Tag Archives: pruning

How Are You Growing?

           I have finally got on top of weeding my garden!  There are many lessons to be learned from our garden, especially if we go in for different things. Take the bearded iris flowers for instance…they die down in the winter and look miserable specimens, but there is untold beauty tied up in those half dead looking plants…we just can’t see it all the time. So it is with some people, they don’t present a very good appearance a lot of the time, but when trouble arises, they are the first there to offer help and comfort.

    I had one red carpet rose to start with….these are quite different to the ordinary roses, in that they have a compact type of growth, and are very hardy. They are also very easy to take cuttings from, so over the years I have planted a whole row of these roses down one border. If they are left to themselves, they grow into a very large bushy plant, almost rampant in habit. But I decided to make them into standards, and this is where I got my lessons from.

     I take a cutting in the autumn time when the rains of winter will come, and put the cutting in the ground. As it takes root, and begins to grow, then the training begins. This reminds me of how we are to train our children up, right from the time they are born, in the ways of the Lord. The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will come back to it. It doesn’t say anything about the middle years, and that is often when our families can cause us grief by wandering away from the things they were taught. But the trials of life will often bring them back to the Lord’s   ways that they learned when young.

     So my small rose cutting is planted out where it is meant to be.  The first strong looking shoot will be tied up to a strong stake, and all the other side shoots will be cut off. Now this isn’t pleasant for our little plant, and as we grow in the ways of the Lord, there will often be disappointments and trials that come our way, and none of these are pleasant, but as we lean on Him, He will support us in the ways we are to go. We have to be single minded in our aims, and learn to look upwards, in the same way that  the little plant grows straight against its stake.

     As it continues to grow, the side shoots are cut off (again not pleasant!) and then it will send out its buds and begin to flower. But it often sends out other large vigorous side shoots which will spoil its shape if left, and again, these are cut off. Sometimes in life, we get sidetracked by other activities that take our focus off the things of God, and take all our spare time. These things are not necessarily bad in themselves, but we have to be careful not  to let them take over  the time we should be giving to the things of God. So it is better to cut them off, rather than let them take over.

     So our rose begins to flower, and the flowers last a long time. The flowers are not big and showy like the other sorts of roses, but they don’t fade in a hurry, and I find that the flowering season lasts nearly nine months.

     But the rose never gives up, and it is a continual job to keep the shoots from the base from growing….this reminds me of how the fleshly side of our nature never gives up on us either. As long as we live, we will be plagued by things such as gossip, maybe bad temper, impatience, and lack of love for others, even laziness in the things of God such as our Bible reading and prayer times.  So whenever these things attack us, just remember the rose, and how when it is pruned, it will grow just how the Gardener envisaged, and will bear fruit, or in this case, flowers. It is a thing of joy to the Gardener, even though it has represented a lot of work. We are told in Isaiah 53 verse 11, that the Lord will see of the travail of His soul and will be satisfied. It boggles the mind to think that we can bring joy to the heart of our Great Creator by growing as He wants us to. So let’s get into gear, and  follow His ways, always remembering the little red standard rose!

Why is this Happening?

I’ve been trimming and tying up my young rose plants to keep them as standard roses. They are two years old now, and if left, will become just a tangled head with branches out in all directions. They will not grow any taller if left like that either. I have a couple that are a year older than the ones I am now working on, and I had just left them to do their own thing. How I wish I had started earlier on training them! When the time came last winter to cut them hard back, one decided it had had enough, and just died on me. If we aren’t being constantly trimmed by the Master Gardener, when the time finally comes and we go through some fiery trial, we can’t take it, and give up altogether. It is sad indeed to see a person who once ran well, being used by God, and then some years later to see them become disillusioned and bitter older people!

    We too, are like these young rose plants, with each one of us needing to be tied strongly to the stake of Jesus Christ! If we aren’t rooted in Him and tied firmly to Him, we will just blow from side to side and our spiritual life will maybe get damaged beyond repair. Nor will we be able to be a thing of beauty to those who see us

    Another thing is, I look ahead to see how I want the finished rose plant to look like. If one shoot looks strong and healthy and is growing out from the main stem in a suitable place, I will tie it upright to the existing main stem, thinking I will let it grow in its new position and then when it is strong enough I will cut off all the other heads when they have finished flowering. Yes, what we are doing now may be useful and being involved in the Lord’s work, but He can see ahead to a better task for us to do, one which will take the main head even higher. It may hurt the plant to have one stem fastened upright in such a fashion, and it may hurt us to be tied in some way that gives us pain and restricts us now, but the end result will enable our character to be a thing of beauty and us be even more help to those around us.

It’s amazing how many lessons there are to be found in the garden, from weeding, to pruning, to spraying….all these things having to be attended to constantly.

 No wonder our Lord said, :” I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that bears not fruit he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciple. (John 15:1-8)

Pruning in our Lives.

I have recently been trimming up my small rose plants which I have grown from cuttings. Most of them are doing well and have started to flower, making a cheerful splash of colour in the garden. But I want more than that from them….I want them to grow taller with a strong head on them so they stand up instead of sprawling all over the ground as they would if left alone. So I have to keep taking off the lower side shoots, and if there is a very strong shoot near the top, I tie it up to the stake to train it to be the main stem for the new head. As I have been doing this, I think of the parallels in our Christian life. If I’m left to my own ways, I will grow close to the ground and sprawl all over it just becoming a tangled mess. So the Master Gardener has to keep taking off those bad habits and selfish desires to keep us growing low to the ground. We need to have the painful experiences of life to make us look up into His face, and ask what He wants from us. This is how we will grow tall and straight with a strong head of flowers on us to give pleasure to all those around us. I suppose taking the shoots off the roses causes them pain, and many of the experiences we go through are painful and not what we would choose, but the end result is worth all the pain as we are able to comfort those who go through times of sorrow and doubt. We too need to be firmly tied to our stake of the Lord Himself to keep us firm and solid in His things or else we will wobble around not really sure of what we believe, and end up with broken off branches as the storms come through as they will.

So the next time you are tempted to ask “Why?” when things go wrong, just think of the young rose plants that need to be tied up and trimmed off , and remember to look up to the One Who loves us beyond compare!

Clearing up the Rubbish.

     Des  We were staying on a friend’s property in our caravan recently. This place had high hedges around the paddock edges. Our friend had taken his hedge trimming machine into these paddocks to cut and trim back the tall trees, and this had only made a worse mess than ever. The branches and cut pieces of the trees all fell on the ground beneath as they were cut off. There was no way the grass would grow up fresh and sweet there.

We went home and came back the following week. By this time he had taken his tractor into the paddock again, and had pushed all the scraps and branches into large heaps ready for burning when the weather was right. It was surprising what a large area was now clear right up to the tree trunks, enabling the grass to grow there as extra feed for the cattle.

It made me think how this is a lot like our lives. We allow things to creep in and crowd out what is helpful to others. Our time is taken up with things of no real value, and we have no time for the things that matter. Sometimes the things that we do are creative and beautiful, but if we can’t give them away to someone who appreciates them, we are really just wasting our time. Other things are just frivolous time fillers just to keep us occupied.

These are the things that need to be cut off and let fall to the ground, and then pushed up into piles and burned. Let’s make sure that we clean up around the edges of our lives, and give ourselves more time and space to do things for others.

The Bible talks about building our lives with wood, hay and stubble, and how these things are easily burned, whereas if we build with valuable metals these only get refined if a fire goes through them  (1 Corinthians 3:11-15).

Why Bother Pruning?

      Bobby watched Grandma snipping away at the plants around the side of the house. They were quite big plants and he thought they looked quite nice.

“Why are you cutting those plants back Grandma?” he asked.

Grandma paused a moment and then said, “You see these leaves here, Bobby?” she asked, “They have all got little black spots on them, and that’s a disease. Besides, these plants are getting too big and are covering up the smaller ones underneath them”.

“Oh”, said Bobby, “So you are taking all the bad leaves off. Will they grow again?”

“Oh yes,” Grandma replied, “In a couple if months you won’t know them. They will all send up new shoots again, and the bush will look much better.”

“What about those weeds there Grandma? Are you going to take them out?”. Bobby asked.

“What do you think Bobby?” Grandma asked.

“Yes, I guess they aren’t doing any good there. Shall I pull them up for you?” Bobby went on, and then bent down to pull them out.

“What does this remind you of, Bobby?” Grandma asked.

“Well, I know weeds aren’t supposed to be in the garden”, Bobby said, “I guess they are like the bad habits we have….if we leave them and keep doing them all the time they will grow and take us over”.

“That’s quite right Bobby”, said Grandma. “And the pruning is another way to get rid of things we shouldn’t be doing like telling lies and cheating. It might hurt us to put things  right, but when we have done this, we can start to grow good habits and the flower buds will start coming. Then people will admire us and enjoy our company just like they will admire these flower bushes when they grow again”.

“Wow!” said Bobby, “I never thought of that before. I guess it’s a good idea to cut all those bad leaves off after all Grandma!”

Grandma smiled to herself. She knew that Bobby wouldn’t  forget this lesson in a hurry. She also remembered the Bible verse that talks about pruning where Jesus said…..I am the true He takes  away: and every branch that bears fruit (flowers) , He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit (flowers).