Tag Archives: Building FOR God

More of What the Bible Says….

We have already seen the analogy that is used in the Bible of our bodies being the Building and Dwelling place of God, but there is another aspect that is used too, and that is of what we DO with our lives. This is spoken of as what we are building for God and His Kingdom. In 1 Corinthians 3: 9-16, we are reminded that not only are we the BUILDING OF God, but that we ourselves are BUILDING FOR, His Kingdom. Paul reminds his readers here that he has laid the foundation for them when they came to the Lord Jesus, but now it is up to each one of them to build on that foundation. This goes for us too….what we do with our lives now, all goes into that building.

     Whatever we spend our time doing these days will one day be tested by the fires of the Lord’s eyes (Revelation 1:14). We must remember that He can see into our very hearts to see whether what we are doing is for His glory or just for our own glorification. We are told too, that whatever we do, we must do it as unto the Lord, and He knows  how pure all our motives are. This doesn’t mean that we are to live a hermit’s life just contemplating the future, but if we can’t take the Lord with us where we go and what we do, it is better left behind.

    People watch us to see if our lives measure up to what they hear us say….for instance, there is no point having a bumper sticker on your car that says “Jesus Saves”, if we drive in an unsafe manner!!   So let’s make sure we build with gold, silver or precious stones that will withstand the fires of judgment and not just with wood, hay and straw which will all be burned up at that day.

We are all builders for our God,  Building with gold or merely sod, The day we stand before His face, What can we give Him for His grace?