Differences !

   This children’s story illustrates very important points that adults would do well to follow. When we think of all the bickering and fighting that goes on between the nations today, we should remember that we are all part of the human family, and all need each other with our differences and abilities. It is only as we do this that there will be peace in the world.…….

Boy with CarJack and his sister Sue were squabbling out in the yard. Jack was playing with his new toy car, and Sue wanted to have a turn. She got very cross when Jack picked it up and ran inside. She followed him and tried to take it from him.

“Leave it alone”, Jack shouted, “It’s a boy’s toy! Girls don’t play with trucks! They’re too dumb! They play with silly dolls and things!”

“Mum!” Sue wailed, “I’m  not dumb, am I?”

Mum tried to keep the peace. “Of course not,” she said, “But you ARE different to Jack just the same, not silly or dumb, just different! You are both part of our family and we love you both the same. We need you both”.

Sue quietened down and left Jack to his truck while she ran to get her doll.

“Not silly”, she thought, “My dolly is the best after all!”

Jack made loud engine noises, and ran his  car around among the cushions on the floor.

“Silly girls!” he muttered.

That night, after Jack had got into bed, he started thinking about what he would do with his truck the next day. His thoughts got fainter and fainter as he drifted into sleep.

Suddenly he heard voices. Somehow he knew it was his head talking. It was saying to his feet….. “I don’t need you! I’m the important one! I’m at the top and you are only at the bottom end of Jack!”      “Don’t be silly”, said the feet, “Where would you go without me? But I’m a lot better than the hands, they are only halfway down Jack!”   The hands answered in a high crabby voice, “And what would put the socks and shoes on you if it weren’t for me? Besides, my fingers are a lot longer than your toes!!”      “My toes might be short, but they are just as important as your silly fingers! Remember when my little toe was sore last week? I had to hobble around to save it getting hurt worse!”

“Be quiet!” the head commanded in a loud voice, “I’m getting tired of listening to you fighting! You ALL need each other. And I need you all too. Who would put the food in my mouth if the hands didn’t work? And where would we all go if  the feet didn’t take us? It’s quite true that when one thing hurts, we all hurt with it. Why, I felt that sore toe too when it got hurt. So be quiet, and be satisfied with what you are. We are ALL important, we are just different, that’s all.  And we are all part of Jack!”

Jack woke up with a start. It had all seemed so real. His different parts all arguing with each other? How silly could they be! As he snuggled down under the blankets again, he thought how glad he was that he had all those parts and that they all did different things for him.

He still remembered that dream the next morning, and then thought how he and Sue had been fighting the day before. Of course they were different! She was a girl and he was a boy. But they were all part of the same family. Perhaps he could let Sue have a turn with his truck  today after all.

   The Bible says:-

Don’t forget to do good things and to share with each other….God is very pleased when when we do this!     Hebrews 13: 16




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