Tag Archives: God’s Word

Pilgrim’s Progress (6)

                                     Christian’s Greatest Trial Yet.

     A few days had gone by, and the children hadn’t seen Uncle Jeff. “Mum, when is Uncle Jeff coming round again?” Bobby asked one day after school, “I want to hear more of that story!” “You are really enjoying that aren’t you?” Mum asked, “Have you noticed that each story has a meaning to it?” Sarah came into the room in time to hear what Mum said. “Yes, I had noticed that”, she said, “Sometimes it even has Bible verses in it. It seems just like things that happen to us when we feel like giving up our Bible reading and learning our verses”. “That’s right”, Mum said, “And I guess there’ll be more of that in the next session too”.

Uncle Jeff called in a few days later, and Bobby couldn’t wait to say, “What happens to Christian in the next part of the story, Uncle Jeff?” So they all settled themselves down, and Uncle Jeff said, “Well, you all remember where we got up to don’t you? Christian had stayed in Mr. and Mrs. Hospitable’s place and was having a good rest after all his frights on the road. What do you think that is like for us?” “Well, I guess you could say it’s like us having a good time at a camp or Youth Group”, Sarah said thoughtfully.

“Yes, that’s right”, Uncle Jeff said, “We get all fired up with hearing all the stories and learning new songs, and then we leave and feel we could convert the world! Well, Christian was like that too. He stayed with the family for a few days before leaving and they showed him all sorts of wonderful things they had collected over the years. There was a little basket like Moses would have been in when he was a baby, and there were some slings like David would have used when he killed the giant, and a collection of clothes that the priests would have worn in the tabernacle. Just before he left, the girls took him into a large dressing room with a great collection of armour.

‘Now, you must put these on to protect yourself on the road’, they said, ‘Here is the helmet of salvation, and the breastplate of righteousness, and you mustn’t forget to take the sword of God’s Word and the shield of faith’. Christian thought this all seemed too much…’Do I really need all these things?’ he asked ‘Yes, you can’t afford to go without any of them’, the girls told him,  “You never know what you are going to meet on the road’.

    They went down the driveway to the main gate with him and said goodbye as he stepped out onto the road again. Christian looked across the valley and the views were beautiful…there were lovely green fields in the distance and far away over the mountains in the distance he could see a very bright light shining. ‘What is that light away over there?’ he asked as he left. ‘That is the light of the Celestial City where this road ends’, the girls said, ‘That is where the King lives in the mansions He has prepared for His people. You must always keep remembering that is your goal. But first of all the road leads down into this valley and that is where you are going to need your armour, but you must be on your way before it gets any later… goodbye!!’. So Christian headed off down the hill with a light heart and singing one of the songs of Zion as he went.    The further down the hill he went, the darker it got. He forgot the lovely view of the distant mountains, and worse still, he could see a dim figure coming towards him in the fog which seemed to be in the valley. He stopped singing and began to feel afraid. Who was that coming? Then he heard a sweet sound above him…’Don’t be afraid, for I am with you right to the end’.

    He pulled his book out and began to look at it, and this is what he read… ‘the angel of the Lord is round about all those who love Him’.    Christian began to feel better straight away…why should he worry when he could tell the King all about his troubles? He felt a great peace come over him, and he strode along with great purpose.

     Further along, he saw a large fearsome looking creature coming towards him. Somehow he knew this creature’s name was Apollyon. ‘What shall I do?’ he thought, feeling  full of fear. Then the thought came to him…’stand fast and resist the devil and he will flee from you’, so he kept on going firmly, waving his sword as he went. Apollyon started to belch out smoke and make horrid noises, but even though Christian was still afraid, he kept on going. Apollyon lifted his blow gun to his mouth, ready to blow some darts at Christian, but he held his shield up in front of him. Suddenly Apollyon turned and backed off. He knew he was no match for the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit that Christian had.

    The valley was still foggy and dark, but Christian kept going as fast as he could. The track was very narrow and he was afraid of tripping over and toppling into the horrid smelling mud on the side of the path. The thought came to him as he walked along, ‘Even though I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I won’t be afraid, for the King is with me’, and on he went.

   It started to get lighter and he could see plainly, and as he went a little further, he could see someone ahead of him. ‘Hey’, he called, ‘Wait for me!’ The man turned around to see who it was that was calling him, and Christian could see that it was someone from his home town, a man called Faithful. ‘Oh, it’s you Christian!’ Faithful said, ‘I didn’t recognise you under all that armour. Where did you get that?’ So Christian told him all that had happened since he had been travelling towards the Celestial City, and how the foul creature in the valley of the shadow of death had  tried to hinder him as he went. ‘You know, if I hadn’t had this armour to protect me, I don’t know how I would have got on,’ he said, ‘Did you meet anyone as you came along the road?’

‘I sure did’, said Faithful, ‘And they all tried to turn me back. There was Mr. Discontent who was full of complaints about how hard the road was and kept asking why I didn’t go with him and have some fun. Fun! I would sooner carry on to the Celestial City no matter how hard it is.

    Then there was Shame….a miserable looking creature he was! He kept telling me what a shame it was that I had decided to take this road, and how shameful it was to be seen reading my Book. He said it was a shame to sing the songs of Zion and to repent of my sins. I got fed up with him in the end and told him he could go back by himself, I didn’t want to hear his talk any more!’ ” and Uncle Jeff paused for a minute.

“I’ve heard kids at school saying things like that,” Sarah said thoughtfully, “But they are so full of mean things they say about other people, I don’t want to be like them!”

“One boy at school asked if my parents went to parties or ever got drunk, and when I said no, they said, ‘Don’t they ever have any fun?!’ ” said Bobby, “I don’t think they know what REAL fun is!!”

“No”, said Uncle Jeff, “You wouldn’t feel like taking the family fishing on a Saturday morning either if you had a big head after drinking all night would you!” “Yes, we have lots of fun, don’t we?” Betty had to have her say.

My Study.

      The next  room we went into was the study, and the library. I likened this room to my mind, after all, it was where I did all my serious thinking as well as relaxing. This room is quite a small room and has very thick walls. It’s  a very important room to me. It was actually like the control room of the whole house. Jesus came in with me and looked around at the books in the bookcase, and saw the magazines lying on the table, and  the pictures on the walls.

    As I watched Him looking around I started to feel very uncomfortable. Strangely, I hadn’t felt self-conscious about this before, but now that He was there looking at these things I was embarrassed. Some books were there that His eyes were too pure to look at. On the table were a few magazines that a Christian had no business reading. As for the pictures on the walls – the imaginations and thoughts of the mind – some of these were shameful.

     Red-faced, I turned to Him and said, “Master, I know that this room needs to be cleaned up and made over. Will You help me make it what it ought to be?”

“Sure!” He said. “I’m glad to help you. First of all, take all the things that you are reading and looking at which are not helpful, pure, good and true, and throw them out! Now put on the empty shelves the books of the Bible. Fill the library with Scripture and think about it day and night. As for the pictures on the walls, you will find it hard to control these things, but I have something that will help.” He gave me a full-size picture of Himself. “Hang this in the centre of the  wall of your mind,” He said.

    I did, and I have discovered through the years that when my thoughts are centred upon Christ Himself, His purity and power cause impure thoughts to back away. So He has helped me to bring my thoughts under His control. In fact whenever my mind is drawn to these things now, I have found that repeating out loud, “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses me from ALL sin!” immediately chases those thoughts away (1 John 1:9). Truly, God’s  Word will immediately put one’s mind back on the right track and send the enemy fleeing from bringing  you further temptation.

God’s Word at Work.

    I was reading the verse from Hebrews 4:12 where it describes God’s Word as being ” quick (living) , and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.

     There is nothing so convicting and convincing as God’s Word if we allow it to sink into our minds. It IS possible to shut one’s mind to it, but if we do that, it won’t be long before its influence on our ways and thinking will disappear and we will become hard and unyielding.

    This verse shows that it is like an extremely sharp two edged sword, cutting both ways, as it goes in and as it comes out…there is a story that illustrates this point perfectly….

   There was a man once who said he didn’t believe in all this God rubbish (as he put it). One of the old time evangelists came to his district and was holding meetings several times a week. One of our man’s friends persuaded him to go to one of these meetings.

“You know I don’t believe in all that stuff”, he said complainingly to his friend, “I’ll go just the once, but no more, mind!”

He sat through the meeting, working out all his arguments against the preacher in his mind. His chance came when the preacher offered to take him home.

“Well, Sir,” our man said, “I don’t believe all that stuff you told us tonight. What about…..?” and he presented his first argument.

The preacher was silent a moment and then he said, “I don’t know about that, all I know is that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin.”

Our friend was a bit taken aback. He hadn’t expected a reply like that. But he rallied and then put out his next argument which was guaranteed (he thought) to get the preacher’s hackles up.

    Again the preacher was silent a moment, and then he said, “Well, I haven’t heard that one before, but all I know is that the blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin.”

Our friend wasn’t going to be deterred, and he thought of several more arguments that he felt sure the preacher had no answers for.

    But each time the preacher just quietly said, “Well, I don’t know about that…..all I know is that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin!”

     By this time they had reached our friend’s house and the preacher pulled up to let him out. Our friend gave one more parting shot as he left the car…”Well, I’m not coming back any more to hear that stuff!”

“That’s fine friend,” the preacher said, “But just remember,” as our friend went off into the darkness, “the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleans us from all sin!”

   The preacher went home, prayed for our friend and didn’t expect to see him again. But God’s Word which had been used as a sword, and as a strong hammer which can break rocks began to work in his mind. A couple of nights later, the preacher heard a knock on his door just as he was going  to bed. He opened the door, and there stood our friend looking rather distraught and haggard.

“I haven’t been able to sleep a wink since that meeting the other night,”  he said, “All I can hear in my mind are those words, the blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin….I can’t get rid of them. What do I have to do to put my mind at rest?”

“Come on in,”  the preacher said, “It’s never too late to talk about the things of God”. He was able to explain to our friend that the way to have peace in his mind, was simply to tell the Lord that he realised he was a sinner and needed to be made clean from all the bad thoughts and habits he had formed over the years.

   He gladly did this and became a different man as a result. He had different aims now, and went to different places. The old ways didn’t attract him any more. Now he could say, and mean it with all his heart….. “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleans me from ALL sin!”

Wonderful Glass!

Glass is wonderful stuff! 

“Oh, yuk!” Bobby exclaimed as he pulled a glass jar out of the fish pond.

“What ever are you doing with that?” Mum asked.

“Ooh, it’s yukky!” Betty said as she came in on the act.

“You’d better go and clean it out and wash it,” Mum said, “And make sure you do it properly with plenty of water and detergent” she called after him as he trudged off with it.

Later on she went inside and said, “How well did you get that jar clean, Bobby?”

He pointed to a sparkling jar on the bench. “Look how nice and clean it is now!” he said proudly.

“You’ve made a really good job of that Bobby”, she said, “I couldn’t have done better myself!”

“Do you know what that reminds me of?” Uncle Jeff asked from the depths of his armchair where he was sitting, “It just shows that no matter how dirty we let our lives get with being mean and nasty, God can still clean us up if we ask Him to. But we have to really mean it for Him to do it.”

“It didn’t get really shiny until Bobby used the detergent”, Betty said.

“No, that’s just like us trying to clean our own selves up,” Uncle Jeff said, “It doesn’t last and we never get to being sparkly and shiny. It’s as though the Lord Jesus uses the detergent of His Word on us and then we are just like brand new again.”

“Doesn’t the Bible say something about it being like washed by the Word?” Sarah asked as she came in and heard what they were saying.

“Yes, it does. And just as that glass will get dirty again, it will need to be washed again and again, but the actual glass is still shiny underneath it all. We just have to ask God to clean us up each time we do or say something that is wrong,” agreed Uncle Jeff.

“Yes, that’s right,” Mum said, “Glass is a wonderful thing and it is lovely to see it so shiny and clean again. Thanks Bobby!”




Do You Really Listen?

                                                       Luke 8: 10-18

  PECHI092How much do we REALLY listen when people are talking to us? Or when the preacher is speaking at church? Sarah had the same problem……

    “This is awfully hard to understand”, said Sarah one Saturday afternoon  while her mother was getting tea ready.

“How do you mean?” asked Mum.

“Well, our lesson for this week is about listening, and how to not lose what we’ve been given”.

“It sounds like a bit of a puzzle”, Mum said, only half listening. “Why don’t you ask Uncle Jeff tonight when he comes round for tea?”

“Oh, that’s a good idea” said Sarah, “Is he coming round then?”

“Yes”, said Mum, “Didn’t you hear me telling you all this morning that he was coming?”

“Well, I was busy texting Emma and didn’t hear what you were saying!” Sarah said.

Mum smiled. She thought that Uncle Jeff would be able to explain very easily what Sarah wanted to know.

     After tea was over and everyone was settled down for the evening, Uncle Jeff came over to where Sarah was curled up on the couch in her favourite position.

“Well Sarah,” he said, “What is your lesson for tomorrow about?”

“Oh Uncle Jeff”, Sarah said, “I was going to ask you about that! It’s from Luke chapter eight and it’s about listening. It’s the sower’s parable, and it keeps saying to hear what is being explained. Then later on, it says that we have to be careful we don’t lose what we’ve been given. What’s that all about?”

“Well”, said Uncle Jeff, “We have to remember that Jesus was explaining about the seed that was sown and the crop that came from it. That is about all that we remember about that story. But Jesus was actually saying a lot more than that. Let’s look at those verses and see what He was really saying. What does verse ten say?”

Sarah read it slowly. “It says that He was explaining it to the disciples so that they could understand it”.

“That’s right”, said Uncle Jeff, “What does verse twelve say?”

“It says that the first lot of people hear God’s Word, and then the Devil comes along and takes it away. I suppose that means that it goes in one ear and out the other”.

“Yes, that is exactly what it is saying”, Uncle Jeff said, “What does verse thirteen say about hearing?”

“It says that the next lot of people that hear God’s Word think it’s a great idea but it doesn’t last. It’s like sleeping on a good idea and seeing what you think the next morning  and then changing your mind about it I s’pose”.

“You’re getting the picture Sarah,” said Uncle Jeff. “What do you see about the next lot of people who hear God’s Word?”

“It seems as though they get too busy with work or things like sport to be able to fit church in”, Sarah said.

“That’s exactly right Sarah. We’ve seen all the people now who heard God’s Word but they never did anything much about it”, Uncle Jeff said, “So what conclusion do you come to about these people?”

“I s’pose it means that they should have listened and then done something about it” Sarah said slowly, “Is that how that verse about losing what we’ve been given ties in with all this?”

“What do you think Sarah?” Uncle Jeff asked, “Let’s look at verse fifteen and see what it says. What do the people who grow a good crop do about listening?”

Sarah read it through and then said, “It says that when they really HEAR what God is saying, they KEEP it, and then DO it! “

“Now read verse eighteen and tell me what you see there”, Uncle Jeff said.

Sarah read it and then said, “That’s what was puzzling me before!  But now I can see that people who hear what the Bible says and do it will get a lot more blessings, while those who only half listen won’t do what it says and after a bit they’ll think it’s not worth bothering with any more. They’ve lost it!”

“Good girl!” said Uncle Jeff, “I’ll give you top marks for that! Now you’ll be able to explain it to the others tomorrow”.




Psalm Forty-Nine

The book of Psalms consists of a series of conversations between God and man. This one is concerned with the fate of those who refuse God’s call…..                      

DOLLR3_FThe Rich  Man.

Hear this you people living here, All people in the world give ear,

I’m telling you with all my heart, To  trust in God and take a part;

For those who trust in only wealth, Will find their soul soon has no health;

They cannot save their brother’s soul, They cannot make him to be whole.

No matter who, we all must die, And meet our Maker up on high,

Our wealth is left with what we’ve gained, And others waste all that remained.

People think to leave their name, On their estates will keep their fame,

Riches cannot take their soul, To the One who makes them whole.

Tis only God who can redeem, Who takes us into heaven’s gleam.

Do not fret o’er those made rich, They cannot take with them  one stitch!

Their glory fades and fame will pale, For in their death all else will fail.

They are no better than a beast, That perishes with all that’s least.

How true this psalm is! Those who never give God a thought during their life time have nothing to look forwards to in the next life. Some say boastfully that they have lived without God and they will die without Him, while the best that others can look forwards to is being reincarnated as a donkey or some other animal! But when they come to the point of no return, they cry out in horror at what they can see ahead of them. There is nothing sadder than the cry of “Too late!”