 21:1-6) What about the priests going about their daily duties on the Sabbath? He showed that it was more important to be merciful to people than to stick rigidly to rules. How we must remember that people are more important than things!

He reminded them that He was greater than the temple and was even Lord of the Sabbath! Needless to say, they didn’t like to hear this!

Another Sabbath day, He saw a man with a useless hanging hand, and the Pharisees, guessing that He might heal him, asked if it was right to heal on the Sabbath. His answer was to ask which of them wouldn’t pull their animal out of a hole on the Sabbath and weren’t people more important than animals? Then He said that it was OK to do good for others on the Sabbath, and promptly healed the man’s hand. They were extremely angry at hearing this!

The disciples picked corn on the Sabbath Day, And ate it hungrily along the way,

The Pharisees pointed their  fingers in spite, And asked why do what was not right;

Our Lord said it was better to do what was good, So remember this and do what we should!

***   ***   ***

   He Went About doing Good!

Matthew 12:14-30                                                                       Isaiah 42:1-3

The Pharisees were mad at Jesus!  He had given them an answer they couldn’t argue with and they didn’t like it! So they got in a huddle to see how they could get rid of Him…..

This did not stop him doing His healing work…..He just went to another area and continued. In doing this He was fulfilling prophecy showing that He had come to redeem ALL mankind, including the Gentiles. He would be gentle with the weak and gracious to all who trusted in Him.

One really bad case was brought to Him…. a maniac who was also blind and dumb, and He healed him, making him a normal person. The people looking on said in amazement, “This is not an ordinary Person, He must be the Son of David!”

The Pharisees wouldn’t have this, and said He must be in league with Satan to do this. But our Lord quietly showed that in saying this,  they were condemning their own people who did this! He was in fact, doing it by the Spirit of God, binding the demons and setting the afflicted ones free. Those who resisted this teaching, were in fact resisting Him and the Kingdom of God.

The leaders were mad at what Jesus did, But He went His way and from them He  was hid,

His great  healing hand was used more and more, The dumb now could speak and the blind men now saw.

                                                ***   ***   ***

            Have You Been Forgiven?

Matthew 12:31-32

We might wonder what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit involves….it is the total ignoring of the thoughts that arise in one’s mind as to what life is all about, and what happens when one dies. It is the pushing aside and explaining away these thoughts without even trying to find some authoritative explanation of them……

I think” is one of the Devil’s biggest lies. Our Lord says this sin can NEVER be forgiven….this is because it is the Holy Spirit that brings these thoughts to people’s minds in the first place. It is His job to reprove sin…to convince and convict people of the truth (John 16:7-14).

By shutting one’s mind to His promptings, one is cutting ones self off from all hope of salvation. There are no viable alternatives. For those who have seen the truth, been presented with it and refused it, it is even worse. They have insulted God’s Holy Spirit and will one day have the fearful experience of falling into the hands of the living God without Jesus Christ for protection.

There is forgiveness for taking God’s Holy Name in vain, and for speaking against Jesus Christ, but absolutely no forgiveness for ignoring the call of God’s Holy Spirit.

To blaspheme against God can forgiven be, But beware of ignoring Him constantly,

This sin of blaspheming the Spirit of God, Can never bring peace, only judgement’s rod.

***   ***   ***

                  What does Your Speech Show?

Matthew 12:33-37

Our Lord is pointing out here that people are known for their deeds….they are either good or bad. Their language also gives them away….it is easy to pick a non-Christian; usually  within fifteen minutes of conversation a bad word will slip out, or maybe a suggestion of a wrong attitude.

Here our Lord is quietly asking the Pharisees how they can expect to speak good things when their heart is not right….what a person thinks about is what they talk about! Something we should always remember is that every idle word we say, we will have to account for in a coming day. As believers, we should be very conscious of what we say.

What constitutes an “idle”  word? It is any statement which is made in the heat of the moment; anything which we cannot verify; anything which we and the listener knows is utter rubbish. If we would only take the time to analyse what we say, our list on the Judgement Day will be a lot shorter!!

Remember… are only condemning yourself when you condemn others! Let us make the following our constant prayer…..

Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart, Be acceptable O Lord, on Your part,

You’re my strength and Redeemer. My sin will  forgive, Let me remember all this,  as long as I live!

                                                ***   ***   ***

                              Can You See God’s Signs?

Matthew 12:38-42

The Pharisees and Scribes were asking our Lord for a sign to prove that He was Who He said He was….this was (and still is today) an excuse for not believing the obvious truth. They were surrounded on every side by the wonderful miracles of healing, feeding the crowd, even raising the dead back to life etc. and yet they refused to believe what they were seeing…..

The very birth of Jesus was a miracle and the fulfilling of the prophecies they already knew. The Old Testament is full of pointers towards Him and He knew that even if He did some spectacular sign in the sky they would still not believe Him.

When the rich man wanted to be able to warn his brothers not to go to hell, he was told that even if someone DID go back, they would still not believe! If people won’t believe the Scriptures, they won’t believe any signs Jesus said !

Moses putting a brass snake up on a pole, was a sign that one day God’s Servant would be buried for three days and then rise again. People today are surrounded by beautiful and wonderful signs in creation, and they downgrade it all to evolution, giving “Mother Nature” all the glory instead of Father God!

People today are the same as then, Still some hard unyielding men;

As we acknowledge and see God’s signs, In our hearts His light will shine.

***   ***   ***

 Keeping Your New Year Resolutions!

Matthew 12:43-45                                                                      

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to keep a New Year resolution? You’ve had a good spring clean of  mind and resolves, and tell yourself that you are going to do better in the New Year, but…..

Next year comes and after the first month or so, you’ve slipped back into the old habits!! Just like a clean pig going back to its old mud-hole and the dog eating what it has just brought up!

Our Lord goes to the heart of the matter and tells us that unless we take Him on board to fill the gap, the demons of old habits will return again. Jesus is the only One Who can change a person completely.

Peter tells us that those who only have a head knowledge of the Lord will never last the distance… has to be a heart change to last. (2 Peter 2:20-22)

We have to be IN Christ to be a new creature, and then the old bad habits will drop off and pass away  (2 Corinthians 5:17). The more we think of Him, the less we will want of the world and its ways, and we will find that those things have no more appeal! What we feed on, is what we become!

Old habits cling and will not leave, Unless we turn, and to Christ cleave;

He will chase the demons out, And bring the wondrous change about!

***   ***   ***

                      Are You in God’s Family?

Matthew 12:46-50

       Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this incident word for word….it must have made a real impact on the disciples!

Our Lord’s mother and brothers were wanting to see Him, but couldn’t reach Him. His reply is not as unfeeling as it sounds at the first reading. He had given thirty years of His life to the family….much of this time being the bread winner after his stepfather Joseph died. Now He was about His Father’s business. Mary would have understood….perhaps her mind went back to the incident in the temple when He was a twelve year old boy. But it is doubtful if His brothers understood, as they didn’t believe in Him at this stage.

Our Lord’s remark doesn’t mean that we are to neglect the welfare of parents or relatives…..Paul tells us to do that is worse than being an infidel. (1Timothy 5:8)  Jesus meant that ALL people are equally important to Him. He died for ALL and sanctifies ALL who come to Him, and is not ashamed to call them His brothers (Hebrews 2:9-11). Whoever comes to Him is precious in His sight and becomes part of the family of God!

His mother and brothers wanted a word, But because of the crowd, they couldn’t be heard;

Our Lord showed compassion and love for all, His brothers are those who’ve heard His call. 

      ***   ***   ***

                Are Your Ears Hearing?

Matthew 13:1-15

Imagine the scene…. a calm still morning on the lake with crowds of people standing around and our Lord talking to them from the boat a little way off shore. We can just imagine how the sound was  being  magnified over the water…..

The parable that Matthew records is that of the farmer sowing the seed. He finished His story by saying, “He  who has ears, let him hear!” They could all hear what He was saying, but not many understood or even wanted to understand what it was all about. It is the same today….most people don’t even WANT to listen and many who do, say they can’t understand what it’s all about.

Our Lord has told us that it is the Holy Spirit who reveals and teaches these things to  people. Without Him, there would be no enlightenment or understanding. Paul too, reiterates this… is only God’s Holy Spirit who reveals God’s Word to people today. The natural or worldly man thinks it is all rubbish and not relevant, because these are spiritual things and can only be spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:12-14).

How fortunate we are to have our eyes opened to these things! What a narrow viewpoint  people have  who cannot see them!

God’s Word is  by His own discerned, And cannot by the world be learned,

Their ears are deaf, their eyes are blind, The way of truth they cannot find.

***   ***   ***

     Which One Are You?

Matthew 13:16-23                                                                       Luke 8:11-15

    To be blessed is to understand, and to get understanding we have to read these things over and over again.. Then go away and meditate on them all day long. This is the way to grow in the things of God……

The disciples were wondering about this parable which they had just heard, but not fully understood. They wanted to know more about it, so our Lord explained it fully to them. Luke adds a bit more to what Matthew wrote.

The seed is the Word of God while the different types of soil represent those who hear the Word. The pathway does not even allow the seed to germinate….Satan whisks it away like birds eating the seed on the rocky verge.

The stony ground has a little earth to allow germination, but the young plants wither in the sun. This is like those who hear God’s Word, agree with it with joy and then change their minds and drop off (tried that, didn’t work, syndrome).

The thorny and weedy ground allows the plants to grow but then chokes them out and they don’t bear a crop. They are like those who are Christians but never grow much in the things of God….they are either too busy with business or sport or other things, to go any further.

The good ground is the only one that yields a crop….those are the ones who go on for the Lord and meditate continually in His Word. This is what God is looking for in His garden of humanity….fellowship with mankind.

God’s Word is like the farmer’s seed, Good soil and food is what it needs,

Those who hear are different ground, Not all who hear,  will abound.

***   ***   ***

                Why Does God Allow Evil?

Matthew 13:24-35

People often ask why God allows evil. The parable we have just looked at talks about the weeds growing among the wheat, but the farmer waited until the harvest time to sort it all out……

So there will be a coming day in which God judges and does away with all the evil in the world once and for all, leaving just the wheat for the harvest. The next parable shows that it is not the greatest seed that produces the greatest tree! God’s kingdom started off with the one seed of our Lord Jesus being counted as nothing and executed like a criminal. But now He is the greatest of all with many turning to Him for refuge and salvation. Just as leaven goes through the whole lump, so a person taking in our Lord’s Word will eventually become permeated with Him.

This was the way our Lord taught the people….He took something that they knew about and brought out spiritual truths. If they followed these thoughts through, they would see the application, but if they didn’t, it just remained an interesting story. It is the same for us today….the more we think about God’s Word, the more we will see and understand what we are reading!

Why does God allow evil they say, Forgetting that He will judge it one day,

His kingdom started with one small seed, But will end up great, with not one weed!.

***   ***   ***

                What is God’s Kingdom Like?

Matthew 13:36-58

Even the disciples were not too sure of the meaning of the parables, and they would ask Him to explain them to them. So it is all clearly laid out in verses 37-43. All evil will be dealt with and done away  and the righteous will shine as bright as the sun in God’s kingdom.

God’s kingdom is a treasure worth buying, worth more than all the possessions of the world… is like a priceless pearl, even if it costs all one has to possess it.

It is like a net that picks up everything but where only the good is kept at the end. Our Lord was using everyday illustrations of things they knew, and at last they understood what He was teaching them. Once they grasped these truths, they were able to teach other people.

But the people of His home town would not accept His teaching…..”Who does He think He is?” they asked, “We’ve known Him and His family for years. He was just the local carpenter! Where are His qualifications and diplomas?” So they refused to believe Him or His teachings. What a loss was theirs!

To refuse to hear God’s only Son,  Is to turn one’s back upon the One,

Who has the answers to our need, If only on Him we would feed!

***   ***   ***

                             The Truth Hurts!

Matthew 14:1-14

What a sad story this is! It is a typical case of, if you don’t like what the mirror tells you, break the mirror! Herod didn’t like the truth that John Baptist told him, so he shut him up in prison……….

Herod’s wife, Herodias, liked it even less, and wanted him killed and silenced for ever. Mark tells us that Herod knew very well that John was a holy and just man and heard him gladly (Mark 6:20), but for the sake of peace at home, he kept him in prison.

When Herod had his birthday party, his step-daughter danced so well in front of them all, that he promised her anything she liked. This was Herodias’ chance and she told her to ask for John’s head. What a gory present for a young girl to be given!

John’s friends heard of his execution and took his body and buried it. They then went to Jesus to tell Him. Reading verse 13, it sounds as though our Lord wanted to get away on His own when He heard the news. But with His foreknowledge He would have known instantly what was happening. When the crowds followed Him up, He put their needs before His own….this was so typical of His compassion and love for people!

When truth hurts, we shut our ears, But that won’t silence our deepest fears,

When John was killed, his voice was gone, But  Herod knew the truth went  on!

***   ***   ***

                              God Meets Our Needs.

Matthew 14:15-21

    The crowd had built up during the day. It had been a long day, probably hot and tiring, and now it was evening and everyone was hungry. The disciples had had enough and told the Lord to send the people home…….

John tells us in more detail the dilemma they were in, and how a little boy offered his food. Our Lord knew exactly what He would do, so when everyone was sitting down on the grassy slope and watching Him, they saw and heard Him give thanks to God for the food…..what an example this is to us! Do others ever see us give thanks for our food in a public place?

He broke the loaves and fish up and passed it to the disciples to hand out to everyone…..imagine their feelings as they saw the impossible happen! Those little loaves and fish never ran out….the food just kept coming until everyone was full! Not only that, but each disciple picked up a basket of left-overs!

Little is much in God’s hands, and it is still the same today. When we come to an end of ourselves and our resources, then God will take over, supply the need and give the necessary strength!

All things are possible and all needs met, In spite of circumstances, we mustn’t fret; Little is much in God’s bountiful hand, If we look to him and on his Word stand.

***   ***   ***

                He is There in Times of Need!

Matthew 14:22

We often wonder when things go wrong, what we have done wrong to bring this about. Have we stepped outside of what God wanted us to do? But then, we must look at the wider picture and see what God wants us to learn in these times.

Notice here, that it was at the Lord’s express wish that the disciples went across the lake this particular night. He knew the storm would come and how bad it would be! He knew that He would go to them and take them safely to the other side; He knew that Peter would try to do what He was doing and fail on his own!

When Peter took His eyes off the Lord, he began to sink, and when we take our eyes off the Lord, we too sink into the depths of fear and coubt. But when Peter put his hand into the Master’s hand, he was able to get safely back into the boat. The next amazing thing was that as soon as our Lord got into the boat with them, there was peace and quiet from the wind. John adds that the boat was immediately at its destination on the other side of the lake!

God delights that we call on Him in our time of trouble and He delights to deliver us and to accept our praise and thanksgiving for it. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15)

How much would we praise Him if we never needed His help? How much more we praise Him when He gets us out of trouble!

The disciples went where He told them to go, Though the wind got up and began to blow; When they could do no more, He was there at hand, And took them safely to the land.

***   ***   ***

                Have YOU Been Healed?

Matthew 14:34-36

As soon as the people knew that Jesus was in their area, they flocked to Him for healing. Have you ever seen the crowds that attend a healing meeting?

Some go because they want to be made better, while others just go for the sensation. Here, people felt that if they just touched the bottom of His clothes, they would get better, and they did!

We are all suffering from the disease of sin and self will. In God’s sight natural man has no good in him whatsoever. We all need the healing touch of the Saviour and to come to Him for cleansing.

He will heal all our soul’s diseases. We see in James 5:14-16 that being sick physically is linked to the need to confess our faults to one another and to pray for one another. This is soul sickness, rather than physical sickness. This is one prayer that is a guarantee, that the Lord WILL heal our soul’s diseases and raise us up when we pray earnestly for our faults and failings. He may or may not choose to heal our physical sicknesses….if He does that is a bonus, and if He doesn’t it is still a bonus, because we will be in His presence sooner rather than later.

Our Lord is the greatest Healer of all, Will always hear when to Him we call,

He heals our souls’ sickness, and every disease, As well as our doubts and  frees our  fears.

***   ***   ***

                How Clean Are You?

Matthew 15:1-20

The Pharisees came to Jesus nit-picking here, but soon found they had taken on more that they could handle! Those who attack the truth will soon find that it backfires onto themselves……

Our Lord quickly got to the root of the matter and showed them how they had changed the law to suit themselves, adding a bit here and taking away more there. He told them straight in verses 7-8 that they were hypocrites, saying one thing and yet not really meaning it.

He then turned to the people and used the Pharisees as an illustration….they were saying that to eat without washing would defile a person, but our Lord said that it is not what goes INTO a person that defiles, but that which comes OUT of them that shows them up!

The things that a person thinks about and dwells upon, is what they talk about and this shows what they really are. Those who think evil thoughts, talk about such things and attribute such things to others, while those who think good and pure thoughts, talk about those things. It is as impossible for them to pour out filth from their mouths as it is for the one with evil thoughts to speak good and pure things!

Our Lord spoke the truth and showed plain facts, What a man thinks is how he now acts, Evil thoughts  will bring evil deeds, While good pure thoughts help those with needs.

***   ***   ***

         Faith and Humility Walk Together.

Matthew 15:21-28

      This is a very touching story  concerning the Gentile woman from the heathen country next door. She  had heard of the Great Healer and was determined to present her need…….

She even had the right title for Him….”O Lord, Son of David”. But this was not enough….He didn’t answer her and she persisted in calling out to Him. His reply was that He was only sent to the people of Israel. This time was actually being Israel’s day of opportunity, but they ignored it and let it slip by.

This woman however, persisted and came and kneeled down before Him, again presenting her request….she threw herself on His mercy begging Him to help. Our Lord tested her even further, comparing Jews and Gentiles as children and dogs. But she was prepared  to take this comparison and humbly said that even dogs could eat of the crumbs that fell from their master’s table! Our Lord could no longer resist her humility and faith, and granted her request.

The lesson to learn here is to not only ask in faith, but to ask humbly without demanding…..Paul tells us that when we ask, we are to give thanks for the answer BEFORE we get it. This is the only way to experience God’s wonderful peace  when we make our requests. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Humility and faith is the way to ask, If we in God’s favour would seek to bask,

Add giving of thanks, if we want His peace, And He’ll give it abundantly, never to cease.

***   ***   ***

                     Our Lord’s Compassion.

Matthew 15:29-39

We see in this passage that great multitudes of the Jews came flocking to Jesus to be healed and every sick or handicapped person was made better……

The crowds were amazed when they saw these healings and gave God the glory for these wonderful things. We never hear anything further of these people who were healed, whether they stayed believing or just eventually drifted off.

But at this time they stayed watching and listening for three days and their food had long since run out. Our Lord’s great compassion came to the fore and He refused to sent them away with an empty stomach. He could have just spoken the word, and everyone would have found some food in their hands, but He didn’t. He chose to use what the disciples had, and once again He gave thanks for it and then passed it to the disciples to distribute.

Once again, there was more than enough for everyone, with seven baskets of left-overs. What a lesson for us to learn, that little is much in the Saviour’s hand, and that He is pleased to entrust His message of life to His people to pass on to others!

The disciples had the fish and bread, And passed it round as Jesus said;

 Little was much the disciples found, When Jesus gives, there’s enough to go round!

***   ***   ***

 Looking Past the Obvious!

Matthew 16:1-12

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus asking for a sign with a critical spirit, not prepared to believe anything anyway. They refused to take any notice of the miracles that He was doing and He knew their hearts and the reason they were asking…….

He more or less told them that they were smart enough to recognise the weather signs but couldn’t recognise the spiritual signs He was already doing and teaching. He refused to satisfy their idle curiosity and told them they would not see any sign but the one that Jonah showed figuratively (chapter 12:38-40). If they were spiritually minded at all, they would recognise Who He was by His deeds and teaching, as fulfilment of Old Testament  Scriptures!

Even the disciples didn’t really take in what they were seeing and hearing, so our Lord told them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees in case they too became infected with the same attitude. But they didn’t see it, and thought He was talking about literal bread. Probably they were starting to feel hungry and were worrying about getting lunch and that is where their thoughts were! We must always make a point of seeing what lessons we can learn from other people…..either what TO do, or what NOT to do!

The Pharisees wanted a sign to see, Before they would committed be,

We must take care from them to learn, To look in faith,  from doubting turn.

***   ***   ***

What is Jesus to Me?

Matthew 16:13-19

Our Lord knew very well what  understanding (or lack of it!) the disciples had, but He needed to impress on them who He really was. People learn much more when they interact and participate, so He drew them out……

“Who do people say that I am?” He asked.

“One of the ancient prophets come back”, was the reply.

“But Who do YOU think I am?” He asked.

Peter had the right answer….”the Christ, the Son of the Living God”.

This knowledge was given to Peter by God, and this knowledge is the basis of the Christian church today. Peter’s other name of Cephas means “a stone”. Peter’s faith was as a little stone that had its foundation on the Rock of Christ. Every believer is another stone on this same foundation and is being built into God’s church and nothing will ever  pull it down or wreck it, it is there for eternity.

Believers have the authority of God’s Word and the key to understand and explain it to others,  showing the way of salvation to them. Those who accept it will go to heaven and those who refuse it will never make it there.

Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, The solid Rock, the Holy One,

His Holy Word, the only key, Is ours to use and give so free.

***   ***   ***

                      Where are Your Eyes?

Matthew 16:20-23

Now that the disciples had actually voiced their belief that Jesus was the Son of God, He was able to build on this faith what it would take for Him to bring salvation to the world. Again, Peter voiced the thoughts of the others…..

“This won’t happen to You Lord! You won’t be killed!” he cried passionately. Even though our Lord had told His disciples more than once, what was going to happen to Him, but they couldn’t comprehend or accept it. Whereas it was the Spirit of God showing Peter the truth before, now he was allowing Satan to put these deceiving thoughts into his mind and mouth.

How careful we have to be to keep our minds and spiritual eyes on our Lord and closing them to Satan’s barbs of doubt and fear! Our Lord had to show His disciples that the way to victory was not physical, but spiritual; it was not through an earthly battle, but a spiritual one and it is one that we are waging constantly.

Jesus is God’s Son indeed, This Peter already had believed;

But for the cross he had his doubt, And shut this truth  right out.

***   ***   ***

  What Are You doing with Your Cross?

Matthew 16:24-28

Jesus is saying here something that we don’t like to hear….”If anyone wants to follow Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross to follow Me”…..

People often have grand ideas of what their cross may be, but it is something that each one of us have to choose to do and it is really very simple. Notice that the first thing to do is to DENY yourself. this is the most difficult thing of the lot, because we are all born with a wilful nature that wants to do things “MY way”.

When we become a Christian, we are given a new nature as well, and now we have the two natures living inside of us. The old nature  inside us is what loves to be offended, repeat juicy bits of gossip, nurtures resentments and unforgiveness, and loves doing the things which feel good and yet we know are wrong.

This is where the “cross” that we have to carry comes into the picture. We have to deny these natural thoughts and feelings, and practice self discipline by consciously putting away the old man and putting  on the “new man” squashing the worldly thoughts and desires. If we give in to the natural thoughts and feelings, we might gain some pleasure for the moment, but we will also lose more of our life of rejoicing in the Lord in the process!

Or perhaps you haven’t yet made the decision to follow the Lord, thinking there is too much to give up, too much of a cross, but have you thought how much value is in our world if we lose our own soul in the process? Eternity is a LONG LONG time to have regrets and endure the sense of greater loss! How much better it is to lose a little now than everything in the time to come!!

He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose! (Jim Elliot)

We cannot keep our life on earth, For it slips  off  leaving little worth,

 Health, and wealth  go down the drain, Only eternal things  remain.

***   ***   ***

                  A Sight to Never Forget!

Matthew 17:1-5                                                             2 Peter 1:16-18

Peter, James and John were the three chosen to see our Lord in His glory. These were the three who were the closest to Him in understanding…..Peter was the one who had made the greatest statements, John was the one who had leaned on His breast, and James had a quiet steadfast  faith……

The more one knows the Lord, the more one wants to know and the more one fears to displease Him. Now these disciples had the tremendous privilege of seeing Him in His glory and Majesty, and they never forgot the sight the rest of the lives (2 Peter 1:16-18). They knew instinctively who Moses and Elijah were….they were the two who represented the law and the prophets.

This shows us that people in heaven will instinctively know each other. Luke tells us that the conversation between our Lord and Moses and Elijah centred around His decease and what  would be accomplished by it (Luke 9:29-31). Before this wonderful experience, the three had fallen asleep, but woke to see what was going on. Once more, Peter opened his big mouth and made one of his silliest statements (probably through being nervous!) about making three tents for them to stay in!

Then God put His seal on this amazing Person, by saying in a recognisable voice, “This is My Beloved Son Who I am very pleased with, hear Him! ” Peter still remembered his amazement and wonder at this sight many years later….he was an eye witness to this sight of His Lord’s Majesty and glory!!

Our Lord left His glory in heaven above, When He came to earth for those He loved,

 He showed His glory to these special three, They never forgot what they did see.

***   ***   ***

      What He Was and What He Became.

Matthew 17:6-7

The three disciples were terrified when they heard God’s voice speaking to them out of the swirling mist of the cloud on the mountain top. They fell forwards with their faces to the ground and our Lord went over and helped them get  up! Never let anyone tell you what they are going to say to God when they see Him face to face! They will be totally and utterly speechless!!

This incident shows us how little we can comprehend of the glories of heaven  while here on earth! Think of the contrasts of this passage with how people saw the Lord between this time and later on at the cross…..

 His face shone as the sun…..later His face was more disfigured than any other man’s had ever been!

His clothes were white as white without a mark…..later His clothes had been taken from Him  and the soldiers were gambling over them.

He was with the elite of heaven  (Moses and Elijah) but later He was with the scum of the earth, classed as a criminal and crucified with them.

The bright cloud surrounded Him then, but later He was shrouded in darkness for three hours.

This time His Father spoke so others could hear, but later the Father turned away and forsook Him.

This time He came to His disciples and comforted them, but later He could not speak because He had died.

Why did all this happen? So that you and I could have salvation and become rich in the things of God.

Our Lord in His glory shone with great light, His face became bright,  His clothes pure white,

What a contrast this was with what He became, From showing His glory, He was covered with shame.

***   ***   ***

How to Remove Mountains!

Matthew 17:14-21

Here we see the disciples trying to do a miracle and failing, so in their discouragement they went to their Lord saying,  “Why couldn’t we do it?” He told them they were trying to do it in their own strength, they were trying in unbelief, not in faith.

We need to have faith in God to remove the mountains in our lives….the mountains of doubt and fear, the mountains of self reliance, and in many cases the mountains of inferiority complex and thinking we are incapable of doing things for the Lord.

Then there are the mountains of laziness or maybe the mountain of lack of knowledge of God’s Word…..these mountains can all be removed by renewing our faith in God and by prayer and fasting (self discipline). With confession of sin and failings to both God and other godly people, and fervent prayer, these failings can be removed and we will be cured of them….this is the promise of God. Then we will have victory over these failures and “mountains”!

The mountains of fear  seem  so great, But we  never  need keep them as our sad fate, Faith in our God will take them away, He’ll give the victory as we trust and obey.

***   ***   ***

   To Pay or not to Pay.

Matthew 17:22-27

     Once again our Lord brought the subject of His death and resurrection to the disciples’ notice. This is at least the third time our Lord had told the disciples this, and at last it seemed to be sinking in, but even then the enormity and trauma of it all was unknown to them. But another subject then came up…..



The question of paying taxes came up…. our Lord showed Peter that even though the Jews were living in their own land, yet their oppressors were charging them taxes which had to be paid. He met the need by telling Peter how to find the necessary money. Notice that it was through Peter’s own profession of fishing, that the tax money was provided by.

Paul too, makes it quite clear that believers are to meet their legal requirements and pay all their taxes, rates and fees etc (Romans 13:7). Our Lord could have provided the money instantly but He required Peter to work for it, and He did the miracle of the right amount of money being in that fish’s mouth. It is the same today…..we must do what we can, and He takes care of  the rest that we can’t do.

The kings today require taxes to be paid, No matter how much or little is made,

Man’s greatest debt is man’s greatest loss, Which our Saviour paid on Calvary’s cross.

***   ***   ***

   How to be the Greatest!

Matthew 18:1-10

How many lessons there are in these verses! The disciples were concerned about who would be the greatest in heaven….how much people are consumed with pride and competitiveness! To be great, we equate with looking great, but this is not God’s way……

God requires us to be humble and to rely on Him, to be as trusting and reliant on Him as a small child is on its parents and to be content to serve others. In serving others, we are actually serving God.

It is not those who seek the limelight  that are necessarily great in God’s sight, but those who quietly serve in the background. The outside covers of a tent would fall to the ground without the tent pegs in the ground to hold it up!

Children are very impressionable and must be carefully taught the principles of God in a loving and exemplary manner….if they are discouraged by unbelieving or slack parents, it is a very serious matter. Children must see for themselves by their parents’ example that the most important things in life are the things of God.

If we find that other things are
starting to grip us, then it is better to not have them at all. If the internet is consuming all our spare time, then we should get rid of it! It does not pay to have anything around that can trip our young people up. Jesus said that if anyone offends (or trips up) a young person’s faith, it were better for him that he was drowned in the depths of the sea. (Matthew 18:6)

Walk the Walk, not  just Talk the Talk,  

Your child will go where you have stepped,

Walk right ways All of your days,

And they will be fully equipped.

***   ***   ***

The Greatest Example of All.

Matthew 18:11-17

Our Lord is the greatest example of all, of humility and lowliness….He could say with all truthfulness that He was meek and lowly in heart, and anyone who will come to Him will find rest in their hearts. (Matthew 11:29). Yet He has always been  equal with God, and part of the Tri-une God who created this world. He veiled His glory when He came to earth and appeared just as an ordinary lowly Galilean carpenter……..

He came into an obscure family which became fatherless, leaving Him the eldest son to provide for His mother and brothers. When He came to His full maturity of manhood, He went into His ministry of healing and teaching, serving the Jewish people for three years. He came to seek and to save those who were lost, He said, like a shepherd looking for His one lost sheep that had wandered off.

It is God’s will that every single child that is born should come to know Him…..He isn’t willing that any of them should perish! Yet He has given the human race freedom of choice to choose life or death for themselves!

A very important piece of advice is given next….how to act when someone does something wrong to you or offends you in some way. Go and see them personally and try to sort it out between the two of you. If that doesn’t work, take a couple of other trusted people with you to witness what is said. If that still doesn’t work, then bring the matter before the church and see if they will listen then. If not, then just leave him, forget the matter and get on with life, having a forgiving spirit.

Our Saviour came to save us all, The old, the young, each one He calls;

 To live in peace we all must do, Behaving as God wills us to.

***   ***   ***

                                        God’s Eyes are Watching  Everyone!

Matthew 18:18

    What a serious point is made in verse 18!  How many people stop to think that the decisions they make on earth concerning spiritual matters will be ratified in Heaven with eternal consequences?

Those who ignore God on earth and live without Him here, will live eternally without Him forever! The human heart that is made with the God shaped hole in it, will never be able to have it filled and fulfilled… emptiness for ever and ever………what a dreadful prospect!

What a contrast for those who choose to accept His gift of salvation and follow His ways….they will be with Him in heavenly bliss for ever, and ever, …..and ever! There will be those who have followed Him closely and given their all for Him….they will not be forgotten in that day. Others who walk humbly with God will also be remembered. God will honour those who have honoured Him.

Then there are those who will get there but with not much to their credit…..they will be saved but their works will be burned off by the scrutinising fire of the all seeing eye of God. But they will be there! How much better to make it with  having done a good job well!!

What we choose on earth lasts in Heaven,

As dough rises well when filled with leaven;

 If our motives  are right and  lives are pure,

We’ll hear “Well done!” and our reward will be sure.

***   ***   ***

      Asking to Receive.

Matthew 18: 19               

We all like to get what we ask for, but it is not always in our best interests to get what we want straight away, sometimes not at   all! We must always remember that God knows what is  best for us , just as a good  parent knows what is best for their child……..

There are many verses given with the promise of receiving what is asked for and verse 19 is one of these. Why then, are so many requests not granted? Desires of the heart withheld? Seemingly good things not given?

It is just the same as a small child that has a knife or scissors taken away from him, or is told to not touch because it’s hot and will burn! We understand those things and it is the same principle in God granting our prayer requests. Let us never say that our prayer has not been answered. Isn’t saying ”No!” to the scissors an answer? The child  that has never felt a burn or seen the damage and hurt that it can cause….do we really want to go through that same hurt in having our prayer granted?

Stop and think just what we ARE asking…. sometimes we ask for wrong things; or maybe we are asking from  the wrong motives. Maybe we are harbouring some sin or unforgiving spirit….how can God give us what we ask for when we cannot forgive our brother? David could say, :If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Psalm 66:18).

Let’s examine ourselves closely before taking up verse 19 literally!

Ask and receive is a promise we’re told, That has answers in silver and answers in gold, If we ask in God’s will for reasons aright, We know  we’ll be given gifts of great light.

***   ***   ***

      Why Should I Forgive?

Matthew 18:20-35

What a wonderful promise is given in verse 20! Great crowds don’t count….the “successful” church is no more precious than the small groups!

There seems to be something special to the Lord in corporate prayer and praise….it takes an effort to leave the comfort of one’s home and meet with others for the specific purpose of gathering in Christ’s name. True, the Lord is with each of His people, but how one’s heart leaps to be with other like-minded people to worship the Lord together!

Peter came to our Lord with a very pertinent and important question….how often am I to forgive my brother? He thought seven times was enough, but our Lord more or less told him that there is no end to being forgiving. He then told the parable of the unforgiving servant (who himself had been forgiven the greatest debt) throwing a fellow servant into prison. How much God has had to forgive us for!

In the same way, we are to show a forgiving spirit at all times. In Hebrews 12:15 we are warned that if we don’t, we will become bitter and this will ruin our testimony and hinder our walk with the Lord (to say nothing of ruining our health!)

Our Lord loves to hear our corporate praise, As we pray together and the songs we raise, Coming together with forgiving hearts, We’re  each one able to give some part.

***   ***   ***

         To Divorce or Not?

Matthew 19:1-12

This passage covers the sticky subject of divorce and remarriage and yet in essence it is quite clear what these verses say. The following comments are based solely on the verses in this passage and are certainly not the popular way of looking at the matter.

Married people are meant to stay together for life….this is God’s intention! A married couple are a unit, an entity, they have been joined together by God in the sexual act and it is to be for the lifetime of the unit.  Death is to be the only thing allowed  to separate them (1 Corinthians 7:39).

The only exception to this is one is unfaithfulness to the other, and then divorce is allowable. Remarriage is considered as adultery in God’s sight….His unit has been broken by human interference.

But the previous passage has already shown the importance of forgiveness,  and forgiveness includes taking stock of oneself. What caused this unfaithfulness? Where did I fall down on the job? How did I fail in my behaviour? If God had never forgiven me, what would be my condition today?

If the situation is taken to the Lord in prayer by BOTH parties, it can be mended and fixed up. There is no case that is past God’s mending abilities with contrition and repentance on both sides. So often the party that seems to be innocent, is actually the cause of the breakdown in the first place! Be totally honest with God first, yourself next and your partner thirdly.

God in His grace has forgiven me all, I must forgive others when they hurt me or fall,

Where would I be without God’s loving grace? I would never reach heaven or see His dear face!

***   ***   ***

What do we Love Most?

Matthew 19:13-22

What a sweet passage this is! Mark adds that our Lord not only touched the little ones but that He picked them up in His arms as well! (Mark 10:13-22) He also adds that this is the way anyone must come to Him…as a trusting child.

No-one who comes to God like a child, will ever be turned away until they are old enough, or good enough….God accepts ALL who come to Him, no matter what their age or condition!

What a contrast His next encounter is…a self confident young man with everything….wealth, health and friends! Mark tells us he came running to Jesus and fell to the ground on his knees in front of Him. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” was his question. In spite of all his advantages, he still felt an emptiness….how could he find God?

Our Lord knew his heart and what it was centered on, and told him what he wanted to hear. “Keep the law”, Jesus said.

“I’ve done all that….what is still missing?” he asked.

Notice the list of things in the law that our Lord mentioned. The first and greatest commands are missing… love the Lord his God with all his heart, soul and mind!  Jesus started with the things that were to do with other people, and the young man felt he measured up. But Jesus knew where he was lacking, and knew that he loved his money more than God! This was the point that hurt him the most, and the one which he was not willing to address.

Is this our problem? What (or Who) do we love the most?

How to be with our Lord above, When children come with trust and love,

The young man knew he had a lack, But when faced with truth, he then turned back.

***   ***   ***

                                           What are YOU Trusting in?

Matthew 19:23-30

The young man had heard the message and it was too much for him, so he went sadly away. His decision probably haunted him for the rest of his life…..

Note that our Lord did not run after him and compromise the message to get him back! Instead, He made the comment that not many wealthy people ever get saved. They trust their riches rather than trust in God. The disciples were greatly amazed at this, and Peter asked, “What about us? We’ve left everything to follow You, what chance have we got?”

Our Lord’s reply indicates that there are degrees of rewards for His people….His people will be given the job of judging others. Paul enlarged on this in 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 where he says that the angels will be judged by God’s people. What a mind boggling thought!

Those who are regarded as least now, will have higher positions than those who are highly regarded now. Those who leave their home comforts and go out to serve the Lord have many wonderful (and some not so wonderful!) experiences and opportunities to trust the Lord that those at home will never know!

Those who trust in riches and wealth, Are poor indeed in spiritual health;

Those who are poor have a higher place, A home in heaven enjoying God’s grace.

***   ***   ***

Our Lord gives Salvation.

Matthew 20:1-16; 17-19

This  story of the hired servants at first glance seems to be grossly unfair! No wonder those who were hired first grumbled, but they were soon put in their place! The point of this story is that salvation is freely available to ALL… does not depend on what a person does!

God calls ALL  to come to Him, but not many respond. Whether a person comes early in life, or at the last minute, all enjoy the same eternal life. It doesn’t depend on what we do or don’t do, it is the GIFT of God to all who will take it and believe. A gift is no good unless it is opened and enjoyed; the gift of eternal life is exactly the same.

In the second part of the reading, our Lord tells His disciples what is lying ahead for Him, and how He would suffer and die in Jerusalem and then rise again from the dead. This is the third time that Matthew records Him telling them these things, and it just didn’t seem to register with them.

We are always wiser in hindsight. After it had all happened just as He had predicted, then they understood what He had been talking about. But it took the illumination and power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to understand and then to pass it on to others.

Some come early and some come late, But all will come to heaven’s gate,

It took our Lord’s  blood, sweat and tears, E’er He could take away our fears!

***   ***   ***

How to be the Greatest.

Matthew 20:20-28                                         Mark 10:35-45                                              

        Mark tells the same incident, but omits to mention that James’ and John’s mother made the request for them. One can imagine them trailing along in her wake as she approached our Lord!

This was not the first time that these unworthy thoughts had entered the disciples’ heads….once before they had been arguing about who would have the top position in Christ’s Kingdom (still imagining that it would be on earth!)

These two men were very self confident, imagining they were equal to do the same as Christ. Our Lord did not down them in their prideful request….instead He gently asked them if they were capable of following Him into suffering. They didn’t have any real idea of the ramifications of His statement, and confidently asserted that they could! He told them that this position was not His to give, but His Father would give it to whoever was already appointed to it.

He pointed out too, that those who would be the greatest in Heaven are those who are counted the least by earthly standards….He Himself had come to minister to others, not to be ministered to. He was even prepared to give His life as a ransom for many.

Those who’d be great must be servant of all, Remembering that pride goes before a fall;

Our Lord Himself came as servant to earth, And proved Himself as ransom of worth.

                              ***   ***   ***

Only One can give Sight..

Matthew 20:29-34

A large crowd were following Jesus as He left Jericho and swallowed up the two blind beggars as they sat on the roadside. They asked what the commotion was all about, and then cried out at the top of their voices in unison, “Have mercy on us O Lord, You Son of David”

One wonders why they called Jesus that! How much understanding did they have of His mission? He was indeed classed as the Son of David, both by His own testimony and from the prophets. The people of His time knew that there was going be a coming One Who would be descended from David, but not all accepted that Jesus of Nazareth was that One.

However, this was what the blind men called Him….they knew that as the Son of David, He could heal them. We too, as blind in sins, must call out to Him to give us spiritual sight. We must continue to do this to give us even more perception and understanding of His Word as we read it.

It can only come from Him….these blind men had their eyes opened and followed Him. When our eyes are opened, we too must follow him into His Word every day.

The blind men heard Jesus as He went by, And called to Him loudly with piercing cry,

He opened their eyes and gave them light, We too, need healing to have spiritual sight!

***   ***   ***

         The Time had Come!

Matthew 21:1-9                               Zechariah 9:9                              Luke 19:29-40

Our Lord displays His supernatural power as He tells His disciples to go and get this donkey and its colt. He knew exactly where they were, and the fact that the owner would willingly give them.. Not only that, but He knew that the unbroken colt would allow Him to sit on its back with no fuss.

Once more prophecy was being fulfilled as He rode this unbroken colt  up-hill to Jerusalem and then into the city just as the prophet Zechariah had prophesied all those years before! Reading Matthew’s account, one is uncertain which animal was being ridden but Luke is quite specific that it was the colt that the Lord was on.

The crowds met them as they came to Jerusalem and a great excitement took hold and grew as they went inside. People threw their coats on the ground for the colt to walk over and others waved branches from the trees and put them on the ground as well. There was enough noise and movement to disturb a seasoned horse, let along a young one not used to crowds! All the noise and commotion never fazed these two animals as they quietly carried their Creator into the city and to the temple area.

Freedom in sight, the people thought, But instead a far greater vict’ry was wrought,

Freedom from sin’s wicked grasp and relief, Became free to all through simple belief.

***   ***   ***

         The Big Clean Up!

Matthew 21:10-16

The people in Jerusalem wondered what this procession coming in was all about, and as it continued to the temple, more people followed. “Who is it?” they asked. Where the crowd had been calling Jesus the “Son of David” earlier now they described Him as “Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth”.

Our Lord went straight into the temple and began to chase out the animals and those who sold them. He tipped over the bankers’ desks in the process…imagine the scene, all the noise, flurry and confusion! Add to that the crowds of children continuing to chant “Hosanna to the Son of David!”. No wonder the chief priests and scribes were angry and upset!!!

Not only was this Man creating mayhem in their domain, but He was putting Himself in the place of fulfilling Scripture and accepting all these noisy children’s chanting as true!

This was not the first time our Lord had cleared out the temple in this way….He had done it at the beginning of His ministry as well and now was doing it again at the end of His ministry. They had taken no  notice of what He said in the beginning and it was still going on with the priest’s permission and acceptance….would they never learn?

Jesus the Lord, riding in on an ass, Entered the temple and cleaned out the mass,

Of animals, birds, the moneymakers too, While accepting “Hosannas” as perfectly true.

                              ***   ***   ***

                    Be Aware!

Matthew 21:17-22                                                                       Philippians 4:6

Matthew inserts the miracle of  the fig tree in here; Mark also mentions it, whereas John tells us who Jesus and His disciples would have been staying with in Bethlehem. The fig tree had no fruit and our Lord spoke to it and the next morning it was withered away……

The fig tree is a picture of the nation of Israel who had no fruit towards God. They had plenty of leaves, speaking of good works, temple rites etc, but no fruit of repentance. Its time had come to an end and within the century, it had shrivelled away to nothing like this fig tree.

Once the nation of Israel had refused the Lord of Glory, it was signing its death warrant. But neither the leaders or the disciples could see that then, and the disciples were only concerned at the withered fig tree they saw.

Once again our Lord reminded them that with the prayer of faith, they would be able to remove mountains! We are to ask believing that the answer we receive is the right one for us….Paul tells us to give thanks for the answer when we make our request (Philippians 4:7). This is the only way we can experience God’s perfect peace….let us always remember these things!

A tree without fruit is no joy indeed, And is no more good than a useless weed,

So when making requests we must  believe,  God gives us the best that we receive.

***   ***

                                           The Bottom Line…Do YOU Believe?

Matthew 21:23-46

        The chief priests and scribes were seething with anger at this man who had come into the temple throwing the buyers and sellers out,, drawing crowds of lame and blind people to Him and then begin preaching to them………

They came and demanded to know on whose authority He was doing these things. Our Lord knew exactly how to put them on the spot…. “was John’s baptism from heaven or himself?” He asked. They wouldn’t answer for fear of showing themselves up and because of the people, so  they said they didn’t know!

He then told them two stories and related them to their attitude to John as a prophet. They wouldn’t act on John’s preaching (as the first son in the story) but those they regarded as sinners or tax gatherers did ( the second son in the story) repent of their sin and pride.

They, as leaders of the nation, would not listen to God’s prophets and now God’s Son had come, all they wanted to do was to kill Him. Because of this, God would judge them, destroy them and get others to do His work. Those who believed God’s message would be broken in contrition and repentance, but those who didn’t believe would be ground up in judgement.

The priests and scribes tried to catch Him out, And find from Him what He was about, He showed them up in their sin and pride, And from His truths they could not hide.

***   ***   ***

                                                            The Invitation.

Matthew 22:1-10

       Our Lord spoke in many parables to the people who had gathered to hear Him. Some people understood them, but most did not, not even the disciples at times. We read where they went to Him afterwards and asked what the parable  meant. Here we have another  parable….

The first parable has several points to notice……………..

  1. The King provided this feast for his son’s wedding and the invitations were sent out……  “come, it’s all ready”.
  2. The guests ignored the summons and carried on doing their own thing.
  3. Others of the invited ones beat up the servants who came to remind them.
  4. The king came in , and  judged and punished  them.
  5. The servants were then sent out to bring in all the waifs and strays to enjoy the feast

 The parallels of this story are….

  1. God had provided for all Israel’s needs, even to sending His own Son to bring salvation to them…..the invitation is sent out now, “Come, it is all done ready for you to take”.
  2. The nation as a whole ignored the summons and did their own thing.
  3. The leaders caused the prophets and teachers of the invitation to be beaten up and even killed.
  4. The nation has been judged and thrown out for the time being.
  5. The invitation and message is now going out into the whole world….”Come to Me, and I won’t throw you out!”

The call went out so loud and clear, But those invited would not hear,  

So waifs and strays were called instead, “Come to My feast of wine and bread!”

***   ***   ***

                                                     Come God’s Way.

Matthew 22:11-14

        The wedding feast was now furnished with guests, and all was provided right down to the wedding clothes. The King came in to see the guests and saw a man there in his own clothes….he had refused the provided garment and though his own were good enough. When confronted by the king, he was speechless. But he had to pay the price of his disobedience and was thrown out, bound, into everlasting darkness……..

The Gospel invitation has gone out to all the world….”Come!” But our baggage must be left behind, we can only come in Christ’s righteousness. Our own righteousness is like filthy rags and this is how the king saw the guest in his own clothes. “MY way” is not God’s way and we can only eat at His feast on His terms, not ours!

How many people think they can dictate to God only to find when it is too late that they have to pay the price for their pride and stubbornness! They find themselves in the outer darkness of weeping and wailing for ever and ever.

How true that verse is that says, “He who has the Son has eternal life, while he who doesn’t have the Son,  has the wrath of God abiding on him”. (John 3:36)

The feast was ready, the guests were there, With good things there to enjoy and share, But one had come in his own clothes, And had to pay the price he chose!

***   ***   ***

          “We’ve Got Him!”

Matthew 22:15-32

The Pharisees were  determined to trip the Lord of Glory up in His speech and teaching….what a vain thought! Their opening speech showed them up! “We know you teach the way of God in truth”, they said. Why didn’t they believe Him then?

The First Question…… “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?” They thought they had Him on this one! Why should God’s people pay taxes to pagan oppressors?

But as always, He could see through them, and said, “Bring me a coin!”

He picked it up and said, “Whose image and superscription is on this?”

“Caesar’s” they replied. They were very familiar with this money as they handled it every day.

“Then render to Caesar what is his due, and to God His dues” Jesus replied. His questioners had nothing more to say, and they melted away.

The Second Question….. The Saducees who didn’t believe in such a thing as any resurrection, now tried to catch Him out.

“Suppose as woman outlives seven husbands, which one will she belong to in heaven?”

“You don’t know what you are talking about”, Jesus said, “There is no such thing as male or female after the resurrection. God is the God of the living, not of the dead!”

We aren’t told the reaction of these questioners, but the crowd listening were absolutely amazed at His answers!

They tried to trip Him in His speech, In what He said as He did teach;

 Alas, they only came unstuck, His  answers showed they had no luck!

***   ***   ***

                                               The Main Commandment.

Matthew 22:33-46

Two types of people had already tried to trip the Lord up in His answers….now the third lot were going to try….the lawyers…..

Third Question…..The people had been amazed at our Lord’s first answer, and absolutely astounded at His second answer, but they tried again. “Which is the greatest commandment in the law?” they now asked.

Jesus went straight to the core of the matter….”Love the Lord your God with ALL your strength and being, and your neighbour like yourself, then the rest of the law will follow automatically!”

As we try to please the Lord, so the fruit of the Spirit will be seen in our lives as put our old self into the background. We have to put God  to the front of our life and others next with ourselves at the back. As we do this, we will find that we will honour our parents, we won’t want to steal, lie or play around with another’s spouse! These things will drop off naturally as we give God the first place in our lives.

Our Lord then turned the tables on them by asking….”Whose Son is the Christ?”

“The Son of David”, they replied, thinking of the Old Testament prophecies.

“Why would David call Him ‘Lord’ then?” He asked. They all knew the Psalm He had quoted from (Psalm 110:1) and realised that David had referred to Him as “My Lord”, thus making Him far greater than a mere descendant. He is David’s “Lord “ too.

His enemies were all silenced in the face of His wisdom and knowledge.

To keep the law is we  do our part, To love the Lord with all our heart,

Our neighbour too, to love with grace, Will make the rest fall  into place!

***   ***   ***

                                                    Do We Walk the Talk?

Matthew 23:1-12

Our Lord was speaking to the crowd and to His disciples….no doubt the Scribes and Pharisees were standing on the edge also listening. “Do as they tell you from Moses’ law, but don’t do what they do!” He told them, “They are cruel, without compassion, proud and love outward show, like the highest positions and to be called ‘Rabbi’” .

He then went on to tell them, “Don’t allow anyone to call you “Master” because you are all under one Master, that is Christ. And don’t call anyone “Father” (in the spiritual sense) because you have a heavenly Father over you all”.

Again, He reminded them that those who are regarded as highest, are the servants of all. Pride comes before a fall!! Peter tells us that we are to submit to each other and be humble because God resists the proud and James tells us to submit to God and His ways, and that God resists the proud but gives brace and strength to the humble. So let’s take heed and not think that we are better than we are!

The Pharisees all knew God’s law, But they weren’t content and added more,

They loved great show and ev’ry high place, But missed the best, without God’s grace.

***   ***   ***

                                                     Clean up Your Act!

Matthew 23:13-28

Our Lord was not afraid to tell the leaders of the people to their faces, where they were wrong. Indeed, God’s Word cuts to the heart still today, just like a sharp double-edged sword……..

He told them that they were hypocrites because they made long pious prayers in public, but didn’t help the poor people. They did their best to drag others into their nets and then gave nothing when they were caught. They made a fine line between what they allowed oaths to be made on and not made. Indeed, our Lord had said at the beginning of His ministry (Matthew 5:34-37)  to not swear at all on anything as these things are totally out of our control. James too, follows it up by saying to not swear at all, but to make plain statements of “yes” and “no” and then keep to it. (James 5:12)

The Pharisees too, were fussing about things that didn’t really matter and yet overlooking the things that did. On one hand they strained at small  things, while allowing  the big things to slide. Clean up the inside first, and the outside will follow….don’t be hypocrites! The message is the same for us today, so let’s sit up and  take notice!

Our Lord spoke straight, and told them all, “Your pride will bring you to a fall,

You fuss too much with silly things, And leave the ones salvation brings!!”

***   ***   ***

                                                Are You Missing the Bus?

Matthew 23:29-39

    The Pharisees saw to it that the murdered prophets of old were venerated and the they had fancy tombs and monuments built to their memory. They the stood back and rubbed their hands saying that THEY wouldn’t have killed such great men like their ancestors did!

Our Lord came straight to the point, calling them a bunch of snakes! They were just as venomous as their ancestors in shedding innocent blood with their crowning act still to come! He knew their hearts and their thoughts as well as knowing what He was going to suffer from them in a very short time. Yet He was ready to forgive them as a nation if the had only turned to Him!

How His heart bled for Jerusalem and the leaders in it, who had turned away from Him, the One Who came to be their Saviour!

One day they will realise their mistake and that the One they are still waiting in vain for, has indeed come and they have missed the bus. But then it will be too late. Even if they say “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord”, it will be too late to save them. They will have to confess along with all the others who deny Him now, that Jesus IS Lord!

The Pharisees thought they were OK, They wouldn’t do as others, NEVER,  NO  WAY!

Our Lord showed their hearts were no different indeed, They were just as bad , in word, thought and deed!!

***   ***   ***


Matthew 24:1-26

Even two thousand years ago, the disciples were talking about the end of the world. They could not comprehend that the great magnificent temple in Jerusalem could be totally destroyed and they proudly looked around it with our Lord . To them, its destruction would denote the end of the world!

When would this happen? they wanted to know. Looking back into history we know it happened about a lifetime after them asking….seventy years later to be exact.

“Don’t be deceived”, our Lord said. He then went on to tell them that there would be wars and rumours of wars, but this would not be the end. There would be many natural disasters all over the world, but this was only the beginning. There would be false teachers rising up and deceiving many. Amongst all this, the Gospel of God’s good news would be preached first for a witness to all before people before the end arrived.

We are seeing all these things happen under our noses today….the world has never been in a greater turmoil than it is at present! There has never been more deception and unrest! Neither has the Gospel gone out reaching so many  by modern means!

The years have passed, and turmoil’s here, Times of strife, deception rife, disasters see around us clear; But God’s good news, is free to choose, Believers now have naught to fear.

***   ***   ***

                    Be Ready!

Matthew 24:27-51

People have always wanted to know the future…. just imagine the dread as one waited for a catastrophe to happen if one knew ahead of time the exact minute that it was coming! All we are told is that our Lord IS coming and will come into  the sky very quickly and unexpectedly to take His people to be with Him…..

It is not for us to know WHEN, all we have to do is to be READY and to WATCH for His coming! People will be going about their everyday business when He comes and suddenly certain ones will disappear. Acts of terrorism will have nothing on the terror of that day! There will be strange things happening in the sky at that time too….everything will be in an upheaval.

This passage finishes off with the story about the servant who is faithful and waiting compared with the one who is slack and unprepared….he will be caught out and miss out. The message of this passage is clear and plain….be ready and watching!

We do not know the day nor hour, That Christ will come in strength and power,

 We know that we are told to wait, Make sure we’re ready, e’er it’s too late!

***   ***   ***

              Does He Know Me?

Matthew 25:1-13

     There were ten young girls, all with one aim at this time….to meet the bridegroom when He came to take His bride. But there the similarity ended. Five thought ahead and prepared, while the other five just went along with no preparation at all……..

They all went to sleep while they were waiting, none of them were awake watching for His arrival. Then the wake up call came…”He is on His way! Go to meet Him!”  Five had lamps that were still burning brightly, and the other five had lamps that had flickered out. They wanted to borrow from the others but there was no oil to spare, so they had to rush off to buy more. While they were away, the Bridegroom came and they missed out. The ready ones went, and the door was shut behind them.

What a dreadful feeling of missing out came over those girls outside! But worse was to come. As they banged on the door to be let in now that they were ready, they called out, “Let us in! Let us in!!” But the reply came back loud and clear, “I don’t know you!”

It’s not a question of us thinking we know the Lord, it’s a question of does He know us? In fact, He knew those who would be His long before He even made the world! How much we have to be thankful for!!

Do I know Him, for me He died, I heard His voice, to Him I cried,

But more important, does He know me? For on this hangs  eternity!

***   ***   ***

                    What Am I Doing?

Matthew 25:14-30

         Another picture of God’s Kingdom is that of a man going overseas on a trip and leaving his employees in charge of his business….one person in charge of each department…..

The first servant was very innovative, and he doubled his production…..the second in the smaller department did the same, making a profit for his Master too. But the third employee was too slack to work….he kept things dusted and clean but didn’t sell his stock or replace it….it was all there just the same when the owner came back, exactly as when he had left.

We have all been given a life….what are we doing with it? Are we using our abilities for the Master? Some are more capable than others….the business man didn’t expect the second employee to do what the first one did, but he expected him to use what he had been given, which he did. He was given the same commendation from the boss as the first one had received.

But the third one did nothing with his life……”Here I am”, he said, “Exactly the same as when I was born, still in my sins!” He had done nothing, and as a result he received nothing. In fact that which he had been given (life) was taken away from him. He missed the point of life and missed out altogether. What a waste!!

What is done with life you’ve been given, How have you used it, how have you  striven?

 Make sure you’re right before it’s too late, In case you don’t reach the pearly gate.

***   ***   ***

      What’s My Destination?

Matthew 25: 31-46

        There are quite a few things to take note of in this section…. The Son of Man (Christ) is coming in His glory. Every eye will see Him and every tongue will proclaim Him Lord of all. There is no verse anywhere that says there  is a secret coming of this event! He is coming in His glory, with His angels and His people will be caught up to be with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)…….

Then there comes that time of great sorting out. ALL will have seen Him and worshipped Him….all who have ever been born! What a mind boggling thought!! Those who have been cremated and ashes scattered; those whose bodies were eaten by animals or cannibals….their bodies  will all be re-created and reunited with their spirits. They will then stand before God to be sorted out into two groups.

The criteria will be….”What have you done with Jesus Christ? What have you done with what I offered you?” The result will be two groups….those on the right hand and those on the left. Those on the right will inherit God’s Kingdom which was prepared BEFORE the world ever began and their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life then. Those on the left could not find  their names  in this book because God KNEW back then who would respond to His offer while on earth and who would not. These are the ones who will be sent out into the darkness of the lost for ever. What a dreadful prospect!!!

Let’s make sure that our names are written in God’s book; it is never too late to do this while life lasts!

The Son of Man will come again, In clouds of glory, He will reign,

His people too will share in this, And be with Him in heaven’s bliss;

The rest will have eternal doom, Forever in the deepest gloom.

***   ***   ***

What Would I Have Thought?

Matthew 26:1-11

        The chief priests were desperate to shut this Healer-Preacher up once and for all, so they got together to discuss the matter. Our Lord knew this was going on and He knew His time was near. His friends put on a tea for Him and in a sense it was a farewell dinner although no-one knew this at the time……

Lazarus. Martha and Mary were all there…each one doing what they loved best. Lazarus was at the table talking with Him, Martha busy serving Him with food, and Mary just loving Him and giving Him the homage of her heart.

Imagine the scene….the guests sitting around and the ladies taking food to the table and then in came Mary with a box of this highly perfumed and expensive ointment. She took the lid off and poured some of it on His head, maybe rubbed some of it on His face and then the rest she massaged into His feet. She used her long hair to wipe the excess away, and the scent of it filled the room..

People there stared at her in astonishment….whatever was she up to they wondered? “What a waste! It could have been sold and the money given to the poor!” Judas complained. But out Lord knew what was in Mary’s heart and He accepted it in the spirit that it was given.

Mary was the only one sho understood where He was at…..she had spent much time sitting at His feet listening to Him and she just KNEW!

The busy scene was full of chatter, But for Mary it did not matter;

 She loved her Lord and gave her all, For long before, she’d heard His call.

***   ***   ***

               Mary’s Love.

Matthew 26:12-13                                                                       Luke 10:38-42  

When the disciples grumbled about Mary’s action, our Lord commended her. She understood more than all of them. We read in Luke how Martha complained too about the lack of help from Mary…….

“All she ever does is sit down by You and listen!” she complained. But our Lord commended her at that time too…..”She has chosen the better part”, He said. In other words, food for the soul is more important than fancy food for the body.

We are told over and over again that the disciples couldn’t understand our Lord’s constant references to His sufferings, dying and resurrection. But Mary showed that she understood, by this action she performed now. Any action of worship that we perform is like a sweet perfume rising before God, and this action of Mary’s not only caused a sweet aroma in the room, but it also rose before God. Our Lord showed that she understood by His comment about what she had done, and it was specifically recorded as an example to us as well as a memorial to her.

What a challenge to us!!  How much time do we spend at His feet listening to what He says and understanding it?

Mary had sat at the Saviour’s feet, Listening as He spoke softly from His seat,

Her heart was filled with love and despair, She gave her best, wiping His feet  with her hair.

***   ***   ***

          The Love of Money.

Matthew 26:14-16

        Judas’ passion in life which led to his ultimate  downfall was the love of money! He was the one who handled the finances of the group, and  it was he who indignantly downed Mary’s use of her ointment when it could have been sold and added to the collection…….

Now he sees another way to get still more money! He knew the power of Jesus, he had seen Him walk through an angry mob unscathed, and he thought the same thing could happen again. In the meantime, he would be able to pocket the thirty pieces of silver!

So he arranged with the chief priests to take them to  where they could arrest Him. The love of money is the root of all evil…..just see where it led Judas to! To betraying His own Master, to selling the One who came to save him!

When he saw that the trial of Jesus was swung in the leaders’ favour, and that Jesus was taken off to Pilate the Roman governor, Judas was filled with remorse and tried to back track, but it was too late. What he had put into motion could never be undone! The priests didn’t want his money, and it led him to a suicide’s death.

Judas’ passion in life was his cash, In the end, it brought only death’s lash,

 In betraying his Lord, he too was betrayed, By his love of money, his doom was made.

***   ***   ***

           The Lord Provides.

Matthew 26:17-30           Mark 14:12-16                 John 13:1-3                      

        The time of the Passover feast had come and they had nowhere to set it up. The disciples didn’t panic over this, they went to their Master and asked where it was to be celebrated…….

Our Lord knew exactly where to send them to ask for a room. There would be no mistake as a man would be carrying a water pot (normally women’s work). And they were to follow him. He would lead them to the right place.

Notice these things about this place….

i.      It was available                             ii.   It was spacious

iii.    It was furnished ready                   iv. They were to prepare there.

The lesson for us here is to not get in a fuss about decisions that have to be made. Ask the Lord and He will direct and provide…..the result will be just what is needed.

Matthew gives only a brief report of the evening’s events and conversation. His account majors around the announcement of Judas’ betrayal and the additional bread and wine taken after the passover feast. One wonders what Judas’ thoughts and feelings were when he asked along with the others….”Is it I?” and Jesus replied “You have said so!” Did he really think he could hide his dastardly deed from his Master?

The time had come for our Lord at last, The time He dreaded had come to pass,

The feast was ready to be put in place, And Jesus  showed  His marvellous grace.

***   ***   ***

       The Time Had Come!

Matthew 26:17-30           Mark 14:17-26        Luke 10:38-42      John chaps 13-17

Each of the above accounts cover different aspects of that last evening together. Never again would there be another occasion like this, never again would they eat a Passover feast together. It was the end of an era and the beginning of another although they didn’t realise it at the time…….

The Passover feast was eaten and it was established that one of them would betray his Master….Judas. Matthew, Mark and Luke all tell of the breaking of the bread and drinking the cup which seems to have been done after the ceremony of eating the Passover. John doesn’t mention that at all. Later on Paul wrote of it to show its significance in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Matthew and Mark leave their accounts with that. Luke tells of the disciples’ squabble over which one would be the greatest. This wasn’t the first time that this topic had come up. (Mark 9:33-34)

Our Lord told them that the greatest ones are those who serve others and perhaps it was at this point that He got up and washed their feet as John describes. He then warned them to be on their guard, but Peter felt he could cope with anything…..after all, they had two swords between them!

Only John records all the wonderful words that Jesus spoke that last evening before they left the room to go out and face what was going to happen next… proved to be the worst night of their lives.

The time had come, had come at last, The time for which the lot was cast,

Our Lord’s concern was for His own,  The time had come  which He bore alone.

***   ***   ***

                                     Failing Disciples…..All Talk, No Walk!

Matthew 26:31-56

        They closed their time together by singing a psalm of praise and then went out of the city to a garden on the slopes of Mt of Olives. Our Lord felt the urgent need of special prayer with His Father……

The burden of the coming hours were pressing heavily upon Him. He also wanted the support of loved ones near Him, so He took James, John and Peter to watch with Him while He prayed.

Three times the dread passed over Him…..Luke alone describes the agony that He was going through and how He was sweating great drops of blood. An angel was needed to strengthen Him as the disciples had dropped off to sleep with exhaustion.

What sort of support as we in others’ times of dire need? The quietness was suddenly disturbed, and there was the sound of a crowd approaching. Judas came up to Him and gave Him a kiss of greeting which was the prearranged sign to the soldiers of which one to arrest.

Peter immediately took his sword and made a swipe with it, cutting off a man’s ear. Luke is the only one who tells us that our Lord healed it before going on with them. By this time the disciples had all melted into the darkness and fled for their lives, one of them wriggling out of his jacket as a soldier grabbed it.

Our Lord had need of His friends to stay, As in His agony, He sweated and prayed;

An angel came to strengthen Him, While the disciples’ eyes, were tired and dim.

***   ***   ***

             Peter’s Fall.

Matthew 26:57-75

       It is not only our Government  members who sit up late pontificating about the laws of the land… was late when they took Jesus before the High Priest. John is the only one who says they went to Annas  first, before going to Caiaphas (John 18:13)…….

Mark and Matthew both mention all the false testimonies against Him and how they couldn’t even agree!

John and Peter had followed the crowd….John knew the high Priest and went into the room but Peter stood at the door. It was there that a maid asked if he didn’t know the prisoner, and he denied it. Inside the courtyard a fire was lit as it was very cold outside, and Peter stood with the others warming himself. He was asked again if he were one of the disciples, and once more denied it. “Your accent gives you away! ”, they said.

Meantime the interrogation was going on inside…..”What is your doctrine?”  Another one asked, “Didn’t you say you could build the temple in three days?” A couple of hours had passed, and finally Jesus was asked, ”Tell us plainly, are You the Son of God?”

“You’re saying that I am”, He replied.

“What more evidence do we need?” they cried, “We’ve heard Him say it Himself at last!”

Peter was moving around uneasily near the fire….things were not looking good. Another man spoke up, “I DID see you with the others when Jesus was arrested!” Peter panicked and began to curse and to swear saying that he didn’t know the man. At this point, he heard a rooster crow loudly outside the door, and he remembered what Jesus had said to him earlier. He looked across to His Master and caught His eye, and knew that Jesus knew what he had just done! All his bravado left him and he turned and went outside into the cold night air weeping bitterly at his perfidy. How could he have done it!  (Luke 22:60-61)

Peter was full of promises true, “I’ll  never ever give up on You!”

But when he should have stood firm for His Lord, He fell and then went back on his word!

***   ***   ***

             What is My Priority?

Matthew 27:1-10

     They had adjourned the proceedings upon the fact that the prisoner ( our Lord) had said He was God’s Son. Now they had some evidence to produce to the governor who was the only one who could give the death sentence……

Next morning, they took Him off to Pilate. Meantime, Judas was appalled at the way things were turning out, and his conscience was working overtime. His money had no appeal now, and he took it back to the chief priests and threw it down full of remorse at what he had done. Nothing had worked as he had thought it would….he had visualised Jesus walking miraculously away from His captors! So Judas went out and hanged himself. What an end!

For one who had walked with the Lord of Glory, the Creator of the Universe and had heard the words of life for three years, to have understood so little! It had all rolled off his back like water off a duck! He looked the same as the other disciples, he had done the same sort of things, but his heart was set on the wrong things, it was set on money rather than on the things of God. Let us beware unless we get caught up in a similar trap!!

Judas did not his Master heed, But was caught in the trap of ungodly greed,

It ended in a suicide’s death, What then was the use of his money and wealth?

***   ***   ***


Matthew 27:11-23

        The priests had latched onto the phrase “King of the Jews” to make it sound like treason to the Roman governor. But our Lord answered none of the accusations that were levelled at Him….He was as quiet as the lamb in Isaiah 53:7.

It seems that Pilate was caught between a rock and a hard place….he didn’t really want to be bothered with these people and their petty quarrels. Luke tells us that when Pilate heard that the prisoner was from Galilee, he sent Him off to Herod who was responsible for that region. Herod thought he might see a miracle, but when the accused just stood there saying nothing at all, he turned nasty and made fun of Him putting a fancy robe on Him and then sending Him back to Pilate.

Meantime, Pilate’s wife sent him a message telling him to not condemn an innocent man…..she had bad vibes and bad dreams about the whole thing. So Pilate thought of another idea….he would find the worst criminal in jail and ask which one they would prefer to pardon! Surely they wouldn’t want Barabbas on the loose again!

Pilate was convinced in himself that the prisoner was an innocent Man, but his own position was at stake if he let a so-called King go free!

“You aren’t Caesar’s friend if you let Him go, Your position then will be one of woe,

Let Barabbas go and walk away free, Your job will be safe and secure as can be!”

                             ***    ***     ***

       Pilate’s Decision.

Matthew 27:24-25

        Pilate could see that there was no way out of his dilemma….if he let this prisoner go free, he could easily lose his job. Little did he realise that he would never be free of the decision that he was about to make…….it would haunt him to the end of his days……..

Two things our Lord said to Pilate that he never forgot were “I came into the world to bring the truth….everyone who is of the truth hears Me”……..and again…….”You have no power against Me unless it is given you from above”.

The calm demeanour of the prisoner, His quiet manner of speaking with such authority and His compelling eyes, all convinced Pilate of His innocence. Three times Pilate said to the Jews, “He is innocent, I’ll let Him go” and three times they called for His blood.

In the end, Pilate called for a basin of water and ceremoniously washed his hands of the decision saying he was innocent of the blood of this just Person…….the mob could do as they liked with Him! The Jews condemned themselves when they cried, “We have no king but Caesar! His blood be on us and on our children!”

Little did they know what they were bringing on their nation! In the same way, the decision that we make now concerning Jesus Christ, will have eternal consequences for us.

Pilate found he’d a decision he had to make, Was this Man real, or was He a fake?

What he did with Him then, would haunt him always, And give him no peace, the rest of his days.

                             ***    ***     ***

         Physical Torture.

Matthew 27:26-31

       It is very wonderful that we have four different accounts  of these events….what one leaves out, another fills in. Ask your siblings to recount a memorable day in the family, and see what they remember….each will remember different things!

Luke tells of the visit to Herod and how he put the fancy robe on Jesus and then sent Him back to Pilate. Pilate added a thorny crown to His head and then followed this thought of the “King of the Jews” right through to the cross. Pilate  knew that the Jews hated and despised the Roman rule over them and he knew that they hated Jesus too. By calling Him the “King of the Jews”, he forced them to say, “We have no king but Caesar!”

Matthew and Mark mention the physical torment that our Lord was put through…..the whipping, mocking and spitting, beating Him across the face and round the head. Isaiah foretold (50:6; 52:14) of His face being so marked, puffy and discoloured that He was unrecognisable, His back flogged to ribbons and His whiskers pulled off His face.

Then there was the ignominy and shame of all this public beating, battering and buffeting, as well as the shame of being stripped naked in the cold winter air. There is no shame or pain that any one on earth can suffer that He hasn’t already been through in His payment for the world’s sins. Each one of us can say, “He went through all this for….ME!”

Is beyond our  knowledge, we cannot say, What our Lord went through is beyond our ken, When He died to save all sinful men.

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        Christ’s  REAL Suffering.

Matthew 27:32-51

       Mark tells us in 15:20-38 how they took the fancy robes from off our Lord before taking Him out to execution. They put his own clothes back on Him, and they would have been badly stained with His blood…….

John tells us how He started off by carrying His cross (John 19:16-30) but couldn’t manage the load of it, so they grabbed a man out of the crowd (Simon from Cyrene) and made him carry it for Him. Luke tells us (Luke 23:26-46) of the weeping women who were following Him and how He told them not to weep for Him but rather for themselves and their children in the tortures that would come upon them.

The prisoners were taken outside the city for the crucifixion to the hill known as Golgotha. We seldom think of the noise, the cursing of the criminals, the grunts of the soldiers digging the holes, the hammering of the nails and the jeers of the surrounding crowd that was going on. The crime each criminal was accused of was nailed to each cross……”This is Jesus the King of the Jews” was what Pilate ordered to be put on the central cross. They were each offered a pain numbing drink but our Lord refused to accept it.

The soldiers mocked Him, the crowd jeered at Him, and the soldiers sat down and threw lots for His coat. “Where is His God now?” the priests mocked, “Why doesn’t God take Him down from the cross?” they called out. The sky grew darker and darker, and from midday until three o’clock it was as dark as night. Suddenly our Lord called out in a loud voice, “My God! Why have You left Me?” Shortly afterwards, He called out again in a strong voice, “It is finished!” and then He gave up His Spirit. Immediately there was a large earthquake and the rocks were moved and some of the graves were opened.

The suffering that our Lord endured, Was so that  sin could then be  cured,

His  body’s suff’ring was not the worst, But was in the fact, He bore man’s curse.

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The Sayings of our Lord.

Matthew 27:32-51

       None of the accounts of our Lord’s time on the cross give all of His sayings in order. Therefore we can only piece them together the best we can……….

Luke tells us He said, “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34) as He was being nailed on the cross and then hoisted up and plonked into the hole with a jolt.

 John tells us of His concern for his mother and passing her into John’s care…”Your son now, and your mother”.   (John 19: 26-27)

Luke tells of His comforting words to the repentant thief, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise”.  (Luke 23:43)

Matthew and Mark both give the words of His cry of agony…”My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34). This was at the end of the ordeal, at 3 p.m.

John tells us He said, “I’m thirsty!” and they gave Him a drink. (John 19: 28)

John also tells us that after this He said in a strong loud voice, “It is finished!” .This was said as a triumphant cry.   (John 19: 30)

Luke says that after this loud cry, He said “Father , into Your hands I commend My Spirit”. He then bowed His head and was gone. (Luke 23:46)

Paul tells us in Galations 2:20 that our Lord gave Himself, His life was not taken from Him by what man had done. He gave up His Spirit and life, voluntarily because He loved me. He said in John 10:11 that He is the Good Shepherd who gave his life for His sheep.

The words of our Lord are wonderfully true, And from  the cross they remained the same too;

Care for others, e’er the work was complete, Then salvation for all, what a wondrous feat!

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                             The Aftermath.

Matthew 27:52-61

       At the same moment that our Lord gave up His Spirit, there was a massive earthquake and many graves were shaken open. Note that in verse 53, a couple of days later after the resurrection, that many saints in those graves came back to life…..surely people must have felt it was all very scary!……….

Matthew, Mark and Luke all mention the centurion’s comment after the earthquake,   “Surely this WAS the Son of God!” One wonders what lasting effect this had on him for the rest of his life!

John alone mentions about the soldiers going around breaking the legs of those on the crosses to hasten their death. (This meant that they would not be able to breathe any more). Our Lord was gone already so there was no need….this was in direct fulfillment of the Scripture that said “Not a bone of Him is broken” (Psalm 34:20). The piercing of His side was also fulfillment of Scripture (Zechariah 12:10)

John had stayed beside the cross the whole time as had others of His followers as well as Mary His mother and other women. All four of the  writers of the Gospels tell how Joseph of Arimathea asked permission to remove the body. In each case he is described as being rich, honourable, just and in a high position.

He went boldly to Pilate, got permission and took the body away to his own new tomb where he laid it with the help of Nicodemus. Together they gave it a temporary embalming. This was a fulfillment of Isaiah 53:9 which says He would be dying with the wicked and have the rich in His death.

A wonderful  thought, the Scriptures fulfilled, On this foundation,  my life I will build. His Word is  straightforward, steadfast and pure,  Nothing on earth is more certain or sure.

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                Third Day, Resurrection Day.

Matthew 27: 62-66

    Our Lord told His disciples more than once that He would be killed and would rise again the third day. The chief priests also knew that He had said this…….

We read that the crucifixion day was the “preparation day” for the Sabbath and that that Sabbath was a “High Day”. (John 19:31) Matthew tells us that the next day after the “preparation “ day, the priests went to Pilate asking for a guard to keep watch over the grave (the cave mouth) in case the disciples simulated a “resurrection”.

Pilate told them to go and do the best they could, so they set the guard in place and thought they had the problem solved, but they had reckoned without the power of God! Early on the third morning, there was a tremendous rumbling and the earth shook violently. An angel came down, rolled the stone away from the mouth of the tomb and then sat on it.

The soldiers were powerless and terrified, collapsing and fainting in a heap, unable to do a thing. When they regained their strength, they reported back to the priests who bribed them to say they had fallen asleep on duty and the disciples has stolen the body away.

Man thought he could keep our Lord in the tomb, Till an earthquake came with a mighty boom, Our Lord had risen, the stone rolled away, Salvation was complete on resurrection Day!

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                        Where is He?

Matthew 28:1-7

       Once again, there are four different accounts of the one event, and it is a bit hard to sort it out in the right order. This is how it seems to be…………

As it began to get towards dawn, a group of women went out to the grave taking spices with them. There were at least four named….Mary Magdalene, Mary, Salome and Joanna, and Luke says there were others with them as well.

They were talking about how they would get into the tomb, and when they arrived, they found that the stone was already pushed to one side. Looking inside the tomb, they saw no body, but instead two angels sitting there. “He is risen”, they were told, “Go and tell His disciples!” so they left quickly and ran back to tell them. It seems that Mary Magdalene must have outrun the others to tell the men, and then run back behind Peter and John because Mark says specifically that she was the first to see Him alive (Mark 16:9-10).

She stayed at the tomb weeping after the others had gone, and then saw a man she supposed was the gardener until He spoke her name and she recognised Him. It took only the one word, “Mary!” So for each one of us, when He speaks our name, do we recognise His voice?

As the other women were still on the way, He appeared to them too….He showed Himself to the women because they were out looking for Him!  Those  who seek WILL find!

The women went early to attend to their Lord, The place was  quiet,  no noisy horde,

The tomb was empty, only angels were there, Who told them to go and the good news share.

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                        He is Alive!

Matthew 28:8-17

       Both Mark and Luke tell of the disciples’ disbelief when the women told them that Jesus was alive……

Luke gives the details of two of them who were walking to the town of Emmaus in company with a Stranger. They later recognised Who He was when He gave thanks for the meal (did they see the scars in His hands?) and rushed back to tell the others. While they were in the middle of telling them the news, Jesus Himself appeared in front of them all. They were terrified at first, but when they had calmed down, they were filled with great joy and peace.

John tells of Thomas’ absence and his disbelief and subsequent meeting with His Lord who he gladly acknowledged.

Matthew and John tell how the Lord told them to go back to Galilee which they did, and then John goes into some detail of how He appeared to them at the lake after an impatient Peter decided it was no use hanging around, he might as well go fishing! But this was not the Lord’s intention for them….working without Him yielded nothing; at His command, they caught more than they could handle! How patient our Lord is with our disbelief, impatience and lack of faith!

Alive again! What joy it gave,

To see the clearly empty grave.

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                   His Last Days With Them.

Matthew 28: 18-20

       Matthew, Mark and Luke all tell of his last days on earth, but John gives a more intimate picture of his conversation with Peter. Three times Peter had denied his Lord, and now three times he had to affirm his love…..

Our Lord told him three times that it was his job now to shepherd the sheep and lambs, and not to go back fishing! Acts tells us that the Lord was with His disciples for forty days, and John says that many signs were given and done in that time, but no details of them.

We have been told enough to know the truth of it all, and Peter was told specifically to mind his own calling and not to worry about what others might be doing! A lesson for all of us!

Towards the end of this six week period, the disciples went back to Bethany and then Jerusalem at their Lord’s request and were told to wait there until the Holy Spirit  would come upon them once He had left them for good. They were then to go and preach the Gospel, starting in Jerusalem (at hand), Samaria (next door) and then throughout the whole world. Luke and Mark tell how He ascended up into the clouds out of their sight.

The disciples went to Galilee, But this, their sphere was not to be,

The greatest job to them was given, To tell all men the way to Heaven.                                                         ***    ***     ***

                        A New Era Begins.


Matthew 28:18-20

    The disciples watched their Lord and Master disappear from sight into the clouds. What were their feelings now? Luke tells us they were filled with worship and joy as they went back to Jerusalem. He had given them a mammoth task to do….to spread His Word to the whole world….but they were to wait until they would receive His power to do it……

As the disciples stopped looking up into the clouds and turned to leave, they saw two angels standing there with them. They told them that one day He would come again in the same way that they had just seen Him go.

Matthew and Mark both clearly show that baptism is to be taught along with the Gospel message….somewhere along the line, that teaching has been left to one side. Mark plainly states that those who won’t believe will be damned….strong words….and that baptism is an outward act of obedience to show an inward resolve.

The disciples had to wait in Jerusalem for another ten days before they received the Holy Spirit who their Lord had promised would come, and then things began to happen and the church began to be built. It is still continuing to be built, and will only cease when our Lord returns for His people.

An era new had now begun, Our Lord had shown the way to run;

The gospel and baptism to be preached, As people far and wide were reached.

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