Tag Archives: hungry

Blessings and Woes.

PEFAM039   The fire was roaring up the chimney making a nice  cosy  glow in the room. The family had had a good meal of the fish that Uncle Jeff had caught and everyone was busy in the living room doing different things. Dad was reading the newspaper in his favourite chair , Mum was doing some ironing near the table, Bobby and Betty were lounging on the couch and Sarah was back there  in her favourite position.

Uncle Jeff sat down on the floor beside her and said, “We didn’t quite finish that part of the book you were reading before did we. What was the next bit about?”

“The next part would be so hard to do,” Sarah said, “It says that you will be happy when people laugh at you for what you believe and say nasty things about you. I don’t think I could be happy if that happened!”

“Well,” said Uncle Jeff thoughtfully, “I think that means that you have to make up your mind right at the very beginning that whatever happens you will stand firm for what you know is right. Remember the story of Daniel and how it says that he made up his mind that he wouldn’t eat food that had been offered to idols, even though he was in a strange country. God honoured him for that, and God will honour us too. Look at what it says a bit further down….’love your enemies and pray for those who are mean and nasty to you’. That is not easy to do, but it DOES help you to feel better, rather than think nasty thoughts back about them! I know it isn’t easy, but then we are told that the Christian life is a battle ground you know.”

“Yes, I know”, Sarah said, “Our youth Pastor was telling us about some of those people in Africa that were taken hostage by the terrorists, and what awful things they had done to them. It would be awfully hard for them to be forgiving.”

“Yes, it would be,” Uncle Jeff agreed, “But you know, the Bible says that God can’t do anything with someone who won’t forgive another person. It also tells us that God has given us armour to put on for times like this that will help us….like the breastplate of righteousness which means we guard our hearts and thoughts, and the shield of faith which we can hold up when Satan is throwing his darts of bad thoughts at us.”

“Oh,” said Sarah getting up off the couch, “I never thought of it like that before! Shall I make a cup of tea for you Uncle Jeff?”

“That would be very nice thank you”, Uncle Jeff said, “Does that make it easier for you to understand it all now?”

“Yes, it sure does”, Sarah said as she went out into the kitchen.