Tag Archives: Foundation

More of What the Bible Says….

We have already seen the analogy that is used in the Bible of our bodies being the Building and Dwelling place of God, but there is another aspect that is used too, and that is of what we DO with our lives. This is spoken of as what we are building for God and His Kingdom. In 1 Corinthians 3: 9-16, we are reminded that not only are we the BUILDING OF God, but that we ourselves are BUILDING FOR, His Kingdom. Paul reminds his readers here that he has laid the foundation for them when they came to the Lord Jesus, but now it is up to each one of them to build on that foundation. This goes for us too….what we do with our lives now, all goes into that building.

     Whatever we spend our time doing these days will one day be tested by the fires of the Lord’s eyes (Revelation 1:14). We must remember that He can see into our very hearts to see whether what we are doing is for His glory or just for our own glorification. We are told too, that whatever we do, we must do it as unto the Lord, and He knows  how pure all our motives are. This doesn’t mean that we are to live a hermit’s life just contemplating the future, but if we can’t take the Lord with us where we go and what we do, it is better left behind.

    People watch us to see if our lives measure up to what they hear us say….for instance, there is no point having a bumper sticker on your car that says “Jesus Saves”, if we drive in an unsafe manner!!   So let’s make sure we build with gold, silver or precious stones that will withstand the fires of judgment and not just with wood, hay and straw which will all be burned up at that day.

We are all builders for our God,  Building with gold or merely sod, The day we stand before His face, What can we give Him for His grace?

My Heart is my House.

      I came across this story the other day of our heart being like a home for God. It was written just as if Jesus  was walking through our heart with us as though it was a house. In fact, the Bible bears this thought out. In the book of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 we read, “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? You have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s”.

    We tend to forget that what we do with our bodies is what reflects to those watching us….if we make even the smallest slip up, it gives them a chance to point the finger. There is no mercy for the believer who does wrong, and as it was said to David when he got Bathsheba pregnant, “You have given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord  to blaspheme, and because of this, the child also that is born unto you shall surely die.” (2 Samuel 12:14)

     For a building to be strong, it must have a good foundation, as well as be properly built. These things don’t just happen, they have to be properly prepared, so we must see that our foundation is strong, stable and level. We have to see that it is built on what the Bible tells us…..

 In Ephesians 2:19-22, we read…..  “Now you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, and are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone, in whom all the building fitly framed together grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in Whom you are also built together into a habitation of God through the Holy Spirit”.

     And so as we go through each room together, I suddenly see it as He sees it all, and I see what needs to be altered, things to be got rid of, and other things added that I had no idea of before. I find that as I begin to delight in Him and what He wants for me, so my desires  change to what He wants to give me, and I find that all that I want is what He gives me! (Psalm 37:4)

    So our house is built strongly on a good foundation, and we have been living in it for a while. Now we have invited the Lord to be with us in our home, so we will see just how this works out as time goes by…….the house is good and strong, but what have we put in it???? We will find out in the weeks to come.

What Are You Building On?

There is so much building going on around our town these days, we wonder where it is all going to end. New streets are  going in and whole new developments taking place, changing the landscape from rural to suburban.

      I was reading this morning about the work which we are each one building  as we go through life, and what we will take with us when we leave this life. For a building to be stable and firm, it must have a good foundation, and in this building of life, what are we depending on for our foundation? Is it a good education? A good career? What will stand us in good stead as we come to the end of our life? After all, what or Who determines our building standards?

       The Bible tells us that we must have the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise our building will collapse. We read in 1 Corinthians 3:9-15  that without Him as our Foundation,  what we do with our life will either count for nothing or for something, in the life to come. It is not the amount of money in our bank balance or our possessions that will count, it is our character and relationships. The most important of these, is our relationship with our Maker, with God Himself. If we have a right relationship with God, then all other relationships will fall into the right place.

   We read of wealthy men who have all that heart could wish for, and yet they do not know or acknowledge God….the building of their life is on shaky ground indeed! Then there are others who have very little of this world’s goods, and yet they have peace of mind and heart because they know God as their Heavenly Father. This is not to say that a person’s possessions or lack of them determines their  standing with God… it is what their heart and mind is fixed on that determines this. It pays for each one of us to search these things out now, and not to put our heads in the sand thinking another day will do! It just might get to be too late!