Tag Archives: Life after death

Truth in a Nutshell.

    BIBLE2             There seem to be so many people these days  contracting that dread “C” disease….cancer. A young friend had a brain tumour towards the end of last year and it was only a matter of weeks before he went to be with the Lord. His funeral service was a triumphant testimony to the fact that he knew where he was going, and that all his family knew where he was at that very time…he was rejoicing with his Lord who he had endeavoured to serve in his short time on earth.

Another friend visited a neighbour of his recently who only had a very short time to live. Our friend tried to talk to him about the Lord, but only met with a blank refusal to listen. “I don’t believe that rubbish”, the man said, “when we die we just disappear into the cosmos”.

“Would you like me to get my pastor to come and talk to you?” our friend persisted.

“No, I wouldn’t”, the man said, “I’d be very angry if you did that!” he said definitely and the conversation finished abruptly.

What a sad state of affairs to go into eternity with! It reminded me of this parable that  came through my mail box not so long ago, and is worth passing on again…

Parable of the Unborn Twins.

Wonder if there’s life after birth?              Of course not! Whoever heard of such a thing!

But what if there is? What would it be like?  No one’s ever come back to tell us!

I wonder what it would be like to be free?   At least we know what it’s like here.

Would there be light and food we could eat?  Rubbish! We are adequately fed by the umbilical cord!

Don’t you want to meet Mother?      Mother?       Whoever heard of a mother?

But we can sometimes hear her voice as she talks and sings from up there….

Rubbish! It’s all imagination!

Well, I’d like to meet her and have her hold me in her arms! It would be all light and freedom then!

You do talk a lot of nonsense! I’m going to turn over….ooh, it’s getting awfully tight in here!

Well, I don’t care what you say. If you are right and I’m wrong, we’ve got nothing to lose. But if I’m right and you’re wrong, then there is everything to lose, and I’m positive I’m right!

Can’t we just hear the truth in this parable! People say there is no life after death, no-one has ever come back to tell us, that there is nothing to be set free from and there is no such thing as “God”. As for His Word, the Bible, it is all just imagination, a collection of fairy tales! We think our ideas are the truth of the matter, but what if we WERE wrong? What then? There is everything to lose then, so it pays to search these things out and see what the truth is. God says, “My Word is Truth”; Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Let’s look into these things for ourselves, and then make our decision!