Tag Archives: deliverance

A Bend in the Road.

     “All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don’t worry, they can’t last long either. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, “Relax My friend, it’s just a bend…. not the end!” 
I came across the above saying the other day, and thought how true it all is. We aren’t thankful enough when things are going smoothly for us, in fact we take it as our right! I thought of our family babies when they were all born, and thankfully they were all born perfect as far as their limbs and minds are concerned.
Then I thought of one acquaintance who has a son in his thirties who is definitely not quite right. What a burden for that mother who has to keep an eye on him constantly! She can never leave him without wondering what he is getting up to while she is away. She must have wondered “Why me?” many times, and yet she still carries on cheerfully.
Another family member has two in his family with the dread disease of cancer. Both of them seem to have passed the point of no return, although we can never discount the possibility of a miracle. Again, what a burden to carry! But they both have the hope ahead of being with the Lord….it is just the thought of leaving loved ones behind to cope on their own.
For all of us, it is a bend in the road of life, a road where there is no turning around. We cannot go back, we have to go ahead. When we have our hope and trust in the Lord, we know that He is with us regardless. We are not to pray for deliverance, but for strength to carry on, and He will give it.
So for whatever you may be going through at this moment, just remember we can call upon God, not necessarily for deliverance, but for the strength to bear what lies ahead, until we come out the other side.
A couple of years ago, I wrote about a young girl of twenty-two who lost her husband to a brain tumor. As you can imagine, she was devastated, but she pushed on with the plans she and her husband had shared when everything seemed to be going on smoothly. Then he was taken and all their plans came crashing down around her.
Now she is studying at a Bible College and has met another young man who shares her plans and thoughts. At last, there is coming light at the end of the tunnel for her. There is life still ahead. Just where and what will eventuate, is still in the future.
But what a fulfilment of the saying at the beginning of this post!
Let us each one take heart and go forward around the bend in the road that is facing us