Tag Archives: New Things

Time for a Change!

If you have been following this site, you will see that there are a few changes. I have been wanting to update my site for a while and have finally taken the plunge which I hope will be an improvement in the end! It’s a bit like the road works in our local area, the whole place looks a mess while the foundation is being laid, and the traffic is held up at times, but the end result is well worth it.

So many things in life are like this. We look into a certain subject, play around with it a bit, think of the pros and cons of it, and then make a decision. Some things have far reaching results and we have to live with the results of our choices. One thing that comes to mind, is our marriage partners. Whoever we choose, will have a great influence on our way of life and our eventual way of thinking, so it pays to be very careful before even starting. An old saying is, “Use your head, before you lose it!” Another saying is, “If you are doubtful, leave it alone. It’s like a shirt collar, if it’s doubtful, it’s dirty!”

People are more particular in the things of the spirit than in any other field. We all seem to have an inborn resistance to the things of God. So many people will not even look into these things, their hackles go up when anything like this is mentioned. Surely before we can make an informed decision about anything, we should do some research from reliable sources before we push it all to one side. After all, those who follow the Christian way of life have nothing to lose if they are wrong, whereas those who ignore it have everything to lose if it is the right way!

So I hope this site will show signs of improvement in the end, and at least I have the satisfaction of saying I DID try!