Tag Archives: going wrong

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People? (Part Four)

     Job began to speak, “I wish I’d never been born, to feel like this! It’s a pity my mother ever gave birth to me!” He was in such pain that he had no rest, and he was wondering why God had allowed this calamity to come upon him….      This is a very human thought, one which we probably have all had at times when things go wrong. But we need to remember there is a much wider picture than what we can see at the moment, and that God will work things out in the end.     Eliphaz spoke up and replied to this (chapters 3-4)… “Don’t you know that God looks after those who follow Him? You’ve helped others when they’ve been in trouble, and now trouble has come to you and you complain!”     He went on, “I’ve had frightening experiences before today and I know we can’t stand before God….this trouble must have come from God to correct you for something, Job;  but things will come right in the end. Listen to what I’m saying.”    Job  replied to this by saying, “Oh, if only God would listen to me and take me away! Then I might be comforted instead of going through this time of distress. I feel like someone travelling through a desert and not able to find any water…I’ve never done any wrong to anyone!

     Bildad, the next friend, now spoke up…”Your words are like the wind, Job! You are missing the point; you must be sinning secretly for God to treat you like this!”      Some of us have suffered comments like this over the years, and there is no comfort in being told where you’ve gone wrong!      Bildad continued….”There is always a reason for everything that happens…swamp weeds can’t grow where there is no water, and those who forget God will reap the consequences!  God doesn’t help those who forget Him, but cheer up, things will come right in the end!”     Job replied, “I know what you are saying is right, but how can a person stand against God? He is so great and mighty! He has made the stars in the sky, and does wonderful things we can’t understand. Even though I know I am innocent, I can’t answer Him. Things just continue to go wrong! God is not a human being like we are, that I can answer Him! He made me like I am, and it seems that He is destroying me now. I wish He would tell me where I’ve gone wrong! Oh, leave me alone, so I can find some comfort!”

     When our friends suffer from some disaster, we must make sure to not try to figure out where the blame lies….this is no comfort at all, and does nothing to help whatsoever! It is better just to sit there quietly, and get them the things they need for their comfort. If you can’t be there with them to help, then just a quiet phone call or text now and then to remind them that they are not forgotten.                                                                                                 (Job, chapters 3-10)