My Bedrooms

       We left the utility part of the house and went back upstairs. All had been cleaned up and purified down at the back of the house, and as we went past the cupboard upstairs which had been so smelly before, a bit of fresh air wafted past us. I was so pleased that I had got my Visitor to deal with those putrid things I had shoved in there!

    We went down the passage, and I showed Him the bedrooms next. “You may choose whichever one suits You the best”, I said as we went past the open doors of each of them. “Thank you very much,” He said, “I will be glad to have whichever one you tell me.” “This one has a new bed,” I said proudly, “ I’m sure You will be most comfortable here.” “Thank you,” He replied, “It will be nice to have somewhere to lay My head. When I was on earth, even though the foxes had their holes to sleep in and the birds had their nests, I had nowhere to lay my head many times. It was then that I went up into the mountain to pray to My Heavenly Father, and to gather strength to do His will. It is always My delight to do His will you know!” (Psalm 40:8)

I felt an unspoken rebuke there, just as though He knew how little time I spent doing the Father’s will myself. There were always other things I wanted to do, things which I always found time to do. “My room is just along the passage here”, I said lamely. “Oh yes,” He said, “It is good to have rest….I always like to see My children taking their rest. Especially the rest that I can give them, I tell them all to come to Me and I will give them rest, when they have worked hard and had heavy loads to bear. Especially the rest I can give with an easy conscience knowing that they have put all wrongs right and given thanks to the Father for all His goodness and mercy to them!”  (Matthew 11:28)

    I squirmed a bit at that….I knew there were many nights when my sleep was disturbed by angry thoughts and ideas of revenge! Yes, I knew they were wrong, but they were only natural weren’t they? My Visitor said quietly, as though talking to Himself, “Don’t avenge yourself, but give place to wrath, for it is written ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay’ says the Lord”. (Romans 12:19)

   It was amazing how He always seemed to put His finger on some little secret that I had thought was hidden. As we turned to go downstairs again, once more He murmured as if to Himself, “I will not allow your foot to be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber or sleep!”  (Psalm 121:3-4) This thought gave me great comfort, knowing that I was in His hands!

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