Psalm Three

                      The Trusting Man

Lord, there are many who rise against me,

Ones who say that  no help  comes from Thee,

But I know You are there, a shield for my head,

You don’t cast down, but lift up instead;

I know that You hear me, and give me Your peace,

I can lie down and sleep, for it never shall cease.

I will NOT be afraid, tho’ ten thousand abound,

My God will save me from those who surround;

Salvation comes free, from our God on the Throne,

His people are so blessed by Him  alone.

We see  the complete trust and peace that those who rest in the Lord can have. This is what our Lord was referring to when He said we have to have the trust that a little child has in its elders…..a trust that never doubts or questions (Matthew 18:2-4). We have to have the faith that says, ”God says it, I believe it and that settles it!”

This is not always easy to do, but we have to learn to put it into practice…the more we do this the easier it becomes. God tells His people many times to “Remember what I have done” (Deuteronomy 7:18) and this is just as important for us now as it was then. Paul also remembered how the Lord stood with him in his times of trials and this gave him the courage to continue  (2 Timothy 4:17-18).

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