Taking Verses out of Context.

kids008“Brrrm, brrrm, bang, bang”, Bobby cried as he ran through the living room waving his arms as though he were flying.

“Bobby! Whatever are you doing that for?” Mum called out over Bobby’s noise.

“I can do anything!” Bobby said as he flopped down on the couch.

“What do you mean, you can do anything?” Mum asked, “I can tell you one thing, you aren’t to make so much noise when you come flying in here like that!”

“Well, that’s what the preacher told us about yesterday at church….he said we could do anything through Christ who give us strength”, Bobby said picking up a cushion and using it as a shield.

“Did not!” Sarah said, “It just shows how much you weren’t listening to what he DID say!”

“Well, what did he say then?” Bobby said a little sulkily.

“He said we weren’t to take a verse out of its context and make a rule about it like you did just then,” Sarah said, “He said that that verse you just said, has to be read with all the. other verses ahead and behind it”.      

“Oh!” said Bobby somewhat crestfallen, “Well, what does ‘contect’ mean anyway?”

“Context!” Sarah corrected, “It means you have to read all the verses around the one you like, and then see what makes sense!”

Mum was listening and smiling as Sarah went on with her explanation. She knew that Sarah had got the real sense of what the preacher had been talking about.

“All the verses before that one are talking about being content with what we have got”, Sarah went on. “We are not to want what other people have, and it’s not always easy to be like that!”

“Ho, ho,” said Bobby, “What about that latest model phone like the one that Michaela has that you were wanting? Huh?”

“Well, I know that,” Sarah said, “I know I have to be satisfied with the one I’ve got, and it is only the Lord Jesus who can give me the strength to be like that! That’s right, isn’t it Mum?”

“Yes, that is exactly what the preacher was saying”, Mum said, “And I’m glad that you’ve made sense out of what he was saying Sarah, because you will find lots of times you will need to remember that or you will be unhappy or jealous of other people if they have things that you haven’t got. Now Bobby, ” she went on, “You just pick up your wings and fly outside to do your chores….you will have plenty of strength to do that!”

“Brrm, brrm”, said Bobby as he got up and ran outside still making aeroplane noises as he went.

Devotional Thoughts from Psalm Seventy-Seven

The Weeping  Man

I cried aloud to God on High, He heard my call and every sigh,

I felt that things were most unfair, I was bowed down with all my care,

I felt that God forgot me then, I was the most miserable of men!

But as I thought what God had done, I remembered vict’ries won,

I meditated on His ways, And thought of all His grace always;

He has given salvation free, And pours the rain upon the sea,

As thunder comes from heaven above, He gives all things in His great love.

How often we feel like this! This is what makes the book of Psalms so relevant for us today….those who wrote it had the same feelings of despair and being downcast as we do today. The human heart is still the same. We often forget that when we read of these people of old times what their feelings would have been as they surveyed their surroundings and circumstances. But when we remember what God did back then, we know that He is still the God of miracles and encouragement. Our current attitudes depend entirely on ourselves….are we going to wallow in our misery, or are we going to praise God for our blessings? It all depends on us!

Another Funeral Service.

 eric_liddell-340x538               We went to another funeral today, the memorial service actually….very different to the one we went to a couple of weeks ago. Unlike the first one, this was the funeral of man we had only known for a few months at the church we now go to. He had had cancer for a few months and the doctors had told him he couldn’t last past Christmas. As a result, he had organised a lot of the service himself, knowing that his time was short. He had not known the Lord all his life as some do, but had come to the realization of his need of salvation when in his forties.

His main passion in life until then was running marathon races, and he  had put all his effort into this. But once he became a Christian, he felt that the Lord must come first, and his running took second place. But he never lost his love for running, and still did as much as he was able to right into older age.

As a result of this love of racing, he had excerpts of the film, Chariots of Fire, played during the service. These were the parts of the story where the main character, Eric Liddell, had been training for the marathon race in the Olympics back in the 1920s. When he found that the race was scheduled to be run on a Sunday, Eric said he would not run it, but changed to run a much longer marathon that he hadn’t trained for, on a weekday. No-one expected him to do well in this, but he committed it to the Lord and as a result won the race. After this time, he went to China to become a missionary there.

This was now the theme of this man’s life, and he wanted all present at his memorial service today to know this. Just as Eric Liddell honoured the Lord in his racing so this man did also to the best of his ability. He wasn’t able to go out as a missionary himself, but he took a great interest in missionary work, and supported those who did go.

It made me wonder what we each one would like to be said of us at our funeral services. Would we like our great deeds to be mentioned, with all the trophies we have won in our life, or would we count it greater to have said that we were faithful to our convictions. God does not expect us to be successful, but He does want us to be faithful to Him!