Tag Archives: preparing

Don’t Get Scammed!

PROVERBS  Six…. (v.1-15)

DON’T GET SCAMMED!!!! Solomon here is warning his sons to not stand as guarantor for anyone…..friend or stranger! How many times have people got caught out doing just this!!

This warning stands good for every single person….. it is better to give straight out, rather than to lend hoping to get it back one day. People’s word of mouth is not enough……how many friendships have gone sour because of broken promises! Don’t feel sorry for the other person, or you will end up feeling  sorrier for yourself in the long run.

This seems to be hard advice, but often people get themselves into a mess because of their own foolishness, and the only way they will learn is the hard way. Paul too, expands this thought when he definitely says to keep away from being tied to an unbeliever in any way, shape or form! This rule is for our own good and peace of mind.

Often the other person is in trouble because of their own laziness or carelessness…..take a lesson from an ant! It is busy and forward looking, preparing for the future. Keep away from those who try to sponge on you……they are only there for what they can get out of you !!

Give, don’t lend,  is good advice, To keep one’s friend is better;            Don’t let yourself then get  enticed, Or you’ll be tied, by  lawyer’s letters!!!


Curiosity Killed the Cat!

4. Curiosity killed the cat, the old saying goes.  I grew up in a small country community where everyone knew everyone else’s business, and what they couldn’t find out, they made it up instead! So I always like to find out the whys and wheres when something unusual is seen.

This time, we had made our usual summer trek north to our holiday area, and what should we see as we came around the bend in the road near the big local river, but a house sitting on the edge of the river bank among the mangrove trees. Not only one house, but behind it was a second house! There was no real road  in to these houses, and they looked as though they had been dumped there from the river itself.

1.    Visiting friends a couple of days later, I saw a newspaper clipping about these two houses which solved the problem of how they had got there. They had been shipped on a barge from the big city over  two hundred miles south, and a description of the voyage north was given beside the picture. Their final destination was a few miles further up the river where they were going to be transported by truck the final few miles. So that solved the puzzle of the houses sitting in the mangroves on the edge of the river!

It seems strange to me, that something like this makes the news, when really it is no-one else’s business but the people who bought them, while the more important things of life that concern every single person are completely ignored. It’s obvious that these houses will be eventually lived in somewhere, but no-one is really concerned with where their soul is going to live for eternity. We make all sorts of preparations for a big trip we may be going to take overseas, but pay very little attention to the most lasting trip of all which every person is going to take eventually. Surely this is the most important thing to be curious about, and the most important trip to prepare for!