What is Truth?

There  are so many rumours and stories flying around the place, by word of mouth, by social media, and worse still what we are being fed by the news people, that we really don’t know what to believe at all!! When we do find someone we feel we can believe what they say, and then we see that it was all just a made up story after all, we really feel let down. Once we hear the same things being pumped into our ears day after day, we have every right to begin to doubt what we hear.

  Things that we want to hear then turn out to be false, and we don’t know which way to turn! People we once trusted then changing their minds and turning against the very things they were once saying! Just who DO we believe? 

    We hear our leaders and those in places of authority saying that the truth is what you want it to be, and that the truth that is for you, may not be the truth for another person! There seems to be a multiplicity of  truths, and we don’t know which one is right!

    When we get to this stage, there is only one thing to do and that is to turn to the One Who is the truth. We may not like this, but where else is there to turn? Who else can we trust? Jesus Christ says in the Bible , “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father but through Me!” (John 14:6) This is the word of truth that resonates all through the Bible…. “Your word is truth” says the Psalmist (Psalm 119:160), and then he could say, “Teach me Your way, O Lord, I will walk in Your truth”  (Psalm 86:11)

    The Roman governor, when faced with this One with the piercing eyes waiting at the judgement seat said after hearing all the accusations that were being hurled at Him, “What is truth?” and this is what we feel like saying  at times…..  “Well, WHAT is the truth?” Jesus didn’t answer Pilate at this question, and Pilate had to go out to those who were accusing Him to say, “I don’t find any fault in Him at all!”  Yet they still wanted to get rid of Him.

       As we are approaching the Easter season which is the time of the year that His death and resurrection are celebrated by church people, let us try to evaluate what the truth really is, and to follow the One who is the Truth  sincerely. After all, there is nothing else solid to base our beliefs on.

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