Category Archives: Random Devotional Thoughts

God’s Mercy and Peace.


Galatians  1: 3-5                                

    Paul  is still in his introduction to the Galatian Christians here.  He was in a position to pass on a blessing from God to others…. The challenge to us is, do we know God well enough to do this as well?

Paul knew God’s grace and peace and he knew where it came from.… it was the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.     Note that he uses Christ’s full title here…. none of this plain “Jesus” as we hear so much in Christian circles today. The world uses the name “Jesus Christ” in blasphemy and expletives, but only a genuine believer uses His full title. Let us see that we make full use of it!

     We sometimes wonder if non-Christian people we associate with, notice that we don’t talk as they do….I remember once when I was having my weekly game of golf (and I played golf very badly!) and had made a particularly bad shot. One of the ladies I was playing with, said, “I don’t know how you can have a shot like that, and not be swearing!” So people DO notice how we act and talk! Let us not let the Lord Jesus Christ down in our speech and actions!

     In the next verse, Paul says why He is our Lord Jesus Christ….. it is because He gave Himself for our sins and delivered us from this present evil world. This is God’s will for each human being. Let us see that we live in the enjoyment of this blessing and not go back into the scum of what this world has to offer!      Paul finishes off his introduction by acknowledging God’s glory which is everlasting….. this is the eternal praise of heaven (Revelation 5:12-14). If we don’t want to do this on earth now, we certainly won’t want to do it for eternity!

The blessings of God are mercy and peace, We can thank Him now that they’ll never cease; Through the work that was done,   By His well loved Son, ‘Twill last well beyond our decease.

How Do You Stack up?

     We had a baptismal service at our church this morning when four young people were baptised. Each of them gave very clear testimonies as to why they wanted to be baptised, and how they had come to know the Lord for themselves. To them God was not just a force “up there”, but He was personally their Father in Heaven.

    How many people say the Lord’s prayer today starting with “Our Father which art in Heaven”, and they don’t know God as their Father at all! We wouldn’t dream of approaching just any man out there, and calling him “Father”  and asking Him to supply our daily food. Not only that, but how many people think, or want, to go to heaven when they die without even thinking what they will find when they get there! Heaven is God’s home, and as such is holy and pure, without a single jarring note, and full of the praise of God. How could anyone who can’t praise God here on earth, think they are going to be able to do this in heaven? Yet so many people think this without even realising what the implication of being in heaven is! Let’s hope you aren’t one of these, and that you make sure that God is indeed, your Father! You might be wondering how you can do this….it is very simple, just ask Him and tell Him you are sorry for the things that you have done wrong ! When He sees that you really mean what you say, He will become your Heavenly Father, and you will have the right to call Him this….”Our Father!”

Hiding God’s Word.

    Our grandchildren have grown and are now having problems which we can’t help taking on our own shoulders as we watch them flounder along making the same mistakes that we once made. Now we are brought up with a round turn by health problems which we didn’t foresee, and we find that we have new needs. We have to downsize; things we once did with ease, now take all day. Then when we come to the next big-0 birthday, we realise that there is very little time left, and maybe no quality time at that. Our minds are not as clear as they used to be, and it is an effort to think of the future and spiritual things.

   For those of us who have endeavoured to follow the Lord during our life time, we have a foundation of knowing the Scriptures and can draw on these from our memory bank for the times of weakness. Our Lord says that His Holy Spirit will bring these things to our remembrance in our times of need, but there has to be something there in the first place for Him to work with.

    So while we have the energy, let’s make sure we store up God’s Word in our hearts against the time that we may not be able to get “fresh manna” due to illness and bodily weakness. Let’s remember that He has promised He will be always with us, and as we go through the door, He is the only One who can go through with us. Let’s get to know Him better and seek to live for Him in every way, and we will come to that door with full confidence and anticipation of what lies beyond!

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More Snippets from Ezekiel

      I wrote last time about a vision Ezekiel had seen, and  continued reading through his writings. I was intrigued by the following thoughts from the first part of verse seven of chapter forty-three which says… And He said to me, “Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever.”     It is amazing to think that God’s desire has always been to live among His people. There are many pictures in this vision that are applicable to us as believers. We are told that we are the temple of the Living God as a body of believers on earth at this time…..

     God’s one great desire is that people follow him with all their heart, and mind and soul (Matthew 22:36-38). Since we see that the sacrifice for our sin has been met by Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit of God is now living within us, does this then let us off the hook of having to offer any further sacrifices? Can we just take this free salvation and then live our lives how we want to? No, most definitely not! What then are we expected to do?

    The first offering to give to God is to give our own selves to Him and to live for Him in a way that is honouring to Him. We are not to give way to things like bad temper, immoral living of any sort, dishonesty in  business deals or in private life, or in using bad language.. (Romans 12:1; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)    We are to have a humble attitude before God, and not demand things just because He has promised them….it may not be right for us at this time! (Psalm 51:17)    Then we are to give Him the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. It is so easy to complain about people and things….it just comes naturally right from childhood to say, “Not my fault, I didn’t do it!” It is a real sacrifice to have to put these complaining thoughts to one side and find something positive to say instead!  ( Psalm 107:22; Hebrews 13:15)    We are to be helpful and kind, to do good to others, and not try to be the top dog, but take the lower place. But on the other hand, we must also be ready to step forward and do our bit….it’s just as bad to say we aren’t good enough when something needs doing !  (Hebrews 13:16, and Philippians 4:18)  

    Believers are part of a holy priesthood to God by reason of our salvation, and as such, we are obligated to do the sacrifices of giving praise, living a holy life and sharing what we have with others.  (1 Peter 2:5)

God has given His only Son, We must take the work that’s done, Giving back the praise He’s due, Is what He wants us to do.

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Do you Have a Loose Connection?

      I heard a story the other day about a man whose car had a flat battery. This was in the days when a car could be started by cranking it, so he got out the crank and started to wind the motor but it still wouldn’t start. So he lifted the bonnet (hood) of the car and poked around having a good look at the motor. Then he found the problem….there was a loose cable connection. He joined it up, wound the crank handle again and the motor shot into life. “Ah!! ” he thought, “so THAT was the problem!”

     This is just like our prayer life. There are many times when we feel as though God is far away and not hearing our prayers. The trouble is a loose connection between us and God, and it is not until we join the connection that the power of God flows back into our life. Let’s look at some of these loose connections that can cut our fellowship with God.     One of these is having a right relationship with our spouse or other members of our families. This is one of the main causes of a broken connection, and we are told that husbands in particular, are to treat their wives right or their prayers will be hindered  (1 Peter 3:7 ).  Another one is having a bad attitude towards others, and unconfessed sin….King David said, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me!” (Psalm 66:18 ) Having a wrong attitude to our money….it is not our own, but only what God has given us, so it is only reasonable to give Him His share of it. Habitual and continuous disobedience will block our communion with God. Cherished continual sin in our hearts… there something that we know displeases the Lord but we don’t want to give it up? This is a loose connection cutting the communication between us and God. The prophet Isaiah said, “Your sins have come between you and God like a thick cloud!”   (Isaiah 52:1)

   So after thinking about these things, let’s fix these loose connections in our life, and have our communion with God restored again.

Thoughts from Proverbs…

Proverbs 1:7-33                            

     There is so much contained in this passage, that we could go through it verse by verse, and still not come to an end of it! Solomon points out that to not follow these instructions is to not  fear the Lord and is foolishness in the extreme! Parents have the great responsibility of passing on to their children this wisdom…..

    Bad friends are the worst influence in a person’s life, so it is up to all of us, no matter what age, to be careful who we choose for our closest friends. It is so easy to get carried away by what seems to be good ideas, but in reality they lead us down the wrong path.

   We then read of how wisdom cries out to each of us to listen to common sense….this is available to all, but not all use it! It includes caution, yet action….but not so much caution that we hold back from doing what we know we should be doing.    God then warns the people to not go too far in their refusal to listen to Him… “You might find the day will come when I will laugh at your calamities,” He warns, “You will call on Me then and I will not answer. You didn’t want My advice, so you can reap  the consequences!”    In spite of all that, yet God will still hear the repentant cry if we call on Him in sincerity and truth.

When God’s patience has worn thin, With man’s rebellion and his sin, He always hears repentant cries, And will step in before man dies!

Are You Keeping Up?

           I was thinking the other day about how our telephone system has evolved during my lifetime. Mother-in-law was telling a story nearly thirty years ago about how she had stopped her boys talking too much on the phone when they were teenagers, and I had video-ed her doing this. She was waving her hands around to demonstrate how she took the lightning guards out to cut off the conversation. I got to wondering if our grandkids would know what she was talking about, let alone the great grand-kids!

      How many of you, our readers, know what the lightning guards were and what they were for? How many of you remember the old telephone boxes that were attached to the wall near where the telephone wires came into the house?  The lightning guards were to protect the listener being banged in the ear if there was a thunder storm while talking….the central fuse would break if the lightning struck them and the line would go dead. High up on the wall inside above the brown box was where the line came in from the outside of the house, and this was protected from any lightning strikes there might be by two long tubes that had fuses in them. The idea was that these fuses were what connected the voices to the line and the line was effectively cut off if they were taken out or blown for some reason.

    Back then, the phones were attached to the wall of the house, usually in the living room, in  a large brown box on the wall, and the hand piece that you talked into (and listened to)  was attached to the box, so you could never go into your room and have a private conversation. It meant that you had to stay by the phone to use it. Every house had its telephone connected by wires that went along the roadsides to each house, and there were about 8-10 people who shared the same telephone line….this was called a “party line”. It meant that everyone on that line could tap into your conversations merely by lifting their handpiece and listening.

    Each house had its own number just like now ….I remember ours was 28W . The 28 was the line number and the W was the morse code number of W which was the ring of short, long, long. So when ever we heard that ring come through, we knew that call was for us. If it was three shorts (S), we knew it was for the house down the road, and two longs was M, and it was the neighbour further along.

          It was a great day when these phones were replaced by ones that had the rotary dial for ringing, and those who shared the line were cut back to two or three. After that came the day when each household had its own line, but we were still attached to the wall for talking! Then there came the cordless phones….great, we could get on with our chores while Auntie was giving us the latest gossip!!

     Then came the “brick”, a great heavy handpiece on the first really mobile  phones. Never in our wildest dreams did we ever imagine the modern smart phone that we have today, and that does so much!

    I couldn’t help thinking that God has enabled all these marvellous modern inventions, and how much do we give Him thanks for them? How much do we stop to think about Him at all? It isn’t man’s smartness that has thought of these things, look at how many hundreds of years mankind lived  without any of these things and did everything the hard way. No machinery, no technology to make life easier. Having to carry suitcases full of reference books when travelling to classes or a conference, and now they are all contained in our pocket in our smart phone! Truly we have much to be thankful to God for, let us make sure we give Him thanks as we use them!

Near Enough??

    We were working on a project together, and I was thinking it  was time we were finished. “Well, that’s near enough”, I said as I put my gear down. My brother looked at it, and said, “Near enough is not good enough, Sis, you’ll have to spend a bit more time on it!” Those words have stuck with me for over fifty years, and whenever I am tempted to think “Near enough”, they come back to haunt me.

    It reminded me of a talk we heard once about King Solomon in the Bible….when King Solomon first became king, God appeared to him in a vision and told him to ask whatever he wanted and He would give it to him!  What a gift!!  Solomon asked to be given wisdom to rule his people well and wisely;  he chose what was good, but it was not the best.     We would normally think that the fact that he asked for this, was a good thing to ask for, but in his older age he stopped trusting the Lord for safety, and used his human reasoning instead. He figured that if he married princesses from the surrounding nations, that their fathers would not attack the land their daughter was in!

     But there seemed to be more and more of these princesses, and he ended up with “seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. And likewise did he for all his foreign wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods. (1 Kings 11:3,4,8)”. Not only this, but he built temples for them!

    What a warning this is for us! No-one could have had a better start than Solomon did and yet he allowed himself to be swayed by the opinions of others rather than what God had told him. We have to be so careful that we continue to read what God’s Word has to say to us, and to follow what it tells us. Those who we associate with closely, have a greater influence over us than we think.

    We all know the dangers there are in our teenagers keeping company with the wrong crowd, but here was a mature man, and supposedly a very wise man, being swayed by the opinions of his many wives. Instead of him being the leader of his house, he was being led by the women of his household. He could have said his thoughts and actions were “near enough” as far as God was concerned, but they weren’t enough to keep him safe from turning away from the things of God.       So you can see that we need to be so awake to the dangers around us and not allow ourselves to be swayed by anything that will take all our thoughts….any game, club, or interest that takes all our time or thoughts needs to be pruned out of our minds!