Category Archives: Life Lessons

How Are You Growing?

           I have finally got on top of weeding my garden!  There are many lessons to be learned from our garden, especially if we go in for different things. Take the bearded iris flowers for instance…they die down in the winter and look miserable specimens, but there is untold beauty tied up in those half dead looking plants…we just can’t see it all the time. So it is with some people, they don’t present a very good appearance a lot of the time, but when trouble arises, they are the first there to offer help and comfort.

    I had one red carpet rose to start with….these are quite different to the ordinary roses, in that they have a compact type of growth, and are very hardy. They are also very easy to take cuttings from, so over the years I have planted a whole row of these roses down one border. If they are left to themselves, they grow into a very large bushy plant, almost rampant in habit. But I decided to make them into standards, and this is where I got my lessons from.

     I take a cutting in the autumn time when the rains of winter will come, and put the cutting in the ground. As it takes root, and begins to grow, then the training begins. This reminds me of how we are to train our children up, right from the time they are born, in the ways of the Lord. The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will come back to it. It doesn’t say anything about the middle years, and that is often when our families can cause us grief by wandering away from the things they were taught. But the trials of life will often bring them back to the Lord’s   ways that they learned when young.

     So my small rose cutting is planted out where it is meant to be.  The first strong looking shoot will be tied up to a strong stake, and all the other side shoots will be cut off. Now this isn’t pleasant for our little plant, and as we grow in the ways of the Lord, there will often be disappointments and trials that come our way, and none of these are pleasant, but as we lean on Him, He will support us in the ways we are to go. We have to be single minded in our aims, and learn to look upwards, in the same way that  the little plant grows straight against its stake.

     As it continues to grow, the side shoots are cut off (again not pleasant!) and then it will send out its buds and begin to flower. But it often sends out other large vigorous side shoots which will spoil its shape if left, and again, these are cut off. Sometimes in life, we get sidetracked by other activities that take our focus off the things of God, and take all our spare time. These things are not necessarily bad in themselves, but we have to be careful not  to let them take over  the time we should be giving to the things of God. So it is better to cut them off, rather than let them take over.

     So our rose begins to flower, and the flowers last a long time. The flowers are not big and showy like the other sorts of roses, but they don’t fade in a hurry, and I find that the flowering season lasts nearly nine months.

     But the rose never gives up, and it is a continual job to keep the shoots from the base from growing….this reminds me of how the fleshly side of our nature never gives up on us either. As long as we live, we will be plagued by things such as gossip, maybe bad temper, impatience, and lack of love for others, even laziness in the things of God such as our Bible reading and prayer times.  So whenever these things attack us, just remember the rose, and how when it is pruned, it will grow just how the Gardener envisaged, and will bear fruit, or in this case, flowers. It is a thing of joy to the Gardener, even though it has represented a lot of work. We are told in Isaiah 53 verse 11, that the Lord will see of the travail of His soul and will be satisfied. It boggles the mind to think that we can bring joy to the heart of our Great Creator by growing as He wants us to. So let’s get into gear, and  follow His ways, always remembering the little red standard rose!

Not My Fault!

      As far as God is concerned, no-one is rich, and no-one is poor as far as money is concerned….one is no more important than the other. In fact, the one who is poor in money, is often rich in other ways….in love and concern for others, a happy family life, rich friendships, and in depending on God. Those who are rich financially, are often poor in these things, relying on their money to buy everything they want…..

     They tend to leave God out of their lives and ride roughshod over the feelings of others in their desire for more and more. When they get to the end of their lives, they end up with no more land than the poor man…just a plot of ground in a cemetery! If they don’t know the Lord, they end up being the poor man in eternity while the other ends up being rich with the Lord like the story of the rich man and the beggar  which we read about in Luke chapter 16, verses 19-31.

     When we have more than we need, then the temptations creep into our lives to want more and more…..we have to resist these if we want to receive the commendation that the Lord gives those who stand firm for Him. People tend to always shift the blame for their own shortcomings onto others….it is always someone else’s fault. Right from a young age it is built into the human psyche to say “Not my fault, I didn’t do it!”

    We have to be very careful to not blame God for the circumstances of life that we don’t like….we often bring these on our own selves. Then again, God can use our adverse circumstances and our attitude to them, to speak to those who don’t know Him like He did with Job….what a great example and encouragement that man has been down through the ages!   

    God never brings bad things into our lives, but He allows them for our greater good….otherwise how could we see His great hand of provision for us? Something good can come out of every circumstance we endure, even when we have brought our trials on ourselves by our own self will and foolishness. When we feel that life is dealing us a hard hand, stop and take stock of everything that we have that is good, and give thanks to God for them, instead of moaning about what we don’t have !   

Why do Bad things Happen to Good People? (Final Part)

                                         Job’s Reaction.

     Job finally found his voice again… “O Lord, I know that You can do all things! I’ve listened to all these things that You can do, and I’m an utter fool! Please forgive me!” This is what the Lord delights to hear from each of His people, an utter dependence on Him….     It is only when we come to an end of ourselves that God can work for us! He will never despise or turn away from a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 34:18; 51:17). Now that Job had stopped justifying himself, he was in a position where God could work on, and for, him. But he first had to prove himself, that he had no more bitterness for his friends who at least had come to visit him in the time of trial!

    They were required to offer a sacrifice for their part in this whole affair, and Job had to pray for them when a natural reaction would be one of revenge. The whole matter was cleared up in the right way and with the right attitudes, and then God was able to bless Job to the fullest. All that he had lost was now restored to him…his health, his reputation and relationships, his wealth, and even another family that was as much joy to him as his first! His daughters were the most beautiful girls in the land!

   Before we leave the story of Job, let’s think for a moment about Mrs. Job. We tend to downgrade her for telling Job he might as well curse God and die. But she too had suffered loss in this ….she had lost her income, her wealth, her family….all were gone. Then there were those men that came and sat around saying nothing to comfort Job at all. No wonder she felt like she did!

    Would we be any different? Both she and Job must have been relatively young when all this happened, maybe in their mid thirties as they had another ten children. Before we condemn her for her hasty comment, let’s put ourselves in her shoes and imagine how we would have felt!

   It’s all in our attitude…towards God and those around us. We have to be right in both directions before God can fully bless us. We cannot be right towards God and be bitter against someone else at the same time. It doesn’t work! If we are bitter at all, we are NOT right before God. Bitterness is not becoming for a believer, no matter what the rights and wrongs are! That was the difference in the attitudes of Job and his wife. Job could say “though He slay me, yet will I praise Him!” while she said, “Curse Him and die!” What are our attitudes to our disappointments?

It wasn’t until Job was able to pray for his friends, that God was able to bless Him! This reminds us that we are told to pray for those who are mean to us, and for those who persecute us. We are not to hold any resentments or bad feelings toward ANYONE! If we do, we are to confess it as a sin, and then we know that God will forgive us, and cleanse us from this unrighteousness.    Then we are to act in a loving and friendly manner towards them, in obedience to God’s Word.                                                                                                      (Job 42:1-17)

Why Do Bad things Happen to Good People? (Part Nine)

                                     Summing  It All Up.

  Elihu , the youngest of the group had kept silent during this second round of speeches. But now he spoke up and gave his opinion of Job’s situation, and what the others had said…    He was angry at all their speeches, even at Job for justifying himself rather than giving God the glory, and he was angry at the other three because they hadn’t been any help at all with their ideas. He said that he had waited in vain for them to say something constructive, and now that they had run out, he was going to give his opinion!

“I’m nearly ready to bust”, he exclaimed, “so you all listen to me now! Job, you’ve been telling us  about all the good you’ve done in your life, and how you feel God has now deserted you! God deals with everyone differently, and He has the final say in men’s affairs. So take notice of this Job, and if you’ve got anything more to say, say it now!”    Elihu then turned his attention to the others…”You guys think you’re the wise ones, now listen to me…Job thinks he has done nothing wrong. We know that God certainly does no wrong, and that He is over everything on earth…are you in God’s place to say these things against Job? Even if he has been talking rubbish, he is the one who is paying for it now! We’ve got to remember that God knows more than we do and that He knows what He is doing. Job’s words are just wasted in his situation!     “You all just listen to me! God is mighty in power, and what He does is right! He is great and we cannot know His wisdom, and how He orders the world, the rain, and the light that He gives! I tremble to speak on His behalf! Just take notice of the thunder, the whirlwinds that come, and the snow in its season. Just listen to me Job, there is no-one and nothing that can equal God’s might and majesty….this is why we are to fear Him!”

      Job’s trial was nearly at an end although he didn’t know it then, and God now spoke directly to him. Although Job had not let God down as Satan had hoped, yet there were still things for him to learn. This is how it is for each one of us, and there are many things for us to learn through the trials we suffer, and often through sickness and ill health… God now spoke directly to Job….  “Job, you wanted to talk to me, now I will ask you a few things! Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? How much do you know about its construction? “  and on He went asking Job  about the universe and the great seas that He had created and now controlled. He continued to point out to Job other things about the animals and nature that He had created.     Job listened to all this and became completely speechless. “Oh God, I am completely unworthy of your notice!” he cried, “I can say no more!” If we would only think of ourselves in relation to God, we too would be speechless!

    Our little concerns would seem so petty in the light of God’s glory and greatness. What seems so important to us now suddenly becomes worthless junk compared to the things of eternity! When we look around us, God’s glory is seen in every flower, bird and animal, from the largest to the smallest. No two are the same, every sheep has its own characteristics, and the tiny ants would have too! Every human being has their own distinctive face and DNA! We are all unique, we all have a soul given to us by God and a spirit that craves communication with Him whether we give in to it or not.    

      We are truly left speechless in the face of all this! This is how each one of us will be when we face Him in the day to come. Speechless, but for the praise that is due to Him (from His people) and the admission that Jesus Christ is Lord from every mouth, both saved and unsaved.

                                                                                             (Job Chapters 32-41)

Why do Bad things Happen to Good People? (Part Eight)

                    Summing it all Up!

          Elihu , the fourth friend, had kept silent all this time as he was the youngest. But now he spoke up and gave his opinion of Job’s situation, and of what the others had said…     He was angry at all their speeches, even at Job for justifying himself rather than giving God the glory, and he was angry at the other three because they hadn’t been any help at all with their ideas. He said that he had waited in vain for them to say something constructive, and now that they had run out, he was going to give his opinion! “I’m nearly ready to bust”, he exclaimed, “so you all listen to me now! Job, you’ve been telling us  about all the good you’ve done in your life, and how you feel God has now deserted you! God deals with everyone differently, and He has the final say in men’s affairs. So take notice of this Job, and if you’ve got anything more to say, say it now!”

   Elihu then turned his attention to the others…”You guys think you’re the wise ones, now listen to me…Job thinks he has done nothing wrong. We know that God certainly does no wrong, and that He is over everything on earth…are you in God’s place to say these things against Job? Even if he has been talking rubbish, he is the one who is paying for it now! We’ve got to remember that God knows more than we do and that He knows what He is doing. Job’s words are just wasted in his situation!     “You all just listen to me! God is mighty in power, and what He does is right! He is great and we cannot know His wisdom, and how He orders the world, the rain, and the light that He gives! I tremble to speak on His behalf! Just take notice of the thunder, the whirlwinds that come, and the snow in its season. Just listen to me Job, there is no-one and nothing that can equal God’s might and majesty….this is why we are to fear Him!”

    Although he didn’t know it, Job’s trial was nearly at an end by this time. God then spoke directly to him and we will do well to listen to the things that He had to say to Job, and see what we can learn from them. Nothing that happens to us in this life is wasted if we take stock of the situation and learn from it.

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People? (Part 7)

                                     Round Two with Job’s Friends.

     Eliphaz spoke up again  and once more said that Job must have acted dishonestly towards his brother or not helped others where he could have. His view of God was that He must have been punishing Job for something he had done wrong!     How often we bring God down to our level! Every time we say, “I can’t see how God can allow this or that…”  we are making Him like us. We have to remember that God is God, His ways are far above our ways  (Isaiah 55:8-9) and He can see the wider picture of all things, the end from the beginning. He is infinite, we are only finite and very limited at that.

   Job began his answer….  “Oh, if only I knew where to find Him! I would lay my case before Him! I cannot find Him to put my arguments forwards because He is everywhere, from the east to the west! But I know I’ve followed His ways closely, and treasured His words. Others have ignored Him and He has let them go their way. They may be exalted for a short time, but it all turns to nothing in the end!”

  Then  Bildad spoke up again, but didn’t have much to say this time. As he contemplated God’s existence, he was lost for words… “Dominion and awesome might belong to God, and we can’t fathom His greatness. What can we, who are no better than worms,  say in the face of this?”

    Job had an answer for all of this….  “What’s the point of you talking? We all know of God’s greatness over His creation, the heavens and skies, the moon and the stars, and these are just the tip of the iceberg!”      Job continued this speech by then telling what his life had been like before these tragedies had come upon him. God’s blessings had been upon him in every way, he said, and he had experienced God’s presence with him at all times. His children were around him, and everything he had was prospering ….  “Those I met in the street were polite and always ready to speak with me”, he went on, “I was always ready to help people, and they blessed me for it. I was always fair and honest with others and they would listen to my advice. Nobody argued with me or answered back, and I lived like a king! Now people mock me and those younger than me won’t even speak to me! People keep way from me. I’m in constant pain, and it feels as though God himself has deserted me! My skin is tortured and I feel no better than the jackals or ostriches!”

   Job then went on to talk of his integrity before God….he had never entertained evil thoughts towards to the opposite sex, he had always been honest in his dealings, and helped those less fortunate. “I‘ve always trusted God for everything! I had an open home for anyone who needed a bed for the night, and I never did anything that needed to be covered up. Oh! If only there was someone who would stick up for me!”    Job truly felt forsaken and alone and although his friends were there with him, they were no comfort at all!  There may be times in our lives when we have felt like this, but we have the comfort of knowing that God never leaves His people. Paul could talk of all the bad things that had happened to him, but even though he suffered physically and begged the Lord to take his problem away, he had the comfort of knowing the Lord was saying to him, “My grace is sufficient for you!”  (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) So in our bad times, we too, can hang onto the fact that God sees and knows and will strengthen us to keep on going. Job chapters 22- 31

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People? (Part 6)

                                     More Friendly Advice!

     Bildad spoke up again…. “Job! You aren’t listening to what we say! Don’t you think we know a thing or two? You’re just like someone who is caught in a trap by the heel, and calamity will overtake you….”

    Don’t we all feel other’s condemnation of us when things go wrong for us? On the other hand, we must remember to say things that build up, rather than that which will pull down when people suffer calamities! It’s not necessarily what we say to their face, but often words of condemnation that we say to others about them behind their back.

   Job didn’t hold back when he answered Bildad… “Why can’t you can’t say anything helpful to me? Ten times now you’ve been reproaching me! Even if what you are saying is true, I’m paying for my mistakes now! I feel as though God is tearing me down on every side, no-one is being helpful to me…my friends and relatives keep away from me, my servants keep out of my sight, even my wife can’t stand the sight of my sores! Oh, I wish my words were written down! ( little did he know they were!) I would write them with an iron pen on a scroll of rock!”    Job then uttered these wonderful words of testimony in the midst of his misery…. “I know that my Redeemer lives, and in the end He will stand on the earth…even if I die, I will see Him for myself! It doesn’t matter what you all say after all!”

      Then Zophar could not keep silent any  longer… “Look here, Job, don’t you realise that those who are wicked aren’t joyful, that even if they are the most important people in the world they won’t last?” He carried on in the same vein, insinuating that Job must be one of them to be suffering like he was.     “Don’t you know that they won’t last and that he will end up nothing; his food will turn sour in his stomach? He won’t enjoy his wealth after all, especially that which he has gained from oppressing others! God will send His burning anger on him and it will be as though he has arrows piercing right through him. He will end up losing everything he has….this is what God does to those who don’t follow Him!”

    Job  wasn’t slow to reply… “You listen carefully to what I’m saying! You can laugh at me later, but listen now! I’m talking to God, not you…why do the wicked prosper like they do? Nothing ever seems to go wrong for them, even when they scoff at God! They say what’s the point in praying anyway?”

   Even while Job was talking, the answer came to him… “Their destruction will come upon them in the end, and God will bring them to nothing. They can’t teach Him anything anyway! Even if they have everything down here, they will still die, and die without God! They will have to face Him in the end, and they will have nothing to say. You guys haven’t comforted me at all with all your words!”

    We must always look for the wider picture when calamities come upon us. God, Who knows the end from the beginning, could see the whole thing as a panorama that would unfold before them all in the end. We all know people who have suffered dreadful calamities in their lives, and yet things worked out in the end for them. Let us always keep this in mind, and look past our immediate distresses…..King David could say, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!”

(Psalm 30:5)                                                                           (Job, chapters 18-21)

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People? (Part Five)

                            Zophar now spoke up….”You’re all talking too much and getting nowhere! Job, you think you know all the answers! If only we could hear what God has to say, He would tell us what this is all about……”     How often we feel like this!  In times of trouble, God seems to be far away. “You must have done something wrong, Job, for this to happen to you. If you put your sin away, then God will make things come right, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. That’s the way to be safe from further trouble”.

     Job was getting fed up with all these accusations and assumptions that he was a secret sinner. “It’s alright for you to talk! But I’m just as good as you are! There’s no need for people to laugh at me….just ask the animals, they know that God exists! We all know that He is in control of everything on earth, and that He makes the nations great and then pulls them down. I just wish I could speak directly to God, I would present my case as if I were in a court of law! You are all no help at all to me, you just condemn me out of hand!”      Job now makes a great statement of his faith in God….”Even if He kills me, I will still hope that He will listen to my reasons. I just want two things from Him…relief from this pain and then Him calling to me so I can answer! I know that we only live a few days and are then gone like a flower that withers away. A tree has more hope than we do…if it gets cut down then it will sprout again from its roots! But when we die, is there any hope?” Job seems to have reached the pit of despair…..”All this pain is like the wearing away of a mountain face by the continual running of water….nothing else counts in the face of this affliction!” What a lesson to us! Let us never waiver in our faith in times of trouble!

Then Eliphaz tries again,  and is even more condemning this time than the first time… “The trouble with you Job, is that you talk as though you know everything! You say wrong things, and you condemn yourself while you talk!”     He carried on in his rhetoric… “Were you the first man to be born? Do you know more than we do? You just listen to me! Those who turn against God get nowhere, all that they do turns to dust! You can’t get anywhere fighting against God.”    Job was fast losing patience with his friends and replied to this by saying, “I’ve heard all this before…a miserable lot of comforters you all are! You don’t know what it feels like…I feel full of wrinkles, and it’s as though God has taken me and shaken me to bits. I’ve cried until I can cry no more, and my friends all scorn me. It won’t be long before I’m dead, and then I can be buried. I feel just like a shadow, and there’ll be nothing of me left by the time this is all over!

     Perhaps you have felt like this at times….but take heart, God never leaves His own. In the midst of all these trials, Job was learning things that he would never forget, and that he would be able to pass on to others in the future. . (Job, chapters 11-17)