Whining or Shining?

I heard a pastor speaking on TV the other day and he asked a question that made me stop and think.

“Do you whine or do you shine?” was the question. You may smile at this, but it  brought me up with a round turn. How many times do I complain about the weather being too hot, being too wet, or too cold? We have no control over the weather, but we DO have control over our attitude to it!

 How do we react when we don’t feel well? Do we take some pain killers and get on with things cheerfully, or do we put up with the aches and pains and make sure everyone around us knows how we are feeling? 

What about when we are standing in a queue waiting to be served at the supermarket check-out  and there is some trouble at the counter and the line  slows down…do we wait patiently or do our fingers start to tap, and our blood pressure rise? (I might add that nearly every line I get in seems to be the slowest one there!)  so this is a good challenge to me! So now I will stop and think….”will I shine or will I whine?” and hopefully choose the right one!

The right choice will make me feel better, those around me feel better, and most of all will please the Lord!

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