Was this an Angel in Disguise?

Arriving in London!

For two middle aged people who had only been overseas a couple of  times to  Australia,  this  trip  to  England was indeed the adventure of a life time. We knew no-one there and were landing cold  turkey  as  it  were, having to find our way around from scratch. But we were well armed with maps, pre-paid tickets and a wealth  of advice from those in the know.

From leaving New Zealand in autumn, it was a sudden jolt to be catapulted  into  spring  with  no winter! The blossoms were all out on the trees, and spring bulbs flowering in the gardens.

We arrived  at Victoria Street  station after flying all night from Singapore and then catching this bus into central London. We got  out,  collecting  our luggage  around  us, looking  and feeling  totally  bewildered and confused, to  say  nothing of tired and jet lagged! The map we had didn’t seem to make sense…there were so many  streets  going  off at  all  angles, and  we didn’t  know  which  side of  the station  we  were standing  at!

Just then a bespectacled, top hatted, long black-coated and obviously very English looking   gentleman came up and asked if he could help us. We showed him the map and asked in which direction the street we  were  looking for was. We must have shown every appearance of abject bewilderment because  he  took  pity on  us and  said  he would take us there in his car! Well! We were more confused than ever….people  just   didn’t  do that to perfect strangers….was he really being helpful or was he going to hi-jack and rob us?

Before we knew it, we were being bundled into an old fashioned black car (the description of automobile suited it better!) and driven down one of the streets which went out like spokes from the station. It wasn’t very far before he pulled up at a wrought iron fence and gate outside one of the tall buildings. These buildings were  all  joined  together to all the  others  in  the  street, and very different to what we were used to. He unloaded our bags, refused  to  take anything  for his trouble and left us standing there. We looked at each other….was he an angel in disguise,  we wondered out loud!

We found ourselves  in  a  very  narrow  lobby  of  the   boarding  house,   and  checked  ourselves in.  We  were  given the key  and instructions  to get up to  our  room. It was quite difficult to navigate the narrow and windy stairs, but  after a  struggle  we  finally made it, and threw ourselves down on the bed to relax at last! We couldn’t help  wondering  if we had  indeed been entertained by an angel unawares!

After a good rest and a short sleep, we ventured out and made our way back to Victoria station to look around, making sure this time that we had our bearings correct. Was this REALLY London? Were we really here at last? It all seemed so much like a dream, we could hardly believe that our big adventure of discovering England was about to begin! Little did we know that there were more miracles and angels unawares to come in the days ahead!

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