Tag Archives: Trust

Psalm Three

                      The Trusting Man

Lord, there are many who rise against me,

Ones who say that  no help  comes from Thee,

But I know You are there, a shield for my head,

You don’t cast down, but lift up instead;

I know that You hear me, and give me Your peace,

I can lie down and sleep, for it never shall cease.

I will NOT be afraid, tho’ ten thousand abound,

My God will save me from those who surround;

Salvation comes free, from our God on the Throne,

His people are so blessed by Him  alone.

We see  the complete trust and peace that those who rest in the Lord can have. This is what our Lord was referring to when He said we have to have the trust that a little child has in its elders…..a trust that never doubts or questions (Matthew 18:2-4). We have to have the faith that says, ”God says it, I believe it and that settles it!”

This is not always easy to do, but we have to learn to put it into practice…the more we do this the easier it becomes. God tells His people many times to “Remember what I have done” (Deuteronomy 7:18) and this is just as important for us now as it was then. Paul also remembered how the Lord stood with him in his times of trials and this gave him the courage to continue  (2 Timothy 4:17-18).

What Are You Building With?

2015-06-08 18.21.20Richard, who was a wealthy man once put an order in for a new house. He told Bill the builder what he wanted and gave him the plans and necessary consents to get the job done.

“There’s just one snag though”, he said as he gave Bill the order, “I’ll have to be away for most of the time it will take to get this house built, so I won’t be able to keep a check on what is going on”.

“Oh that will be fine, we’ll manage OK”, said Bill as Richard left.

Richard left on his big trip away, and Bill made a start on the new house. He began to think about this building, and a mean thought came to him. Seeing Richard wouldn’t be around to keep a check on him, he wouldn’t know what went on inside this new house. If he made a few cuts here and there, Richard would never know and he (Bill) could pocket the extra money for himself!

So second grade timber was bought for the framing, and cheaper pipes put in. Other shortcuts went into the building of it as well, and Bill smiled as he put the savings into his own money account.

The day came for Richard to come home, and he couldn’t wait to see the job that Bill had made on this new house for him. It was very impressive and looked just as Richard imagined it would. He called in to see Bill in his office. “Well, Bill”, he said, “You’ve made a good job of that house, and I’ve got a proposition to make to you. You’ve always  worked well for me, and I’d like to make this house over to you for you to live in”.

Bill squirmed as he thought of all the shortcuts he’d made beneath the fancy exterior. He knew the inside of that house didn’t match up with the outside, and that it would be causing some trouble further in the future. But he couldn’t refuse Richard’s generous offer without owning up to what he had done.

This story reminds us that one day we are going to have to face the results of what we have built our lives with. Have we used the materials for God’s service that will survive the fire of His examination, or has it just been wood, hay and stubble of our own selfish pleasures that will burn up?

God doesn’t listen to our WORDS, He listens to what our hearts have to say to Him.

Thought for Today

This thought came in the mail today and it is worth passing on to all those who are going through deep waters emotionally…..

      When you feel you are on the very edge of things,

trust God, because only one of two things can happen to you…

Either He will catch you as you fall,

Or He will teach you how to fly.

Hang onto this thought because none of us knows what tomorrow is going to hold!

My Favourite Verses

Several years ago members of the Northland Christian Writers Group were asked to write down their favourite verses and the reason for them. This was what I submitted for that assignment……

My Favourite Verses!

Psalm 37: verses 3-5.   Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.  Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.   Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.  (KJV)

I’ve chosen these verses rather than a Gospel verse for this reason. The Gospel is the   gateway to the Christian life, and where one starts.   I have already done that, and these verses are the route  I am travelling, and the chart for my way.

Firstly to “Trust in the Lord” is the key to daily  living. Everything I do has to be rooted in trusting the Lord. Everything I have is from the Lord, and He supplies my every need. If I have little, then I give thanks (and don’t complain!), tighten my belt and realise that I’m still alive. If I have plenty, then I make the most of it, and give thanks for that too.

Secondly,  “delighting myself in the Lord”, is not a blank cheque for getting what I  want.  Pleasing my self is not delighting the Lord!  The more I delight in the Lord, the more I want  to please Him, and my desires become those which He wants for me. He wants me to  exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in my life.  Bitterness or resentment does not please God. Nor does overriding others, being impatient or behaving rudely. God does not want me  to be conformed to the world and its ways. The more I delight in Him, the less hold the world has on me. I may have no idea what God wants  for me, but as He works on me through His Word, it gradually comes to pass.

Thirdly, I am to “Commit my way to the Lord” and trust in Him even though what is happening doesn’t make sense. Just as I would cling to a life belt if I fell into the water, so I must cling to Him through the darkness as it seeks to envelop me. I must remember that this too, will pass, and the light will shine again. There is always joy on the other side, God WILL bring it to pass!

Trusting in the Lord”  is the vehicle that takes me forward. “Delighting in the Lord” is travelling with  Him, and  “Committing my way to the Lord” is seeking His direction, and allowing Him to do the steering, and choose the route!