
    This last weekend, we went to the farewell of a dear friend who is leaving the district. She has faithfully served on committees and helped wherever she could, but now is moving to a retirement home right away from our area. Another family of three have left not only our district, but our country and gone back to Canada where they came from a little over twelve months ago. They too, will be missed although we didn’t know them as long as our other friend. It was also the anniversary of our beloved sister-in-law this last week who passed away with cancer two years ago.

    Over the years we have seen many people come and go, and this is how it is for each one of us. Some have stayed several years, while others have only been with us for a few months, but none the less dear. We are meant to interact with each other….this is a God given gift, one of the signs that we are made in His image. Has it ever occurred to you, that God wants to have fellowship with you, His creature? That is the reason that His Son, Jesus Christ came to earth, to show us what God is like and how much He wants us to talk with Him and to live His ways. He has told us that those who seek Him will find Him! What a wonderful thought.

   Of course, modern technology makes it possible to keep in touch so easily, and even see each other. Especially when there are small children involved….how else would they get to know their grand-parents in another country?  Another wonderful thought is that one day there will be no more partings. That we will be able to fellowship with our friends and with our Lord forever with nothing between. Let’s find out the truth of these matters and DO something about it. Don’t put it off as so many do, we have no guarantee of tomorrow, and one day it may be too late.

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