The Ideal Parent!

        Proverbs 4: Verses 1-10         

Solomon paints a wonderful picture of a godly home here, filled with love and life, and I’m sure one where laughter prevailed as well!

It is the place of fathers to set the tone of the home with the children and the mother will gladly follow his lead if both base their lives on God’s Word. This need not be all gloom and doom as some people imagine, after all God is the author of laughter and fun  too. This should be based on  wisdom, and parents should be sensitive to the needs of the children as each one is different. The main thing is to not be too tired to have fun times with the little ones or to be interested in what the older children are into.

James tells us that if we feel we lack wisdom to be a good parent, we are to ask God for  guidance and wisdom, and then God will show us what to do. The main thing is to take the time to concentrate on the family  and their needs while you have them, as there will be plenty of time for one’s own interests when the birds have flown the nest!

                                        To get the wisdom that parents  need,                                                                     Just ask the Lord when his Word you  read,                                                                  Ask in faith, and the answer will be giv’n,                                            By the Maker of all, the Earth and Heav’n.

Cutting Out the Deadwood.

I’ve been trimming our hedge today, and it reminded me how we have to be trimmed by the Heavenly Gardener also. It’s hard work to do this and to get the hedge back to looking good again….no doubt it also hurts the hedge trees! Certainly trimming us of our bad habits and thoughts takes time and effort on our part and often hurts us in the process. Nor is this a one-off process…the hedge  needs to be done continually, and so it is with us.

Just as the trimming neatens and tidies up the hedge, and makes it good to look at and enhances the general garden appearance, so the trimming that God gives us does the same in our lives….in fact we are told in the Bible that  “No chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who are exercised by it. So therefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed (Hebrews 12:11-13 KJV).

Not only does this pruning tidy things up, but in fruit trees, it also helps to the trees to bear fruit. In exactly the same way, we cannot bear fruit for God until we are trimmed up with all the rough branches and dead twigs in our lives cut off. This is truly just dead wood. So much that we get involved in seems good at the time, but in the end it is only dead wood, and has no fruit for the Master Gardener. This is where we have to be alert and cut out spending our time fruitlessly (in every sense of the word!)

John tells us that the only way we can bear fruit for the Lord is to abide in Him; that is, to do His will and ask Him what we should do (John 15:1-6). Unless we do this we cannot abide in Him…..there is no room for Him when our will is taking over. We must bow to His will in all that we do, so we can bear fruit for Him..

Let’s take these thoughts to heart, clean our act up and get going again!

All Set to Win!

The Commonwealth Games of 2018 are nearly over. All the efforts of training, the expectation of the competition, the joys of winning and disappointments of missing out, are all over for this time. We watched some of the competitions, and felt the disappointment of seeing one poor competitor in the marathon race get so near the finishing line in the winning place, only to collapse just short of getting there. He had made such a good start, and kept his pace and place until nearly the end, only to miss out.

I couldn’t help thinking of those verses that Paul wrote to Timothy reminding him that it is only those who get crowned  who get to the end having gone all the way according to the rules. It didn’t matter that this poor competitor had collapsed due to dehydration and subsequent weakness, he had failed to keep to the rules, so he missed out. We too, have rules to keep to in our lives….not only in our physical lives, but also in our spiritual lives.

You didn’t know there was a spiritual life that we each one have? What does it matter you might ask? It makes all the difference between eternal life  in peace and joy and eternal life in misery and torment. The young man competing in the games sincerely thought he had done sufficient training, but he had forgotten one fact….he would be running in a heat and climate very different to what he was used to, and that he would need to keep his supply of drinking water up. He couldn’t make it.

So many people say they don’t believe in all that stuff, but what a person believes doesn’t alter the facts that God lays down. I was in an airport waiting for my flight one time and heard of an American lady who thought she was going Oakland in California, but due to the difference in accents, she was in fact getting on a plane to Auckland, New Zealand. She sincerely thought she was on the right plane, but she was sincerely wrong. Sincerity isn’t always what gets us to the right destination, it must be sincerity coupled with facts.

So even if you sincerely believe that there is nothing after death, that your life will just be snuffed out into oblivion, you had better make sure that your sincerity is coupled with facts. Where are the facts about a spiritual life found? In the Book written by the author of spiritual life, our handbook for life, the Bible. This is the only place we can find out the facts to base our choices and decisions on. So find the facts and then make a sincere and informed choice!

The Travellers’ Bags….

     Gran was visiting at Bobby’s  place one day, and the young ones were dying to see her and  hear about her adventures. Gran had just arrived back from an overseas trip and they all wanted to hear about it and to see if she had brought any presents with her. She usually picked up small things that she knew the children would like.

After all the “hellos” had been said and she had relaxed with a cup of tea, they gathered around her, and she said “Oh, it IS good to be back home. But before we look in my bag to see what I’ve brought you, I want to tell you a story I thought of while I was waiting for my flight this morning…..

“I was watching the people all coming in to the airport lounge to sit down and wait for their flights. They were all going somewhere and were all carrying different sorts of bags….some  were big and floppy and others were proper small suitcases with wheels. Others were back packs. As more people came in, they were getting more squashed up together, sitting closer as the seats were being filled up.

The bags were sitting on the floor, by people’s feet, and I imagined they were talking to each other. There was the smart blue bag on wheels with a matching handbag beside it. “Oh!”, it thought to itself, “What a lot of other tatty bags there are here! I’m so glad I don’t look like them! Why, I’ve even got a matching handbag. I’d move further along if I could!” and it gave a bit of a sniff.

Right next to it was a big floppy orange bag. It looked quite old and as though it had once carried baby’s bottles and nappies. It had a warm comfortable look about it. It was thinking to itself, “I wonder where my missus is going with me today. I DO hope there are some children there so I can carry things for them!”

Further along was a large backpack. It had quite an adventurous look about it. It had seen many different places, and had actually got badges from these places stuck on its sides. It looked around and thought to itself, “I’m glad I’ve been around a bit and seen more than these other bags! Look at those two blue bags over there, they look so new that they haven’t had time to see anything yet!”

Next to it was a large business case. It had been to the office all week and was going back to its home. It thought to itself, “Oh dear, I’ve had such a busy week. But I know a lot of important business has been done and I’ve been able to carry all the papers and the laptop to help get these things done. If I hadn’t been doing this the business meetings wouldn’t have been able to be held. But I WILL be glad to get home for the weekend!”

There was one last bag I could see. It was an ordinary looking bag, neither too big nor too small, not too new nor too old. It looked as though it belonged to someone very organised. I imagined it was thinking to itself, “I’m so glad I know where I’m going. I’ve got the passport ready and the plane ticket is tucked into my inside pocket along with the boarding pass, and my owner knows where it all is!”

The call came to board the plane, and the people all picked up their bags and moved  towards the boarding lanes.

The two blue bags said to each other, “I DO hope we aren’t piled into the cabin ports too close to these other bags, they might scratch our nice new shiny look!”

The big orange floppy bag with the comfortable look thought to itself, “Oh, it’s going to be such fun when the little ones see the presents I’m bringing for them, I can’t wait to get there!”

The backpack was anxious to get on its way and thought to itself, “I wonder what adventures I’ll have tomorrow! I don’t mind if I get squished into the overhead compartment, so long as I can get going!”

The business case thought, “I’m so glad I was able to be part of that big business deal we did this week, what a big improvement it’s going to make for everyone!”

The last case thought, “I’m so glad I’m not a great big bag that will have to be stowed in the overhead compartment. I’m all ready to go and I know where I’m going!”

I couldn’t help thinking these bags are just like we are sometimes. We feel so pleased with ourselves, and think we are smarter and more classy than other people (the blue bags). Or are we just happy to be able to help people and to take things that will give them pleasure? (the floppy orange bag)  Or are we too busy doing our own thing and wanting to go places to be able to help others?  Maybe we might want to do or see something new too badly  to think about helping other people. Especially when they have been away on holiday, do we take the time to ask them what it was like and what they did? (the backpack)

We could be thinking about other people and what they’ve been doing and not just thinking what WE’VE been doing! This was what the business bag was like. Even though he often felt tired, he knew that what he was doing was good for others.

But the last bag had the best place of all. It knew where it was going and it was all ready for the trip with its ticket and boarding pass right at hand”

“What a neat story!” Sarah said, “I don’t know how you think of all these things, Gran!”.

“Is that all there is?” asked Betty who had been listening with her mouth open, “I want to be like the last bag!!”

“Well,” said Gran, “All those bags sitting by their owners’ feet just reminded that it’s always good to put others first because this is what pleases God. But the best of all is to know where we are going when we die and to know that we are ready for this trip. So many people trust in their good looks and their good deeds, or in being kind. Others are just too busy and have too much to do and see to think about God. Still others are too busy working in their offices and making money to have time for God’s things. So I just want you to make sure that you are like the sensible bag and know where we are going at the end of our life and that we are ready for the trip!”

“Sure will!” said Bobby, “What did you bring us in your bag Gran?”

“Let’s have a look,” said Gran, “and every time you see these things just remember the story about the bags and the sort of people they are like!”

 What WAS God’s Plan?

                   Genesis One….                 Verse 1….

   We have seen that God had a plan BEFORE He began His creation work (and is still working to it). From God’s viewpoint, the whole plan was as good as accomplished….now He is just waiting for it to work itself out. After all, He created TIME….ETERNITY is timeless, without time! Time didn’t come into being until the sun, moon and stars were created for without them, there is no measuring rule…..

God knew before He began, how He would bring salvation to man….that His only beloved Son (part of Himself) would go to earth to live a sinless life and then be qualified to die to pay the penalty of sin…a Person with no sin of His own (1 Peter 1:20).

He knew BEFORE time began, all those who would come to Him in repentance, and wrote their names in the Book of Life (Revelation 17:8b.) He had even prepared a kingdom for them all BEFORE the foundation of the earth was laid  (Matthew 25:34).

But all these things were kept a secret from angels and principalities until AFTER Jesus Christ had died and brought salvation to mankind. (Matthew 13:35). It was then that God’s Holy Spirit revealed these truths to His Apostles who wrote them down for us to read today in the Holy Bible. Let’s make sure that we not only read all about these things for ourselves, but that we make sure that our name is in the Book of Life!

God’s plan was written and early made,                                                                    Before the world’s foundation laid;                                                                            Before the sun e’er showed its face,                                                                        Or time began, God made our space.

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