The Unexpected

The summer holidays are looming around the corner. Whether we like it or not, there are some people who will go away from home and not return.  We do not know who it will be; we certainly do not think it will be ourselves! But no matter how careful we are on the roads, the unexpected can happen at any time.

We have had two unexpected deaths in the last two weeks in our small community, and neither were due to a car crash. Both people were in younger age brackets, and both were accidental, sudden tragedies.

One was a fit man in his late forties, who was taking his young son to the local BMX circuit for an afternoon of fun and exercise. He sent his boy ahead of him and then set off behind him. As he went over one of the jumps, something went wrong and he flipped off his bike landing on his head, and breaking his neck. The doctors said that if he had survived, he would have had no quality of life at all. Small comfort to his family.

Then a woman in her thirties was walking down the street towards the local park. As she was going down the slope, she noticed a car seemed to be stuck on the verge and was revving its motor up trying to get out. She skirted around the back of it and at the very moment she was directly behind it, the driver’s foot slipped and with a jolt the car reversed into her, squashing her against a brick wall  behind her. She didn’t stand a chance and died at the scene before the ambulance could get to her.

Neither of these people knew when they left home that they wouldn’t be returning that day, or ever again. These incidents show us how uncertain life is. We aren’t promised tomorrow. We aren’t even promised the end of the current day. The only moment we have is NOW.

The only certain thing about life is that it is going to end one day. Whenever there is a birth, there will be a death. But no-one knows when.

There is a verse in the Bible that says, “Teach me to number my days (consider my mortality); so that I may live wisely” (Psalm 90:12) 

   Let’s make sure that we consider these things and be ready to meet our Maker, no matter how suddenly or unexpectedly it may happen.


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