Tag Archives: unexpected

Coping with the Unexpected!

We never know what is around the corner for each one of us!! A car crash is one of the classic cases of the unexpected. No matter how careful we are, there is always the danger of the other person’s inattention. Then again, there is our own health situation, where we never know what is lurking deep within our own body. An annoying pain can herald a more sinister cause than we have ever dreamed of.

    We can be setting off for a day’s outing to meet friends at the beach, when another vehicle veers into your path and can’t be avoided. Suddenly, when you were going about minding your own business, now you are catapulted into being everybody else’s business! The police come screaming into your vision; a fire engine appears from nowhere; helpful passers-by stop to see what help they can offer. Before you know what has happened, an ambulance turns up and help is at hand.

   Or maybe you wake up in the night with a heavy feeling on your chest, and find it is hard to breathe. You wonder what you should do for the best. You think that if you wait a while, it will go away, and it eventually does. But what if it comes back later in the day?

    We are blest to live in a country where help is at hand in cases like these. We think that if we prepare with insurance policies put in place, there is nothing to worry about. But sometimes the emergency is more dire than that and nothing can stop the catastrophe happening.

    A husband waited for his wife to come home from being out, but when she still didn’t turn up, he began to look for her. The very place he didn’t think to look was right at hand, and he eventually found her collapsed in her own bathroom with her life gone. For her it was too late for help.

    We must make sure that we are ready to meet our God while we still have time to put wrongs right….not a one of us can have a sure hope without having made a conscious decision to do this. Let’s make sure that we have the ticket ready for the greatest trip of our life that may be just around the corner!!

Happy New Year!

   The year 2018 has gone for ever, and on everyone’s lips this  first morning of 2019, are the words, “Happy New Year!” This may be the wish of each one of us, but for many it is only an empty hope. Some already know that this year will be one of the saddest one in their lives…. those who have loved ones  with a terminal disease can only look forwards with dread for the immediate future.

    Others of course, look forwards with high expectations…..a forthcoming wedding, a new baby to come into the world, a big trip already booked….and rightly so, but are we guarded against the unexpected shocks ahead? A broken marriage in the family? A tragic car accident? The disappointment of broken friendships? A bad report from the doctor?

    No-one is immune from these things, as they are all part of normal life. Not only those things that are unexpected, the normal downhill spiral in age and health that all come our way with time.

   For those who know the Lord, we have the added assurance that He will be with us through all these experiences, both good and bad. It is no use blaming God for the bad things that happen to us. Of course He could have averted them in our path, and how many times He has! But how else would we learn if we did not have to depend more heavily on Him at these times?

   Remember the time that Jesus told His disciples to go across the lake ahead of Him? He knew that they would meet this tremendous storm half way across. He also knew how He would cope with it for them and show His power to them. How else would they have seen that without this difficulty?

   It is just the same for us today. So let’s look forwards to this year of 2019 with whatever the Lord has in store for us with confidence and assurance, knowing that whatever happens can be for our best as we trust in Him.