Tag Archives: eagles

Flying with the Eagles!

     There is a story in the Bible about a paralysed man sitting by a pool waiting for an angel to come and disturb the water. The people surrounding the pool thought that if they could only get in to the water after that, that they would be healed of their diseases. But this particular day, no angel came. Instead Jesus Christ came by and asked the man if he wanted to be healed. Instantly the man responded, “I’ve been waiting for thirty-eight years to be healed and it hasn’t happened yet.”

“Well, get up and walk”, Jesus said, and the man found to his astonishment that he was able to walk normally. If he hadn’t got up, he would never have walked. Perhaps he was going to miss his fellow sufferers who he had been with for so many years but he had to leave them behind. If he had never got up and walked, he would never have been set totally free.

There is a saying….You will never fly with the eagles if you stay with the turkeys! In the same way when a person has been set free by trusting in Jesus Christ, the old things must be left behind to be able to soar to new heights. In fact as new heights are reached for, so the old things will drop off.