My Laundry Room.

               There was still another room in my house that had to do with cleaning things up. This was the laundry room.  I was a bit reluctant to take my Guest into the laundry room. Sometimes there was a nasty stale smell in there as though there were clothes that had been damp and not dried properly.  But He insisted.  “I need to see ALL your house, if I’m to stay with you”, He said as we went down the passage. “You know I will never leave you nor forsake you, and I want you to willingly show Me each room in your house!”

   He must have sensed my reluctance. As we opened the door it was as bad as I had thought it might be! The damp clothes that I had been meaning to wash last week made a horrid stink as we went in. “ I meant to do the washing but somehow there were other things to do”, I muttered shamefacedly, “Things like going to Bible Study and church services”, hoping to make it sound a bit better. “Those are good things, but we are not to leave the other things undone”, He said, “I have given you twenty-four hours each day to make use of. See that you use them wisely. You don’t really need ten hours of sleep you know! Just get up earlier in the morning….I’m always waiting for you to come and see Me, no matter how early it is!”     He knew me only too well. “Oh Lord!”, I cried, “You know all my weaknesses and failings, there is nothing I can hide from You! Search my heart and show me where I’m at, and lead me to do better!” (Psalm 139: 23-24)    I realised then that He knows me through and through, and there is no point in trying to hide things from Him . What a relief to have admitted all this to Him, and to know His strength as I tried to do better!!

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