What Next?

What Next?

Well, our preacher this morning said that we are living in unprecedented times……that simply means that we are living in a time such as has never been seen before! In case you are wondering, no, we weren’t at church, we were listening to him live streaming on the computer while we sat at home on our own!

   Perhaps there have been other times when there were world wide plagues, but it has never been so easy to keep track of how and where it has spread to,  as it is these days with all the TV coverage. I noticed yesterday on one of the maps they put up, that Africa hasn’t got as much of it as Europe and the Asian continent have. In the large cities, it would be very difficult to keep one’s distance, and for anyone who has travelled to the large cities and been on the underground trains where they literally shove you in with their foot or arm so they can shut the doors, it is impossible!!! So it is easy to see how the virus can spread so fast. I also seem to remember hearing that the virus doesn’t like the heat so perhaps that is another reason why Africa is relatively clear.

   Anyway, all our plans have been put on hold in this time of isolation as I guess all of yours have been. But at least we can still communicate by phone and emails…I think we’ve never had so many calls for a long time as we have since this isolation time began….people must be looking for something to do, so they ring up and have a talk!  Perhaps it just shows us that we have been too busy rushing here and rushing there to do that in the past!!

    I was thinking that as we have no control over the circumstances that overtake us at times such as this isolation time we are having now, but we certainly DO have control over how we are going to take it! Are we going to pout and complain about our plans put on hold, or are we going to take it cheerfully and look at all the blessings we DO have. Never have we had so much spare time to  put into all those little jobs we have promised to do when there is time! Nor have we had as much time to get the garden fully weeded and in tip top order as we have now. The only trouble is that we can’t show it off to our friends!!

   So let’s count our blessings rather than our problems, and be thankful that we are keeping well enough to get on top of all those jobs that have been put on the back burner for so long.

   Let’s remember to keep a cheerful attitude and that giving praise to our Father in Heaven will ensure that we will keep on top of all the annoyances that come our way! O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our  salvation. Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.   Psalm 95: 1-2


                                   Why Do Bad things Happen to Good People?                                                        (Read Luke 7:11-29)

“Well”, said Dad as the family sat down around the lunch table, “What did you learn at church today?” “The preacher told us about John the Baptist being in prison”, Bobby said munching his lettuce and ham. “Yes, and it was all because he told the king he shouldn’t be doing wrong things”, said Sarah, “Everyone knew about it so I don’t see why John should have been put in prison.” “That’s right”, said Bobby, “Why DO bad things happen to good people anyway? Can’t God stop them happening?””.

“What do you think Uncle Jeff?” Sarah said, turning to him. “Well, it’s like this”, Uncle Jeff said, “John was given a special job to do by God….can you remember what it was?” “I remember”, Betty piped up, “Our teacher told us about John. It was his job to tell people that Jesus was coming wasn’t it?” “That’s right” said Uncle Jeff, “And now that job was finished. Jesus was there, going around teaching the people and doing miracles for them, and they could see and hear Him for themselves”. “I know that”, Bobby said, “But it still doesn’t seem fair for John to be put in prison”. “John was a strong man”, Dad said, “And God knew He could depend on him, even in prison”. “Yes, but he did wonder what had gone wrong”, Sarah said thoughtfully, “Because he sent that message to Jesus asking if he had been mistaken.”

“Can you remember what happened to the messengers then?” Uncle Jeff asked. “Yes, Jesus didn’t answer them straight away. Instead He took them with Him while He was healing the sick people, and making blind people see and deaf people hear. And all the time He was preaching to people around Him”, said Bobby. “Then He told them to go back to John and tell him what they had seen Him doing. He specially said to not be offended by Jesus because he was in prison…he wasn’t to blame God for what had happened”, said Sarah. “I DID notice one thing though”, she carried on, “Jesus didn’t growl at him for wondering these things.” “No, that’s right” Dad said, “What do you think that shows us about Jesus?” “How understanding He is”, Sarah said. “Yes, and then He went on to tell the people what a great man John was and how strong he was for God”, Bobby said. “I heard that too”, said Betty, “John did what God told him to”. “That’s right Betty”, said Uncle Jeff, “Jesus told the people that John had been a special announcer telling people that God’s Messenger was right there with them. John was a tough man, one who wouldn’t change his mind, and he never did. But he DID want to make sure he was right. Once his friends returned and told him what Jesus had been doing, he knew for sure that Jesus was the real Messiah”.

“Yes,” said Bobby, “But you still haven’t said why God allowed all this to happen and then didn’t the king chop his head off in the end?” “Well, like I said before, John’s job was done. He had done all that God asked him to do, and now God was ready to take him to be with Him. We can’t argue with God….when it is His time to take us, it will happen. John was obedient to what God had asked him to do and we must be the same, and then we will be ready to meet Him, no matter when”. “Mmmm”, said Bobby thoughtfully, “That’s a hard ask.” “It sure is”, agreed Sarah, “But after all God has the last say for all of us doesn’t He?” “I want to be ready”, said Betty as she reached for a piece of apple pie. “Now, now”, said Mum, “That’s the second piece you’ve had Betty!” Betty quickly began to eat it. “I guess that life isn’t always about being fair”, Sarah said thoughtfully. “That’s right”, said Dad, “That is what makes us strong Christians and better for God rather than being bitter against Him. Big  winds make plants grow stronger. Without that they stay soft and weak”. “I don’t want to be soft and weak”, Betty said.

 Mum looked across at Dad and smiled. She knew how little anyone knows about what lies ahead in life’s journey, and how we all have to be ready. for whatever comes our way!

Who was the Apostle Paul?

    Paul was a unusual character, yet God had His hand on him right from birth (Galatians 1:15).  Even though he didn’t know it, God had chosen him for a special purpose.    When we first meet Paul, he is described as a “young man” known by the name of  Saul.  (Acts  7:58).   He was a Roman citizen by birth (Acts 22:27-28) having been born in the town of Tarsus in Asia Minor  and very well educated. He had finished his learning under the tutelage of Gamaliel , one of the highest teachers in  the Jewish faith at that time, in the city of Jerusalem.    (Acts 22:3)

    Young Saul felt it was his vocation, even more, his bounden duty, to eradicate all those who were following this new faith called “The Way”. He went all through Jerusalem,  hauling both men and women off to prison.     (Acts 8:1, 3)     Later, his intention was to follow these people to the ends of the earth if necessary, to shut them up. He felt this was his calling that God wanted him to do. It was for this reason that he set off for Damascus to do this very thing, but he never got there to do it….God stopped him in his tracks and spoke to him in a blinding light that left him without sight for three days. The men with him saw the light and heard a noise (without hearing the words spoken). Saul knew it was indeed the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ and he responded immediately.   (You can read about this in Acts 9: 1-9 and 22: 4-23)

   After his eye sight was restored to him, he immediately began to preach that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who had come into the world to save sinners. People couldn’t believe their ears….this was the man who had been throwing people into prison for doing this, and now he was doing it himself!     Paul went off into the desert for a period of time after his initial preaching, and tells what happened to him there in  Galatians 1:11-24. He also explained that what he was preaching and teaching was not a man’s idea or his idea, but that God Himself had shown him these things and told him what he was to preach.

    The letters that he wrote to the different churches were borne out of his great concern and love for the people he was writing to. We might wonder why, seeing that he was doing such a great preaching work, that the Lord allowed him to be shut up in prison so much. But it was during these times that he wrote these letters which indeed are God’s instructions to His people from  that time right down to the present time. The young Christians had much to learn, and he wrote of God’s order in the churches, and the mysteries of God’s intentions for His people (Christ in you). He also straightened the people up when they took on board the wrong ideas concerning the old law’s rules, and showed that Christ had died once and for all time for man’s sins when people turned and confessed it to God.

   We have much to be thankful to Paul for, and indeed are indebted to his writings which have been preserved for us. Let us each one make sure that we acknowledge that what he has written is surely the Word of God in truth.  If any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write to you are the commandments of the Lord, he wrote    (1 Corinthians 14:37).    Let’s begin to take a closer look at the things that he wrote down and take heed to them for they are indeed the words of the Lord to us for today!

One Step at a Time!

    Many years ago we had a good friend who had come to know the Lord from a dark background. The difference in his life was noticeable to all who had known him previously. He now had a perpetual smile on his face, and went around singing all the hymns he knew. It was always a joy to meet him and to hear what he had been discovering as he read his Bible every day. He was growing in his Christian life noticeably from day to day.

     But there were things we learned from him too. His infectious grin was always heartwarming. He was always very careful where he put his Bible down. Never would he put it on the floor beside his feet when he was sitting down. To him, this was an insult to Almighty God. As far as he was concerned there were plenty of other places to put it, rather than on the floor. This was one thing we never forgot.

    One day he came to us very concerned. “I feel so ignorant of the Word”, he said, “How can I remember and learn it better than I do? I was never very good at school,” he went on, “What can I do about it?” “Well, you know what a sieve is like?”, we asked. “Yes,” he said, “And that is just what I feel like, not able to hold anything at all!” “Ah,” we said, “But the point is that the water going through all the time keeps it clean. In the same way, the Water of the Word keeps you clean as you read it, even if you don’t remember much later.” His face broke into a big beaming smile. “Oh, I see it now”, he said, “It’s just a matter of keeping on keeping on!”

   Another time he was still worrying about his lack of knowledge. “What should I do about it?” he asked. “Well, the Lord knows all about it and how you feel so inadequate,” we said, “But the main thing is to be obedient to the little bit you DO know, and then tomorrow or maybe the next day, He will show you the next step that you should do!” “Oh, that’s great!” he said, “I’ll do it that way then!” “It’s just a case of one step at a time…..as we do that one, then we will see the next step to take!”

    We moved away from the district shortly after that and heard of him periodically. But always, he was still going on for his Lord and rejoicing in Him until the day of his death some years later. We still smile as we remember our good friend and the things that he taught us as we interacted with him.