It’s Too Hard!

“Oh, it’s too hard!” Sarah cried out in disgust, and threw her study book down. Uncle Jeff was there having a cup of tea with the grown-ups in the other room, and he came in just in time to hear Sarah say this. “Is that your study  for this week Sarah?” he asked, “What is it about, that you think is too hard?”

“Well, it’s that part that talks about doing what God wants us to do, and then we find we can’t manage it”, Sarah said, “And that’s exactly what I’m finding! I tell God I’m sorry for the mean things I’ve done and said, and promise I won’t do it again, and then by the time next week comes, I’m right back to square one!”

“What sort of things do you want to do, Sarah?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Well, I want to do what God wants me to, but when someone does something mean to me then I fly off at them, and I know that’s not right and not pleasing God”.

“Well, you know”, Uncle Jeff said thoughtfully, “I used to be like that too. I always desperately wanted to do what God wanted me to and then I would fail and feel miserable. But one day I realised that I was putting things the wrong way around. I saw that it didn’t depend on me doing anything at all!”

“Really?” said Sarah, “Well, what DOES it depend on then?”

“I heard a preacher that said it is three “D”s …we have to DEPEND on God, DIE to   ourselves, and do it DAILY, and I realised that it isn’t what I do, it is what God does for me!”  

“Really?” Sarah said again, “What exactly does all that mean Uncle Jeff?”

“It’s not a question of US hanging onto God, it’s a question of us letting God hang onto us. It is HIS work IN us, not our work FOR Him that matters.”

“Does that mean we don’t do anything then?” asked Bobby who had been sitting there quietly all through this conversation and suddenly piped up, “That’s good, then I don’t have to try to be good!”

“It’s not quite like that”, Uncle Jeff said, “It means we have to ask God to help us because we can’t do it ourselves, and we have to ask that every day!”

“Oh, I see what you mean”, Sarah said, “It means that we die to things we want to do, and then depend on God to help us do this every single day!”

“Yes”, said Bobby with a grin, “That means you don’t grumble about doing the dishes and other things when Mum asks you to help!”

“Mmm yes,” said Sarah slowly, “And it isn’t going to be easy either but I’ll try my best!”

“That’s right, my girl!” said Uncle Jeff, “Remember, we have to let go, and let God do it in us!” (Romans 7:14-25)

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