How Salty is Salt?

 Matthew 5: 13  ….         You are the salt of the earth…….

We are reminded here that salt that has lost its flavour is useless and pointless. What are some of the  things that salt does?

Salt  enhances the flavour of the food….Paul tells us to make sure what we say is gracious and will enhance a conversation with others, building them up and encouraging them.

Salt creates a thirst….does what we say create a thirst in those listening,  to know more of the Lord?

Salt preserves…. again, does our life and speech give preservation to others, do we tell others how to escape God’s judgement?

Salt heals….it has a healing effect. God’s people must be known for their helping and healing hands in others’ times of trouble.

Salt cleanses wounds….it may sting in the process, but it gets rid of the germs. If we have to correct others, let us make sure that it is done in a spirit of meekness and love, remembering that we too have weaknesses.

Salt kills bugs (snails and slugs) in the garden….let us make sure that we kill gossip and slander before it starts, to nip it in the bud!



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