Busy Little Ants

As I was sweeping out the front porch this morning, I noticed a long narrow line of ants scuttling back and forth. Even though I don’t like ants around the house, I couldn’t help but marvel at how these little creatures kept even rank, each one seeming to know exactly where it was going and what it was about. They are such an amazing little creature, that they are held up as an example to lazy human beings in the Bible……”Go to the ant you sluggard! Learn her ways and be wise!” we are told in Proverbs 6:6-9. These verses tell us to be like the ant and not to be lazy but to get up and get going off to our own work.

It is the same in our spiritual life as well….we only get out of it, what we put into it. True, there ARE some hard parts to understand when reading the Bible, but it’s just like having a meal of fish. We eat the meat and leave the bones; so we don’t have to worry about the things we don’t understand, but just take and enjoy the bits that make sense to us. The main thing to do, is to READ it!

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