Proverbs Four…..

Verses 11-27

It is one thing to know the right thing to do, and another thing to put it into practice!! Hang onto what you know is right, and don’t deviate from it.                                                                                                                                                       The best way to use wisdom is to avoid temptation in the first place….don’t go where temptation abounds…..avoid it like the plague, don’t even look towards it! Use your head before you lose it!! Don’t ever deliberately  go into, or  start, anything doubtful  thinking you can handle it. You won’t be able to, because God won’t be there  with you in it. Those ways are the paths of darkness, and you will surely stumble.

The ways of God’s wisdom are the paths of light, life  and strength. Don’t turn to the right hand or to the left, but keep a straight course with your  eyes fixed on the goal of
God’s wisdom and righteousness!

S-I-N is a very little word, But it often spells disaster,

You must leave it very much alone,  Or it will become your Master!


Devotions from Proverbs Three

Verses 19-26

Solomon tucks in here a basic truth which is so relevant in this day and age where evolution is so freely taught..

It is God who created all the things and Who gave us the principles of nature. It is not MOTHER Nature, but FATHER  God! This knowledge and wisdom tells the believer that God has all things under control and there is no need to worry about Global Warming, ozone layering or overpopulation  of the Planet!

We must hold firmly on to this knowledge and not waver from it, so we will have sound wisdom and perfect peace with the confidence that God’s word gives. Hebrews tells us that our Lord is upholding all things by the Word of His Power . He is ALIVE, and sitting on the right Hand of God RIGHT NOW! He is taking care of the universe, and He has taken care of man’s sin problem, if only man will turn to Him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Lord in His wisdom, has founded the earth,  And this wisdom is of the utmost worth;                                                                                                                      It’s  all in  control, we need never fear,  But praise Him for this and be of good cheer!


How Well do you Listen?

“Could you run down to the grocery store and get me a couple of things please Honey?”      Debbie asked her new husband.

“Why sure”, Jeff replied only too happy to oblige.

“I’ll give you a list”, Debbie went on.

“No, no” Jeff insisted, “I’ll be OK. What do you want?”

“Well, I need some self-rising flour, and a packet of Twinings tea”, she said as she wiped her hands on the towel.

Jeff bounded off, happy to do his beloved’s wish.

He got to the shop and found the section for baking needs. “Flour” he muttered, and then looked at the array of different sorts of flour before him. “Now what sort did she ask for?” he asked himself. High grade, plain white, brown, self-rising, bread flour. Her instructions flew out of his mind.

It was in the days before cell phones, so he made a wild guess and picked a packet off the shelf.

It was the same in the tea section. “Tea”, he muttered, “Now what sort did she ask for?”

Green tea, black tea, cheap tea, expensive tea…. Nerada tea, Bell tea, Choysa tea, Twinings tea? He made a stab and picked a packet up and put it in his basket.

When he got home, Debbie saw what he had brought. “Those aren’t the ones I asked for Jeff”, she wailed, “Why didn’t you listen?”

“Well, I did get flour and tea”, he said.

You see, Jeff had heard, but he hadn’t really listened. This what so many of us are like with what God tells us. Yes, we hear that God loves us, but we don’t listen to the fact that He is a holy God and can’t stand sin. We hear that He wants to bless us, but we don’t listen to the fact that He only blesses those who give their lives to Him and do their best to follow Him. We may even know that verse that says that “all things work together for good”, but we don’t take notice that is only for those who love God and are doing what He wants them to. Let’s make sure that we REALLY listen to what God is saying to us, and then act on it. If Jeff had really LISTENED to Debbie, he would have taken the right things home for her!!

The Glass Blower.

       We had some visitors from another area, and were taking them around the local sights. One of these was a glass blower at  work behind the gallery that was selling a lot of his work. There were some beautiful pieces on display, all brightly coloured and different shapes. The man was in his workshop at the back of the gallery which was open for people to watch him at work.

    We went in and up the stairs where we could look down on him plying his art. The furnace was heated up and the tongs he was using were red hot. As he pulled the shaped vase out of the heat, he pulled and twisted at the neck of it to form a shapely edge. But time and time again, he had to put it back into the heat because he wasn’t satisfied with how it looked.                                                                                                 It reminded me of the Master Glass Blower at work in our lives, as He moulds and perfects His people to make them become what He wants them to be. We may not like the heat of the fire we have to go through, or the pulling and twisting that we are subject to, but when it is all over, we are more like the finished article that He wants us to be….a thing of beauty and fit for His use.