Tag Archives: Blessings

Where do I get Comfort From?

       The last few times, we have been thinking about the perilous times we are living in, and the panic that some people are experiencing, and even those who have God’s hope within are feeling the strain of these days of restrictions, rules and mandates.    Recently, I’ve been reading the book of Psalms, and what a lot of comfort there is in these! Even if they start off on a doleful note, they nearly all end up looking to God above and taking comfort from Him! Truly, there is no other way to receive  comfort of a lasting sort apart from what He can give us!     Let’s look at Psalm 116 and see what we can get from it….

I love the Lord for He has heard, My supplications,  every word, Because He hears when I call, He brings me up from depths of gall. Even when we feel down in the dumps, God will hear our every cry to Him….there is another little ditty I sometimes remind myself of…  “Whenever I am in a fix, I’ll think  of Philippians four and six!” . This says,  “Don’t worry about ANYTHING, Instead pray about EVERYTHING! And DON’T forget to give God thanks for the answer!”

We may be sad and full of woe, He’ll free me from my every foe! He is the Gracious One above, He is the God of righteous love.    We don’t just have the foes of things we can see…there are other foes that attack us. Worries about our family, ill health that might be lurking and making us feel down, or even broken relationships. But as we take all these to the Lord in prayer, we can feel our spirits lift, and  know that He has all our worries in His hands. But we have to remember to leave our worries behind, and that’s not easy, I know. But it’s no use taking them to the Lord in prayer and then picking them up again and taking them away with you!!!

Return unto your rest my soul, He delivers and makes us whole, From death and tears, and feet that fall, He will deliver from them all.    

These few lines remind us that He is the Great Deliverer….we just have to hang onto this in faith. The Bible says  that if we don’t have faith, we can’t receive anything from Him (Hebrews 11:6)  It also says that those who seek WILL find (Matthew 7:7-8)

What can I to the Lord now give, For the fact I move and live? I’ll take salvation that’s His gift, Pay my vows, my voice I’ll lift!     This verse shows us that we have to have a thankful heart….this is what God is looking for from us. We all feel disappointed if we give a gift to someone, and they just take it with no thanks given, and no appreciation for it. How many of God’s gifts we take for granted…we never think to say thankyou for our homes, for the other blessings we have, for the good health that we enjoy, and for the friendships and family that we have. These are all gifts from God….too often all we do is complain and grumble if things don’t work out as we would like! Most of all, He is offering us salvation from our sins and shortcomings….have we even bothered to take this, let alone give thanks for it??

Precious in the sight of God, Are those who in His ways have trod.   These last lines of this psalm remind us how God views His people as being precious. Not only in our lives as we  look to Him, but also when it comes to leaving this earth for ever. He says in verse 15 of this psalm…. “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of His saints!”  This is because He will have them with Him forever….there will be no more parting from Him, and we will see Him face to face….what a glorious prospect His people have! No wonder the Psalmist could end this Psalm by saying, “Praise the Lord!!”

How to Get Peace!

If only we could have instant peace in times of trouble! Instead, our stomach muscles tighten, and our blood pressure goes up. We get a panicky feeling and our mind reels as we wonder what to do.

    When the initial shock has worn off, then our mind starts to go around in circles. Peace seems further away than ever. But there is one way to settle one’s mind, and that is to concentrate on the blessings we still have. It could always have been worse, and we are not the only ones to suffer. If we count our blessings and concentrate on  what we have rather than on what we don’t have makes all the difference. To be able to thank God that things are no worse lifts our spirits out of ourselves and we reach a higher plane than just feeling sorry for ourselves!

   One lady in our group said the other day that she is making it a habit to always think of ten blessings that are waiting for her each  new day. The first one she said was to thank God for the blessing of being able to hear. To wake up each morning and be able to hear the birds chirping was one of the first blessings she thought of every morning.

    This really challenged me as I thought of how we had been complaining about the interminable cooing of the doves around our house. We thought it was such a monotonous sound, always the same tones with no variation at all. But what if we couldn’t hear them at all? That WOULD be a matter of concern! So I started to listen with a fresh vision of thankfulness rather than one of complaining.

   There are so many other things that we can be thankful for too….so let’s cultivate the habit of thankfulness, rather than one of complaints!!

Have We Done This?

I was reading a well known Bible story in the Old Testament  this morning and some of the details hit me afresh, even though I thought I knew the story well. Jacob had deceived both his father and brother and had run away from home to save his life. His brother in particular, was very angry with him and swore to kill him if he ever got his hands on him!

Jacob went to his father’s relatives many hundreds of miles away, and fell in love with one of his cousins who was a very pretty girl. But Jacob found that the deceitful genes were just as much alive in his relatives there, and that his uncle  tricked him more than once over the years. He had given him the wrong girl for a start, and then changed his wages seven times over. Jacob ended up with both his girl cousins for wives (acceptable in that culture then), and at the time this incident happened, he had eleven sons.

His flocks and herds had increased to such an extent that his men cousins were starting to mutter about this fact. At the same time, God spoke to Jacob in a dream, telling him to return to his father’s house. It was time for him to put things right with his brother. Jacob prepared to do this, and gathered all his belongings and flocks and herds together  and left without telling his uncle he was leaving, sneaking away one night while he  was busy elsewhere.

When his uncle heard of this,  he started off in pursuit of Jacob’s party, but God intervened one night in a dream and told him he was not to touch Jacob or to accuse him of anything. When he caught up with Jacob, he asked him why had had done this , leaving in such a hurry that he couldn’t say goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren.     ” I thought you wouldn’t let them go,” Jacob replied, “Besides I’ve worked for you for twenty years and you changed my wages many times! I’ve looked after your animals and made good any that were taken by wild animals.”

Jacob’s uncle knew this was true, and he was somewhat pacified. “Well, let’s make an agreement that we will leave each other alone after this,” he said. So they put together a heap of stones and made an agreement with each other, eating a feast at the spot which sealed the  pact.

The time had come for Jacob to meet his brother Esau. It was an  easy  meeting, and they made up between them. Then this was the part of the story that made an impression on me.  After  Esau left and Jacob  had sent his wives and children off ahead of him,  God appeared to him as a stranger passing by and began to wrestle with him. Jacob was a tough outdoors person by this time, and neither of the contestants was beating the other, until suddenly the stranger touched Jacob’s thigh. Jacob began to limp with the pain and let him go suddenly.

The Stranger said, “What is your name?”                                                                “My name is Jacob,” he said. Suddenly it hit him what  his name Jacob meant. Supplanter, Deciever, everything that he had been in all his sinfulness up until this point. As he realised this and saw himself as he was, the Stranger said, “Your name from now on will be Israel, a Prince with God!” What a change happened within Jacob’s being as this was said. “What is Your  Name, then?” he asked.                   “Why do you ask?” the Stranger said, and gave him God’s blessing on the spot.  Again, the realisation hit Jacob, and he cried out, “This place shall be called Peniel, because I have seen God face to face, and I’m still alive!”

Jacob was never the same again, either in his spirit or in his body as he limped for the rest of his life, a perpetual reminder of his encounter with the God of his father and grandfather.

This story reminded me of the same principles that govern our lives today. We must each one have a personal encounter with God; we must realise the sin we are in, and how crooked and deceitful we  are naturally. We must confess our sin before God can forgive us and make us anew. We CAN become new creatures in Christ, and this is the only way we can rise above our sinful natures that abuse each other and cause untold misery in our lives today.

The blessings that God gives each one who does this are unspeakable,  and we are given a new name as well as a new nature. It is only as God touches our lives, even if this causes pain in some way, that this can happen. Let’s pray and look to God for this to happen.

(You can read this story about Jacob in Genesis 29-32)


Wisdom for the New Year

PROVERBS  TWO…. (v.1-6)

Verses:1-6          John 15:7;  16:23-24                    James 4:2c

Solomon is begging his son here  to listen and take notice. A person with a bit of age and experience behind him, can see the pitfalls that a headstrong youngster can never see.

“Listen to me”, Solomon says, “Seek and apply yourselves,  ask  and seek earnestly for wisdom!” Do we do this?

God has all these blessings in Christ Jesus waiting for us, but we must put effort into getting them. James tells us that we don’t have the enjoyment of them because we don’t  ask for them and apply ourselves to getting them. It is like a student once who needed finance to get through his course and asked the Lord to provide it. He did, but not in the way she expected it…. God provided a job for her to earn her own money!

Those who earnestly and prayerfully seek, WILL find…..this is one of the prayers that God has unconditionally promised He will grant!

Seek wisdom from the Lord above,  Who gives all things richly in                                                                            love;                                                                                   But we must search and seek this for,  It to be giv’n  from God’s rich                                                                      store.

What Are Your Seven Wonders?

downloadThe following story came through in my mail box the other day…..maybe it has been around for a while, but it really made me think….what would my seven wonders be? I don’t think anyone could better what the girl in this story came up with. Read it and see what your choices would be…..

A teacher once asked his class to write down the seven wonders of the world. After some thought, they came up with these answers….

  1. Taj Mahal; 2. Egypt’s Great Pyramids; 3. Grand Canyon; 4. Panama Canal; 5. Empire State Building; 6. St. Peters in Rome; 7. China’s Great Wall.

As the teacher was picking the papers up he noticed that one girl was still writing and asked why she wasn’t finished yet. She replied that there were so many, she was having trouble choosing the top seven. He picked up her paper, and read out the top seven she had written …

” 1. To See; 2. To Hear; 3. To Touch; 4. To Taste; 5. To Smell; 6. To Laugh; 7. To Love.”

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. The things we overlook as too simple and ordinary to mention, and take for granted every day, are truly wondrous!

The most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man…..all are blessings and gifts from God, our Creator! Let’s give Him thanks for each of them!